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师范院校女生体育择项倾向、活动目的及执教要求 被引量:4
作者 程新英 《武汉体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第7期122-124,共3页
抽样调查得知,师范院校女生喜爱的体育运动项目排序为健身表现类、球类对抗类、格斗对抗类、速度力量类、力量耐力类;参加体育项目目的排序为健身性需要、工作性需要、生活性需要、娱乐性需要、防身性需要;对体育教师基本要求的排序为... 抽样调查得知,师范院校女生喜爱的体育运动项目排序为健身表现类、球类对抗类、格斗对抗类、速度力量类、力量耐力类;参加体育项目目的排序为健身性需要、工作性需要、生活性需要、娱乐性需要、防身性需要;对体育教师基本要求的排序为品行性要求、身体性要求、教学性要求、知识性要求、工作性要求。体育院校培养高校体育师资,应高度注意女生体育教学的特点与要求,科学设置教学课目、精心组织教材内容、注重提高教学艺术。 展开更多
关键词 师范院校 女学生 体育择项 执教要求
常态疫情防控下大学生中医体质辨识与武术择项研究 被引量:3
作者 张杰 郦树龙 黄振华 《体育科技文献通报》 2021年第11期17-19,共3页
在常态疫情防控背景下,"武医融合"成为大学生教育关注的热点,为研究不同中医体质大学生的武术择项规律,运用文献资料、比较研究和逻辑分析法,对常态化疫情防控下"武医融合"理论以及武术择项进行分析,认为传统武术... 在常态疫情防控背景下,"武医融合"成为大学生教育关注的热点,为研究不同中医体质大学生的武术择项规律,运用文献资料、比较研究和逻辑分析法,对常态化疫情防控下"武医融合"理论以及武术择项进行分析,认为传统武术项目对预防疾病、治疗"未病"起到积极作用,运用中医体质辨识理论能够为不同中医体质大学生的武术择项提供指导,最后提出了常态化疫情防控背景下的中医体质辨识在大学生武术择项中应用"三步法",研究结果对于丰富"武医融合"理论,扩大武术的应用范围具有积极的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 疫情防控 大学生 中医体质 武术择项
作者 李广宁 《哈尔滨体育学院学报》 2005年第4期72-74,共3页
以无锡及周边地区6所高校为例,通过对高校女大学生体育锻炼主动性及锻炼时的择项倾向性行为的调查分析,发现女大学生锻炼的主观认识及锻炼行为状况与普通女性相比,她们的意识更具时代特征,她们的行为也更具时尚特征。她们把体育锻炼看... 以无锡及周边地区6所高校为例,通过对高校女大学生体育锻炼主动性及锻炼时的择项倾向性行为的调查分析,发现女大学生锻炼的主观认识及锻炼行为状况与普通女性相比,她们的意识更具时代特征,她们的行为也更具时尚特征。她们把体育锻炼看作是一种体现自身价值的参与过程。提出了今后加强高校女大学生这一特殊群体体育锻炼思想认识的引导和如何更好地开展好高校女生的体育课教学与体育锻炼活动的建议。 展开更多
关键词 女大学生 学校体育 锻炼主动性 健康 择项倾向
高技术风险投资公司择项的评价体系研究 被引量:35
作者 周乃敏 《技术经济与管理研究》 北大核心 1999年第2期36-37,共2页
关键词 高技术 风险投资公司 投资环境 择项评价体系
作者 殷芳清 《语文知识》 2001年第1期38-43,共6页
关键词 古诗词鉴赏 高考 语文 择项方法 风格指向法
作者 张全成 刘阳 孙洪杰 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期74-80,共7页
本文探讨了吸引效应在不可比较选择集中的表现及其作用机制。三个实验的研究结果表明,在不可比较选择集中吸引效应依然存在,相对于核心集,在选择集中加入被某原有备择项完全占优的诱引备择项后,会显著提高消费者的决策信心,并显著降低... 本文探讨了吸引效应在不可比较选择集中的表现及其作用机制。三个实验的研究结果表明,在不可比较选择集中吸引效应依然存在,相对于核心集,在选择集中加入被某原有备择项完全占优的诱引备择项后,会显著提高消费者的决策信心,并显著降低其延迟购买的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 情境效应 吸引效应 诱引备择项 决策难度 决策信心
作者 张全成 周庭锐 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第19期60-65,共6页
文章从个体心理感知角度揭示了消费者决策行为中吸引效应的形成机制,并构建了吸引效应形成机制模型。基于实验研究发现,受锚定效应影响,不对称占优备择项增加了目标备择项相对于竞争备择项的吸引力,进而增加了其相对被选择概率,文章从... 文章从个体心理感知角度揭示了消费者决策行为中吸引效应的形成机制,并构建了吸引效应形成机制模型。基于实验研究发现,受锚定效应影响,不对称占优备择项增加了目标备择项相对于竞争备择项的吸引力,进而增加了其相对被选择概率,文章从产品属性评价变化角度探讨了吸引效应的深层次机理,发现范围效应、频率效应和知觉聚焦效应都可有效解释吸引效应。 展开更多
关键词 相似效应 吸引效应 不对称占有备择项 属性评价
作者 李兆森 黄志玲 《广州体育学院学报》 CSSCI 1996年第3期53-57,103-104,共7页
关键词 体育选 择项 课程设置
图形面积判断任务下信息加工模式和信息呈现方式对吸引效应的影响 被引量:3
作者 张全成 刘阳 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1639-1648,共10页
研究使用图形面积判断任务取代典型的双属性决策框架,考察了不同信息加工模式和信息呈现方式对吸引效应的影响。实验1比较了不同信息加工模式对吸引效应的影响,结果发现,当被试以直觉的信息加工方式进行面积比较判断时,吸引效应不显著,... 研究使用图形面积判断任务取代典型的双属性决策框架,考察了不同信息加工模式和信息呈现方式对吸引效应的影响。实验1比较了不同信息加工模式对吸引效应的影响,结果发现,当被试以直觉的信息加工方式进行面积比较判断时,吸引效应不显著,而以分析的信息加工方式判断时吸引效应明显存在,后者效应强度显著大于前者。实验2通过调整图形排列顺序,比较了刺激材料呈现方式对吸引效应的影响,结果表明,被试以直觉的信息加工方式进行判断时吸引效应依然存在,但其表现要受信息呈现方式影响,相对于将目标图形放置于诱引图形和竞争图形之间,将诱引图形放置于目标图形和竞争图形之间而成为判断背景时,吸引效应强度更大。研究提出了吸引效应形成的两阶段理论,认为吸引效应产生的根源同时来自直觉的和分析的两个信息加工阶段,研究也证实信息呈现方式对被试信息加工方式造成较大影响,进而影响吸引效应强度。 展开更多
关键词 标准性假设 吸引效应 不对称占优备择项 损失规避 值域-频率效应
对天水市晨、晚锻炼群体的调查与分析 被引量:1
作者 马冬梅 《西北民族学院学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第2期53-55,共3页
为了实施全民健身计划 ,普及群众体育 ,我们对天水市晨、晚参加锻炼身体的群众进行了调查和对比分析 ,发现晨、晚锻炼的群众在锻炼的择项、锻炼频率、体育频率、体育消费观念等方面存在着较大的差异 晚炼群众锻炼频率和稳定性的保持 ,... 为了实施全民健身计划 ,普及群众体育 ,我们对天水市晨、晚参加锻炼身体的群众进行了调查和对比分析 ,发现晨、晚锻炼的群众在锻炼的择项、锻炼频率、体育频率、体育消费观念等方面存在着较大的差异 晚炼群众锻炼频率和稳定性的保持 ,有利于稳定城市锻炼人口 。 展开更多
关键词 晨炼群体 晚炼群体 择项锻炼 锻炼频率 体育消费 稳定性 调查分析
对广州市晨、晚锻炼群体的调查和思考 被引量:6
作者 李志强 戴霞 郭兰 《体育学刊》 CAS 1998年第3期23-25,共3页
关键词 晚炼群体 晨炼群体 择项锻炼 锻炼频率 体育消费 稳定性
基于机器学习的编译器自动调优综述 被引量:7
作者 池昊宇 陈长波 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期241-251,共11页
现代编译器提供的优化选项众多,选择何种参数因子、选择哪些选项组合以及以何种顺序应用这些选项成为复杂的问题,其中优化次序问题是最困难的优化问题。随着传统方法的改进(迭代编译结合启发式优化搜索)以及新技术的出现(机器学习),构... 现代编译器提供的优化选项众多,选择何种参数因子、选择哪些选项组合以及以何种顺序应用这些选项成为复杂的问题,其中优化次序问题是最困难的优化问题。随着传统方法的改进(迭代编译结合启发式优化搜索)以及新技术的出现(机器学习),构建一种相对高效、智能的编译器自动调优框架成为可能。文中通过调查过去数十年的相关研究,总结了前人的研究思路和应用方法。首先介绍了编译器自动调优的发展历程,包括早期的手工方法、成本函数驱动的方法、启发式优化搜索驱动的迭代编译、基于机器学习的直接预测以及机器学习驱动的迭代编译方法。然后重点梳理了基于机器学习的直接预测和机器学习驱动的迭代编译自动调优方法,统计和对比了一些较为成功的框架和最新的研究成果。最后提出了当前编译器优化存在的问题和今后的重点研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 编译器 自动调优 机器学习 迭代编译 优化择项 优化
作者 徐菁 《南京部队医药》 1998年第6期63-64,共2页
统计回访是对所收集的统计资料的原始数据进行定期、定项或不定期、择项抽样调查,确认统计数据来源的真实性、可靠性及统计方法的正确性。它是医院统计管理的重要内容之一。通过对基层科室上报的数据进行回访,能及时发现统计中存在的问... 统计回访是对所收集的统计资料的原始数据进行定期、定项或不定期、择项抽样调查,确认统计数据来源的真实性、可靠性及统计方法的正确性。它是医院统计管理的重要内容之一。通过对基层科室上报的数据进行回访,能及时发现统计中存在的问题,写出回访报告(或意见),落实改正措施,达到加强统计管理、提高统计质量之目的。1995年起,我院试行了统计回该,收效显著,统计数据上报的及时率和准确率分别为86%和80%上升到100%和87%。1 对统计回访的认识 我们在日常统计工作中,发现基层科室上报的统计数据在内容及准确度上存在一些问题,表现在:1.1 上报统计数据不准 有多报、漏报或错报,如门诊挂号数与实际就诊人数不符合造成漏报;有的科室各种检查,按项、按部位报人次,造成了多报;在收费分类时,把放射费列入辅助诊断检查费,造成错报等。 展开更多
关键词 医院统计质量 统计数据 电话回访 “软件” 统计人员 收费分类 错报 统计工作 择项
作者 陈继培 《健身科学》 2006年第9期34-34,共1页
关键词 肩周炎 患者 量力而行 屈肘 体疗 次数 前臂 手腕部 锻炼方法 择项锻炼
Polynomial rooting based frequency offset estimation for MIMO OFDM systems
作者 蒋雁翔 尤肖虎 高西奇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第4期397-401,共5页
Based on the frequency domain training sequences, the polynomial-based carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation in multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) sys... Based on the frequency domain training sequences, the polynomial-based carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation in multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) systems is extensively investigated. By designing the training sequences to meet certain conditions and exploiting the Hermitian and real symmetric properties of the corresponding matrices, it is found that the roots of the polynomials corresponding to the cost functions are pairwise and that both meger CFO and fractional CFO can be estimated by the direct polynomial rooting approach. By analyzing the polynomials corresponding to the cost functions and their derivatives, it is shown that they have a common polynomial factor and the former can be expressed in a quadratic form of the common polynomial factor. Analytical results further reveal that the derivative polynomial rooting approach is equivalent to the direct one in estimation at the same signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) value and that the latter is superior to the former in complexity. Simulation results agree well with analytical results. 展开更多
关键词 MIMO OFDM frequency selective fading channels frequency offset estimation polynomial rooting
Layered heuristic algorithm for multiple restriction routes
作者 戴伏生 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期95-100,共6页
A layered algorithm by bidirectional searching is proposed in this paper to solve the problem that it is difficult and time consuming to reach an optimal solution of the route search with multiple parameter restrictio... A layered algorithm by bidirectional searching is proposed in this paper to solve the problem that it is difficult and time consuming to reach an optimal solution of the route search with multiple parameter restrictions for good quality of service. Firstly, a set of reachable paths to each intermediate node from the source node and the sink node based on adjacent matrix transformation are calculated respectively. Then a temporal optimal path is selected by adopting the proposed heuristic method according to a non-linear cost function. When the total number of the accumulated nodes by bidirectional searching reaches n-2, the paths from two directions to an intermediate node should be combined and several paths via different nodes from the source node to the sink node can be obtained, then an optimal path in the whole set of paths can be taken as the output route. Some simulation examples are included to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. In addition, the proposed algorithm can be implemented with parallel computation and thus, the new algorithm has better performance in time complexity than other algorithms. Mathematical analysis indicates that the maximum complexity in time, based on parallel computation, is the same as the polynomial complexity of O(kn2-3kn+k), and some simulation results are shown to support this analysis. 展开更多
关键词 communication network quality of service routing routing algorithm route with multiple restrictions
Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension Tests and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learners Answering Strategies
作者 Kaivan Parhoodeh Mahmoud Rostamy Abolfazl Mehry 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第6期410-423,共14页
As far as we are concemed, one of the elements of assessing EFL/ESL (English as a Foreign Language/English as a Second Language) learners' language proficiency in institutions and universities in our country "lran... As far as we are concemed, one of the elements of assessing EFL/ESL (English as a Foreign Language/English as a Second Language) learners' language proficiency in institutions and universities in our country "lran" are multiple-choice reading comprehension tests. We also know that, it comprises one major section of the standard and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) tests. Taking into account its importance and the problems which EFL learners have answered them, I get motivated to uncover some of the test-taking strategies which they employ to answer multiple-choice reading comprehension questions when dealing with familiar versus unfamiliar topics. To get a better conclusion, I choose 20 advanced male and female candidates whose English proficiency is at an acceptable level and at least at the same age level, and they major in English language from different colleges and universities. They are given two reading comprehension passages (familiar and unfamiliar), each one with five final questions and allotted time to answer the questions. Two main instruments in this study are a retrospective think-aloud protocol and a semi-structured interview. The results of the reading comprehension tests and interview part revealed that advanced learners' high scores in the familiar topic were not because of their strategy use but because of their high linguistic and background knowledge on the topic. I also concluded that the number, kind, and sequence of strategies employed, were greatly dependent on the degree of testees' familiarity on the topic. In other words, test-takers used more strategies to compensate for their lack of linguistic knowledge. 展开更多
关键词 test-taking strategies reading comprehension strategies multiple-choice items topic familiarity
Behavioural Response of Anacanthotermes ochraceus towards Some Baits and Volatile Oils
作者 Sawsan Sabry Moawad Amal A1-Barty Noura J. Al-Otaibi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第12期1279-1286,共8页
Six types of termites' baits (cartoon, rough tissues, soft toilet tissues, acacia wood, saw dust of building wood and sackcloth) were elicited variable degree of attraction toward Anacanthotermes ochaceus, where th... Six types of termites' baits (cartoon, rough tissues, soft toilet tissues, acacia wood, saw dust of building wood and sackcloth) were elicited variable degree of attraction toward Anacanthotermes ochaceus, where the best one was cardboard, followed by soft and rough toilet tissue at mono-choice and multiple-choice tests. Chemical analysis showed that there were variations in the chemical constituents (lignin, cellulose, N, H and C) of the six baits studied. On the other hand, olfactory reactions of harvester termites toward eight volatile oils (four natural medical plants and four commercial terpines) were repellent, but the most repellent one was cineol and the least one was clove oil. The most tested oils were caused inhibition in feeding, except cedar wood. The most toxic oils were cineol followed by thymol. 展开更多
关键词 Anacanthotermis ochaceus BAITS natural oil commercial oil ATTRACTANTS REPELLENTS mortality.
Some Effective Techniques in Teaching and Learning English Idioms A Case Study of the Albanian Students of English as a Foreign Language
作者 Suela Koca Vasilika Pojani 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第12期933-939,共7页
This paper deals with the importance of idioms in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) acquisition in general and the effect of three techniques applied in teaching and learning them by the undergraduate university s... This paper deals with the importance of idioms in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) acquisition in general and the effect of three techniques applied in teaching and learning them by the undergraduate university students in particular. To accomplish this aim, the study firstly tried to investigate English students' attitude toward learning L2 idioms through a 10-item questionnaire. The second part of the study passed on two stages; a list of 20 unknown idioms was presented to 30 second-year EFL students who were divided into three groups. The first group of students was given the list of idioms with (L2) English definition; the second group was given the same list of idioms with their (L2) English contextual representation these unknown idioms were used, and the third group was given (LI) Albanian translation equivalent. At the second stage, after learning and revising the unknown idioms for a period of four weeks, the participants received a common test consisting of two types of exercises-multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blanks-to check the impact of three techniques used for the long-term retention of idioms: definition, context, and translation. The results of the survey showed that the third-group students performed better than the two other groups who were exposed to English idioms definition and context; i.e., translation was the most effective technique that helped students' retention and acquisition of idioms. 展开更多
Construction Project Delivery System Selection Framework: Professional Service Firms' Perspective
作者 Ibrahim Mosly 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第3期368-378,共11页
There is a variety of PDSs (project delivery systems) in today's construction industry. This leads to confusion when it comes to selecting the most suitable PDS for a specific project. The wrong selection decision ... There is a variety of PDSs (project delivery systems) in today's construction industry. This leads to confusion when it comes to selecting the most suitable PDS for a specific project. The wrong selection decision might lead eventually to reduced profit margins or perhaps financial losses to PSFs (professional service firms). This research proposes a conceptual framework that helps PSFs in the selection of one or more suitable PDSs for their construction operations. The framework uses SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis as a tool for assessing each PDS considered in this research. The PDSs included in the framework are design-bid-build, design-build, construction management agency, public-private partnerships and integrated project delivery. The main aim of this research framework is to enhance decision-making efficiency in PDS selection for PSF operations. 展开更多
关键词 Project delivery system SELECTION SWOT analysis CONSTRUCTION professional services firms framework.
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