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作者 刘敬林 《红楼梦学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期330-334,共5页
人们对"也要‘前人撒土迷了后人的眼’才是"一语中的疑难词语"也要"的校勘,及"前人撒土迷了后人的眼"的释义,或未作到心知肚明,或校勘及释义皆未当。今用相同语例等方法证明"前人撒土迷了后人的眼&q... 人们对"也要‘前人撒土迷了后人的眼’才是"一语中的疑难词语"也要"的校勘,及"前人撒土迷了后人的眼"的释义,或未作到心知肚明,或校勘及释义皆未当。今用相同语例等方法证明"前人撒土迷了后人的眼"的语意就是"含糊了事",而"也要"当校作"也不要"。 展开更多
关键词 前人撒土迷了后人的眼 也要 也不要
作者 丁润锁 李妍 +3 位作者 冯磊 李冰 高贤彪 孙岩 《天津农林科技》 2020年第3期17-18,共2页
本文针对沟秆垄作的专利技术中人工撒菌作业所配套的机械装置,根据撒菌要求,借鉴电动播种器均匀播种的功能,研制了一款牵引式电动撒菌覆土装置,可根据撒菌量的要求实现均匀撒菌并自动覆土.整个设备结构简单、操作方便灵活、省心省力,适... 本文针对沟秆垄作的专利技术中人工撒菌作业所配套的机械装置,根据撒菌要求,借鉴电动播种器均匀播种的功能,研制了一款牵引式电动撒菌覆土装置,可根据撒菌量的要求实现均匀撒菌并自动覆土.整个设备结构简单、操作方便灵活、省心省力,适合各种地块应用,提高了撒菌作业质量和效率,大幅度节约人工成本. 展开更多
关键词 沟秆垄作菌覆装置 样机设置 操作流程
略论贵州“改土归流”的特点 被引量:5
作者 张永国 《贵州文史丛刊》 1981年第3期101-105,121,共6页
土司制度的渊源可以追溯到秦汉时期,宋元以来,开始在南方少数民族地区设置土官。明代对土司的承袭、进贡、赋税、均徭、差发、供输、征调、奖惩等,都作了详细规定,形成了一套颇为完整的制度。土司制是当时封建政治体制的组成部分,又是... 土司制度的渊源可以追溯到秦汉时期,宋元以来,开始在南方少数民族地区设置土官。明代对土司的承袭、进贡、赋税、均徭、差发、供输、征调、奖惩等,都作了详细规定,形成了一套颇为完整的制度。土司制是当时封建政治体制的组成部分,又是统治少数民族的特殊地方政权。封建王朝建立土司制的原因,主要是由于少数民族地区经济比较落后,文化习俗有很大差异,又存在着民族矛盾和隔阂,而且少数民族大多居住在边远地区。 展开更多
关键词 均徭 宣慰司 鄂尔泰 雍正年间 明王朝 撒土 生苗 苗民
作者 吕云生 《吉林农业》 2002年第7期13-13,共1页
关键词 增产栽培技术 清棵蹲苗 整株压圈 撒土 追肥 病害防治 花生
吡虫啉不同施药方法对花生蛴螬防控效果以及对产量的影响 被引量:16
作者 刘爱芝 韩松 梁九进 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期161-165,共5页
采用拌种、播种穴(沟)施药和开花下针前撒施毒土3种施药方法,研究新烟碱类杀虫剂吡虫啉不同施药方法对花生蛴螬的防控效果和对花生产量的影响。田间试验结果表明,用量225~420g/hm2于花生开花下针期撒施毒土,防虫效果、保果效果和有效... 采用拌种、播种穴(沟)施药和开花下针前撒施毒土3种施药方法,研究新烟碱类杀虫剂吡虫啉不同施药方法对花生蛴螬的防控效果和对花生产量的影响。田间试验结果表明,用量225~420g/hm2于花生开花下针期撒施毒土,防虫效果、保果效果和有效果数增加均显著优于播种沟(穴)施药。拌种防治花生蛴螬保果效果、防虫效果和产量的增加随着拌种用药量的增加而增加,但低于播种穴施药和生长期撒施。示范试验结果验证表明:于花生开花下针期撒施毒土效果最好,用量420~630g/hm2,防虫效果、保果效果和产量增加分别为87.80%~95.12%、92.42%~95.90%和83.23%~86.61%。 展开更多
关键词 吡虫啉 花生蛴螬 拌种 穴施和 防治效果 保果效果 增产效果
清代大定府属书院初探 被引量:1
作者 钟德宏 《贵州文史丛刊》 1988年第4期71-75,共5页
关键词 大定府 撒土 宣慰司 水西 三卫 黔西州 以明 掌教 徐丰玉 大定县
作者 吕云生 《吉林农业》 2002年第6期15-15,共1页
地下害虫的种类很多,主要有蝼蛄、蛴、金针虫和地老虎等。它们大都在春、秋两季为害。而且食性较杂,对粮食作物、花生、薯类、蔬菜等幼苗都为害,尤其是旱田作物的种子、幼苗、块根受害严重。造成缺苗断条,甚至毁地重种,贻误农时,造成减... 地下害虫的种类很多,主要有蝼蛄、蛴、金针虫和地老虎等。它们大都在春、秋两季为害。而且食性较杂,对粮食作物、花生、薯类、蔬菜等幼苗都为害,尤其是旱田作物的种子、幼苗、块根受害严重。造成缺苗断条,甚至毁地重种,贻误农时,造成减产,因此说防治地下害虫是夺全苗、保全苗的重要措施。 展开更多
关键词 防治 地下害虫 毒饵 毒枝诱杀
作者 刘汝温 《河北农业科技》 2003年第8期8-8,共1页
1叶面喷肥 1.1喷施花生素.能使叶片中叶绿素含量提高,花生荚果增加.方法是:在花针期,每亩用花生素粉剂6~8克,加入25毫升95%的酒精,溶解后对水40公斤喷施. 1.2喷施钼酸铵.促进早分枝、多分枝、多结果.方法是:在花生始花期到下针结荚期,... 1叶面喷肥 1.1喷施花生素.能使叶片中叶绿素含量提高,花生荚果增加.方法是:在花针期,每亩用花生素粉剂6~8克,加入25毫升95%的酒精,溶解后对水40公斤喷施. 1.2喷施钼酸铵.促进早分枝、多分枝、多结果.方法是:在花生始花期到下针结荚期,叶片喷施0.1%钼酸铵液2~3次,每亩喷液50公斤左右. 展开更多
关键词 花生 结果率 叶面喷肥 摘心 撒土培针
作者 吕云生 《农村实用科技信息》 2005年第4期10-10,共1页
关键词 花生 过磷酸钙 子叶 果针 始花期 幼苗 施用方法 施硼肥 叶面喷施 撒土
作者 黄建余 廖育林 +3 位作者 孙玉桃 张江林 高雅洁 鲁艳红 《湖南农业科学》 2022年第9期62-64,70,共4页
绿肥紫云英是喜湿怕渍型作物,开沟是稻田紫云英栽培的重要环节之一,在保证紫云英出苗率、提高紫云英产量和提高土壤肥力等方面发挥关键作用。传统绿肥种植技术中稻田人工开沟存在劳动强度大、成本高、效率低等问题,而目前市面上常用的... 绿肥紫云英是喜湿怕渍型作物,开沟是稻田紫云英栽培的重要环节之一,在保证紫云英出苗率、提高紫云英产量和提高土壤肥力等方面发挥关键作用。传统绿肥种植技术中稻田人工开沟存在劳动强度大、成本高、效率低等问题,而目前市面上常用的开沟机存在沟形不稳、撒土不匀、开沟质量不佳的缺点。针对现有装置的不足,该研究改进了与旋耕机、拖拉机等配套的碎土抛撒开沟机装置,并对其效果进行了测试,结果表明:改进后的装置具有排水沟成型好、土块细碎、撒土均匀、土壤覆盖厚度以及抛土幅宽适宜的优点,有效地解决了稻田绿肥种植开沟降渍的问题;另外,改进后的开沟装置可通过变换传动轴的型号与旋耕机、拖拉机、收割机等进行连接,匹配机型更广,实现了一机多用。 展开更多
关键词 绿肥 稻田 开沟装置
防玉米螟选颗粒剂型农药 被引量:2
作者 树农 《农村实用技术》 2010年第10期52-52,共1页
关键词 玉米螟 选颗粒剂 农药 药液灌心法 喷雾法 心法
Soil Properties and Yield of Jerusalem Artichoke(Helianthus tuberosus L.)with Seawater Irrigation in North China Plain 被引量:9
作者 ZHAO Geng-Mao LIU Zhao-Pu CHEN Ming-Da GUO Shi-Wei 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期195-202,共8页
Irrigation with various dilutions of seawater can act as an alternate water resource and thus plays an important role in saving freshwater resources as well as promoting agriculture in the coastal semi-arid areas of t... Irrigation with various dilutions of seawater can act as an alternate water resource and thus plays an important role in saving freshwater resources as well as promoting agriculture in the coastal semi-arid areas of the North China Plain. Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) grown in a field experiment was irrigated with seawater diluted with freshwater from 2001 to 2003 to determine the feasibility of seawater irrigation in the Laizhou area. For treatments of CK (non-irrigation) along with seawater concentrations of 25%, 50%, and 75%, total dissolved solid (TDS) in the non-irrigated soil significantly increased (P ≤ 0.05) in both 2002 and 2003 and was 1.3 times higher in 2003 than in 2001. In the 25% and 50% seawater concentration treatments, TDS in 2001 was significantly greater (P ≤ 0.05) than CK; however, TDS in these two treatments decreased by 34.9% and 40.1%, respectively, in 2003 compared with 2001. The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) remained below 10 mmol^1/2 L^-1/2, indicating that alkalization was low with seawater irrigation. In 2001 and 2002, compared to CK and the irrigation treatment with 75% seawater, irrigation with 25% and 50% seawater increased the yields of Jerusalem .artichoke. This meant that Jerusalem artichoke could be safely grown in salt-affected land of Laizhou area with 25% and 50% seawater irrigation. 展开更多
关键词 Jerusalem artichoke North China Plain SAR seawater irrigation soil total dissolved solids
Community Soil Resources Management for Sub-Saharan West Africa: Case Study of the Gourma Region in Burkina Faso
作者 Mamadou Traore Hema Belo +2 位作者 Barry Ousmane Tamani Souare Tiekoura Guillaume Ouattara 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第1期24-39,共16页
A study on community soil fertility management concepts and practices was conducted through rapid and participatory method of research in 15 villages of the Gourma region in Eastern part of Burkina Faso. These investi... A study on community soil fertility management concepts and practices was conducted through rapid and participatory method of research in 15 villages of the Gourma region in Eastern part of Burkina Faso. These investigations aimed at determining farmers' knowledge on soil resources: local soil taxonomy and indicators of soil degradation, soil fertility management practices, and capacity for adoption of new technologies in soil fertility management. The results of the study showed that the main parameter for soil classification for all the investigated villages was soil texture composition; soil degradation was evaluated according to crops yield decrease and the development Striga sp. in 100% of the investigated villages; the use of organic manure and long term fellow were the main practices for soil fertility management; concerning the villages where modem technologies of soil fertility management were introduced, the lack of tools and capacity building were the main limiting factors of the adoption of these improved practices at small scale farmers' level. Even if discordance between scientific and local soil taxonomy were revealed by our investigations; significant similarities between indigenous and scientific indices of soil degradation were noticed. With regard to the actual magnitude of soil degradation; the local techniques of soil fertility management need to be improved and accessible to a big number of farmers. 展开更多
关键词 Burkina Faso Gourma region small scale farmers rapid and participatory method of research local soil taxonomy local indices of soil degradation soil fertility management.
《吉林农业农村经济信息》 2004年第3期39-39,共1页
关键词 春季 播种 地下害虫 防治 浇水 药剂拌种 地面喷药
Paulownia Tree Planting in Sardinia (Italy) and Its Evaluation for Agroforestry Systems and Sustainable Land Use 被引量:1
作者 Michele Puxeddu Gianluca Marras Giorgio Murino 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第10期1192-1195,共4页
The work reports about the establishment and the development after two years of a Paulownia tree plantation in a large and homogeneous agricultural area, representative as a test site for climate, soil and land use ch... The work reports about the establishment and the development after two years of a Paulownia tree plantation in a large and homogeneous agricultural area, representative as a test site for climate, soil and land use characters of the countryside of Oristano, central Sardinia, Italy. The first results showed that the role assigned to Paulownia trees can be a beneficial system leading to a low carbon and high biomass productive agriculture in short time. 展开更多
关键词 AGROFORESTRY BIOMASS Paulownia tomentosa Sardinia.
Laboratory Evaluation of the Stiffness Modulus of a Modified Bituminous Concrete with PR PLAST Sahara
作者 Imane Harizi Meriem Morsli Mahmoud Bensaibi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第2期132-140,共9页
Uneven roads surface can be observed on bituminous pavements. This is due to moving loads and climate conditions. If the observed deformations exceed the elastic limit, important damages can occur, so new materials ar... Uneven roads surface can be observed on bituminous pavements. This is due to moving loads and climate conditions. If the observed deformations exceed the elastic limit, important damages can occur, so new materials are used to improve the stiffness modulus of bituminous mixtures. To achieve this, a modified bituminous concrete by addition of the PR PLAST Sahara (produced by PR industries and PLAST for Plastic) mainly used in arid region has been studied. The use of this additive at various percentages 0.1, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 by weight of bituminous concrete has been investigated to determine its stiffness modulus. An experimental design using the Taguchi tables has been elaborated to reduce the number of tests. Marshall and NAT (Nottingham asphalt tester) tests have been carried out, and a mathematical model of the stiffness modulus has been proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Modified bituminous concrete PR PLAST Sahara Taguchi method stiffness modulus Marshall test Nottinghamasphalt tester.
作者 左双文 叶鑫 《抗日战争研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期81-98,M0004,共19页
太平洋战争爆发后,中美英三国开始积极谋划联合军事行动,然而就在此时,英缅当局为加强缅甸防卫,在还未征得中方同意的情况下,就匆忙将“土鲁撒”轮所载美国援华租借法案军火物资扣留,此举引发了中方相当的疑虑和不满。事件发生后,中缅... 太平洋战争爆发后,中美英三国开始积极谋划联合军事行动,然而就在此时,英缅当局为加强缅甸防卫,在还未征得中方同意的情况下,就匆忙将“土鲁撒”轮所载美国援华租借法案军火物资扣留,此举引发了中方相当的疑虑和不满。事件发生后,中缅运输局局长俞飞鹏在缅与英美官员紧急交涉,蒋介石接到报告,极表愤怒,声称不惜中断中英联合作战计划。其后英缅当局又接连扣留新到物资并欲将中国其他存缅物资亦纳入统一调配范围,蒋乃向英方递交措辞强硬的抗议书,坚持须先经中方同意才能改变援华租借物资的分配,这一要求得到了罗斯福的认可。鉴于日军攻缅局势的日益紧迫,双方从共同对日作战的战略利益考虑,在美国的调停下互相退让,英方同意全数退还扣货,中方向英方移转部分军火,事件乃得以平息。 展开更多
关键词 英属缅甸 援华租借法案物资 ”轮 俞飞鹏
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