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SAGD井挤液扩容水力波及范围模型 被引量:8
作者 高彦芳 陈勉 +1 位作者 林伯韬 金衍 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期202-208,共7页
风城油田陆相稠油油藏广泛采用蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)方式开采,由于储集层非均质性强、渗透率低,目前现场采用挤液扩容方式改造储集层,以缩短SAGD井预热周期。为了定量评价改造区域的形状,提出基于挤液扩容水力波及范围的可注性系数和... 风城油田陆相稠油油藏广泛采用蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)方式开采,由于储集层非均质性强、渗透率低,目前现场采用挤液扩容方式改造储集层,以缩短SAGD井预热周期。为了定量评价改造区域的形状,提出基于挤液扩容水力波及范围的可注性系数和挤液渗透率的概念和计算方法,推导了单口和两口水平井挤液扩容水力波及范围的解析解,最后应用模型对现场挤液施工的效果进行了预测,并结合有限元计算结果进行了检验。研究表明,所研究储集层的可注性系数为0.27~0.30,双井注水系统的水力波及半径和面积均随两井间距、水的有效渗透率、水平段长度和定排量施工条件下的注入压力增加而增加,随注入液黏度增加而减小。现场SAGD井挤液施工过程中需要尽量降低注入液黏度,在稳定排量的同时,逐步增加注入压力和近井地带的储集层渗透率,以优化挤液扩容效果。 展开更多
关键词 SAGD井 挤液扩容 可注性系数 水力波及范围 叠加原理
新疆风城油田SAGD井挤液扩容效果影响因素评价 被引量:17
作者 林伯韬 金衍 《石油钻探技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期71-76,共6页
新疆风城油田陆相稠油油藏主要采用蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)方式开采,但由于储层非均质性强、渗透率低,导致SAGD井预热周期长,使得蒸汽成本高,产出液处理困难,为此,提出了SAGD井挤液扩容储层改造技术和改造效果预测方法,分析了岩石物理... 新疆风城油田陆相稠油油藏主要采用蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)方式开采,但由于储层非均质性强、渗透率低,导致SAGD井预热周期长,使得蒸汽成本高,产出液处理困难,为此,提出了SAGD井挤液扩容储层改造技术和改造效果预测方法,分析了岩石物理性质、油藏几何参数和挤液施工排量等3类因素对扩容效果(表征为连通系数)的影响;并在这3类因素作用的92个有限元算例的基础上,建立了快速预测SAGD井挤液扩容连通系数的快速分析图版。风城油田3口SAGD井应用图版预测了连通系数,结果表明,预热周期的缩短幅度与连通系数呈较好的正相关性。研究认为,连通系数预测图版为现场施工时优化挤液压力和排量、进一步缩短SAGD井的预热周期提供了一种高效快捷的评价方法。 展开更多
关键词 蒸汽辅助重力泄油 预热周期 挤液 扩容 连通系数 图版 风城油田
SAGD井挤液扩容对循环预热及生产的影响 被引量:4
作者 王琪琪 林伯韬 +2 位作者 金衍 陈森 潘竟军 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第3期387-392,共6页
SAGD井挤液扩容储层改造技术已经在新疆油田得到广泛应用,显著缩短了预热周期,降低了经济成本和环境压力;然而,如何评价挤液扩容对后期循环预热和SAGD生产的影响目前仍不清楚。针对该问题,首先采用有限元方法计算某SAGD井挤液扩容引起... SAGD井挤液扩容储层改造技术已经在新疆油田得到广泛应用,显著缩短了预热周期,降低了经济成本和环境压力;然而,如何评价挤液扩容对后期循环预热和SAGD生产的影响目前仍不清楚。针对该问题,首先采用有限元方法计算某SAGD井挤液扩容引起的储层变形,其次采用CMG分析基于扩容后的储层模型的SAGD预热及生产情况,并对比未采用扩容的情况,评价了挤液扩容的作用效果。研究表明,储层挤液扩容后,在扩大蒸汽注入空间和增强注入水与蒸汽之间的热对流的共同作用下,可以大幅缩短循环预热周期,略增大最终产量。地质力学有限元计算和油藏数值模拟相结合的分析方法能为现场优化挤液施工提供工程指导。 展开更多
关键词 SAGD 挤液扩容 地质力学 数值模拟 一体化设计
SAGD井挤液预处理储层扩容效果预测 被引量:13
作者 林伯韬 金衍 +1 位作者 陈森 潘竟军 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期341-347,共7页
新疆风城陆相超稠油油藏黏度高、非均质性强,SAGD开发普遍预热周期长。在注蒸汽预热前对储层挤液扩容可有效缩短预热周期,降低经济和环保成本。为了优化设计挤液方案,首先需要预测储层的挤液扩容效果。基于前期岩石力学实验结果,采用Dru... 新疆风城陆相超稠油油藏黏度高、非均质性强,SAGD开发普遍预热周期长。在注蒸汽预热前对储层挤液扩容可有效缩短预热周期,降低经济和环保成本。为了优化设计挤液方案,首先需要预测储层的挤液扩容效果。基于前期岩石力学实验结果,采用Drucker-Prager本构模型,针对风城油田重1区某SAGD井的挤液过程进行了流固耦合有限元分析,获取挤液后的地层孔隙压力、孔隙度、垂向应变、米泽斯应力和等效塑性应变的分布。研究发现,压差导致注入液向储层纵深渗流,储层产生垂向抬升,地层孔隙压力和孔隙度均呈以注采井为长轴的半椭圆状分布。储层以孔隙弹性的张性扩容为主,导致塑性体应变的剪胀仅发生在紧贴筛管处。研究成果不仅能为优化挤液方案提供理论指导,还能为预热和生产阶段的油藏数值模拟提供扩容后的地质力学参数。 展开更多
关键词 SAGD 挤液 有限元 剪胀 张性扩容
作者 杨炳华 《石油石化节能》 2016年第9期1-2,7,共2页
海上油田使用离心式潜油电泵进行高凝固点油藏开发时,为防止油井长期关井状态下原油在油管内凝结,发生油管凝管堵塞问题而影响潜油电泵的再启动,油井停井后,常采用向油管内挤柴油或海水的方法置换油管易凝管段原油。根据对挤液法防凝工... 海上油田使用离心式潜油电泵进行高凝固点油藏开发时,为防止油井长期关井状态下原油在油管内凝结,发生油管凝管堵塞问题而影响潜油电泵的再启动,油井停井后,常采用向油管内挤柴油或海水的方法置换油管易凝管段原油。根据对挤液法防凝工艺技术的分析及油田应用实践,指出了设计挤液法工艺时应考虑的因素及应用该方法过程中存在的问题,讨论了各种井况下的可行性替代方案,对指导海上油田油井长期关井期间油管防凝方案设计及油田现场对高凝固点油井防凝管理具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 凝固点 凝管 挤液 关井
液锻连挤硅线石粒子/铝复合材料的摩擦磨损行为 被引量:4
作者 陈威 罗守靖 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期238-243,共6页
采用液锻连挤成形工艺获得了一种新型硅线石颗粒增强LY12铝基复合材料,其性能可与常规热挤压件媲美。摩擦磨损性能测试表明:硅线石颗粒增强铝基复合材料具有优良的摩擦磨损性能,且其耐磨性能随粒子体积分数增加而增加。材料经液锻连挤后... 采用液锻连挤成形工艺获得了一种新型硅线石颗粒增强LY12铝基复合材料,其性能可与常规热挤压件媲美。摩擦磨损性能测试表明:硅线石颗粒增强铝基复合材料具有优良的摩擦磨损性能,且其耐磨性能随粒子体积分数增加而增加。材料经液锻连挤后,硅线石粒子在强大三向压应力作用下嵌镶于基体内,粒子很难拉脱,承受摩擦力的作用时,硅线石粒子起支承作用,粒子硬度高,故使复合材料整体耐磨性能提高。 展开更多
关键词 锻连 复合材料 摩擦 磨损 硅线石 铝合金
作者 罗守靖 孙家宽 +1 位作者 杜之明 霍文灿 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第9期1013-1015,共3页
对陶瓷粒子向铝液或铝粉混合过程机制和均匀性进行了研究,发现搅融混合实用性强,均匀性差,而原位反应法和粉末混合法能获得均匀浆料或粉末体。自行设计和制造了液锻连挤和固液挤压板坯的实验装置,进行了不同类型混合粉挤压成形的研... 对陶瓷粒子向铝液或铝粉混合过程机制和均匀性进行了研究,发现搅融混合实用性强,均匀性差,而原位反应法和粉末混合法能获得均匀浆料或粉末体。自行设计和制造了液锻连挤和固液挤压板坯的实验装置,进行了不同类型混合粉挤压成形的研究,从而揭示了液锻连挤和固液挤压工艺的实质,使其获得的板坯具有较好的塑性。再轧制实验,获得了不同开轧温度和轧制压下量对组织性能影响数据。搅融混合硅线石颗粒与LY12,经固液挤压或液态模锻加工连杆瓦和轴瓦,以替代锡青铜,并通过实际考核,具有明显降噪。 展开更多
关键词 陶瓷粒子 铝基 复合材料 锻连 轧制
作者 王国江 李婷 陈向明 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S1期44-44,52,共2页
目的比较针刺挤液复位法与手术切开复位法治疗包皮嵌顿的疗效。方法选择2005年1月至2012年12月上海市嘉定区南翔医院门诊皮肤性病科收治的采用针刺挤液复位法治疗的包皮嵌顿性水肿病人19例(针刺组),以同期采用手术切开复位的19例包皮嵌... 目的比较针刺挤液复位法与手术切开复位法治疗包皮嵌顿的疗效。方法选择2005年1月至2012年12月上海市嘉定区南翔医院门诊皮肤性病科收治的采用针刺挤液复位法治疗的包皮嵌顿性水肿病人19例(针刺组),以同期采用手术切开复位的19例包皮嵌顿病人为对照(手术组)。比较两组病人的疗效。结果针刺组:在治疗后1个月复查,包皮无瘢痕,皮肤黏膜光滑,包皮口松弛,包皮可以自由上翻与下拉,无包皮嵌顿及水肿现象,全部痊愈;6个月后复查,性活动时未再发生包皮嵌顿,说明包皮环扩张训练有效地防治再发嵌顿。手术组包皮切开部位呈现线性环形切开愈合痕迹及少量米粒大小针孔增生瘢痕,龟头大部分外露,包皮可以上翻与下拉,全部痊愈。两组病人痊愈率均为100%。结论针刺挤液复位治疗包皮嵌顿,具有微创、简单、速愈等特点,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 针刺挤液复位 包皮嵌顿
作者 唐雁云 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2023年第5期108-112,共5页
围堰主要用于隔离空间,防止外部水进入基坑、建筑物等,但围堰透水会严重影响基坑连续作业和施工安全,本文以某桥双排钢管桩围堰在涨水期形成透水通道为例,介绍了事故形成的原因,提出了围堰透水通道封堵的方法以及采用帷幕注浆防渗处理... 围堰主要用于隔离空间,防止外部水进入基坑、建筑物等,但围堰透水会严重影响基坑连续作业和施工安全,本文以某桥双排钢管桩围堰在涨水期形成透水通道为例,介绍了事故形成的原因,提出了围堰透水通道封堵的方法以及采用帷幕注浆防渗处理的技术,阐述了透水通道处理的工艺和要点,通过实践表明,该技术能顺利解决水下围堰透水的问题,可为同类问题提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 双排钢管桩围堰 透水通道 帷幕注浆 脉动注浆方法 可控双入注浆法
Influences of electric-hydraulic chattering on backward extrusion process of 6061 aluminum alloy 被引量:4
作者 胡新华 王志恒 +3 位作者 鲍官军 洪潇潇 薛军义 杨庆华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3056-3063,共8页
The possibility of the electric-hydraulic chattering technology and its application in the cold extrusion were presented.The conventional and electric-hydraulic chattering assisted backward extrusion processes were pe... The possibility of the electric-hydraulic chattering technology and its application in the cold extrusion were presented.The conventional and electric-hydraulic chattering assisted backward extrusion processes were performed on 6061 aluminum alloy billets at room temperature.The experimental results showed that 5.65% reduction in the extrusion load was attained if the die and ejector were vibrated at a frequency of 100 Hz and amplitude of 0.013 mm in the longitudinal direction.The friction coefficient at the billet and tool system interface determined from the finite element analysis(FEA) decreased from 0.2 without chattering to 0.1 with application of electric-hydraulic chattering.The higher values of instantaneous velocity and direction change of material flow were achieved during the chattering assisted backward extrusion process.The strain distribution of the chattering assisted backward extrusion billet revealed lower maximum strain and smoother strain distribution in comparison with that produced by the conventional extrusion method. 展开更多
关键词 6061aluminum alloy conventional backward extrusion electric-hydraulic chattering assisted backward extrusion finite element analysis material flow strain distribution
Numerical Simulation of Extrusion Pressure in the Process of Hydrostatic Extrusion 被引量:1
作者 张朝晖 王富耻 +1 位作者 程荆卫 李树奎 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第1期63-68,共6页
In order to study the laws of the extrusion pressure changing with the extrusion parameters in the process of hydrostatic extrusion for the tungsten alloys, the large deformation elasto plastic theory and the sof... In order to study the laws of the extrusion pressure changing with the extrusion parameters in the process of hydrostatic extrusion for the tungsten alloys, the large deformation elasto plastic theory and the software of ANSYS 5 5 are used to carry out the numerical simulation research. The laws of the extrusion pressure changing with the extrusion parameters, such as the die angle, extrusion ratio, and friction coefficient, are obtained. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental ones, and the simulated results are believable. 展开更多
关键词 hydrostatic extrusion elasto plastic finite element method extrusion pressure numerical simulation
Forming method of wick structure for heat column 被引量:2
作者 陶素连 汤勇 +2 位作者 潘敏强 万珍平 陆龙生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第7期1587-1594,共8页
The intensified boiling and condensation wick structures of heat column were designed and manufactured by ploughing-extrusion (P-E) machining method.The forming process and mechanism were analyzed.The results show t... The intensified boiling and condensation wick structures of heat column were designed and manufactured by ploughing-extrusion (P-E) machining method.The forming process and mechanism were analyzed.The results show that the P-E depth plays a decisive role in forming of wick structure.The larger the P-E depth is,the better the surface characteristics are.Only when the groove spacing is in a certain range,superior surface structure can be formed in the wick.The better enhancement boiling structure forms at P-E depth of 0.3 mm,ringed groove spacing of 0.4 mm,and interior angle of radial groove of 3°;the better enhancement condensation structure forms at P-E depth of 0.3 mm,ringed groove spacing of 0.4 mm,and axial grooves spacing of π/3 mm. 展开更多
关键词 heat column WICK ploughing-extrusion heat transfer micro-groove
连云港港庙岭三期试验区围堤工程施工 被引量:4
作者 王卫东 程琪 《中国港湾建设》 2000年第6期45-48,共4页
关键词 围堤 抛石淤堤 抛石爆破挤液 砂桩砂被堤 施工工艺 连云港
作者 徐秀英 康朝斌 李龙 《新疆石油科技》 2002年第2期34-36,共3页
红29井区原油含蜡量高、凝固点高,地层压力系数低,采用常规的热洗清蜡,易造成蜡卡。根据清蜡工艺种类的特点,确定了适合红29井区清蜡工艺是化学清蜡法中的套管挤液工艺技术。文章从室内试验和现场试验阐述了该工艺技术,该技术在现场应用... 红29井区原油含蜡量高、凝固点高,地层压力系数低,采用常规的热洗清蜡,易造成蜡卡。根据清蜡工艺种类的特点,确定了适合红29井区清蜡工艺是化学清蜡法中的套管挤液工艺技术。文章从室内试验和现场试验阐述了该工艺技术,该技术在现场应用后,比热洗清蜡的费用低,解决了热洗清蜡不能解决的问题。 展开更多
关键词 红29井区 工艺技术 研究 油井 清蜡 防蜡 化学清蜡 套管挤液
作者 赵宝昌 张书琢 高晓斌 《通信与广播电视》 2009年第2期66-68,共3页
关键词 机械传动 粘尘胶辊 酒精槽 海绵辊 挤液
Effect of extrusion ratios on hardness,microstructure,and crystal texture anisotropy in pure niobium tubes subjected to hydrostatic extrusion 被引量:1
作者 Jongbeom LEE Haguk JEONG Sangyong PARK 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期1689-1699,共11页
Nb tubes were fabricated through hydrostatic extrusion at extrusion ratios of 3.1 and 6.1 at ambient temperature,and then their microstructure,texture,and Vickers hardness were investigated based on electron back-scat... Nb tubes were fabricated through hydrostatic extrusion at extrusion ratios of 3.1 and 6.1 at ambient temperature,and then their microstructure,texture,and Vickers hardness were investigated based on electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD)data.The fraction of low-angle boundaries(LABs)largely decreased with a sharp decrease in mean grain sizes after hydrostatic extrusion and was not proportional to extrusion ratios,assuming that mixed-asymmetrical junctions forming LABs dissociate at high extrusion ratios from the external stress(>981 MPa)with thermal activation by the generated heat.The correlation between grain size and Vickers hardness followed the Hall−Petch relationship despite the texture gradient of theá111ñcyclic fiber textural microstructure at low extrusion ratios and theá100ñtrue fiber textural microstructure at high extrusion ratios.The increase in hydrostatic pressure on the Nb tubes contributed to texture evolution in terms of extrusion ratios due to the difference between{110}<111>and{112}<111>components based on EBSD data. 展开更多
关键词 niobium tube hydrostatic extrusion microstructure characterization mechanical properties texture evolution
Damage prediction for magnesium matrix composites formed by liquid-solid extrusion process based on finite element simulation 被引量:6
作者 齐乐华 刘健 +2 位作者 关俊涛 苏力争 周计明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第9期1737-1742,共6页
A damage prediction method based on FE simulation was proposed to predict the occurrence of hot shortness crocks and surface cracks in liquid-solid extrusion process. This method integrated the critical temperature cr... A damage prediction method based on FE simulation was proposed to predict the occurrence of hot shortness crocks and surface cracks in liquid-solid extrusion process. This method integrated the critical temperature criterion and Cockcroft & Latham ductile damage model, which were used to predict the initiation of hot shortness cracks and surface cracks of products, respectively. A coupling simulation of deformation with heat transfer as well as ductile damage was carried out to investigate the effect of extrusion temperature and extrusion speed on the damage behavior of Csf/AZ91D composites. It is concluded that the semisolid zone moves gradually toward deformation zone with the punch descending. The amplitude of the temperature rise at the exit of die from the initial billet temperature increases with the increase of extrusion speed during steady-state extrusion at a given punch displacement. In order to prevent the surface temperature of products beyond the incipient melting temperature of composites, the critical extrusion speed is decreased with the increase of extrusion temperature, otherwise the hot shortness cracks will occur. The maximum damage values increase with increasing extrusion speed or extrusion temperature. Theoretical results obtained by the Deform^TM-2D simulation agree well with the experiments. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium matrix composite liquid-solid extrusion hot shortness cracks surface cracks finite element method
Effect of ECAP process on liquid distribution of AZ80M alloy during semi-solid isothermal heat treatment 被引量:8
作者 Ling-ling FAN Ming-yang ZHOU +2 位作者 Yang-yang GUO Yu-wen-xi ZHANG Gao-feng QUAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期1599-1611,共13页
Two kinds of semi-solid samples of AZ80−0.2Y−0.15Ca(wt.%)(AZ80M)magnesium alloy were prepared by semi-solid isothermal heat treatment of materials with and without equal channel angular pressing(ECAP)process.The micro... Two kinds of semi-solid samples of AZ80−0.2Y−0.15Ca(wt.%)(AZ80M)magnesium alloy were prepared by semi-solid isothermal heat treatment of materials with and without equal channel angular pressing(ECAP)process.The microstructures of initial and semi-solid treated samples were compared and analyzed.The results showed a significant difference in the liquid phase distribution between three-pass ECAP processed(3P)and as-received samples during the isothermal heating process.The semi-solid 3P sample showed a more uniform liquid distribution due to its smaller dihedral angle.Besides,the coarsening processes of solid grains of as-received and 3P samples were dominated by the coalescence and Ostwald ripening mechanism,respectively.The difference of coarsening processes was mainly related to the proportion of the high-angle grain boundaries in materials,which further affected the evolution behavior of the liquid pools. 展开更多
关键词 AZ80M equal channel angular pressing semi-solid microstructure liquid phase distribution coarsening mechanism
Effect of intermetallic compound thickness on anisotropy of Al/Cu honeycomb rods fabricated by hydrostatic extrusion process
作者 Tae-hyuk LEE Moon-soo SIM +3 位作者 Sin-hyeong JOO Kyoung-tae PARK Ha-guk JEONG Jong-hyeon LEE 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期456-463,共8页
The effect of intermetallic compound (IMC) thickness on the thermal and mechanical properties of Al/Cu honeycomb rods was investigated. The Al/Cu honeycomb rods were fabricated using repeated hydrostatic extrusions ... The effect of intermetallic compound (IMC) thickness on the thermal and mechanical properties of Al/Cu honeycomb rods was investigated. The Al/Cu honeycomb rods were fabricated using repeated hydrostatic extrusions at 200 ℃. During the process, an IMC layer with 1μm in thickness was generated at the Al/Cu interface. Different IMC thicknesses were obtained by post-heat treatment at 420 ℃ for 0.5 to 2 h. The IMC thickness increased to 10.1μm. The IMC layers were identified as Al2Cu (θ), AlCu (η2), and Al4Cu9(γ1) phases. The thermal conductivities in the longitudinal direction and cross direction decreased by 11.9% ((268±4.8) to (236±4.4) W/(m·K)) and 10.4% ((210±3.2) to (188±2.8) W/(m&#183;K)), respectively, with increasing IMC thickness. The ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the Al/Cu honeycomb rod are (103±8.4) MPa and (73±6.2)%, respectively. The ultimate tensile strength increased to (131±6.5) MPa until the IMC thickness reached 7.7μm. It subsequently decreased to (124±3.9) MPa until the IMC thickness reached 10.1μm. The elongation of the Al/Cu honeycomb rod then sharply decreased to (29±2.5)% with increasing IMC thickness. 展开更多
关键词 intermetallic compound Al/Cu honeycomb rod ANISOTROPY thermal conductivity tensile strength hydrostatic extrusion
Inter-granular liquid phase aiding grain boundary sliding in superplastic deformation of fine-grained ZK60 Mg alloy
作者 LEE Shyong CHIANG Chih-te +1 位作者 CHU Chun-lin HSU Chang-chuan 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期576-579,共4页
For 7475 Al alloy,there were micrographs showing filaments or whiskers formation during the separation stage of superplastic elongation.This indicates the presence of liquid phase which accommodates grain boundary sli... For 7475 Al alloy,there were micrographs showing filaments or whiskers formation during the separation stage of superplastic elongation.This indicates the presence of liquid phase which accommodates grain boundary sliding to reach superplasticity.On the other hand,there is no such phenomenon reported regarding Mg alloy in literatures.Scanning electron microscopic(SEM)fractography exceptionally exhibits a mark of grain boundary sliding and its accommodating mechanism of inter-granular liquid phase.Under the testing conditions of 350℃ and 1×10- 4s -1,the initially fine-grained structure(3.7μm)yields 642%superplastic elongation and exhibits fluffy appearance on the fractured surface.For other specimens showing less superplasticity,their fractured surfaces exhibit partial fluffy appearance. 展开更多
关键词 Mg alloy inter-granular phase grain boundary sliding superplastic deformation
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