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遗传算法在点源扩散浓度反演排放源强中的应用 被引量:17
作者 陈军明 徐大海 朱蓉 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第9期12-16,共5页
污染源清单的建立是目前城市大气污染浓度预报中的一大障碍。使用遗传算法和多点源扩散模式 ,从控制点浓度成功地反演了点源排放清单。源强反演数值的统计结果表明 ,该方法简单易行 ,效果较好 。
关键词 扩散浓度 排放源强 空气污染 反演 遗传算法 可行性
青岛市机动车排放源强与排放量研究 被引量:8
作者 荣英飞 张纪鹏 +1 位作者 霍炜 王德昌 《环境保护科学》 CAS 2010年第2期1-4,33,共5页
阐述了青岛市城市机动车的发展现状和道路交通状况,采集典型交通状况的车流量和车速数据,对评价区域进行了移动线源、面源的源强分析计算,得到了该区域内机动车排放网格数据,通过修正的排放因子计算了青岛市机动车主要尾气污染物的年排... 阐述了青岛市城市机动车的发展现状和道路交通状况,采集典型交通状况的车流量和车速数据,对评价区域进行了移动线源、面源的源强分析计算,得到了该区域内机动车排放网格数据,通过修正的排放因子计算了青岛市机动车主要尾气污染物的年排放量,目的是为机动车污染治理提供了理论数据。研究表明从排放源源强分析机动车道路污染状况和污染区域分布,不受扩散模式的影响,可以简单有效的评价机动车排放污染程度;青岛市城市主干道以成为机动车污染物的主要排放源,针对青岛市机动车尾气污染情况提出了合理的污染物治理建议。 展开更多
关键词 机动车污染 排放因子 排放源强 排放
电厂循环水中杀生剂排放源强计算研究 被引量:1
作者 李亚红 元昊 +1 位作者 赵小芳 周筝 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第S1期233-236,共4页
根据经验公式,对某调峰电厂循环水中可降解性杀生剂的排放源强进行计算。结果表明,半衰期为26h的杀生剂在循环水中消减的同时受杀生剂自身降解特性和循环水补、排水工艺影响,其中补、排水工艺对杀生剂的消减占主导地位,约为药剂自身降... 根据经验公式,对某调峰电厂循环水中可降解性杀生剂的排放源强进行计算。结果表明,半衰期为26h的杀生剂在循环水中消减的同时受杀生剂自身降解特性和循环水补、排水工艺影响,其中补、排水工艺对杀生剂的消减占主导地位,约为药剂自身降解损失的2.18倍。间歇式投加杀生剂时,杀生剂在循环水中的排放源强呈逐日下降趋势,日下降97.2%,一个加药周期内循环水中的杀生剂基本消减完全。杀生剂在循环水中的排放源强呈动态变化,对循环水杀生剂的排放监测宜采取跟踪监测,同时关注排放峰值和排放总量。 展开更多
关键词 电厂 循环水 杀生剂 排放源强
喷涂企业VOC产生和排放源强估算方法探讨 被引量:3
作者 高翔宇 何艳丽 +1 位作者 来庆云 谭大鹏 《环境影响评价》 2017年第1期69-73,共5页
喷涂企业挥发性有机物(VOC)产生和排放量的估算是环境影响评价的重要环节。本文综述了常用的源强估算方法,并根据某大型汽车制造企业调研得到的物料、工艺及监测数据,利用常用的估算方法,对喷涂产生的VOC产生量和排放量进行估算,并将其... 喷涂企业挥发性有机物(VOC)产生和排放量的估算是环境影响评价的重要环节。本文综述了常用的源强估算方法,并根据某大型汽车制造企业调研得到的物料、工艺及监测数据,利用常用的估算方法,对喷涂产生的VOC产生量和排放量进行估算,并将其与验收报告的监测值进行比较,为源强估算方法的完善提供了思路。 展开更多
关键词 喷涂 VOC 排放源强 估算
实测模拟法确定生活垃圾转运站恶臭排放源强 被引量:2
作者 刘枫 王焕松 +2 位作者 于小飞 董妍 马殊琼 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S1期820-824,共5页
对北京某现有生活垃圾转运站布点监测恶臭污染物,采用ADMS-Urban反推恶臭无组织排放源强,进而获得该转运站技改工程生物除臭塔的有组织产生源强;通过对同类除臭工艺的监测,类比获得该转运站技改工程的除臭效率,进而确定其恶臭有组织排... 对北京某现有生活垃圾转运站布点监测恶臭污染物,采用ADMS-Urban反推恶臭无组织排放源强,进而获得该转运站技改工程生物除臭塔的有组织产生源强;通过对同类除臭工艺的监测,类比获得该转运站技改工程的除臭效率,进而确定其恶臭有组织排放源强,再以通量法类比监测同类除臭工艺垃圾进厂恶臭浓度,确定该转运站技改工程恶臭无组织排放源强。此套方法对同类生活垃圾转运站除臭技改工程确定恶臭排放源强具有一定借鉴和推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 生活垃圾转运站 恶臭污染物 ADMS-Urban 排放源强
广州市住宅室内PM_(2.5)排放源的定量计算 被引量:2
作者 黄虹 李顺诚 +3 位作者 曹军骥 邹长伟 陈新庚 范绍佳 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第1期64-69,88,共7页
对广州市部分采样住宅室内、室外PM2.5的浓度进行了15 min平均的实时监测.室内浓度系列与室外浓度系列相比,出现多个明显的浓度峰,定性判断住宅室内存在一定的排放源.结合物质平衡模型、线性回归模型及室内外实时监测浓度线性拟合情况,... 对广州市部分采样住宅室内、室外PM2.5的浓度进行了15 min平均的实时监测.室内浓度系列与室外浓度系列相比,出现多个明显的浓度峰,定性判断住宅室内存在一定的排放源.结合物质平衡模型、线性回归模型及室内外实时监测浓度线性拟合情况,定量计算住宅室内PM2.5排放源源强,结果表明3个采样住宅的PM2.5室内排放源的平均排放强度为6 417-9 779μg.h-1. 展开更多
关键词 室内空气 PM2.5 排放源强
作者 鲁颐琼 《中国煤炭》 北大核心 2014年第S1期518-521,共4页
黑碳主要是含碳物质不完全燃烧产生的不定型碳质,对太阳辐射有强烈吸收作用。本文在分析比较的基础上,选用了近年来发表的行业黑碳排放因子,根据能源消费构成情况,估算了2012年全国各省市不同排放源的黑碳排放量及排放强度分布,并对京... 黑碳主要是含碳物质不完全燃烧产生的不定型碳质,对太阳辐射有强烈吸收作用。本文在分析比较的基础上,选用了近年来发表的行业黑碳排放因子,根据能源消费构成情况,估算了2012年全国各省市不同排放源的黑碳排放量及排放强度分布,并对京津冀及周边地区等黑碳排放较高省份的行业分布做了具体分析。 展开更多
关键词 黑碳 排放总量 年平均排放源强 中国
环境健康与农村环保研究所 上海市农业源大气污染研究进展及控制技术体系 被引量:1
作者 徐昶 倪远之 付侃 《上海环境科学》 CAS 2020年第3期F0002-F0002,F0003,共2页
(续2020年第2期封二、封三)(3)农业源大气复合污染观测研究站点科研团队设计建立了农业源大气氨-颗粒物复合监测站点,分析农业源点位、城市点位、郊区背景点位不同NH3排放源水平和大气NH3浓度下,PM2.5中SO42-、NO3-、NH4+等二次粒子的... (续2020年第2期封二、封三)(3)农业源大气复合污染观测研究站点科研团队设计建立了农业源大气氨-颗粒物复合监测站点,分析农业源点位、城市点位、郊区背景点位不同NH3排放源水平和大气NH3浓度下,PM2.5中SO42-、NO3-、NH4+等二次粒子的存在形式及转化机制,探讨NH3对硝酸盐、硫酸盐以及PM2.5气溶胶形成过程的影响,发现农业点位、城市点位、背景点位不同季节颗粒物形成存在显著差异。根据氨排放源强的强弱以及主要气象因子,筛选划分了5类上海市典型的颗粒物形成机制:高温富氨型、低温富氨型、高温贫氨型、低温贫氨型、外来区域传输型。 展开更多
关键词 二次粒子 大气污染 区域传输 排放源强 气溶胶 颗粒物 科研团队 农村环保
气象要素变化对城市空气质量影响的评估方法与应用——以PM_(2.5)为例 被引量:5
作者 赵妤希 任家豪 +4 位作者 陈义珍 张新民 张凯 杨欣 何友江 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期5610-5616,共7页
从城市尺度空气质量模型和平流扩散理论出发,通过对气象要素归类,利用空气质量与各类气象条件对应排放源强表征量的关联,建立了气象要素变化对城市空气质量影响的评估方法.该方法考虑了包括风(风速和风向)、云量、太阳辐射强度、大气稳... 从城市尺度空气质量模型和平流扩散理论出发,通过对气象要素归类,利用空气质量与各类气象条件对应排放源强表征量的关联,建立了气象要素变化对城市空气质量影响的评估方法.该方法考虑了包括风(风速和风向)、云量、太阳辐射强度、大气稳定度、混合层高度等基本气象要素,能定量有效评估长期气象要素变化对空气质量的改善幅度.该方法在河南省鹤壁市的应用表明,相对2020年,2021年PM_(2.5)浓度下降7.2μg/m^(3),气象要素变化和人为减排分别下降0.4和6.8μg/m^(3),占改善浓度的5.6%和94.4%,人努力起到主导作用;从季度来看,大气污染防治工作使夏、秋、冬季PM_(2.5)浓度均有所降低,其中冬季下降27.8μg/m^(3),减排措施贡献16.8μg/m^(3),人努力效果尤为显著. 展开更多
关键词 排放源强表征量 气象要素变化 空气质量 评估方法 鹤壁市 PM_(2.5)
Assessing China 2030 carbon emissions from fossil fuels:based on system dynamics model 被引量:3
作者 佟贺丰 Qu Weishuang 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2015年第2期178-184,共7页
The Chinese government has set ambitious targets to reduce the per unit of GDP by 40% ~45% during 2005 to 2020 and achieve the intensity peaking of carbon emissions of CO2 emissions a- round 2030. The T21 national dev... The Chinese government has set ambitious targets to reduce the per unit of GDP by 40% ~45% during 2005 to 2020 and achieve the intensity peaking of carbon emissions of CO2 emissions a- round 2030. The T21 national development model for China was developed for the purpose of analy- zing the effects of long-term national policies that relate to carbon emissions, loss of farm land, water shortage, energy security, food security, and their contributions to this reduction target. The focus of this paper is on the policies that have substantial impacts on carbon emissions from fossil fuels. Four scenarios are developed with the model to simulate future carbon emissions : 1 ) the BAU ( busi- ness as usual) scenario, showing the likely results of continuing current policies; 2 ) the TECH (technology) scenario showing the effects of more investment in renewable energy sources and promoting more energy efficient technologies; 3 ) the BEHAVIOR scenario, showing how government tax and price policies, together with public education programs, would instigate behaviour changes towards more sustainable living; and 4 ) the TECH&BEHA scenario, which shows the results of combining scenarios 2 and 3. The simulation results show that CO2 emissions reduction targets of China are achievable, but also require great effort to put in. 展开更多
关键词 system dynamics model carbon emissions GDP carbon intensity system simulation
Decomposition of Energy-related CO_2 Emissions from Shanghai's Industries and Policy Implications
作者 Chen Wei Zhu Dajian 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第3期40-46,共7页
This paper quantifies a decomposition analysis of energy-related CO2 emissions in the industrial sectors of Shanghai over the period 1994-2007.The Log-Mean Divisia Index(LMDI) method is applied to this study in terms ... This paper quantifies a decomposition analysis of energy-related CO2 emissions in the industrial sectors of Shanghai over the period 1994-2007.The Log-Mean Divisia Index(LMDI) method is applied to this study in terms of six factors:labor force,labor mobility,gross labor productivity,energy intensity,fuel mix,and emission coefficient.In addition,the decoupling effect between industrial economic growth and CO2 emissions is analyzed to evaluate CO2 mitigation strategies for Shanghai.The results show that all labor productivity has the largest positive effect on CO2 emission changes in the industrial sectors,whereas labor mobility and energy intensity are the main components for decreasing CO2 emissions.Other factors have different effects on CO2 mitigation in different sub-periods.Although a relative decoupling of industrial CO2 emissions from the economic growth in Shanghai has been found,Shanghai should keep pace with the industrial CO2 emissions reduction by implementing low-carbon technology.These results have important policy implications:Plan C is the reasonable choice for Shanghai. 展开更多
关键词 industrial CO2 emissions LMDI DECOUPLING Shang-hai
Comparison of China's Carbon Emission Scenarios in 2050 被引量:3
作者 Huimin Li Ye Qi 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第4期193-202,共10页
Several representative studies on China's carbon emission scenarios in 2050 are compared in scenario settings, methodologies, macro parameters, energy consumption and structure, carbon emissions, and carbon emission ... Several representative studies on China's carbon emission scenarios in 2050 are compared in scenario settings, methodologies, macro parameters, energy consumption and structure, carbon emissions, and carbon emission intensity. Under the baseline scenario of the present policy framework, the future energy structure will be optimized and carbon emission intensity will decrease continually. China's carbon emissions up to 2050 show a significant increase reaching between 11.9 Gt and 16.2 Gt CO2 in 2050. By strengthening a low carbon policy, the optimization of energy structure and the decline in carbon emission intensity will become more obvious within the comparative scenarios, which show a significant decrease in carbon emission until 2050 reaching only between 4.3 Gt and 9.5 Gt CO2 bv then. 展开更多
关键词 carbon emission climate change emission scenario
China’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy:2006-2010
作者 Qi Ye Li Huimin 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第2期39-50,共12页
China achieved major progress in low-carbon development during the period of the 11th Five Year Plan (2006-2010). The increasing trend of energy intensity and carbon intensity of the economy as seen prior to 2005 was ... China achieved major progress in low-carbon development during the period of the 11th Five Year Plan (2006-2010). The increasing trend of energy intensity and carbon intensity of the economy as seen prior to 2005 was reversed to a sharp decreasing trend, leading to a 19% decrease in energy intensity and 21% decrease in carbon intensity in five years. The enhanced energy efficiency, mostly due to efficiency improvement in power and manufacturing sector, is the major driver of the decrease in carbon intensity of the economy. The development of renewable energy, despite its impressive growth rate, played a minor role because of its small share in the energy mix of the country. Energy con-sumption and energy-related carbon emissions per unit of area in building continued to grow at a lesser rate, which, combined with the fast growth of total building volume, led to fast growth in total energy consumption and carbon emissions in the sector. Similar trend is observed in the transportation sector whose total energy use and carbon emissions continued to grow fast despite slight improvement in energy efficiency. Agricultural energy use experienced a slight change and forestry made a major contribution to carbon sinks. Policy and institutional innovations helped build a solid system of rules for low-carbon development. Improving cost effectiveness of the system remains a major challenge for the next five year plan period. 展开更多
关键词 low-carbon development carbon productivity energyintensity
Intensity Calculation Using Input-Output Table and Case Study Regarding Embodied Energy/CO2 in Japan
作者 Makoto Yamamoto Keizo Yokoyama +2 位作者 Noriyoshi Yokoo Tatsuo Oka Takao Sawachi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第3期321-330,共10页
The objective of this research is to quantify the EEC (embodied energy/CO2) of a building. The EEC represents the energy consumption and CO2 emissions at individual phases of a building's life-cycle, such as constr... The objective of this research is to quantify the EEC (embodied energy/CO2) of a building. The EEC represents the energy consumption and CO2 emissions at individual phases of a building's life-cycle, such as construction (including manufacture of materials and equipment), renewal (including repair work) and demolition. Energy and CO2 emission intensities in terms of 401 sectors were calculated, using the 2005 I-O (input-output) table in Japan. According to our case study conducted from the construction phase to demolition, the EC (embodied CO2) of an office building used for 60 years is 12,044 t-CO2 and 1,093 kg-CO2/m^2 in total. CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e) by Freon gases, contained in building materials, equipment and devices, were also calculated. As the results, CO2e by insulators was 2% of the building's EC and CO2e by refrigerants was 9%-12% of the building's EC. It is important to keep reducing emissions of Freon gases contained in refrigerators. 展开更多
关键词 I-O table intensity of energy and CO2 embodied energy/CO〉
A Field Test of All-Weather Surfaces for Horse Paddocks
作者 Hans E. von Wachenfelt 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第4期197-211,共15页
This field study sought to determine the all-weather surface construction providing the least contaminated runoff and drainage effluent when exposed to moderate to heavy precipitation and different manure loads in hor... This field study sought to determine the all-weather surface construction providing the least contaminated runoff and drainage effluent when exposed to moderate to heavy precipitation and different manure loads in horse paddocks during wintertime. Two different combinations of non-woven and woven geotextile together with two gravel fractions of 200 nlm were exposed to precipitation and horse manure/urine for two years under two manure regimes (manure removal and manure accumulation). In a simulated rainfall (SR) study, the test areas were also exposed to 50 mm precipitation for 30 min and 15 kg of horse manure under the two manure regimes. Runoff, drainage effluent and leachate flow were measured and sampled for both regimes. The geotextile-gravel construction reduced runoff and drained the test area throughout the two-year period, confirming construction stability and a dry walking surface area at a mean drain flow of 3.65 L m2 h1. The concentrations of total N, total phosphorus (TP), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total solids (TS) in fluids leaving the test areas in winter were lower than in previous studies, due to lower horse density. The mean drainage concentration of TP, COD and TS was 3.4, 231, 739 mg L1, respectively, due to manure removal in the SR study. The TP (1.9 mg L-1) concentration in drain fluids was reduced by 47% in the test area consisting of a single geotextile compared with previously reported values (3.6 mg Ll). With the paddock designs tested here, non-point pollution from paddocks could be controlled and reduced. 展开更多
An Analysis of the Increase of CO2 Emissions in China: Based on an SDA technique
作者 郭朝先 《China Economist》 2011年第4期70-82,共13页
This paper creates an extended import-competitive economy-energy-environmental input/output model and employs a structural decomposition analysis (SDA) approach based on double-layer nested structural formulae to br... This paper creates an extended import-competitive economy-energy-environmental input/output model and employs a structural decomposition analysis (SDA) approach based on double-layer nested structural formulae to break down China's carbon dioxide emissions growth between 1992 and 2007from three perspectives: the overall economy, by-industry and by industrial sectors. Analysis results indicate that the energy intensity effect remains the biggest factor behind carbon emissions reduction. This paper also .found that between 2002 and 2007, China's carbon emissions growth obviously accelerated compared to the previous period, which indicates a "high carbon" tendency in the new round of industrialization. Therefore, in addition to developing a circular economy and clean production, accelerating the phasing out of backward capacities, and developing new energies, China should further encompass the positive role of energy intensity. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 emissions structural decomposition analysis (SDA) change effect ofenergy consumption intensity change effect of the input^output coefficient
基于扩散模式反演的橡胶轮胎制造行业VOCs排放特征 被引量:5
作者 白红祥 魏巍 +3 位作者 王雅婷 任云婷 臧佳欣 程水源 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期2994-3000,共7页
选取我国华北地区某轮胎制造企业为研究对象,针对其挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放,开展了VOCs外场观测试验,并通过ISC3模式反演获得该企业VOCs排放源强.观测结果表明,厂外上风向背景点和下风向受体点之间存在显著的VOCs浓度差异和化学组分差异... 选取我国华北地区某轮胎制造企业为研究对象,针对其挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放,开展了VOCs外场观测试验,并通过ISC3模式反演获得该企业VOCs排放源强.观测结果表明,厂外上风向背景点和下风向受体点之间存在显著的VOCs浓度差异和化学组分差异. 20种潜在排放污染物在背景点和受体点TVOCs浓度平均值分别为53. 8μg·m^-3和127. 5μg·m^-3,背景点化合物以丙烷(7. 2μg·m^-3)、丙酮(7. 5μg·m^-3)、壬醛(12. 7μg·m^-3)、丁烷(4. 9μg·m^-3)和乙醛(2. 7μg·m^-3)为主;受体点化合物以壬醛(43. 5μg·m^-3)、丙烷(11. 4μg·m^-3)、乙醛(7. 4μg·m^-3)、己烷(11. 9μg·m^-3)和丁烷(7. 3μg·m^-3)为主.背景点和受体点VOCs差异(Δc)为该企业潜在排放的VOCs贡献,以烷烃(31. 39%)和含氧挥发性有机物(33. 15%)为主.继而,本文利用ISC3模式,基于观测期间气象条件,获得了每次试验每个受体点的浓度与源强的关系系数,并基于该关系系数计算了该企业的VOCs排放源强.反演结果显示,该橡胶轮胎制造厂VOCs年排放量平均值为(152. 8±188. 2) t,以壬醛、甲苯、正己烷、丙烷和苯为主,折合VOCs排放因子约每条轮胎101. 9 g.本文反算的排放因子与AP42接近,远低于我国推荐的排放因子数值.以此排放因子计算,当前我国轮胎制造行业VOCs排放量约为62. 13 kt·a^-1,主要分布在山东省28. 70 kt·a^-1和江浙沪地区20. 5 kt·a^-1,该行业VOCs排放对O3存在较为重要的贡献,其臭氧生成潜势约为130. 87 kt·a^-1,而对二次有机气溶胶生成潜势较小,仅为0. 86 kt·a^-1. 展开更多
关键词 橡胶轮胎制造 挥发性有机物(VOCs) 排放源强 排放因子 扩散模式反演
Structural Decomposition Analysis of the Decline in China's CO_2 Emission Intensity 2005–2010 被引量:3
作者 李艳梅 赵剑锋 +1 位作者 杨涛 陈豹 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第4期311-316,共6页
Here we utilize input-output tables for 2005 and 2010 to calculate the change in carbon dioxide emission intensity. Results show that total carbon dioxide emissions were 6.79 and 9.30 billion tons, and carbon dioxide ... Here we utilize input-output tables for 2005 and 2010 to calculate the change in carbon dioxide emission intensity. Results show that total carbon dioxide emissions were 6.79 and 9.30 billion tons, and carbon dioxide emission intensity was 0.37 and 0.33 ton per thousand CNY in 2005 and 2010, respectively. Carbon dioxide emission intensity declined 11% over these five years. We used structural decomposition analysis modeling to measure the effect of four factors on this reduction in intensity. We found that the contribution values of energy structure, energy efficiency, economic growth mode and economic structure were -0.001, -0.102, 0.050, and 0.013 ton per thousand CNY, respectively. Changes in energy efficiency and energy structure are major factors promoting decreases in carbon dioxide emission intensity; the effect of the former is more distinct than the latter. Economic growth mode and economic structure are major factors that increase carbon dioxide emission intensity, whereby the effect of the former is more distinct than the latter. 展开更多
关键词 carbon dioxide emissions intensity economic growth energy consumption INPUT-OUTPUT structural decomposition analysis
CO_2 Emission of Fossil Fuel Consumption of China's Mainland from 1991 to 2010
作者 祁悦 谢高地 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2012年第4期324-329,共6页
In this article, we calculate China's Mainland’s CO2 emission of fossil fuel consumption from 1991 to 2010 following the apparent consumption method recommend by IPCC: (i) the scale of CO2 emissions has increa... In this article, we calculate China's Mainland’s CO2 emission of fossil fuel consumption from 1991 to 2010 following the apparent consumption method recommend by IPCC: (i) the scale of CO2 emissions has increased nearly to 4 times as that in 1991; (ii) coal consumption constitutes the highest proportion due to the richness of coal resources in China; (iii) per capita CO2 emission has increased from 1.98 to 5.57 t CO2 ; (iv) carbon emission intensity declined significantly from 6.66 to 1.07 kg CO2 USD -1 , but recently it tends to be stable; and (v) regional develop gaps remain in China's Mainland, for according to the provincial data, in many developing regions economic increase over-reliance on fossil fuel consumption. China has made the promises and already taken actions to deal with the high carbon emission. Comprehensively considering the sustainability of development and the uncertainties remaining in global climate change, healthier structures of industry, intensive usage of fossil fuel, and a more balanced development pattern among the southern, central and western China should be put more emphasis. 展开更多
关键词 fossil fuel consumption carbon emission intensity per capita CO2 emission provincial CO2 emission
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