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根据排放成分确定空燃比的研究 被引量:6
作者 刘军 苏清祖 《内燃机学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期308-314,共7页
介绍了由发动机尾气排放物求空燃比精确解的模型 ,分析了进气湿度和温度、气体分析仪精度、NOx 浓度等对Φa 计算值的影响。通过简化模型 ,得到了空燃比的使用计算公式 ,并给出了实际分析数据和对比结果。简化计算模型仅需 φCO、φCO2... 介绍了由发动机尾气排放物求空燃比精确解的模型 ,分析了进气湿度和温度、气体分析仪精度、NOx 浓度等对Φa 计算值的影响。通过简化模型 ,得到了空燃比的使用计算公式 ,并给出了实际分析数据和对比结果。简化计算模型仅需 φCO、φCO2 、φO2 、φH C的数值就可计算空燃比 Φa,该模型可用于替代燃料的空燃比计算。同时给出了理论空燃比和过量空气系数的计算通式。目前的 4气、5气分析仪采用本文介绍的Φa和理论空燃比模型改造 ,即可用于替代燃料的Φa和α的测量。运用灵敏度法分析了各种气体测量误差对 展开更多
关键词 空燃比 气体分析仪 发动机 排放成分
典型树种挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放成分谱及排放特征 被引量:13
作者 李玲玉 Alex BGuenther +2 位作者 顾达萨 Roger Seco Sanjeevi Nagalingam 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期4966-4973,共8页
为研究典型树种的挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放特征,并获得基础排放速率,应用动态封闭式采样系统对毛果杨、北美枫香和马尾松的排放进行了实验室测量.利用热脱附-气相色谱-飞行质谱仪对排放样品进行定性和定量分析,包括异戊二烯、单萜烯、倍... 为研究典型树种的挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放特征,并获得基础排放速率,应用动态封闭式采样系统对毛果杨、北美枫香和马尾松的排放进行了实验室测量.利用热脱附-气相色谱-飞行质谱仪对排放样品进行定性和定量分析,包括异戊二烯、单萜烯、倍半萜烯、烷烃和烯烃,计算获得各树种VOCs排放速率及其排放谱特征.研究表明:毛果杨、北美枫香和马尾松的总VOCs排放速率分别为19.51、17.19和0.67μg/(g·h).毛果杨的异戊二烯排放最高(18.51μg/(g.h)),占其总排放的94.86%;马尾松排放的异戊二烯仅占4.03%,单萜烯贡献最高,为49.09%;北美枫香的单萜烯排放速率最高,为0.84μg/(g.h);3个树种排放的倍半萜烯占各自VOCs总排放的比重均较小(<1.5%);各树种的烷烃排放强度高于倍半萜烯,部分化合物甚至高于异戊二烯和单萜烯的排放强度.反式-β-罗勒烯是毛果杨排放最多的单萜烯化合物,占其单萜烯总排放的99.84%;北美枫香排放的单萜烯主要以香桧烯和β-蒎烯为主;马尾松以α-蒎烯、香桧烯和β-蒎烯为主.石竹烯、葎草烯、δ-杜松烯和β-愈创木烯是主要的倍半萜烯物种.烷烃排放主要为C4和C5的化合物,特别是异丁烷和正丁烷;各树种排放的烯烃中,1-丁烯排放占比最高. 展开更多
关键词 挥发性有机物 天然源 排放速率 排放成分
某化工园区两家石油化工企业不同装置的VOCs源排放成分分析 被引量:1
作者 崔扬 《江苏科技信息》 2022年第32期66-69,73,共5页
文章对某化工园区进行实地考察,重点监测了两家石油化工企业,对不同装置的VOCs排放进行现场采样并对数据进行分析,研究某化工园区源排放成分。结果表明:有组织采样中,异丙醇在不同装置中排放量最大;各类苯系物的贡献率普遍低下。无组织... 文章对某化工园区进行实地考察,重点监测了两家石油化工企业,对不同装置的VOCs排放进行现场采样并对数据进行分析,研究某化工园区源排放成分。结果表明:有组织采样中,异丙醇在不同装置中排放量最大;各类苯系物的贡献率普遍低下。无组织采样中,氮氧化物与二氧化硫含量排在前列,可能与燃料燃烧相关。不同装置的VOCs源排放成分特征可能与原料、化学反应及尾气排放等相关。 展开更多
关键词 VOCS 某化工园 排放成分
家具板材排放VOCs成分谱及排放因子研究 被引量:10
作者 李世杰 殷宝辉 +4 位作者 赵雪艳 王静 许海亚 耿春梅 白志鹏 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期859-867,共9页
随着目前人们对室内空气质量要求的不断提高,家具板材作为影响室内空气质量的VOCs(挥发性有机物)排放源,也逐渐受到重视.采用500 L静态箱,使用PTR-TOF-MS(质子转移反应-飞行时间质谱)对市售六类家具板材排放的VOCs进行测定,分别进行排... 随着目前人们对室内空气质量要求的不断提高,家具板材作为影响室内空气质量的VOCs(挥发性有机物)排放源,也逐渐受到重视.采用500 L静态箱,使用PTR-TOF-MS(质子转移反应-飞行时间质谱)对市售六类家具板材排放的VOCs进行测定,分别进行排放速率与排放平衡试验得到板材的排放特征与排放成分谱,并估算其排放因子.结果表明:①集成材、胶合板、细木工板、刨花板、密度板、实木地板8 h排放的ρ(TVOC)(TVOC为总挥发性有机物,total volatile organic compound)平均值分别为0.76、0.39、0.42、0.68、0.17、0.23 mg/m^3,各类板材主要排放物种分别为甲苯、甲醛、甲醛、正壬烷、甲醇、甲醛,其质量浓度平均值分别为0.23、0.23、0.13、0.35、0.04、0.06 mg/m^3.②排放平衡试验中焕城胶合板、吉林松木集成材、凯越密度板及时代刨花板TVOC的排放因子分别为3.63、10.63、0.51、2.07 g/m^3.③板材排放VOCs成分谱中,焕城胶合板主要排放物种为丙烷、乙烷、甲醛、甲醇,其排放占比分别为18.57%、4.73%、19.74%、17.83%;吉林松木集成材主要排放物种为甲苯,其排放占比为43.27%;凯越密度板主要排放物种为乙烷与甲醛,其排放占比分别为26.44%、19.42%;时代刨花板主要排放物种为甲醛与甲醇,其排放占比分别为40.16%、31.55%.研究显示,各类板材VOCs排放特征、排放成分谱及排放因子均存在较大差异,部分板材VOCs排放量较大,需加强行业标准的规范化. 展开更多
关键词 家具板材 VOCS 排放因子 排放成分
工艺过程源和溶剂使用源挥发性有机物排放成分谱研究进展 被引量:43
作者 王红丽 杨肇勋 景盛翱 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期2617-2628,共12页
工艺过程源和溶剂使用源是我国大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)最主要的工业来源,近年来源成分谱的研究逐步受到重视.本文总结梳理了2000年以来国内外有关工艺过程源和溶剂使用源排放VOCs特征的相关研究,对比分析了不同研究结果的差异,结合不同... 工艺过程源和溶剂使用源是我国大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)最主要的工业来源,近年来源成分谱的研究逐步受到重视.本文总结梳理了2000年以来国内外有关工艺过程源和溶剂使用源排放VOCs特征的相关研究,对比分析了不同研究结果的差异,结合不同研究的对象和方法,探讨了影响溶剂使用和工艺过程源排放成分谱研究的主要影响因素.结果表明,工艺过程源下分的32个三级子类(参照国家《大气挥发性有机物源排放清单编制技术指南》源分类方法)中,有相关研究报道的包括八类;溶剂使用源下分的10个三级子类中,有相关研究报道的包括四类.总体而言,细化的行业研究种类比较少,不同行业排放VOCs组成差异大,可比性较差.污染源采集测试方法对同一行业源排放成分谱研究结果有较大影响.此外,成分谱中VOCs物质名录的不统一也不利于不同研究结果的比较;含氧VOCs是上述两类污染源排放的重要组分,需要纳入测量范围.未来,有必要建立开放交互式的工艺过程源和溶剂使用源排放VOCs成分谱库平台,鼓励并形成不同研究结果的共享及录入机制;并建立相关研究成果数据入库规范,包括研究的对象、方法、地区、时段以及样本量等详细信息,以便开展不同VOCs源成分谱不确定性评判. 展开更多
关键词 挥发性有机物 工艺过程源 溶剂使用 排放成分 研究进展
深圳市典型工业行业VOCs排放谱特征研究 被引量:23
作者 于广河 朱乔 +3 位作者 夏士勇 牛英博 朱波 黄晓锋 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第S1期232-236,共5页
为了深入了解深圳市主要工业行业挥发性有机物VOCs排放组分特征,该研究采用气袋采样-GC/MS分析系统,对6个典型行业企业的VOCs排放进行了测定。结果显示:家具、塑胶和自行车制造行业由于大量喷漆的使用而排放特征相似,芳香烃含量突出(>... 为了深入了解深圳市主要工业行业挥发性有机物VOCs排放组分特征,该研究采用气袋采样-GC/MS分析系统,对6个典型行业企业的VOCs排放进行了测定。结果显示:家具、塑胶和自行车制造行业由于大量喷漆的使用而排放特征相似,芳香烃含量突出(>70%);而制鞋行业排放的芳香烃和卤代烃含量均较高(分别占比为41%和55%),与制鞋工艺中所用的胶粘剂中富含苯系物和氯代烃相关;印刷行业排放中由油墨释放的烷烃和芳香烃含量均较高(分别占比为43%和40%);电子行业由于工艺复杂性,烷烃、芳香烃和卤代烃排放量则大致均等。该研究详细量化了家具制造、制鞋和自行车制造行业的VOCs排放源成分谱,共55种VOCs组分,其中包括9种烷烃、7种烯烃、9种芳香烃和30种卤代烃,为环境大气中VOCs来源识别提供了参比信息。进一步对不同行业进行了臭氧生成潜势(OFP)估算,结果表明家具制造业的OFP贡献最为显著(42%),应成为深圳市控制臭氧污染的优先控制行业。 展开更多
关键词 VOCS 排放成分 深圳 工业行业
石化企业循环水的VOCs成分谱 被引量:3
作者 侯秀华 栾金义 +2 位作者 张建华 许树华 孙静 《化工环保》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期349-353,共5页
采用顶空-气相色谱-质谱联用技术,针对3家石油化工企业的38个循环水样进行了VOCs的定性、定量分析。结果表明,石化企业循环水中主要含有烷烃、烯烃、卤代烃、芳香烃、含氧有机物等5类物质,其中卤代烃占总量的67%(w),芳香烃化合物占24%(... 采用顶空-气相色谱-质谱联用技术,针对3家石油化工企业的38个循环水样进行了VOCs的定性、定量分析。结果表明,石化企业循环水中主要含有烷烃、烯烃、卤代烃、芳香烃、含氧有机物等5类物质,其中卤代烃占总量的67%(w),芳香烃化合物占24%(w),烃类化合物、含氧化合物含量比较低,分别占4%(w)。本研究进一步完善了我国VOCs排放源成分谱,同时也为石化企业循环水中VOCs的管控提供了数据支持。 展开更多
关键词 挥发性有机物 排放成分 石油化工 循环水 气相色谱-质谱
轻型汽油车VOCs排放特征和排放因子台架测试研究 被引量:30
作者 高爽 金亮茂 +5 位作者 史建武 韩斌 王秀艳 彭跃 赵丽娟 白志鹏 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期397-405,共9页
为研究轻型汽油车尾气中VOCs的排放特征和排放因子,按照《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法》(中国Ⅲ、Ⅳ阶段)中要求,采用底盘测功机对国内现有不同品牌轻型汽车进行台架试验,并利用3级冷阱预浓缩GC-MS方法对尾气样品中VOCs物种... 为研究轻型汽油车尾气中VOCs的排放特征和排放因子,按照《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法》(中国Ⅲ、Ⅳ阶段)中要求,采用底盘测功机对国内现有不同品牌轻型汽车进行台架试验,并利用3级冷阱预浓缩GC-MS方法对尾气样品中VOCs物种进行定量分析.结果表明,尾气样品中共有68种VOCs被定量检出,其中芳香烃种类最多,占38.7%,烷烃占29.80%,烯烃(包含炔烃)占27.1%.不同品牌轻型车源排放谱特征基本吻合.轻型汽车的总VOCs排放因子为O.01-0.46g/km,前3位物种分别为乙烯、甲苯和苯。 展开更多
关键词 轻型汽油车 挥发性有机物(VOCs) 台架试验 排放因子:源成分
汽车排放污染与控制 被引量:5
作者 杜西岭 《中小企业管理与科技》 2009年第22期271-272,共2页
汽车工业的发展和汽车数量的增加,使汽车排放对环境的危害日益加剧。研究汽车排放污染的防治技术成了当前的重要课题。本文分析了汽车排放污染与人类生存环境的关系,介绍了应从发动机燃烧、结构设计、燃料提供等技术及加强车辆维修保养... 汽车工业的发展和汽车数量的增加,使汽车排放对环境的危害日益加剧。研究汽车排放污染的防治技术成了当前的重要课题。本文分析了汽车排放污染与人类生存环境的关系,介绍了应从发动机燃烧、结构设计、燃料提供等技术及加强车辆维修保养、开发新型环保汽车等措施着手,控制汽车排放,减少大气污染。 展开更多
关键词 汽车排放成分 危害 控制
中国挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放源成分谱研究进展 被引量:156
作者 莫梓伟 邵敏 陆思华 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期2179-2189,共11页
我国VOCs排放来源多、排放成分复杂.排放源成分谱是识别VOCs排放源特征的基本信息,对开展我国大气复合污染研究及制定污染控制策略具有重要意义.本文在介绍排放源成分谱的测量方法和总结我国排放源成分谱测量结果的基础上,阐述了典型排... 我国VOCs排放来源多、排放成分复杂.排放源成分谱是识别VOCs排放源特征的基本信息,对开展我国大气复合污染研究及制定污染控制策略具有重要意义.本文在介绍排放源成分谱的测量方法和总结我国排放源成分谱测量结果的基础上,阐述了典型排放源VOCs成分谱组分特征.不完全燃烧产物(烯烃和醛酮类)是机动车尾气的重要组分,烯烃在我国油品挥发成分谱中的比例较高,含氧VOCs在溶剂使用源和燃烧排放源中不容忽视,化学组分复杂是工业排放的重要特征.文章还指出了源谱研究的不足之处,主要包括源谱采集与测试方法不规范、测量结果质量难以保证及评价、含氧VOCs组分关注不够、工业排放源成分谱缺失等.从源谱的测量方法、测量组分和数据后处理等方面进行规范化,继续加强机动车排放研究,开展石油化工等工业源谱测量,构建我国本地化VOCs源谱数据库将是今后重要研究工作. 展开更多
关键词 VOCS 排放成分 测量方法 组分特征
作者 李博 吴健 +2 位作者 徐斌 苗家轩 李明 《河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第5期46-49,7,共4页
强化微燃烧器内部燃烧过程,对提高微型热光电系统能量输出和实现较低排放有重要的意义,为实现这一目的,本文进行了不同结构尺寸的微燃烧器的燃烧试验。研究结果表明:改变微燃烧器形状,能够改善燃烧器内部燃烧反应过程,从而提高微型燃烧... 强化微燃烧器内部燃烧过程,对提高微型热光电系统能量输出和实现较低排放有重要的意义,为实现这一目的,本文进行了不同结构尺寸的微燃烧器的燃烧试验。研究结果表明:改变微燃烧器形状,能够改善燃烧器内部燃烧反应过程,从而提高微型燃烧器的外壁面温度和辐射强度,并且能够降低排放;在试验的燃烧器结构中,平板1型具有较高壁面平均温度和较低的CO、HC排放。 展开更多
关键词 微型热光电系统 微型燃烧器 结构尺寸 壁面温度 辐射强度 排放成分
Principal Component Analysis of Major Pollutants Discharge Amount in Major Cities 被引量:1
作者 于淼 金童 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第7期1260-1262,共3页
With the development of industry in China, the emission issues of indus- trial wastewater has got more and more attention. Excessive levels of pollutants in wastewater are urgent problem to be solved. Together with th... With the development of industry in China, the emission issues of indus- trial wastewater has got more and more attention. Excessive levels of pollutants in wastewater are urgent problem to be solved. Together with the emissions of do- mestic wastewater, the discharge amount of pollutants has exceeded standard in many cities, which not only pollutes the water resources, but also greatly threatens the environment, and does great harm to people's health. The principal component analysis was conducted based on the principal components extracted from the data of major pollutants emission conditions in the wastewater of major cities from the China Statistical Yearbook 2014. 展开更多
关键词 Principal component analysis Pollutant discharge amount Industrial wastewater: Domestic wastewater
Photochemical Process Modeling and Analysis of Ozone Generation 被引量:5
作者 王冰 邱彤 陈丙珍 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期721-729,共9页
Air pollution in modern city and industrial zones has become a serious public concern in recent years in China. Significance of air quality assessment and emission control strategy design is increasing. Most studies i... Air pollution in modern city and industrial zones has become a serious public concern in recent years in China. Significance of air quality assessment and emission control strategy design is increasing. Most studies in China focus on particulate matter(PM), especially PM2.5, while few account for photochemical secondary air pollutions represented by ozone(O3). In this paper, a procedure for air quality simulation with comprehensive air quality model with extensions(CAMx) is demonstrated for studying the photochemical process and ozone generation in the troposphere. As a case study, the CAMx photochemical grid model is used to model ozone over southern part of Beijing city in winter, 2011. The input parameters to CAMx include emission sources, meteorology field data, terrain definition, photolysis status, initial and boundary conditions. The simulation results are verified by theoretical analysis of the ozone generation tendency. The simulated variation tendency of domain-wide average value of hourly ozone concentration coincides reasonably well with the theoretical analysis on the atmospheric photochemical process, demonstrating the effectiveness of the procedure. An integrated model system that cooperates with CAMx will be established in our future work. 展开更多
关键词 comprehensive air quality model with extensions MULTI-SCALE OZONE air quality modeling PHOTOCHEMICAL
Synthesis and emission analysis of novel rare earth complex Eu(TTA)_3(2NH_2-Phen) 被引量:1
作者 吕玉光 李刚 +3 位作者 石春卉 于连生 栾芳 张福俊 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第12期2336-2339,共4页
The rare earth ternary complex of Eu 3+ with thenoyltrifluoroacetone,and 4,7-2NH2 phenanthroline was synthesized and well characterized by UV,fluorescent,IR spectrometry and X-ray diffractometry(XRD)as well as element... The rare earth ternary complex of Eu 3+ with thenoyltrifluoroacetone,and 4,7-2NH2 phenanthroline was synthesized and well characterized by UV,fluorescent,IR spectrometry and X-ray diffractometry(XRD)as well as elemental analysis.The results show that the complex of Eu(III)emits strong red luminescence when excited by UV light,and Eu(TTA)3(2NH2-Phen)has the higher sensitized luminescent efficiency and longer lifetime than Eu(TTA)3(Phen).In device of ITO/PVK/Eu(TTA)3(2NH2-Phen)/Al,the spectra of Eu(TTA)3(2NH2-Phen)with different ratios for spin-cast film were monitored.The main emitting peak at 614 nm can be attributed to the transition of 5 D0→ 7 F2 of Eu 3+ and this process results in the enhancement of red emission from electroluminescence device.The effect and mechanism of the ligands on the luminescence properties of europium complex were discussed.The results show that the luminescence intensity of the title complexes greatly increases in comparison with that of their corresponding complexes,revealing that the second ligands form very good synergistic effect with the first ligands.The title complexes possess excellent thermal stability properties,and are hopefully developed into fine PL and EL red materials. 展开更多
The Use of Hydrogen as a Fuel for Inland Waterway Units 被引量:3
作者 M. Morsy El Gohary Yousri M. A. Welaya AmrAbdelwahabSaad 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2014年第2期212-217,共6页
Escalating apprehension about the harmful effects of widespread use of conventional fossil fuels in the marine field and in internal combustion engines in general, has led to a vast amount of efforts and the directing... Escalating apprehension about the harmful effects of widespread use of conventional fossil fuels in the marine field and in internal combustion engines in general, has led to a vast amount of efforts and the directing of large capital investment towards research and development of sustainable alternative energy sources. One of the most promising and abundant of these sources is hydrogen. Firstly, the use of current fossil fuels is. discussed focusing on the emissions and economic sides to emphasize the need for a new, cleaner and renewable fuel with particular reference to hydrogen as a suitable possible alternative. Hydrogen properties, production and storage methods are then reviewed along with its suitability from the economical point of view. Finally, a cost analysis for the use of hydrogen in internal combustion engines is carried out to illustrate the benefits of its use as a replacement for diesel. The outcome of this cost analysis shows that 98% of the capital expenditure is consumed by the equipment, and 68.3% of the total cost of the equipment is spent on the solar photovoltaic cells. The hydrogen plant is classified as a large investment project because of its high initial cost which is about 1 billion US$; but this is justified because hydrogen is produced in a totally green way. When hydrogen is used as a fuel, no harmful emissions are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable alternative energy sources hydrogen fuel hydrogen properties hydrogen production hydrogen storage costanalysis inland waterway units
Influence of dioxin reduction on chemical composition of sintering exhaust gas with adding urea 被引量:11
作者 龙红明 李家新 王平 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期1359-1363,共5页
With the addition of urea as an inhibitor, four groups of reducing dioxin emission experiments in sintering pot were conducted. The results show that, adding 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.5% (mass fraction) urea, the emission c... With the addition of urea as an inhibitor, four groups of reducing dioxin emission experiments in sintering pot were conducted. The results show that, adding 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.5% (mass fraction) urea, the emission concentrations of dioxin are 0.287 0.258 and 0.217 ng-TEQ/m3, respectively. The dioxin emission rates drop substantially compared to 0.777 ng-TEQ/m3 flee of urea. With an increase of the urea content, the concentration of SO2 emission reduces sharply. (NH4)2SO4, formed by the reaction of SO2 and NH3, goes into the dust and part of NH3 is released before reaction with the emission of exhaust gas. The NO~ emission presents an increasing trend because the reaction of NH3 and 02 at high temperature produces NOx. Based on the consideration of factors such as the effect of reducing dioxin emission, and the chemical composition of exhaust gas, 0.05% is the optimum adding content of urea. 展开更多
Effects of H_2/CO/CH_4 syngas composition variation on the NO_x and CO emission characteristics in a partially-premixed gas turbine combustor 被引量:6
作者 Lee Min Chul 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期1804-1813,共10页
This paper reports the effects of variations in the fuel composition of H_2/CO/CH_4 syngas on the characteristics of NO_x and CO emissions in a partially-premixed gas turbine combustor. Combustion tests were conducted... This paper reports the effects of variations in the fuel composition of H_2/CO/CH_4 syngas on the characteristics of NO_x and CO emissions in a partially-premixed gas turbine combustor. Combustion tests were conducted on a full range of fuel compositions by varying each component gas from 0% to 100% at heat inputs of 40 and 50 k Wth. Flame temperature, combustor liner temperature, ignition delay time, and flame structure were investigated computationally and experimentally to judge whether they are significant indicators of NO_x and CO formation. The characteristics of and reasons for NO_x and CO emissions were investigated by analyzing the emission mechanisms and relationships among fuel property, equivalence ratio, flame temperature, liner temperature, flame shape. The flame structures were investigated using the following flame visualization methods:(1) time-averaged OH* chemiluminescence and its Abel-deconvolution;(2) direct photography; and(3) instantaneous OH-PLIF. The flame structures were greatly changed by the fuel composition and heat input, and they were subjected to key affecting parameters of the temperatures of the flames and the liners. NO_x and CO emissions also largely varied according to fuel composition and heat input, showing neither linearly nor exponentially clear proportional trends toward the syngas compositions because of the singular conditions. For example, only the 100% CO flame at low load emitted lots of CO, whereas complete combustion was observed in other cases. However, the qualitative observations showed that the root causes of NO_x emission behaviors were flame temperature and flame structure, which were directly related to the residence time in the flame. Various sets of practical test results were obtained, and these results could contribute to the optimal selection of the fuel-feeding condition when fuel is changed from natural gas to syngas in order to minimize NO_x and CO emissions with stable combustion. 展开更多
关键词 gas turbine combustor NO_x and CO emission synthetic gas OH* chemiluminescence planar laser induced fluorescence
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