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作者 孙先明 《农业科技与装备》 2024年第3期63-65,共3页
蔬菜清洗机的主要作用是洗掉蔬菜上残留的农药、化肥、泥土及虫子,使蔬菜保持一定的清洁度,从而满足市场对净菜的供应需求。目前大部分蔬菜清洗机采用的工作原理是利用水与蔬菜、蔬菜与蔬菜之间的摩擦作用进行清洗,导致蔬菜破损率较高... 蔬菜清洗机的主要作用是洗掉蔬菜上残留的农药、化肥、泥土及虫子,使蔬菜保持一定的清洁度,从而满足市场对净菜的供应需求。目前大部分蔬菜清洗机采用的工作原理是利用水与蔬菜、蔬菜与蔬菜之间的摩擦作用进行清洗,导致蔬菜破损率较高。利用正压气体在水中的爆气原理,设计一种气压搅水式自动蔬菜清洗机,增加水流对蔬菜的柔性,减少蔬菜与蔬菜之间的硬性摩擦。试验表明,该机生产率高,对蔬菜破坏作用小,洗净率高。 展开更多
关键词 蔬菜清洗机 气压 搅水 爆气 洗净率
深搅水泥土防渗墙在汾河流域生态修复中的应用 被引量:1
作者 董维国 《山西水利》 2016年第10期30-31,共2页
介绍了汾河流域生态修复工程概况,阐述了深搅水泥土防渗墙的原理、适用条件及在汾河流域生态修复工程中的应用,分析了该技术的设计要点和检测方法,并就防渗墙强度龄期、施工参数、外加剂应用及质量检验要求提出了相应的建议,可为类似工... 介绍了汾河流域生态修复工程概况,阐述了深搅水泥土防渗墙的原理、适用条件及在汾河流域生态修复工程中的应用,分析了该技术的设计要点和检测方法,并就防渗墙强度龄期、施工参数、外加剂应用及质量检验要求提出了相应的建议,可为类似工程设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 搅水泥土防渗墙 探地雷达 生态修复 汾河流域
作者 李丹丹 《社科纵横》 2016年第6期129-133,共5页
"神似"和"化境"是我国现代翻译理论的核心观点,通过援引二者定义,对比译界学者探其内涵的言论,我们认为"神似"和"化境"在本质上有"异曲同工之妙"。本文将傅译《搅水女人》与巴尔扎... "神似"和"化境"是我国现代翻译理论的核心观点,通过援引二者定义,对比译界学者探其内涵的言论,我们认为"神似"和"化境"在本质上有"异曲同工之妙"。本文将傅译《搅水女人》与巴尔扎克法语原著进行对比,同时将傅译本和高名凯译本对比,从词语翻译、长短句翻译、风格传达三方面来展现傅译"出神入化"的魅力。 展开更多
关键词 “神似” “化境” 搅水女人》 傅译实践
作者 李丹丹 《江苏外语教学研究》 2014年第2期93-95,共3页
傅雷先生是我国杰出的法国文学翻译家,他提出“神似说”,形成了“行文流畅,用字丰富,色彩变化”的翻译特色。本文将傅译《搅水女人》与巴尔扎克法文原著进行对比,论述傅译特色与艺术魅力,另外将傅译本和高名凯译本进行具体比较,... 傅雷先生是我国杰出的法国文学翻译家,他提出“神似说”,形成了“行文流畅,用字丰富,色彩变化”的翻译特色。本文将傅译《搅水女人》与巴尔扎克法文原著进行对比,论述傅译特色与艺术魅力,另外将傅译本和高名凯译本进行具体比较,探讨各自的翻译特色。 展开更多
关键词 傅雷 搅水女人》 傅译特色
作者 王宝生 《建筑施工》 2024年第6期823-826,832,共5页
濒海富水软土地层中超深等厚度水泥土搅拌墙施工难度大,缺乏工艺可靠性和工效预估依据。依托上海浦东沿海地区某大型地下工程,开展80 m级超深CSM和TRD等厚度水泥土搅拌墙成墙试验,通过取芯检测和施工分析对比研究了2种工艺的成墙质量和... 濒海富水软土地层中超深等厚度水泥土搅拌墙施工难度大,缺乏工艺可靠性和工效预估依据。依托上海浦东沿海地区某大型地下工程,开展80 m级超深CSM和TRD等厚度水泥土搅拌墙成墙试验,通过取芯检测和施工分析对比研究了2种工艺的成墙质量和综合工效。结果表明,CSM墙体的力学性能更优,其平均强度和抗渗系数分别达到了0.81~0.91 MPa和5.8×10^(-8)~9.9×10^(-8) cm/s,相应的TRD墙体指标分别为0.73~0.92 MPa和6.5×10^(-8)~1.0×10^(-7) cm/s;CSM的综合工效为2.4 m/d,TRD的综合工效与水平施工距离正相关,当施工距离大于20 m后,TRD的综合工效开始高于CSM,且最大工效可达2.8 m/d。研究结论可为濒海富水软土地层超深等厚度水泥土搅拌墙提供设计参数和施工组织依据。 展开更多
关键词 濒海富软土 超深等厚度泥土拌墙 铣削深搅水泥土拌墙工法(CSM) 渠式切割泥土拌墙工法(TRD)
作者 罗海东 袁翠平 《东北水利水电》 2023年第11期56-57,70,共3页
采用双向水泥土搅拌桩对软土边坡进行加固处理,施工前通过试桩明确工程桩的水泥含量、水灰比、搅拌次数、搅拌头,保证水泥土搅拌桩的施工质量。经工程验证,施工全过程边坡稳定,未发生安全问题,检测结果满足设计及规范要求。研究表明,采... 采用双向水泥土搅拌桩对软土边坡进行加固处理,施工前通过试桩明确工程桩的水泥含量、水灰比、搅拌次数、搅拌头,保证水泥土搅拌桩的施工质量。经工程验证,施工全过程边坡稳定,未发生安全问题,检测结果满足设计及规范要求。研究表明,采用双向水泥土搅拌桩加固深厚软土边坡能保证边坡的局部和整体稳定,方案切实可行、经济性好。工程采用的施工工艺为类似工程积累了经验,具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 软土 边坡稳定 双向泥土深 试桩
深搅止水帷幕在超大基坑开挖中的应用 被引量:1
作者 王东 沈凡 赵玮 《昆明大学学报》 2002年第2期64-65,68,共3页
介绍了深搅止水帷幕在超大基坑开挖和止水中的应用及相应的辅助措施 ,对其方案选择、设计方法和施工中的具体情况进行了的叙述 ,同时作出了技术经济分析比较。
关键词 帷幕 基坑开挖 设计 施工
作者 张利昕 赵立华 李荣 《江苏水利》 2013年第8期8-10,共3页
五头小直径搅喷式深层水泥土防渗墙是建造地下连续墙的新施工工艺,具有成墙质量好、工效高等特点,但因未有配套的预算定额,给设计、施工单位合理确定造价带来不便。重点介绍了五头小直径搅喷式深层水泥土防渗墙预算定额的编制思路和方法... 五头小直径搅喷式深层水泥土防渗墙是建造地下连续墙的新施工工艺,具有成墙质量好、工效高等特点,但因未有配套的预算定额,给设计、施工单位合理确定造价带来不便。重点介绍了五头小直径搅喷式深层水泥土防渗墙预算定额的编制思路和方法,并形成适应江苏实际的定额。 展开更多
关键词 五头小直径喷式深层泥土防渗墙 定额 研究
水泥土深搅桩在闸站地基处理中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李大亮 吴昌成 张国庆 《中国水利》 2013年第4期25-26,共2页
水泥土深搅桩是利用水泥作为固化剂.通过深层搅拌机就地将地基软土和固化剂强制拌和.使其发生一系列物理化学反应.凝结成整体性高、稳定性好和强度较高的水泥加固体,与周围土体形成复合地基。目前,水泥土深搅桩在闸站等水工建筑物... 水泥土深搅桩是利用水泥作为固化剂.通过深层搅拌机就地将地基软土和固化剂强制拌和.使其发生一系列物理化学反应.凝结成整体性高、稳定性好和强度较高的水泥加固体,与周围土体形成复合地基。目前,水泥土深搅桩在闸站等水工建筑物地基处理中应用逐渐增多,设计时所依据的规范主要有《水工挡土墙设计规范》(SL379--2007)和《建筑地基处理技术规范》(JTJ79--2002)。但是,由于两套规范服务的行业和对象不同,认真理解和区分规范中对水泥土深搅桩规定的异同。对于提高该方法在水工建筑物地基处理中的应用水平具有较大的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 泥土深 工建筑物 地基处理 应用
作者 张金来 张银启 潘广灿 《矿产勘查》 2008年第9期41-42,共2页
关键词 粉体喷泥土拌桩 新近人工填土
作者 杜文华 《有色金属设计》 2001年第3期34-37,共4页
介绍了在建筑密集的住宅区 ,采用水泥土深搅桩复合地基技术的工程实践。该复合地基工后沉降合理 ,处理费用低 。
关键词 泥土深 复合地基 沉降控制
Thermal modeling of underwater friction stir welding of high strength aluminum alloy 被引量:3
作者 张会杰 刘会杰 于雷 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期1114-1122,共9页
The thermal modeling of underwater friction stir welding (FSW) was conddcted with a three-dimensional heat transfer model. The vaporizing characteristics of water were analyzed to illuminate the boundary conditions ... The thermal modeling of underwater friction stir welding (FSW) was conddcted with a three-dimensional heat transfer model. The vaporizing characteristics of water were analyzed to illuminate the boundary conditions of underwater FSW. Temperature dependent properties of the material were considered for the modeling. FSW experiments were carried out to validate the calculated results, and the calculated results showed good agreement with the experimental results. The results indicate that the maximum peak temperature of underwater joint is significantly lower than that of normal joint, although the surface heat flux of shoulder during the underwater FSW is higher than that during normal FSW. For underwater joint, the high-temperature distributing area is dramatically narrowed and the welding thermal cycles in different zones are effectively controlled in contrast to the normal joint. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy underwater friction stir welding temperature field MODELING
浅谈螺旋桨式增氧机 被引量:1
作者 亓俊国 卞祖光 余在敏 《商业文化》 2011年第10X期332-332,共1页
现代渔业在国民经济中占的比重在逐年增加,已逐步发展成为农村经济的支柱产业,但生产采用的机械设备科技含量不高已成为制约渔业科学发展的一个瓶颈,其中增氧机就是一个渔业发展的关键环节。目前市场普遍采用的是一种结构简单、增氧效... 现代渔业在国民经济中占的比重在逐年增加,已逐步发展成为农村经济的支柱产业,但生产采用的机械设备科技含量不高已成为制约渔业科学发展的一个瓶颈,其中增氧机就是一个渔业发展的关键环节。目前市场普遍采用的是一种结构简单、增氧效率高效、搅水面积较大的螺旋桨式增氧机。 展开更多
关键词 螺旋桨式增氧机 结构简单 增氧效率高效 搅水面积较大
某工程基坑支护设计与施工 被引量:1
作者 葛伟亚 葛伟亚 +2 位作者 葛伟亚 葛伟亚 葛伟亚 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2004年第3期5-6,共2页
介绍了某工程基坑支护设计与施工的全过程 ,分析了基坑设计如何根据不同的地质条件和周边环境分区分段选择合适的支护结构形式 ,叙述了钻孔灌注桩、深搅止水墙、锚杆、喷锚网等设计和施工方面的具体要求。
关键词 基坑支护 钻孔灌注桩 锚杆 喷锚网 土方开挖 设计 施工
作者 刘志国 《科学养鱼》 北大核心 2005年第11期23-23,共1页
关键词 增氧机 产养殖 搅水作用 曝气作用 增氧作用
Effects of rotational speed and fill level on particle mixing in a stirred tank with different impellers 被引量:8
作者 Yuyun Bao Yu Lu +1 位作者 Ziqi Cai Zhengming Gao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1383-1391,共9页
The particle mixing was studied in a cylindrical stirred tank with elliptical dished bottom by experiments and simulations.The impeller types used were double helical ribbon(HR) + bottom HR,pitched blade ribbon + bott... The particle mixing was studied in a cylindrical stirred tank with elliptical dished bottom by experiments and simulations.The impeller types used were double helical ribbon(HR) + bottom HR,pitched blade ribbon + bottom HR,inner and outer HR + bottom HR,and pitched blade ribbon + Pfaudler + bottom HR labeled as impellers Ⅰ to Ⅳ,respectively.The quantitative correlations among the rotational speed,fill level and power consumption for impeller Ⅰ and impeller Ⅱ were obtained by experiments to validate the discrete element method(DEM) simulations.The particle mixing at different operating conditions was simulated via DEM simulations to calculate the mixing index using the Lacey method,which is a statistical method to provide a mathematical understanding of the mixing state in a binary mixture.The simulation results reveal that as the rotational speed increases,the final mixing index increases,and as the fill level increases,the final mixing index decreases.At the same operating conditions,impeller Ⅲ is the optimal combination,which provides the highest mixing index at the same revolutions. 展开更多
关键词 Particle Mixing Discrete element method(DEM) Rotational speed Fill level Lacey index
Horizontal continuous casting process under electromagnetic field for preparing AA3003/AA4045 clad composite hollow billets 被引量:7
作者 武立 康慧君 +2 位作者 陈宗宁 刘宁 王同敏 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期2675-2685,共11页
A modified horizontal continuous casting process under the electromagnetic field was proposed for preparing AA3003/ AA4045 clad composite hollow billets. To investigate the effect of electromagnetic field on this proc... A modified horizontal continuous casting process under the electromagnetic field was proposed for preparing AA3003/ AA4045 clad composite hollow billets. To investigate the effect of electromagnetic field on this process, a comprehensive three-dimensional model was developed. Two cases with and without electromagnetic field were compared using the simulations. When rotating electromagnetic stirring is applied, the flow pattern of fluid melt is greatly modified; the mushy zone becomes much wider, the temperature profile becomes more uniform, and the solid fraction decreases for both the external and internal alloy melt layers. These modifications are beneficial for the formation of a bimetal interface and fine and uniform grain structure of the clad composite hollow billet. Experiments conducted using the same electrical and casting parameters as the simulations verify that under the electromagnetic field the microstructure of the clad composite hollow billet becomes fine and the diffusion of the elements at the interface is promoted. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy clad composite hollow billet horizontal continuous casting electromagnetic stirring numerical simulation
Review on underwater friction stir welding: A variant of friction stir welding with great potential of improving joint properties 被引量:9
作者 Mohd.Atif WAHID Zahid A.KHAN Arshad Noor SIDDIQUEE 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期193-219,共27页
Friction stir welding(FSW) is a solid-state welding process which is capable of joining materials which are relatively difficult to be welded by fusion welding process. Further, this process is highly energy-efficie... Friction stir welding(FSW) is a solid-state welding process which is capable of joining materials which are relatively difficult to be welded by fusion welding process. Further, this process is highly energy-efficient and environmental-friendly as compared to the fusion welding. Despite several advantages of FSW over fusion welding, the thermal cycles involved in FSW cause softening in joints generally in heat-treatable aluminum alloys(AAs) due to the dissolution or coarsening of the strengthening precipitates leading to decrease in mechanical properties. Underwater friction stir welding(UFSW) can be a process of choice to overcome these limitations. This process is suitable for alloys that are sensitive to heating during the welding and is widely used for heat-treatable AAs. The purpose of this article is to provide comprehensive literature review on current status and development of UFSW and its importance in comparison to FSW with an aim to discuss and summarize different aspects of UFSW. Specific attention is given to basic principle including material flow, temperature generation, process parameters, microstructure and mechanical properties. From the review, it is concluded that UFSW is an improved method compared with FSW for improving joint strength. Academicians, researchers and practitioners would be benefitted from this article as it compiles significantly important knowledge pertaining to UFSW. 展开更多
关键词 ALUMINUM friction stir welding fusion welding mechanical properties microstructure underwater friction stir welding
Microstructural evaluation and tribological properties of underwater friction stir processed CP-copper and its alloy 被引量:4
作者 A.MOAREF A.RABIEZADEH 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第4期972-981,共10页
Underwater friction stir processing was performed on commercially pure copper with a purity of 99.8% and a copper-zinc alloy(brass). The tool was made of tungsten carbide in the threaded cone form. Friction stir proce... Underwater friction stir processing was performed on commercially pure copper with a purity of 99.8% and a copper-zinc alloy(brass). The tool was made of tungsten carbide in the threaded cone form. Friction stir processing was performed at a tool rotational speed of 1800 r/min and a tool transverse speed of 4 mm/min while the samples were immersed in a water tank with a water circulation system. In order to evaluate the effect of the number of process passes on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the samples, this process was continued for up to 6 passes. Microscopic studies using light microscopy on commercially pure copper samples show significant decrease in grain size. Likewise, the hardness of the cross-sectional area shows an increase more than the base metal. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the underwater friction stir processed samples in comparison to that of the base metal exhibits shorter and wider peaks, while the background of the pattern is increased. The sum of these factors represents the formation of an amorphous/ultrafine grained structure. Also, the wear behavior of the samples was investigated by means of pin-on-disk method and the results show that the friction coefficient of processed samples is decreased compared to that of the base metal. The results of wear and hardness tests show that the underwater friction stir processing can significantly improve the wear resistance and hardness of commercially pure copper and brass. 展开更多
关键词 copper alloy friction stir processing UNDERWATER WEAR microstructure
Large Eddy Simulations of Mixing Time in a Stirred Tank 被引量:17
作者 闵健 高正明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第1期1-7,共7页
Large eddy simulations (LES) of mixing process in a stirred tank of 0.476m diameter with a 3-narrow blade hydrofoil CBY impeller were reported. The turbulent flow field and mixing time were calculated using LES with S... Large eddy simulations (LES) of mixing process in a stirred tank of 0.476m diameter with a 3-narrow blade hydrofoil CBY impeller were reported. The turbulent flow field and mixing time were calculated using LES with Sma-gorinsky-Lilly subgrid scale model. The impeller rotation was modeled using the sliding mesh technique. Better agree-ment of power demand and mixing time was obtained between the experimental and the LES prediction than that by the traditional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach. The curve of tracer response predicted by LES was in good agreement with the experimental. The results show that LES is a reliable tool to investigate the unsteady and quasi-periodic behavior of the turbulent flow in stirred tanks. 展开更多
关键词 large eddy simulations subgrid scale model mixing time hydrofoil impeller
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