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作者 涂险峰 王宛颍 《长江学术》 CSSCI 2024年第4期70-79,共10页
在笛卡尔《第一哲学沉思集》所假设妖怪的骗局中,包含了一个特殊的超自然的知觉场,它的特殊性主要表现在知觉的显现与实物的缺场、知觉场的封闭性与被操控性等。威廉·吉布森在“矩阵三部曲”中通过拟感技术在赛博空间中“复现”了... 在笛卡尔《第一哲学沉思集》所假设妖怪的骗局中,包含了一个特殊的超自然的知觉场,它的特殊性主要表现在知觉的显现与实物的缺场、知觉场的封闭性与被操控性等。威廉·吉布森在“矩阵三部曲”中通过拟感技术在赛博空间中“复现”了这一知觉场。它不仅将存在于理论中的假设性骗局引入现实维度,而且体现得更为丰富直观。赛博空间以“笛卡尔妖”同样的套路对人们的感官认知与理性认知构成系统性欺骗:知觉显现的“真实”造成人们感官认知的“轻信”;知觉显现指涉的不确定造成理性认知的陷阱,赛博空间的重新编码不断营造“数字复魅”的世界。资本推动之下,拟感技术与赛博空间全面渗透进日常生活,使得这一骗局进一步社会化并控制人们的认知行为,对人类正常认知造成破坏。于是,笛卡尔的怀疑精神再次显示出其在解决认知问题及批判资本主义幻觉政治方面的启迪意义。 展开更多
关键词 拟感 知觉场 笛卡尔妖 矩阵三部曲 赛博空间
自拟复感汤治疗儿童反复呼吸道感染土虚木乘型的临床观察探究 被引量:1
作者 李红梅 《双足与保健》 2017年第16期196-196,198,共2页
目的探讨自拟复感汤治疗儿童反复呼吸道感染土虚木乘型的治疗效果。方法将该院在2015年7月—2017年5月期间收治的120例反复呼吸道感染土虚木乘型儿童作为此次研究对象,按接受治疗方法不同分为研究组与对照组,每组60例。研究组予以自拟... 目的探讨自拟复感汤治疗儿童反复呼吸道感染土虚木乘型的治疗效果。方法将该院在2015年7月—2017年5月期间收治的120例反复呼吸道感染土虚木乘型儿童作为此次研究对象,按接受治疗方法不同分为研究组与对照组,每组60例。研究组予以自拟复感汤治疗,对照组常规西药治疗,对比治疗效果。结果对比治疗后临床效果,研究组明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义;对比治疗后1年内的复发次数和发病时间,研究组显著少于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对反复呼吸道感染土虚木乘型儿童应用自拟复感汤治疗,疗效显著,可减少呼吸道感染复发次数和发病时间,值得在临床中推广与应用。 展开更多
关键词 儿童反复呼吸道 土虚木乘型 临床观察
用自拟的孕感1号方治疗妊娠期风热感冒的效果评价 被引量:1
作者 蒙玉梅 《当代医药论丛》 2019年第11期206-207,共2页
目的 :评价用自拟的孕感1号方治疗妊娠期风热感冒的临床效果。方法 :从2016年2月至2018年8月期间在柳州市潭中人民医院就诊的妊娠期风热感冒患者中选取36例患者为研究对象。将其按照随机数表法分为对照组和观察组。对对照组患者进行常... 目的 :评价用自拟的孕感1号方治疗妊娠期风热感冒的临床效果。方法 :从2016年2月至2018年8月期间在柳州市潭中人民医院就诊的妊娠期风热感冒患者中选取36例患者为研究对象。将其按照随机数表法分为对照组和观察组。对对照组患者进行常规的对症支持治疗,对观察组患者采用自拟的孕感1号方进行治疗。对比两组患者的临床疗效和中医证候的积分。结果 :与对照组患者相比,观察组患者治疗的总有效率较高,用药后其中医证候的积较低,P <0.05。用药期间两组患者均未出现腹泻、腹痛及阴道出血等不良反应,其妊娠结局良好。结论 :用自拟的孕感1号方治疗妊娠期风热感冒的疗效确切、安全性高,可显著缓解患者的临床症状。 展开更多
关键词 妊娠期风热 1号方 风热
作者 罗化云 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2009年第6期168-170,共3页
为了提高中医药治疗耐药菌性膀胱炎的临床疗效,运用自拟尿感清汤治疗耐药菌性膀胱炎的经验进行总结,共治疗50例,男18例,女32例,疗程15天。结果:治愈42例,占84%;好转6例,占12%;无效2例,占4%,总有效率96%。结论:尿感清汤加减治疗耐药菌性... 为了提高中医药治疗耐药菌性膀胱炎的临床疗效,运用自拟尿感清汤治疗耐药菌性膀胱炎的经验进行总结,共治疗50例,男18例,女32例,疗程15天。结果:治愈42例,占84%;好转6例,占12%;无效2例,占4%,总有效率96%。结论:尿感清汤加减治疗耐药菌性膀胱炎,疗效满意。 展开更多
关键词 耐药菌性膀胱炎 中医药治疗 尿清汤
基于PSoC的矿用传感器模拟电路设计 被引量:2
作者 李荣飞 邱健 刘志涛 《信息技术与信息化》 2018年第2期58-60,共3页
本文设计了一款基于PSoC的矿用传感器模拟电路,由PSoC最小系统板、数模转换模块、电流环模块三部分组成。该电路可以输出高达四路0-3.3V或0-5V电压、八路4-20m A电流环信号,以及62路开关量信号。该矿用传感器模拟电路可以模拟常用的矿... 本文设计了一款基于PSoC的矿用传感器模拟电路,由PSoC最小系统板、数模转换模块、电流环模块三部分组成。该电路可以输出高达四路0-3.3V或0-5V电压、八路4-20m A电流环信号,以及62路开关量信号。该矿用传感器模拟电路可以模拟常用的矿用传感器的输出模拟信号,数字信号。操作方便,可通过简单的配置生成所需要的多种传感器输出的预处理信号,避免了购买高昂的传感器。 展开更多
关键词 信号 数字信号 电流环
清热抗感汤灌肠治疗小儿感冒高热35例 被引量:2
作者 周广英 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2015年第1期45-46,共2页
目的观察自拟清热抗感汤灌肠治疗小儿上呼吸道感染的临床疗效,并探讨其作用机制。方法选取符合纳入标准的上呼吸道感染导致高热患者61例,按就诊顺序随机分为两组,治疗组应用自拟清热抗感汤治疗共35例,对照组静脉点滴利巴韦林注射液共26... 目的观察自拟清热抗感汤灌肠治疗小儿上呼吸道感染的临床疗效,并探讨其作用机制。方法选取符合纳入标准的上呼吸道感染导致高热患者61例,按就诊顺序随机分为两组,治疗组应用自拟清热抗感汤治疗共35例,对照组静脉点滴利巴韦林注射液共26例。治疗3天后,观察临床疗效。结果治疗组显效54.28%,有效40%,总有效率94.28%;对照组显效34.61%,有效34.61%,总有效率69.23%。两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论自拟清热抗感汤进行小儿灌肠具有清热、化痰、润肺、止咳作用,为治疗小儿上呼吸道感染引发高热的有效方剂,值得在临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 清热抗 儿科 上呼吸道 中药灌肠
Low-frequency data analysis and expansion 被引量:9
作者 张军华 张彬彬 +2 位作者 张在金 梁鸿贤 葛大明 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期212-220,275,共10页
The use of low-frequency seismic data improves the seismic resolution, and the imaging and inversion quality. Furthermore, low-frequency data are applied in hydrocarbon exploration; thus, we need to better use low-fre... The use of low-frequency seismic data improves the seismic resolution, and the imaging and inversion quality. Furthermore, low-frequency data are applied in hydrocarbon exploration; thus, we need to better use low-frequency data. In seismic wavelets, the loss of low-frequency data decreases the main lobe amplitude and increases the first side lobe amplitude and results in the periodic shocking attenuation of the secondary side lobe. The loss of low frequencies likely produces pseudo-events and the false appearance of higher resolution. We use models to examine the removal of low-frequency data in seismic data processing. The results suggest that the removal of low frequencies create distortions, especially for steep structures and thin layers. We also perform low-frequency expansion using compressed sensing and sparse constraints and develop the corresponding module. Finally, we apply the proposed method to real common image point gathers with good results. 展开更多
关键词 seismic wavelet forward modeling low-frequency expansion compressed sensing sparse constraint
Numerical modeling of the 2D time-domain transient electromagnetic secondary field of the line source of the current excitation 被引量:4
作者 刘云 王绪本 王贇 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期134-144,235,共12页
To effectively minimize the electromagnetic field response in the total field solution, we propose a numerical modeling method for the two-dimensional (2D) time- domain transient electromagnetic secondary field of t... To effectively minimize the electromagnetic field response in the total field solution, we propose a numerical modeling method for the two-dimensional (2D) time- domain transient electromagnetic secondary field of the line source based on the DuFort- Frankel finite-difference method. In the proposed method, we included the treatment of the earth-air boundary conductivity, calculated the normalized partial derivative of the induced electromotive force (Emf), and determined the forward time step. By extending upward the earth-air interface to the air grid nodes and the zero-value boundary conditions, not only we have a method that is more efficient but also simpler than the total field solution. We computed and analyzed the homogeneous half-space model and the fiat layered model with high precision--the maximum relative error is less than 0.01% between our method and the analytical method--and the solution speed is roughly three times faster than the total-field solution. Lastly, we used the model of a thin body embedded in a homogeneous half-space at different delay times to depict the downward and upward spreading characteristics of the induced eddy current, and the physical interaction processes between the electromagnetic field and the underground low-resistivity body. 展开更多
关键词 Time-domain transient electromagnetics secondary field DuFort-Frankel finite-difference method numerical modeling.
作者 侯彩华 白红进 +1 位作者 沈双霞 李海军 《塔里木大学学报》 2011年第4期12-18,共7页
为了确定沙漠野生植物叉枝鸦葱拟化感物质的有效部位,为分离纯化拟化感先导化合物奠定基础,试验研究了叉枝鸦葱醇提物的四种不同极性溶剂萃取物对反枝苋种子萌发、幼苗生长发育的影响。采用培养皿法,在人工气候箱模拟条件下,测定各萃取... 为了确定沙漠野生植物叉枝鸦葱拟化感物质的有效部位,为分离纯化拟化感先导化合物奠定基础,试验研究了叉枝鸦葱醇提物的四种不同极性溶剂萃取物对反枝苋种子萌发、幼苗生长发育的影响。采用培养皿法,在人工气候箱模拟条件下,测定各萃取物对反枝苋种子萌发、幼苗生长发育的影响。结果表明各萃取物对反枝苋种子萌发、幼苗生长发育均有不同程度的影响,其中乙酸乙酯萃取物对反枝苋的拟化感作用极显著(P<0.01),是拟化感物质存在的有效部位。 展开更多
关键词 叉枝鸦葱 作用 反枝苋 有效部位
Using Unmanned Underwater Vehicles as Research Platforms in Coastal Ocean Studies 被引量:3
作者 HOUWeilin KendallL.Carder +2 位作者 DavidK.Costello DUKeping LIUZhishen 《Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao》 2003年第2期211-217,共7页
The advantages of using unmanned underwater vehicles in coastal ocean studies are emphasized. Two types of representative vehicles, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) from Universi... The advantages of using unmanned underwater vehicles in coastal ocean studies are emphasized. Two types of representative vehicles, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) from University of South Florida, are discussed. Two individual modular sensor packages designed and tested for these platforms and field measurement results are also presented. The bottom classification and albedo package, BCAP, provides fast and accurate estimates of bottom albedos, along with other parameters such as in-water remote sensing reflectance. The real-time ocean bottom optical topographer, ROBOT, reveals high-resolution 3-dimentional bottom topography for target identification. Field data and results from recent Coastal Benthic Optical Properties field campaign, 1999 and 2000, are presented. Advantages and limitations of these vehicles and applications of modular sensor packages are compared and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) bottom classification and albedo package (BCAP) real-time ocean bottom optical topographer (ROBOT)
Numerical Simulation of Methane Distribution and Sensor Placement in 2-Dimension Roadway 被引量:5
作者 SUN Ji-ping TANG Liang CHEN Wei WANG Fu-zeng 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第3期372-375,共4页
In order to provide a theoretical basis for methane sensor placement in the vertical direction of a tunnel,the software Fluent was used to simulate methane distribution. A geometric roadway model was established and d... In order to provide a theoretical basis for methane sensor placement in the vertical direction of a tunnel,the software Fluent was used to simulate methane distribution. A geometric roadway model was established and divided by grids. Methane distribution in both level and vertical sections was simulated using a realizable k-ε model with the Fluent software according to a conservation equation in a turbulent state,a turbulent kinetic energy equation and a turbulent dissipation rate equation. The realizable k-ε model and the Fluent software were used to simulate methane distribution according to the principle of the conservation equation in a state of turbulent flow. The results show that after overflow-ing,a methane level with a certain thickness is formed. Methane density curves at three specific levels were internally consistent and methane density at higher levels is denser than that at lower levels. Methane distribution becomes thinner in the direction of wind and methane in the vertical direction becomes uniform if wind speed is high. The distance be-tween sensors and roof should be less than 300 mm which is in agreement with mine safety regulations. 展开更多
关键词 numerical simulation methane sensor placement methane distribution realizable k-ε model
Application of Multivariate Model Based on Three Simulated Sensors for Water Quality Variables Estimation in Shitoukoumen Reservoir,Jilin Province,China 被引量:1
作者 JIANG Guangjia LIU Dianwei +3 位作者 SONG Kaishan WANG Zongming ZHANG Bai WANG Yuandong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期337-344,共8页
This study applied a multivariate model based on three simulated sensors to estimating water quality variables in Shitoukoumen Reservoir,Changchun City,Jilin Province,China,including concentration of total suspended m... This study applied a multivariate model based on three simulated sensors to estimating water quality variables in Shitoukoumen Reservoir,Changchun City,Jilin Province,China,including concentration of total suspended matter,concentration of chlorophyll-a and non-pigment matter absorption.Two field campaigns for spectra measurements with a total of 40 samples were carried out on June 13 and September 23,2008.The in-situ spectra were recalculated to the spectral bands and sensitivities of the instruments applied in this paper,i.e.Landsat TM,Alos and P6,by using the average method.And the recalculated spectra were used for estimating water quality variables by the single model and multivariate model.The results show that the multivariate model is superior to the single model as the multivariate model takes the combined effects of water components into consideration and can estimate water quality variables simultaneously.According to R2 and RMSE,Alos is superior to other sensors for water quality variables estimation although the precision of non-pigment matter absorption inversion performed the second. 展开更多
关键词 remote sensing inland water quality ALOS water components absorption absorption coefficient
Rice yield estimation using remote sensing and simulation model 被引量:7
作者 黄敬峰 唐蜀川 +1 位作者 OttsamaAbou-Ismail 王人潮 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2002年第4期461-466,共6页
Remote sensing techniques have the potential to provide information on agricultural crops quantitatively , instantaneously and above all nondestructively over large areas . Crop simulation models describe the relation... Remote sensing techniques have the potential to provide information on agricultural crops quantitatively , instantaneously and above all nondestructively over large areas . Crop simulation models describe the relationship between physiological processes in plants and environmental growing conditions. The integration between remote sensing data and crop growth simulation model is an important trend for yield estimation and prediction, since remote sensing can provide information on the actual status of the agricultural crop. In this study, a new model(Rice-SRS) was developed based mainly on ORYZA1 model and modified to accept remote sensing data as input from different sources. The model can accept three kinds of NDVI data: NOAA AVHRR(LAC)-NDVI,NOAA AVHRR(GAC)-NDVI and radiometric measurements-NDVI. The integration between NOAA AVHRR (LAC) data and simulation model as applied to Rice-SRS resulted in accurate estimates for rice yield in the Shaoxing area, reduced the estimating error to 1.027%,0.794% and (-0.787%) for early, single, and late season respectively. Utilizing NDVI data derived from NOAA AVHRR (GAC) as input in Rice-SRS can yield good estimation for rice yield with the average error (-7.43%). Testing the new model for radiometric measurements showed that the average estimation error for 10 varieties under early rice conditions was less than 1%. 展开更多
关键词 Rice Remote sensing NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adiministration) AVHRR(Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) Simulation model LACC (Local Area coverage) GAC(Global Area Coverage)
Neural Network Based Algorithm and Simulation of Information Fusion in the Coal Mine 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Xiao-qiang WANG Hui-bing YU Hong-zhen 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第4期595-598,共4页
The concepts of information fusion and the basic principles of neural networks are introduced. Neural net-works were introduced as a way of building an information fusion model in a coal mine monitoring system. This a... The concepts of information fusion and the basic principles of neural networks are introduced. Neural net-works were introduced as a way of building an information fusion model in a coal mine monitoring system. This assures the accurate transmission of the multi-sensor information that comes from the coal mine monitoring systems. The in-formation fusion mode was analyzed. An algorithm was designed based on this analysis and some simulation results were given. Finally,conclusions that could provide auxiliary decision making information to the coal mine dispatching officers were presented. 展开更多
关键词 neural network information fusion algorithm and simulation SENSORS
作者 CAO Yun-gang LIU Chuang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第2期171-175,共5页
The snow-cover mapping in forest area is always one of the difficult points for optical satellite remote sensing. To investigate reflectance variability and to improve the mapping of snow in forest area, GeoSail model... The snow-cover mapping in forest area is always one of the difficult points for optical satellite remote sensing. To investigate reflectance variability and to improve the mapping of snow in forest area, GeoSail model was used to simulate the reflectance of a snow-covered forest. Using this model, the effects of varying canopy density, solar illumination and view geometry on the performance of the MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) snow-cover mapping algorithm were investigated. The relationship between NDSI (Normalized Difference Snow Index), NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and snow fraction was discussed in detail. Results indicated that the weak performance would be achieved if fixed criteria were used for different regions especially in the complicated land cover components. Finally, some suggestions to MODIS SNOWMAP algorithm were put forward to improve snow mapping precision in forest area based on the simulation, for example, new criteria should be used in coniferous forest, that is, NDSI greater than 0.3 and NDVI greater than zero. Otherwise, a threshold on view zenith angle may be used in the criteria such as 45°. 展开更多
关键词 snow cover mapping reflectance model MODIS
Objective measurement for image defogging algorithms 被引量:4
作者 郭璠 唐琎 蔡自兴 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期272-286,共15页
Since there is lack of methodology to assess the performance of defogging algorithm and the existing assessment methods have some limitations,three new methods for assessing the defogging algorithm were proposed.One w... Since there is lack of methodology to assess the performance of defogging algorithm and the existing assessment methods have some limitations,three new methods for assessing the defogging algorithm were proposed.One was using synthetic foggy image simulated by image degradation model to assess the defogging algorithm in full-reference way.In this method,the absolute difference was computed between the synthetic image with and without fog.The other two were computing the fog density of gray level image or constructing assessment system of color image from human visual perception to assess the defogging algorithm in no-reference way.For these methods,an assessment function was defined to evaluate algorithm performance from the function value.Using the defogging algorithm comparison,the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed methods. 展开更多
关键词 image defogging algorithm image assessment simulated foggy image fog density human visual perception
A Distributed Virtual Backbone Formation for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks 被引量:2
作者 曹涌涛 何晨 蒋铃鸽 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第1期23-28,34,共7页
The virtual backbone is an approach for solving routing problems in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. A connected dominating set (CDS) was proposed as a virtual backbone to improve the performance of wireless netwo... The virtual backbone is an approach for solving routing problems in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. A connected dominating set (CDS) was proposed as a virtual backbone to improve the performance of wireless networks. The quality of a virtual backbone is measured not only by approximation factor, which is the ratio of its size to that of minimum CDS, but also time complexity and message complexity. In this paper, a distributed algorithm is presented to construct a minimum CDS for ad hoc and sensor networks. By destroying triangular loops in the virtual backbone, the proposed algorithm can effectively construct a CDS with smaller size. Moreover, our algorithm, which is fully localized, has a constant approximation ratio, linear message and time complexity, and low implementation complexity. The simulation results and theoretical analysis show that our algorithm has better efficiency and performance than conventional approaches. 展开更多
关键词 virtual backbone connected dominating sets(CDS) wireless sensor networks
Evidence That the Auxin Signaling Pathway Interacts with Plant Stress Response 被引量:7
作者 包方 李家洋 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第5期532-536,共5页
Auxin influences a variety of developmental and physiological processes. Early reports, suggested that auxin might affect plant stress response. We have identified a number of auxin responsive genes in Arabidopsis tha... Auxin influences a variety of developmental and physiological processes. Early reports, suggested that auxin might affect plant stress response. We have identified a number of auxin responsive genes in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. by using cDNA an-ay and found that stress responsive genes, such as,Arabidopsis homolog of MEK kinase 1 (ATMEKK1), ReL/SpoT homolog 3 ( At-RSH3), Catalase 1 ( Cat1) and Ferritin 1 (Fer1), were down-regulated by auxin, indicating that auxin regulates ale expression of stress responsive genes. We also demonstrated that nitrilase genes, nitrilase I ( NIT]) and nitrilase 2 (NIT2) involving in indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis, were induced by salinity stress, suggesting that the level of IAA might increase in response to salinity stress. To dissect the signal pathway involved in the interaction, two auxin insensitive mutants, auxin resistant 2 (axr2) and auxin resistant 1-3 (axrl-3) were used. Stress responsive genes were induced by salt stress in wild type and axr2, but not in axr1-3. The result suggests that die interaction between auxin and stress responses may be linked in the ubiquitin pathway. 展开更多
关键词 AUXIN stress-responsive genes auxin insensitive mutants NITRILASE Arabidopsis thaliana
作者 Wu Xianglin Yu Bianzhang +1 位作者 Xie Hongmei Song Zuxun 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2006年第3期370-373,共4页
The Directions of Arrivals (DOAs), speeds and distances of targets are all required for array signal processing. Based on the periodic phase shift of coherent pulse sequence waveform, a new estimation of multi-targ... The Directions of Arrivals (DOAs), speeds and distances of targets are all required for array signal processing. Based on the periodic phase shift of coherent pulse sequence waveform, a new estimation of multi-targets' 2-Dimentional (2-D) DOA angle, Doppler frequency shift and relative time-delay is proposed. Based on a virtual sensor array constructed by pulse cumulating, the estinaations of azimuth, elevation, Doppler frequency shift and time-delay can be obtained simultaneously, and the least number of pulses could be two. This method is computationally efficient even in heavier noised environment, and all estimations are automatically paired in calculation process with no used to any plane sensor array and deal with many spectrum searching. Further more, this algorithm can be targets at the same time only by few sensors. The targets number that can deal with simultaneously is several times to the sensor number, which is the upper limit for normal algorithms such as ESPRIT and MUSIC. These characteristics would be very useful, especially, for aerial systems. Simulations demonstrate the capabilities of this method efficiently. 展开更多
关键词 Pulse cumulating Virtual sensor array Direction Of Arrival (DOA) Doppler frequency shift Relative time-delay
Virtual Reality and Its Application to Slide Annimation of Landslide
作者 PANJianping YEHuanzhou 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2004年第2期153-156,共4页
A few researches adopt virtual reality in landslide. So it is significant to combine the physics\|based deformable method with the process simulation of a sliding landslide, this way the dynamic process of a going lan... A few researches adopt virtual reality in landslide. So it is significant to combine the physics\|based deformable method with the process simulation of a sliding landslide, this way the dynamic process of a going landslide can be simulated. The analysis of the dynamic law of landslide provides a foundation to forecast and make it realiable to foretell disasters. After recounting the condition of VR and landsliding body simulation, this paper puts forward simulating landslide by the physics\|based deformable method. The method divides landsliding into deformable body and rigid one. The deformation of deformable body can be compute by DDA and FEM, and DDA fits the great deformation and FEM is good for the tiny deformation. This paper shows it is feasible to simulate the landslide animation by this method. 展开更多
关键词 virtual reality ANIMATION LANDSLIDE
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