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基于零数据理论的阅读推广模型与实践研究 被引量:13
作者 杨新涯 刘芳兵 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期1-8,共8页
文章运用数据收集分析法,分析了图书馆工作中出现的零数据现象,对图书馆阅读推广中的零数据进行了分类,构建了基于零数据理论的阅读推广模型,认为图书馆在未来的阅读推广工作中应增强对零数据的重视,建立相关零数据的收集、分类与智能... 文章运用数据收集分析法,分析了图书馆工作中出现的零数据现象,对图书馆阅读推广中的零数据进行了分类,构建了基于零数据理论的阅读推广模型,认为图书馆在未来的阅读推广工作中应增强对零数据的重视,建立相关零数据的收集、分类与智能分析决策体系,将有助于提升阅读推广工作的广度和维度,进一步完善智慧图书馆数据体系和图书馆管理与服务。 展开更多
关键词 零数据理论 数据分析 行为分析 阅读推广
零数据理论及其应用模式研究 被引量:9
作者 王彦力 杨新涯 冉蔚然 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期51-56,共6页
信息系统中原定设计应该产生数据的地方因各种原因不产生数据,会造成系统该部分的无效或低效。分析关注这些被忽视的地方,可及时发现系统中的漏洞与不足,从而及时调整并优化信息系统。论文提出"零数据"概念,分析零数据研究的... 信息系统中原定设计应该产生数据的地方因各种原因不产生数据,会造成系统该部分的无效或低效。分析关注这些被忽视的地方,可及时发现系统中的漏洞与不足,从而及时调整并优化信息系统。论文提出"零数据"概念,分析零数据研究的性质及意义,构建最基本的零数据理论体系,并通过零数据理论指导图书馆行业相关工作及科研。使用零数据理论完善情报学分析体系,可以构建专门的零数据分析系统,服务于图书馆各项分析报告以及相关管理和运行机制。 展开更多
关键词 零数据 零数据理论 零数据应用 阅读推广
D-S证据理论在证券投资中的应用 被引量:2
作者 李建军 张冬梅 +1 位作者 覃锋 吴根秀 《江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第4期382-387,402,共7页
D-S证据合成公式要求待合成的证据是相互独立且证据之间不能有较强的冲突,否则合成结果将有悖常理,因此,冲突证据合成前往往要进行修正.该文提出了一种基于修正系数学习的修正方法,同时将证据理论引入证券市场,将每个专家的预测意见视... D-S证据合成公式要求待合成的证据是相互独立且证据之间不能有较强的冲突,否则合成结果将有悖常理,因此,冲突证据合成前往往要进行修正.该文提出了一种基于修正系数学习的修正方法,同时将证据理论引入证券市场,将每个专家的预测意见视为证据,将不同专家预测意见的综合视为证据合成问题,然后用该文提出的修正方法对冲突专家意见进行修正,以取得较好的合成效果,从而为证券投资者提供有价值的参考信息. 展开更多
关键词 据理论 证据合成 修正系数 证券投资
修正的D-S证据理论在液压故障诊断中的应用 被引量:7
作者 张旭婧 董增寿 《太原科技大学学报》 2011年第5期370-373,共4页
针对液压系统出现故障隐蔽性强、可变性强的问题,给出基于修正的D-S(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论的多传感器时空域信息融合方法。通过测试待诊断部分的压力、温度、流量并结合经验值,得到各部分信度函数分配,根据D-S组合、决策规则,对多... 针对液压系统出现故障隐蔽性强、可变性强的问题,给出基于修正的D-S(Dempster-Shafer)证据理论的多传感器时空域信息融合方法。通过测试待诊断部分的压力、温度、流量并结合经验值,得到各部分信度函数分配,根据D-S组合、决策规则,对多个传感器多个测量周期的时空域信息进行融合,识别出故障部分。实验表明:该方法在证据高度冲突时仍有效果并有效防止了指数爆炸现象,算法简单,能准确定位故障。 展开更多
关键词 液压系统故障诊断 修正的D-S 据理论 时空域 信任系数
国内外拟据理论研究综述 被引量:7
作者 张培 《新闻世界》 2011年第3期144-145,共2页
关键词 据理论 文献研究 戈夫曼
网络视频分享中的“自我呈现”——基于戈夫曼拟剧理论与行为分析的观察与思考 被引量:47
作者 王长潇 刘瑞一 《当代传播》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期10-12,16,共4页
本文借助戈夫曼拟剧理论中前区与后区的相关论述,将网络社会和日常生活划分为个体活动区域的前区和后区,认为个人在视频分享网站上进行的视频分享行为,如上传自拍视频、自制MV等是一种前区的角色扮演。这种角色的呈现有时与现实后区的... 本文借助戈夫曼拟剧理论中前区与后区的相关论述,将网络社会和日常生活划分为个体活动区域的前区和后区,认为个人在视频分享网站上进行的视频分享行为,如上传自拍视频、自制MV等是一种前区的角色扮演。这种角色的呈现有时与现实后区的个人形象相符,有时却存在较大差距,甚至产生个人后区的消逝,侵犯了个人的隐私权。本文针对视频分享中个人前区的角色扮演与个人后区的角色伤害进行深入探究。 展开更多
关键词 据理论 视频分享 自我呈现 角色扮演 个人隐私 表演
戈夫曼的拟剧理论与行为分析 被引量:76
作者 黄建生 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第4期91-93,共3页
关键词 舞台表演规则 前台 后台 表演 角色 自我印象 自我呈现 戈夫曼 据理论 行为学 人际交往
数字原住民多社交媒体平台中的前台、中区与后台划分研究 被引量:1
作者 谷欣蔚 《新媒体研究》 2023年第22期87-92,共6页
为理解数字原住民在多平台上的角色认知,探索多平台使用对其角色塑造的影响,综合运用在线观察法、深度访谈法和文本分析法,从拟剧理论和角色理论出发,以微信、微博、豆瓣等为平台,探究数字原住民对不同社交平台的前台、中区与后台划分,... 为理解数字原住民在多平台上的角色认知,探索多平台使用对其角色塑造的影响,综合运用在线观察法、深度访谈法和文本分析法,从拟剧理论和角色理论出发,以微信、微博、豆瓣等为平台,探究数字原住民对不同社交平台的前台、中区与后台划分,分析其划分的原因以及由此带来的影响。研究发现,通过自主划分前台、中区与后台,数字原住民的角色认知能力得到加强,并且可以通过不同平台的自我呈现整合自我形象,健全其人格。但角色划分的复杂性也使得数字原住民面临着角色模糊和角色内冲突等困境,产生对自我的怀疑。 展开更多
关键词 数字原住民 社交媒体 “前台-中区-后台”划分 角色扮演 自我呈现 据理论
作者 陈梦瑶 《今古文创》 2023年第15期103-105,共3页
《小丑之花》是日本无赖派作家太宰治的早期作品。小说的主角及部分情节虽与后期作品《人间失格》相同,但二者相比而言,《小丑之花》基调明亮,主角骄傲冲动;《人间失格》则灰暗不明,主角颓废自卑。社会学家戈夫曼将日常生活中的人际交... 《小丑之花》是日本无赖派作家太宰治的早期作品。小说的主角及部分情节虽与后期作品《人间失格》相同,但二者相比而言,《小丑之花》基调明亮,主角骄傲冲动;《人间失格》则灰暗不明,主角颓废自卑。社会学家戈夫曼将日常生活中的人际交往的过程类比为戏剧表演,提出拟剧论。而拟剧论与太宰文学中出现的丑角精神、表演行为相照应。本文在拟剧论角度下分析《小丑之花》中的人物形象及情节,通过研究主角的朋友、家人、陌生人的人物形象,从友情、亲情、陌生人的善意三个角度解读文本,旨在突出虚伪表演行为虽无处不在,但真实的荧光依旧闪烁的思想。 展开更多
关键词 《小丑之花》 据理论 表演行为
Three-dimensional Imaging of Multi-slice Spiral CT in Bronchial Artery Correlative Study on Blood Supply of Central Lung Cancer and Its Clinical Significance 被引量:4
作者 李智勇 杨冬 +2 位作者 伍建林 黎庶 董天 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期40-42,67,共4页
Objective: To evaluate three-dimensional bronchial artery imaging charactersin central lung cancer and applied values with multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) to provide theoreticalevidence on blood supply and intervention t... Objective: To evaluate three-dimensional bronchial artery imaging charactersin central lung cancer and applied values with multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) to provide theoreticalevidence on blood supply and intervention therapy. Methods: Eighteen patients with central lungcancer underwent MSCT with real time helical thin-slice CT scanning. Three-dimensional bronchialartery reconstruction was done at the console work-station. The space anatomical characters ofbronchial artery were observed through different rotations. Results: For 6 cases, thethree-dimensional images of bronchial artery (33.33%) could exactly show the origins, the routes(lung inner segment and mediatism segment) and the diameters of bronchial arteries. Vision rate ofbronchial arteries was the highest in pulmonary artery stricture and truncation groups, and thevessels' diameter became larger apparently. These characters demonstrated blood supply of this kindof central lung cancer come from bronchial artery. Volume rendering images were the best ones amongthree-dimensional images. Conclusion: Three-dimensional imaging with MSCT in bronchial artery canreveal the anatomical characters of bronchial artery and provide theoretical evidence on bloodsupply and intervention therapy of central lung cancer. 展开更多
关键词 bronchial artery multi-slice spiral CT three-dimensional reconstruction ANGIOGRAPHY
作者 陈果 杨虞微 左洪福 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第4期297-303,共7页
Four common oil analysis techniques, including the ferrography analysis (FA), the spectrometric oil analysis (SOA), the particle count analysis (PCA), and the oil quality testing (OQT), are used to implement t... Four common oil analysis techniques, including the ferrography analysis (FA), the spectrometric oil analysis (SOA), the particle count analysis (PCA), and the oil quality testing (OQT), are used to implement the military aeroengine wear fault diagnosis during the test drive process. To improve the precision and the reliability of the diagnosis, the aeroengine wear fault fusion diagnosis method based on the neural networks (NN) and the Dempster-Shafter (D-S) evidence theory is proposed. Firstly, according to the standard value of the wear limit, original data are pre-processed into Boolean values. Secondly, sub-NNs are established to perform the single diagnosis, and their training samples are dependent on experiences from experts. After each sub-NN is trained, diagnosis results are obtained. Thirdly, the diagnosis results of each sub-NN are considered as the basic probability allocation value to faults. The improved D-S evidence theory is applied to the fusion diagnosis, and the final fusion results are obtained. Finally, the method is verified by a diagnosis example. 展开更多
关键词 wear fault diagnosis data fusion neural network D-S evidence theory aeroengine
Structural damage detection method based on information fusion technique 被引量:1
作者 刘涛 李爱群 +1 位作者 丁幼亮 费庆国 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期201-205,共5页
Multi-source information fusion (MSIF) is imported into structural damage diagnosis methods to improve the validity of damage detection. After the introduction of the basic theory, the function model, classification... Multi-source information fusion (MSIF) is imported into structural damage diagnosis methods to improve the validity of damage detection. After the introduction of the basic theory, the function model, classifications and mathematical methods of MSIF, a structural damage detection method based on MSIF is presented, which is to fuse two or more damage character vectors from different structural damage diagnosis methods on the character-level. In an experiment of concrete plates, modal information is measured and analyzed. The structural damage detection method based on MSIF is taken to localize cracks of concrete plates and it is proved to be effective. Results of damage detection by the method based on MSIF are compared with those from the modal strain energy method and the flexibility method. Damage, which can hardly be detected by using the single damage identification method, can be diagnosed by the damage detection method based on the character-level MSIF technique. Meanwhile multi-location damage can be identified by the method based on MSIF. This method is sensitive to structural damage and different mathematical methods for MSIF have different preconditions and applicabilities for diversified structures. How to choose mathematical methods for MSIF should be discussed in detail in health monitoring systems of actual structures. 展开更多
关键词 multi-source information fusion structural damage detection Bayes method D-S evidence theory
作者 平雪良 周儒荣 安鲁陵 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2003年第1期36-41,共6页
The processing of measuri ng data plays an important role in reverse engineering. Based on grey system the ory, we first propose some methods to the processing of measuring data in revers e engineering. The measured d... The processing of measuri ng data plays an important role in reverse engineering. Based on grey system the ory, we first propose some methods to the processing of measuring data in revers e engineering. The measured data usually have some abnormalities. When the abnor mal data are eliminated by filtering, blanks are created. The grey generation an d GM(1,1) are used to create new data for these blanks. For the uneven data sequ en ce created by measuring error, the mean generation is used to smooth it and then the stepwise and smooth generations are used to improve the data sequence. 展开更多
关键词 reverse engineering gr ey system theory DIGITIZATION data processing grey generation
Application of seismic multi-attribute fusion method based on D-S evidence theory in prediction of CBM-enriched area 被引量:1
作者 祁雪梅 张绍聪 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期80-86,116,117,共9页
D-S evidence theory provides a good approach to fuse uncertain inlbrmation. In this article, we introduce seismic multi-attribute fusion based on D-S evidence theory to predict the coalbed methane (CBM) concentrated... D-S evidence theory provides a good approach to fuse uncertain inlbrmation. In this article, we introduce seismic multi-attribute fusion based on D-S evidence theory to predict the coalbed methane (CBM) concentrated areas. First, we choose seismic attributes that are most sensitive to CBM content changes with the guidance of CBM content measured at well sites. Then the selected seismic attributes are fused using D-S evidence theory and the fusion results are used to predict CBM-enriched area. The application shows that the predicted CBM content and the measured values are basically consistent. The results indicate that using D-S evidence theory in seismic multi-attribute fusion to predict CBM-enriched areas is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 D-S evidence theory CBM seismic attributes thsion
自我与幻象:新传播革命下微信朋友圈“学习打卡”现象研究 被引量:7
作者 邹婷婷 《传播力研究》 2018年第36期99-99,共1页
微信的横空出世推动了新传播革命的浪潮,不仅成为重要的社交平台,更在衣食住行方面浸透人们的日常生活。新传播变迁触发了微信朋友圈读书打卡现象的崛起,本文以微信朋友圈中出现的"学习打卡"现象为研究对象,基于"拟据理... 微信的横空出世推动了新传播革命的浪潮,不仅成为重要的社交平台,更在衣食住行方面浸透人们的日常生活。新传播变迁触发了微信朋友圈读书打卡现象的崛起,本文以微信朋友圈中出现的"学习打卡"现象为研究对象,基于"拟据理论"和"镜中我"理论,研究发现在社交平台上的"学习打卡"是用户的一种自我期待的表达、他人在场的社会表现、表现性叙事的社交互动。 展开更多
关键词 据理论 镜中我 学习打卡 自我与幻象
作者 李萌 《新闻研究导刊》 2015年第12期343-343,375,共2页
通过分析"便溺门"事件中"视频拍摄者"的行为及其影响,可知如今依附新媒体时代而生的"公民记者"具有"叙事方式随意性"和"情境意识缺失"的特点。而透过拟据理论可知造成这两种特点的原... 通过分析"便溺门"事件中"视频拍摄者"的行为及其影响,可知如今依附新媒体时代而生的"公民记者"具有"叙事方式随意性"和"情境意识缺失"的特点。而透过拟据理论可知造成这两种特点的原因:规避角色冲突、微博场域中权威的消解。 展开更多
关键词 公民记者 叙事方式 情境意识 据理论
Damage failure of cemented backfill and its reasonable match with rock mass 被引量:31
作者 刘志祥 兰明 +1 位作者 肖思友 郭虎强 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期954-959,共6页
In order to study the failure mechanism of backfill and the reasonable matches between backfill and rock mass, and to achieve the object of safe and efficient mining in metal mine, four types of backfills were tested ... In order to study the failure mechanism of backfill and the reasonable matches between backfill and rock mass, and to achieve the object of safe and efficient mining in metal mine, four types of backfills were tested under uniaxial compression loading, with cement?tailing ratios of 0.250:1, 0.125:1, 0.100:1 and 0.083:1, respectively. With the help of the stress?strain curves, the deformation and failure characteristics of different backfills with differing cement?tailing ratios were analyzed. Based on the experimental results, the damage constitutive equations of cemented backfills with four cement?tailing ratios were proposed on the basis of damage mechanics. Moreover, comparative analysis of constitutive model and experimental results were made to verify the reliability of the damage model. In addition, an energy model using catastrophe theory to obtain the instability criteria of system was established to study the interaction between backfill and rock mass, and then the system instability criterion was deduced. The results show that there are different damage characteristics for different backfills, backfills with lower cement?tailing ratio tend to have a lower damage value when stress reaches peak value, and damage more rapidly and more obviously in failure process after peak value of stress; the stiffness and elastic modulus of rock mass with lower strength are more likely to lead to system instability. The results of this work provide a scientific basis for the rational strength design of backfill mine. 展开更多
关键词 cemented tailings backfill rock mass damage constitutive equation catastrophe theory MATCH instability criterion
Correlation between the Change in the Number of Apis mellifera Worker Bees and Nectar Secretion of Nectariferous Plants
作者 余玉生 张祖芸 +2 位作者 宋文菲 卢焕仙 王艳辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第1期116-118,136,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to clarify the correlation between changes of Apis mel ifera and the nectar secretion characteristics of nectariferous plants. [Method] Considering the nectar secretion characteristics of ... [Objective] This study aimed to clarify the correlation between changes of Apis mel ifera and the nectar secretion characteristics of nectariferous plants. [Method] Considering the nectar secretion characteristics of major and auxiliary nec-tariferous plants, six Apis mel ifera colonies were selected for measure the number of eggs, larvae, pupae and adult bees from Jan. to Dec. in 2012; based on that, their annual change curves were also plotted. [Result] The results showed that there were three peaks of the total number of A. mel ifera workers throughout the year:the first occurred on May 15th, with bees developed into an ideal population for col-lecting pomegranate nectar, and the second and third peaks occurred on July 15th and Oct. 15th, respectively, with bees developed into an ideal population for col ect-ing E. ciliate (Thuab) Hyland. [Conclusion] Prevention of Varroa jacobsoni should be carried out with two or more types of acaricides at the late nectar flow stages of the two nectariferous plants(pomegranate and E. ciliate (Thuab) Hyland) when there was a nectar deficiency. Prevention of Tropilaelaps clareae should be timely per-formed with sublimed sulfur in conjunction with acaricides. This study provides a theoretical basis for the high-quality and high-yielding production of honey, as wel as for the product safety. 展开更多
关键词 Apis mellifera Number of worker bees Nectariferous plants CURVE Theoretical basis
Coupling Effect of Water and Phosphate on Economic Traits of Sugarcane 被引量:3
作者 陆国盈 蒋明明 +4 位作者 韩世健 裴铁雄 汤雪莲 秦洪波 Guo-ying Ming-ming Shi-jian Tie-xiong Xue-lian Hong-bo 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期62-65,120,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study the coupling effect of water and phosphate on economic traits of sugarcane. [Method] Taking sugarcane variety ROC22 as tested material,coupling effects of different levels of water sup... [Objective] The aim was to study the coupling effect of water and phosphate on economic traits of sugarcane. [Method] Taking sugarcane variety ROC22 as tested material,coupling effects of different levels of water supply quantity and different levels of phosphorus fertilizer on the yield and quality of sugarcane were studied. Among them,water supply quantity had 3 levels,that was,the water supply quantity per 10 days from the early tillering stage of sugarcane to the end of elongation was 199.5 m3/hm2 (A1),400.5 m3/hm2 (A2) and 600.0 m3/hm2 (A3),respectively; Phosphorus fertilizer as basic fertilizer had 4 levels:P2O5 0 kg/hm2 (B1),120 kg/hm2 (B2),240 kg/hm2 (B3) and 360 kg/hm2 (B4). [Result] Treatment A3B2 in water-fertilizer coupling was more suitable to improve economic traits of sugarcane. [Conclusion] The research results provide theoretical basis for the efficient utilization of water and phosphorus fertilizer in production of Guangxi sugarcane and the cultivation of high-yield and high-glucose sugarcane. 展开更多
关键词 Sugarcane Water Phosphorus fertilizer Water-phosphate coupling Economic traits
作者 秦田宇 《东南传播》 2021年第5期30-33,共4页
随着新媒体的崛起,社交媒体得以迅速发展,人们的社交方式发生了转变。在这一变革的背景下,基于强连接的社交方式,使得"表演"行为每时每刻都遍布在我们社交生活的每个角落。通过研究发现,个体用户的社交表演行为会受到来自用... 随着新媒体的崛起,社交媒体得以迅速发展,人们的社交方式发生了转变。在这一变革的背景下,基于强连接的社交方式,使得"表演"行为每时每刻都遍布在我们社交生活的每个角落。通过研究发现,个体用户的社交表演行为会受到来自用户自身及他者双重建构的影响。自我建构层面主要受到自身人设、虚荣心及利益的影响,而他者建构层面主要受到社会认同、社会比较及群体规则的影响,但群体规则对个体用户的表演行为的影响具有两面性。 展开更多
关键词 社交媒体 据理论 社交表演 动机
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