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指寸定位法探析 被引量:3
作者 方进 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期568-570,共3页
在近现代针灸著作中,编著者往往惯用指寸定位法作为取穴定位的一种方法给予介绍。故以建国后一套统编《针灸学》教材为例,探讨指寸定位法的有关内容,指出指寸定位法的定义欠妥帖,适用范围存在错位,揭示了指寸与折量寸之间的关系,找出了... 在近现代针灸著作中,编著者往往惯用指寸定位法作为取穴定位的一种方法给予介绍。故以建国后一套统编《针灸学》教材为例,探讨指寸定位法的有关内容,指出指寸定位法的定义欠妥帖,适用范围存在错位,揭示了指寸与折量寸之间的关系,找出了惯用指寸定位法的错误观点和传承至今的症结。并试以操作简便、取穴定位准确而快捷而自制的"人体腧穴体表定位比例尺"替代指寸定位,进而催生出"度量骨度定位法",以期不断完善传统的腧穴定位方法提供给同道参考。 展开更多
关键词 指寸定位法 解读 对策 人体腧穴体表定位比例尺 度量骨度定位法
腧穴定位法中指寸定位法与下肢骨度折量定位法相关性分析 被引量:1
作者 黎妍 汪芳莹 勇入琳 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2022年第8期920-923,928,共5页
[目的]通过测量健康成年人手指寸及下肢骨度分寸的长度,并进行相关性分析,为指寸定位法在下肢的应用提供依据。[方法]本研究共纳入健康成人49例,采用游标卡尺和软尺分别测量其拇指同身寸、中指同身寸、横指同身寸及下肢胫骨内侧髁至内踝... [目的]通过测量健康成年人手指寸及下肢骨度分寸的长度,并进行相关性分析,为指寸定位法在下肢的应用提供依据。[方法]本研究共纳入健康成人49例,采用游标卡尺和软尺分别测量其拇指同身寸、中指同身寸、横指同身寸及下肢胫骨内侧髁至内踝尖(小腿内侧寸)和腘横纹至外踝尖(小腿外侧寸)骨度分寸的长度。分别计算各手指寸及下肢骨度分寸1寸的长度,并进行相关性分析。[结果]分析数据表明,就不同部位1寸的长度来看,指寸定位法中,拇指同身寸平均1寸长度为(1.92±0.13)cm,中指同身寸平均1寸长度为(2.01±0.18)cm,横指同身寸平均1寸长度为(2.14±0.13)cm。骨度折量定位法中,小腿内侧寸平均1寸长度为(3.03±0.11)cm,小腿外侧寸平均1寸长度为(3.41±0.09)cm。就指寸定位法与骨度折量定位法相关性分析来看,拇指同身寸与小腿内侧寸、小腿外侧寸的相关系数分别为0.214和0.338,横指同身寸与小腿内侧寸、小腿外侧寸的相关系数分别为0.288和0.307,中指同身寸与小腿内侧寸、小腿外侧寸的相关系数分别为0.356和0.294。[结论]各指寸定位法1寸长度的差异较大,在穴位定位时不建议交叉采用。骨度折量定位法中小腿内外侧的1寸长度存在差异,内外侧腧穴定位时应以其所在部位骨度分寸为准;使用横指同身寸于下肢进行腧穴定位时,相较于小腿内侧,横指同身寸在小腿外侧的腧穴定位准确性更高。 展开更多
关键词 腧穴定位法 骨度折量定位法 指寸定位法 同身 相关性 穴位
由指寸定位法引发整合骨度折量定位法的探究 被引量:1
作者 方进 《针灸临床杂志》 2012年第2期53-55,共3页
指寸定位法在临床取穴定位应用时,易出现偏差。经分析,找出了指寸定位法使用至今的主要原因是习惯以简便的指寸"替代"频繁的折量寸造成的。由于准确的定位在针灸治疗过程中显得十分重要,而目前对取穴定位方法的研究又较为薄弱... 指寸定位法在临床取穴定位应用时,易出现偏差。经分析,找出了指寸定位法使用至今的主要原因是习惯以简便的指寸"替代"频繁的折量寸造成的。由于准确的定位在针灸治疗过程中显得十分重要,而目前对取穴定位方法的研究又较为薄弱,为此,笔者通过整合骨度折量定位法,提出了"测量骨度定位法",使用自制的"骨度分寸定位尺",将传统的骨度折量定位法整合为科学的"测量骨度定位法",并可替代指寸定位法。 展开更多
关键词 指寸定位法 骨度折量定位法 骨度分定位尺 测量骨度定位法
三种同身寸和骨度分寸法定位取穴的比较 被引量:6
作者 陈俊琦 何文卓 +3 位作者 林伟容 夏冒李 许鹏 黄泳 《中国现代医生》 2007年第11Z期19-20,共2页
目的观察三种同身寸和骨度分寸法定位取穴的异同。方法分别记录398名受测者拇指同身寸的长度、中指同身寸的长度、一夫法的长度、头部前发际正中至后发际正中的长度、上肢部肘横纹(平肘尖)至腕掌侧横纹(腕骨与尺骨、桡骨结合处,往手臂... 目的观察三种同身寸和骨度分寸法定位取穴的异同。方法分别记录398名受测者拇指同身寸的长度、中指同身寸的长度、一夫法的长度、头部前发际正中至后发际正中的长度、上肢部肘横纹(平肘尖)至腕掌侧横纹(腕骨与尺骨、桡骨结合处,往手臂方向的第一条横纹)之间的长度、胸腹胁部采用胸剑联合中点(歧骨)至脐中之间的长度、背腰部肩胛骨内缘(近脊柱侧点)至后正中线之间的长度、下肢部横纹外侧端至外踝尖最高点之间的长度的数据,然后把这些数据折成针灸学特定意义上的"1寸",最后用方差分析中的均数间多重比较进行统计学处理。结果代表性5种骨度分寸折为1寸的长度与中指同身寸长度的比较,背腰部肩胛骨内缘至后正中线之间长度与之比较无差异,前发际正中至后发际正中长度、胸腹胁部胸剑联合中点至脐中之间长度和下肢部横纹外侧端至外踝尖最高点之间的长度都相对较长,上肢部肘横纹至腕掌侧横纹之间的长度相对较短;代表性5种骨度分寸折为1寸的长度与拇指同身寸长度的比较,背腰部肩胛骨内缘至后正中线之间长度和上肢部肘横纹至腕掌侧横纹之间的长度分别与之比较无差异,前发际正中至后发际正中长度、胸腹胁部胸剑联合中点至脐中之间长度和下肢部横纹外侧端至外踝尖最高点之间的长度都相对较长;代表性5种骨度分寸折为1寸的长度与一夫法折成1寸的长度的比较,背腰部肩胛骨内缘至后正中线之间长度与之比较无差异,前发际正中至后发际正中长度、胸腹胁部胸剑联合中点至脐中之间长度和下肢部横纹外侧端至外踝尖最高点之间的长度都相对较长,上肢部肘横纹至腕掌侧横纹之间的长度相对较小。结论我们的研究初步表明,三种同身寸和骨度分寸法定位取穴有差异。临床定位上肢穴位时,适宜采用拇指同身寸;胸背部穴位适宜采用中指同身寸;头部、胸腹胁部、下肢穴位最适宜采用一夫法。 展开更多
关键词 指寸定位法 骨度分定位法
三种同身寸和骨度分寸法定位取穴的比较 被引量:3
作者 陈俊琦 何文卓 +3 位作者 林伟容 夏冒李 许鹏 黄泳(指导) 《国医论坛》 2007年第5期12-13,共2页
关键词 指寸定位法 骨度分定位法 比较研究
国家标准腧穴定位变化的分析与探讨 被引量:8
作者 王静 徐平 +1 位作者 张潮 虎力 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2010年第7期1543-1545,共3页
从解剖学知识、骨度折量定位法、指寸定位法和部分腧穴定位等角度分析了腧穴的最新标准化定位与常用腧穴学类教材/专著/标准的不同点,认为更多人体解剖学知识的引入可以使腧穴定位更为严谨,骨度分寸和部分腧穴定位的变化有待进一步探讨... 从解剖学知识、骨度折量定位法、指寸定位法和部分腧穴定位等角度分析了腧穴的最新标准化定位与常用腧穴学类教材/专著/标准的不同点,认为更多人体解剖学知识的引入可以使腧穴定位更为严谨,骨度分寸和部分腧穴定位的变化有待进一步探讨,而手指同身寸法的弱化可被视作弃用该法的铺垫。 展开更多
关键词 腧穴定位法 骨度分定位法 指寸定位法 标准化研究
作者 孙玉信 《现代中医药》 CAS 1989年第1期31-32,共2页
“阴搏阳别”语出《素问·阴阳别论》,云:“阴搏阳别,谓之有子”。历代医家对此解释不一,概括起来有三:一是把阴阳释为尺寸,即阴指尺部脉,阳指寸部脉。如王冰曰:“阴,谓尺中也,搏,谓搏触于手也,尺脉搏击与寸口殊别,阳气挺然,则有妊... “阴搏阳别”语出《素问·阴阳别论》,云:“阴搏阳别,谓之有子”。历代医家对此解释不一,概括起来有三:一是把阴阳释为尺寸,即阴指尺部脉,阳指寸部脉。如王冰曰:“阴,谓尺中也,搏,谓搏触于手也,尺脉搏击与寸口殊别,阳气挺然,则有妊子兆。”二是阴指少阴之脉,阳指脉搏冲和之象,如张景岳云:“阴如前手之少阴也,或兼足少阴亦可,……阳别者,言阴脉搏手,似乎阳邪,然其鼓动滑利,本非邪脉。 展开更多
关键词 阴搏阳别 少阴 阴阳别论 指寸 王冰 口脉 妊子 人迎脉 手少阴之脉
作者 于濬濤 王仲傑 《紫禁城》 1994年第4期43-43,共1页
关键词 内分 指寸 饰口 中有 方仓 南石 二七 仕事 寿宫 王棣
作者 于善浦 于濬涛 《紫禁城》 1993年第6期11-13,6,共4页
关键词 道光皇帝 雍正皇帝 承恩公 大行皇帝 二七 回屯 李金桂 满蒙 指寸 番目
作者 王竞 于濬涛 《紫禁城》 1993年第2期30-31,15,共3页
关键词 淳化阁帖 印面 乌扎 捺印 二七 指寸 子环 印文 澹生堂 龙勺
Application of analytical hierarchy process to selection of primary crusher 被引量:6
作者 Rahimdel Mohammad Javad Ataei Mohammad 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期519-523,共5页
Selection of crusher required a great deal of design based on the mining plan and operation input. Selection of the best primary crusher from all of available primary crushers is a Multi-Criterion Decision Making (M... Selection of crusher required a great deal of design based on the mining plan and operation input. Selection of the best primary crusher from all of available primary crushers is a Multi-Criterion Decision Making (MCDM) problem, in this paper, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to selection of the best primary crusher for Golegohar Iron Mine in Iran. For this reason, gyratory, double toggle jaw, single toggle jaw, high speed roll crusher, low speed sizer, impactor, hammer mill and feeder breaker crushers were considered as alternatives and capacity, feed size, product size, rock compressive strength, abrasion index and mobility of crusher were considered as criteria. As a result of our study, the gyvratory crusher was offered as the best primary crusher for the studied mine. 展开更多
关键词 MCDMA nalytical Hierarchy Process Primary crusher selection Golegohar Iron Mine
“同身寸”术语考证 被引量:12
作者 黄涛 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期195-197,216,共4页
同身寸术语的概念虽然早在《内经》时期便已提出,但在唐《千金要方》时方才得以完善成熟,因此后世医家多认为该术语出自《千金要方》。本研究通过对同身寸术语相关文献的梳理,认为其真正见诸文字处是稍晚些的《重广补正黄帝内经素问》,... 同身寸术语的概念虽然早在《内经》时期便已提出,但在唐《千金要方》时方才得以完善成熟,因此后世医家多认为该术语出自《千金要方》。本研究通过对同身寸术语相关文献的梳理,认为其真正见诸文字处是稍晚些的《重广补正黄帝内经素问》,由王冰在注解《素问》时提出。同身寸的内涵包括骨度分寸、指寸等多重含意,不同时期/不同医家的观点也各异,从骨度分寸与指寸法的分别阐述到明清之后的相辅相成使用,体现了术语外延上的发展变化。在确立术语的内涵与外延之后,其术语的规范英译也得以准确明了。 展开更多
关键词 同身 骨度 骨度分 指寸 术语 考证
Photoelectric Instrument for Measuring the Geometrical Dimensions of the Bullet
作者 MA Hong CHE Ying +2 位作者 AN Zhiyong XU Hongji YANG Darun(Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,Changchun 130022,CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1996年第2期130-136,共7页
A laser-scanning calibre measuring and digital indicating grating photosensor gauging systems are introduced,which are used to measure the dimensions of bullet.In the paper,we expound the operation principle and desig... A laser-scanning calibre measuring and digital indicating grating photosensor gauging systems are introduced,which are used to measure the dimensions of bullet.In the paper,we expound the operation principle and design idea of the principal parts and units. 展开更多
关键词 Laser-scanning GRATING Photo-sensor Digital Indicator
Characterizing Landscape Spatial Heterogeneity in Multisensor Images with Variogram Models
作者 QIU Bingwen ZENG Canying +3 位作者 CHENG Chongcheng TANG Zhenghong GAO Jianyang SUI Yinpo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期317-327,共11页
Most evaluation of the consistency of multisensor images have focused on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products for natural landscapes, often neglecting less vegetated urban landscapes. This gap has ... Most evaluation of the consistency of multisensor images have focused on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products for natural landscapes, often neglecting less vegetated urban landscapes. This gap has been filled through quantifying and evaluating spatial heterogeneity of urban and natural landscapes from QuickBird, Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre (SPOT), Ad- vanced Spacebome Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images with variogram analysis. Instead of a logarithmic relationship with pixel size observed in the corresponding aggregated images, the spatial variability decayed and the spatial structures decomposed more slowly and complexly with spatial resolution for real multisensor im- ages. As the spatial resolution increased, the proportion of spatial variability of the smaller spatial structure decreased quickly and only a larger spatial structure was observed at very coarse scales. Compared with visible band, greater spatial variability was observed in near infrared band for both densely and less densely vegetated landscapes. The influence of image size on spatial heterogeneity was highly dependent on whether the empirical sernivariogram reached its sill within the original image size. When the empirical semivariogram did not reach its sill at the original observation scale, spatial variability and mean characteristic length scale would increase with image size; otherwise they might decrease. This study could provide new insights into the knowledge of spatial heterogeneity in real multisen- sor images with consideration of their nominal spatial resolution, image size and spectral bands. 展开更多
关键词 variogram modeling spatial heterogeneity characteristic scale multisensor image
Length unit "cun" in acupuncture teaching
作者 王茎 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2009年第2期44-47,共4页
Beginning from the origination of the bone-length cun measurement, and proceeding from clinical application, the article differentiated and analyzed 4 measuring methods relate with cun, namely, bone-length cun measure... Beginning from the origination of the bone-length cun measurement, and proceeding from clinical application, the article differentiated and analyzed 4 measuring methods relate with cun, namely, bone-length cun measurement and finger cun measurement regarding to acupoint locating, cun measurement of filiform needle concerning the size of the body of the needle and cun measurement of acupuncture technique referring to the depth of insertion. It explained different senses of cun in the above 4 measurements. The original meaning and the respective implication for each situation should be clarified. Flexible and proper application is required so as to enhance the therapeutic effect of the treatment and avoid possible accidents. 展开更多
关键词 Bone-Length Cun Measurement Finger Cun Measurement Cun Measurement of Fillform Needle Cun Measurement of Acupuncture Technique
作者 荷晓蛙 《当代经理人》 2001年第9期90-91,共2页
关键词 皇武 七期 月光下 善时 善能 我生 西方科学家 指寸 西方文化 类水
Influence of chelate ring size on the properties of phosphine-sulfonate palladium catalysts 被引量:3
作者 Chen Zou Wenmin Pang Changle Chen 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1175-1178,共4页
Phosphine-sulfonate based palladium is one of the most extensively studied catalyst systems in olefin polymerization.This type of catalyst features six-membered chelate ring size,and can enable the copolymerizations o... Phosphine-sulfonate based palladium is one of the most extensively studied catalyst systems in olefin polymerization.This type of catalyst features six-membered chelate ring size,and can enable the copolymerizations of ethylene with a wide variety of polar monomers.In this contribution,we decide to investigate the influence of chelate ring size on the properties of phosphinesulfonate palladium catalysts.As such,a series of phosphine-sulfonate ligands and the corresponding seven-membered ring Pd(II)complexes[κ~2-(P,O)-2-(CH_2-PR_1R_2)-4-methylphenyl-sulfonato]Pd(Me)(DMSO)(Pd1,R_1=R_2=Cy,Pd2,R_1=R_2=o-Me O-C_6H_4;Pd3,R_1=Ph,R_2=2-[2,6-(Me O)_2C_6H_3]C_6H_4;DMSO=dimethyl sulfoxide)were designed,prepared and characterized.These palladium complexes are moderately active when they were applied in ethylene polymerization and copolymerizations with methyl acrylate and butyl vinyl ether.However,their properties are greatly reduced from those of the classic six-membered ring phosphine-sulfonate palladium complex Pd2′.The experimental results indicate that the bigger chelate ring size can increase the ligand flexibility and damage the catalytic properties for the phosphine-sulfonate type palladium catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 ethylene polymerization polar monomer chelate ring size phosphine-sulfonate palladium catalysts
Ding w-Flat Modules and Dimensions
作者 Fuad Ali Ahmed Almahdi Mohammed Tamekkante 《Algebra Colloquium》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期203-216,共14页
The introduction of w-operation in the class of flat modules has been successful. Let R be a ring. An R-module M is called a w-fiat module if Tor1r(M, N) is GV-torsion for all R-modules N. In this paper, we introduc... The introduction of w-operation in the class of flat modules has been successful. Let R be a ring. An R-module M is called a w-fiat module if Tor1r(M, N) is GV-torsion for all R-modules N. In this paper, we introduce the w-operation in Gorenstein homological algebra. An R-module M is called Ding w-flat if there exists an exact sequence of projective R-modules ... → P1 → P0 → p0 → p1 → ... such that M Im(P0 → p0) and such that the functor HomR (-,F) leaves the sequence exact whenever F is w-flat. Several well- known classes of rings are characterized in terms of Ding w-flat modules. Some examples are given to show that Ding w-flat modules lie strictly between projective modules and Gorenstein projective modules. The Ding w-flat dimension (of modules and rings) and the existence of Ding w-flat precovers are also studied. 展开更多
关键词 w-fiat module and dimension Gorenstein projective module and dimension strongly Gorenstein flat module
Examples of entropy generating sequence 被引量:1
作者 PARK Kyewon Koh 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第3期531-538,共8页
We introduce the notion of entropy generating sequence for infinite words and define its dimension when it exists. We construct an entropy generating sequence for each symbolic example constructed by Cassaigne such th... We introduce the notion of entropy generating sequence for infinite words and define its dimension when it exists. We construct an entropy generating sequence for each symbolic example constructed by Cassaigne such that the dimension of the sequence is the same as its topological entropy dimension. Hence the complexity can be measured via the dimension of an entropy generating sequence. Moreover, we construct a weakly mixing example with subexponential growth rate. 展开更多
关键词 entropy dimension entropy generating sequence COMPLEXITY
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