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节水条件下不同播期密度设计对不同品种冬小麦群体生长特性和产量的影响 被引量:6
作者 钱兆国 吴科 +2 位作者 王瑞霞 牟秋焕 孙宪印 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2012年第27期124-129,共6页
明确适应本地区气候变化和节水需要的小麦晚播适期范围,了解不同品种特性并确定其合理的播种期和种植密度,对充分挖掘小麦品种的产量潜力是非常重要的。利用随机区组试验研究‘泰山23’和‘泰山9818’在只浇底墒水和灌浆水的情况下,在4... 明确适应本地区气候变化和节水需要的小麦晚播适期范围,了解不同品种特性并确定其合理的播种期和种植密度,对充分挖掘小麦品种的产量潜力是非常重要的。利用随机区组试验研究‘泰山23’和‘泰山9818’在只浇底墒水和灌浆水的情况下,在4个播期、密度组合时的产量构成变化及群体发育动态变化。结果表明:适宜的晚播期限内通过增加播量来达到高产的同时,重要的是稳定其较高的千粒重。花期、灌浆期叶面积指数和产量存在正相关关系。‘泰山23’各播期的产量顺序为B1>B2>B3>B4,第四播期产量最低,且与其他播期产量有显著差异,在当前设计密度下,宜适期早播。‘泰山9818’产量顺序为B2>B1>B3>B4,且各播期产量无显著差异,各播期均可播种。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 播期密度设计 产量 群体发育
旱地小麦集水补灌播期密度效应研究 被引量:2
作者 崔欢虎 闫翠萍 +2 位作者 靖华 马爱平 裴雪霞 《河南职业技术师范学院学报》 2002年第2期10-12,共3页
1 998~ 1 999年 ,在山西省临汾应用裂区设计法就旱地冬小麦集水补灌的播期密度效应进行了研究。结果表明 :主因子播期 A3 ( 1 0月 1日 )、播期 A2 ( 9月 2 4日 )与播期 A1( 9月 1 7日 )的产量存在 5 %显著差异 ;副因子播量之间不存在... 1 998~ 1 999年 ,在山西省临汾应用裂区设计法就旱地冬小麦集水补灌的播期密度效应进行了研究。结果表明 :主因子播期 A3 ( 1 0月 1日 )、播期 A2 ( 9月 2 4日 )与播期 A1( 9月 1 7日 )的产量存在 5 %显著差异 ;副因子播量之间不存在显著差异 ;最优组合为 A3 B2 即 1 0月 1日播种 ,播量 30 0万粒 /hm2 ,产量达 34 4 1 .0kg/hm2。该处理水分生产效率达 1 6 .0 5 kg/( mm· hm2 )。并对 A1、A2 、A3 播期的冬前、拔节期生物学效应进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 旱地小麦 集水补灌 播期密度 栽培技术
‘晋大麦(啤)2号’不同播期密度与产量关系的探讨 被引量:1
作者 董双全 《农学学报》 2015年第10期18-21,共4页
通过探讨‘晋大麦(啤)2号’在当地生态环境下的最佳综合配套高产栽培技术,为推广种植本品种获得高产高效提供科学的理论依据。对该品种进行了不同播期、密度与产量关系的研究,以明确产量与播期、播量的关系。结果表明:播量从60.00-12... 通过探讨‘晋大麦(啤)2号’在当地生态环境下的最佳综合配套高产栽培技术,为推广种植本品种获得高产高效提供科学的理论依据。对该品种进行了不同播期、密度与产量关系的研究,以明确产量与播期、播量的关系。结果表明:播量从60.00-120.00 kg/hm2范围内,随播量增加产量随之提高,变幅在6186.98-6573.66 kg/hm2,反之,播量再高时,产量降低。播期以9月30日至10月5日产量较高,变幅为6600.33-6693.67 kg/hm2,随之播期推迟产量变低。选择适宜的播期和播量,对‘晋大麦(啤)2号’品种获得高产至关重要。 展开更多
关键词 播期密度 产量 '晋大麦(啤)2号’
鲁东半岛地区夏玉米播期密度研究 被引量:4
作者 陈康 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2014年第6期108-112,共5页
为实现半岛地区小麦玉米双高产,探明适宜的配套栽培技术,通过选用玉米品种‘登海605’,采用5个播期和3个密度的试验方法,研究‘登海605’在半岛地区适宜的播期和密度。结果表明:‘登海605’适宜播期是6月15日至6月21日,在适期内争取早播... 为实现半岛地区小麦玉米双高产,探明适宜的配套栽培技术,通过选用玉米品种‘登海605’,采用5个播期和3个密度的试验方法,研究‘登海605’在半岛地区适宜的播期和密度。结果表明:‘登海605’适宜播期是6月15日至6月21日,在适期内争取早播,以实现高产,最佳密度为7.2万株/hm2。 展开更多
关键词 半岛地区 夏玉米 播期密度
作者 张雪梅 严明强 秋旭 《汉中科技》 2013年第6期23-23,22,共2页
关键词 油菜 播期密度 对比试验
西农3517小麦品种不同播期密度试验研究 被引量:3
作者 赵淑芹 程兴虎 闵艳娥 《农业科技通讯》 2021年第3期45-47,共3页
为充分发挥西农3517的品种优势,特开展播期与密度试验,研究不同播期、密度对该品种生育期、分蘖、群体、亩穗数、穗粒数、粒重和产量等因素的影响,确定了西农3517小麦品种在陕西灌区生态条件下高产的适宜播种期为10月11~18日,合理种植... 为充分发挥西农3517的品种优势,特开展播期与密度试验,研究不同播期、密度对该品种生育期、分蘖、群体、亩穗数、穗粒数、粒重和产量等因素的影响,确定了西农3517小麦品种在陕西灌区生态条件下高产的适宜播种期为10月11~18日,合理种植密度为每亩基本苗16万~20万。 展开更多
关键词 西农3517 小麦品种 播期密度 试验研究
作者 魏映俊 陈定顺 《农业科技与信息》 2015年第4期62-62,64,共2页
以西瓜新品种金星1号为试验品种,进行了地膜西瓜播期密度试验。结果表明,以4月11日播种,种植密度选择13 320株/hm2组合最好。
关键词 地膜 西瓜 播期密度
夏玉米籽粒灌浆和冠层结构及产质量对播期与密度互作效应的响应 被引量:1
作者 潘正茂 许海涛 李长红 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2022年第4期61-70,共10页
【目的】探明夏玉米籽粒灌浆、冠层结构及产质量对播期与密度互作效应的响应规律,以期为豫南生态区玉米生产上适宜播期与密度的确定提供技术和理论支撑。【方法】设播期与密度2个因素,采用裂区试验设计方法,研究5月25日(S_(1))、6月10日... 【目的】探明夏玉米籽粒灌浆、冠层结构及产质量对播期与密度互作效应的响应规律,以期为豫南生态区玉米生产上适宜播期与密度的确定提供技术和理论支撑。【方法】设播期与密度2个因素,采用裂区试验设计方法,研究5月25日(S_(1))、6月10日(S_(2))、6月25日(S_(3))3个播期和6.75万株/hm^(2)(D_(1))、7.50万株/hm^(2)(D_(2))、8.25万株/hm^(2)(D_(3))3个密度及播期与密度互作效应对夏玉米籽粒灌浆、冠层结构及产质量的影响。【结果】S_(1) D_(1)籽粒干物质积累量最大,S_(2) D_(1)平均灌浆速率最高;吐丝期S_(2) D_(2)叶面积指数最高,显著高于除S_(2) D_(3)、S_(3) D_(2)和S_(3) D_(3)外的其余处理,呈高效的冠层结构;S_(1) D_(1)穗部及底部叶片能够接收更多光能,有益于玉米籽粒充实灌浆,播种越晚、密度越高,越不利于粗淀粉、粗蛋白质及粗脂肪在玉米籽粒中的积累,适期播种与低密度互作能够提高玉米的品质;播期与密度互作显著影响行粒数、秃尖长和百粒质量,对穗长、穗粗和穗行数的影响不显著;S_(2) D_(2)产量最高,达9625.5 kg/hm^(2),较S_(3) D_(1)提高22.40%,播期与密度互作不同处理对产量的影响依次为S_(2) D_(2)>S_(2) D_(3)>S_(1) D_(2)>S_(2) D_(1)>S_(1) D_(3)>S_(3) D_(2)>S_(3) D_(3)>S_(1) D_(1)>S_(3) D_(1),相同播期下随密度的增大产量呈先升后降趋势,相同密度下随播期的延迟产量也呈相同的变化趋势。【结论】6月10日播种,密度为7.50万株/hm^(2)的群体分布更趋合理,有利于穗行数、行粒数和百粒质量协同发挥作用,其产量最高,达9625.5 kg/hm^(2)。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 籽粒灌浆 冠层结构 品质 产量 密度互作
播期和密度对杂交茎瘤芥“涪杂2号”产量影响研究 被引量:4
作者 王旭祎 范永红 +3 位作者 刘义华 林合清 王彬 李娟 《耕作与栽培》 2005年第5期19-20,共2页
在当地较高施肥水平下,应用二元二次通用旋转组合设计,研究了播期(x1)、密度(x2)对茎瘤芥(榨菜)新组合“涪杂2号”瘤茎产量的效应,结果表明:(1)播期对瘤茎产量有显著的正效应,密度对产量有不明显的负效应;二者为影响产量的主要因子;(2)... 在当地较高施肥水平下,应用二元二次通用旋转组合设计,研究了播期(x1)、密度(x2)对茎瘤芥(榨菜)新组合“涪杂2号”瘤茎产量的效应,结果表明:(1)播期对瘤茎产量有显著的正效应,密度对产量有不明显的负效应;二者为影响产量的主要因子;(2)播期和密度的组配对茎瘤芥产量具较明显的负效应,由此建立了小区产量与播期,密度二因子间的回归数学模型。 展开更多
关键词 茎瘤芥(榨菜) 密度 产量影响 回归模型 茎瘤芥 密度 二次通用旋转组合设计 杂交 主要因子
高海拔地区大蒜最佳播期与种植密度初探 被引量:2
作者 卢云昌 罗新民 汪雍 《耕作与栽培》 2006年第6期18-19,36,共3页
黔西北地区引种大蒜进行品种、播期和密度试验,方差分析表明品种间蒜薹产量威宁最高,迭472.4kg/667m^2。蒜头产量麻江红蒜最高,达1315.1kg/667m^2,彭县大蒜蒜薹、蒜头产量最低,获得最高产量的播期蒜薹以9月中旬为宜,蒜头以8~... 黔西北地区引种大蒜进行品种、播期和密度试验,方差分析表明品种间蒜薹产量威宁最高,迭472.4kg/667m^2。蒜头产量麻江红蒜最高,达1315.1kg/667m^2,彭县大蒜蒜薹、蒜头产量最低,获得最高产量的播期蒜薹以9月中旬为宜,蒜头以8~9月中旬为宜,品种播期互作显著,要获最高蒜薹、蒜头产量应选择不同品种不同播期。毕节大蒜较晚熟。密度与蒜薹和蒜头产量极显著相关,适宜栽培密度蒜薹6.25万~6.5万株/667m^2,蒜头6.95万~7.0万株/667m^2。 展开更多
关键词 大蒜 试验 品比密度 高海拔
黑豆不同密度和不同播期试验 被引量:2
作者 张瑞 吕玉兰 +1 位作者 陈芳飞 杭丽 《农业工程技术》 2016年第17期27-27,20,共2页
关键词 黑豆 栽培 种植密度 神木县
不同播种方案下补灌对冬小麦水分利用和产量的影响 被引量:2
作者 王森 尚云秋 +2 位作者 朱俊科 谷淑波 王东 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期1151-1160,共10页
为明确不同的群体结构下冬小麦的合理补灌水时间和数量,于2018-2019年冬小麦生长季,通过裂裂区试验,以品种为主区,选用大穗型品种山农23和中多穗型品种山农29;以播种方案(播期+种植密度)为副区,设10月5日播种+基本苗120×104株·... 为明确不同的群体结构下冬小麦的合理补灌水时间和数量,于2018-2019年冬小麦生长季,通过裂裂区试验,以品种为主区,选用大穗型品种山农23和中多穗型品种山农29;以播种方案(播期+种植密度)为副区,设10月5日播种+基本苗120×104株·hm^(-2)(适期精播,A1)和10月12日播种+基本苗240×104株·hm^(-2)(晚播增密,A2)两个水平;以补灌方案为副副区,设拔节期和开花期补灌使0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水率达100%田间持水率(W1)和拔节期补灌使0~40 cm土层土壤相对含水率达100%田间持水率(W2)两个水平,分析了拔节期和开花期补灌对不同播期和种植密度下冬小麦水分利用和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明,在A1条件下,与W2处理相比,W1处理显著降低了小麦对土壤贮水的消耗,增加了对补灌水的利用,提高了自群体总茎蘖数量达到最大值至开花期的分蘖消亡速率,增加了成熟期群体干物质积累量,显著提高穗粒数、千粒重、水分利用效率和灌水生产效率;在A2条件下,与W2处理相比,W1处理提高了拔节至开花期间的分蘖消亡速率、成熟期群体干物质积累量、穗粒数、籽粒产量和灌水生产效率,显著增加小麦对土壤贮水的消耗量和农田耗水量。上述结果说明,拔节期和开花期补灌使麦田0~20 cm土层土壤相对含水率达100%田间持水率,提高了两种播种方案下大穗型和中多穗型小麦品种的穗粒数、千粒重和灌水生产效率,尤其提高了适期精播小麦的水分利用效率和晚播增密小麦的籽粒产量,是调控不同群体结构下冬小麦实现高产和高水分利用效率的最优补灌方案。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 补灌 和种植密度 产量 水分利用效率
Effect of Different Sowing Dates and Densities on Individual Morphological Development of Super Short-season Insect-resistant Cotton 被引量:4
作者 李金才 唐光雷 李存东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第4期533-536,共4页
[Objective] The paper was to explore the effect of different sowing dates and densities on individual morphological development of super short-season insect-resistant cotton,confirm their effects on vegetative and rep... [Objective] The paper was to explore the effect of different sowing dates and densities on individual morphological development of super short-season insect-resistant cotton,confirm their effects on vegetative and reproductive growth of cotton,so as to provide theoretical and practical guidance for sowing date and density management of cotton planting in Jidong cotton growing region in Yellow River Basin.[Method] With super short-season insect-resistant cotton"546"as materials,the effects of different sowing dates(sowing dateⅠ:May 20;sowing dateⅡ:June 2;sowing date Ⅲ:June 14)and densities(low density:120 000 plants/hm2;middle density:150 000 plants/hm2;high density:180 000 plants/hm2)on individual morphological development of super short-season insect-resistant cotton were explored.[Result] Different sowing dates and density treatments significantly affected the individual morphological development of super short-season insect-resistant cotton"546".The effectiveness of sowing date was higher than the effectiveness of density,and the effectiveness of sowing date on development of number of individual fruit branches was higher than that on plant height and stem diameter.[Conclusion] The regulation of sowing date and density during the cultivation process of super short-season insect-resistant cotton "546" in Jidong cotton growing region in Yellow River Basin could effectively promote vegetative and reproductive growth of cotton,strengthening its production base. 展开更多
关键词 Sowing date DENSITY Super short-season insect-resistant cotton Individual morphological development
The Effect of Sowing Date and Density on the Characters and Yield of Maize in Chongqing 被引量:1
作者 田红琳 杨华 +5 位作者 蒋志成 张丕辉 李晔 周汝平 崔俊娟 许明陆 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2640-2643,共4页
In order to investigate the most suitable sowing period and the optimum planting density of new com variety ‘Yudan 30' In Chongqing region, using split plot experiment design, the effect of sowing date and planting ... In order to investigate the most suitable sowing period and the optimum planting density of new com variety ‘Yudan 30' In Chongqing region, using split plot experiment design, the effect of sowing date and planting density on main a- gronomic characters and yield of maize in the field was studied. The results showed that in Chongqing, the delay of sowing date could shorten the fertility peri- od, and reduce 100-grain Weight and yield, but could increase plant height and ear height, panicle traits did not change significantly. With the density increasing, plant height and ear height also increased, while ear length, ear diameter, stem diameter, row number and kernel number also decreased. 100-grain weight and yield also in- creased with the increase of density, but to a certain threshold, yield and 100-grain weight decreased with the increase of density. The yield of 3 sowing periods pre- sented as AI〉A2〉A3, the yield of 4 kinds of density presented as B3〉EH〉B2〉B1, and the yield under sowing time and density interaction presented as AIB3〉A1B4〉 A2.B3〉A2.B4〉A3B3〉 A3B4〉A2.B2〉A1BI〉A2BI〉A3BI. So proper eady sowing and increase of planting density could raise the yield of maize per unit area, and AIB3 was the optimum planting configuration in Chongqing area. 展开更多
关键词 CORN Sowing time DENSITY Agronomic traits YIELD
Research on Protected Cultivation of Fresh Faba Bean Tong Can Xian 7 被引量:1
作者 陈满峰 赵娜 +2 位作者 汪凯华 缪亚梅 王学军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第7期1418-1420,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to provide scientific basis for protected cultivation of faba bean. [Method] Comparative analysis of the plant height, the first pod height, the branch number per plant, the node position of fi... [Objective] The aim was to provide scientific basis for protected cultivation of faba bean. [Method] Comparative analysis of the plant height, the first pod height, the branch number per plant, the node position of first pod, the node num- ber, yield per plant, plot yield of fresh pod were studied by using Tongcanxian 7 which were planted at different seeding time and different density. [Result] The re- sults show that Tongcanxian 7 had maximum yield with 37 500 plant/hm2 when sowed on November 2. [Conclusion] Plastic greenhouse cultivation is appropriate for fresh eating faba bean, the sowing-time is the beginning of November and the best density is 7 500 plant/hm2. 展开更多
关键词 Fresh faba bean Seeding time DENSITY
Effects of Facilities Condition on Occurrence of Freeze Injury and Fresh Pod Yield of Broad Bean 被引量:2
作者 吴春芳 卞晓春 +1 位作者 曹云英 夏礼如 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期890-897,共8页
Using Tongxian No.2 as material, the effects of different film-covering time, different sowing time and different planting density on the occurrence of freeze injury and yield of fresh broad beans were investigated. T... Using Tongxian No.2 as material, the effects of different film-covering time, different sowing time and different planting density on the occurrence of freeze injury and yield of fresh broad beans were investigated. The randomized block design was adopted. The results showed that with the delayed film covering, the incidence of mild freeze injury and number of headless seedlings were increased correspondingly, but the yield was increased; with the delayed sowing, the branch number per plant, effective branch number per plant, incidence of mild freeze injury and number of headless seedlings were all reduced, and the broad beans, sowed on September 30 th, obtained the highest yield; planting density showed on effect on the occurrence of freeze injury, and the yield was increased with the increase of planting density. Under the same film-covering time, the incidence of freeze injury was reduced with the delayed sowing time and it showed no changes when planting density was changed, but the yield was increased with the increase of planting density and it was highest when broad bean seeds were sowed on September 30th;under the same sowing time, the incidence of freeze injury was increased with the delayed film-covering time and it showed no changes when planting density was changed, and the yield was increased with the delayed film-covering time and increased planting density; under the same planting density, the incidence of freeze injury was increased with the delayed film-covering time but was reduced with the delayed sowing time, and the yield was increased with the delayed film-covering time and it was highest when the broad bean seeds were sowed on September30 th. Under same film-covering time and sowing time, the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were reduced, but the yield was increased with the increase of planting density; under same film-covering time and planting density, the incidence of freeze injury was reduced with the delayed sowing time, and the yield was highest when broad bean seeds were sowed on September30th; under same sowing time and planting density, the incidence of freeze injury and the yield were all increased with the delayed film-covering time. 展开更多
关键词 Facility broad bean Film-covering time Sowing time Planting density Freeze injury Fresh pod yield
Suitable Date of Seeding, Planting Density and Water Use Efficiency for Propagation of Stock Seed Potato in Mountainous Region of Southwest Sichuan 被引量:2
作者 沈学善 罗李飞 +1 位作者 李春荣 黄钢 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1904-1907,共4页
[Objective] The experiment was conducted to study suitable date of seed- ing and density of spring potato at the stock breeding base in Ebian County at an elevation of 1 200 to 1 500 m. [Methods] Virus-free Potato "C... [Objective] The experiment was conducted to study suitable date of seed- ing and density of spring potato at the stock breeding base in Ebian County at an elevation of 1 200 to 1 500 m. [Methods] Virus-free Potato "Chuanyu 13" was used as material to study the effects of date of seeding and density on growing period, germination rate, yield and water use efficiency of spring potato in the field. [Result] With the postponement of date of seeding, the days from sowing to germination shortened, while the germination rate, the number of tubers per plant, the number of middle and small tubers in a group, yield and water use efficiency all increased. Planting density had no effects on the days from sowing to germination and the ger- mination rate, while the number of tubers per ptant, the number of middle and small tubers in a group, yield and water use efficiency increased significantly along with the increasing planting density. [Conclusion] At an elevation of 1 200 m to 1 250 m in Ebian County, the suitable date of seeding for potato was from February 9 to March 1, and the suitable planting density was 12×10^4 plants per hm^2, however, in the optimum planting density has not been found so that it needs further research, 展开更多
关键词 Date ofseedingi Planting density Stock seed YIELD Water use efficiency
稻麦周年高产栽培关键技术研究与推广 被引量:4
作者 姜顺权 嵇瑞华 钱红霞 《江苏科技信息》 2015年第10期33-36,共4页
文章通过实验提出高邮市稻麦周年高产栽培,关键是选择适宜的稻麦品种,充分发挥品种的生产力,利用品种综合抗性表现;选择适宜播栽期和密度,能够充分利用温光资源,搭建高产架子,协调穗粒结构;科学运筹好肥料,能够促进发苗发根,穗数适宜,... 文章通过实验提出高邮市稻麦周年高产栽培,关键是选择适宜的稻麦品种,充分发挥品种的生产力,利用品种综合抗性表现;选择适宜播栽期和密度,能够充分利用温光资源,搭建高产架子,协调穗粒结构;科学运筹好肥料,能够促进发苗发根,穗数适宜,壮秆大穗,最终取得周年高产。 展开更多
关键词 稻麦周年高产 关键技术 品种 密度 肥料运筹
Effects of Different Factors on Yield of No-tillage Direct-seeding Rapeseed
作者 徐绳武 余安安 +5 位作者 郑丽 夏文娟 魏霞 徐丹 徐振强 陈卫东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期294-297,共4页
The effects of different sowing dates,plant densities and nitrogen applica- tion amounts on yield of no-tillage direct seeding rapeseed were studied. The re- sults indicated that the optimum sowing date was from Octob... The effects of different sowing dates,plant densities and nitrogen applica- tion amounts on yield of no-tillage direct seeding rapeseed were studied. The re- sults indicated that the optimum sowing date was from October 1 to 15, the opti- mum plant density was 450 000-750 000 plant/hm2, the optimum nitrogen applica- tion amount was 270 kg/hm2 in the southeast of Hubei province. 展开更多
关键词 Sowing date planting density Nitrogen application amount No-tillage di- rect-seeding
作者 董水仙 《山西农业(致富科技版)》 1995年第9期11-11,共1页
晋花2号原名5706花生,由山西省农科院经济作物所1982年以延安花生作母本,蔓生7号作父本杂交选育而成。 该品种株型直立,主茎高18.2厘米,侧枝长25.6厘米,有效分枝7个左右,单株结果数平均23.5个,百果重215克,百仁重82.9克。
关键词 花生 品种株型 杂交选育 有效分枝 经济作物 出仁率 密度 主茎高 栽培技术要点 百果重
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