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圈养大熊猫排粘与食竹量关系的初步研究 被引量:7
作者 朱本仁 郭伟 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期35-37,共3页
选用5只大熊猫(2雄3雌)进行长达一年的观察研究,发现食竹量均值为621kg/天和838kg/天(n=12)的2只大熊猫,肠道内粘液不断地随竹叶和竹茎粪便带出体外,减少肠道内积聚,年排粘频次为8次,而且每次量少;... 选用5只大熊猫(2雄3雌)进行长达一年的观察研究,发现食竹量均值为621kg/天和838kg/天(n=12)的2只大熊猫,肠道内粘液不断地随竹叶和竹茎粪便带出体外,减少肠道内积聚,年排粘频次为8次,而且每次量少;食竹量均值为082kg/天和310kg/天(n=10)的2只熊猫,年排粘频次高达24和39次,粘液量多而积聚于肠壁,偶可见成块或成滩粘液排出;食竹量均值为810kg/天(n=5)的1只熊猫,年排粘频次为19次;但每天排粘量少。由此可见,圈养大熊猫食竹量和排粘有一定关系。 展开更多
关键词 大熊猫 排粘 食竹量
排粉机叶轮粘贴耐磨陶瓷防磨处理 被引量:4
作者 杨熙 黄聪 李清建 《广东电力》 2000年第6期31-32,35,共3页
为了解决火电厂排粉机叶轮的磨损问题 ,结合陶瓷的优异耐磨性及高分子材料粘贴的方便性 ,成功地将陶瓷应用在风机叶轮的防磨上 ,使风机叶轮的使用寿命提高 3倍以上 ,为表面防磨技术又提供了一种有效可靠的方法。
关键词 锅炉 排粘 风机 叶轮 贴耐磨陶瓷 防磨处理
灰粘熔排渣技术在内循环流化床垃圾焚烧中的应用 被引量:4
作者 王斌 田凤国 +1 位作者 章明川 范浩杰 《动力工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期355-358,共4页
提出将粘熔排渣技术应用于内循环流化床垃圾焚烧处理。从垃圾灰渣化学组分等角度分析其必要性和可行性。采用树脂颗粒作为床料,微晶蜡颗粒为低熔点物质,在非均匀布风内循环流化床内进行热态团聚模拟试验。试验表明:床内温度分区、团聚... 提出将粘熔排渣技术应用于内循环流化床垃圾焚烧处理。从垃圾灰渣化学组分等角度分析其必要性和可行性。采用树脂颗粒作为床料,微晶蜡颗粒为低熔点物质,在非均匀布风内循环流化床内进行热态团聚模拟试验。试验表明:床内温度分区、团聚过程区域化是灰粘熔排渣技术的重要保证,内循环颗粒流动有利于排渣顺利进行,缩短粘性物质在床内的停留时间。 展开更多
关键词 环境工程学 垃圾焚烧 非均匀布风 内循环流化床
一种新型原油分散降粘助排剂的研究评价及应用 被引量:4
作者 王俊伟 《当代化工》 CAS 2013年第5期676-680,共5页
超稠油中低周期油井原油粘度高、采出程度差、回采水率低、严重影响油井开发效果。传统方法在注汽前向井内注入磺酸盐助排剂,改善吞吐效果,现场应用取得一定效果。但磺酸盐助排剂体系表面活性偏低,洗油性能、原油降粘率、润湿性改变性... 超稠油中低周期油井原油粘度高、采出程度差、回采水率低、严重影响油井开发效果。传统方法在注汽前向井内注入磺酸盐助排剂,改善吞吐效果,现场应用取得一定效果。但磺酸盐助排剂体系表面活性偏低,洗油性能、原油降粘率、润湿性改变性能有限,并且其抗盐及抗硬水能力不强,应用于低周期油井效果不十分理想。因此研究开发新型原油分散降粘助排采油技术,改善中低周期超稠油油井的吞吐效果。本文介绍了新型原油分散降粘助排剂的原理及配方设计,通过室内试验并对其性能进行了相关评价。通过现场应用证明该新型原油分散降粘助排剂能有效改善中低周期超稠油油井的吞吐效果。 展开更多
关键词 分散降 超稠油降 配方研究 性能评价
复合降粘助排技术在超稠油水平井中的应用 被引量:1
作者 马静 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2012年第20期77-78,共2页
水平井开发超稠油经多轮次吞吐后,剩余原油粘度变高,流动性变差,不易于被开采。针对这一问题,依据表面活性剂理论知识和有机合成复配技术,分析降黏助排技术机理,合成具有耐高温、低表面张力和快速渗透等特点的复合降粘助排剂,实现油水... 水平井开发超稠油经多轮次吞吐后,剩余原油粘度变高,流动性变差,不易于被开采。针对这一问题,依据表面活性剂理论知识和有机合成复配技术,分析降黏助排技术机理,合成具有耐高温、低表面张力和快速渗透等特点的复合降粘助排剂,实现油水快速混合,发挥降粘驱油助排作用,改善油井开发效果。 展开更多
关键词 杜84区块 超稠油 水平井 复合降 应用 效果分析
作者 施善彬 张小可 +4 位作者 章明川 高胜斌 李震 范浩杰 温俊明 《动力工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期960-963,共4页
将灰粘熔排渣技术与内循环流化床相结合来焚烧生活垃圾,不仅有利于城市生活垃圾中大块不可燃物的排出,同时还能对焚烧灰渣作进一步的减容。因此,在1个内循环流化床燃烧试验台上进行了以煤为燃料的热态试验。结果表明,非均匀布风是实现... 将灰粘熔排渣技术与内循环流化床相结合来焚烧生活垃圾,不仅有利于城市生活垃圾中大块不可燃物的排出,同时还能对焚烧灰渣作进一步的减容。因此,在1个内循环流化床燃烧试验台上进行了以煤为燃料的热态试验。结果表明,非均匀布风是实现连续粘熔排渣的必要条件,同时还必须严格控制炉膛密相区的温度。 展开更多
关键词 环境工程学 内循环流化床 城市生活垃圾 流化床焚烧 热态试验
作者 张晓峰 张树丰 王维华 《中国微创外科杂志》 CSCD 1997年第5期35-65,共2页
患者,男,17岁,38天前因肠扭转于外院行肠管复位术,术后10天出院,出院后自觉右下腹胀痛,继之全腹胀痛,呈阵发性发作但仍有排气,排便,偶有进食后呕吐,曾就诊于当地医院,诊断为肠粘连,不全肠梗阻行综合保守治病10天,期间曾间断多次排粘液... 患者,男,17岁,38天前因肠扭转于外院行肠管复位术,术后10天出院,出院后自觉右下腹胀痛,继之全腹胀痛,呈阵发性发作但仍有排气,排便,偶有进食后呕吐,曾就诊于当地医院,诊断为肠粘连,不全肠梗阻行综合保守治病10天,期间曾间断多次排粘液脓血便,终因发热症状未见好转而转入我院。患者一般状态较差,轻度脱水貌, 展开更多
关键词 自截 肠套叠 右下腹 肠管 排粘 热症 脓血便 肠套叠套入部 锦州市 普外科
作者 朱爱玲 张亚兰 +1 位作者 孙伟敏 何鑫 《浙江畜牧兽医》 2023年第1期3-7,共5页
研究总结了2016年9月至2019年9月杭州动物园借展的2只亚成体大熊猫成长发育规迹。26月龄至62月龄大熊猫体重总体呈增长趋势,但受温度影响会有小幅波动;56月龄时2只大熊猫体重达到最大值分别为126 kg和134 kg;不同季节日均粪便量差异显著... 研究总结了2016年9月至2019年9月杭州动物园借展的2只亚成体大熊猫成长发育规迹。26月龄至62月龄大熊猫体重总体呈增长趋势,但受温度影响会有小幅波动;56月龄时2只大熊猫体重达到最大值分别为126 kg和134 kg;不同季节日均粪便量差异显著,春季和冬季的日均粪便量显著高于夏季和秋季(P<0.05);补充维生素后大熊猫每月排粘频率降低。 展开更多
关键词 大熊猫 亚成体 体重 日均粪便量 排粘
Bond condition between surface layer and immediate layer in porous asphalt pavement 被引量:3
作者 杨军 戴鹏 +3 位作者 于良溟 葛苏闽 刘清泉 钱国超 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第4期588-593,共6页
Through the shear tests on composite specimens using four different kinds of tack coat material (epoxy resin, SBS modified emulsified asphalt, SBS modified asphalt and H# bridge waterproof material), the bond condit... Through the shear tests on composite specimens using four different kinds of tack coat material (epoxy resin, SBS modified emulsified asphalt, SBS modified asphalt and H# bridge waterproof material), the bond condition between layers of porous asphalt pavement under traffic load, temperature variation and moisture situation is evaluated. The test results show that the bond strength decreases with the rise in temperature, and the relationship between shear strength and temperature can be expressed by a logarithm curve at a high reliability. Under the action of traffic load, the value of shear strength of the mixture right under the centre of the wheel track is smaller than that of other parts of the pavement. It is also found that some effects concerning moisture have comparative effects on the bonding of the two layers. Given all the results achieved during the study, it will be quite rewarding to make rational comparisons during selecting the sound type of tack coat. 展开更多
关键词 porous asphalt pavement waterproof and cohesive layer: shear strength
作者 朱裕珍 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 1995年第4期130-130,共1页
病例报告 患者黄某.24岁,住院号5484。因停经5个月,反复阴遭流血3个月,持续下腹隐痛,排粘液便16天,畏寒、发热、头晕、心悸9天,于1992年9月6日急诊入院。入院前曾在当地卫生院按先兆流产、肠炎治疗7天无效。孕3产2存1.1991年11月因孕30... 病例报告 患者黄某.24岁,住院号5484。因停经5个月,反复阴遭流血3个月,持续下腹隐痛,排粘液便16天,畏寒、发热、头晕、心悸9天,于1992年9月6日急诊入院。入院前曾在当地卫生院按先兆流产、肠炎治疗7天无效。孕3产2存1.1991年11月因孕30周中央性前置胎盘大出血在本院行古典式剖宫产。查体:T 38.8℃,P 126次/分,R 22次/分,BP 17/9kPa。神清,重度贫血貌,自动体位,皮肤无皮疹,巩膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结不大。双肺(一),心率126次/分,律整,心尖区收缩期杂音Ⅱ级,下腹稍隆起.脐旁右侧见一手术疤痕约9cm。 展开更多
关键词 自然修复 性子 子宫后壁 合并感染 中央性前置胎盘 排粘 手术疤痕 炎症水肿 前壁 先兆流产
作者 费美琳 黄仁平 《青岛医药卫生》 1997年第10期35-36,共2页
慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎是一种原因不明的慢性炎性疾病,以溃疡为主,多累及远端结肠。主要症状腹泻、腹痛,有时排粘液血便。病程缓慢,复发率高。我院自拟大肠宁治疗548例,效果满意,总结如下。1 临床资料 548例患者,其中住院患者236例,... 慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎是一种原因不明的慢性炎性疾病,以溃疡为主,多累及远端结肠。主要症状腹泻、腹痛,有时排粘液血便。病程缓慢,复发率高。我院自拟大肠宁治疗548例,效果满意,总结如下。1 临床资料 548例患者,其中住院患者236例,门诊312例,男性269例,女289例,均经内窥镜检查为非特异性溃疡性结肠炎。病程最长20年,最短8个月。2 展开更多
关键词 大肠宁滴注液 非特异性溃疡性结肠炎 临床观察 内窥镜检查 排粘 慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎 潜血 经内窥镜 五倍子 滴注灌肠
Constitutive Model of Saturated Soft Clay with Cyclic Loads under Unconsolidated Undrained Condition 被引量:3
作者 李书兆 王建华 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第4期260-266,共7页
An equivalent visco-elastic model of saturated soft clay was studied under unconsolidated undrained (UU) condition, which can be used to evaluate the stability of ocean foundation. Cyclic triaxial compression and exte... An equivalent visco-elastic model of saturated soft clay was studied under unconsolidated undrained (UU) condition, which can be used to evaluate the stability of ocean foundation. Cyclic triaxial compression and extension tests were conducted to study the parameters of the model. Results showed that the relationships of the damping ratio and the octahedral shear modulus with the octahedral cyclic shear strain were nearly unique, when the initial octahedral shear stress ratios of specimens were equal to 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7. The relationships of the damping ratio and the octahedral shear modulus with the octahedral cyclic shear strain determined from the cyclic triaxial compression tests were basically the same as those determined from the cyclic triaxial extension tests. Furthermore, the relationships were not related to the initial stress condition, the test stress state and the octahedral cyclic shear stress ratio. The relationships determined from the cyclic triaxial tests under no deviatoric stress were basically the same as those determined from the cyclic triaxial tests under deviatoric stress. The change of the octahedral cyclic accumulative strain with the number of cycles was unique under different tests stress states. An equivalent visco-elastic constitutive model of saturated soft clay under UU condition was initially established. 展开更多
关键词 visco-elastic constitutive model damping ratio octahedral cyclic shear modulus octahedral cyclic shear strain octahedral cyclic accumulative strain cyclic triaxial test
Vertical drainage capacity of new electrical drainage board on improvement of super soft clayey ground 被引量:1
作者 沈扬 励彦德 +2 位作者 黄文君 徐海东 胡品飞 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期4027-4034,共8页
As an advanced polymer composites electro-kinetic geosynthetics, the electro-osmotic vertical drainage(EVD) board could drain water quickly and accelerate consolidation process. However, the drainage rate was mainly i... As an advanced polymer composites electro-kinetic geosynthetics, the electro-osmotic vertical drainage(EVD) board could drain water quickly and accelerate consolidation process. However, the drainage rate was mainly impacted by the vertical drainage capability. Therefore, vertical drainage capability at the top of EVD board was theoretically analyzed. Basic requirements for drainage at the top of the board were summed up, as well as the formula of anode pore pressure when losing the vertical drainage capability. Meanwhile, a contrast test on the top and bottom drainage capacities was conducted. In use of the advanced EVD board, the voltage potential and pore pressure of anode were measured. Moreover, the derived formulas were verified. The result shows that the decrease of electric force gradient had an observable impact on the drainage capability. There was nearly no difference between the energy consumption for the two drainage methods. Although a little less water was discharged, the top drainage method had more advantages, such as high initial drainage velocity, few soil cracks, low anode water content and high soil strength. All of these show that the super soft soil ground could be consolidated quickly in use of the advanced EVD board through the top drainage. The top drainage method could efficiently improve the drainage effect, decrease the energy consumption and speed up the project proceeding. 展开更多
关键词 electro-osmotic vertical drainage(EVD) board vertical drainage capacity potential gradient pore pressure around anode
Undrained response of reconstituted clay to cyclic pure principal stress rotation 被引量:1
作者 严佳佳 周建 +1 位作者 龚晓南 曹洋 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期280-289,共10页
A series of monotonic and rotational shearing tests are carried out on reconstituted clay using a hollow cylinder apparatus under undrained condition. In the rotational shearing tests, the principal stress axes rotate... A series of monotonic and rotational shearing tests are carried out on reconstituted clay using a hollow cylinder apparatus under undrained condition. In the rotational shearing tests, the principal stress axes rotate cyclically with the magnitudes of the principal stresses keeping constant. The anisotropy of the reconstituted clay is analyzed from the monotonic shearing tests. Obvious pore pressure is induced by the principal stress rotation alone even with shear stress q0=5 k Pa. Strain components also accumulate with increasing the number of cycles and increases suddenly at the onset of failure. The deviatoric shear strain of 7.5% can be taken as the failure criterion for clay subjected to the pure cyclic principal stress rotation. The intermediate principal stress parameter b plays a significant role in the development of pore pressure and strain. Specimens are weakened by cyclic rotational shearing as the shear modulus decreases with increasing the number of cycles, and the shear modulus reduces more quickly with larger b. Clear deviation between the directions of the principal plastic strain increment and the principal stress is observed during pure principal stress rotation. Both the coaxial and non-coaxial plastic mechanisms should be taken into consideration to simulate the deformation behavior of clay under pure principal stress rotation. The mechanism of the soil response to the pure principal stress rotation is discussed based on the experimental observations. 展开更多
关键词 clay principal stress rotation intermediate principal stress undrained behavior
Characteristics of a Drainage Channel with Staggered Indented Sills for Controlling Debris Flows 被引量:4
作者 CHEN Xiao-qing YOU Yong +2 位作者 CHEN Jian-gang HUANG Kai LI De-ji 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1242-1252,共11页
The characteristics of a new type of drainage channel with staggered indented sills for controlling debris flows were studied. The intermediate fluid in the non-viscous debris flow exhibited a helical movement, wherea... The characteristics of a new type of drainage channel with staggered indented sills for controlling debris flows were studied. The intermediate fluid in the non-viscous debris flow exhibited a helical movement, whereas the fluid near the sidewall had a stop-start movement pattern; the viscous debris flow exhibited a stable structure between the indented sills. The experimental results indicate that the mean velocity of the debris flow increased with increasing channel gradients, and the debris flow velocity was slightly affected by the angle of the sills. The average velocity of the non-viscous debris flow increased in the range of(0.5–1.5) interval between the indented sills, whereas the average velocity of the viscous debris flow increased initially and then decreased in the range of(0.75–1.25) interval between the indented sills. The depth of the non-viscous debris flow tended to gradually increase as the channel gradients increased, whereas the depth of the viscous debris flow gradually decreased as the channel gradients increased. When the discharge of the debris flow was constant, the angle and the interval between the indented sills had a slight effect on the depth of the viscous debris flow, whereas the depth of the non-viscous debris flow exhibited a different trend, as the sill angles and intervals were varied. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow Drainage channel Staggered indented sill Wenchuan earthquake
The Optimal Cross-section Design of the “Trapezoid-V” Shaped Drainage Canal of Viscous Debris Flow 被引量:9
作者 YOU Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期103-107,共5页
Debris flow drainage canal is one of the most widely used engineering measures to prevent and manage debris flow hazards.The shape and the sizes of the cross-section are important parameters when design debris flow dr... Debris flow drainage canal is one of the most widely used engineering measures to prevent and manage debris flow hazards.The shape and the sizes of the cross-section are important parameters when design debris flow drainage canal.Therefore,how to design the appropriate shape and sizes of the cross-section so that the drainage canal can have the optimal drainage capacity is very important and few researched at home and abroad.This study was conducted to analyze the hydraulic condition of a Trapezoid-V shaped drainage canal and optimize its cross-section.By assuming characteristic sizes of the cross-section,the paper deduced the configuration parameter of the cross-section of a Trapezoid-V shaped debris flow drainage canal.By theory analysis,it indicates that the optimal configuration parameter is only related to the side slope coefficient and the bottom transverse slope coefficient.For this study,the Heishui Gully,a first-order tributary of the lower Jinsha River,was used as an example to design the optimal cross-section of the drainage canal of debris flow. 展开更多
关键词 Optimal cross-section design Trapezoid- V shaped Drainage canal Viscous debris flow
Characteristics of viscous debris flow in a drainage channel with an energy dissipation structure 被引量:4
作者 CHEN Jian-gang CHEN Xiao-qing +1 位作者 CHEN Hua-yong ZHAO Wan-yu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期223-233,共11页
A new type of drainage channel with an energy dissipation structure has been proposed based on previous engineering experiences and practical requirements for hazard mitigation in earthquakeaffected areas.Experimental... A new type of drainage channel with an energy dissipation structure has been proposed based on previous engineering experiences and practical requirements for hazard mitigation in earthquakeaffected areas.Experimental studies were performed to determine the characteristics of viscous debris flow in a drainage channel of this type with a slope of 15%.The velocity and depth of the viscous debris flow were measured,processed,and subsequently used to characterize the viscous debris flow in the drainage channel.Observations of this experiment showed that the surface of the viscous debris flow in a smooth drainage channel was smoother than that of a similar debris flow passing through the energy dissipation section in a channel of the new type studied here.However,the flow patterns in the two types of channels were similar at other points.These experimental results show that the depth of the viscous debris flow downstream of the energy dissipation structure increased gradually with the length of the energy dissipation structure.In addition,in the smooth channel,the viscous debris-flow velocity downstream of the energy dissipation structure decreased gradually with the length of the energy dissipation structure.Furthermore,theviscous debris-flow depth and velocity were slightly affected by variations in the width of the energy dissipation structure when the channel slope was 15%.Finally,the energy dissipation ratio increased gradually as the length and width of the energy dissipation structure increased;the maximum energy dissipation ratio observed was 62.9%(where B = 0.6m and L/w = 6.0). 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow Drainage channel Energy dissipation structure Geological disaster
Kinematic Viscosity and Shear Stress of Used Engine Oil
作者 Vojtech Kumbar Petr Dostal Jiri Votava 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第12期982-988,共7页
The goal of this paper describes kinematic viscosity and shear stress of two used engine oils, which have been taken from two different passenger cars. Kinematic viscosity and shear stress are two of the most importan... The goal of this paper describes kinematic viscosity and shear stress of two used engine oils, which have been taken from two different passenger cars. Kinematic viscosity and shear stress are two of the most important physical behaviours of fluids, especially lubricating fluids. In this paper the authors have focused on engine oil. Knowledge of these properties of engine oil is very important due to its lifetime. The experiments have been done using digital rotary rheometer Anton Paar DV-3 P with use of TR8 spindle and special adapter for a small amount of sample (20 mL). Two different engine oils have been observed--first from passenger car Renault Scenic with petrol engine (engine capacity 1.6 dm3) and the second from passenger car Skoda Roomster with diesel engine (engine capacity 1.4 dm3). Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 engine oil has been taken from Renault car and Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W-30 engine oil has been taken from ~koda car. Service interval of change oil has been set to 15,000 km and samples of used engine oils have been taken after 1,500 km. Only first samples of used engine oils have been taken after raid of 20 km. All samples of used engine oils have been compared with new (unused) engine oils same specification. The measured values of kinematic viscosity and shear stress have been modeled using linear function. The coefficients of correlation R have been achieved high values (0.88-0.96). The obtained models can be used to prediction of engine oil flow behaviour. 展开更多
关键词 Kinematic viscosity shear stress engine oil RAID modeled.
Undrained anisotropy and non-coaxial behavior of clayey soil under principal stress rotation 被引量:5
作者 Jian ZHOU Jia-jia YAN Zheng-yi LIU Xiao-nan GONG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期241-254,共14页
In this study, a series of undrained tests were conducted on both intact and reconstituted clay using an automatic hollow cylinder apparatus. Monotonic shearing tests with fixed principal stress directions were carrie... In this study, a series of undrained tests were conducted on both intact and reconstituted clay using an automatic hollow cylinder apparatus. Monotonic shearing tests with fixed principal stress directions were carried out, pure and cyclic prin- cipal stress rotation tests were also performed. The non-coaxiality, defined as the non-coincidence of the principal plastic strain increment direction and the corresponding principal stress direction, of clayey soil was studied experimentally. The effects of the intermediate principal stress, shear stress level, and inherent anisotropy were highlighted. Clear non-coaxiality was observed during pure principal stress rotation, in both intact and reconstituted clay. The influence of the intermediate principal stress pa- rameter, shear stress level, and inherent anisotropy on the non-coaxial behavior of the clayey soil was found to be insignificant when compared with the sand. The non-coaxial behavior of the clayey soil depended more on the stress paths. Under undrained conditions, the contribution of elastic strain to the direction of the total principal strain increment cannot be ignored. 展开更多
关键词 NON-COAXIALITY CLAY Principal stress rotation ANISOTROPY
Stress-dependent undrained shear behavior of remolded deep clay in East China 被引量:4
作者 Xiang-yu SHANG Guo-qing ZHOU Yong LU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期171-181,共11页
Consolidated-isotropically undrained triaxial compression (CIUC) tests were performed on the reconstituted deep clay from a mine in East China. It was consolidated to maximum stresses in the range of 0.3-2.6 MPa. Th... Consolidated-isotropically undrained triaxial compression (CIUC) tests were performed on the reconstituted deep clay from a mine in East China. It was consolidated to maximum stresses in the range of 0.3-2.6 MPa. The test results show that the stress-strain-strength properties of the clay during undrained shear are significantly stress-dependent. In particular, in the case of high consolidation pressure, the post-peak drop in strength on stress-strain curves and shear plane in soil specimens are more evident, the peak stress ratio and the axial strain at which this ratio was reached are smaller, and the relationship between pore pressure and axial strain is also significantly different from that for the case of low consolidation pressure. The environmental scanning electron microscope observations and micro analysis lead to an understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying the above stress-dependent mechanical behavior. In addition, the CIUC behaviors of the studied clay are discussed in the context of critical state soil mechanics. 展开更多
关键词 Deep clay High pressure Undrained triaxial compression Stress-dependent behavior
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