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《释名》的声训与推原 被引量:3
作者 郝士宏 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1999年第1期44-48,共5页
关键词 《释名》 语言学 义类 声训 推原
作者 半窗 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第3期118-118,共1页
椭字有一个义项,过去有些字韵书的解释颇欠妥适,特提出来考究一下,就有道而正焉: 《集韵·果韵》:“椭,都果切,科椭,木首杌。” 《康熙字典·木部》:“椭,又《集韵》:‘都果切。’《正韵》:‘都火切。’并音朵。科椭,木首杌也... 椭字有一个义项,过去有些字韵书的解释颇欠妥适,特提出来考究一下,就有道而正焉: 《集韵·果韵》:“椭,都果切,科椭,木首杌。” 《康熙字典·木部》:“椭,又《集韵》:‘都果切。’《正韵》:‘都火切。’并音朵。科椭,木首杌也。扬子《太玄经》:‘土不和,木科椭。” 《中文大辞典·木部》:“椭,乙、都果切科椭,木首杌也。《康熙字典》:“科椭,木首杌也。扬子《太玄》:土不和,木科椭”。 展开更多
关键词 推原 康熙字典 木部 《太玄》 《集韵》 扬子 韵书 释义 读书杂志 半窗
作者 周振甫 《现代中文学刊》 1996年第2期5-6,共2页
刘勰《文心雕龙·序志》云:"夫‘文心’者,言为文之用心也。"既如此,其《原道》篇则是就为文角度而"原道"。那么,刘勰所说的"文"何谓?"道"何指?他又是如何把文推原到道呢?关于"文&quo... 刘勰《文心雕龙·序志》云:"夫‘文心’者,言为文之用心也。"既如此,其《原道》篇则是就为文角度而"原道"。那么,刘勰所说的"文"何谓?"道"何指?他又是如何把文推原到道呢?关于"文",他在《情采》中说:"故立文之道,其理有三:一曰形文,五色是也;二曰声文,五音是也;三曰情文,五性是也。 展开更多
关键词 形文 神理 文心雕龙 自然之道 刘勰 推原 宗经 写作 自然界
作者 王孝罡 《内蒙古社会科学》 1982年第1期93-97,共5页
对于法无明文规定的行为,是根据罪刑法定原则不认为是犯罪而不处罚呢?还是采用刑事类推原则定罪判刑呢?这个问题,在不同的国家中,不同的历史阶段上,采用了不同的原则。 对于法无明文规定的行为,我国早在秦汉时期就采用了“比附援引”的... 对于法无明文规定的行为,是根据罪刑法定原则不认为是犯罪而不处罚呢?还是采用刑事类推原则定罪判刑呢?这个问题,在不同的国家中,不同的历史阶段上,采用了不同的原则。 对于法无明文规定的行为,我国早在秦汉时期就采用了“比附援引”的原则。列隋朝时期成为定例,一直延用到民国初期。 资本主义发展的初期,意大利刑法学家、刑事古典学派创始人贝卡利亚,针对当时欧洲残酷专横的封建刑事制度,要求确定罪刑必须严格地根据法律明文规定,提出法无明文不为罪,不受处罚的原则。既反对类推的运用,也反对对法律的扩张解释。这个原则被一些资本主义国家所采用。现在,如法国、德意志联邦共和国仍然采用这个原则。但是,在资本主义国家的立法实践中或在理论上,都没有真正实行罪刑法定的原则。 展开更多
关键词 罪刑法定主义 刑事类 罪刑法定 我国刑法 推原 犯罪 资产阶级 阶级本质 要件 刑法条文
中国传统词法研究的虚字阐释形态 被引量:2
作者 申小龙 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第1期83-88,共6页
关键词 词法 传统虚词 汉语虚词 推原 论语 中国传统 语气 《说文广义》 中国语法学 赵歧注
作者 林忠军 《广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第6期1-9,共9页
黄宗炎是清初著名易学家。他提出"求性命之理""卜筮乃余事"的观点,确立了其易学研究的视域。为了实现穷理尽性,他从卦画卦名"确乎一体""卦画者文字之根原"的象辞观出发确立易学"推原彖书&... 黄宗炎是清初著名易学家。他提出"求性命之理""卜筮乃余事"的观点,确立了其易学研究的视域。为了实现穷理尽性,他从卦画卦名"确乎一体""卦画者文字之根原"的象辞观出发确立易学"推原彖书"的文字法,从"无象斯无理"的象理观中提出"即象见理"方法,以"图学非古"的观点建构起回归原典辨伪方法。虽然这些易学的观点和方法,在今天看来未必完全正确,但是,他能从清初辨伪之学中自觉开显出富于思想性和思辨性的易学,具有深刻的哲学意义。而在批判宋易过程中提出的易学文字法、取象方法、回归原典辨伪法,对于清中期汉易复兴和易学的重建具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 性命之理 推原彖书 即象见理 图学非古 回归汉易
《水浒》释名 被引量:2
作者 王利器 《社会科学研究》 1985年第3期82-87,共6页
一居常读《水浒传》,就自然而然地联想到《诗经》里的“水浒”。《诗经·大雅·緜》:“古公亶父,来朝走马,率西水浒,至于岐下,爰及姜女,聿相胥宇。”《毛传》:“浒,水厓也。”《郑笺》:“循西水厓,漆、沮侧也。”《正义》:“太... 一居常读《水浒传》,就自然而然地联想到《诗经》里的“水浒”。《诗经·大雅·緜》:“古公亶父,来朝走马,率西水浒,至于岐下,爰及姜女,聿相胥宇。”《毛传》:“浒,水厓也。”《郑笺》:“循西水厓,漆、沮侧也。”《正义》:“太王作王业之本,文王得因之以兴。”推原诗人之意,盖以“水浒”为周家发祥之地,故后之言周家之始基创业,莫不盛言“水浒”。《文选》潘安仁《西征赋》:“思文后稷,厥初生民,率西水浒,化流岐豳,祚隆昌发,旧邦维新。”又干令升《晋纪总论》:“以至于太王,为戎翟所逼,而不辱百姓之命,杖策而去之,故齐诗曰:‘来朝走马,帅西水浒,至于岐下。’”《史通·杂志说上》:“姬宗之在水浒也,鸑鷟鸣于岐山。”所谓“水浒”,是指特定的关中平原的漆、沮二水流域的一大片土地,即《诗》所谓“周原(用無)(月無)”的周原地区。周家之经营“水浒”,拿《水浒传》的语言来说,就是为了“ 展开更多
关键词 太行山 关中平 诗经 文王 毛传 今本 推原 水浒传 史通
作者 温志权 《芜湖师专学报》 2003年第2期43-44,共2页
关键词 传统训诂方法 训诂学 形训 声训 义训 文训 义界 推原 古汉语
作者 谭步云 《辞书研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第3期125-126,共2页
“盖”字义项补谭步云查《辞源》,“盖”字有以下一些义项:1.苫,用白茅编成的覆盖物。2.车盖。遮阳御雨之具,古称伞为盖。3。器物上的盖。4.胜过,压倒。5.遮盖,掩盖。6.崇尚。7。副词。疑而未定意。8.连词。9。句... “盖”字义项补谭步云查《辞源》,“盖”字有以下一些义项:1.苫,用白茅编成的覆盖物。2.车盖。遮阳御雨之具,古称伞为盖。3。器物上的盖。4.胜过,压倒。5.遮盖,掩盖。6.崇尚。7。副词。疑而未定意。8.连词。9。句首语气词。10.危害。通“害”。1... 展开更多
关键词 《辞源》 《辞海》 《记承天寺夜游》 文言小说 《词诠》 推原 《论语译注》 现代汉语 杨伯峻 贾生列传
作者 王新勇 《恩施师专学报》 1982年第2期39-42,共4页
关键词 咏物赋 苏轼 苏子 书童 寓言 叙事 装死 鼠啮 推原 《春觉斋论文》
作者 颜逸卿 《湖南经济》 1995年第10期55-55,共1页
顾客也能“创造”么?有这么一个故事:国外某企业的一名推销员,到一个全部是土著人居住的海岛去推销鞋子,但他很快就失望而归。原来这个岛上的人从来不穿鞋,不知道鞋为何物。而另外一名推销员得知后却自告奋勇前去推销,他先教如何穿鞋,... 顾客也能“创造”么?有这么一个故事:国外某企业的一名推销员,到一个全部是土著人居住的海岛去推销鞋子,但他很快就失望而归。原来这个岛上的人从来不穿鞋,不知道鞋为何物。而另外一名推销员得知后却自告奋勇前去推销,他先教如何穿鞋,然后再卖鞋,他成功了。这就是“创造”顾客。 展开更多
关键词 销员 丢量 瞬眼 推原 白圭 门者 土著 果心 实型 再卖
Signed Directed Graph and Qualitative Trend Analysis Based Fault Diagnosis in Chemical Industry 被引量:16
作者 高东 吴重光 +1 位作者 张贝克 马昕 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期265-276,共12页
In the past 30 years,signed directed graph(SDG) ,one of the qualitative simulation technologies,has been widely applied for chemical fault diagnosis.However,SDG based fault diagnosis,as any other qualitative method,ha... In the past 30 years,signed directed graph(SDG) ,one of the qualitative simulation technologies,has been widely applied for chemical fault diagnosis.However,SDG based fault diagnosis,as any other qualitative method,has poor diagnostic resolution.In this paper,a new method that combines SDG with qualitative trend analysis(QTA) is presented to improve the resolution.In the method,a bidirectional inference algorithm based on assumption and verification is used to find all the possible fault causes and their corresponding consistent paths in the SDG model.Then an improved QTA algorithm is used to extract and analyze the trends of nodes on the consis-tent paths found in the previous step.New consistency rules based on qualitative trends are used to find the real causes from the candidate causes.The resolution can be improved.This method combines the completeness feature of SDG with the good diagnostic resolution feature of QTA.The implementation of SDG-QTA based fault diagno-sis is done using the integrated SDG modeling,inference and post-processing software platform.Its application is illustrated on an atmospheric distillation tower unit of a simulation platform.The result shows its good applicability and efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 signed directed graph qualitative trend analysis fault diagnosis bidirectional inference atmospheric distillation tower unit
Derivation of the Equation Nernst-Aibassov in a Magnetic Field 被引量:2
作者 Aibassov Yerkin Zhakenovich Yemelyanova Valentina Tussupbayev Nessipbay Shakieva Tatyana Yerzhanova Zhadyra 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第3期218-220,共3页
The influence of magnetic field on the redox potentials of the Nernst equation. The author offered the new formula Nernst equation in a magnetic field. Our proposed formula takes into account the influence of the magn... The influence of magnetic field on the redox potentials of the Nernst equation. The author offered the new formula Nernst equation in a magnetic field. Our proposed formula takes into account the influence of the magnetic field on the redox processes. 展开更多
关键词 Nernst equation magnetic field redox processes.
Dual-site collaboration boosts electrochemical nitrogen reduction on Ru-S-C single-atom catalyst 被引量:2
作者 Liujing Yang Chuanqi Cheng +8 位作者 Xun Zhang Cheng Tang Kun Du Yuanyuan Yang Shan-Cheng Shen Shi-Long Xu Peng-Fei Yin Hai-Wei Liang Tao Ling 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期3177-3186,共10页
Electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen into ammonia(NH_(3))is a highly attractive but challenging route for NH_(3)production.We propose to realize a synergetic work of multi reaction sites to overcome the limitation o... Electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen into ammonia(NH_(3))is a highly attractive but challenging route for NH_(3)production.We propose to realize a synergetic work of multi reaction sites to overcome the limitation of sustainable NH_(3)production.Herein,using ruthenium-sulfur-carbon(Ru-S-C)catalyst as a prototype,we show that the Ru/S dual-site cooperates to catalyse eletrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction(eNRR)at ambient conditions.With the combination of theoretical calculations,in situ Raman spectroscopy,and experimental observation,we demonstrate that such Ru/S dual-site cooperation greatly facilitates the activation and first protonation of N_(2)in the rate-determining step of eNRR.As a result,Ru-S-C catalyst exhibits significantly enhanced eNRR performance compared with the routine Ru-N-C catalyst via a single-site catalytic mechanism.We anticipate that our specifically designed dual-site collaborative catalytic mechanism will open up a new way to offers new opportunities for advancing sustainable NH_(3)production. 展开更多
关键词 Ru/S dual-site mechanism Electronic‘push-push’mechanism Electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction
A new marine propulsion system 被引量:1
作者 HAN Wei-shi, LIU Tao School of Power and Nuclear Energy Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2003年第1期30-34,共5页
A new marine propulsion system is proposed . A small liquid sodium cooled reactor acts as prime mover; alkali-metal thermal-to-electric conversion ( AMTEC) cells are employed to convert the heat energy to electricity;... A new marine propulsion system is proposed . A small liquid sodium cooled reactor acts as prime mover; alkali-metal thermal-to-electric conversion ( AMTEC) cells are employed to convert the heat energy to electricity; superconducting magneto-hydrodynamic thruster combined with spray-water thruster works as pr opulsion. The configuration and characteristics of this system are described. Such a nuclear-powered propulsion system is not only free of noise, but also has high reliability and efficiency. It would be a preferable propulsion system for ships in the future. 展开更多
关键词 propulsion system liquid sodium cooled reactor AMTEC THRUSTER
Investigation of lattice capacity effect on Cu2+-doped SnO2 solid solution catalysts to promote reaction performance toward NOx-SCR with NH3
作者 Xianglan Xu Yunyan Tong +7 位作者 Jingyan Zhang Xiuzhong Fang Junwei Xu Fuyan Liu Jianjun Liu Wei Zhong Olga ELebedeva Xiang Wang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期877-888,共12页
To understand the effect of the doping amount of Cu^2+ on the structure and reactivity of SnO2 in NOx-SCR with NH3, a series of Sn-Cu-O binary oxide catalysts with different Sn/Cu ratios have been prepared and thoroug... To understand the effect of the doping amount of Cu^2+ on the structure and reactivity of SnO2 in NOx-SCR with NH3, a series of Sn-Cu-O binary oxide catalysts with different Sn/Cu ratios have been prepared and thoroughly characterized. Using the XRD extrapolation method, the SnO2 lattice capacity for Cu^2+ cations is determined at 0.10 g Cu O per g of SnO2, equaling a Sn/Cu molar ratio of 84/16. Therefore, in a tetragonal rutile SnO2 lattice, only a maximum of 16% of the Sn4+ cations can be replaced by Cu^2+ to form a stable solid solution structure. If the Cu content is higher, Cu O will form on the catalyst surface, which has a negative effect on the reaction performance. For samples in a pure solid solution phase, the number of surface defects increase with increasing Cu content until it reaches the lattice capacity, as confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. As a result, the amounts of both active oxygen species and acidic sites on the surface, which critically determine the reaction performance, also increase and reach the maximum level for the catalyst with a Cu content close to the lattice capacity. A distinct lattice capacity threshold effect on the structure and reactivity of Sn-Cu binary oxide catalysts has been observed. A Sn-Cu catalyst with the best reaction performance can be obtained by doping the SnO2 matrix with the lattice capacity amount of Cu^2+. 展开更多
关键词 SnO2-based solid solution Lattice capacity of Cu^2+ XRD extrapolation method NOx-SCR with NH3 Threshold effect
作者 陈皓 《红楼梦学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期106-113,共8页
《曹雪芹》是一部模仿《红楼梦》的作品,是为续写《红楼梦》而创作的。端木蕻良采用了宏大的网状小说结构来展示复杂的社会图景;它塑造了一个鲜明独特的人物群体;端木蕻良从《红楼梦》中推原曹雪芹的创作方法,用《红楼梦》还原曹雪芹,... 《曹雪芹》是一部模仿《红楼梦》的作品,是为续写《红楼梦》而创作的。端木蕻良采用了宏大的网状小说结构来展示复杂的社会图景;它塑造了一个鲜明独特的人物群体;端木蕻良从《红楼梦》中推原曹雪芹的创作方法,用《红楼梦》还原曹雪芹,其理想与现实两个世界交融的写作手法十分独特;其语言平易优美,堪称白话文写作的典范。 展开更多
关键词 端木蕻良 红楼梦 推原 曹雪芹
天翔 为市场带来新亮点
作者 尹嘉 《纺织服装周刊》 2007年第32期46-46,共1页
浙江天翔羽绒集团是以生产羽绒为主的企业。以前的羽绒家纺产品,主要以白色为主,花型比较单一。浙江天翔羽绒集团施先生向记者介绍,本届家纺展,天翔主推原创花型的产品。针对国际买家的需求,设计了即西化又充分融合东方元素的羽绒家纺产... 浙江天翔羽绒集团是以生产羽绒为主的企业。以前的羽绒家纺产品,主要以白色为主,花型比较单一。浙江天翔羽绒集团施先生向记者介绍,本届家纺展,天翔主推原创花型的产品。针对国际买家的需求,设计了即西化又充分融合东方元素的羽绒家纺产品,大大增强了产品的时尚性,这为羽绒家纺产品增加了许多新的市场亮点。 展开更多
关键词 羽绒被 国际市场 方元素 产品 花型 浙江 时尚性 集团 新亮点 推原
Determination of Temperature-time Curve of Two Mild Moxibustion Methods:Reinforcing and Reducing 被引量:4
作者 Song Xian Wei Jian-zi +3 位作者 Mao Hui-juan Zhao Ling Shen Xue-yong Huang Guo-qi 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2013年第2期67-71,共5页
Objective: To observe the specificity of reinforcing and reducing methods of mild moxibustion and explore its clinical significance. Methods: Thirty healthy students were selected and given reinforcing of mild moxi... Objective: To observe the specificity of reinforcing and reducing methods of mild moxibustion and explore its clinical significance. Methods: Thirty healthy students were selected and given reinforcing of mild moxibustion on the left Neiguan (PC 6) and reducing on the right Neiguan (PC 6) respectively. Temperature of the acupoint skin surface and the temperature-time curve were recorded by a digital thermometer. Results: In application of mild moxibustion on Neiguan (PC 6), there was a statistical difference in the temperature-increase section between reinforcing and reducing methods (P〈0.01). The temperature-increasing section of the temperature-time curve in the reducing method was obviously steeper than that in the reinforcing method. In the period of 0.5-3 min during moxibustion, the temperature of Neiguan (PC 6) was remarkably higher in the reducing than in the reinforcing (P〈0.01). In the application of the reducing, the time for the temperature of Neiguan (PC 6) to increase to 40~C was remarkably advanced (P〈0.05) and the rate of burning pain in the subjects was remarkably higher in the reducing method than in the reinforcing method (P〈0.001). Conclusion: In comparison with the reinforcing method, the acupoint temperature increased more quickly in the application of reducing method and can produce obvious hot stimulation in a short period of time. In the application of the reinforcing method, the acupoint temperature increased mildly and could enhance the tolerance of the organism to the high temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Moxibustion Therapy Mild Moxibustion Suspended Moxibustion Reinforcing-reducing Manipulations
Stochastic Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems of Forward-Backward Delay Systems Involving Impulse Controls 被引量:3
作者 WANG Shujun WU Zhen 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期280-306,共27页
This paper is concerned with the optimal control problems of forward-backward delay systems involving impulse controls. The authors establish a stochastic maximum principle for this kind of systems. The most distingui... This paper is concerned with the optimal control problems of forward-backward delay systems involving impulse controls. The authors establish a stochastic maximum principle for this kind of systems. The most distinguishing features of the proposed problem are that the control variables consist of regular and impulsive controls, both with time delay, and that the domain of regular control is not necessarily convex. The authors obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for optimal controls,which have potential applications in mathematical finance. 展开更多
关键词 Forward-backward stochastic differential delay equations impulse controls maximum principle optimal control.
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