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作者 窦红强 翟大军 +1 位作者 侯勇 杜东方 《焊接》 2019年第7期44-49,56,I0024-I0025,共9页
研究了几种钎料及硬质相(锌钎料、锡钎料及SiC硬质相颗粒)对镁合金搅拌摩擦点钎焊接头微观组织、剪切力及硬度分布的影响。结果表明,加入锌钎料时,钎料能充分与母材发生冶金反应,生成MgZn 2 硬质相,焊核区的硬质相阻碍了金属的塑性流动... 研究了几种钎料及硬质相(锌钎料、锡钎料及SiC硬质相颗粒)对镁合金搅拌摩擦点钎焊接头微观组织、剪切力及硬度分布的影响。结果表明,加入锌钎料时,钎料能充分与母材发生冶金反应,生成MgZn 2 硬质相,焊核区的硬质相阻碍了金属的塑性流动,且在钎焊区会形成较大的钎焊界面,焊接接头剪切力从3.5 kN提升到了 5.8 kN,且焊接接头具有较高的硬度。 展开更多
关键词 AZ31镁合金 搅拌摩擦点钎焊 钎料 钎焊区
轻量化铝/钢与铝/铜焊接新方法——搅拌摩擦钎焊与搅拌摩擦点钎焊 被引量:2
作者 张贵锋 王鑫炜 王宗科 《金属加工(热加工)》 2022年第2期1-7,共7页
综述了Al/Fe搅拌摩擦对接焊与搭接焊的改进工艺。其中,重点分析了Al/Fe搅拌摩擦搭接焊与搅拌摩擦点焊存在的共性与个性问题,介绍了由西安交通大学开发的相应改进工艺:搅拌摩擦钎焊与搅拌摩擦点钎焊;分析了其宽幅去膜特征与影响因素。搅... 综述了Al/Fe搅拌摩擦对接焊与搭接焊的改进工艺。其中,重点分析了Al/Fe搅拌摩擦搭接焊与搅拌摩擦点焊存在的共性与个性问题,介绍了由西安交通大学开发的相应改进工艺:搅拌摩擦钎焊与搅拌摩擦点钎焊;分析了其宽幅去膜特征与影响因素。搅拌摩擦钎焊与搅拌摩擦点钎焊均采用无针搅拌头兼作热源与力源,并辅之以冶金措施——能显著溶解母材的钎料;利用轴肩的间接扭转与微剪切的机械作用预先破膜,并持续促进钎料/母材之间的反应、溶解、混合及挤出;最终在氧化膜随液相挤出后可获得洁净母材之间的扩散结合。搅拌摩擦钎焊与搅拌摩擦点钎焊可避免基于单一塑性流动的搅拌摩擦焊与搅拌摩擦点焊存在的匙孔、钩型缺陷、焊接面积窄小、搅拌区上下混合不足及搅拌针针尖磨损等问题。 展开更多
关键词 轻量化 异种金属焊接 搅拌摩擦钎焊 搅拌摩擦点钎焊
作者 殷国平 刘梁 《南京政治学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第4期76-77,共2页
如何增进班子团结?是摆在领导班子面前的一个重要课题,也是加强班子建设的关键环节。增进班子团结的途径是多方面的,但从实际工作情况和一些单位的经验看,注意把握好容易引起矛盾或分歧的“摩擦点”,并在这些“摩擦点”上妥善地做好工作... 如何增进班子团结?是摆在领导班子面前的一个重要课题,也是加强班子建设的关键环节。增进班子团结的途径是多方面的,但从实际工作情况和一些单位的经验看,注意把握好容易引起矛盾或分歧的“摩擦点”,并在这些“摩擦点”上妥善地做好工作,不失为增进班子团结的“一着好棋”。本文试就这个问题谈点浅见。 展开更多
关键词 重要课题 摩擦点 班子建设 团结 工作情况 领导班子成员 敏感问题 思想 批评教育 关键环节
《现代焊接》 2009年第11期17-18,共2页
搅拌摩擦点焊(Friction Stir Spot Welding,FSSW)属于一种单点连接方法,它采用和搅拌摩擦焊相同的技术原理,将旋转的搅拌头插入被焊的两层工件。
关键词 摩擦点 车辆制造 搅拌头 搅拌摩擦 连接方法 摩擦生热 电阻 技术原理 新突破 铝合金
《现代焊接》 2010年第5期68-69,共2页
搅拌摩擦点焊(Friction Stir Spot Welding,FSSW)是在搅拌摩擦焊基础上发展起来的一种新型焊接技术。同传统的单点连接方法(电阻点焊、冲压铆接、铆接、自钻孔紧固等)相比,搅拌摩擦点焊不需要大功率电源和冷却装置,无需附加材料,具有能... 搅拌摩擦点焊(Friction Stir Spot Welding,FSSW)是在搅拌摩擦焊基础上发展起来的一种新型焊接技术。同传统的单点连接方法(电阻点焊、冲压铆接、铆接、自钻孔紧固等)相比,搅拌摩擦点焊不需要大功率电源和冷却装置,无需附加材料,具有能耗小、成本低、节材减重等优点,同时接头为冶金连接,焊接质量高。 展开更多
关键词 摩擦点 搅拌摩擦焊设备 焊工艺 焊接技术 镁合金 电阻 大功率电源 连接方法 冷却装置 焊接质量
1.2m地平式望远镜伺服控制和传动系统的特性——单点和多点摩擦传动的力学特性 (一 ) 被引量:5
作者 李祝莲 熊耀恒 《天文研究与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期54-59,共6页
根据云南天文台1.2m地平式望远镜对近地卫星激光测距要求,以及对摩擦传动原理的分析和实际检测的结果,详细讨论了1.2m望远镜单点及多点摩擦传动的力学特性,以及由这些特性所决定的传动参数。得到在两点摩擦传动时,望远镜能够达到的方位... 根据云南天文台1.2m地平式望远镜对近地卫星激光测距要求,以及对摩擦传动原理的分析和实际检测的结果,详细讨论了1.2m望远镜单点及多点摩擦传动的力学特性,以及由这些特性所决定的传动参数。得到在两点摩擦传动时,望远镜能够达到的方位最大角加速度为10°/s2,方位最大角速度5°/s,满足跟踪近地卫星的要求。 展开更多
关键词 摩擦传动 力矩电机 转矩 伺服控制 地平式望远镜 近地卫星
作者 康益民 《红旗文稿》 1994年第14期18-20,共3页
加强党委班子建设的内容是多方面的,搞好团结是加强党委班子建设的关键所在。一个班子的成员就个体素质来说,水平、经历、知识、工作经验显然会有所不同,但就党委的整体工作来说,最怕的是班子不团结,搞内耗。我认为在班子团结问题上有... 加强党委班子建设的内容是多方面的,搞好团结是加强党委班子建设的关键所在。一个班子的成员就个体素质来说,水平、经历、知识、工作经验显然会有所不同,但就党委的整体工作来说,最怕的是班子不团结,搞内耗。我认为在班子团结问题上有一些容易引起矛盾的“热点”或者叫做“摩擦点”,这些方面注意了,做好了。 展开更多
关键词 班子成员 党委班子建设 团结 摩擦点 整体工作 思想认识 个体素质 党性原则 中心任务 自由主义
作者 户崎康成 蔡千华(翻译) 《电气牵引》 2009年第1期45-50,共6页
本文介绍了新开发的摩擦搅拌点焊接(FSSW:Friction Stir Spot Welding)技术,利用轴肩直径不同的工具和6061-T4铝合金进行摩擦搅拌点焊接,通过对搭接头试探进行拉伸剪切试验,探讨了轴肩直径对拉伸剪切强度的影响和破坏机理。
关键词 摩擦搅拌接合 工具轴肩直径 接合状态 拉伸特性 破坏机理
作者 金中 高健 刘新 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2003年第1期59-59,共1页
关键词 矿山机械 井下运输 直线摩擦驱动胶带输送机 设备改造
螺纹副面力场的摩擦接触多极边界元解析(3500中厚板轧机压下系统可靠性研究Ⅱ) 被引量:2
作者 陈秀敏 申光宪 +1 位作者 刘德义 彭春岩 《燕山大学学报》 CAS 2004年第2期141-145,共5页
将三维弹性摩擦接触多极边界元法及软件应用于3500中厚板轧机压下螺纹副三维面力场的大规模运算课题。通过微机运算,给出了螺牙接触面的径向压力分布、径向摩擦力分布、周向压力分布和螺纹层间压力分布。在获得同等计算精度条件下,和有... 将三维弹性摩擦接触多极边界元法及软件应用于3500中厚板轧机压下螺纹副三维面力场的大规模运算课题。通过微机运算,给出了螺牙接触面的径向压力分布、径向摩擦力分布、周向压力分布和螺纹层间压力分布。在获得同等计算精度条件下,和有限元法相比,本法占用的CPU时间相当,但所用微机内存容量仅为有限元法的1/80。 展开更多
关键词 中厚板轧机 压下系统 可靠性 多极边界元法 摩擦接触 数学规划
Friction plug−riveting spot welding of AA 7075-T6 aluminum alloy and low carbon steel using 1045 steel rivet
作者 Ya-jia LIU Jian-yu LI +4 位作者 Ze-hao XIE Shu-hai CHEN Jian YANG Ji-hua HUANG Zhi-yi ZHAO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第12期3893-3904,共12页
7075-T6 aluminum alloy/low carbon steel joint was carried out via a novel friction plug−riveting spot welding process.This process utilized uniquely designed steel rivets with a tip and groove shape.The macro-morpholo... 7075-T6 aluminum alloy/low carbon steel joint was carried out via a novel friction plug−riveting spot welding process.This process utilized uniquely designed steel rivets with a tip and groove shape.The macro-morphology formation,microstructure,microhardness and lap shear performance of joints were investigated.As the spindle down distance increased,the rivet tip was friction welded with the lower steel sheet,resulting in the formation of a solid phase welding zone exhibiting metallurgical bonding.Additionally,a hook was formed in the joint,providing the mechanical locking.The results showed that under optimal parameters of spindle down distance of 3.4 mm,rotation speed of 4000 r/min,and spindle down speed of 2.4 mm/s,the lap shear load of the joints reached a maximum of 14.36 kN.Failure occurred at the aluminum alloy base metal. 展开更多
关键词 friction plug-riveting spot welding aluminum alloy low carbon steel dissimilar metal joining
作者 王东 《山东煤炭科技》 2004年第4期64-64,共1页
关键词 回采工作面 胶带输送机 固定方式 摩擦点
Friction stir keyholeless spot welding of AZ31 Mg alloy-mild steel 被引量:9
作者 张忠科 王希靖 +1 位作者 王培中 赵刚 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1709-1716,共8页
Friction stir keyholeless spot welding(FSKSW) using a retractable pin for 1.0 mm thick galvanized mild steel and 3 mm thick AZ31 B magnesium alloy in a lap configuration was investigated.The process variables were o... Friction stir keyholeless spot welding(FSKSW) using a retractable pin for 1.0 mm thick galvanized mild steel and 3 mm thick AZ31 B magnesium alloy in a lap configuration was investigated.The process variables were optimized in terms of the joint strength.The effects of the stacking sequence on joint formation and the joining mechanism of FSKSW AZ31B-to-mild steel joints were also analyzed.It shows that the process window and joint strength are strongly influenced by the stacking sequence of the workpieces.While the process window is narrow and unstable for FSKSW of a magnesium-to-steel stack-up,a desirable process was established for the steel-to-magnesium stacking sequence,a desirable process and higher strength joint can be got when the steel-to-magnesium stacking sequence.XRD phase and EPMA analyses of the FSKSW joint showed that the intermetallic compounds are formed at the steel-to-magnesium interface,and the element diffusion between the mild steel and AZ31 B magnesium alloy revealed that the joining methods for FSKSW joints is the main mechanical joining along with certain metallurgical bonding. 展开更多
关键词 friction stir keyholeless spot welding dissimilar alloys mechanical property
Fatigue behavior of friction stir spot welded AZ31 Mg alloy sheet joints 被引量:1
作者 罗天骄 史宝良 +2 位作者 段启强 付俊伟 杨院生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第7期1949-1956,共8页
The fatigue behavior of friction stir spot welded (FSSW) AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet joints was investigated by tension- compression of fatigue test. The results suggest that all the fatigue failures occur at the sti... The fatigue behavior of friction stir spot welded (FSSW) AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet joints was investigated by tension- compression of fatigue test. The results suggest that all the fatigue failures occur at the stir zone of the FSSW AZ31 sheet joints, and all cracks initiate at the stir zone outer edge between the upper and lower sheet. When the cycle force equals 1 kN, the crack propagates along the interface of heat-affected zone and thermo-mechanical zone, simultaneously across the direction of force; while the cycle force equals 3 kN, the crack propagates along the diameter of stir zone and shear failure occurs finally. Moreover, the transverse microsections indicate that there is a tongue-like region at the outer edge of stir zone between the two AZ31 sheets, and the direction of tongue-like region is toward outside of the stirred zone and all fatigue cracks initiate at the tongue-like region. 展开更多
关键词 AZ31 Mg alloy sheet friction stir spot welding FATIGUE fatigue failure fatigue crack
Experimental Comparison Between PID Control and Friction Compensation Control for a Class of Nonlinear System with Friction
作者 彭熙伟 张三同 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第4期389-394,共6页
A point to? point positioning control of systems with highly nonlinear frictions is studied. In view of variable frictions caused by the changes of load torque, an experimental comparison was made between the valve?... A point to? point positioning control of systems with highly nonlinear frictions is studied. In view of variable frictions caused by the changes of load torque, an experimental comparison was made between the valve? controlled hydraulic motor servo system with PID control and that with friction compensation control. Experimental results show that the gross steady errors are caused by frictions when the system is controlled by the conventional proportional control algorithm. Although the errors can be reduced by introducing the integral control, the limit cycle oscillation and the long setting time are caused. The positioning error for a constant load torque can be eliminated by using fixed friction compensation, but poor positioning accuracy is caused by the same fixed friction compensation when the load torques varies greatly. The dynamic friction compensation based on the error and change in error measurements can significantly improve the position precision in a broad range of the changes of load torque. 展开更多
关键词 PID control friction compensation point-to-point control load torque
轧机压下螺纹副不等厚螺牙面力场的多极边界元解析 被引量:2
作者 冀俊杰 黄庆学 《重型机械》 2007年第1期10-14,共5页
关键词 多极边界元法 摩擦接触 数学规划法 中厚板轧机 压下螺纹副
作者 苏汉兴 《音乐探索》 1997年第4期57-59,共3页
关键词 二胡演奏 自然跳弓 摩擦点 弹力 力度控制
Evolving properties of friction stir spot welds between AA1060 and commercially pure copper C11000 被引量:8
作者 Mukuna P.MUBIAYI Esther T.AKINLABI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1852-1862,共11页
Friction stir spot welding technique was employed to join pure copper (C11000) and pure aluminium (AA1060) sheets. The evolving properties of the welds produced were characterized. The spot welds were produced by ... Friction stir spot welding technique was employed to join pure copper (C11000) and pure aluminium (AA1060) sheets. The evolving properties of the welds produced were characterized. The spot welds were produced by varying the rotational speed, shoulder plunge depth using different tool geometries. The presence of a copper ring of different lengths was observed on both sides of the welds indicating that Cu extruded upward into the Al sheet which contributed to obtaining strong welds. The microstructure showed the presence of copper particles in the aluminium matrix which led to the presence of various intermetallics observed by the energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The maximum tensile failure load increases with an increase in the shoulder plunge depth, except for the weld produced at 800 r/min using a conical pin and a concave shoulder. A nugget pull-out failure mode occurred in all the friction stir spot welds under the lap-shear loading conditions. High peaks of Vickers microhardness values were obtained in the vicinity of the keyhole of most of the samples which correlated to the presence of intermetallics in the stir zone of the welds. 展开更多
关键词 aluminium COPPER friction stir spot welding MICROHARDNESS MICROSTRUCTURE
Microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar pinless friction stir spot welded 2A12 aluminum alloy and TC4 titanium alloy joints 被引量:8
作者 YANG Xia-wei FENG Wu-yuan +4 位作者 LI Wen-ya CHU Qiang XU Ya-xin MA Tie-jun WANG Wei-bing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第12期3075-3084,共10页
The microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar pinless friction stir spot welded joint of2A12aluminum alloy and TC4titanium alloy were evaluated.The results show that the joint of Al/Ti dissimilar alloys c... The microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar pinless friction stir spot welded joint of2A12aluminum alloy and TC4titanium alloy were evaluated.The results show that the joint of Al/Ti dissimilar alloys can be successfully attained through pinless friction stir spot welding(FSSW).The joint can be divided into three zones(SZ,TMAZ and HAZ).The microstructure of joint in Al alloy side changes significantly but it basically has no change in Ti alloy side.At the same rotation speed,the maximum load of welded joints gradually rises with the increase in dwell time.At the same dwell time,the maximum load of the welded joint increases with the increase of the rotational speed.In addition,optimal parameters were obtained in this work,and they are rotation speed of1500r/min,plunge speed of30mm/min,plunge depth of0.3mm and dwell time of15s.The fracture mode of welded joints is interfacial shear fracture.The microhardness of the joint on the Al side distributes in a typical“W”type and is symmetry along the weld center,but the distribution of the microhardness on the Ti side has no obvious change. 展开更多
关键词 MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties friction stir spot welded dissimilar joints
Microstructure and properties of probeless friction stir spot welding of AZ31 magnesium alloy joints 被引量:7
作者 Xia-wei YANG Wu-yuan FENG +4 位作者 Wen-ya LI Xiu-rong DONG Ya-xin XU Qiang CHU Shuo-tian YAO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期2300-2309,共10页
The AZ31 magnesium alloy with a thickness of 1.8 mm was welded by the probeless friction stir spot welding process without Zn interlayer.The influence of process parameters on joint microstructure and mechanical prope... The AZ31 magnesium alloy with a thickness of 1.8 mm was welded by the probeless friction stir spot welding process without Zn interlayer.The influence of process parameters on joint microstructure and mechanical properties was investigated by using different rotating speeds and dwell time.Microstructure of joints is divided into three regions:stir zone,thermomechanically-affected zone and heat-affected zone.With the increase of rotation speed and dwell time,the depth of stir zone gradually increases,and hook defects extend from the interface of two plates to the surface of the upper plate.The tensile shear strength of joints and two fracture modes(shear fracture and plug fracture)are closely related to hook defects.The maximum tensile shear strength of the joint is 4.22 kN when rotation speed and dwell time are 1180 r/min and 9 s,respectively.Microhardness value and its fluctuation in upper sheet are evidently higher than those of the lower sheet. 展开更多
关键词 probeless friction stir spot welding AZ31 alloy mechanical properties fracture mechanism
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