Y2002-63084-353 0212596采用三相逆变器拓扑的静态无功伏安补偿器控制与动态分析=Control and dynamic arialysis of a static varcompensator using a three level inverter topology[会,英]/Draou,A.& Benghanem,M.//ICM 2000 Pr...Y2002-63084-353 0212596采用三相逆变器拓扑的静态无功伏安补偿器控制与动态分析=Control and dynamic arialysis of a static varcompensator using a three level inverter topology[会,英]/Draou,A.& Benghanem,M.//ICM 2000 Pro-ceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Mi-croelectronics.—353~356(PE)展开更多
文摘Y2002-63084-353 0212596采用三相逆变器拓扑的静态无功伏安补偿器控制与动态分析=Control and dynamic arialysis of a static varcompensator using a three level inverter topology[会,英]/Draou,A.& Benghanem,M.//ICM 2000 Pro-ceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Mi-croelectronics.—353~356(PE)