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作者 沈发兴 肖胜生 刘洪光 《中国水土保持》 2023年第5期38-40,共3页
堤防坡面植草可有效防控堤防坡面水土流失,保障堤防安全运行。为满足堤防汛期巡险的草地植株高度要求,传统的堤防草地管理措施耗费高且伴生除草药剂、剪草机尾气及大量植株碎渣等污染。生物刈割是指在堤防草地生态系统中,利用植物生产... 堤防坡面植草可有效防控堤防坡面水土流失,保障堤防安全运行。为满足堤防汛期巡险的草地植株高度要求,传统的堤防草地管理措施耗费高且伴生除草药剂、剪草机尾气及大量植株碎渣等污染。生物刈割是指在堤防草地生态系统中,利用植物生产到动物生产的营养级转化,通过家畜牧食,构建包括人居—家畜—草地三要素的放牧系统。探索堤防生物刈割技术,有利于推进兼具防洪、生态、景观、社会和经济效益于一体的堤防工程建设。 展开更多
关键词 堤防草地 控高技术 生物刈割 养护管理 鄱阳湖区
作者 黄玉峰 《物探装备》 2024年第4期220-224,共5页
本文首先回顾了陆上可控震源技术的发展历程,又介绍了目前具有国际领先水平的可控震源技术—高精度可控震源(EV-56)技术和新型横波可控震源(EV-56RS)技术。针对目前可控震源技术的工业化推广应用和研究现状,提出了可控震源技术面临的一... 本文首先回顾了陆上可控震源技术的发展历程,又介绍了目前具有国际领先水平的可控震源技术—高精度可控震源(EV-56)技术和新型横波可控震源(EV-56RS)技术。针对目前可控震源技术的工业化推广应用和研究现状,提出了可控震源技术面临的一些技术挑战和难点,同时给出了关于当前可控震源技术的发展和提高的一些技术思路与思考,希望能为广大震源科研技术人员提供一些技术层面的帮助和研究参考。 展开更多
关键词 震源技术 精度可震源技术 横波可震源技术 隔振技术 能量传递技术
EV-56高精度可控震源技术 被引量:1
作者 宋晓伟 《物探装备》 2023年第1期21-24,共4页
地球物理勘探技术已从早年的高分辨率勘探、高密度勘探技术发展到今日的高精度勘探技术,高精度勘探技术是离不开高精度激发源—高精度可控震源EV-56的。东方物探高精度可控震源技术是具有自主知识产权的独创技术,具有低频的稳定激发信... 地球物理勘探技术已从早年的高分辨率勘探、高密度勘探技术发展到今日的高精度勘探技术,高精度勘探技术是离不开高精度激发源—高精度可控震源EV-56的。东方物探高精度可控震源技术是具有自主知识产权的独创技术,具有低频的稳定激发信号和宽频地震信号的激发能力。文章主要对东方地球物理公司高精度可控震源的发展历程、研发成果、特色技术、推广应用和经济社会效果进行介绍,希望此概述能给广大可控震源技术和研发人员提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 精度可震源技术 低频信号 宽频激发 地震信号源
作者 何海峰 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2011年第18期84-85,共2页
关键词 降滤失技术 技术 压裂
作者 徐耀玲 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2012年第5期115-116,共2页
关键词 降滤失技术 技术 压裂
塔中油田顺9井区超深超低渗水平井分段压裂技术 被引量:9
作者 张烨 杨胜来 赵兵 《特种油气藏》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期134-137,158,共4页
塔中油田顺9井区志留系碎屑岩油藏具有埋藏深、特低孔超低渗、隔层薄的特点,直井压裂后产量低,无法满足经济开发需要,需开展水平井分段压裂改造。通过油藏建模,对水平井裂缝条数、裂缝半长及导流能力进行了优化;在地应力剖面特征分析基... 塔中油田顺9井区志留系碎屑岩油藏具有埋藏深、特低孔超低渗、隔层薄的特点,直井压裂后产量低,无法满足经济开发需要,需开展水平井分段压裂改造。通过油藏建模,对水平井裂缝条数、裂缝半长及导流能力进行了优化;在地应力剖面特征分析基础上,采用三维压裂软件对缝高影响因素进行了量化分析,并提出了具体的控缝高措施,形成了该区水平井分段压裂技术。顺9CH井分段压裂后平均日产油达到14.8 t/d,对释放该区产能具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 水平井 分段压裂 超低渗油藏 地应力 技术 志留系 塔中油田 顺9井区
准噶尔盆地低渗致密砂岩气藏压裂工艺技术研究 被引量:2
作者 张新民 郑洪庆 +3 位作者 李纲要 王晓磊 任荣 苏里 《新疆石油天然气》 CAS 2008年第B08期69-72,共4页
本项研究主要针对准噶尔盆地西北缘五八区气藏,在储层改造技术现状分析的基础上,通过多项研究分析,提出适合于该区块的压裂工艺技术。首先,分析前期压裂改造的施工数据,包括前置液量、砂量、施工排量等,并结合压后的生产效果,找出前期... 本项研究主要针对准噶尔盆地西北缘五八区气藏,在储层改造技术现状分析的基础上,通过多项研究分析,提出适合于该区块的压裂工艺技术。首先,分析前期压裂改造的施工数据,包括前置液量、砂量、施工排量等,并结合压后的生产效果,找出前期压裂所存在的问题并提出相应的改进技术方案;实验测试前期压裂液性能,分析前期压裂液体系对压裂成功施工以及增产效果所造成的影响,并通过室内实验优化出适合该区块的中高温压裂液体系;通过支撑剂嵌入实验,分析前期支撑剂的嵌入程度以及对压后效果的影响,从而进行支撑剂优选;由于五八区块存在裂缝高度扩展较快引起裂缝宽度不够、加砂困难等情况,因此,进行人工隔层控缝高技术及实验研究,形成五八区综合控缝高技术方案;针对五八区块的裂缝性地层,开展多裂缝防治技术研究,并提出防治多裂缝产生的相关技术。 展开更多
关键词 五八区气藏 压裂工艺 前期分析 压裂液体系 支撑剂 技术
二次加砂工艺技术在玛北百口泉组砂砾岩的应用 被引量:9
作者 罗天雨 贾海正 许江文 《中外能源》 CAS 2014年第7期48-52,共5页
准噶尔盆地环玛湖凹陷西斜坡三叠系百口泉组砂砾岩储层厚度大,具有低孔、低渗特征,油层居于储层上部,局部存在水层,储层压裂改造难点是控制人工裂缝向下延伸以及支撑剂的合理铺置。所谓二次加砂技术,是在压裂过程中,完成第一级加砂后停... 准噶尔盆地环玛湖凹陷西斜坡三叠系百口泉组砂砾岩储层厚度大,具有低孔、低渗特征,油层居于储层上部,局部存在水层,储层压裂改造难点是控制人工裂缝向下延伸以及支撑剂的合理铺置。所谓二次加砂技术,是在压裂过程中,完成第一级加砂后停泵,待裂缝闭合,进行第二级加砂,每级加砂都是相对独立完整的泵注过程,该技术具有下列优点:控制裂缝高度向下延伸,具有控缝高作用,二次加砂压裂后的裂缝长度大于一次加砂(同等加砂规模下);支撑剂向上充填,正好充填在油层位置,有利于油气生产;压裂缝具有支撑裂缝宽度大,填砂浓度高,导流能力强等优点,满足低渗透油藏对裂缝导流能力的要求。在二次加砂技术基础上,针对不同的储层类型,开发出三种组合压裂工艺,分别为二次加砂+分层压裂组合工艺、二次加砂+前置滑溜水组合工艺、二次加砂+控缝高组合工艺。经过多井次试验,三种工艺均获得理想压裂效果。实践证明,二次加砂及其组合技术在玛湖凹陷储层具有很好的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 玛湖凹陷 百口泉组 砂砾岩储层 二次加砂压裂技术 分层压裂技术 技术
多方法控制压裂裂缝高度的技术及实践 被引量:1
作者 陈玲 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2018年第15期157-158,共2页
鄂尔多斯盆地东北部伊陕斜坡区块的本溪组和太原组对于隔层/储层最小水平主应力差较小,裂缝延伸至上下水层或煤层的压裂是低渗透储层改造的难点。利用鄂尔多斯盆地东北部伊陕斜坡东北段压裂井的资料,开展了裂缝参数的研究,通过研究提出... 鄂尔多斯盆地东北部伊陕斜坡区块的本溪组和太原组对于隔层/储层最小水平主应力差较小,裂缝延伸至上下水层或煤层的压裂是低渗透储层改造的难点。利用鄂尔多斯盆地东北部伊陕斜坡东北段压裂井的资料,开展了裂缝参数的研究,通过研究提出了新的裂缝压裂思路,现场实施中得到了较好的应用效果,单井产量可增加10 000 m3/d。研究表明:(1)"小排量造缝,适中排量加砂"能有效地控制裂缝高度延伸;(2)二次加砂的工艺技术对控制裂缝高度也有显著的效果。 展开更多
关键词 裂缝 影响因素 技术 现场应用
作者 隋明政 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2014年第12期41-41,62,共2页
东胜气田什股壕地区压裂试气结果表明部分井盒1层存在上气下水现象,有效控制压裂裂缝高度是确保施工成功和有效的关键。本文在分析影响裂缝高度各种因素的基础上,结合东胜气田的工程地质特征,采取了多种控缝高技术对策,现场应用效果和... 东胜气田什股壕地区压裂试气结果表明部分井盒1层存在上气下水现象,有效控制压裂裂缝高度是确保施工成功和有效的关键。本文在分析影响裂缝高度各种因素的基础上,结合东胜气田的工程地质特征,采取了多种控缝高技术对策,现场应用效果和井温测井结果均表明缝高都得到了有效控制,说明目前采取控缝高技术是可行且有效的。 展开更多
关键词 东胜气田 技术 影响因素 效果评价
作者 魏警卫 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2011年第12期72-72,共1页
关键词 降滤失技术 技术 压裂
Instability mechanism and control technology of soft rock roadway affected by mining and high confined water 被引量:12
作者 Li Guichen Jiang Zuohan +3 位作者 Lv Chuangxin Huang Chao Chen Gui Li Mingyuan 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期573-580,共8页
Based on deformation and failure characteristics of the second belt conveyor roadway at level II of Zhuxianzhuang coal mine, laboratory experiments, numerical calculation and field test were adopted to analyze the com... Based on deformation and failure characteristics of the second belt conveyor roadway at level II of Zhuxianzhuang coal mine, laboratory experiments, numerical calculation and field test were adopted to analyze the composition and microstructure of mudstone, the law of mudstone hydration and its strength weakening induced by water, the characteristics of surrounding rock deformation and failure under the action of confined water. Results showed that montmorillonite clay minerals accounted for as much as 76% of mudstone, with a large number of pores existing in the microstructure. Besides, as the molecular structure of montmorillonite changed, mudstone microstructure damage occurred with the macroscopic manifestation of its theological instability. Weakening degree of confined water on residual strength of mudstone was almost 50%. The instability mechanism of soft rock roadway caused by high confined water is that surrounding rock circulates the process of "fracture-seepage-mud ding-closed" twice, which weakens its strength and leads to roadway instability. A combined support technology, namely the, "high-toughness sealing layer + hollow grouting cables + full-length anchoring bolts with deep borehole" was proposed. Based on field observation, the soft rock roadway was controlled effectively, which also verified the effectiveness of new control technology for surrounding rock. 展开更多
关键词 High confined water Soft rock roadway Instability mechanism Control technology
Failure mechanism and control technology of water-immersed roadway in high-stress and soft rock in a deep mine 被引量:11
作者 Yang Renshu Li Yongliang +3 位作者 Guo Dongming Yao Lan Yang Tongmao Li Taotao 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期245-252,共8页
Aiming at soft rock ground support issues under conditions of high stress and long-term water immersion, the ground failure mechanism is revealed by taking the deep-water sumps of Jiulong Mine as the engineering backg... Aiming at soft rock ground support issues under conditions of high stress and long-term water immersion, the ground failure mechanism is revealed by taking the deep-water sumps of Jiulong Mine as the engineering background and employing field investigation, tests of rock structure, mechanical properties and mineral composition. The main factors leading to the surrounding rock failure include the high and complex stress state of the water sumps, high-clay content and water-weakened rock, and the unreasonable support design. In this paper, the broken and fractured rock mass near roadway opening is considered as ground small-structure, and deep stable rock mass as ground large-structure. A support technology focusing on cutting off the water, strengthening the small structure of the rock and transferring the large structure of the rock is proposed. The proposed support technology of interconnecting the large and small structures, based on high-strength bolts, high-stiffness shotcrete layer plugging water,strengthening the small structure with deep-hole grouting and shallow-hole grouting, highpretensioned cables tensioned twice to make the large and small structures bearing the pressure evenly,channel-steel and high-pretensioned cables are used to control floor heave. The numerical simulation and field test show that this support system can control the rock deformation of the water sumps and provide technical support to similar roadway support designs. 展开更多
关键词 High stress and soft rock Water immersion Failure mechanism Large and small structures Rework control
Control technology and coordination deformation mechanism of rise entry group with high ground stress 被引量:4
作者 Li Qingfeng Zhu Quanqu 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期429-435,共7页
Based on engineering practices of Wuyang Coal Mine, we carried out X-ray diffract researches on No. 3 coal; and the rocks of its roof and floor by XRD meter, and simulated the interactive effect of the surrounding roc... Based on engineering practices of Wuyang Coal Mine, we carried out X-ray diffract researches on No. 3 coal; and the rocks of its roof and floor by XRD meter, and simulated the interactive effect of the surrounding rock deformation by FLAC2DS.0 numerical simulation software under the condition of different tunneling method of multimine roadway in parallel. The internal structures of the surrounding rocks of 76 belt roadway were monitored by borehole observation instruments: and then, we analyzed the reason of fhilure and deformation of surrounding rocks of several rise entry, and proposed the technical mea- sures for controlling interactive effect of several rise entry surrounding rock deformation at last. For the thickness seam rise roadway, two conclusions were drawn: one is that the co-deformation among roadway groups mainly reflect on that both shear failure and deformation in coal pillar among roadways have decreased the width of pillar core region and clamping action of coal pillar to roof strata, increased the actual span of roof strata, intensified the flexural failure of roof strata and prized the bed separation of roof deep rock strata. The other conclusion is that the factors controlling the interactive deformation among roadways is obvious when appropriate re-adjustment in construction sequence of the tunneling of multimine parallel roadways because the construction sequence among roadways also has great effects on deformation of the surrounding rock in roadway. 展开更多
关键词 Several rise entryCoordination deformationNumerical simulationConstruction sequence
Establishment and tests of EnOI assimilation module for WAVEWATCH Ⅲ 被引量:1
作者 齐鹏 曹蕾 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1295-1308,共14页
In this paper, we propose a parallel data assimilation module based on ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI). We embedded the method into the full-spectral third-generation wind-wave model, WAVEWATCH III Version 3.1... In this paper, we propose a parallel data assimilation module based on ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI). We embedded the method into the full-spectral third-generation wind-wave model, WAVEWATCH III Version 3.14, producing a wave data assimilation system. We present our preliminary experiments assimilating altimeter significant wave heights (SWH) using the EnOI-based wave assimilation system. Waters north of 15°S in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea were chosen as the target computational domain, which was two-way nested into the global implementation of the WAVEWATCH III. The wave model was forced by six-hourly ocean surface wind velocities from the cross-calibrated multi-platform wind vector dataset. The assimilation used along-track SWH data from the Jason-2 altimeter. We evaluated the effect of the assimilation on the analyses and hindcasts, and found that our technique was effective. Although there was a considerable mean bias in the control SWHs, a month-long consecutive assimilation reduced the bias by approximately 84% and the root mean-square error (RMSE) by approximately 65%. Improvements in the SWH RMSE for both the analysis and hindcast periods were more significant in July than January, because of the monsoon climate. The improvement in model skill persisted for up to 48 h in July. Furthermore, the SWH data assimilation had the greatest impact in areas and seasons where and when the sea-states were dominated by swells. 展开更多
关键词 data assimilation ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) WAVEWATCH III satellite altimeterdata
The Utilization of Real-Time High Resolution Monitoring Techniques in Karst Carbon Sequestration:A Case Study of the Station in Banzhai Subterranean Stream Catchment 被引量:1
作者 HE Shi-Yi KANG Zhi-Qiang +1 位作者 LI Qing-Yan WANG Ling-Ling 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第1期54-58,共5页
The karst process acts as carbon sequestration for atmospheric CO_2.The amount of karst carbon sequestration (KCS) depends on the discharge of karst catchment and inorganic carbon concentration of the water body.Based... The karst process acts as carbon sequestration for atmospheric CO_2.The amount of karst carbon sequestration (KCS) depends on the discharge of karst catchment and inorganic carbon concentration of the water body.Based on the data from the monitoring station on Banzhai subterranean stream located in Maolan National Nature Reserve of Guizhou province,the process and influence factors of KCS have been analyzed.It shows that the amount of KCS is about 353 t C per year in the catchment of Banzhai subterranean stream,and there is good linear relationship between the strength of KCS and discharge of the stream at various time scales.Therefore,how to monitor the discharge accurately is the key to the estimation of KCS.And stations with real-time monitoring function are very important for KCS calculation because of strong seasonal variability of the karst water cycle. 展开更多
关键词 karst carbon sequestration monitoring Banzhai subterranean stream discharge RAINFALL HCO3^-
he Design of Efficient Heat Transfer Based on Flat Plate Solar Water Heater
作者 Ma Juan-juan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期114-116,共3页
This is an improved design based on the existing plate type solar water heaters. It aims at making full use of solar energy. To fully absorb radiation, it absorbs coating selectively by adopting the magnetron sputteri... This is an improved design based on the existing plate type solar water heaters. It aims at making full use of solar energy. To fully absorb radiation, it absorbs coating selectively by adopting the magnetron sputtering technology AL-N/AL. this design conduct heat through aluminum material which can reduce the cost meanwhile conduct heat effectively. To ensure the quality of the water at the same time improve the utilization rate of solar energy, this design use phase change for second heat exchange. Take Shanghai for example, where this design and heat transfer model are applied, the average efficiency of water heaters can achieve 68%, which has proven the feasibility of the design. In a word, this design can achieve the goal of energy conservation and emissions reduction and has broad market prospects. 展开更多
关键词 Plate type solar water heater The secondary heat transfer Phase transition RF Magnetron Sputtering
High-resistance controlled yielding supporting technique in deep-well oil shale roadways 被引量:3
作者 Yu Yang Bai Jianbiao +3 位作者 Wang Xiangyu Wang Junde Xue Shizhi Xu Ke 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第2期229-236,共8页
In order to avoid the deep-well oil shale roadway being deformed, damaged, or difficult to maintain after excavating and supporting in Haishiwan coal mine, this paper has analyzed the characteristics of the deformed r... In order to avoid the deep-well oil shale roadway being deformed, damaged, or difficult to maintain after excavating and supporting in Haishiwan coal mine, this paper has analyzed the characteristics of the deformed roadway and revealed its failure mechanism by taking comprehensively the methods of field geological investigation, displacement monitoring of surrounding rock, rock properties and hydration properties experiments and field application tests. Based on this work, the high-resistance controlled yielding supporting principle is proposed, which is: to "resist" by high pre-tightening force and high stiff- ness in the early stage, to "yield" by making use of the controlled deformation of a yielding tube in the middle stage, and to "fix" by applying total-section Gunite in the later stage. A high-resistance controlled yielding supporting technique of "high pre-tightening force yielding anchor bolt + small-bore pre-tight- ening force anchor cable + rebar ladder beam + rhombic metal mesh + lagging gunite" has been estab- lished, and industrial on site testing implemented. The practical results show that the high-resistance controlled yielding supporting technique can effectively control the large deformation and long-time rheology of deep-well oil shale roadways and can provide beneficial references for the maintenance of other con-generic roadways.Deep-well Oil shale 展开更多
关键词 Deformation failure mechanism High-resistance controlled yielding supporting Yielding anchor bolt
Discussion on Existing Problems and the Development Trend of Electrical Automation Monitoring System
作者 Haiming LIU Rumin LIU Lingzhi YANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期117-119,共3页
With the continuous improvement of industrial automation in our country and the use of high technology, promoted the scientific content of traditional industry. The development of electric automation control system in... With the continuous improvement of industrial automation in our country and the use of high technology, promoted the scientific content of traditional industry. The development of electric automation control system inevitably turn towards a systematic, comprehensive development direction. This article first analyze the present problems in electrical automation monitoring system, analyzes its future development trends, so as to provide some reference for the effective application of electrical automation in the future monitoring system, fundamentally realize the resources sharing. 展开更多
关键词 Electrical automation monitoring system PROBLEM DEVELOPMENT
Chang’E-2 satellite asymmetric-descent orbit control technology 被引量:4
作者 ZHOU JianLiang LIU Yong +1 位作者 PENG DeYun ZHAO FengCai 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第9期2247-2253,共7页
To accomplish high-resolution imaging of the preselected landing area, it was necessary for the Chang'E-2 mission to perform orbital maneuvering on the far side of the moon to meet the conditional height requirement ... To accomplish high-resolution imaging of the preselected landing area, it was necessary for the Chang'E-2 mission to perform orbital maneuvering on the far side of the moon to meet the conditional height requirement of the imaging area. Engine shutdown would be executed invisibly on the back side of the moon if the descent maneuver mode opposite to the target perilune or the fuel optimal maneuver mode was used. To ensure the satellite safety, the project collectivety required that the engine shutdown should be designed to be executed in the domestic segmental arcs and meet the requirement of satellite emergency treatment simultaneously. Accordingly, the asymmetric-descent orbit control technology was adopted by offsetting the ma- neuver point, which obtained the orbit control parameters of finite-thrust mode with an iteration algorithm and modified the results with target perilune drift estimation. The Chang'E-2 satellite declined to the target of 100 km×l5 km orbit successfully on 26 October 2010, and has been flying for 32 circles in the experimental orbit to accomplish the preselected landing area imaging. This paper describes the mechanism and realization method of the asymmetric-descent orbit control technology and evaluates the maneuver effect with the actual mission data. 展开更多
关键词 Chang'E-2 mission asymmetric-descent orbit control perilune drift preselected landing area imaging
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