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作者 吴伟 吉志坤 姬维维 《区域治理》 2018年第35期220-223,共4页
指标直接反映企业的生产运营状况,为企业决策提供数据支撑.然而,企业在管理和应用指标过程中往往面临指标纷繁复杂,统计口径不一致,缺乏有效管理工具的困难,指标管理上的诸多痛点让统一指标管理成为普遍需求.阐述了指标元数据管理的方... 指标直接反映企业的生产运营状况,为企业决策提供数据支撑.然而,企业在管理和应用指标过程中往往面临指标纷繁复杂,统计口径不一致,缺乏有效管理工具的困难,指标管理上的诸多痛点让统一指标管理成为普遍需求.阐述了指标元数据管理的方法和思路,在指标元数据逻辑模型基础上构建指标元数据管理平台,实现指标元数据的采集、存储、管理及应用,通过指标元数据维护流程,规范指标管理活动,保障了指标的规范性、唯一性和统计口径的一致性. 展开更多
关键词 电力统计 指标 指标元数据 数据管理平台
可持续发展评价中元指标的判定与拓展 被引量:6
作者 鹿晨昱 陈兴鹏 薛冰 《统计与决策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期4-6,共3页
文章分析了现有的可持续发展评价指标体系中存在的问题,首次提出了元指标的概念,阐述了元指标的特征,并在元指标的基础上加以拓展,得到了二次指标的概念。基于元指标与二次指标的概念,文章对区域可持续发展评价指标的分类进行了实证研究... 文章分析了现有的可持续发展评价指标体系中存在的问题,首次提出了元指标的概念,阐述了元指标的特征,并在元指标的基础上加以拓展,得到了二次指标的概念。基于元指标与二次指标的概念,文章对区域可持续发展评价指标的分类进行了实证研究,认为将所有指标划分为元指标和二次指标两类,可以使指标的内涵更加清晰,增强指标筛选的科学性,最终解决指标类型较混乱、含义不够清晰、内涵重复等问题。 展开更多
关键词 可持续发展 指标 二次指标 指标体系
自组织网络的元指标体系 被引量:1
作者 孙韩林 金跃辉 +1 位作者 崔毅东 蒋砚军 《计算机系统应用》 2008年第9期53-57,共5页
自组织网络逐渐成为网络技术发展的重要方向之一。自组织网络原来只是特指无线自组织网络;随着P2P等具有自组织特性网络的出现,自组织网络的概念逐渐宽泛化。把一切具有自发现、自管理、自配置、自组织等自组织特性的网络统称为广义自... 自组织网络逐渐成为网络技术发展的重要方向之一。自组织网络原来只是特指无线自组织网络;随着P2P等具有自组织特性网络的出现,自组织网络的概念逐渐宽泛化。把一切具有自发现、自管理、自配置、自组织等自组织特性的网络统称为广义自组织网络。现有的性能指标无法满足自组织网络性能刻画的需求。本文结合元数据体系的思想,提出了元指标体系的概念,并把这一概念应用到Ad hoc网络中。 展开更多
关键词 自组织网络 数据体系 指标体系 AD HOC网络
基于元指标理论的庆阳区域可持续发展研究 被引量:11
作者 鹿晨昱 马忠 +2 位作者 张子龙 薛冰 逯承鹏 《生态科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期62-68,共7页
对庆阳各县(区)1990年以来区域可持续发展的时空演变规律及特征进行了综合研究。首先基于元指标理论,构建了庆阳县域可持续发展评价指标体系及综合评价模型,对庆阳各县(区)1990年以来的区域可持续发展状况进行了综合评价及分析。之后根... 对庆阳各县(区)1990年以来区域可持续发展的时空演变规律及特征进行了综合研究。首先基于元指标理论,构建了庆阳县域可持续发展评价指标体系及综合评价模型,对庆阳各县(区)1990年以来的区域可持续发展状况进行了综合评价及分析。之后根据评价结果,使用重心位移分析法与GIS技术,对庆阳区域可持续发展的空间结构进行了分析。结果表明:1990—2008年,庆阳的区域可持续发展综合水平总体上是在逐渐增强,但这种增强的主要拉动力是经济的快速增长与社会的迅速进步,是以牺牲资源和环境为代价的,这必将最终导致区域可持续发展状况的全面恶化,目前西峰、庆城等部分县区的区域可持续发展综合水平在2005年后已经出现了下降的趋势;1990—2008年,庆阳区域可持续发展持续性重心总体上是向南移动,区域可持续发展协调性重心与综合水平重心的波动较大,反映出各县区的区域可持续发展状况总体上不均衡、不稳定。 展开更多
关键词 指标 可持续发展 庆阳 经济 环境
面向城市复杂性治理的数据应用变革:频度、维度、元指标 被引量:3
作者 赵丽虹 王鹏 +1 位作者 王伟 单峰 《未来城市设计与运营》 2022年第7期7-11,共5页
我国城市发展已进入存量更新、质量提升为主的转型发展新时期,从规划引领转向治理思维,成为统筹城市高质量发展的必然选择。与此同时,高速发展的信息通讯技术与互联网服务促进了大量城市新数据的涌现,面向城市治理的城市数据应用广泛开... 我国城市发展已进入存量更新、质量提升为主的转型发展新时期,从规划引领转向治理思维,成为统筹城市高质量发展的必然选择。与此同时,高速发展的信息通讯技术与互联网服务促进了大量城市新数据的涌现,面向城市治理的城市数据应用广泛开展。本文通过对近十年城市数据应用的回顾,剖析目前城市数据应用面临的问题与局限,并结合现代化城市治理体系建设趋势,提出城市数据应用趋势与未来变革:应对高频城市治理的高频城市数据应用;面向复杂系统的整体性治理与精细化治理的城市多维数据融合;以及构建面向复合频度与综合维度的城市数据标准框架与知识图谱。 展开更多
关键词 大数据 城市治理 频度 维度 指标
作者 王铁 《黑龙江水利科技》 2019年第6期214-217,共4页
基于水安全压力、状态、响应的PSR概念模型选择21项典型指标,然后根据流域水环境状况建立的多指标评价体系和物元评判模型,综合评价了柳河流域水安全状态。研究表明:多指标物元综合评判模型能够较好的反映当地水资源实际状况,在水安全... 基于水安全压力、状态、响应的PSR概念模型选择21项典型指标,然后根据流域水环境状况建立的多指标评价体系和物元评判模型,综合评价了柳河流域水安全状态。研究表明:多指标物元综合评判模型能够较好的反映当地水资源实际状况,在水安全评价过程中呈现出较强的可行性与科学性;柳河流域属于兼顾管理型与资源型缺水区域,为实现人水和谐相处应加快建立水资源安全保障体系和供给与高效利用体系,可为柳河流域水资源与社会经济协调、健康发展提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 指标模型 水安全 PSR模型 柳河流域
军队医院地方医保基金使用监管指标集的研究 被引量:4
作者 王继伟 夏挺 +4 位作者 韩雄 杨毕辉 施雅贤 孙凤英 褚晓静 《中国数字医学》 2011年第12期60-62,共3页
通过对本区内主要城市医保政策的分析研究,建立一套能满足医保基金运行监管需要的指标元和指标集,并以此建立监管指标元的元指标资源库即医保基金运行监管信息系统的指标字典,实现计算机对各指标的监控,解决了军队医院各层次人员在地方... 通过对本区内主要城市医保政策的分析研究,建立一套能满足医保基金运行监管需要的指标元和指标集,并以此建立监管指标元的元指标资源库即医保基金运行监管信息系统的指标字典,实现计算机对各指标的监控,解决了军队医院各层次人员在地方医保基金使用管理时存在的信息滞后、信息不准、决策依据不足及管理措施落后等问题。 展开更多
关键词 军队医院 医保基金 指标元 指标
基于频响主元的卫星结构损伤定位与评估方法 被引量:1
作者 冯彦军 石川千 +2 位作者 周宇 赵发刚 周徐斌 《航天器工程》 北大核心 2016年第4期113-120,共8页
鉴于目前国内卫星预、复振频响结果的评估主要依靠设计师的经验分析,缺乏高效准确的量化手段,文章基于频响函数(FRF)的主元分析(PCA),提出了两种针对卫星结构的损伤定位指标,分别是多主元综合指标和FRF主元残差均方根;并采用平方预测误... 鉴于目前国内卫星预、复振频响结果的评估主要依靠设计师的经验分析,缺乏高效准确的量化手段,文章基于频响函数(FRF)的主元分析(PCA),提出了两种针对卫星结构的损伤定位指标,分别是多主元综合指标和FRF主元残差均方根;并采用平方预测误差(SPE)指数对卫星结构的整体损伤程度进行评估。以卫星主承力部件中心承力筒为分析对象,验证了基于卫星结构频响主元的损伤定位和评估方法的有效性。文章对基于预、复振对比分析的损伤识别、量化试验评估标准、提高卫星研制效率有促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 损伤识别 多主综合指标 频响函数主残差均方根 平方预测误差指数 卫星预、复振 频响函数
农业科技成果应用价值动态评价指标体系构建方法 被引量:1
作者 郭文胜 邓刚 郭雨庭 《中国标准化》 2023年第13期104-109,共6页
研究和制定科学、实用的农业科技成果应用价值评价指标体系对提高农业科技成果转化率、优化产业结构、推动我国现代农业持续健康发展具有重要的意义。本文在农业科技成果领域分类的基础上,构建了评价指标层次结构,首次提出多级分类逐级... 研究和制定科学、实用的农业科技成果应用价值评价指标体系对提高农业科技成果转化率、优化产业结构、推动我国现代农业持续健康发展具有重要的意义。本文在农业科技成果领域分类的基础上,构建了评价指标层次结构,首次提出多级分类逐级构建元指标动态集合的模型,以种植类成果为例采用德菲尔法给出了指标权重示例。 展开更多
关键词 农业科技成果 指标层次结构 指标集合
基于元指标理论的庆阳区域可持续发展综合评价研究 被引量:2
作者 鹿晨昱 陈兴鹏 薛冰 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期18-23,共6页
基于元指标理论,构建了庆阳县域可持续发展评价指标体系及综合评价模型,对庆阳各县(区)1990年以来区域可持续发展的时空演变规律及特征进行了研究。结果表明:1990-2008年,庆阳的区域可持续发展综合水平总体上是在逐渐增强,但这种增强的... 基于元指标理论,构建了庆阳县域可持续发展评价指标体系及综合评价模型,对庆阳各县(区)1990年以来区域可持续发展的时空演变规律及特征进行了研究。结果表明:1990-2008年,庆阳的区域可持续发展综合水平总体上是在逐渐增强,但这种增强的主要拉动力是经济的快速增长与社会的迅速进步,是以牺牲资源和环境为代价的,目前部分县区已经出现了减弱的态势。 展开更多
关键词 指标 可持续发展 庆阳 经济 环境
水面舰艇防空作战能力的需求生成方法 被引量:5
作者 许俊飞 邢昌风 吴玲 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期128-131,135,共5页
为了更好地量化表达水面舰艇所具备的防空作战能力,提出了一种基于元活动的能力需求生成方法。建立了能力需求生成框架,在此框架下进行元活动库的提取,能力指标的分解,元活动-能力指标映射规则的分析得到中近程拦截能力的能力指标并进... 为了更好地量化表达水面舰艇所具备的防空作战能力,提出了一种基于元活动的能力需求生成方法。建立了能力需求生成框架,在此框架下进行元活动库的提取,能力指标的分解,元活动-能力指标映射规则的分析得到中近程拦截能力的能力指标并进行了冲突消解,验证了所提方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 能力需求生成 活动 活动-能力指标映射规则 冲突消解
Analysis and Comparison of Safety and Fatigue Comfort of Postal Bicycles Based on Finite Element Method and sEMG 被引量:5
作者 项忠霞 李亚南 +1 位作者 田冠 常振元 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第4期272-278,共7页
The safety and the fatigue comfort were compared between a domestic and a Japanese postal bicycle. Firstly, the fatigue comfort of these two kinds of bicycles was evaluated by surface electromyographic signal (sEMG) e... The safety and the fatigue comfort were compared between a domestic and a Japanese postal bicycle. Firstly, the fatigue comfort of these two kinds of bicycles was evaluated by surface electromyographic signal (sEMG) experiment, in which human lower limb muscle groups were research objects, and the average EMG (AEMG) index and median frequency (MF) were chosen as the evaluation indexes. Secondly, the safety of these two kinds of bicycle frames was analyzed and compared by using the finite element analysis. The results show that the riding fatigue comfort of the Japanese postal bicycle is better, and the Japanese postal bicycle frame is more safe and reasonable although both the postal bicycles meet the requirement for strength. Finally, based on the above analysis, the frame structure and related parameters of the domestic postal bicycle were improved with reference to the Japanese postal bicycle and biomechanics theory. 展开更多
关键词 postal bicycle surface electromyogram signal evaluation index fatigue comfort finite element analysis
Support pressure assessment for deep buried railway tunnels using BQ-index 被引量:6
作者 WANG Ming-nian WANG Zhi-long +3 位作者 TONG Jian-jun ZHANG Xiao DONG Yu-cang LIU Da-gang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第1期247-263,共17页
Estimation of support pressure is extremely important to the support system design and the construction safety of tunnels.At present,there are many methods for the estimation of support pressure based on different roc... Estimation of support pressure is extremely important to the support system design and the construction safety of tunnels.At present,there are many methods for the estimation of support pressure based on different rock mass classification systems,such as Q system,GSI system and RMR system.However,various rock mass classification systems are based on different tunnel geologic conditions in various regions.Therefore,each rock mass classification system has a certain regionality.In China,the BQ-Inex(BQ system)has been widely used in the field of rock engineering ever since its development.Unfortunately,there is still no estimation method of support pressure with BQ-index as parameters.Based on the field test data from 54 tunnels in China,a new empirical method considering BQ-Inex,tunnel span and rock weight is proposed to estimate the support pressure using multiple nonlinear regression analysis methods.And then the significance and necessity of support pressure estimation method for the safety of tunnel construction in China is explained through the comparison and analysis with the existing internationally widely used support pressure estimation methods of RMR system,Q system and GSI system.Finally,the empirical method of estimating the support pressure based on BQ-index was applied to designing the support system in the China’s high-speed railway tunnel—Zhengwan high-speed railway and the rationality of this method has been verified through the data of field test. 展开更多
关键词 rock mass classification support pressure deep buried tunnel field test multiple nonlinear regression analysis BQ-Index
Obsidians from Latium Settlements: Preliminary Study on Provenance and Supplying Dynamics Indexes
作者 A. Macchia S. Plattner +6 位作者 A. Manda L. Campanella D. Ferro M. Tiepolo M. Ferretti M. Malorgio A.Zarattini 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第5期445-454,共10页
There are essentially six sources for obsidians in the Mediterranean Basin: Mount Arci in Sardinia, the islands of Lipari and Pantelleria in Sicily and Palmarola in Latium, as well as the islands of Melos and Gyali i... There are essentially six sources for obsidians in the Mediterranean Basin: Mount Arci in Sardinia, the islands of Lipari and Pantelleria in Sicily and Palmarola in Latium, as well as the islands of Melos and Gyali in the south-eastern part of Greece. Identification and quantification of principal and trace elements which compose this volcanic glass allow source tracking. The present study proposes a investigation methodology, which was developed on a sample set composed by archaeological obsidian findings from Neolithic sites in Latium; three different analytical techniques are compared: SEM-EDXS, ED-XRF and LA-ICP-MS, in order to gather a wide data set to be compared with data in literature and to be processed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for assigning a provenance to each find. 展开更多
Performance index limits of high reinforced concrete shear wall components 被引量:1
作者 劳晓春 韩小雷 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1248-1255,共8页
The deformation performance index limits of high reinforced concrete (RC) shear wall components based on Chinese codes were discussed by the nonlinear finite element method. Two typical RC shear wall specimens in th... The deformation performance index limits of high reinforced concrete (RC) shear wall components based on Chinese codes were discussed by the nonlinear finite element method. Two typical RC shear wall specimens in the previous work were first used to verify the correctness of the nonlinear finite element method. Then, the nonlinear finite element method was applied to study the deformability of a set of high RC shear wall components designed according to current Chinese codes and with shear span ratio λ≥2.0. Parametric studies were made on the influence of shear span ratio, axial compression ratio, ratio of flexural capacity to shear capacity and main flexural reinforcement ratio of confined botmdary members. Finally, the deformation performance index and its limits of high RC shear wall components under severe earthquakes were proposed by the finite element model results, which offers a reference in determining the performance status of RC shear wall components designed based on Chinese codes. 展开更多
关键词 reinforced concrete shear wall components performance index limits nonlinear finite element method Chinese codes
作者 胡鸥 《电信网技术》 2007年第4期16-18,共3页
在多年的运营实践中,中国移动公司发现网元指标的优劣并不反映业务质量的优劣。影响用户对业务质量的感知因素很多,包括终端、核心网、业务提供平台、无线环境等,因此开发自动测试系统,模拟用户感知,及时发现网络问题势在必行。本文详... 在多年的运营实践中,中国移动公司发现网元指标的优劣并不反映业务质量的优劣。影响用户对业务质量的感知因素很多,包括终端、核心网、业务提供平台、无线环境等,因此开发自动测试系统,模拟用户感知,及时发现网络问题势在必行。本文详细介绍了一种新的自动测试系统——集中式拨打测试系统的实现和应用。 展开更多
关键词 中国移动 分散式拨打测试设备 集中式拨打测试系统 指标
Effectiveness of quality physical education in improving students' manipulative skill competency 被引量:3
作者 Weiyun Chen Weimo Zhu +2 位作者 Steve Mason Austin Hammond-Bennett Andrew Colombo-Dougovito 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第2期231-238,共8页
Purpose: This study aimed to examine the extent to which the quality physical education teaching (QPET) practices contributed to improving 4th- and 5th-grade students' manipulative skill competency. Methods: Part... Purpose: This study aimed to examine the extent to which the quality physical education teaching (QPET) practices contributed to improving 4th- and 5th-grade students' manipulative skill competency. Methods: Participants were 9 elementary physical education (PE) teachers and their 4th- and 5th-grade students (n = 2709 3420). The students' skill competency was assessed with 3 manipulative skills using PE metrics assessment rubrics. The PE teachers' levels of QPET were assessed by coding 63 videotaped lessons using the assessing quality teaching rubrics (AQTR), which consisted of 4 essential dimensions including task design, task presentation, class management, and instructional guidance. Codes were confirmed through inter-rater reliability (82.4%, 84.5%, and 94%). Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, multiple R2 regression models, and independent sample t tests. Results: This study indicated that the 4 essential dimensions of QPET were all significant contributors to students' manipulative skill competency. These predictors were significantly higher for boys than for girls in soccer and striking skills, while they were significantly higher for girls than for boys in throwing skill competency. Of the 4 essential dimensions of QPET, task presentation played the most significant role in contributing to all 3 skill competencies for both boys and girls. Further, students who experienced high QPET were significantly more skillfully competent than those students who did not have this experience. Conclusion: It was concluded that the QPET practices played a significantly critical role in contributing to students' manipulative skill competency. 展开更多
关键词 Assessment of quality teaching Essential dimensions of teaching Manipulative skill competency Skill assessment
The evaluation of ecosystem health in mining areas on the matter element method 被引量:2
作者 LI Xin-ju LIU Xue-ran +2 位作者 LU Yan-yan GUO Shuo-li WANG Mei 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第2期176-180,共5页
According to the characteristics of ecosystem and concept of the ecosystem in mining area, the index system of the ecosystem health in mining area was set up, and the evaluation standard was established. Aiming at the... According to the characteristics of ecosystem and concept of the ecosystem in mining area, the index system of the ecosystem health in mining area was set up, and the evaluation standard was established. Aiming at the complexion in which the information lost in index ration, the matter element method was put forward to evaluate the ecosystem health in mining area. Making use of the model set up, the weight was built up by the method of index number heavy, the matter element, clas- sical field, and limit field were set up. The rating hierarchy was calculated by relating function. As a case study in the mining area of Pingyangsi Town, the results show that the ecosystem is good and sustainable from 2003 to 2006, but the healthy degree is not high, and some indexes have depravation. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem health the ecosystem in mining area matter element Pingyangsi Town
Symbiosis Analysis on Industrial Ecological System 被引量:1
作者 汪刚 冯宵 Khim Hoong Chu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期690-698,共9页
Industrial ecological system is a sustainable mode of modern industry development. Industrial symbiosis, a sub-field of industrial ecology, engages traditionally separate industries in a collective approach, involving... Industrial ecological system is a sustainable mode of modern industry development. Industrial symbiosis, a sub-field of industrial ecology, engages traditionally separate industries in a collective approach, involving exchange of materials, energy, water, and/or by-products, to enhance competitive ability and environmental performance. To construct a symbiosis analysis method, this article employs a number of parameters embodying information about materials, energy and economics as the main essential parameters in system analysis and introduces symbiosis profit and symbiotic consumption elements as the economic indicators. A modeling and simulation program is designed using the agent-based modeling approach to simulate the evolvement of a hypothetical coal-based industrial system and the change of symbiosis conditions in the process of construction is examined. The simulation program built using the Swarm library, which is a freely available multi-agent simulation package, provides a useful demonstration for the symbiosis analysis method. 展开更多
关键词 symbiosis analysis symbiosis degree agent-based modeling multi-agent simulation coal-based industrial system
The Effect of Word of Mouth in Customer Equity and Brand Equity
作者 Guillermo Armelini 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第3期205-216,共12页
In this paper the author examines the extent to which word of mouth (WOM) impact on customer equity and brand equity, two of the most popular metrics of marketing productivity. WOM is the most ancient and effective ... In this paper the author examines the extent to which word of mouth (WOM) impact on customer equity and brand equity, two of the most popular metrics of marketing productivity. WOM is the most ancient and effective communication tool because its low cost affects the efficiency in the allocation of marketing resources. After an extensive literature review, the author proposes several propositions to be tested in the future concerning how WOM might affect each element of brand equity and customer equity. 展开更多
关键词 word of mouth marketing productivity brand equity customer equity
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