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长岛地区小地震断层面参数拟合及应力场特征 被引量:5
作者 崔华伟 郑建常 +2 位作者 张正帅 李冬梅 柴光斌 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1432-1445,共14页
文中基于小地震重定位数据计算了2017年长岛2个震群的断层面参数,并使用综合震源机制法求解了长岛地区应力场。通过应力场及断层面参数求得断层面上的滑动角,确定了南部与北部震群发震断层的左旋走滑性质,分析了南部与北部2个震群的应... 文中基于小地震重定位数据计算了2017年长岛2个震群的断层面参数,并使用综合震源机制法求解了长岛地区应力场。通过应力场及断层面参数求得断层面上的滑动角,确定了南部与北部震群发震断层的左旋走滑性质,分析了南部与北部2个震群的应力场特征及发震构造,并得到以下初步结论:南部与北部震群的断层参数、应力场存在一定差异;北部震群断层面的走向为287.18°、倾角为84.09°,推断发震断层是大竹岛-威海北断裂NWW向延伸的隐伏断层;北部震群受左旋走滑性质的蓬莱-威海断裂带控制,呈NEE-SWW向挤压及NNW-SSE向拉张的走滑应力机制;南部震群断层面的走向为269.67°、倾角为67.46°,其应力场呈NE-SW向挤压,为近SN向拉张的正断兼走滑的应力机制,其可能在蓬莱-威海断裂带左旋走滑的控制下还受到SN向的拉张作用,北部震群的持续活动诱发EW走向的次级断裂错动产生南部震群。 展开更多
关键词 长岛地区 层面 P波极性 综合震源机制解 应力场
改扩建道路纵断拟合设计 被引量:1
作者 李洪亮 沈可 《城市道桥与防洪》 2013年第2期32-33,36,共3页
关键词 改扩建 合设计 桥头纵调整
作者 何鸽 《国医论坛》 2012年第5期28-29,共2页
关键词 泌尿系感染性血尿/中医药疗法 泌红方/治疗应用
作者 李霞 王鹏 +1 位作者 张志慧 董腾超 《大地测量与地球动力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期1211-1217,共7页
使用波形互相关的模板匹配方法拾取2020-02-18山东长清4.1级地震序列的遗漏地震,构建高分辨率地震序列目录,并利用地震序列空间分布定量拟合发震断层面几何形态,结合4.1级地震的震源机制解综合判定长清地震序列的发震构造和可能的发生... 使用波形互相关的模板匹配方法拾取2020-02-18山东长清4.1级地震序列的遗漏地震,构建高分辨率地震序列目录,并利用地震序列空间分布定量拟合发震断层面几何形态,结合4.1级地震的震源机制解综合判定长清地震序列的发震构造和可能的发生原因。共识别和定位79个高精度地震事件,是原台网目录的1.7倍。依据断层面拟合及震源机制解结果,推测长清地震序列的发震构造为具有与区域先存断裂相同性质的左旋走滑型小尺度隐伏断裂,断层面走向302°、倾角88°。结合区域地震地质特征,认为此次地震序列的发生是由构造复合部位应力场的非均匀性导致的。 展开更多
关键词 模板匹配 长清地震序列 遗漏地震检测 层面 发震构造
内蒙古敖汉旗震群的微震匹配定位及其发震断层研究 被引量:2
作者 张珂 张帆 +3 位作者 张晖 王鑫 郝美仙 翟浩 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期594-607,共14页
内蒙古敖汉旗地区在2018—2019年间曾发生多次小震丛集活动,不同地震事件的波形记录易相互交叠,导致地震目录缺失。针对以上问题,采用匹配定位(Match&Locate)方法,对台网遗漏地震进行识别、检测与定位,并通过CAP方法反演敖汉旗震群... 内蒙古敖汉旗地区在2018—2019年间曾发生多次小震丛集活动,不同地震事件的波形记录易相互交叠,导致地震目录缺失。针对以上问题,采用匹配定位(Match&Locate)方法,对台网遗漏地震进行识别、检测与定位,并通过CAP方法反演敖汉旗震群最大地震的震源机制解,利用匹配定位后的小震分布定量地拟合发震断层面参数,从而综合判定敖汉旗震群的发震断层面几何形态和发震构造。结果显示:通过匹配定位方法共识别、定位405个小震事件,是原有地震目录事件的5.4倍,震群主体沿NW-SE向展布于红山—八里罕断裂与赤峰—开源断裂相交区域的东侧,震源深度集中于8—10 km。断层拟合结果和最大地震震源机制解表明敖汉旗震群的发震构造应是一条左旋走滑型隐伏正断层,断层面走向为157°,倾角为84°。综合分析红山—八里罕断裂和赤峰—开源断裂的断层性质和活动特征,认为敖汉旗震群的发震断层可能是这两条深大断裂在不断活动中相互作用而形成。 展开更多
关键词 敖汉旗震群 匹配定位 震源机制 层面
地震断层带破碎非均匀程度研究——以新马德里地震带Reelfoot断层为例 被引量:3
作者 李枭 万永革 +1 位作者 许鑫 冯淦 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期2970-2983,共14页
地震断裂带深部破碎的非均匀程度对于该地震断裂带滑动特性至关重要,而对于地震断裂带深部的破碎非均匀程度研究是目前地震地质比较薄弱的环节.本研究以美国新马德里地震带的Reelfoot断层为例,采用震源机制求解应力场的方法来揭示断层... 地震断裂带深部破碎的非均匀程度对于该地震断裂带滑动特性至关重要,而对于地震断裂带深部的破碎非均匀程度研究是目前地震地质比较薄弱的环节.本研究以美国新马德里地震带的Reelfoot断层为例,采用震源机制求解应力场的方法来揭示断层的破碎程度.首先采用小震位置拟合出地震断裂的几何形态,然后沿断裂走向,利用中微震震源机制求解非均匀应力场的应力形因子R值和应力方向,并分析了应力形因子在空间的不均匀性,得到如下结论:(1)Reelfoot断层受到近水平方向上的NEE-SWW向挤压应力作用为主,而断层中部张应力轴方位出现较大的随机性,表明断层中部的构造应力得到较为充分的释放,介质松散度和破碎程度较高;(2)Reelfoot断层两端张应力轴接近垂直方向,跟周围的逆冲型应力场一致,表明断层端部的破碎程度相对较低,能够承担加载于其上的构造应力;(3)Reelfoot断裂带的非均匀应力方向和应力形因子表现为由断层中部向两端逐渐过渡的结果,表明了应力场反演结果的连续性.本研究提供了揭示断层破碎程度的一种研究思路,并且实例结果对进一步研究该区域的断层活动特性和地震动力学过程有一定的参考意义. 展开更多
关键词 层破碎程度 Reelfoot 层面 构造应力场 层破碎带
作者 余海琳 万永革 +2 位作者 崔华伟 王晓山 黄少华 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期600-619,共20页
利用双差定位法对2010年8月1日至2014年12月31日福建仙游地区中国地震台网中心记录到的地震群进行重定位,并采用P波初动的方法求解出该震群的159个震源机制解,显示该震群的震源机制解结果与背景构造应力场表现明显不一致。为了进一步探... 利用双差定位法对2010年8月1日至2014年12月31日福建仙游地区中国地震台网中心记录到的地震群进行重定位,并采用P波初动的方法求解出该震群的159个震源机制解,显示该震群的震源机制解结果与背景构造应力场表现明显不一致。为了进一步探究差异性存在的原因,将得到的震群震源机制解结果分区域和分深度求解应力场,结果显示:金钟水库的东南部附近应力方向更远离背景构造应力方向,并且应力形因子小于0.5,中间轴呈现为拉张应力;随着深度的增加,应力场的方向也更接近背景构造应力场的方向。此外,根据前人研究推断该区域应力方向发生偏转是由于太平洋板块在深部的低角度俯冲挤压导致浅部张开,应力呈现为东西向拉张所致。在上述两原因的共同作用下,使得经震源机制解反演出的应力场结果与背景应力场差别较大。 展开更多
关键词 双差定位 层面 震源机制解 应力场
作者 巩富文 《贵州警官职业学院学报》 1992年第4期40-41,共2页
元朝是我国历史上蒙古贵族所建立起来的一个多民族的封建王朝,它结束了宋、辽、西夏、金以及吐蕃,大理等长期并立的局面,重新实观了国家的统一,从而加强了各民族间的多方面的联系,并基本上奠定了中华民族的版图。元朝立国之后,共迫切任... 元朝是我国历史上蒙古贵族所建立起来的一个多民族的封建王朝,它结束了宋、辽、西夏、金以及吐蕃,大理等长期并立的局面,重新实观了国家的统一,从而加强了各民族间的多方面的联系,并基本上奠定了中华民族的版图。元朝立国之后,共迫切任务是要重新确立中央集权,巩固其统治秩序,为此进行了一系列政治、经济、军事以及文化诸方面的重大改革,有力地推进厂社会生产力的发展。与此相适应,其法律制度也高度发展,建立了比较完备的刑事诉讼制度。其中,法官责任制度的建立就是一项很重要的内容。历史证明,元代的法官责任制度,是周、秦、汉、唐以来制定的法官责任制度的实践经验的总结,也是其后明清两朝制定法官责任制度的基准。它在中国古代诉讼史上的重要地位是不言而喻的。本文拟就这一部题加以探讨。 展开更多
关键词 刑事诉讼制度 淹禁不决 后明 秦、汉 蒙古贵族 刑法志 违枉 无辜者 拟断 各执所见
2013年通辽5.3级地震及余震的破裂特征讨论 被引量:6
作者 韩晓明 张帆 +2 位作者 陈立峰 李娟 胡博 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期685-697,共13页
对比使用了2种速度模型,采用Hypo DD方法对通辽5.3级地震序列进行了精确定位,采用CAP方法反演了5.3级地震的震源机制解,利用精确定位后的小震分布和区域应力场定量拟合了发震断层面参数,综合判定了通辽5.3级地震的断层面几何形态、破裂... 对比使用了2种速度模型,采用Hypo DD方法对通辽5.3级地震序列进行了精确定位,采用CAP方法反演了5.3级地震的震源机制解,利用精确定位后的小震分布和区域应力场定量拟合了发震断层面参数,综合判定了通辽5.3级地震的断层面几何形态、破裂特征及可能的发震构造。Hypo DD定位结果显示,通辽5.3级地震的位置为42.95°N,122.37°E,序列整体呈NW向展布,早期余震分散分布于NW方向,晚期余震则集中分布于NEE方向;随着时间推移,余震活动逐渐向地壳浅部扩展。通过与主震的震源机制解对比分析,认为以NNW向余震分布进行断层拟合的结果比较符合主震的断层面破裂特征;即通辽5.3级主震的发震断层面的空间顶点坐标为左上角(43.00°N,122.35°E;深度3.3km)、左下角(43.00°N,122.35°E;深度8.9km)、右上角(42.92°N,122.37°E;深度8.9km)、右下角(42.92°N,122.37°E;深度3.3km)。按照假定的矩形进行断层形状规划,则通辽5.3级主震断层面的扩展范围为5.6km×9.0km,断层面走向349°(NNW向)、倾角86°、滑动角15°,断层面错动类型为左旋走滑型;由此推断主震破裂的整体过程自震源处向断层的NW和SE两侧剪切破裂,东南侧破裂程度较大,晚期破裂集中于此但破裂未及地表。 展开更多
关键词 通辽5.3级地震 破裂特征 层面 地震精确定位 震源机制
作者 龚春英 严仰光 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1995年第1期64-71,共8页
With a three-phase bridge type rectification, some typical rotor faults of a brushless AC generator with a rotary rectifier is analyzed in this paper by the help of computer digital simulation. It is also proPOsed tha... With a three-phase bridge type rectification, some typical rotor faults of a brushless AC generator with a rotary rectifier is analyzed in this paper by the help of computer digital simulation. It is also proPOsed that the rotor faults, whether exist or not, and the causes of the faults may be determined through the monitoring of the average value of the exciting current of the exciter and its principal harmonics. 展开更多
关键词 brushless excitation rotors fault diagnosis SIMULATION
In-situ Micro-CT analysis of deformation behavior in sandwich-structured meta-stable beta Ti−35Nb alloy
作者 Yu-jing LIU Zi-lin ZHANG +4 位作者 Jin-cheng WANG Xiang WU Xiao-chun LIU Wei-ying HUANG Lai-chang ZHANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2552-2562,共11页
Beta Ti−35Nb sandwich-structured composites with various reinforcing layers were designed and produced using additive manufacturing(AM)to achieve a balance between light weight and high strength.The impact of reinforc... Beta Ti−35Nb sandwich-structured composites with various reinforcing layers were designed and produced using additive manufacturing(AM)to achieve a balance between light weight and high strength.The impact of reinforcing layers on the compressive deformation behavior of porous composites was investigated through micro-computed tomography(Micro-CT)and finite element method(FEM)analyses.The results indicate that the addition of reinforcement layers to sandwich structures can significantly enhance the compressive yield strength and energy absorption capacity of porous metal structures;Micro-CT in-situ observation shows that the strain of the porous structure without the reinforcing layer is concentrated in the middle region,while the strain of the porous structure with the reinforcing layer is uniformly distributed;FEM analysis reveals that the reinforcing layers can alter stress distribution and reduce stress concentration,thereby promoting uniform deformation of the porous structure.The addition of reinforcing layer increases the compressive yield strength of sandwich-structured composite materials by 124%under the condition of limited reduction of porosity,and the yield strength increases from 4.6 to 10.3 MPa. 展开更多
关键词 beta titanium alloy sandwich-structured composite in-situ micro-computed tomography finite element modeling compressive behavior
Virtual fracture test of asphalt mixture based on discrete element method 被引量:6
作者 陈俊 黄晓明 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期518-522,共5页
In order to study fracture behaviors of asphalt mixtures, virtual tests of the two-dimensional(2D) microstructure based on the discrete element method( DEM) are designed. The virtual structure of the 2D digital sp... In order to study fracture behaviors of asphalt mixtures, virtual tests of the two-dimensional(2D) microstructure based on the discrete element method( DEM) are designed. The virtual structure of the 2D digital specimen of asphalt mixture is generated based on a particle generation program, in which the gradation and the irregular shapes of aggregates are considered. With the 2D digital specimens, a DEM-based mixture model is established and center-point beam fracture simulation tests are conducted by the DEM. Meanwhile, a series of calibration tests are carried out in laboratory to evaluate the DEM model and validate the methods of virtual fracture tests. The test results indicate that the fracture intensity of asphalt mixtures predicted by the DEM matches very well with the intensity obtained in laboratory. It is concluded that the microstructural virtual tests can be used as a supplemental tool to evaluate fracture properties of asphalt mixtures. 展开更多
关键词 asphalt mixture FRACTURE discrete element method virtual test
作者 温玲进 《新闻知识》 北大核心 1993年第2期19-19+22,22,共2页
“缺憾新闻”不容忽视“缺憾新闻”,这是我从一些记者的新闻报道中发现的。我之所以称其为“缺憾新闻”,是由于这种新闻使人看(或者听)过之后因其某种匮缺而遗憾——记者在新闻报道中该讲的没有讲或者没有讲清楚,受众想知道的没有说或... “缺憾新闻”不容忽视“缺憾新闻”,这是我从一些记者的新闻报道中发现的。我之所以称其为“缺憾新闻”,是由于这种新闻使人看(或者听)过之后因其某种匮缺而遗憾——记者在新闻报道中该讲的没有讲或者没有讲清楚,受众想知道的没有说或者没有说明白,给人一个不明不白的疙瘩,使人憋得慌,闷得慌。 展开更多
关键词 使人 《大众日报》 语言功力 译报 政治素质 表达技巧 革命纪念馆 业务素质 思辨能力 拟断
The numerical simulation and inversion fitting of radon concentration distribution in homogeneous overburden above active fault zones 被引量:1
作者 刘菁华 王祝文 王晓丽 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第3期238-244,共7页
Based on the convection and diffusion mechanisms of radon migration, in this paper we deduce the two-dimensional differential equation for radon transportation in the overburden above active fault zones with an unlimi... Based on the convection and diffusion mechanisms of radon migration, in this paper we deduce the two-dimensional differential equation for radon transportation in the overburden above active fault zones with an unlimited extension along the strike. Making use of the finite difference method, the radon concentration distribution in the overburden above active faults is calculated and modeled. The active fault zone parameters, such as the depth and the width of the fault zone, and the value of radon concentration, can be inverted from the measured radon concentration curve. These realize quantitative interpretation for radon concentration anomalies. The inversion results are in good agreement with the actual fault zone parameters. 展开更多
关键词 active fault zone radon concentration distribution numerical simulation inversion fitting
The implementation of an improved NPML absorbing boundary condition in elastic wave modeling 被引量:21
作者 Qin Zhen Lu Minghui +3 位作者 Zheng Xiaodong Yao Yao Zhang Cai Song Jianyong 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期113-121,共9页
In elastic wave forward modeling, absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) are used to mitigate undesired reflections from the model truncation boundaries. The perfectly matched layer (PML) has proved to be the best av... In elastic wave forward modeling, absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) are used to mitigate undesired reflections from the model truncation boundaries. The perfectly matched layer (PML) has proved to be the best available ABC. However, the traditional splitting PML (SPML) ABC has some serious disadvantages: for example, global SPML ABCs require much more computing memory, although the implementation is easy. The implementation of local SPML ABCs also has some difficulties, since edges and corners must be considered. The traditional non-splitting perfectly matched layer (NPML) ABC has complex computation because of the convolution. In this paper, based on non-splitting perfectly matched layer (NPML) ABCs combined with the complex frequency-shifted stretching function (CFS), we introduce a novel numerical implementation method for PML absorbing boundary conditions with simple calculation equations, small memory requirement, and easy programming. 展开更多
关键词 PML absorbing boundary condition non-splitting forward modeling
Orthogonal design and numerical simulation of room and pillar configurations in fractured stopes 被引量:7
作者 吴爱祥 黄明清 +3 位作者 韩斌 王贻明 于少峰 缪秀秀 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3338-3344,共7页
Room and pillar sizes are key factors for safe mining and ore recovery in open-stope mining. To investigate the influence of room and pillar configurations on stope stability in highly fractured and weakened areas, an... Room and pillar sizes are key factors for safe mining and ore recovery in open-stope mining. To investigate the influence of room and pillar configurations on stope stability in highly fractured and weakened areas, an orthogonal design with two factors, three levels and nine runs was proposed, followed by three-dimensional numerical simulation using ANSYS and FLAC3~. Results show that surface settlement after excavation is concentrically ringed, and increases with the decrease of pillar width and distances to stope gobs. In the meantime, the ore-control fault at the ore-rock boundary and the fractured argillaceous dolomite with intercalated slate at the hanging wall deteriorate the roof settlement. Additionally, stope stability is challenged due to pillar rheological yield and stress concentration, and both are induced by redistribution of stress and plastic zones after mining. Following an objective function and a constraint function, room and pillar configuration with widths of 14 m and 16 m, respectively, is presented as the optimization for improving the ore recovery rate while maintaining a safe working environment. 展开更多
关键词 orthogonal design numerical simulation surface movement roof settlement stope stability room and pillarconfiguration
Prediction of application scope of vertical fracture strike based on scattered wave fracture orientation function 被引量:1
作者 TANG Yufei LIU Yuwei +1 位作者 LIU Xiwu YANG Guodong 《Global Geology》 2015年第1期49-53,共5页
Fracture system plays a very important role in the enrichment and accumulation of oil and gas in the reservoirs. Based on scattering wave information, Fracture Orientation Function (FOF) was built, which can be used... Fracture system plays a very important role in the enrichment and accumulation of oil and gas in the reservoirs. Based on scattering wave information, Fracture Orientation Function (FOF) was built, which can be used to predict the fracture orientations. However, this method has only been verified by physical experiments without studies on the application scope. In this study, based on the linear sliding theory, F0F of the scattering wave was applied to the numerical simulation and the application scope was further studied according to fracture flexibility tensor. According to the fractures filled with gas and liquid, numerical simulation was conducted on the models with various fracture flexibilities. Numerical simulation results were used to inverse fracture orientation with the aid of the FOF of the scattering wave. The results show that it is workable to predict the vertical fracture orientation with the F0F of the scattering wave. Application of this method is more effective when the fractures are filled with gas than liquid. Moreover, the application scope can be predicted by the fracture flexibility. 展开更多
关键词 scattering wave fracture strike fracture orientation function fracture flexibility tensor
作者 余海琳 万永革 +2 位作者 崔华伟 王晓山 黄少华 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2022年第S01期36-39,共4页
1研究背景2010年8月金钟水库蓄水活动开始之后,福建仙游地区地震活动性增强,小震频发。截至2014年12月31日,共记录地震3471次,其中4级以上地震5次,3级以上地震20次,2级以上地震101次,最大地震为2013年9月4日4.8级地震。为明确该区域地... 1研究背景2010年8月金钟水库蓄水活动开始之后,福建仙游地区地震活动性增强,小震频发。截至2014年12月31日,共记录地震3471次,其中4级以上地震5次,3级以上地震20次,2级以上地震101次,最大地震为2013年9月4日4.8级地震。为明确该区域地震频发原因以及区域应力场与背景应力场的差异分布,首先采用双差定位法进行震群精定位,在此基础上采用小震拟合断层面的方式进行断层面拟合,从几何角度分析地震所在断层的差异,接着采用P波初动的方式得到震源机制解数据,分析该地区震源机制解的P、T轴分布、震群处应力场及深部应力场,并分析震群处应力场与背景构造应力场差异的可能原因。 展开更多
关键词 双差定位 层面 震源机制解 应力场
Outage Probability Analysis of Relay Systems over K-μ Fading Channels 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Lingwen YANG Wenkao +1 位作者 ZHANG Jiayi LI Yongzhi 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第10期60-66,共7页
This paper provides an analytical framework for the outage probability evaluation of dual-hop decode-and-forward relay systems operating over K-μfading channels in the presence of co-channel interference. The interfe... This paper provides an analytical framework for the outage probability evaluation of dual-hop decode-and-forward relay systems operating over K-μfading channels in the presence of co-channel interference. The interferers are independent non-identically distributed K-μfading. An accurate analytical-form expression for the cumulative distribution function of the received signal power to interference and noise ratio is derived. Various numerical results are compared with Monte Carlo simulation results in order to corroborate the accuracy of the proposed expressions. Our results show that increasing the value of kappa of main links will decrease the outage probability of relay systems. Furthermore, the system performance degrades with the number of interferences. 展开更多
关键词 co-channel interference FADING performance analysis RELAY
Origin of the regional stress field along the Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone(LOFZ),Southern Chilean Andes by means of FE Simulation 被引量:2
作者 Md.Rafiqul Islam 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期1-13,共13页
The Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone(LOFZ) of southern Chilean Andes is one of the largest active strike-slip fault zones.There is an ongoing debate regarding the origin of the stress field along the LOFZ due to its complex g... The Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone(LOFZ) of southern Chilean Andes is one of the largest active strike-slip fault zones.There is an ongoing debate regarding the origin of the stress field along the LOFZ due to its complex geometry.This paper represents a study of the origins of the LOFZ regional stress field.Stress fields are calculated by finite element(FE) analysis.The two possible stress origins, i.e., oblique plate convergence and ridge collision/indenter tectonics of Chile ridge against Peru-Chile trench, have been emphasized in the present study.Three types of boundary conditions for the three particular models have been applied to calculate stress fields.Models are assumed to be elastic and plane stress condition.Modeling results are presented in terms of four parameters, i.e., orientation of maximum horizontal stress(σ H max ), displacement vector, s train distribution, and maximum shear stress(τmax ) contour line within the model.The results of the first model with oblique plate convergence show inconsistency between the geometric shape of the LOFZ and the distribution of the four parameters.Although more realistic results are obtained from the second model with normal ridge collision, there are few coincident in the LOFZ geometry and regional stress field.The third model with normal and oblique ridge collision is reasonable in understanding the origin of stress field and geometrical condition in the lithosphere of the LOFZ. 展开更多
关键词 Liquine-Ofqui Fault Zone FE analysis Elastic rheology Oblique plate convergence Ridgecollision.
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