feet with hallux valgus among 40 patients treated by reconstruction of metatarsal arch and modified McBride operation are reported in this paper. After an average of 4. 5 years of postoperative follow-up, the results ...feet with hallux valgus among 40 patients treated by reconstruction of metatarsal arch and modified McBride operation are reported in this paper. After an average of 4. 5 years of postoperative follow-up, the results showed an overll 9° and 3° correction of the hallux abductus angle and the intermetatarsal angle, respectively. 95% of the cases of bunions disappeared, 66% calli under the heads of the first and second metatarsal disappeared, and 9l% patients were satisfied with the changes of their feet appearance.展开更多
文摘目的探讨应用同种异体肌腱移植修复手部肌腱缺损及重建屈/伸指功能的临床效果。方法 2015年3月至2017年6月间,我科应用同种异体肌腱移植修复手部肌腱缺损18例22指,男12例,女6例;年龄为20-45岁,平均(32.9±8.3)岁。其中伸肌腱缺损6例8指,屈肌腱缺损12例14指。手部伸肌腱缺损范围6-10cm,平均(7.8±2.1)cm;屈肌腱缺损范围5-8cm,平均(6.6±1.3)cm。患者受伤至手术时间为1.5-8个月,平均(5.0±2.8)个月。术前皮肤软组织缺损者行皮瓣转移修复,骨折及骨缺损者行切开复位或植骨内固定术,手部各指间或掌指关节积极行锻炼至被动活动正常,若关节挛缩则行关节松解术。伸肌腱缝合方法采用编织缝合法,屈肌腱缝合方法采用津下套圈或编织缝合法,屈肌腱滑车缺损者在手术同时重建滑车。术后应用抗生素预防感染,伤口定期换药,所有病例均没有使用免疫抑制剂。术后3d-4周伸肌腱移植者以主动屈曲、被动伸直锻炼为主,屈肌腱移植者以主动伸直、被动屈曲锻炼为主,每天活动3次。4周后逐渐增加活动次数及强度,以主动伸屈活动为主。采用国际手外科联合会制定的手指关节总活动度(total active movement,TAM)评定标准评价手部功能。结果 3例术后出现伤口脂肪液化,细菌培养证实为无菌性渗出,予以伤口定期换药后均于术后20d内愈合;其余病例伤口均一期愈合。3例5指因屈肌腱黏连行肌腱松解术。术后随访8-24个月,平均(14.7±4.8)个月。TAM评价结果,优9指,良7指,可3指,差3指,优良率为72.7%。结论同种异体肌腱移植是代替自体肌建移植修复手部肌腱缺损及重建屈/伸指功能的较好方法之一,具有手部功能恢复满意、临床效果显著等优点,但仍存在术后肌腱黏连导致手功能优良率降低,伤口局部存在无菌性渗出导致愈合时间延长等问题,上述问题需在日后的临床应用过程中加以研究解决。
文摘feet with hallux valgus among 40 patients treated by reconstruction of metatarsal arch and modified McBride operation are reported in this paper. After an average of 4. 5 years of postoperative follow-up, the results showed an overll 9° and 3° correction of the hallux abductus angle and the intermetatarsal angle, respectively. 95% of the cases of bunions disappeared, 66% calli under the heads of the first and second metatarsal disappeared, and 9l% patients were satisfied with the changes of their feet appearance.