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隧道装配式仰拱V型接头衬砌结构受力特征研究 被引量:2
作者 赵晓勇 秦哲麟 +4 位作者 高新强 王飞 齐凯 樊浩博 朱正国 《国防交通工程与技术》 2022年第6期11-16,60,共7页
利用“荷载-结构”模型,采用ABAQUS分析软件建立了隧道马蹄形断面装配式仰拱衬砌结构三维模型,分析了在Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ级围岩荷载下,仰拱块与边墙连接处V型接头凸起长度分别为3、5、8、10 cm时仰拱块及二次衬砌拱墙的受力特征和安全系... 利用“荷载-结构”模型,采用ABAQUS分析软件建立了隧道马蹄形断面装配式仰拱衬砌结构三维模型,分析了在Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ级围岩荷载下,仰拱块与边墙连接处V型接头凸起长度分别为3、5、8、10 cm时仰拱块及二次衬砌拱墙的受力特征和安全系数。研究发现,当V型接头凸起长度为5~8 cm时,仰拱块接头处受到的压力、摩擦力最小;二次衬砌与仰拱块接头处的接触程度随V型接头凸起长度的增加而减小,随围岩等级的降低而增加;仰拱块顶板的最大水平拉应力会随接头凸起长度的增加而增大,当围岩等级为Ⅴ、Ⅵ级时,仰拱块腹板上方的顶板处可能会出现受拉破坏;装配式仰拱衬砌结构的安全系数会随接头凸起长度的增加而先增大后减小,并且Ⅴ、Ⅵ级围岩中不宜采用装配式仰拱衬砌。 展开更多
关键词 矿山法隧道 装配式仰拱 V型接头 接触紧密程度 衬砌安全系数
基于多重静态子结构的浮桥接头受力分析 被引量:3
作者 沈海鹏 陈徐均 +2 位作者 黄恒 施杰 陆凯 《港工技术》 2019年第5期31-38,共8页
本文以基于某型浮桥基本构型,对主尺度作适当变化的概念浮桥为研究对象,基于有限元静力缩聚理论,采用多重子结构分析方法分析模块化拼组的浮桥结构,利用弹性地基板单元模拟浮力,根据模块间拼组接头的连接特点,将接头连接效应考虑成节点... 本文以基于某型浮桥基本构型,对主尺度作适当变化的概念浮桥为研究对象,基于有限元静力缩聚理论,采用多重子结构分析方法分析模块化拼组的浮桥结构,利用弹性地基板单元模拟浮力,根据模块间拼组接头的连接特点,将接头连接效应考虑成节点自由度耦合,采用超单元拼组方法建立了河中舟和临界长浮桥有限元模型,对浮桥进行了最不利加载,经过求解,提取、分析了浮桥结构纵向拼组接头以及最不利河中舟横向拼组接头的接头力,相关分析方法可以为浮桥接头设计优化提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 浮桥 多重静态子结构 有限元结构分析 接头力
作者 吕延豪 娄英豪 +2 位作者 甘海杰 王金龙 孙雪兵 《建筑施工》 2023年第11期2338-2340,共3页
纵缝为粘贴钢板加固盾构隧道衬砌结构的薄弱位置,为研究界面锚栓对钢板加固纵缝接头受力性能的影响,基于所开展的正负弯矩工况下钢板加固接头试验结果,针对界面锚栓排数开展数值参数分析研究,得到如下几点结论:正弯矩钢板加固接头的转... 纵缝为粘贴钢板加固盾构隧道衬砌结构的薄弱位置,为研究界面锚栓对钢板加固纵缝接头受力性能的影响,基于所开展的正负弯矩工况下钢板加固接头试验结果,针对界面锚栓排数开展数值参数分析研究,得到如下几点结论:正弯矩钢板加固接头的转角刚度和承载力等随界面锚栓排数增大而增大,当参数达到一定水平后,界面锚栓在接头整体破坏前不发生屈服;负弯矩钢板加固接头性能受锚栓排数的影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 钢板加固 盾构隧道 接头 性能分析
一种无轴力钢箱接头监测系统的设计与实现 被引量:2
作者 向阳 李刚 《工程建设与设计》 2019年第23期162-165,173,共5页
以郧阳汉江公路大桥为工程背景,介绍了郧阳汉江公路大桥无轴力钢箱接头概况,分析了无轴力接头可能存在梁体过大的挠度变形、斜拉索索力变化不均匀超过一定范围、四氟板老化、钢箱结构变形等风险。针对无轴力接头存在的风险,提出了一种... 以郧阳汉江公路大桥为工程背景,介绍了郧阳汉江公路大桥无轴力钢箱接头概况,分析了无轴力接头可能存在梁体过大的挠度变形、斜拉索索力变化不均匀超过一定范围、四氟板老化、钢箱结构变形等风险。针对无轴力接头存在的风险,提出了一种无轴力钢箱接头监测系统设计方案,利用传感器对无轴力钢箱进行实时在线监测。郧阳汉江公路大桥无轴力钢箱接头监测系统运行结果表明,该系统运行稳定可靠,采集监测数据准确可信,为桥梁管理部门提供了有效的健康监测保障。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁 无轴接头 传感器 健康监测
作者 宋红伟 孙宏达 陈守庆 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第9期80-81,共2页
针对将可曲挠橡胶接头用于大型循环水泵管路时所出现的电机过热、电流过高问题 ,采用刚性传力接头进行了替换改造 。
关键词 泵房 管路 可曲挠橡胶接头 刚性传接头
海洋环境下耐候钢十字非传力焊接接头腐蚀疲劳性能试验研究 被引量:3
作者 何雪 康泽州 +2 位作者 严基 张黎明 王荣平 《世界桥梁》 北大核心 2023年第3期96-104,共9页
腐蚀疲劳严重危害在役钢桥服役安全。为研究海洋环境下耐候钢桁梁桥焊接节点的腐蚀疲劳性能,对23个Q420qFNH耐候钢十字非传力角焊缝焊接接头进行实验室干/湿交替中性盐雾加速腐蚀及腐蚀后疲劳试验,采用失重法得到试件的失重率和腐蚀速率... 腐蚀疲劳严重危害在役钢桥服役安全。为研究海洋环境下耐候钢桁梁桥焊接节点的腐蚀疲劳性能,对23个Q420qFNH耐候钢十字非传力角焊缝焊接接头进行实验室干/湿交替中性盐雾加速腐蚀及腐蚀后疲劳试验,采用失重法得到试件的失重率和腐蚀速率,对接头腐蚀形貌及疲劳断裂失效的宏观断口形态进行分析,拟合得到经历不同腐蚀时长后试件的名义应力和热点应力S~N曲线。结果表明:耐候钢十字非传力角焊缝焊接接头疲劳裂纹均萌生于焊趾处并沿板厚扩展失效,疲劳寿命由焊缝控制,接头焊趾附近腐蚀坑的形成与生长加剧了焊接接头的疲劳裂纹萌生;焊接接头的疲劳性能劣化程度随腐蚀损伤效应的增加而增加,但疲劳强度折减量与腐蚀时间并未呈线性关系,锈层逐渐具有保护性;未腐蚀前名义应力和热点应力疲劳强度等级分别建议采用《公路钢结构桥梁设计规范》中的FAT80和Eurocode 3规范的FAT110进行评估,腐蚀后的疲劳强度折减量建议参照美国耐候钢桥指南规定C类细节选取。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 耐候钢 十字非传焊接接头 腐蚀疲劳 疲劳强度折减 失效模式
预应力高强砼管桩螺纹机械连接的设计与试验研究 被引量:1
作者 陈义侃 《福建建设科技》 2008年第5期1-4,共4页
关键词 预应砼管桩 螺纹机械连接 抗拉抗弯试验 接头分析
作者 谢春明 易小峰 吴中鑫 《交通工程建设》 2015年第2期16-19,共4页
本文以郧县汉江公路大桥检测与加固维护为工程背景,详细介绍了地锚式预应力混凝土斜拉桥的斜拉索、预应力混凝土主梁、索塔、地锚式桥台和无轴力接头的主要病害、原因分析、预防措施及处治措施。可为同类桥梁的新建、旧桥检测及加固维... 本文以郧县汉江公路大桥检测与加固维护为工程背景,详细介绍了地锚式预应力混凝土斜拉桥的斜拉索、预应力混凝土主梁、索塔、地锚式桥台和无轴力接头的主要病害、原因分析、预防措施及处治措施。可为同类桥梁的新建、旧桥检测及加固维护提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 预应混凝土斜拉桥 地锚式桥台 无轴接头 主要病害 防治措施
作者 褚峰 端木祥杰 +1 位作者 任泽俭 郭瑞刚 《建设监理》 2022年第12期92-95,共4页
输水钢管一般要安装闸阀及伸缩接头,受管道安装施工质量、运行时间及地基沉降等因素影响,管道设备会发生水平及垂直位移,在闸阀附近集聚应力。以北京市南水北调东干渠输水钢管为例,针对5处管道设备检测中发现的同心度、同轴度方面存在... 输水钢管一般要安装闸阀及伸缩接头,受管道安装施工质量、运行时间及地基沉降等因素影响,管道设备会发生水平及垂直位移,在闸阀附近集聚应力。以北京市南水北调东干渠输水钢管为例,针对5处管道设备检测中发现的同心度、同轴度方面存在的问题,从施工方法及监理控制的角度,分析探讨了应力释放施工工艺及质量安全控制措施,取得了较好的施工效果,可供类似工程项目参考。 展开更多
关键词 输水管道 伸缩接头 释放 施工工艺 控制措施
Time-dependent effects in transient liquid phase bonding of 304L and Cp-Ti using an Ag-Cu interlayer
作者 Saeed VAZIRIAN Mohammad MOSHKBAR BAKHSHAYESH Ali FARZADI 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2237-2255,共19页
One of the challenges for bimetal manufacturing is the joining process.Hence,transient liquid phase(TLP)bonding was performed between 304L stainless steel and Cp-Ti using an Ag-Cu interlayer with a thickness of 75μm ... One of the challenges for bimetal manufacturing is the joining process.Hence,transient liquid phase(TLP)bonding was performed between 304L stainless steel and Cp-Ti using an Ag-Cu interlayer with a thickness of 75μm for bonding time of 20,40,60,and 90 min.The bonding temperature of 860℃ was considered,which is under the β transus temperature of Cp-Ti.During TLP bonding,various intermetallic compounds(IMCs),including Ti_(5)Cr_(7)Fe_(17),(Cr,Fe)_(2)Ti,Ti(Cu,Fe),Ti_(2)(Cu,Ag),and Ti_(2)Cu from 304L toward Cp-Ti formed in the joint.Also,on the one side,with the increase in time,further diffusion of elements decreases the blocky IMCs such as Ti_(5)Cr_(7)Fe_(17),(Cr,Fe)_(2)Ti,Ti(Cu,Fe)in the 304L diffusion-affected zone(DAZ)and reaction zone,and on the other side,Ti_(2)(Cu,Ag)IMC transformed into fine morphology toward Cp-Ti DAZ.The microhardness test also demonstrated that the(Cr,Fe)_(2)Ti+Ti_(5)Cr_(7)Fe_(17) IMCs in the DAZ on the side of 304L have a hardness value of HV 564,making it the hardest phase.The maximum and minimum shear strength values are equal to 78.84 and 29.0 MPa,respectively.The cleavage pattern dominated fracture surfaces due to the formation of brittle phases in dissimilar joints. 展开更多
关键词 diffusion brazing transient liquid phase bonding dissimilar material joints microstructural evolution mechanical properties grade 2 titanium
Electron beam welding of 304 stainless steel to QCr0.8 copper alloy with copper filler wire 被引量:5
作者 张秉刚 赵健 +1 位作者 李晓鹏 冯吉才 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第12期4059-4066,共8页
Electron beam welding (EBW) of 304 stainless steel to QCr0.8 copper alloy with copper filler wire was carried out. Orthogonal experiment was performed to investigate the effects of process parameters on the tensile ... Electron beam welding (EBW) of 304 stainless steel to QCr0.8 copper alloy with copper filler wire was carried out. Orthogonal experiment was performed to investigate the effects of process parameters on the tensile strength of the joints, and the process parameters were optimized. The optimum process parameters are as follows:beam current of 30 mA, welding speed of 100 mm/min, wire feed rate of 1 m/min and beam offset of-0.3 mm. The microstructures of the optimum joint were studied. The results indicate that the weld is mainly composed of dendriticαphase with little globularεphase, and copper inhomogeneity only occurs at the top of the fusion zone. In addition, a melted region without mixing exists near the weld junction of copper side. This region with a coarser grain size is the weakest section of the joints. It is found that the microhardness of the weld decreases with the increase of the copper content in solid solution. The highest tensile strength of the joint is 276 MPa. 展开更多
关键词 304 stainless steel QCr0.8 copper alloy electron beam welding dissimilar joint mechanical properties
Effect of welding current on morphology and microstructure of Al alloy T-joint in double-pulsed MIG welding 被引量:12
作者 易杰 曹淑芬 +2 位作者 李落星 郭鹏程 刘开勇 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3204-3211,共8页
The effect of current on the morphology of Al alloy T-joint in double-pulsed metal inert gas(DP-MIG) welding process was investigated by simulation and experiment.A three-dimensional finite element model and the DP-... The effect of current on the morphology of Al alloy T-joint in double-pulsed metal inert gas(DP-MIG) welding process was investigated by simulation and experiment.A three-dimensional finite element model and the DP-MIG heat source of double-ellipsoidal volumetric model were developed to simulate the temperature and stress fields under different welding conditions.The macro-morphology and microstructure of welding joints at the corresponding currents were observed in the experiment.The results show that the best condition is at an average current of 90 A and current difference of 40 A,when the maximum temperature is 200 °C higher than the fusion points,with the temperature difference of about 100 °C and stress change of 10 MPa between thermal pulse and thermal base.Under these conditions,Al alloy T-joint with proper fusion condition has smooth fish-scale welding appearance and finer microstructure.Furthermore,the thermal curves and stress distribution in the experiment are consistent with those in the simulation,verifying the precision of the welding simulation. 展开更多
关键词 double-pulsed MIG welding Al alloy T-joint welding current STRESS
Effect of welding sequence on residual stress in thin-walled octagonal pipe-plate structure 被引量:11
作者 傅定发 周长青 +2 位作者 李灿 王冠 李落星 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第3期657-664,共8页
A three-dimensional finite element approach based on ABAQUS code was developed to investigate the effect of welding sequence on welding residual stress distribution in a thin-walled 6061 aluminum alloy structure. To o... A three-dimensional finite element approach based on ABAQUS code was developed to investigate the effect of welding sequence on welding residual stress distribution in a thin-walled 6061 aluminum alloy structure. To obtain sound numerical results, the therrno-mechanical behaviour was simulated using a direct-coupled formulation. Nine different simulation sequences were carried out by single-pass TIG welding of an octagonal pipe-plate joint, and the distributions of longitudinal and transverse residual stresses both on the outer and inner surfaces of the pipe were analyzed. The results suggest that the final residual stresses in the weld and its vicinity are not affected by the initial residual stresses of the structure. Selecting a suitable welding sequence can reduce the final residual stress in an octagonal pipe-plate joint. 展开更多
关键词 residual stress welding sequence pipe-plate joint single-pass welding initial residual stress
Microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar pure copper/1350 aluminum alloy butt joints by friction stir welding 被引量:8
作者 李夏威 张大童 +1 位作者 邱诚 张文 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1298-1306,共9页
The dissimilar friction stir welding of pure copper/1350 aluminum alloy sheet with a thickness of 3 mm was investigated. Most of the rotating pin was inserted into the aluminum alloy side through a pin-off technique, ... The dissimilar friction stir welding of pure copper/1350 aluminum alloy sheet with a thickness of 3 mm was investigated. Most of the rotating pin was inserted into the aluminum alloy side through a pin-off technique, and sound welds were obtained at a rotation speed of 1000 r/min and a welding speed of 80 mm/min. Complicated microstructure was formed in the nugget, in which vortex-like pattern and lamella structure could be found. No intermetallic compounds were found in the nugget. The hardness distribution indicates that the hardness at the copper side of the nugget is higher than that at the aluminum alloy side, and the hardness at the bottom of the nugget is generally higher than that in other regions. The ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the dissimilar welds are 152 MPa and 6.3%, respectively. The fracture surface observation shows that the dissimilar joints fail with a ductile-brittle mixed fracture mode durin~ tensile test. 展开更多
关键词 friction stir welding dissimilar butt joint MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties
Microstructure and properties of Cu/Al joints brazed with Zn-Al filler metals 被引量:22
作者 姬峰 薛松柏 +2 位作者 娄继源 娄银斌 王水庆 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期281-287,共7页
The mechanical properties and microstructural distribution of the Cu/A1 brazing joints formed by torch-brazing with different Zn-A1 filler metals were investigated. The microstructure of the Zn-A1 alloys was studied b... The mechanical properties and microstructural distribution of the Cu/A1 brazing joints formed by torch-brazing with different Zn-A1 filler metals were investigated. The microstructure of the Zn-A1 alloys was studied by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, and the phase constitution of the Cu/A1 joints was analyzed by energy dispersion spectrometry. The results show that the spreading area of the Zn-A1 filler metals on the Cu and A1 substrates increases as the A1 content increases. The mechanical results indicate that the shear strength reaches a peak value of 88 MPa when A1 and Cu are brazed with Zn-15AI filler metal. Microhardness levels from HV122 to HV515 were produced in the three brazing seam regions corresponding to various microstructure features. The Zn- and Al-rich phases exist in the middle brazing seam regions. However, two interface layers, CuZn3 and A12Cu are formed on the Cu side when the A1 content in the filler metals is 2% and more than 15%, respectively. The relationship between intermetallic compounds on Cu side and Zn-xA1 filler metals was investigated. 展开更多
关键词 Cu/A1 brazing joint Zn-A1 filler metals mechanical property interface layer
碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料预紧力单齿接头的静态及疲劳性能试验 被引量:5
作者 柳锦春 高建岗 +1 位作者 赵启林 孙建 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期2215-2222,共8页
通过试验研究了预紧力、齿长和载荷水平对碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)预紧力单齿接头(PTSTC)静态和疲劳性能的影响。试验结果表明:CFRP PTSTC的疲劳极限承载力可以达到静态极限承载力的80%~85%,与螺栓等传统连接方式相比,其疲... 通过试验研究了预紧力、齿长和载荷水平对碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)预紧力单齿接头(PTSTC)静态和疲劳性能的影响。试验结果表明:CFRP PTSTC的疲劳极限承载力可以达到静态极限承载力的80%~85%,与螺栓等传统连接方式相比,其疲劳性能具有一定优势;预紧力可以显著改善CFRP单齿接头的静态和疲劳性能;CFRP PTSTC的静态极限承载力随齿长增加而升高,但是在相同载荷水平下增加齿长不一定可以延长接头的疲劳寿命,尤其是在低载荷水平下齿长增加反而会缩短疲劳寿命;在加载初期,PTSTC的疲劳裂纹快速萌生,之后扩展缓慢,在接近破坏前的几次循环中又骤然增大,预紧力可以减缓疲劳损伤的累积速率;疲劳过程中PTSTC的刚度衰退不明显,在前95%疲劳寿命阶段仅下降1%~4%,预紧力也可以减缓刚度的衰退速率。所得研究成果可为复合材料接头抗疲劳设计提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料 预紧单齿接头 疲劳 滞回环 损伤累积
Effect of joining temperature on microstructure and properties of diffusion bonded Mg/Al joints 被引量:5
作者 尚晶 王克鸿 +3 位作者 周琦 张德库 黄俊 葛佳棋 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期1961-1966,共6页
The joining of AZ31B Mg alloy to 6061 Al alloy was investigated at different joining temperatures by vacuum diffusion bonding method. The microstructures of Mg/Al dissimilar joints were studied by means of optical mic... The joining of AZ31B Mg alloy to 6061 Al alloy was investigated at different joining temperatures by vacuum diffusion bonding method. The microstructures of Mg/Al dissimilar joints were studied by means of optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). The results show that the thickness of each layer in the diffusion zone increases with the increase of joining temperature, and the microstructure changes obviously. At joining temperature of 440 °C, the diffusion zone is composed of Mg2Al3 layer and Mg17Al12 layer. At joining temperatures of 460 and 480 °C, the diffusion zone is composed of Mg2Al3 layer, Mg17Al12 layer, eutectic layer of Mg17Al12 and Mg-based solid solution. The width of high-hardness zone in the joint increases with increasing joining temperature, and the micro-hardnesses at different locations in the diffusion zone are significantly different. The joining temperature of 440 °C offers the highest tensile strength of 37 MPa, and the corresponding joint exhibits brittle fracture at the intermetallic compound layer of Mg17Al12. 展开更多
关键词 vacuum diffusion bonding 6061 aluminum alloy AZ31 magnesium alloy dissimilar metal joint MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical property
Formation, microstructure and mechanical properties of double-sided laser beam welded Ti-6Al-4V T-joint 被引量:4
作者 马旭颐 巩水利 +2 位作者 张久兴 芦伟 杨璟 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期729-735,共7页
The T-joints of Ti?6Al?4V alloy were manufactured by double-sided synchronized laser beam welding with the homologous filler wire. The formation, microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joints as well as th... The T-joints of Ti?6Al?4V alloy were manufactured by double-sided synchronized laser beam welding with the homologous filler wire. The formation, microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joints as well as the correlations of each other were investigated. The results indicate that the quality of weld seams is good without defects such as discontinuity, beading, visible cracks or porosity, which is linked to the steady molten pool behavior and droplet transition. The morphologies of the heat affected zone (HAZ) located on the skin and stringer are disparate. The microstructure of the HAZ and fusion zone (FZ) is mainly comprised of acicular martensiticα′ phases. The microhardness of the HAZ and FZ is higher than that of the base metal (BM) and reaches a maximum value at the HAZ near FZ on the stringer. The tensile specimens along the skin and stringer fractured at the BM with ductile fracture surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 Ti-6Al-4V alloy double-sided laser beam welding T-JOINT high-speed photography microstructure mechanical property
Prediction of vulnerable zones based on residual stress and microstructure in CMT welded aluminum alloy joint
作者 舒凤远 田泽 +5 位作者 吕耀辉 贺文雄 吕飞洋 林建军 赵洪运 徐滨士 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期2701-2707,共7页
Numerical simulation and experimental results were employed for the identification of the most vulnerable zones in three-pass cold-metal-transferring (CMT) welded joint. The residual stress distribution in the joint... Numerical simulation and experimental results were employed for the identification of the most vulnerable zones in three-pass cold-metal-transferring (CMT) welded joint. The residual stress distribution in the joint was predicted by finite element (FE) method, while the structural morphology of distinctive zones was obtained through metallographic experiments. The highest principal stress made the symmetric face of the joint most sensitive to tensile cracks under service conditions. Whereas, the boundaries between the weld seam and the base plates were sensitive to cracks because the equivalent von Mises stress was the highest when the first interpass cooling was finished. The third weld pass and the inter-pass remelted zones exhibited the modest mechanical performances as a result of the coarse grain and coarse grain boundary, respectively. The most vulnerable zones were regarded to be the crossed parts between the zones identified by numerical and experimental methods. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy vulnerable zone cold-metal-transferring welded joint residual stress microstructure morphology
作者 刘承雨 宋晓光 +3 位作者 成琦 陈骏 王登科 葛雄浩 《光纤与电缆及其应用技术》 2023年第3期21-24,共4页
由钢丝拖缆和承力接头组成的拖缆组件可承担拖曳承力及信号传输的功能,实现母船与水下潜器的连接。对钢丝拖缆常用的胶注式承力接头、双层夹套式承力接头、内衬套式承力接头的结构设计、装配工艺、性能特点及适用范围进行了详细介绍,总... 由钢丝拖缆和承力接头组成的拖缆组件可承担拖曳承力及信号传输的功能,实现母船与水下潜器的连接。对钢丝拖缆常用的胶注式承力接头、双层夹套式承力接头、内衬套式承力接头的结构设计、装配工艺、性能特点及适用范围进行了详细介绍,总结了各承力接头的应用特点,以此指导实际工程应用时承力接头的选型。 展开更多
关键词 钢丝拖缆 接头 胶注式承接头 双层夹套式承接头 内衬套式承接头
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