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持续动机性访谈对出院甲状腺功能亢进患者长期治疗依从性影响的研究 被引量:3
作者 王海珠 黄婵娟 +2 位作者 邢燕姬 庄丽玲 莫占端 《中国地方病防治》 北大核心 2016年第12期1368-1370,共3页
目的探究持续动机性访谈对出院甲状腺功能亢进患者长期治疗依从性的影响。方法选取2013年1月-2016年1月期间我院收治的112例甲状腺功能亢进患者为研究对象,将患者采用随机数表法分为对照组(n=56)和观察组(n=56)。对照组患者采用常规健... 目的探究持续动机性访谈对出院甲状腺功能亢进患者长期治疗依从性的影响。方法选取2013年1月-2016年1月期间我院收治的112例甲状腺功能亢进患者为研究对象,将患者采用随机数表法分为对照组(n=56)和观察组(n=56)。对照组患者采用常规健康教育和电话随访,观察组患者在此基础上进行住院动机性访谈和出院继续动机性访谈。分析两组患者服药依从性不佳的原因分布,并对两组患者的依从性和生活质量进行比较。结果出院后12个月观察组和对照组各有38例和44例患者服药依从性不佳,两组患者服药依从性不佳的主要原因均为甲亢用药知识缺乏、恐惧药物副作用、用药缺乏管理。两组患者均无一例失访,出院后3个月、6个月和12个月观察组患者的治疗依从性均显著优于对照组患者,观察组患者出院12个月后的各项生活质量评分均显著优于对照组患者,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论给予出院甲状腺功能亢进患者持续动机性访谈能够显著改善长期治疗依从性和生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 持续动机性访谈 出院 甲状腺功能亢进 长期 依从性
面向个人健康信息管理的量化自我持续参与动机研究 被引量:8
作者 徐孝婷 朱庆华 +1 位作者 杨梦晴 赵宇翔 《情报学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期229-243,共15页
随着智能设备和移动互联网的发展,越来越多用户通过参与量化自我进行个人健康信息管理,进而实现健康行为改变,其中促进量化自我的持续性是维持健康行为的必要前提,也有利于指导量化自我相关实践发展。基于此,本研究聚焦于探索面向个人... 随着智能设备和移动互联网的发展,越来越多用户通过参与量化自我进行个人健康信息管理,进而实现健康行为改变,其中促进量化自我的持续性是维持健康行为的必要前提,也有利于指导量化自我相关实践发展。基于此,本研究聚焦于探索面向个人健康信息管理的用户量化自我持续参与的动机识别并开展实证研究。在文献归纳的基础上,发现持续参与动机有10个因素,主要涉及工具、社会以及个人三个驱动维度,并基于S-O-R(stimuli-organismresponse)理论构建量化自我持续参与动机的实证模型。为验证模型的适用性,本研究以Keep用户作为实证研究对象,通过问卷调查方式收集相关数据(N=373),并采用偏最小二乘法工具SmartPLS 3.3.2进行了研究假设验证。研究结果发现,面向个人健康信息管理的量化自我持续参与动机具有不同的显著性影响,其中工具驱动维度中自我监管正向影响感知有用、信息搜寻和易用性正向影响自我效能、外部奖励正向影响乐趣。社会驱动维度中主观规范正向影响自我效能、社会交往正向影响乐趣和归属感。用户驱动维度中的感知有用、自我效能、乐趣与量化自我持续参与意愿均显著正相关。与此同时,性别、年龄在部分关系中发挥了调节作用。本研究丰富了面向个人健康信息管理的量化自我持续参与动机的理论基础,为量化自我相关健康信息服务提出了若干建议。 展开更多
关键词 个人健康信息管理 量化自我 持续参与动机 刺激-机体-反应模型
感知的父母及教师支持与学生STEAM学习的持续性动机:学习兴趣和自我效能感的多重中介作用 被引量:11
作者 孙小坚 宋乃庆 梁学友 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期37-44,共8页
基于PISA2015年中国四省市数据,探讨了感知的父母和教师支持、STEAM学习兴趣及自我效能感对学生STEAM学习的持续性动机的影响。结果发现:感知的父母和教师支持显著地正向预测STEAM学习兴趣和自我效能感;STEAM学习兴趣和自我效能感在感... 基于PISA2015年中国四省市数据,探讨了感知的父母和教师支持、STEAM学习兴趣及自我效能感对学生STEAM学习的持续性动机的影响。结果发现:感知的父母和教师支持显著地正向预测STEAM学习兴趣和自我效能感;STEAM学习兴趣和自我效能感在感知的父母支持和持续性动机间起完全中介作用,而在感知的教师支持与持续性动机间起部分中介作用。研究拓展了STEAM教育下学习动机的研究范围,为后续增强学生STEAM学习的持续性动机提供了相应的参考。 展开更多
关键词 STEAM教育 持续动机 感知的父母与教师支持 学习兴趣 自我效能感
作者 杨钰洁 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2017年第1期103-109,共7页
由可持续发展与创业结合产生的可持续创业被视作是解决许多社会和环境问题的重要渠道。可持续创业是有意计划的行为,而动机是将潜在意图转化为实际行动的火花,影响着可持续创业者对机会的识别、评估和开发。为了深入理解创业动机对可持... 由可持续发展与创业结合产生的可持续创业被视作是解决许多社会和环境问题的重要渠道。可持续创业是有意计划的行为,而动机是将潜在意图转化为实际行动的火花,影响着可持续创业者对机会的识别、评估和开发。为了深入理解创业动机对可持续创业过程的影响,分析了以三重底线为特点的可持续创业的概念,结合亲自我的商业创业动机和可持续创业倾向等研究,探讨了可持续创业的亲自我与亲社会双重驱动的动机机制及其影响因素,并基于可持续创业动机的研究现状做出展望。 展开更多
关键词 持续创业 持续创业动机 亲自我动机 亲社会动机
作者 张伟 《中国人民大学教育学刊》 CSSCI 2022年第2期16-32,共17页
面向国家发展、科技自立自强和创新型人才培养需要,高校教师学术动机研究亟须深入探讨,为开展有效的教师个体心理建设、优化学术组织生态环境支持供给提供理论依据与发展路径。教学与研究目标一致性成为高校教师学术动机变化与目标再设... 面向国家发展、科技自立自强和创新型人才培养需要,高校教师学术动机研究亟须深入探讨,为开展有效的教师个体心理建设、优化学术组织生态环境支持供给提供理论依据与发展路径。教学与研究目标一致性成为高校教师学术动机变化与目标再设定的关键所在。高校青年教师、在读博士生是本土研究话语中的重要主体。高校教师教学动机质量、自主性挫折及其自我调节机制、学术倦怠等负面情绪的成因与克服等热点议题亟待回应。确立以人为中心的多维情境视角,突出历时动态考察,大力推进动机干预研究,是开拓高校教师学术动机研究要把握的三大趋势。 展开更多
关键词 高校教师 学术动机 教学与研究 持续动机 动机干预
制度、技术和内生经济增长 被引量:19
作者 刘明兴 陶然 章奇 《世界经济文汇》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期64-80,共17页
对于一个发展中国家 ,欲实现快速的工业化和可持续的经济增长 ,就必须能够以最低廉的成本来获取技术的进步。半个多世纪以来 ,大量的经济增长理论和发展经济学文献均对该问题给予了高度的关注 ,也产生了各种各样的学说。 80年代中期兴... 对于一个发展中国家 ,欲实现快速的工业化和可持续的经济增长 ,就必须能够以最低廉的成本来获取技术的进步。半个多世纪以来 ,大量的经济增长理论和发展经济学文献均对该问题给予了高度的关注 ,也产生了各种各样的学说。 80年代中期兴起的内生增长理论 ,无疑再次对发展经济学起到了极大的推动作用。内生经济增长理论在近二十年来发展 ,是否真正使发展经济学摆脱了以往的困境 ?本文将从这一角度出发 ,对现有文献进行一个简单的讨论。并试图从中总结出一些经验 ,进而对将来的理论进展提出一些看法。 展开更多
关键词 制度 技术学习 内生经济增长 发展经济学 发展中国家 持续动机 政策干预 技术结构 国际贸易 制度结构 技术进步
骨创伤治疗仪与CPM机联合预防术后膝关节僵硬疗效观察 被引量:5
作者 许冬萍 阙玉华 罗金香 《安徽卫生职业技术学院学报》 2015年第4期100-101,共2页
目的:探讨下肢持续被动活动机(CPM)与骨创伤治疗仪早期联合使用对预防下肢骨折术后膝关节僵硬的疗效。方法:选取50例下肢骨折术后患者随机分为治疗组25例和对照组25例,治疗组施行下肢CPM机与骨创伤治疗仪联合治疗;对照组仅使用CPM机治... 目的:探讨下肢持续被动活动机(CPM)与骨创伤治疗仪早期联合使用对预防下肢骨折术后膝关节僵硬的疗效。方法:选取50例下肢骨折术后患者随机分为治疗组25例和对照组25例,治疗组施行下肢CPM机与骨创伤治疗仪联合治疗;对照组仅使用CPM机治疗。结果:治疗组2周内膝关节活动度与膝关节屈伸功能得到明显的改善,关节活动度明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:早期联合使用CPM机与骨创伤治疗仪能预防膝关节僵硬,减轻关节疼痛、肿胀,有利于关节活动度的改善,是创伤小、适应性广、安全有效的治疗手段。 展开更多
关键词 下肢持续被动活动机(CPM) 骨创伤治疗仪 膝关节僵硬 疗效
Sustainabilty of Rice Processing in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa
作者 Mohammed Bakari Michael Ngadi Robert Kok Vijaya Raghavan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第9期1044-1050,共7页
Energy and environmental sustainability are important considerations for increased rice production. This study examined the energy utilization and sustainability of rice processing in sub-Saharan Africa. The community... Energy and environmental sustainability are important considerations for increased rice production. This study examined the energy utilization and sustainability of rice processing in sub-Saharan Africa. The community of Gadan Loko village in the song local government of Adamawa State, Nigeria was selected as the focus of study. Rice parboiling, the most energy intensive process in rice processing is carried out usually by women in small quantities of about 13.2 kg using traditional pots on tripod support stoves. The parboiled rice is sun dried on mats before it is taken to the milling stalls where it is milled using milling machines driven by single cylinder diesel engines. There were large variations in the quality of milled rice due to lack of consistency in processing parameters. Accumulation of rice husk in the community created important environmental issues. In this study, methods of improving sustainability of rice processing were investigated. The areas included: the utilization of waste heat from the diesel engines for improved drying and efficient pre-soaking; the utilization of solar energy for pre-soaking; the utilization of rice husks as alternative fuel to firewood; and the optimization and redesign of the stoves and parboiling vessels to minimize heat loss to the environment. The results showed that the utilization of rice husk as alternative fuel and the redesign of the stoves and parboiling vessels will increase the sustainability of rice processing and can be easily adopted by the community. While solar energy pre-soaking was not economical and the utilization of waste heat from the diesel engines for drying and pre-soaking would be difficult to implement at the rural scale, because most of the parboiling is done far away from the milling stalls. The study showed that research, development of appropriate technology, and education (RATE) of the rural community is an important way of increasing sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 Rice processing PARBOILING alternative energy heat recovery rice paddy solar presoaking research appropriate technology and education (RATE).
Redesign of Motorized and Non-motorized Transport in Cities and Sustainable Mobility
作者 Osman Lindov Adnan Omerhodzic +1 位作者 Adnan Tatarevic Samir Dzaferovic 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第3期206-210,共5页
Redesign of motorized and non-motorized transport in cities and sustainable mobility possibilities and utilization of already occupied areas for motorized and non-motorized transport in cities. Reserved area for publi... Redesign of motorized and non-motorized transport in cities and sustainable mobility possibilities and utilization of already occupied areas for motorized and non-motorized transport in cities. Reserved area for public transport may be the redesign much more to take advantage of without taking up new space in cities. Redesigned solutions shown in the work of public mass transport and the redesign of non-motorized transport, bicycle and pedestrian paths point to the improved use and safety of movement of passengers, cyclists and pedestrians. This paper presents five redesigned concept designs as improving existing forms of transport and movement of cyclists and pedestrians in cities. Redesigned conceptual designs of motorized and non-motorized transport in cities should serve as ideas for the growing problems of urban development in the segment of insufficient surface for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as sustainable mobility transport people in the city. 展开更多
关键词 REDESIGN motorized transport non-motorized transport sustainable mobility.
作者 朱卫军 《民航科技》 2006年第2期97-98,共2页
2004年8月我公司购买了一台二手空调车,该车是美国ACE公司的产品,型号是ACE-802。设备投入运行以后,运行了75小时以后,空调机组的发动机出现了不能持续运转的故障。观察发现,空调机组各个仪表指示正常,并没有出现运行不正常的情... 2004年8月我公司购买了一台二手空调车,该车是美国ACE公司的产品,型号是ACE-802。设备投入运行以后,运行了75小时以后,空调机组的发动机出现了不能持续运转的故障。观察发现,空调机组各个仪表指示正常,并没有出现运行不正常的情况,初步确定故障的原因是安全控制系统出现故障。 展开更多
关键词 ACE-802空调车发动机不能持续运转
The Pay-as-You-Go System of Pension Insurance
作者 Bogomil Manov 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第3期427-432,共6页
The most recent trends in population dynamics have provoked a rigorous debate whether the private or the public pension insurance system should be predominant. The pay-as-you-go system is dominated by the state that g... The most recent trends in population dynamics have provoked a rigorous debate whether the private or the public pension insurance system should be predominant. The pay-as-you-go system is dominated by the state that guarantees its stability. Private pension insurance provides personal retirement accounts and proper ownership of the accumulated funds, but its sustainability during prolonged market crises and inadequate risk sharing are often questioned. In order to address this issue, this paper makes both an assessment and analysis of the arguments put forward in favor of the preservation of the pay-as-you-go system and a comparison of this system with some of the main characteristics of the private accounts system. This is the basis for seeking the objectively defined role of the pay-as-you-go system in the conditions of the market economy. A couple of conclusions that have been formulated might be of interest for the future improvement of the organization and management of pension insurance. 展开更多
关键词 pay-as-you-go system pension insurance public insurance systems private insurance private accounts funded system
The Information Risk in the Latest Crisis: A Driver or a Driven Factor for Global Financial Markets Equilibrium?
作者 Giorgio Bertinetti Guido Max Mantovani 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第5期702-732,共31页
The latest financial crisis has been impressive for strength, impact, duration, and reduced efficacy of the economic and financial policies adopted by the authorities. We use an original information risk model to cont... The latest financial crisis has been impressive for strength, impact, duration, and reduced efficacy of the economic and financial policies adopted by the authorities. We use an original information risk model to contribute to the analysis of the crisis and to suggest some approaches for a possible early diagnosis. Using data referred to the three main financial markets and comparing the latest crisis with the previous one and with long-term quantitative evidence, we find out that the 2007-2009 crisis was very different in the information risk quality. That gap affected the market risk aversion and its equilibrium, reducing the efficacy of the authorities' intervention tools mainly based on payoff risk control and efficient market restoration. Since information risk is an endogenous element of the market dynamics that can be independent form contingent levels of market efficiency. Drivers of information risk in the European Markets differed strongly from the US and Japanese ones; that is why some global decisions had low impact while opportunities of local intervention were missed. 展开更多
关键词 financial crisis information asymmetries risk premium
Organic Dairy Cattle Breeding in Turkey: A Review
作者 Sibel Alapala Demirhan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第7期571-576,共6页
Organic animal breeding means the production of certified animal products by considering the well-being of animals without damaging the environment and without using any pesticide in a controlled manner. All aquacultu... Organic animal breeding means the production of certified animal products by considering the well-being of animals without damaging the environment and without using any pesticide in a controlled manner. All aquaculture activities other than organic farming can be defined as conventional farming. Organic animal production has increased significantly annually over the past decade in the world. Dairy cattle production is examined with particular focus on the possibilities of improving the sustainability of ruminant systems and on the possible role of organic production to meet the demand of sustainability. Organic dairy cattle production can improve animal welfare, protect the environment and sustain rewarding rural life styles. Future of organic dairy cattle production will have to rely on continuous search for alternatives in nutrition, disease prevention and control that are environmentally friendly. Understanding organic dairy cattle farming from economic, ecological and animal welfare perspectives will increase the likelihood of success. In the current study, besides the basic principles of organic dairy cattle breeding that is a quite popular branch of business in recent years, the current state, weaknesses and strengths of organic dairy cattle breeding both in Turkey and the world and how organic dairy cattle breeding can be developed are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Organic animal raising organic milk animal health and well-being sustainability.
可持续商业模式的概念化及其研究展望 被引量:8
作者 朱明洋 林子华 《世界贸易组织动态与研究(上海对外贸易学院学报)》 北大核心 2015年第2期39-48,共10页
可持续压力的日益增大迫切要求企业着力探索自身商业模式的可持续,可持续商业模式(SMB)研究由此应运而生。本研究基于国外现有研究成果,初步探讨商业模式的可持续动机,概览国外可持续商业模式研究的阶段性成果并展望其未来发展趋势,为国... 可持续压力的日益增大迫切要求企业着力探索自身商业模式的可持续,可持续商业模式(SMB)研究由此应运而生。本研究基于国外现有研究成果,初步探讨商业模式的可持续动机,概览国外可持续商业模式研究的阶段性成果并展望其未来发展趋势,为国内SMB理论研究与实践发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 商业模式 持续动机 持续商业模式(SMB)
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