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云南省大围山地区病毒接种感染褐顶毒蛾试验初报 被引量:2
作者 王忠祥 刘宏屏 +3 位作者 槐可跃 胡光辉 赵光 陈友祥 《中国森林病虫》 北大核心 2007年第5期35-37,共3页
经过2 a用3种病毒野外接种褐顶毒蛾Lymantria apicebrunnea幼虫试验,表明不同病毒接种褐顶毒蛾的感病死亡率差异极显著,文山松毛虫CPV对褐顶毒蛾效果较好,20 d野外接种感染死亡率为78%;云南松毛虫NPV次之,20 d野外接种感染死亡率为56.5%... 经过2 a用3种病毒野外接种褐顶毒蛾Lymantria apicebrunnea幼虫试验,表明不同病毒接种褐顶毒蛾的感病死亡率差异极显著,文山松毛虫CPV对褐顶毒蛾效果较好,20 d野外接种感染死亡率为78%;云南松毛虫NPV次之,20 d野外接种感染死亡率为56.5%;从美国引进的舞毒蛾NPV对褐顶毒蛾没有明显作用。经室内检测,接种CPV和NPV的褐顶毒蛾感病死虫单虫病毒多角体含量较高,分别为1.77亿PIB/头和0.97亿PIB/头;褐顶毒蛾感染松毛虫CPV和松毛虫NPV死亡虫pH值分别为7.556和7.554。 展开更多
关键词 褐顶毒蛾 病毒 接种感染 单虫病毒含量
作者 吴位珩 危粹凡 李玉 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第S2期145-145,共1页
该病在我国各地普遍流行,在我省主要分布在威宁、赫章、纳拥、水城、盘县、石阡、铜仁、乌当、息烽、江口、松桃、长顺、织金等地,感染率高达18.28%,感染强度1~30条,感染发病早期临床表现为仔猪发育停滞,架子猪生长缓慢,精神不振,被毛... 该病在我国各地普遍流行,在我省主要分布在威宁、赫章、纳拥、水城、盘县、石阡、铜仁、乌当、息烽、江口、松桃、长顺、织金等地,感染率高达18.28%,感染强度1~30条,感染发病早期临床表现为仔猪发育停滞,架子猪生长缓慢,精神不振,被毛粗乱,卧地.大量感染时引起贫血,消瘦、衰弱、不食、下痢、血便、腹痛、卧地、体温升高,肠穿乱、坏死、溃疡,泛发性膜腹炎,或致肠破裂死亡,在混合感染其它寄生虫病后病势加剧,常导致死亡. 展开更多
关键词 感染强度 生长缓慢 早期临床表现 感染 泛发性 接种感染试验 寄生虫病 混合感染 防治试验 发育停滞
块菌的感染接种与块菌林营建技术初报 被引量:4
作者 陈波涛 《贵州林业科技》 2003年第4期10-14,共5页
对槲栎 (Quercus aliena)、白栎 (Q.fabri)、青岗栎 (Cyclobatanopsis glauca)、小叶青岗 (C.myrisinalefolia)、云山青岗 (C.N ubium)、青皮青冈 (C.gilva)、云贵鹅耳枥 (Carpinuspubescens)、云南松 (Pinus yunnanensis)等进行了块菌... 对槲栎 (Quercus aliena)、白栎 (Q.fabri)、青岗栎 (Cyclobatanopsis glauca)、小叶青岗 (C.myrisinalefolia)、云山青岗 (C.N ubium)、青皮青冈 (C.gilva)、云贵鹅耳枥 (Carpinuspubescens)、云南松 (Pinus yunnanensis)等进行了块菌的感染接种试验 ,块菌的接种成功率除云南松略低 (80 % ) ,其它的均很高 ,达 90 %以上。接种成功的关键在于介质的配比及消毒杀菌 ;而块菌林能否形成块菌子实体的关键是栽植地的选择及土壤改良 ,土壤的 p H值要求在 7.6以上 ;在块菌林的生长过程中对土壤养分进行动态监测 ,了解菌根菌的变化。 展开更多
关键词 块菌 感染接种 块菌林 营建技术 接种成功率 土壤改良 PH值 动态监测
作者 李凯年 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 1998年第13期6-6,共1页
俄罗斯研究人员研制了用间接阻断ELISA(gE—iELISA)、直接阻断ELISA(gE—dELISA)和2一位点“夹心”阻断ELISA(gE—sELISA)检测血清中“伪狂犬病病毒(ADV)糖蛋白E(gE)抗体。这些gE—ELISA依据针对gE的单克隆抗体(mAb),并用阻断mAb与gE的... 俄罗斯研究人员研制了用间接阻断ELISA(gE—iELISA)、直接阻断ELISA(gE—dELISA)和2一位点“夹心”阻断ELISA(gE—sELISA)检测血清中“伪狂犬病病毒(ADV)糖蛋白E(gE)抗体。这些gE—ELISA依据针对gE的单克隆抗体(mAb),并用阻断mAb与gE的一个(gE—iELISA和gE—dELISA)或2个(gE—sELISA)表位结合检测血清中的gE—特异性抗体。用3种gE—ELISA。 展开更多
关键词 阻断ELISA 伪狂犬病病毒 单克隆抗体 特异性抗体 糖蛋白E 血清学阴性 病毒中和试验 疫苗接种 感染接种 研究人员
作者 赵恒 屈新兰 《中国食用菌》 2000年第2期18-19,共2页
本文报道了两种虫草菌在室内接种感染地老虎幼虫的结果。不同种性的虫草菌 ,对虫体感染要求的条件存在较大差别。代寄主虫被感染后能否形成菌核 ,当视虫草菌和昆虫体同步生长的吻合程度。
关键词 虫草菌 接种感染 地老虎 代寄主虫 药食兼用
作者 苟学花 《中国科技期刊数据库 医药》 2023年第12期144-147,共4页
本研究旨在评估安全预防接种护理在预防接种中对降低不良反应的效果。方法 选取2022年5月至2023年5月72名儿童,其分为安全预防接种护理组和对照组。观察指标包括接种点感染、局部不适、过敏反应和一般不良反应。通过采用检验方法,比较... 本研究旨在评估安全预防接种护理在预防接种中对降低不良反应的效果。方法 选取2022年5月至2023年5月72名儿童,其分为安全预防接种护理组和对照组。观察指标包括接种点感染、局部不适、过敏反应和一般不良反应。通过采用检验方法,比较安全预防接种护理组和对照组在不良反应发生率上的差异。结果 安全预防接种护理组在接种点感染和一般不良反应方面的发生率明显低于对照组(值=6.23,P值=0.013;值=4.58,P值=0.032)。然而,在局部不适和过敏反应方面的差异在统计学上不显著(P值 > 0.05)。结论 安全预防接种护理在预防接种中对降低不良反应具有显著效果。通过严格执行安全预防接种护理措施,如接种点消毒和使用无菌器材,具有显著降低接种点感染和一般不良反应的效果。这些结果表明,在预防接种中应重视安全预防接种护理的实施,以提高接种的安全性和效果,保障儿童的健康。 展开更多
关键词 安全预防接种护理 预防接种 不良反应 接种感染 局部不适 过敏反应
蚕虫草人工培育研究 被引量:6
作者 温鲁 张以俭 +4 位作者 张天宝 李烨 王新风 杨晋彬 刘友丽 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期91-93,共3页
通过对桑蚕接种蛹虫草菌以培养蚕虫草的研究 ,解决了菌种选育、接种感染、培养出草等技术难题 ,选育出对桑蚕感染力较强、出草性能较好的蛹虫草菌株 ,研究出适宜的培养基配方和菌种剂型 ,试验出有效的感染方法 ,批量培育出了优良的蚕虫草。
关键词 桑蚕 蛹虫草菌 接种感染 培育 蚕虫草 菌种选育 出草性能 菌株 培养基配方
嗜水气单胞菌对黑斑蛙和花背蟾蜍的致病性研究 被引量:2
作者 王宗焕 刘伟石 +2 位作者 邹琦 李英斌 宁英伟 《经济动物学报》 CAS 1999年第1期51-53,共3页
利用经分类鉴定并保存于固定培养基中的AH9804嗜水气单胞菌株对黑斑蛙和花背蟾蜍进行动物接种感染试验(腹腔接种剂量2mL、含菌数144×108个),结果显示,该菌对上述2种动物具有明显的致病作用。同时,使用所制... 利用经分类鉴定并保存于固定培养基中的AH9804嗜水气单胞菌株对黑斑蛙和花背蟾蜍进行动物接种感染试验(腹腔接种剂量2mL、含菌数144×108个),结果显示,该菌对上述2种动物具有明显的致病作用。同时,使用所制备高免血清作了同种动物免疫保护试验(血清抗体效价1280、肌肉接种剂量30mL),对其结果进行了验证。 展开更多
关键词 嗜水气单胞菌 接种感染试验 黑斑蛙 花背蟾蜍
常见鱼病防治新技术(1) 暴发性出血病
作者 柳富荣 《湖南农业》 2007年第1期18-19,共2页
关键词 暴发性出血病 细菌性败血症 嗜水气单胞菌 温和气单胞菌 耶尔森氏菌 病菌分离 接种感染 治疗效果
鸭乙型肝炎动物模型的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 曾岳祥 《中西医结合肝病杂志》 CAS 1995年第S1期94-95,共2页
自1980年Mason等报道在中国鸭血清中发现鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)以来,国内外学者相继进行了鸭乙型肝炎的研究。现已得出结论:DHBV与人乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)在生物学特性和致宿主肝脏疾病方面,二者非常相似;鸭乙型肝炎动物模型是研究人病毒性... 自1980年Mason等报道在中国鸭血清中发现鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)以来,国内外学者相继进行了鸭乙型肝炎的研究。现已得出结论:DHBV与人乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)在生物学特性和致宿主肝脏疾病方面,二者非常相似;鸭乙型肝炎动物模型是研究人病毒性肝炎的较理想模型。有关国内对该模型的研究情况,尚未见综述,故参阅相关文献,概述于下。 展开更多
关键词 鸭乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原 动物模型 DHBV感染 肿瘤坏死因子 急性肝坏死 人工感染 中西医结合 鸭血清 人病毒性肝炎 接种感染
作者 王景琳 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 1997年第20期7-7,共1页
美国Kumkle等用烟曲霉气囊内接种感染9和19周龄火鸡,于感染后24、48、72、96小时迫杀检查。在两个周龄组中,主要在肺组织和气囊膜出现类似损害。感染后24至96小时气囊膜组织损害严重性及特征大致相同。但在上皮表面渗出物的粘着度及数... 美国Kumkle等用烟曲霉气囊内接种感染9和19周龄火鸡,于感染后24、48、72、96小时迫杀检查。在两个周龄组中,主要在肺组织和气囊膜出现类似损害。感染后24至96小时气囊膜组织损害严重性及特征大致相同。但在上皮表面渗出物的粘着度及数量有所增加,气囊膜损害包括水肿、嗜异性巨噬细胞浸润、肉芽瘤、淋巴组织细胞血管周炎、坏死、上皮缺损和表面渗出物。感染后24小时以后,肺组织损害包括含多核巨细胞的肉芽瘤,轻微进行性间质性肺炎被多病灶结合性肉芽瘤、坏死。 展开更多
关键词 曲霉病 肉芽瘤 肺组织 间质性肺炎 巨噬细胞 淋巴组织细胞 感染 血管周炎 火鸡 接种感染
Immune response to an indigenously developed r-Hepatitis B vaccine in mixed population: Study of an accelerated vaccination schedule 被引量:12
作者 A Chowdhury A Santra +5 位作者 CM Habibullah AA Khan J Karunakaramaiah TSA Kishore AVR Raju S Lahiri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第7期1037-1039,共3页
AIM: To establish the safety and efficacy of an indigenously developed r-hepatitis B vaccine using an accelerated schedule and to highlight the social awareness and commitment in preventing the spreading of hepatitis ... AIM: To establish the safety and efficacy of an indigenously developed r-hepatitis B vaccine using an accelerated schedule and to highlight the social awareness and commitment in preventing the spreading of hepatitis B virus infection. METHODS: The study was a multicentric, double blind, randomized (3:1) study using three doses of vaccine immunization schedule (20μg for those above 10 years old and 10 μg for those below 10 years old) on d 0, 30 and 60. One hundred and sixty-six subjects were enrolled (87 males and 76 females aged 5-35 years). The main outcome measure was assessment of immunogenicity and safety. RESULTS: A 100% seroconversion response was observed on the 30th d after the 1st injection in both the experimental groups. The sero-protection data reported a 41.2-65.6% response on the 30th d after the 1st injection and reached 100% on the 60th d. Descriptive statistical analysis showed a geometric mean titer value of 13.77 mIU/mL in the test (BEVAC) group and 10.95 mlU/mL in the commercial control (ENGERIX-B) group on the 30th d after the 1st injection. The response on the 60th d showed a geometric mean titre value (GMT) of 519.84 mlU/mL in the BEVAC group and 475.46 mlU/mL in the ENGERIX-B group. On the 90th d, the antibody titer response was observed to be 2627.58 mlU/mL in the BEVAC group and 2272.72 mlU/mL in the ENGERIX-B group. Two subjects in each group experienced pains at injection site after the first vaccination. A total of six subjects in both groups experienced a solicited adverse reaction, which included pains, swelling and redness at the injection site, three subjects in the group-B had a pain at the injection site after the third dose. No other serious adverse events occurred and no dose-related local or general symptoms were observed during the study. CONCLUSION: The vaccine is safe, efficacious and immunogenic in comparison with the well documented ENGERIX-B. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B r-Hepatitis B Vaccines Immune response Accelerated vaccination schedule
Immunogenic and Protective Properties of the First Kazakhstan Vaccine against Pandemic Influenza А(Н1N1) pdm09 in Ferrets
作者 Kaissar Tabynov Zhailaubai Kydyrbayev +5 位作者 Abylai Sansyzbay Berik Khairullin Sholpan Ryskeldinova Nurika Assanzhanova Yerken Kozhamkulov Dulat Inkarbekov 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期345-352,共8页
This paper presents the results of a pre-clinical study of the immunogenicity and efficacy of an egg-derived, inactivated, whole-virion adjuvanted vaccine (Refluvac) on ferret models. For this purpose, groups of eig... This paper presents the results of a pre-clinical study of the immunogenicity and efficacy of an egg-derived, inactivated, whole-virion adjuvanted vaccine (Refluvac) on ferret models. For this purpose, groups of eight ferrets (6 to 7 months old) were injected with 0.5 mL of vaccine specimens containing 3.75, 7.5 or 15.0 μg of virus hemagglutinin. Administration was intramuscular and given either as a single dose or as two doses 14 days apart. All vaccine specimens manifested immunogenicity in ferrets for single (HI titer, from 51 ± 7 to 160 ± 23) and double (HI titer, from 697± 120 to 829 ± 117) administrations. To assess the protective effects of the vaccine, ferrets from the vaccinated and control groups were infected intranasally with pandemic virus A/California/7/09 (H1N1) pdm09 at a dose of 106 106/0.5 mL. Fourteen days post-infection, the ferrets inoculated with single or double vaccines containing 3.75, 7.5 or 15.0 ~g of hemagglutinin per dose showed no signs of influenza infection, weight loss, or body temperature rise, and no premature deaths occurred. The number of vaccinated ferrets shedding the virus via the upper airway, as well as the amount of virus shed after infection, was significantly reduced in comparison with animals from the control group. Based on our results, we suggest that a single vaccination at a dose of 3.75 or 7.5 μg hemagglutinin be used for Phase I clinical trials. 展开更多
关键词 VACCINE Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 Immunogenic and Protective Properties FERRETS
Model for the Vaccination against the Poliomyelitis 被引量:1
作者 Irene Duarte Gandica Lina Marcela Ocampo +1 位作者 Edwin Femando Duque Matin Maria Mercedes Gonzáilez 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第2期62-67,共6页
The poliomyelitis is an acute infection produced by the polio virus that affects the human central nervous system. It is transmitted by fecal-oral and respiratory contact.There are two types of vaccine, OPV (live att... The poliomyelitis is an acute infection produced by the polio virus that affects the human central nervous system. It is transmitted by fecal-oral and respiratory contact.There are two types of vaccine, OPV (live attenuated virus) and IPV (inactivated polio virus). Currently, there is a plan of vaccination until the age of 5 with OPV. The children vaccinated expel a virus (derived from the vaccine) to the environment, and some of the people that have oral contact with them, get vaccinated by the herd behavior. Nevertheless, taking into account the lately observed facts about the reversion to virulence of the oral polio vaccine during its circulation in the environment, a change in the current vaccination schedule is being contemplated, where the oral polio vaccine can be replaced by the inactivated vaccine. Nowadays, In Colombia the inactivated oral polio vaccine is recommended for children presenting immune deficiency who are vaccinated with IPV. These children do not expel poliovirus to the environment. This work presents a mathematical model that describes the dynamics of the infection in a population where the two types of vaccination are carried out. The population is divided into two groups of age and Michaelis-Menten interactions. Different strategies of vaccination are simulated and analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 POLIOMYELITIS vaccine OPV vaccine IPV VACCINATION mathematical model.
Four-year follow up of hepatitis C patients vaccinated against hepatitis B virus
作者 Slawomir Chlabicz Tadeusz Wojciech Lapinski +1 位作者 Anna Grzeszczuk Danuta Prokopowicz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第12期1798-1801,共4页
AIM: Patients with chronic hepatitis C have been recommended to receive vaccinations against hepatitis B. Our study aimed at evaluating the hepatitis B immunogenicity and efficacy against hepatitis B virus infection 4... AIM: Patients with chronic hepatitis C have been recommended to receive vaccinations against hepatitis B. Our study aimed at evaluating the hepatitis B immunogenicity and efficacy against hepatitis B virus infection 4 years after primary immunization series in a group of patients with chronic hepatitis C.METHODS: We recruited 36 out of 48 hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected individuals who were vaccinated against hepatitis B virus (20 μg of recombinant HBsAg at 0-1-6mo schedule) in 1998. Here we measured anti-HBs titers and anti-HBc 4 years after delivery of the third dose of primary immunization series.RESULTS: After 4 years a total of 13/36 (36%) HCV infected patients had seroprotective titers of anti-HBs compared with 9/10 (90%) in the control group, (P<0.05).Similarly the mean concentration of anti-HBs found in hepatitis C patients was significantly lower than that found in healthy subjects (18.3 and 156.0 mIU/mL respectively (P<0.05). None of the HCV infected patients or controls became infected with HBV during the study period as confirmed by anti-HBc negativity.CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that 4 years after HBV immunizations' more than 60% of vaccinated HCV patients did not maintain seroprotective levels of anti-HBs, which might put them at risk of clinically significant breakthrough infections. Further follow-up studies are required to clarify whether memory B and T lymphocytes can provideprotection in chronic hepatitis C patients in the absence or inadequate titers of anti-HBs. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B Hepatitic C vaccine Follw-up studies
Expression of Helicobacter pyloriAlpA protein and its immunogenicity
作者 JingXue YangBai +4 位作者 YeChen Ji-DeWang Zhao-ShanZhang Ya-LiZhang Dian-YuanZhou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第15期2260-2263,共4页
AIM:To construct a recombinant strain which expresses adhesin AlpA of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) and to study the immunogenicity of adhesin AlpA. METHODS: Gene Ab, which was amplified from H pylori chromosomal DNA... AIM:To construct a recombinant strain which expresses adhesin AlpA of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) and to study the immunogenicity of adhesin AlpA. METHODS: Gene Ab, which was amplified from H pylori chromosomal DNA by PCR technique, was sequenced and the biological information was analyzed, and inserted into the Nco I and Not I restriction fragments of the expression vector pET-22b(+) using T4 DNA ligase. The resulting plasmid pET-AlpA was transformed into competent E.coli BL21(DE3) cells using ampicillin resistance for selection. Recombinant strains were incubated in 5 mL LB with 100 μg/mL ampicillin overnight at 37 ℃. Sonication of BL21(DE3)pET-22b(+)/AlpA was analyzed by Western blot to detect AlpA immunogenicity. RESULTS: The gene encoding AlpA protein was amplified by PCR with chromosomal DNA of H pylori Sydney strain (SS1) as templates. It revealed that AlpA DNA fragment amplified by PCR had approximately 1 500 nucleotides, compatible with the previous reports. The recombinant plasmid pET-22b(+)/AB was successfully constructed. DNA sequencing showed one open reading frame with the length of 588 bp. It encoded seven conservative regions that showed good antigenicity and hydrophobicity by Parker and Welling method. Furthermore, INTERNET EXPASY, NNPREDICT and ISREC predicted that it was a porin-like structure consisting of β-pleated sheets that were embedded in the outer membrane. BLAST analyzed 836 767 protein sequences and found that the similar sequences were all belonging to H pylori OMP sequences. SDS-PAGE and scan analysis showed that the molecular weight of AB was 22.5 ku and recombinant protein amounted to 29% of the total bacterial protein, among which dissolved expression amounted to 21.9% of sonicated supernatant. The rAB purity amounted to 96% through affinity chromatography. Western blot analysis of rAB confirmed that it could be specially recognized by serum form rabbit immunized with AlpA and H pylori infected. CONCLUSION: Adhesin AlpA recombinant protein may be a potential vaccine for control and treatment of H pylori infection. 展开更多
Cytokines Expression Profile and Kinetics of Peste des petits ruminants Virus Antigen and Antibody in Infected and Vaccinated Goats
作者 Arun Patel Kaushal Kishor Rajak +5 位作者 Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan Arnab Sen Shashi Bhusan Sudhakar Veerakyathappa Bhanuprakash Raj Kumar Singh Awadh Bihari Pandey 《Virologica Sinica》 CAS CSCD 2012年第4期265-271,共7页
The present study deals with the co-ordination of cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-7) expression and kinetics of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus antigen and antibody in PPRV infected and vaccinated goats. The infecte... The present study deals with the co-ordination of cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-7) expression and kinetics of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus antigen and antibody in PPRV infected and vaccinated goats. The infected animals exhibited mixed cytokine (both TH1 and TH2) responses in the initial phase of the disease. The infected and dead goats had increased IFN-T response before their death; while IL-4 remained at the base level. The cytokine expression in recovered animals was almost similar to that of vaccinated ones, where a unique biphasic response of IL-4 expression was observed with an up-regulation of IFN-T on 7th days post vaccination (dpv). Analysis of PPR virus antigen and antibody kinetics in different components of blood from infected and vaccinated animais revealed that the PPR virus antigen load was highest in plasma followed by serum and blood of the infected animals, whereas vaccinated animals showed only marginal positivity on 9th dpv. The antibody titer was high in serum followed by plasma and blood in both vaccinated and infected animals. Therefore, it is inferred that the presence of antigen and antibody were significant with the expression of cytokine, and that a decreased response of IL-4 was noticed during intermediate phase of the disease i.e., 7 to 12m days post infection (dpi). This indicates the ability to mount a functional TH2 response after 14th dpi could be a critical determinant in deciding the survival of the PPR infected animal. 展开更多
关键词 Peste despetits ruminants (PPR) GOAT CYTOKINES Real time RT-PCR ELISA
The Experimental Study on Treating Transgenic HBV Mice with Recombined IL-2-PreS DNA Vaccine
作者 李建远 王海燕 +4 位作者 沈肖方 王学波 靳绍华 刘芙君 刘运祥 《Journal of Microbiology and Immunology》 2004年第2期120-125,共6页
The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility and mechanism of hIL-2-preS DNA vaccine as prevention and therapeutic approach against Hepatitis B. Eukaryon expression vector involving hIL-2 and preS gene was ... The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility and mechanism of hIL-2-preS DNA vaccine as prevention and therapeutic approach against Hepatitis B. Eukaryon expression vector involving hIL-2 and preS gene was constructed with recombinant technique and transferred into normal BALB/c mice and HBV transgenic mice (Tg-Mice) respectively. Then a series of detection were performed: detection of anti-preS2, HBs antibody and HBsAg in BALB/c mice and Tg-mice with ELISA, quantification of HBV DNA copies in HBV Tg-mice serum with real-time PCR, determination of hepatitis degree with immunopathological HE staining and detection of liver function. Anti-preS1 can be detected at 4 th , 6 th and 10 th week in inoculated BALB/c mice. Injection with gene gun gained an advantage over muscular and subcutaneous injection since it acquired just 1/10 inoculation quantity (10 μg/mouse). Highest expression of IgG2a at 4 th week suggested Th1-mediated immune response, which facilitated HBV cleaning. Of all inoculated HBV Tg-mice, 80% of them showed anti-preS2, HBs antibody positive and HBV DNA decreased, and 20% showed negative for HBsAg. HE staining to hepatic tissue showed obvious infiltration of inflammatory cells, swelling and granular degeneration of hepatocytes. In our study, IL-2-preS DNA vaccine which can provoke the humoral and cellular immune response and break the immune tolerance supports the designation and construction of new vaccine against HBV and specific immune remedy for HBV continuous infection. 展开更多
关键词 IL-2-preS DNA vaccine Gene gun BALB/c mice HBV Tg-mice
新型冠状病毒疫苗接种对成都市境外输入病例流行病学及临床特征的影响分析 被引量:11
作者 岳勇 梁娴 +9 位作者 毛毅 胡敏 韩德琳 速丽媛 陈恒 范双凤 张晓春 杨非 袁齐武 刘竹 《中华流行病学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期1365-1370,共6页
目的分析新型冠状病毒(新冠病毒)疫苗接种对成都市境外输入病例流行病学及临床特征的影响,为新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控提供参考依据。方法截至2021年4月15日,经成都市入境的新冠病毒感染病例,根据新冠病毒疫苗接种史被分为疫苗接种组和... 目的分析新型冠状病毒(新冠病毒)疫苗接种对成都市境外输入病例流行病学及临床特征的影响,为新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控提供参考依据。方法截至2021年4月15日,经成都市入境的新冠病毒感染病例,根据新冠病毒疫苗接种史被分为疫苗接种组和疫苗未接种组。回顾性收集和分析病例的流行病学及临床特征资料。实验室检测项目包括新冠病毒核酸检测、临床指标、血清抗体和淋巴细胞检测。采用WPS 2019软件整理数据,采用R 4.0.3软件进行统计学分析。结果75例新冠病毒感染病例包括疫苗接种组20例(出现临床症状4例)和疫苗未接种组55例(出现临床症状16例)。疫苗接种组的首针接种时间分布为2020年7-11月,其中接种2剂次疫苗采用一次性接种方式有10例,采取2次间隔接种方式有10例,2次接种间隔14-57 d,完成疫苗接种与发病时间间隔87-224 d。两组病例的分类和临床分型的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中,疫苗接种组病例分类为无症状感染者的比例较高(40.00%,8/20),而疫苗未接种组的临床分型以普通型的比例较高(76.36%,42/55)。两组病例的新冠病毒核酸检测2个靶标(ORF1ab和N基因)Ct值、淋巴细胞亚型、降钙素原及C反应蛋白的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),疫苗接种组的血清淀粉样蛋白A水平低于疫苗未接种组(P<0.05),但新冠病毒血清抗体IgM、IgG及总抗体水平均明显高于疫苗未接种组(P<0.05)。结论新冠病毒疫苗接种后,仍存在感染的风险,但新冠病毒侵入人体后,体内可迅速产生特异性IgM和IgG抗体,对感染者产生一定保护作用,已接种新冠病毒疫苗的病例分类以无症状感染者为主。 展开更多
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 新型冠状病毒 疫苗接种 接种感染
作者 孙美平 《时尚育儿》 2018年第2期26-26,9,共1页
破伤风,人人知道。但是关于破伤风,又有好多让家长们困惑的事。被狗咬伤要打破伤风,那手指被划伤呢?还要打吗?宝宝小时候都注射过百白破疫苗,那是不是意味着再受伤时就不用打破伤风了呢?什么是破伤风?破伤风是由破伤风杆菌引起的一... 破伤风,人人知道。但是关于破伤风,又有好多让家长们困惑的事。被狗咬伤要打破伤风,那手指被划伤呢?还要打吗?宝宝小时候都注射过百白破疫苗,那是不是意味着再受伤时就不用打破伤风了呢?什么是破伤风?破伤风是由破伤风杆菌引起的一种感染性疾病。破伤风杆菌常见于土壤中,当人体皮肤出现创伤时,破伤风芽孢可由伤口进入体内。破伤风杆菌在厌氧环境下可产生破伤风毒素,该毒素可引起患者发生以肌肉强直。 展开更多
关键词 破伤风 百白破疫苗 厌氧环境 手指 伤口 肌肉强直 可由 白破二联疫苗 预防接种门诊 感染性疾病
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