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作者 董玉霞 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2023年第5期139-142,共4页
在小学语文教学工作中,阅读环节作为其中的重要组成部分,对学生的语文知识探索产生着至关重要的作用。只有提升学生的阅读能力,写作能力才会由此得到相应的提升,从而实现学生语文综合能力以及学科素养的深入发展。文章对当前小学低年级... 在小学语文教学工作中,阅读环节作为其中的重要组成部分,对学生的语文知识探索产生着至关重要的作用。只有提升学生的阅读能力,写作能力才会由此得到相应的提升,从而实现学生语文综合能力以及学科素养的深入发展。文章对当前小学低年级阅读教学创新发展的重要作用以及当前面临的问题现状进行了全面阐述,并以此为基础,进一步剖析了新课改引领小小学语文低年级阅读教学的开展策略,希望可以从根本上提升小学语文低年级阅读教学的整体质效。 展开更多
关键词 新课改引 小学语文 低年级 阅读教学 策略分析
棚改旧改引入公私合作(PPP)模式的对策研究——以济南市为例 被引量:2
作者 吴春 《山东经济战略研究》 2016年第6期32-35,共4页
一、全新的棚改旧改工作新模式——公私合作(PPP)模式(一)公私合作(PPP)模式的内涵及要点。1.公私合作模式的内涵。公私合作模式(Public-Private-Partnerships,简称PPP),是指政府与私营部门之间的合作关系,通过签订合同等形式,实现政府... 一、全新的棚改旧改工作新模式——公私合作(PPP)模式(一)公私合作(PPP)模式的内涵及要点。1.公私合作模式的内涵。公私合作模式(Public-Private-Partnerships,简称PPP),是指政府与私营部门之间的合作关系,通过签订合同等形式,实现政府与私营部门的合作,在合作过程中, 展开更多
关键词 PPP 改引 私营部门 政策性住房 资金成本 基础设施 风险分担 价格上限 租赁住房 绩效评价
《中国绿色画报》 2015年第1期54-56,共3页
引言党的十八届三中全会决定建立城乡统一的建设用地市场,允许农村集体经营性建设用地出让、租赁、入股,实行与国有土地同等入市、同权同价,显示出了中央在土地制度改革上的魄力。在这场土地制度改革中,集体林改是先行者,在许多方面已... 引言党的十八届三中全会决定建立城乡统一的建设用地市场,允许农村集体经营性建设用地出让、租赁、入股,实行与国有土地同等入市、同权同价,显示出了中央在土地制度改革上的魄力。在这场土地制度改革中,集体林改是先行者,在许多方面已先期破局,如改革要求的"促使承包权和经营权分离,形成所有权、承包权、经营权三权分置,经营权流转的格局""要让农民成为土地适度规模经营的积极参与者和真正受益者""积极发展农民股份合作,激活农村各类生产要素潜能,建立符合市场经济要求的农村集体经济运营新机制"等方面,都有良好的实践。 展开更多
关键词 集体林权 土地制度 承包权 制度 建设用地 同权 改引 林下经济 经济运营 林业专业
国有清洁能源企业引战混改实践——以国家电投青海黄河项目为例 被引量:3
作者 房梁 何召滨 《管理会计研究》 2021年第3期26-33,87,共9页
青海黄河引战项目(以下简称"黄河项目")是国家电投推动混合所有制改革、加快清洁能源发展的重要举措,是黄河公司改革发展、走向资本市场的重大里程碑。本文以国家电投青海黄河引战项目为例,从战略目标选择、资产重组、资产估... 青海黄河引战项目(以下简称"黄河项目")是国家电投推动混合所有制改革、加快清洁能源发展的重要举措,是黄河公司改革发展、走向资本市场的重大里程碑。本文以国家电投青海黄河引战项目为例,从战略目标选择、资产重组、资产估值与定价、路演推介、挂牌交易及战投遴选、协议谈判六个引战关键方面,分享了实践经验。同时,对于投资者最为关心的资产定价,从水电、风电、光伏三个主要清洁能源板块介绍说明了该项目使用的估值方法,为国有企业引战混改以及能源产业资本运作提供一些路径与思考。 展开更多
关键词 战混 战略目标选择 资产重组
作者 辛颖 《法人》 2014年第11期28-29,共2页
关键词 混合所有制 支柱行业 经济发展 国有企业 现代企业制度 股份制企业 改引 央企 兼并收购 股权多元化
试论陶澍淮北票盐改革 被引量:1
作者 黄康健 《苏州教育学院学报》 2008年第1期102-105,共4页
关键词 陶澍 盐政
Reconstruction of HP Intein with Overlap-extension PCR 被引量:1
作者 李佳 林瑛 +3 位作者 张秀丽 扬子江 贾秋品 孟清 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期727-730,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to reconstruct the HP intein by overlap-exten- sion PCR. [Method] Several primers were designed according to the principle of overlap-extension PCR that the repeat sequences were overlappe... [Objective] This study aimed to reconstruct the HP intein by overlap-exten- sion PCR. [Method] Several primers were designed according to the principle of overlap-extension PCR that the repeat sequences were overlapped and served as the template to the other DNA strand in amplification. Then, several rounds of over- lap PCR reaction were conducted to mutate the four cysteines in the HP intein into serines, and introduce a linker sequence containing a tag for product detection and purification. [Result] DNA sequencing analysis proved that the four cysteines in the HP intein were successfully mutated into serines; the PCR precursor fragments were also rejoined into an intact HP gene fragment, without introducing any other unex- pected mutation; the DNA linker of 46 bp was successfully inserted into the de- signed HP gene sequences, without any mutation and base pair mismatch. [Conclu- sion] The HP intein was rapidly reconstructed by overlap-extension PCR in this study, which not only expands the application of overlap PCR in protein engineering, but also provides a simple, efficient and highly accurate tool for the reconstruction and modification of intein. 展开更多
关键词 Overlap-extension PCR Reconstruction of intein Primer design Application of intein
清水江畔的下司古镇 被引量:1
作者 肖世斌 田一中 《当代贵州》 2005年第4期60-60,共1页
以纸代布,以笔当针,以颜料代替花丝线,将传统的民间艺术与现代绘画技巧相结合,创作了一幅幅夸张得体、粗犷有力、淳朴自然、具有鲜明民族特色和浓郁乡土气息的"农民画".凡是来到下司风景名胜区旅游的人们,万万没有想到这丹青... 以纸代布,以笔当针,以颜料代替花丝线,将传统的民间艺术与现代绘画技巧相结合,创作了一幅幅夸张得体、粗犷有力、淳朴自然、具有鲜明民族特色和浓郁乡土气息的"农民画".凡是来到下司风景名胜区旅游的人们,万万没有想到这丹青妙笔竟出自大山深处铜鼓村的苗族妇女之手.大家发出由衷的感慨:好一个绘画的海洋. 展开更多
关键词 风景名胜区 农民画 金麟 毛然 改引 研种
作者 田纪云 《江西老区建设》 1987年第4期6-8,共3页
关键词 扶贫工作 田纪云 经济开发 经济发展战略 重点项目 改引 自给性生产 资金集中 长远发展规划 资金数量
作者 江里程 《群众》 北大核心 1994年第12期11-11,共1页
社会主义市场经济体制的建立,为资源要素的合理流动、优化组合创造了条件,也为地方经济借用外力加快发展提供了广阔的途径。改革开放以来,乡镇企业靠横向联合起家异军突起,深圳、珠海等经济特区靠外向开拓后来居上,都与借用外力密切相... 社会主义市场经济体制的建立,为资源要素的合理流动、优化组合创造了条件,也为地方经济借用外力加快发展提供了广阔的途径。改革开放以来,乡镇企业靠横向联合起家异军突起,深圳、珠海等经济特区靠外向开拓后来居上,都与借用外力密切相联。实践证明,只要把握市场经济的运行规律。 展开更多
关键词 市场经济体制 地方经济 实践证明 资金短缺 力者 借力发展 经济体制 改引 商业信誉 企业产权
作者 李鲁山 《教育家》 2016年第33期36-37,共2页
【杨文普简介】杨文普,河南省南阳市第一中学副校长。从2003年起,他带领西峡县教育局科研团队,通过学习江苏洋思中学等教学改革成果,不断探索西峡课堂教学模式,创造更为科学高效的'三疑三探'教学改革新思路。十多年来,杨文普在... 【杨文普简介】杨文普,河南省南阳市第一中学副校长。从2003年起,他带领西峡县教育局科研团队,通过学习江苏洋思中学等教学改革成果,不断探索西峡课堂教学模式,创造更为科学高效的'三疑三探'教学改革新思路。十多年来,杨文普在西峡部分学校进行实验,取得优异成绩,目前这项教改成果经优化升级,在全国近20个省市区逐步实验推广。 展开更多
关键词 教学革成果 三疑 河南省南阳市 革新思路 成果 课堂教学 副校长 课堂操作 小组讨论 改引
《西部大开发》 2016年第7期111-112,共2页
左宗棠,字季高,湖南湘阴人(1812-1885年)。清道光举人,湘军军阀,洋务派首领。清同治五年(1866年),清廷调左宗棠出任陕甘总督,率湘军镇压回民起义。兵到长安驻扎时,曾到泾阳拜谒恩师徐法绩(县中张镇土门徐人)。清道光年间,左宗棠在湖南... 左宗棠,字季高,湖南湘阴人(1812-1885年)。清道光举人,湘军军阀,洋务派首领。清同治五年(1866年),清廷调左宗棠出任陕甘总督,率湘军镇压回民起义。兵到长安驻扎时,曾到泾阳拜谒恩师徐法绩(县中张镇土门徐人)。清道光年间,左宗棠在湖南参加长沙乡试时。 展开更多
关键词 徐法绩 茯砖茶 陕甘总督 清道光 清同治 湘阴 回民起义 家茶 同治十二年 改引
Effect of Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids on Cl-Adsorption by Variable Charge Soils 被引量:7
作者 XURen-Kou YANGMa-Li +1 位作者 WANGQiang-Sheng JIGuo-Liang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期405-408,共4页
Low-molecular-weight (LMW) organic acids exist widely in soils and have beenimplicated in many soil processes. The objective of the present paper was to evaluate effect of twoLMW organic acids, citric acid and oxalic ... Low-molecular-weight (LMW) organic acids exist widely in soils and have beenimplicated in many soil processes. The objective of the present paper was to evaluate effect of twoLMW organic acids, citric acid and oxalic acid, on Cl^-adsorption by three variable charge soils, alatosol, a lateritic red soil and a red soil, using a batch method. The results showed that thepresence of citric acid and oxalic acid led to a decrease in Cl^- adsorption with larger decreasesfor citric acid. Among the different soils Cl^- adsorption in the lateritic red soil and the redsoil was more affected by both the LMW organic acids than that in the latosol. 展开更多
关键词 Cl^- adsorption organic acids variable charge soils
A SWOT Analysis of Countermeasures of Yunnan's Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Investing in Myanmar
作者 WAN Chongju 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期46-47,共2页
As the new government of Myanmar has implemented a series of investment-attracting economic reforms since 2011, this paper, using SWOT method, makes an attempt to analyze Yunnan's small and medium-sized enterprises ... As the new government of Myanmar has implemented a series of investment-attracting economic reforms since 2011, this paper, using SWOT method, makes an attempt to analyze Yunnan's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) investing in Myanmar in order to put forward the countermeasures for its disadvantages and external challenges. 展开更多
Entropy-Corrected Holographic Dark Energy 被引量:1
作者 WEI Hao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期743-749,共7页
The holographic dark energy (HDE) is now an studied extensively in the literature. In the derivation of HDE, interesting candidate of dark energy, which has been the black hole entropy plays an important role. In fa... The holographic dark energy (HDE) is now an studied extensively in the literature. In the derivation of HDE, interesting candidate of dark energy, which has been the black hole entropy plays an important role. In fact, the entropy-area relation can be modified due to loop quantum gravity or other reasons. With the modified entropyarea relation, we propose the so-called "entropy-corrected holographic dark energy" (ECHDE) in the present work. We consider many aspects of ECHDE and tlnd some interesting results. In addition, we briefly consider the so-called "entropy-eorreeted agegraphic dark energy" (ECADE). 展开更多
关键词 holographic dark energy entropy-area relation
Tracheobronchial Polyflex stents for the management of benign refractory hypopharyngeal strictures 被引量:2
作者 Rui Almeida Silva Nuno Mesquita +3 位作者 Pedro Pimentel Nunes Elisabete Cardoso Ricardo Marcos Pinto Luís Moreira Dias 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期551-556,共6页
AIM:To describe a modified technique for placement of a tracheobronchial self-expanding plastic stent(SEPS) in patients with benign refractory hypopharyngeal strictures in order to improve dysphagia and allow strictur... AIM:To describe a modified technique for placement of a tracheobronchial self-expanding plastic stent(SEPS) in patients with benign refractory hypopharyngeal strictures in order to improve dysphagia and allow stricture remodeling.METHODS:A case series of four consecutive patients with complex hypopharyngeal strictures after combinedtherapy for laryngeal cancer,previously submitted to multiple sessions of dilation without lasting improvement,is presented.All patients underwent placement of a small diameter and unflared tracheobronchial SEPS.Main outcome measurements were improvement of dysphagia and avoiding of repeated dilation.RESULTS:The modified introducer system allowed an easy and technically successful deployment of the tracheobronchial Polyflex stent through the stricture.All four patients developed complications related to stent placement.Two patients had stent migration(one proximal and one distal),two patients developed phanryngocutaneous fistulas and all patients with stents in situ for more than 8 wk had hyperplastic tissue growth at the upper end of the stent.Stricture recurrence was observed at 4 wk follow-up after stent removal in all patients CONCLUSION:Although technically feasible,placement of a tracheobronchial SEPS is associated with a high risk of complications.Small diameter stents must be kept in place for longer than 3 mo to allow adequate time for stricture remodeling. 展开更多
作者 李国庆 单根法 +1 位作者 张辅贤 钟竑 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2003年第1期33-36,共4页
Objective To design a technique of esophagus-stomach-abdominal wall drainage for the de-layed intrathoracic esophageal perforation and to improve the therapeutic results. Methods Four patients were treated by this sim... Objective To design a technique of esophagus-stomach-abdominal wall drainage for the de-layed intrathoracic esophageal perforation and to improve the therapeutic results. Methods Four patients were treated by this simplified technique. There were 1 case of lower intrathoracic esophageal perforation to the left thorax , 1 high and 2 middle perforation to the right. This technique used two plastic tubes (chest tube) in a diameter about 1 .2cm . One tube served as an intercostal drainage tube to drain purulent effusion , the other was inserted abdominally through stomach to the esophagus about 10cm above the esophageal perforation. Results The four patients were treated successfully by the esophagus-stomach-abdominal wall drainage. There was no mortality or severe morbidity or complication. Hospitalizations were shortened. Conclusion This technique is simple, safe and effective. It may provide a more promising alternative method of treatment for delayed esophageal perforation, especially in the critically ill patients. The procedure can also be extended to deal with esophagus-stomach anastomotic leak. 展开更多
关键词 esophagus delayed intrathoracic esophageal perforation esophagus-stomach-abdominal wall drainage
Domestic, External Demands:Dual-Engines of China's Growti
作者 江小涓 《China Economist》 2011年第1期4-11,共8页
China's economic growth has been driven by the dual-engine of domestic demand and external demand. Among which, domestic demand is the main engine originated from China's huge domestic market. Due to the advantage o... China's economic growth has been driven by the dual-engine of domestic demand and external demand. Among which, domestic demand is the main engine originated from China's huge domestic market. Due to the advantage of openness, external demand has a growing contribution to economic growth. For a long term, China will remain in the stage of rapid industrialization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization, therefore China will further expand its domestic consumption and external demand. The undergoing institutional reform will also contribute to the coordinated development of domestic demand and external demand. 展开更多
关键词 economic growth domestic demand external demand
作者 陈爱平 王涛 《金融世界》 2014年第12期116-117,共2页
在11月15日由上海财经大学上海国际金融中心研究院等主办的"深化自贸区金融改革,推进上海国际金融中心建设"研讨会上,专家指出,上海自贸试验区对上海国际金融中心建设起到了关键性的推动作用,未来以自贸区金改引领上海国际金融中心建... 在11月15日由上海财经大学上海国际金融中心研究院等主办的"深化自贸区金融改革,推进上海国际金融中心建设"研讨会上,专家指出,上海自贸试验区对上海国际金融中心建设起到了关键性的推动作用,未来以自贸区金改引领上海国际金融中心建设,"联动"将是主题词。自贸区金改成果 上海市金融服务办公室主任郑杨11月15日介绍,在各方面共同努力下,中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的金融改革创新取得了四方面成果。 展开更多
关键词 国际金融中心 改引 服务办公室 联动 财经大学 人民币国际化 肖林 资本项目可兑换 对内对外 税收制度
作者 高东山 《语文建设》 1957年第5期46-47,共2页
编辑同志:我是《拼音》月刊的经常读者。《拼音》从1期到8期,我看过以后,觉得里头有些地方拼写的不太恰当,现在一总提出来,和同志们商量。A.词语不合规范,以致意义不明的:1.liangcang(粮仓)(1期附册,P.5,左倒11行)应改成liangshicangku... 编辑同志:我是《拼音》月刊的经常读者。《拼音》从1期到8期,我看过以后,觉得里头有些地方拼写的不太恰当,现在一总提出来,和同志们商量。A.词语不合规范,以致意义不明的:1.liangcang(粮仓)(1期附册,P.5,左倒11行)应改成liangshicangku(粮食仓库)。2.guogi zhi-gian(国际之间)(期数同者,不重写第二次,只写页数。P.6,右倒26行)应改成guogigian(国际间),省去“之”字。3.guky(古渠)(P.9,右8行)应改成lau-shuiky(老水渠)。4.yng(蛹)(P.10,左11行)改成为yngz(蛹子)。5.dui(对)(同页左27行)应改成duiy(对于)。6. 展开更多
关键词 粮食仓库 白骨头 改引 二音 单书 水集 一原 杜勒斯 名时 此方
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