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控失氮肥与普通尿素不同配比对玉米苗期生长的影响 被引量:2
作者 钟雯瑾 杨博兰 +3 位作者 冯梦喜 杨自超 马雪 朱仁胜 《化肥工业》 CAS 2018年第5期68-70,共3页
为了解控失氮肥与普通尿素按不同比例掺混后对玉米苗期长势的影响,将含氮质量分数为38%的控失氮肥与普通尿素以养分质量比3∶7、4∶6、5∶5、6∶4和7∶3进行掺混,然后与磷酸一铵和氯化钾配制成NP_2O_5-K_2O=26-10-12的掺混肥,以等养分... 为了解控失氮肥与普通尿素按不同比例掺混后对玉米苗期长势的影响,将含氮质量分数为38%的控失氮肥与普通尿素以养分质量比3∶7、4∶6、5∶5、6∶4和7∶3进行掺混,然后与磷酸一铵和氯化钾配制成NP_2O_5-K_2O=26-10-12的掺混肥,以等养分的控失复合肥为对照,采用盆栽方式开展了玉米苗期试验。试验结果表明:控失氮肥与普通尿素按4∶6掺混时,能够有效提高玉米苗期的株高、SPAD值、地上部和地下部生物量,分别比对照处理高出18.79%、1.18%、22.39%和3.32%,明显改善了玉米苗期长势。 展开更多
关键词 控失氮肥 普通尿素 玉米 苗期
控失氮肥技术应用及发展总结 被引量:2
作者 薛宏光 黄滨 +1 位作者 徐文峰 李刚 《化肥工业》 CAS 2013年第2期24-25,44,共3页
控失氮肥是在对原有高塔造粒装置进行技术升级改造的基础上,将粉状氯化铵或硫酸铵及尿液与可降低其溶解性或改变其流失特性的化肥养分控失剂充分混合后制备的无膜型缓释脲铵氮肥,适合于大田作物。概述了控失氮肥的形成机理、技术路线及... 控失氮肥是在对原有高塔造粒装置进行技术升级改造的基础上,将粉状氯化铵或硫酸铵及尿液与可降低其溶解性或改变其流失特性的化肥养分控失剂充分混合后制备的无膜型缓释脲铵氮肥,适合于大田作物。概述了控失氮肥的形成机理、技术路线及创新点、产品特点及质量标准,并就存在的问题提出了今后的努力方向。 展开更多
关键词 控失氮肥 形成机理 高塔造粒
作者 宋艳华 李明明 《氮肥技术》 CAS 2024年第5期1-2,13,共3页
为了探究控失氮肥技术的应用潜能和发展前景,本文通过原理分析和实验测试的方式对控失氮肥技术的实施流程和技术优势进行重点研究,与其它施肥技术相比,控失氮肥技术的持续养分供给效果更加突出,养料供应速度也更加均衡,还具有改善土壤... 为了探究控失氮肥技术的应用潜能和发展前景,本文通过原理分析和实验测试的方式对控失氮肥技术的实施流程和技术优势进行重点研究,与其它施肥技术相比,控失氮肥技术的持续养分供给效果更加突出,养料供应速度也更加均衡,还具有改善土壤环境、维持生态平衡等环保功效,是一种先进的新型肥料施用技术,拥有广阔的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 控失氮肥 应用 原理 发展
秸秆还田与减氮对砂姜黑土理化指标及小麦产量的影响 被引量:9
作者 黄柯铭 仝昊天 +1 位作者 韩燕来 李培培 《中国农学通报》 2020年第8期21-26,共6页
旨在为砂姜黑土区减肥增效技术在小麦生产上的推广应用提供参考,在豫南典型砂姜黑土区小麦/玉米轮作体系下进行大田试验。田间试验以秸秆还田作为主处理,以不同氮肥施用为副处理,包括:0%(不施氮肥,CK)、普通尿素100%(农民习惯施肥,普N1... 旨在为砂姜黑土区减肥增效技术在小麦生产上的推广应用提供参考,在豫南典型砂姜黑土区小麦/玉米轮作体系下进行大田试验。田间试验以秸秆还田作为主处理,以不同氮肥施用为副处理,包括:0%(不施氮肥,CK)、普通尿素100%(农民习惯施肥,普N100)、普通尿素70%(普N70)、控失氮肥70%(控N70)。结果表明,与不还田条件下的减氮处理相比,还田条件下普N70和控N70处理土壤容重分别显著降低12.3%、17.9%,土壤全氮含量显著提高25.0%、27.3%,然而减氮处理与全量氮肥处理之间无明显差异。与不还田的对应处理相比,还田处理的普N70、控N70和CK的土壤有机碳显著增加38.6%、30.5%、30.6%。秸秆还田显著影响土壤容重、全N和有机碳含量,施肥处理间并不显著。小麦氮肥利用率(NRE)以及氮肥收获指数(NHI)均以控N70处理最高,但与普N100、普N70处理无显著差异。小麦产量以还田条件下的控N70处理最高,较不还田的普N100增产13.9%。综上,秸秆还田比减氮(30%)对砂姜黑土理化性状和产量的影响更大,与普通尿素100%相比,施用控失氮肥70%与普通尿素70%的产量无明显差异。 展开更多
关键词 秸秆还田 控失氮肥 减氮 土壤理化指标 氮肥利用率
Effects of Controlled Release Fertilizer on Loss of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Farmland 被引量:6
作者 李堃 司马小峰 +1 位作者 丁仕奇 陈卓 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1727-1732,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to study on effects of controlled release fertilizer on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from farmland. [Method] Experiment was conducted in fields planted with rice and corn around Chao Lake an... [Objective] The aim was to study on effects of controlled release fertilizer on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from farmland. [Method] Experiment was conducted in fields planted with rice and corn around Chao Lake and effects of compound fertilizer, controlled release fertilizer and controlled release fertilizer (reduced by 20%) on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus through runoff and leaching were analyzed. [Result] Loss of nitrogen and phosphorus mainly occurred in early stage of fertilizing; loss caused by runoff accounted for over 98% and caused by leaching was lower than 2%, indicating that nutrients of rice and corn mainly lost through runoff. As for controlled release fertilizers with 20% reduced, total loss of N and P decreased by 60% and 63% in rice field and reduced by 27.8% and 34% in corn field, respectively, indicating that controlled release fertilizer would maintain nutrients in soils high in later period of plant growth, improve use efficiency of N and P, reduce N and P loss in rice and corn fields in rainy season, and decrease non-point pollution. [Conclusion] The research suggested that controlled release fertilizer would slow down the loss of nutrients in farmlands, providing scientific references and technological support for extension of controlled release fertilizer and reduction of agricultural non-point pollution. 展开更多
关键词 Controlled release fertilizer RICE CORN Loss of nitrogen and phosphorus Chao Lake RUNOFF LEACHING
Comparison of Nutrient Release Characteristics from Coated Controlled/Slow-release Fertilizers 被引量:2
作者 陆乐峰 王殿武 +1 位作者 李晓欣 张芮华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第5期768-772,共5页
[Objective] The study aimed at comparing the characteristics of nutrient release from coated controlled/slow-release fertilizers,so as to provide theoretical reference for improving the farming practice and fertilizer... [Objective] The study aimed at comparing the characteristics of nutrient release from coated controlled/slow-release fertilizers,so as to provide theoretical reference for improving the farming practice and fertilizer application,reducing pollution in Baiyangdian Lake and the surrounding area.[Method] Soil column leaching method was used to study NH4-N and NO3-N leaching characteristics from five kinds of nitrogen fertilizers including three coated controlled/slow-release fertilizers.[Result] Resin and sulfur coated controlled/slow-release urea decreased NH4-N concentration obviously,controlled NO3-N release in early term of experiment,while increased the content of NH4-N + NO3-N in middle-late periods.Compared with that of common urea,the NH4-N of resin and sulfur coated controlled/slow-release urea decreased by 98.5%,98.7% in early period,96.5%,97.4% in middle period,and 59.1%,81.75% in last period.[Conclusion] Resin and sulfur coated controlled/slow-release urea significantly reduced the NH4-N concentration,effectively controlled the NO3-N release in early stage and increased the supply of NO3-N in last period. 展开更多
关键词 Coated controlled/slow-release fertilizers NH4-N NO3-N Leaching loss
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