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寿险营销新体制区域收展制及其面临的挑战 被引量:2
作者 杨舸 闵晓平 《管理现代化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期16-18,共3页
经过十多年的发展,我国寿险代理人营销制度的弊端逐渐显现,迫切需要一次创新。区域收展制作为一种新型营销体制,在日本及我国台湾地区被普遍采用,国内保险公司也对此进行了尝试。本文介绍了区域收展制的发展历史及两种变形方式,分析了... 经过十多年的发展,我国寿险代理人营销制度的弊端逐渐显现,迫切需要一次创新。区域收展制作为一种新型营销体制,在日本及我国台湾地区被普遍采用,国内保险公司也对此进行了尝试。本文介绍了区域收展制的发展历史及两种变形方式,分析了区域收展制的特点,指出了在我国开展区域收展制应该注意的几个问题。 展开更多
关键词 寿险营销 区域收展制 创新
作者 黄惠云 《经济师》 2006年第11期221-223,共3页
现阶段我国寿险市场仍然处于较高的垄断地位,新的营销观念尚处于萌芽状态,寿险营销人员整体素质不高,极不适应保险消费市场需求,必须寻求新的营销模式和营销渠道。国内有的寿险公司开始尝试建立收展制营销体制,希望能够拓宽保险营销渠道... 现阶段我国寿险市场仍然处于较高的垄断地位,新的营销观念尚处于萌芽状态,寿险营销人员整体素质不高,极不适应保险消费市场需求,必须寻求新的营销模式和营销渠道。国内有的寿险公司开始尝试建立收展制营销体制,希望能够拓宽保险营销渠道,改变目前保险代理人占据主导地位但口碑较差的寿险营销模式,从而带动保险行业快速、健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 寿险营销 现状 收展制 服务质量 职业稳定性
作者 施玉梅 《金融教育研究》 2007年第5期35-37,共3页
自我国引进收展制以来,收展制已成为我国寿险营销的新模式。经过几年的发展,我国目前收展制已成为和代理人营销制并存的一种销售方式。收展制的出现给我国的寿险营销注入了生机,也产生了一些问题。文章分析了我国收展制发展的现状和存... 自我国引进收展制以来,收展制已成为我国寿险营销的新模式。经过几年的发展,我国目前收展制已成为和代理人营销制并存的一种销售方式。收展制的出现给我国的寿险营销注入了生机,也产生了一些问题。文章分析了我国收展制发展的现状和存在问题,并根据我国的国情提出了构建有中国特色收展制的几点设想。 展开更多
关键词 收展制 寿险营销 中国特色
寿险公司区域收展制模式选择 被引量:1
作者 张迎斌 任再萍 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期38-41,共4页
区域收展制在我国部分寿险公司已有多年的实践和探索,并取得了一定成效。随着我国寿险公司营销管理体制逐步向以客户为中心的体制转变,将有越来越多的寿险公司开始引入和实施区域收展制。在进行区域收展制构建时,会遇到投资方式、组织... 区域收展制在我国部分寿险公司已有多年的实践和探索,并取得了一定成效。随着我国寿险公司营销管理体制逐步向以客户为中心的体制转变,将有越来越多的寿险公司开始引入和实施区域收展制。在进行区域收展制构建时,会遇到投资方式、组织架构、保单资源管理、队伍建设和区域经营等因素的制约。受制于这些不同因素的影响,区域收展制可以有多种可能的组合模式,寿险公司应从实际出发选择适合自身的区域收展制发展模式。 展开更多
关键词 区域收展制 孤儿保单 模式
作者 冯巧玲 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2015年第5期50-53,共4页
在现行薪酬政策的刺激下,保险代理人则不愿意花费更多的时间进行售后服务;同时由于保险代理人流动性很大,"孤儿保单"问题凸现。文章通过对郑州市中国人寿老客户的调查,给出调查结论,分析存在的问题,最后提出收展部维护与开发... 在现行薪酬政策的刺激下,保险代理人则不愿意花费更多的时间进行售后服务;同时由于保险代理人流动性很大,"孤儿保单"问题凸现。文章通过对郑州市中国人寿老客户的调查,给出调查结论,分析存在的问题,最后提出收展部维护与开发客户的政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 中国人寿 收展制 客户维护与开发 关系营销
作者 廖定进 丁晓 《四川经济研究》 2006年第1期39-41,共3页
经过十多年的发展,寿险个人营销体制中的个人营销员身份定位不清、素质良莠不齐、流失严重等问题产生了一定程度的消极影响,亟待转变。与个人营销体制相比,收展制能突破现行个人营销体制发展瓶颈,有效提高续期收费水平,提升公司的... 经过十多年的发展,寿险个人营销体制中的个人营销员身份定位不清、素质良莠不齐、流失严重等问题产生了一定程度的消极影响,亟待转变。与个人营销体制相比,收展制能突破现行个人营销体制发展瓶颈,有效提高续期收费水平,提升公司的市场开拓力和竞争力。加大对收展制的探索力度,有助于整个寿险业寻找继个人营销员制度之后的第二条飞跃之路。 展开更多
关键词 收展制 个人营销 寿险营销
Sustainability of China's Tax Revenue Growth: Experience and Prospect
作者 王道树 《China Economist》 2012年第6期100-109,共10页
This paper summarizes the main characteristics of China's tax revenue growth during the period of 1994-2010, and probes the causes behind the sustained and rapid growth of China's taxation from its sources including... This paper summarizes the main characteristics of China's tax revenue growth during the period of 1994-2010, and probes the causes behind the sustained and rapid growth of China's taxation from its sources including the fiscal and taxation system, and tax collection mechanisms. Additionally, the author lists the major challenges confronting China's sustainable tax growth during the "12th Five-Year Plan "period (2011-2015), for example, slowed growth in sources of taxation, a mismatched tax system, lagging reform in fiscal structure and the management system, and restrictions in tax collection and administration capacity. The author proposes the following suggestions: 1) a structural taxation reform should be carried out to promote sustainable economic growth and a change in development model, thereby consolidating the source base of taxation; 2) to consolidate the fiscal and taxation system through taxes and fees reform, standardizing the government budget, advancing reform in the tax-sharing system, and optimizing fiscal expenditure; and 3) to strengthen tax collection mechanisms by promoting taxation by law, implementing comprehensive taxation administration in the government, and improving the tax collection capacity. 展开更多
关键词 TAX sustainable growth tax reform fiscal system tax collection and administration
An EXAFS investigation of the mechanism of competitive sorption between Co(Ⅱ) and Ni(Ⅱ) at γ-alumina/solution interface 被引量:2
作者 Wenxian Gou Junfeng Ji Wei Li 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期462-464,共3页
Co(Ⅱ)and Ni(Ⅱ)are two common toxic heavy metals,and may simultaneously exist in contaminated water,soil,and sediment systems in Earth’s surface environment.Under this circumstance,competitive adsorption between the... Co(Ⅱ)and Ni(Ⅱ)are two common toxic heavy metals,and may simultaneously exist in contaminated water,soil,and sediment systems in Earth’s surface environment.Under this circumstance,competitive adsorption between the two metals may influence their migration,toxicity,and bioavailability.In this research,the competitive sorption of Co(Ⅱ)and Ni(Ⅱ)on γ-Al_2O_3was studied using both macroscopic sorption experiments and extended X-ray absorption fine structure(EXAFS)spectroscopy.Results suggest that Ni(Ⅱ)reduced the amount of Co(Ⅱ)sorption in a binary-solute system at pH 6.0.This is because both Co(Ⅱ)and Ni(Ⅱ)form inner-sphere surface complexes during sorption on γ-Al_2O_3and compete for the surface reactive sites.However,Co(Ⅱ)exhibited a negligible influence on sorption amount of Ni(Ⅱ)under the same conditions,which suggests Ni(Ⅱ)has a stronger affinity to alumina surface.At pH 7.5,Co(Ⅱ)and Ni(Ⅱ)sorption density were much higher than that at pH 6.0,but there no mutual competitive effect was observed.EXAFS analysis further revealed that formation of layered double-hydrated precipitates was the dominant sorption mechanism for both Co(Ⅱ)and Ni(Ⅱ)at pH 7.5.Because this type of sorption does not rely on surface reactive sites,there was no competition between Co(Ⅱ)and Ni(Ⅱ).This finding sheds light on risk assessment and remediation of Ni/Co pollution. 展开更多
关键词 Co(Ⅱ) Ni(Ⅱ) Γ-AL2O3 Competitive sorption EXAFS
Toward the Effect of Audit Quality on Earnings Management——Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Enterprises Listed in Shanghai Stock Market
作者 Chun Cai Sha Zhao Yijian Huang 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2005年第2期69-81,共13页
Nowadays, earnings management is a hot issue, but most of the researches focus on the incentives of earnings management and few of them refer to the effect of audit quality on earnings management. In this study, we di... Nowadays, earnings management is a hot issue, but most of the researches focus on the incentives of earnings management and few of them refer to the effect of audit quality on earnings management. In this study, we directly examine the effect of external audit quality on earnings management by using discretionary accruals. We find that the discretionary accruals of non-dual audit companies are significantly greater than those of dual audit companies. We also find that clients of non-First Ten auditors intend to report greater discretionary accruals than those of First Ten auditors. 展开更多
关键词 audit quality earnings management discretionary accruals dual audit non-dual Audit First Tenauditors non-First Ten auditors
The Effect of Tax as an Instrument of Fiscal Policy in Kosovo
作者 Skender Hasani 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第2期234-240,共7页
This paper analyzes and discusses the tax system applied in Kosovo during the period from 1999 until now. It demonstrates the effects of tax policies on the country's economic growth and development of businesses in ... This paper analyzes and discusses the tax system applied in Kosovo during the period from 1999 until now. It demonstrates the effects of tax policies on the country's economic growth and development of businesses in general. This paper also addresses the impact of those policies in maintaining the social equilibrium of a population and economic stability of the country. Applied tax policies in Kosovo have been aimed more at maintaining a stable fiscal and budgetary policy. Based on the analysis of real cases of Kosovo tax laws and their impact on particular businesses, this paper will demonstrate how tax policies applied in Kosovo have given less attention to the need of economic development, which should have been reflected through promoting the development of domestic production, reduction of unemployment, and reduction of the high trade deficit. Empirical evidence from this analysis is discussed, conclusions are derived, and the recommendations of this paper are provided. 展开更多
关键词 tax policy fiscal sustainability economic development KOSOVO
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