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基于边坡稳定性的临界损伤质点峰值速度研究 被引量:2
作者 梁瑞 包娟 周文海 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期82-87,102,共7页
为研究岩体爆破载荷作用下炮孔及边坡潜在滑动面近区的损伤特性,利用有限元强度折减法确定静载下边坡的折减滑动面,并基于此建立边坡的弹塑性本构模型进行数值模拟。将数值模拟结果与经典判据进行比较分析,确定不同损伤速度阈值下对应... 为研究岩体爆破载荷作用下炮孔及边坡潜在滑动面近区的损伤特性,利用有限元强度折减法确定静载下边坡的折减滑动面,并基于此建立边坡的弹塑性本构模型进行数值模拟。将数值模拟结果与经典判据进行比较分析,确定不同损伤速度阈值下对应的爆心距及岩体破碎状态。同时基于边坡爆破数值模拟结果,探究有潜在滑动面的边坡岩体爆破时损伤、爆心距、质点峰值振动速度(v_(PP))及岩石动态抗拉强度之间的关系,并分别通过经典判据、最大拉应力准则的v_(PP)判据和拉应力峰值与v_(PP)统计关系得到3个v_(PP)阈值,发现最大拉应力准则的v_(PP)判据获得的损伤阈值误差最大。此关系在实际工程中可对已有的基于最大拉应力准则的v_(PP)判据作出修正。 展开更多
关键词 岩体损伤特性 弹塑性本构模型 有限元强度折减 岩体爆破 损伤判据 质点峰值振动速度 临界损伤质点峰值速度
土木工程结构混凝土寿命预测的损伤演化方程 被引量:12
作者 余红发 孙伟 +1 位作者 金祖权 刘建忠 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第S2期216-220,共5页
借助损伤力学的原理,通过系统实验,研究了混凝土在冻融与腐蚀条件下损伤失效过程的规律与特点.建立了具有普适意义的混凝土损伤演化方程,提出了损伤速度和损伤加速度的新概念,并提出了一套预测混凝土结构使用寿命的基本方法与理论体系,... 借助损伤力学的原理,通过系统实验,研究了混凝土在冻融与腐蚀条件下损伤失效过程的规律与特点.建立了具有普适意义的混凝土损伤演化方程,提出了损伤速度和损伤加速度的新概念,并提出了一套预测混凝土结构使用寿命的基本方法与理论体系,为重大土木工程结构混凝土的寿命预测提供了一种新方法.此外,通过专门设计的(35%弯曲荷载+冻融)双重因素和(35%弯曲荷载+冻融+3.5%NaCl溶液腐蚀+5%Na2SO4溶液腐蚀)多重因素等耐久性实验,重点研究了国家重点工程润扬大桥的主体结构混凝土的使用寿命预测问题.结果表明,润扬大桥的箱梁、索塔、墩身和锚碇采用高强高性能混凝土以后,其预期使用寿命均能达到100年设计要求. 展开更多
关键词 混凝土 冻融 腐蚀 使用寿命 损伤速度 损伤速度
冻融和腐蚀因素作用下混凝土的损伤劣化参数分析 被引量:21
作者 余红发 孙伟 +3 位作者 麻海燕 张云升 王甲春 陈树东 《建筑科学与工程学报》 CAS 2011年第4期1-8,共8页
通过混凝土在冻融和腐蚀等单一和多重因素作用下大量、系统的耐久性试验,得到混凝土损伤初速度(IDV)和损伤加速度(DA)等损伤劣化参数的基本数据库;采用SPSS10.0软件对该数据库数据进行回归和相关分析。结果表明:混凝土的IDV和DA取决于... 通过混凝土在冻融和腐蚀等单一和多重因素作用下大量、系统的耐久性试验,得到混凝土损伤初速度(IDV)和损伤加速度(DA)等损伤劣化参数的基本数据库;采用SPSS10.0软件对该数据库数据进行回归和相关分析。结果表明:混凝土的IDV和DA取决于结构所处的环境、气候和受力状态,并与其原材料、配合比和养护条件密切相关;无论在单一因素还是在双重因素作用下,降低水胶比和加强潮湿养护均能够减小混凝土的IDV和DA;采用钢纤维增强技术可以降低混凝土的单因素IDV和DA,掺加矿物掺合料以及采用高强高模聚乙烯纤维增强技术能够降低混凝土的双因素IDV和DA;IDV和DA越大,混凝土的冻融寿命就越短。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土 单一因素 双重因素 损伤速度 二次损伤速度 损伤速度 冻融寿命
溪洛渡电站地下厂房爆破损伤范围及判据研究 被引量:53
作者 李新平 陈俊桦 +1 位作者 李友华 代翼飞 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期2042-2049,共8页
通过现场爆破振动测试和数值模拟方法研究地下厂房爆破损伤范围及判据;在应用FLAC3D数值模拟软件中,损伤变量D被引入弹塑性本构模型,同时将简化的三角形荷载作为爆破冲击荷载施加在炮孔孔壁上,并根据岩石中有效应力确定爆破损伤范围。... 通过现场爆破振动测试和数值模拟方法研究地下厂房爆破损伤范围及判据;在应用FLAC3D数值模拟软件中,损伤变量D被引入弹塑性本构模型,同时将简化的三角形荷载作为爆破冲击荷载施加在炮孔孔壁上,并根据岩石中有效应力确定爆破损伤范围。调整同时起爆炮孔数目,改变单段起爆药量,研究爆破损伤范围与单段药量的关系,结果表明:损伤深度和损伤水平半径均随单段药量的增加而增大,损伤范围随着炮孔深度增加而减小,爆破损伤最大水平半径出现在炮孔顶部面上。根据爆破近区质点速度衰减规律,并通过数据拟合得到对应于不同单段起爆药量的最大损伤水平半径和相应部位爆破质点临界损伤振动速度的关系,临界损伤振动速度可作为爆破损伤安全判据。研究成果有效地应用到实践中,对类似开挖爆破工程具有一定指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 水利工程 地下厂房 损伤范围 爆破冲击荷载 临界损伤振动速度 安全判据
作者 程国柱 穆长儒 +2 位作者 靳钢睿 裴玉龙 徐亮 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期132-139,共8页
为定量评估低等级公路货车路侧事故风险,降低路侧事故损失,使用PC-Crash软件进行仿真试验,研究在不同圆曲线半径、边坡坡度、驶出速度和路基高度的条件下轻型货车和重型货车驶入路侧的事故严重程度。以加速度损伤指标ASI作为乘员伤害评... 为定量评估低等级公路货车路侧事故风险,降低路侧事故损失,使用PC-Crash软件进行仿真试验,研究在不同圆曲线半径、边坡坡度、驶出速度和路基高度的条件下轻型货车和重型货车驶入路侧的事故严重程度。以加速度损伤指标ASI作为乘员伤害评估指标,分别建立了低等级公路直线段和曲线段货车路侧事故乘员损伤程度计算模型。利用Fisher最优分割法,根据ASI有序数据样本,划分了低等级公路货车路侧事故严重度等级并计算了加速度损伤指标ASI阈值,提出了低等级公路货车路侧事故严重度评价标准。研究结果表明:加速度损伤指标ASI与车速和路基高度之间体现出类似于正线性变化趋势;加速度损伤指标ASI与边坡坡度之间体现出类似于指数函数变化趋势;加速度损伤指标ASI与圆曲线半径之间体现出类似于幂函数变化趋势;相比于车速和路基高度,边坡坡度的增加更容易导致车辆冲出路外发生路侧事故,增加路侧事故严重程度;圆曲线半径的增大虽然可以减少路侧事故的严重程度,但其影响相对较小。 展开更多
关键词 交通工程 乘员伤害 Fisher最优分割算法 低等级公路 速度损伤指标 路侧事故
Damage prediction for magnesium matrix composites formed by liquid-solid extrusion process based on finite element simulation 被引量:6
作者 齐乐华 刘健 +2 位作者 关俊涛 苏力争 周计明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第9期1737-1742,共6页
A damage prediction method based on FE simulation was proposed to predict the occurrence of hot shortness crocks and surface cracks in liquid-solid extrusion process. This method integrated the critical temperature cr... A damage prediction method based on FE simulation was proposed to predict the occurrence of hot shortness crocks and surface cracks in liquid-solid extrusion process. This method integrated the critical temperature criterion and Cockcroft & Latham ductile damage model, which were used to predict the initiation of hot shortness cracks and surface cracks of products, respectively. A coupling simulation of deformation with heat transfer as well as ductile damage was carried out to investigate the effect of extrusion temperature and extrusion speed on the damage behavior of Csf/AZ91D composites. It is concluded that the semisolid zone moves gradually toward deformation zone with the punch descending. The amplitude of the temperature rise at the exit of die from the initial billet temperature increases with the increase of extrusion speed during steady-state extrusion at a given punch displacement. In order to prevent the surface temperature of products beyond the incipient melting temperature of composites, the critical extrusion speed is decreased with the increase of extrusion temperature, otherwise the hot shortness cracks will occur. The maximum damage values increase with increasing extrusion speed or extrusion temperature. Theoretical results obtained by the Deform^TM-2D simulation agree well with the experiments. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium matrix composite liquid-solid extrusion hot shortness cracks surface cracks finite element method
Determination of the Scale of Damage in the Wastewater Tunnels Due to Earthquake: A Case Study
作者 Turgay Cosgun Cagatay Turgutt +1 位作者 Baris Sayin Ahmet Cosgun 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第11期1398-1404,共7页
The pre-determination of the effect of earthquake in subsurface structures is gaining importance increasingly. One of the main factors in determination of the damages due to earthquakes in subsurface structures, espec... The pre-determination of the effect of earthquake in subsurface structures is gaining importance increasingly. One of the main factors in determination of the damages due to earthquakes in subsurface structures, especially tunnels are horizontal acceleration value. The aim of the study is to put forward the scale of damage due to earthquake in a wastewater tunnel in Istanbul, the most populated city of Turkey, under construction. Possible damage caused by earthquake will be determined by utilizing the information about the route of the wastewater tunnel analyzed in the study. 展开更多
关键词 Subsurface structures TUNNELS earthquake damage scale.
Study on pedestrian thorax injury in vehicle-to-pedestrian collisions using finite element analysis 被引量:1
作者 Wenjun Liu Hui Zhao +3 位作者 Kui Li Sen Su Xiaoxiang Fan Zhiyong Yin 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2015年第2期74-80,共7页
Objective: To explore the relationship between the collision parameters of vehicle and the pedestrian thorax injury by establishing the chest simulation models in car-pedestrian collision at different velocities and ... Objective: To explore the relationship between the collision parameters of vehicle and the pedestrian thorax injury by establishing the chest simulation models in car-pedestrian collision at different velocities and angles. Methods: 87 cases of vehicle-to-pedestrian accidents, with detailed injury information and determined vehicle impact parameters, were included. The severity of injury was scaled in line with the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). The chest biomechanical response parameters and change characteristics were obtained by using Hyperworks and LS-DYNA computing. Simulation analysis was applied to compare the characteristics of injuries. Results: When impact velocities at 25, 40 and 55 km/h, respectively, 1) the maximum values of thorax velocity criterion (VC) were for 0.29, 0.83 and 2.58 m/s; and at the same collision velocity, the thorax VC from the impact on pedestrian's front was successively greater than on his back and on his side; 2) the maximum values of peak stress on ribs were 154,177 and 209 MPa; and at the same velocity, peak stress values on ribs from the impact on pedestrian's side were greater than on his front and his back. Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between the severity and risk of thorax injury and the collision velocity and angle of car-thorax crashes. At the same velocity, it is of greater damage risk when the soft tissue of thorax under a front impact; and there is also a greater risk of ribs fracture under a side impact of the thorax. This result is of vital significance for diagnosis and protection of thorax collision injuries. 展开更多
关键词 Vehicle-to-pedestrian crashes Thorax injury Biomechanics FEM
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