Zea mays L. is one of the biggest cropping systems among the sustainable development agronomy. Pollen from this crop source is unexplored and apiculture can be a good partner adding value to the product and creating n...Zea mays L. is one of the biggest cropping systems among the sustainable development agronomy. Pollen from this crop source is unexplored and apiculture can be a good partner adding value to the product and creating new jobs helping to solve some social issues as unemployment. However, food safety is crucial, thus the aim of this study was to explore the flavonoid/phenolic profiles from Z. mays L. pollen as a fingerprint for this plant identification and also to demonstrate how the method of bee pollen samples (honeybee collected pollen) is applied. For this purpose, several sources ofZ. mays L. pollen were analyzed, including corn hybrids and genetic modified samples collected at the breeding fields. For this work, samples were taken at several years from 2000 to 2012 and collected from different countries and locations, such as Portugal, Mexico and Brazil. Results showed, for the first time, that the fingerprint (flavonoid/phenolic profile) for Z. mays L. pollen does not change over the time of sampling neither with the region of harvesting. The high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC/DAD) fingerprints of phenolic/flavonoid extract from Z. mays remain unchanged for all samples analyzed from different countries, hybrids and/or genetic modified plants. This is also the first study reporting these phenolic compounds not only in pollen collected directly from hybrid plants, but also in Z. mays bee pollen. The described fingerprinting method is easy, fast and accurate for the characterization of Z. mays L. pollen samples and complete microscopic analysis because it is species-specific.展开更多
文摘目的 探讨持续颅内压(intracranial pressure,ICP)监测在高龄对冲性额叶挫裂伤伴迟发性脑内血肿的意义,指导临床治疗.方法 回顾性分析2012年3月~2013年2月于沈阳军区总医院治疗的对冲性额叶挫裂伤伴迟发性脑内血肿的患者27例.所有患者均为年龄大于70岁的高龄患者.15例患者于受伤24~72 h后进行ICP监测,作为A组,平均时间(5.4±1.5)d.12例患者未进行ICP监测,作为B组.A组患者ICP监测持续升高>20 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),甚至>25 mm Hg,应用脱水药物控制不理想,且患者意识进行性下降、连续头部CT平扫提示脑内血肿增加或脑水肿进行性加重的患者建议手术治疗.B组未应用ICP监测的患者出现以上症状也建议手术治疗.比较AB两组的预后:治疗后3个月随访,预后情况采用GCS评分分级进行比较.结果 A组预后良好8例,中残4例,病死3例.B组预后良好3例,中残2例,重残2例,病死5例.A组较B组预后良好率高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 持续ICP检测可判断和预测病情变化、提高早期手术的机会,值得在颅脑损伤颅内出血的治疗过程中广泛应用.
文摘Zea mays L. is one of the biggest cropping systems among the sustainable development agronomy. Pollen from this crop source is unexplored and apiculture can be a good partner adding value to the product and creating new jobs helping to solve some social issues as unemployment. However, food safety is crucial, thus the aim of this study was to explore the flavonoid/phenolic profiles from Z. mays L. pollen as a fingerprint for this plant identification and also to demonstrate how the method of bee pollen samples (honeybee collected pollen) is applied. For this purpose, several sources ofZ. mays L. pollen were analyzed, including corn hybrids and genetic modified samples collected at the breeding fields. For this work, samples were taken at several years from 2000 to 2012 and collected from different countries and locations, such as Portugal, Mexico and Brazil. Results showed, for the first time, that the fingerprint (flavonoid/phenolic profile) for Z. mays L. pollen does not change over the time of sampling neither with the region of harvesting. The high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC/DAD) fingerprints of phenolic/flavonoid extract from Z. mays remain unchanged for all samples analyzed from different countries, hybrids and/or genetic modified plants. This is also the first study reporting these phenolic compounds not only in pollen collected directly from hybrid plants, but also in Z. mays bee pollen. The described fingerprinting method is easy, fast and accurate for the characterization of Z. mays L. pollen samples and complete microscopic analysis because it is species-specific.