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作者 邓斌 王玲 +4 位作者 何军 尹龙斌 蒋昌波 陈杰 伍志元 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期122-132,共11页
双排开孔圆筒防波堤是一种新型环境友好型防波堤,对其消浪特性的研究具有重要工程意义。随着人工智能的发展,基于机器学习技术求解防波堤水动力学问题成了一种新的研究范式。本文提出基于麻雀搜索算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm,SSA)优... 双排开孔圆筒防波堤是一种新型环境友好型防波堤,对其消浪特性的研究具有重要工程意义。随着人工智能的发展,基于机器学习技术求解防波堤水动力学问题成了一种新的研究范式。本文提出基于麻雀搜索算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm,SSA)优化卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)模型,实现对双排开孔圆筒防波堤透射系数的智能优化预测。结果表明:(1)确定波高、波周期、波长、波速、排间距、开孔率、水深为影响透射系数的关键因子;(2)当SSA-CNN模型的种群数量为10时,对波浪透射系数预测的R2值达到0.9909,平均相对误差相比单一的CNN模型降低了5.07%。研究成果为利用神经网络研究波浪透射问题提供了一种新的优化预测模型。 展开更多
关键词 排开孔圆筒防波堤 消浪特性 麻雀搜索算法 卷积神经网络 透射系数
创力轮DP3闭合母排开环电网设计浅析 被引量:2
作者 金辉 《机电设备》 2019年第4期16-19,共4页
随着船舶市场的发展,闭合母排的配电系统因其经济性受到广大船东的青睐,但受其严苛的设计、安装和试验要求制约,其在船舶上的应用较为缓慢,尤其是DP3附加标志的船舶。基于我司新列编的入中国船级社级的DP3附加标志、闭合母排开环电网结... 随着船舶市场的发展,闭合母排的配电系统因其经济性受到广大船东的青睐,但受其严苛的设计、安装和试验要求制约,其在船舶上的应用较为缓慢,尤其是DP3附加标志的船舶。基于我司新列编的入中国船级社级的DP3附加标志、闭合母排开环电网结构的一艘大型抢险打捞船的实际情况,简要分析DP3船舶的闭合母排开环电力系统的设计要点及注意事项。 展开更多
关键词 DP3 闭合母排开环电网 电力系统设计 短路试验
作者 管志会 马跃 《初中生学习指导》 2021年第14期34-35,共2页
实验要点探究浮力的大小跟排开液体所受重力的关系实验,需要注意以下几点内容。(1)物块的选择:物体的重力不能超出弹簧测力计的量程;物体密度大于水;物体不吸水。(2)正确使用溢水杯:溢水杯中的液体要达到溢水口,以保证排开的液体全部流... 实验要点探究浮力的大小跟排开液体所受重力的关系实验,需要注意以下几点内容。(1)物块的选择:物体的重力不能超出弹簧测力计的量程;物体密度大于水;物体不吸水。(2)正确使用溢水杯:溢水杯中的液体要达到溢水口,以保证排开的液体全部流入小桶。(3)实验顺序:先分别测出空桶的重力和物体的重力,再将物体浸没在液体中读出弹簧测力计的示数,最后测出桶与排出液体的总重力。 展开更多
关键词 弹簧测力计 示数 水杯 排开 浮力大小 要点探究
《电子竞技》 2024年第7期29-41,共13页
关键词 分隔带 五脏俱全 品字形 上班族 观众席 排开 记者
An Effective 3D-CFD Methodology for the Complementary Virtual Development of Alternative Fuels and Engine Concepts
作者 Robin SCHMELCHER Thomas GAL +6 位作者 Mario PIPOLO Cristian TORTORELLA Antonino VACCA Edoardo ROSSI Francesco CUPO Marco CHIODI AndréCASAL KULZER 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第S01期1-8,共8页
With the aim of reducing the cost of developing internal combustion engines,while at the same time investigating different geometries,layouts and fuels,3D-CFD-CHT simulations represent an indispensable part for the de... With the aim of reducing the cost of developing internal combustion engines,while at the same time investigating different geometries,layouts and fuels,3D-CFD-CHT simulations represent an indispensable part for the development of new technologies.These tools are increasingly used by manufacturers,as a screening process before building the first prototype.This paper presents an innovative methodology for virtual engine development.The 3D-CFD tool QuickSim,developed at FKFS,allows both a significant reduction in computation time and an extension of the simulated domain for complete engine systems.This is possible thanks to a combination of coarse meshes and self-developed internal combustion engine models,which simultaneously ensure high predictability.The present work demonstrates the capabilities of this innovative methodology for the design and optimization of different engines and fuels with the goal of achieving the highest possible combustion efficiencies and pollutant reductions.The analysis focuses on the influence of different fuels such as hydrogen,methanol,synthetic gasolines and methane on different engine geometries,in combination with suitable injection and ignition systems,including passive and active pre-chambers.Lean operations as well as knock reduction are discussed,particularly for methane and hydrogen injection.Finally,it is shown how depending on the chosen fuel,an appropriate ad-hoc engine layout can be designed to increase the indicated efficiency of the respective engines. 展开更多
关键词 eFuels METHANE METHANOL hydrogen CO_(2)reduction virtual development 3D-CFD
Effect of quality uncertainty of parts on performance of reprocessing system in remanufacturing environment 被引量:5
作者 汤希峰 毛海军 李旭宏 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2011年第1期92-95,共4页
Aimed at the problem of stochastic routings for reprocessing operations and highly variable processing times,an open queuing network is utilized to model a typical reprocessing system.In the model,each server is subje... Aimed at the problem of stochastic routings for reprocessing operations and highly variable processing times,an open queuing network is utilized to model a typical reprocessing system.In the model,each server is subject to breakdown and has a finite buffer capacity,while repair times,breakdown times and service time follow an exponential distribution.Based on the decomposition principle and the expansion methodology,an approximation analytical algorithm is proposed to calculate the mean reprocessing time,the throughput of each server and other parameters of the processing system.Then an approach to determining the quality of disassembled parts is suggested,on the basis of which the effect of parts quality on the performance of the reprocessing system is investigated.Numerical examples show that there is a negative correlation between quality of parts and their mean reprocessing time.Furthermore,marginal reprocessing time of the parts decrease with the drop in their quality. 展开更多
关键词 REMANUFACTURING UNCERTAINTY reprocessing system open queuing network
“漂浮物体”液面变化的判断技巧 被引量:1
作者 孙化刚 《教育界》 2020年第33期9-10,共2页
浸在液体中的物体都会受到液体向上的浮力,浮力的大小等于物体排开的液体受到的重力。当物体受到的浮力大于受到的重力时,物体就上浮,上浮的最终结果是漂浮;当物体受到的浮力等于受到的重力时,物体就悬浮或漂浮;当物体受到的浮力小于受... 浸在液体中的物体都会受到液体向上的浮力,浮力的大小等于物体排开的液体受到的重力。当物体受到的浮力大于受到的重力时,物体就上浮,上浮的最终结果是漂浮;当物体受到的浮力等于受到的重力时,物体就悬浮或漂浮;当物体受到的浮力小于受到的重力时,物体就下沉,下沉的最终结果是沉底。 展开更多
关键词 液体 浮力 重力 排开
作者 张凤丽 刘慧敏 丁焕银 《物理通报》 2014年第S2期81-84,共4页
关键词 排开 排出 挤走 V排 V水
密度均匀的液体中阿基米德原理4种证明方法 被引量:1
作者 邵云 窦瑾 《镇江高专学报》 2021年第1期69-71,共3页
关键词 浮力 排开液体 面积元 重力势能 阿基米德原理
2020年中考物理试题中的典型错误分析 被引量:2
作者 任少铎 《中学物理》 2021年第4期47-49,共3页
本文笔者以插图错误为例,分析了2020年各省市中考试题中存在的一些典型错误,将其总结为量筒随意绘制、物体排开液体的体积随意绘制、冰的熔化曲线随意绘制、电学图像随意绘制、凸透镜成像规律中物距和像距关系随意绘制等五种类型,指出... 本文笔者以插图错误为例,分析了2020年各省市中考试题中存在的一些典型错误,将其总结为量筒随意绘制、物体排开液体的体积随意绘制、冰的熔化曲线随意绘制、电学图像随意绘制、凸透镜成像规律中物距和像距关系随意绘制等五种类型,指出了试题中的具体错误,以期促进各省市中考命题的科学性和严谨性的提高. 展开更多
关键词 量筒 排开液体的体积 熔化曲线 估读 光路可逆
了解浮力的本质——准确理解阿基米德原理 被引量:2
作者 徐进 《安徽教育学院学报》 2003年第6期107-107,114,共2页
关键词 浮力 阿基米德原理 压力差 排开
作者 陈远毅 洪军荣 《物理教学探讨(中学教学教研版)》 2017年第8期40-41,共2页
有些初中教师在教学中对某些物理学知识的理解上存在错误或偏差。如误以为液体压强只和液体深度、密度有关;误以为带电体间的相互作用原理和电荷间的相互作用原理相同;误把物体排开液体的体积等同于物体浸入液体的体积;误以为砝码的总... 有些初中教师在教学中对某些物理学知识的理解上存在错误或偏差。如误以为液体压强只和液体深度、密度有关;误以为带电体间的相互作用原理和电荷间的相互作用原理相同;误把物体排开液体的体积等同于物体浸入液体的体积;误以为砝码的总重量才是天平的真实量程等。 展开更多
关键词 知识误区 液体压强 带电体 排开液体的体积
作者 宫润雄 《学苑教育》 2012年第17期50-50,共1页
漂浮在液面上的物体,浮力变化时,液体的液面会发生变化,如何判断液面的变化一直是初中物理的一个难点,本文旨在利用浮力知识,通过浮力的变化反应出物体排开体积的变化,从而理清液面的变化。本文利用到的关键知识点是阿基米德原理... 漂浮在液面上的物体,浮力变化时,液体的液面会发生变化,如何判断液面的变化一直是初中物理的一个难点,本文旨在利用浮力知识,通过浮力的变化反应出物体排开体积的变化,从而理清液面的变化。本文利用到的关键知识点是阿基米德原理(F浮=p液V排g)。 展开更多
关键词 浮力 密度 液面 排开 面的体积
作者 陈德林 黄小英 《湖北教育》 2021年第2期72-73,共2页
人教版八年级物理《物体的浮沉条件及应用》中,关于轮船原理是这样表述的:“采用空心的办法,增大可利用的浮力,使本身密度大于水的钢铁轮船能漂浮在水面上。”根据物体的沉浮条件可知,一铁块放入水中会下沉,因为自身体积有限,它用整个... 人教版八年级物理《物体的浮沉条件及应用》中,关于轮船原理是这样表述的:“采用空心的办法,增大可利用的浮力,使本身密度大于水的钢铁轮船能漂浮在水面上。”根据物体的沉浮条件可知,一铁块放入水中会下沉,因为自身体积有限,它用整个体积排开水的重量(即受到浮力)仍然小于自身重量。为了使它能多排水,把铁做成空心的增大外表体积,增大它排水的能力,通过增大V排使F浮增大,当增大到一定程度时,F浮>G物,从而上浮,最终使F浮=G物,实现漂浮。除了采用空心铁块的办法增大可利用的浮力外,还能否通过别的漂浮物来排开水实现漂浮呢? 展开更多
关键词 浮沉条件 浮力 漂浮物 沉浮条件 人教版 八年级物理 排开 轮船
作者 陈正国 《中学物理》 2019年第24期28-29,共2页
关键词 浮沉条件 原理 排开液体的体积 想法
作者 徐莉莎 《试题与研究(教学论坛)》 2021年第24期79-80,共2页
关键词 浮力 排开的水量 实验装置
作者 刘同玉 丁晓红 《安徽教育科研》 2020年第14期34-35,21,共3页
通过对液体重力公式与阿基米德原理表达物体受到浮力的大小公式的分析,比较浸在液体中的物体排开液体的重力、从容器中溢出液体的重力、容器中液体的重力、物体受到的浮力及容器底部增加的压力等大小关系,通过建模与推演来提高学生的推... 通过对液体重力公式与阿基米德原理表达物体受到浮力的大小公式的分析,比较浸在液体中的物体排开液体的重力、从容器中溢出液体的重力、容器中液体的重力、物体受到的浮力及容器底部增加的压力等大小关系,通过建模与推演来提高学生的推理能力、分析问题与解决问题的能力。 展开更多
关键词 排开液体的重力 溢出液体的重力 液体的重力 浮力 容器底增加的压力
Multi-attributed decision making for mining methods based on grey system and interval numbers 被引量:7
作者 刘浪 陈建宏 +1 位作者 王革民 劳德正 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期1029-1033,共5页
In the case of unknown weights, theories of multi-attributed decision making based on interval numbers and grey related analysis were used to optimize mining methods. As the representative of independence for the indi... In the case of unknown weights, theories of multi-attributed decision making based on interval numbers and grey related analysis were used to optimize mining methods. As the representative of independence for the indicator, the smaller the correlation of indicators is, the greater the weight is. Hence, the weights of interval numbers of indicators were determined by using correlation coefficient. Relative closeness based on positive and negative ideal methods was calculated by introducing distance between interval numbers, which made decision making more rational and comprehensive. A new method of ranking interval numbers based on normal distribution was proposed for the optimization of mining methods, whose basic properties were discussed. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of this method were verified by theories and practice. 展开更多
关键词 mining method interval number multi-attributed decision making grey related analysis correlation coefficient normaldistribution RANKING
Decomposition and Products of Wheat and Rice Straw from a FACE Experiment Under Flooded Conditions 被引量:3
作者 LIU Juan HAN Yong CAI Zu-Cong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期389-397,共9页
Winter wheat and rice straw produced under ambient and elevated CO2 in a China rice-wheat rotation free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment was mixed with a paddy soil at a rate of 10 g kg^-1 (air-dried), and the... Winter wheat and rice straw produced under ambient and elevated CO2 in a China rice-wheat rotation free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment was mixed with a paddy soil at a rate of 10 g kg^-1 (air-dried), and the mixture was incubated under flooded conditions at 25℃ to examine the differences in decomposition as well as the products of crop residues produced under elevated CO2. Results showed that the C/N ratio and the amount of soluble fraction in the amended rice straw grown under elevated CO2 (FR) were 9.8% and 73.1% greater, and the cellulose and lignin were 16.0% and 9.9% lesser than those of the amended rice straw grown under ambient CO2 (AR), respectively. Compared with those of the AR treatment, the CO2-C and CH4-C emissions in the FR treatment for 25 d were increased by 7.9% and 25.0%, respectively; a higher ratio of CH4 to CO2 emissions induced by straw in the FR treatment was also observed. In contrast, in the treatments with winter wheat straw, the CO2-C and CH4-C emissions, the ratio of straw-induced CH4 to CO2 emissions, and the straw composition were not significantly affected by elevated CO2, except for an 8.0% decrease in total N and a 9.7% increase in C/N ratio in the wheat straw grown under elevated CO2. Correlation analysis showed that the net CO2-C and CH4-C emission from straw and the ratio of straw-induced CH4 to CO2 emissions were all exponentially related to the amount of soluble fraction in the amended straw (P 〈0.05). These indicated that under flooded conditions, the turnover and CH4 emission from crop straw incorporated into soil were dependent on the effect of elevated CO2 on straw composition, and varied with crop species. Incorporation of rice straw grown under elevated CO2 would stimulate CH4 emission from flooded rice fields, whereas winter wheat straw grown under elevated CO2 had no effect on CH4 emission. 展开更多
关键词 carbon cycle CH4 CO2 emissions soluble fraction
Analysis of Three-dimensional Crack Propagation by Using Displacement Discontinuity Method 被引量:3
作者 王飞 黄醒春 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第6期835-840,共6页
A technique for modelling of three-dimensional(3D)quasi-statically propagating cracks in elastic bodies by the displacement discontinuity method(DDM)was described.When the crack is closed,the Mohr-coulomb rule on the ... A technique for modelling of three-dimensional(3D)quasi-statically propagating cracks in elastic bodies by the displacement discontinuity method(DDM)was described.When the crack is closed,the Mohr-coulomb rule on the two contacted surfaces of the crack must be satisfied.A simple iterative method was adopted in order to consider three different states of cracks.Under the assumption that the advance of the point on the crack front would occur only in the normal plane which is through this edge point,the maximum energy release rate criterion is modified to be used as the criterion for the crack growth.With discretization,the process of crack propagation can be seen as the advance of the vertices of the crack front.The program MCP3D was developed based on these theories to simulate the 3D quasi-static crack propagation.A numerical example of a penny-shaped crack subject to tension and compression in an infinite elastic media was analyzed with MCP3D,and the results in comparison with others' show that the present method for 3D crack propagation is effective. 展开更多
关键词 three-dimensional(3D)crack propagation displacement discontinuity method stress intensity factor(SIF) numerical simulation
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