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2019年男篮世界杯提升中国男篮控卫实力的研究 被引量:4
作者 王艳芳 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2019年第9期59-64,共6页
以提升中国男篮控卫实力为研究目的,采用文献资料调研、数理统计和比较分析等方法,对1984年以来9届奥运会中国男篮主力控卫的实力进行比较分析.研究结果表明:与历届奥运会参赛队控卫相比较,中国队主力(首发)控卫与对手的主要差距是得分... 以提升中国男篮控卫实力为研究目的,采用文献资料调研、数理统计和比较分析等方法,对1984年以来9届奥运会中国男篮主力控卫的实力进行比较分析.研究结果表明:与历届奥运会参赛队控卫相比较,中国队主力(首发)控卫与对手的主要差距是得分与抢断球能力不足,两个指标数据差异均具显著性意义(P<0.05);不同时期中国队6位主力控卫核心能力的比较上,孙凤武助攻能力最强、效率最高,刘炜、郭艾伦得分能力略有优势,但整体上中国队控卫得分能力不强是存在的共性问题.中国控卫核心能力欠缺与控卫的作用定位单一、技术能力落后和身体素质劣势有关.建议:2019男篮世界杯备战,中国男篮应着力培养组织进攻与攻击能力兼具的控卫,用好后卫线上的特色球员,针对性提高控卫的得分能力和技术能力,以此为突破口提升中国男篮的整体实力. 展开更多
关键词 中国国家男子篮球队 控卫 实力 奥运会 世界杯
职业篮球优秀控卫竞技能力研究 被引量:2
作者 张秋实 《运动》 2017年第14期20-21,共2页
本文通过对国内外职业篮球研究现状的分析得出了当今职业篮球优秀控卫的竞技能力研究现状。通过搜集资料,查看文献,分析了什么是优秀控卫、什么是控卫的竞技能力;通过采集数据比较分析了职业篮球优秀控卫的得分能力、防守能力、助攻能... 本文通过对国内外职业篮球研究现状的分析得出了当今职业篮球优秀控卫的竞技能力研究现状。通过搜集资料,查看文献,分析了什么是优秀控卫、什么是控卫的竞技能力;通过采集数据比较分析了职业篮球优秀控卫的得分能力、防守能力、助攻能力、抢断能力、篮板能力、投篮命中率高低等竞技能力;通过统计数据和录像观察分析现象级优秀控卫的竞技能力,如制造犯规、制造投篮空间、技战术意识等竞技能力,并得出了训练控球后卫竞技能力的方法和对如何培养优秀的控卫的结论。 展开更多
关键词 职业篮球 优秀控卫 竞技能力
小鬼主内 史上八大背筐控卫
作者 梁宇 《当代体育(扣篮)》 2018年第6期53-55,共3页
2012年第21期作为NBA的数据达人,"凉雨"在编辑部的执著是无人能及的,而他对于历史的认真态度也得到了大家的认可。因此这七年来,他始终把持着"火线传真"、"TOP"等固定栏目。那个黑白相片的时代,一直是篮下巨兽们统治着球场,但随... 2012年第21期作为NBA的数据达人,"凉雨"在编辑部的执著是无人能及的,而他对于历史的认真态度也得到了大家的认可。因此这七年来,他始终把持着"火线传真"、"TOP"等固定栏目。那个黑白相片的时代,一直是篮下巨兽们统治着球场,但随着三秒区的不断扩大和越来越多身体出众的球员涌入联盟,不同位置间出现了融合,一些过去只属于某一位置的技术被其他位置的球员学去了。最离谱的大概就是控卫学到中锋的技术,前者本该是离篮筐最远的角色,但一些狡猾的家伙把根据地安置在了低位——当控卫内外兼修地背筐技术之后,篮球游戏的规则也被颠覆了。 展开更多
关键词 控卫 三秒区 篮球游戏 鬼主 罗伯特森 内线 相片 阿里纳斯 人能 佩顿
多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯 金色阳光
作者 郭忻杪 《当代体育(扣篮)》 2018年第6期63-65,共3页
2015年第15期看到萨博尼斯开拓者球衣的背号了吗?也许那就是姚明选择11号的原因。血脉相承,这在NBA赛场上似乎行不通,所以你在小萨博尼斯的身上,几乎看不到他父亲的影子。多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯?他和当年那个效力过开拓者的立陶宛巨... 2015年第15期看到萨博尼斯开拓者球衣的背号了吗?也许那就是姚明选择11号的原因。血脉相承,这在NBA赛场上似乎行不通,所以你在小萨博尼斯的身上,几乎看不到他父亲的影子。多曼塔斯·萨博尼斯?他和当年那个效力过开拓者的立陶宛巨人阿维达斯·萨博尼斯有什么关系么?恭喜你猜对了!多曼塔斯就是"世界屋脊"萨博尼斯的儿子,今年19岁。去年夏天,他离开效力了多年的母队马拉加然后前往美国,征战NCAA。入主冈萨加大学, 展开更多
关键词 萨博 曼塔 尼斯 NCAA 马拉加 控卫 达斯 姚明 老萨 萨加
《当代体育(扣篮)》 2018年第6期12-15,共4页
关键词 库里 世界末日 颠覆者 STEPHEN CURRY 凯撒 草根 奥克兰 猩猩 急停跳投 控卫
STK simulation design for satellite formation tracking mission with bidirectional communication
作者 陈杨杨 张国熙 +1 位作者 冯源 卫平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第3期358-362,共5页
The problem of satellite formation tracking control is studied by using the tool, the satellite tool kit (STK ) software.To fight against gravitational perturbation rejection, a sliding mode controller for each sate... The problem of satellite formation tracking control is studied by using the tool, the satellite tool kit (STK ) software.To fight against gravitational perturbation rejection, a sliding mode controller for each satellite is proposed to accomplish the orbit trace and is then verified by the STK.For the purpose of accomplishing the formation tracking mission with bidirectional communication in STK,a time-share orderly calling plug-in is designed by C ++,which gives solutions to the problems of the monopolization of computing resource and no return of the satellite identifier in the calculation center. The effectiveness of the decoupling approach is tested and verified by the STK.The simulation results obtained by the STK are more meaningful than those obtained by Matlab. 展开更多
关键词 formation tracking control decoupling approach
作者 BO Li-qun(Changchun Institute of Geography,t he Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130012,P.R.China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第4期350-353,共4页
With the rapid development of space technology,earth observation tech nology and sky observatory technolo-gy,they have played a more and more im portant part in monitoring and predi cting of earthquakes and volcanoes ... With the rapid development of space technology,earth observation tech nology and sky observatory technolo-gy,they have played a more and more im portant part in monitoring and predi cting of earthquakes and volcanoes i n the terres-trial land.In recent years,the rela ted agencies have done the experimen ts and researches on monitoring and p redicting of earthquakes and volcanoes in the forewarning period by means of many appr oaches,such as satellite thermal in frared re-mote sensing(TIRS),Global Positioning System(GPS),differential interferometric syn thesis aperture radar(D-INSAR),astronomical time-latitude residual anomaly,and Geographic Information Systems (GIS),etc.A quite large number of re-search foundation has been built in t he fundamental theories and applica tion methods.The experiments and re searches have shown that these technology is e fficient methods for high frequency crust movement.If the existed separate scientific forces and results are possibly asse mbled together to form a more complete integration monitoring system wit h the combina-tion of space,sky observation,grou nd,deep geology and macro anomaly,i t will come into a new stage of monitoring and predicting of earthquakes and volca nic eruptions. 展开更多
关键词 space technology integration system earthquake and volcano
Monitoring the Deformation of Cableways
作者 Dante Salvini 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2002年第1期18-21,共4页
One type of aerial cableway consists of a continuous cable,which works at the same time as carrying cable and drawing cable.This kind of cableway is supported by many towers,which divide the total length in linear sec... One type of aerial cableway consists of a continuous cable,which works at the same time as carrying cable and drawing cable.This kind of cableway is supported by many towers,which divide the total length in linear sections.Even small deviations from the planed layout can increase the strain of the cable and the danger of derailments.The deviations of the position of the towers from the planed layout are due to local sliding or sinking of the foundation or other mechanical movements.Up to now the axis of the cableways were periodically measured by traditional methods.The goal of this project is to demonstrate the possibility of measuring the axis of a cableway with GPS techniques,while the cable is moving.The results show that the proposed measuring device provides precise results in a simple and reliable way. 展开更多
关键词 satellite_geodesy conventional geodesy GPS SURVEY adjustment aerial cableway local sliding dynamic monitoring kinematic on the fly
Design of Central Management & Control Unit for Onboard High-Speed Data Handling System 被引量:4
作者 LI Yan-qin JIN Sheng-zhen NING Shu-nian 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第1期68-72,共5页
The Main Optical Telescope (MOT) is an important payload of the Space Solar Telescope (SST) with various instruments and observation modes. Its real-time data handling and management and control tasks are arduous. Bas... The Main Optical Telescope (MOT) is an important payload of the Space Solar Telescope (SST) with various instruments and observation modes. Its real-time data handling and management and control tasks are arduous. Based on the advanced techniques of foreign countries, an improved structure of onboard data handling systems feasible for SST, is proposed. This article concentrated on the development of a Central Management & Control Unit (MCU) based on FPGA and DSP. Through reconfigurating the FPGA and DSP programs, the prototype could perform different tasks. Thus the inheritability of the whole system is improved. The completed dual-channel prototype proves that the system meets all requirements of the MOT. Its high reliability and safety features also meet the requirements under harsh conditions such as mine detection. 展开更多
关键词 space solar telescope processing dataflow and control-flow separately onboard data handling system RECONFIGURATION
Chinese Surveying and Control Network for Earth-Orbit Satellites and Deep Space Detection
作者 WEI Erhu LIU Jingnan SHI Chuang 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2006年第1期6-12,37,共8页
The relationship between the surveying and contro l network(CSN) for earth-orbit satellite and spatial geodesy, and the relationshi p between the CSN for deep space celestial bodies and detectors, and deep space detec... The relationship between the surveying and contro l network(CSN) for earth-orbit satellite and spatial geodesy, and the relationshi p between the CSN for deep space celestial bodies and detectors, and deep space detection are briefly summarized, and so are the basic technical needs of the de ep space surveying and control network(DSN). Then, the techniques, the constitue nts and the distributing of Chinese satellite CSN (CSCSN) and other radio observ ing establishments in China are introduced. Lastly, with the primary CSCSN and o ther observing establishments, some projects for China to rebuild a more perfect CSCSN, and to establish a DSN are analyzed and stated. 展开更多
关键词 satellite surveying and control network DSN microwave radio radar LLR DSCCs radio observation space-based station
An Experimental Biotelemetric Study Based on Satellite Tracking During Post-nesting Migrations of Green Turtles
作者 王华接 Wang Dongxiao +4 位作者 Wang Wenzhi SONG Xiaojun Liu Yun Chan Kinfung Gu Hexiang 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2002年第3期16-21,共6页
A biotelemetry experiment is conducted to study the migrant behavior of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in South China Sea and acquire the physical environment data. The method in use is to track the post nesting migra... A biotelemetry experiment is conducted to study the migrant behavior of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in South China Sea and acquire the physical environment data. The method in use is to track the post nesting migrant routes of green turtles through the satellite linked transmitters attached on the back of turtles and the global satellite signal transmitting system of Argos. We obtained the positions of the post nesting migrant routes of three green turtles and environment data, which are important in conservation of green turtles and the research of physical oceanography. Based on the test, the concept, principle and method of biotelemetry are also introduced in this paper with a discussion of the further development of this technique and its applying prospection in future. 展开更多
关键词 satellite tracking green turtles south china sea BIOTELEMETRY
Comparison of RFFIT Tests with Different Standard Sera and Testing Procedures 被引量:6
作者 Peng-cheng Yu Akira Noguchi +3 位作者 Satoshi Inoue Qing Tang Simon Rayner Guo-dong Liang 《Virologica Sinica》 CAS CSCD 2012年第3期187-193,共7页
The World Health Organization (WHO) standard assay for determining antibody level is the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) and is used to determine the degree of immunity after vaccination against ra... The World Health Organization (WHO) standard assay for determining antibody level is the rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) and is used to determine the degree of immunity after vaccination against rabies. To compare the difference in RFFIT results between the laboratories of The National Institute of Infectious Disease in Japan (NIID) and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control (CCDC) as well the influence of the choice of standard serum (STD) for the detection, the two laboratories detection methods were simultaneously manipulated by RFFIT. The reference serums used in NIID and the WHO standard serum used in CCDC were compared in the same RFFIT detection to determine the titer of four sera samples C1, Sl, S2 and S4 in parallel, and the titers of the detected sera samples were calculated using the standard formula for neutralizing antibody titer. No significant difference was found in RFFIT methods from the two laboratories and the RFFIT testing procedures of the two laboratories have good consistency. However, different titers were obtained with the tentative internal standard serum (TI-STD) produced by adjusting to 2.0 IU of WHO standard serum in NIID and the WHO STD. The titer determined with the TI-STD was higher than that determined with WHO STD, This difference appears to be significant and requires further investigation 展开更多
关键词 Rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT) Standard serum Neutralizing antibody TITER
Real-time horizontality adjusting and control system of a large platform applied to satellite experiment
作者 钟诗胜 张士鹏 王瑞 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期101-105,共5页
In order to satisfy a satellite horizontality requirement in an experiment, it is indispensable to monitor and adjust the horizontality of a large platform loading the satellite under the condition of ultra-low temper... In order to satisfy a satellite horizontality requirement in an experiment, it is indispensable to monitor and adjust the horizontality of a large platform loading the satellite under the condition of ultra-low temperature with real time. So the control system design and control strategy are described in detail to accomplish the horizontality monitoring and adjusting. The system adopts the industry control computer as the upper computer and the SIEMENS S7-300 PLC as the lower computer. The upper computer that bases on industry configuration software IFIX takes charge of monitoring the platform and puts forward the control strategy. PLC takes charge of receiving the adjusting instructions and controlling the legs moving to accomplish the horizontality adjusting. The horizontality adjusting strategy is emphasized and the concept of grads is introduced to establish a mathematics model of the platform inclined state, so the adjusting method is obtained. Accordingly the key question of the automatic horizontality adjusting is solved in this control system. 展开更多
关键词 a large platform real-time monitoring automatic horizontality adjusting
Correlation Combination Ambiguity Removing Technology for Acquisition of Sine-Phased BOC(kn,n) Signals 被引量:3
作者 LIU Wen XI Yue +2 位作者 DENG Zhongliang JIAO Jichao YIN Lu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期86-96,共11页
Binary Offset Carrier(BOC) has been chosen as one of modulation methods in the future Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS). Even though BOC signals can bring several advantages such as better track performance an... Binary Offset Carrier(BOC) has been chosen as one of modulation methods in the future Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS). Even though BOC signals can bring several advantages such as better track performance and higher positioning accuracy, there is a drawback that the autocorrelation functions have multiple side-peaks if BOC modulation is adopted. This characteristic will lead to false acquisition and the tracking loop will be locked in false phase point. The proposed Correlation Combination Ambiguity Removing Technology(CCART) cancelled all the side-peaks of the sine-phased BOC(kn,n) signals completely by making use of two kinds of correlation functions. Two kinds of sub-correlation functions were combined separately and then final correlation function without side-peaks was acquired. The simulation results are given and compared with other techniques. It is shown that acquisition will not be degraded with the increase of k. 展开更多
关键词 GNSS unambiguous acquisition sine-phased BOC(kn n) combination ofcorrelation functions
Feedforward attitude control for a TDRS with mobile antennas
作者 姜文辉 曹喜滨 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期54-58,共5页
In this paper, feedforward attitude control law for a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) with mobile antennas is proposed. To track or point the target spacecraft with median/law orbit, the large mobile antenn... In this paper, feedforward attitude control law for a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) with mobile antennas is proposed. To track or point the target spacecraft with median/law orbit, the large mobile antennas have to move in a wide range. The movement of such mobile antennas disturbs the satellite attitude conscquently. Conventionally, the main body of thc satellitc and the mobile antennas are controlled independently. The proposed controller first estimates the angular momentum which the mobile antennas will produce based on tiLe momentum conservation equation. Next, it computes the desired velocity of reaction wheels to compensate the disturbance due to the antenna motion. It then adds the errnr of the wheels' velocity between a desired one and a current value as a feedforward signal to the control system. The proposed controller is demonstrated using a mathematical simulation, of which these results coincide well with analytical results. 展开更多
关键词 tracking and data relay satellite ANTENNA attitude control angular momentuml FEEDFORWARD
The Impact of "Bad" Argo Profiles on Ocean Data Assimilation 被引量:1
作者 YAN Chang-Xiang ZHU Jiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第2期59-63,共5页
Recent studies have found cold biases in a fraction of Argo profiles (hereinafter referred to as bad Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (Argo) profiles) due to the pressure drifts during 2003 and 2006. These... Recent studies have found cold biases in a fraction of Argo profiles (hereinafter referred to as bad Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (Argo) profiles) due to the pressure drifts during 2003 and 2006. These bad Argo profiles have had an important impact on in situ observation-based global ocean heat content esti- mates. This study investigated the impact of bad Argo profiles on ocean data assimilation results that were based on observations from diverse ocean observation systems, such as in situ profiles (e.g., Argo, expendable bathy- thermograph (XBT), and Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO), remote-sensing sea surface temperature products and satellite altimetry between 2004 and 2006. Results from this work show that the upper ocean heat content analysis is vulnerable to bad Argo profiles and demon- strate a cooling trend in the studied period despite the multiple independent data types that were assimilated. When the bad Argo profiles were excluded from the as- similation, the decreased heat content disappeared and a warming occurred. Combination of satellite altimetry and mass variation data from gravity satellite demonstrated an increase, which agrees well with the increased heat con- tent. Additionally, when an additional Argo profile quality control procedure was utilized that simply removed the profiles that presented static unstable water columns, the results were very similar to those obtained when the bad Argo profiles were excluded from the assimilation. This indicates that an ocean data assimilation that uses multiple data sources with improved quality control could be less vulnerable to a major observation system failure, such as a bad Argo event. 展开更多
关键词 data assimilation ARGO heat content ensemble optimal interpolation
The State of Arts of Hall Thruster
作者 WANG Lisheng TANG Deli 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2004年第1期147-151,共5页
Electric propulsion is broadly defined as the acceleration of a working fluid for propulsion by electrical heating and/or by electric and magnetic body forces. Compared with chemical propulsion, electric propulsion ha... Electric propulsion is broadly defined as the acceleration of a working fluid for propulsion by electrical heating and/or by electric and magnetic body forces. Compared with chemical propulsion, electric propulsion has the characteristic of higher specific impulse, lower thrust, lighter weight and longer lifetime. So electric propulsion is generally suitable for satellite attitude control, the orbit transfer and raising, orbit correction, resistance compensate, position keeping, reposi- tion, space exploration and interplanetary flight. 展开更多
关键词 Electric propulsion Hall thruster PLUME
Molecular markers for identifying a new selected variety of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei
作者 于洋 张晓军 +5 位作者 刘敬文 李富花 黄皓 李义军 刘小林 相建海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期1-10,共10页
Selective breeding of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei during the last decade has produced new varieties exhibiting high growth rates and disease resistance.However,the identification of new varieties of ... Selective breeding of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei during the last decade has produced new varieties exhibiting high growth rates and disease resistance.However,the identification of new varieties of shrimps from their phenotypic characters is difficult.This study introduces a new approach for identifying varieties of shrimps using molecular markers of microsatellites and mitochondrial control region sequences.The method was employed to identify a new selected variety,Kehai No.1(KH-1),from three representative stocks(control group):Zhengda;Tongwei;and a stock collected from Fujian Province,which is now cultured in China's Mainland.By pooled genotyping of KH-1 and the control group,five microsatellites showing differences between KH-1 and the control group were screened out.Individual genotyping data confirmed the results from pooled genotyping.The genotyping data for the five microsatellites were applied to the assignment analysis of the KH-1 group and the control group using the partial Bayesian assignment method in GENECLASS2.By sequencing the mitochondrial control regions of individuals from the KH-1 and control group,four haplotypes were observed in the KH-1 group,whereas14 haplotypes were obtained in the control group.By combining the microsatellite assignment analysis with mitochondrial control region analysis,the average accuracy of identification of individuals in the KH-1group and control group reached 89%.The five selected microsatellite loci and mitochondrial control region sequences were highly polymorphic and could be used to distinguish new selected varieties of L.vannamei from other populations cultured in China. 展开更多
关键词 molecular identification Litopenaeus vannamei new variety mitochondrial control region MICROSATELLITE
Behavioral Aspects in Obligatory Reports of Public Hospitals in Poland
作者 Aleksandra Szewieczek Marzena Strojek-Filus 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第11期513-527,共15页
The health care sector is the most difficult one to manage and control. Special units in this field are public hospitals which are required to prepare a lot of reports to various institutions, including the ownership ... The health care sector is the most difficult one to manage and control. Special units in this field are public hospitals which are required to prepare a lot of reports to various institutions, including the ownership body. The paper focuses on two issues. The first is the presence of behavioral factors in the reporting of public hospitals in Poland to the ownership bodies. This article aims to indicate the thematic areas of specific reports, most affected by behavioral factors and explain the causes and consequences of their occurrence. The second issue is the analysis of the legal status of obligatory reporting of public hospitals. Participants of the conducted research, due to their specific ownership and political and social position, were public hospitals in Poland. The paper uses the research methods of the meta-analysis of the literature, legal acts in Poland and empirical materials, and also the methods of synthesis, observation, and deduction. Data analysis focused on specific sample of reports issued by Polish public hospitals for their ownership body. The research shows that hospitals draw up a tremendous number of often thematically overlapping and redundant reports addressed to different institutions in different time periods. It is a consequence of legal regulations failing to streamline the reporting of the health care sector institutions, in particular public hospitals. The paper points to the large number of legal instruments that contain imprecise requirements resulting from the complex and obscure forms of control of public funds allocation in this sector. There are many behavioral factors that shape some fields of public hospitals' reports, for example, interpersonal relationships, egoism, private financial interests, strengthening of the employment status and professional position, and professional competences. There is considerable freedom in the reporting process fulfilled by public hospitals in Poland for their ownership body. It causes strong consequences, like poor-quality data, duplication of information, and its chaos, as well as high costs of obtaining information. Reporting system of financial and non-financial data of public hospitals in Poland is dysfunctional. 展开更多
关键词 public hospitals financial and non-financial reports finance in health care sector reliability ownership body BEHAVIORISM
Conceptual Proposal of a Facility Design for Accommodating Minipigs for Pharmaceutical and Radiopharmaceutical Research
作者 Elizabeth B. F. Lainetti Luiz Augusto C. Passos +1 位作者 Carlos R. J. Soares Nanci do Nascimento 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第8期881-887,共7页
The use of Animal House Facilities of IPEN-CNEN/SP (Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute-National Nuclear Energy Commission/SP, Brazil) has provided rats and mice with controlled sanitary quality for research an... The use of Animal House Facilities of IPEN-CNEN/SP (Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute-National Nuclear Energy Commission/SP, Brazil) has provided rats and mice with controlled sanitary quality for research and quality control in the production of radiopharmaceuticals lots, produced at IPEN, following rules of CONCEA-Brazilian National Council for Animal Experimentation Control and approved in CEUA (Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals), before they are sent to hospitals and clinics spread out in Brazil, for use in nuclear medicine. The production and the supply of high quality laboratory animals have fundamental importance for the accomplishment of vanguard scientific research, with reproducibility and universality. The quality of those animals depends, largely, on the available facilities for their production and lodging, to assure the demanded sanitary control and animal's welfare, in agreement with the ethical principles that control the activity. Therefore, the facilities design is of vital importance so that the mentioned requirements can be reached. Nevertheless, pigs and miniature pigs have gained importance as large animal models in medicine. With their size, organ capacity, and physiology resembling in several aspects that of humans, pigs are well suited for preclinical experiments and long-term safety studies. Minipigs will be used for preclinical testing of radiopharmaceuticals and assays radioactive materials for cardiac tests. This paper describes the premises and preliminary activities that have been performed at IPEN for the design of new Animal House Facilities dedicated to keeping minipigs taking into account fundamental aspects such as: animal's welfare, sanitation, genetic, in agreement with the ethical principles that control the activity and environmental concerns. 展开更多
关键词 Research animals minipigs HOUSING FACILITY design conceptual proposal.
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