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作者 何静 《广东牙病防治》 1996年第S1期97-97,共1页
关键词 干髓剂 垫底材料 改置 治疗失败 临床观察 充填物 不良后果 东至县 根管口 洞内
作者 杨传禄 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第1期95-99,共5页
夜郎的发掘始于司马迁所作的《史记》。《史记》记录了司马迁对夜郎的考察以及汉廷对西南夷的开发,其中涉及西南夷和夜郎地域文化信息和大一统观念下的开发沟通下的几种主张与观念。由《史记》所记的古夜郎国为引,考察古夜郎属地及变化... 夜郎的发掘始于司马迁所作的《史记》。《史记》记录了司马迁对夜郎的考察以及汉廷对西南夷的开发,其中涉及西南夷和夜郎地域文化信息和大一统观念下的开发沟通下的几种主张与观念。由《史记》所记的古夜郎国为引,考察古夜郎属地及变化,指出夜郎历代改置及地域性的扩缩是现今夜郎属地争论不决的主要原因,这些争议都能在正史中找到依据。司马迁《史记》中对西南夷尤其是古夜郎国的地域性记录虽较少,而后世史书等记载了西南夜郎的“巫鬼”“雄雌黄”“竹枝词”“贬谪”等,这些文化印记说明改置后的西南夜郎与中原一定程度的地域交融、文化融合和相互影响。 展开更多
关键词 《史记》 夜郎属地 夜郎改置 夜郎文化 文化交融
作者 许梦歌 《戏剧之家》 2020年第18期113-113,115,共2页
2012年,一部台湾青春爱情电影《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》再次开启了21世纪青春电影的热潮。青春电影是在特定的时代下以青少年的故事为依托,展示他们成长过程中的困惑、焦虑、快乐。自21世纪后,院线上映的青春电影大都套用怀旧美学... 2012年,一部台湾青春爱情电影《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》再次开启了21世纪青春电影的热潮。青春电影是在特定的时代下以青少年的故事为依托,展示他们成长过程中的困惑、焦虑、快乐。自21世纪后,院线上映的青春电影大都套用怀旧美学,构造出了歌舞升平的青春印象。电影《悲伤逆流成河》改编自80后作家创作的青春文学作品,将文学作品中散落化的情节中心化,聚焦校园暴力问题,关注青春成长中的"殇"与痛。给院线青春电影带来启迪,关注社会现实,聚焦细节——青少年群体成长中不可忽略的问题,走进这个社会群体的内心,而不仅是在电影中将青春符号化。 展开更多
关键词 院线青春电影 内蕴改置 聚焦青少年群体 殇痛
侨郡改置与前燕政权中的胡汉关系 被引量:11
作者 仇鹿鸣 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期94-99,共6页
侨州郡县的研究一直是历史地理研究中的难点,对于前燕设置侨郡的研究尤为不足。通过比对《通鉴》和《晋书》的记载,可知慕容廆设置侨郡的时间在建兴二年,早于东晋。慕容政权采取任用非本州人担任侨郡太守的政策,以此来削弱流民的力量,... 侨州郡县的研究一直是历史地理研究中的难点,对于前燕设置侨郡的研究尤为不足。通过比对《通鉴》和《晋书》的记载,可知慕容廆设置侨郡的时间在建兴二年,早于东晋。慕容政权采取任用非本州人担任侨郡太守的政策,以此来削弱流民的力量,巩固自己的统治。这一政策激化了汉人大族与慕容政权的关系,并导致了大族的叛乱。慕容皝将侨郡改置为侨县,进一步削弱大族的势力。侨郡的改置反映了慕容政权内部胡汉关系的微妙变化。 展开更多
关键词 侨州郡县 改置 大族 胡汉关系
作者 王炳 陈文全 《当代畜牧》 2016年第5期12-12,共1页
关键词 尿道 改置
明代州县区划及其沿革 被引量:4
作者 柏桦 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期32-40,共9页
明代州县增设改置的原因主要有三种 :一是有历史的遗留 ,二是有自然地理环境的限制 ,三是有当时政治的制约。自然地理环境固然有其优势 ,但它不能把人完全隔绝 ;历史遗留和当时的政治 ,都是人为的因素。州县的增改、疆域的划分 ,无疑是... 明代州县增设改置的原因主要有三种 :一是有历史的遗留 ,二是有自然地理环境的限制 ,三是有当时政治的制约。自然地理环境固然有其优势 ,但它不能把人完全隔绝 ;历史遗留和当时的政治 ,都是人为的因素。州县的增改、疆域的划分 ,无疑是人的因素起主导作用。分析明代 740多个州县增改的原因 ,不但可以看出统治者为加强自身统治而花费的苦心 ,而且也可以看出州县的政治职能。 展开更多
关键词 州县 疆界 改置 行政区划 等级
Preparation of Zn-modified nano-ZSM-5 zeolite and its catalytic performance in aromatization of 1-hexene 被引量:6
作者 王高亮 吴伟 +4 位作者 昝望 白雪峰 王文静 戚鑫 O.V.KIKHTYANIN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1580-1586,共7页
The promoting effect of introducing Zn into nano-ZSM-5 zeolites by conventional impregnation method and isomorphous substitution on the performance of 1-hexene aromatization was investigated. The nano-ZSM-5 zeolite wa... The promoting effect of introducing Zn into nano-ZSM-5 zeolites by conventional impregnation method and isomorphous substitution on the performance of 1-hexene aromatization was investigated. The nano-ZSM-5 zeolite was synthesized by a seed-induced method without organic templates. The Zn-modified nano-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts, xZ n/HNZ5 and y Zn/Al-HNZ5, were prepared by the conventional impregnation method and isomorphous substitution, respectively. The structure, chemical composition and acidity of the catalysts were characterized by XRD, XRF, N2 adsorption, SEM, NH3-TPD and Py-IR, while the catalytic properties were evaluated at 480 °C and a weight hourly space velocity(WHSV) of 2.0 h-1 in the aromatization procedure of 1-hexene. Compared with xZ n/HNZ5, y Zn/Al-HNZ5 exhibited smaller particles and higher dispersion of Zn species, which led to greater intergranular mesopore and homogeneous acidity distribution. Experimental results indicated that the synergy effect between the Brnsted and Lewis acid sites of the isomorphously substituted nano-ZSM-5 zeolites could significantly increase aromatics yield and improve catalytic stability in the 1-hexene aromatization. 展开更多
关键词 nano-ZSM-5 zeolite Zn-modification catalytic performance isomorphous substitution AROMATIZATION
作者 焦岚 《河南科技》 2003年第3期35-35,共1页
改制后的科研机构为适应市场经济的发展,内部将会出现多种核算形式的经济实体.如何在新形势下,加强财务管理,进行有效的内部控制,成了摆在我们面前的一个重要课题.我们认为,在改制后的科研机构中引入责任会计制度,将起到事半功倍的效果... 改制后的科研机构为适应市场经济的发展,内部将会出现多种核算形式的经济实体.如何在新形势下,加强财务管理,进行有效的内部控制,成了摆在我们面前的一个重要课题.我们认为,在改制后的科研机构中引入责任会计制度,将起到事半功倍的效果.下面将以河南省煤炭化工研究所为例,论述"责任会计"在转制后的科研机构实际中的应用. 展开更多
关键词 责任会计制 科研机构改制 部门改置
作者 陈汝玉 陈惠霞 《现代商业》 2007年第17期20-20,19,共2页
关键词 产权制度改置方案 资产评估 土地使用权 特许经营权
Medium-Pressure Hydro-upgrading (MHUG) Technology for Producing Clean Diesel Fuel 被引量:7
作者 Jiang Donghong Zhang Yuying +1 位作者 Hu Zhihai Nie Hong 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2012年第1期1-7,共7页
Abstract: This article introduces the development and application of the medium-pressure hydro-upgrading (MHUG) tech- nology developed by the Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP). The MHUG technology... Abstract: This article introduces the development and application of the medium-pressure hydro-upgrading (MHUG) tech- nology developed by the Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP). The MHUG technology based on the chemistry of diesel hydro-upgrading reactions has the advantages of flexible product slate and excellent product quality that can in- crease the cetane rating of diesel fuel up to more than 15 units. The hydrotreating and hydro-upgrading catalysts associated with the MHUG technology have outstanding performance to meet the demand of MHUG technology for hydro-saturation and selective ring-opening of aromatic rings. New MHUG process flow scheme can further increase the yield and selectivity of target products. Commercial application of multiple MHUG units has revealed that the MHUG technology designated for clean diesel production features good feedstock adaptability and operating stability. 展开更多
关键词 medium-pressure hydroupgrading MHUG technology catalyst cetane number clean diesel fuel
Thermal Response Test by Improved Test Rig with Heating or Cooling Soil 被引量:1
作者 付文成 朱家玲 张伟 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2014年第1期15-20,共6页
An improved test rig providing both the heat and cold source was used to perform thermal response test (TRT), and the line source model was used for data analysis. The principle of determining the temperature differ... An improved test rig providing both the heat and cold source was used to perform thermal response test (TRT), and the line source model was used for data analysis. The principle of determining the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of test well can keep the heating or cooling rate constant, along with a reduced size of test rig. Among the influencial factors of the line source model, the temperature difference was determined as the most important, which agreed with the test results. When the gravel was taken as the backfill material, the soil thermal conductivities of heating and cooling at the test place were 1.883 W/(m&#183;K) and 1.754 W/(m&#183;K), respectively, and the deviation of TRT between heating and cooling soil was 6.8%. In the case of fine sand, the thermal conductivities of heating and cooling were 1.541 W/(m&#183;K) and 1.486 W/(m&#183;K), respectively, and the corresponding deviation was 6%. It was also concluded that different velocities of water had less influence on TRT than the temperature difference. 展开更多
关键词 ground source heat pump thermal response test thermal conductivity backfill material
Improved estimation of rotor position for sensorless control of a PMSM based on a sliding mode observer 被引量:8
作者 Wahyu Kunto Wibowo Seok-Kwon Jeong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1643-1656,共14页
This work proposes a new strategy to improve the rotor position estimation of a permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) over wide speed range. Rotor position estimation of a PMSM is performed by using sliding mode ob... This work proposes a new strategy to improve the rotor position estimation of a permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) over wide speed range. Rotor position estimation of a PMSM is performed by using sliding mode observer(SMO). An adaptive observer gain was designed based on Lyapunov function and applied to solve the chattering problem caused by the discontinuous function of the SMO in the wide speed range. The cascade low-pass filter(LPF) with variable cut-off frequency was proposed to reduce the chattering problem and to attenuate the filtering capability of the SMO. In addition, the phase shift caused by the filter was counterbalanced by applying the variable phase delay compensation for the whole speed area. High accuracy estimation result of the rotor position was obtained in the experiment by applying the proposed estimation strategy. 展开更多
关键词 rotor position estimation permanent magnet synchronous motor sliding mode observer adaptive observer gain cascadelow-pass filter variable cut-off frequency variable phase delay compensation
Remuneration Reforms in Public Sector: A Case of Russian Healthcare
作者 Marina Kolosnitsyna 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第1期109-118,共10页
In 2008 remuneration reform for public sector was introduced in Russia. Its main idea was to implement P4P principle well-known in business, including more flexible approach to wage setting. This paper presents an att... In 2008 remuneration reform for public sector was introduced in Russia. Its main idea was to implement P4P principle well-known in business, including more flexible approach to wage setting. This paper presents an attempt to estimate an influence of the new remuneration system (NRS) on earnings level, inequalities and job motivation. The estimates are based on microdata of monitoring survey of healthcare economic problems conducted in Russia in 2009 and 2010. The extended specification of Mincer earning equation and probit-models were used. One could observe increasing wage rates and earning inequalities within healthcare institutions adopted NRS though worker's experience and regional economic differences remain significant wage determining factors. As it occurs, NRS is widely adopted by large regional and central hospitals while smaller health care institutions show less enthusiasm in implementing reform. Obviously, the larger institutions have more money and better educated administrative staff to introduce the new system. Those chief physicians who adopted NRS point out a positive correlation between earnings and individual input. At the same time, those committed to old principles of wage setting more often note declining job turnover. This latter result could possibly indicate negative personnel sorting, less productive workers tending to stay with employer who doesn't assess their performance. As concerns anticipated NRS results such as increasing motivation and quality of health services, the evidence is still ambiguous. 展开更多
关键词 remuneration system pay for performance health care institutions job motivation
Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units Using a Modified Canonical Genetic Algorithm for Observability Analysis
作者 Rodrigo Albuquerque Frazao Aureio Luiz Magalhfies +2 位作者 Denisson Oliveira Shigeaki Lima Igor Santos 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第3期187-194,共8页
This paper proposes a method for optimal placement of synchronized PMUs (phasor measurement units) in electrical power systems using a MCGA (modified canonical genetic algorithm), which the goal is to determine th... This paper proposes a method for optimal placement of synchronized PMUs (phasor measurement units) in electrical power systems using a MCGA (modified canonical genetic algorithm), which the goal is to determine the minimum number of PMUs, as well as the optimal location of these units to ensure the complete topological observability of the system. In case of more than one solution, a strategy of analysis of the design matrix rank is applied to determine the solution with the lower number of critical measurements. In the proposed method of placement, modifications are made in the crossover and mutation genetic operators, as well as in the formation of the subpopulation, and are considered restrictive hypotheses in the search space to improve the performance in solving the optimization problem. Simulations are performed using the IEEE 14-bus, IEEE 30-bus and New England 39-bus test systems. The proposed method is applied on the IEEE 118-bus test system considering the presence of observable zones formed by conventional measurements. 展开更多
关键词 Synchronized phasor measurement units electrical power systems modified canonical genetic algorithm topologicalobservability critical measurements.
Major Technical Measures for Revamp of FCC Units in China
作者 LiWenjie 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2003年第4期11-14,共4页
FCC units are playing an important role at refineries, in particular at Chinese refineries. To cope with the current demand for better economic benefits, environmental protection and product slate adjustment, a host o... FCC units are playing an important role at refineries, in particular at Chinese refineries. To cope with the current demand for better economic benefits, environmental protection and product slate adjustment, a host of FCC units need to be technically revamped. This article describes the practical processes, technologies and equipment to serve different revamp targets with analysis of two examples on revamp of commercial units. 展开更多
关键词 catalytic cracking technical revamp commercial scale
CFHL Technology for Hydro-upgrading of Syncrude from Low-Temperature Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Successfully Applied on the First in China One-Million-Ton-Class Indirect Coal Liquefaction Unit
《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第4期45-45,共1页
On August 25,2015 the CFHL technology for hydroupgrading of syncrude obtained from low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis had been successfully applied on the first in China 1.0 Mt/a indirect coal liquefaction unit.
关键词 Fischer upgrading Petroleum butadiene feedstock propylene petrochemical steam realized naphtha
High Temperature and Abscisic Acid Modified the Profile of Anthocyanins in Grape (Vitis vinifera L,)
作者 Leonor Deis Maria Ines de Rosas Juan Bruno Cavagnaro 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第7期758-765,共8页
The predicted increase of temperature by effect of climatic change (1.5 ℃ to 4.5 ℃), will affect some berry components. Anthocyanins and flavonols concentration are responsible of wine color. The level of anthocya... The predicted increase of temperature by effect of climatic change (1.5 ℃ to 4.5 ℃), will affect some berry components. Anthocyanins and flavonols concentration are responsible of wine color. The level of anthocyanin is affected by light intensity, temperature, sugars, growth regulators and vineyard management. Abscisic acid (ABA) increases the synthesis of anthocyanin in grape. The object of study was to evaluate the effect of different temperature in berries in vitro, of two cultivars combined with ABA treatments. The treatments were control (C, water) and ABA treatment (1,000 ppm) and temperature: 25, 33 and 40 ℃. In Cabemet Sauvignon, 25 and 33 ~C did not affect anthocyanin total concentration but 40 ℃ produced a 30% decrease in anthocyanin. ABA treatment increased anthocyanin vs. C at 25 and 33 ℃, mainly due to glucosylated forms. But ABA + 40 ℃ showed a 44-60% decrease in all anthocyanins forms compounds. Response of Malbec to the highest temperature (40 ℃), at the end of ripening, was different; higher temperature produced only slight decrease of total anthocyanins concentration (decrease of 7%). Combination of temperature + ABA at 20℃ and 33℃ increased anthocyanin. But ABA + 40℃ decreased glucosylated and cumarylated forms of anthocyanin. 展开更多
关键词 TEMPERATURE ABA anthocyanins GRAPE Malbec Cabernet Sauvignon.
Resolving Insolubilia: Intemal Inconsistency and the Reform of Naive Set Comprehension --An Addendum
作者 Neil Thompson 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第2期90-92,共3页
A further reformulation of Naive Set Comprehension related to that proposed in "Resolving Insolubilia: Internal Inconsistency and the Reform of Naive Set Comprehension" (2012) is possible in which contradiction i... A further reformulation of Naive Set Comprehension related to that proposed in "Resolving Insolubilia: Internal Inconsistency and the Reform of Naive Set Comprehension" (2012) is possible in which contradiction is averted not by excluding sets such as the Russell Set but rather by treating sentences resulting from instantiation of such sets as the Russell Set in their own descriptions as invalid. So the set of all sets that are not members of thernselves in this further revision is a valid set but the claim that that set is or is not a member of itself is not validly expressible. Such an approach to set comprehension results in a set ontology co-extensive with that permitted by the Naive Set Comprehension Principle itself. This approach (that may be called Revised Set Comprehension Ⅱ) has as strong a claim to consistency as that formulated in "Resolving Insolubilia: Internal Inconsistency and the Reform of Naive Set Comprehension." 展开更多
关键词 alternative consistent formulations of Naive Set Comprehension prohibiting sentences arising frominstantiations in sets giving rise to the logical antinomies
Base Isolation Seismic Retrofit of a Hospital Building in Italy 被引量:1
作者 Massimiliano Ferraioli Alberto Maria Avossa 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第3期308-321,共14页
The paper deals on a significant retrofit project currently under construction of an existing hospital building in Avellino (Italy). The seismic retrofit was realized by connecting together the first floors of the t... The paper deals on a significant retrofit project currently under construction of an existing hospital building in Avellino (Italy). The seismic retrofit was realized by connecting together the first floors of the three existing structures and by creating a unique isolation system composed of high damping rubber bearings and sliding devices. The base isolation is achieved by gradually cutting the building from foundation and installing the isolators at the level of upper edge of the columns. The study allows the verification of the adequacy of the isolation system, showing the benefits of the application of the isolation devices, the limitations and the characteristics of their performance. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic retrofit base isolation seismic response.
Design and control of integrated pneumatic dexterous robot finger 被引量:8
作者 王志恒 张立彬 +2 位作者 鲍官军 钱少明 杨庆华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1105-1114,共10页
Based on flexible pneumatic actuator(FPA),bending joint and side-sway joint,a new kind of pneumatic dexterous robot finger was developed.The finger is equipped with one five-component force sensor and four contactless... Based on flexible pneumatic actuator(FPA),bending joint and side-sway joint,a new kind of pneumatic dexterous robot finger was developed.The finger is equipped with one five-component force sensor and four contactless magnetic rotary encoders.Mechanical parts and FPAs are integrated,which reduces the overall size of the finger.Driven by FPA directly,the joint output torque is more accurate and the friction and vibration can be effectively reduced.An improved adaptive genetic algorithm(IAGA) was adopted to solve the inverse kinematics problem of the redundant finger.The statics of the finger was analyzed and the relation between fingertip force and joint torque was built.Finally,the finger force/position control principle was introduced.Tracking experiments of fingertip force/position were carried out.The experimental results show that the fingertip position tracking error is within ±1 mm and the fingertip force tracking error is within ±0.4 N.It is also concluded from the theoretical and experimental results that the finger can be controlled and it has a good application prospect. 展开更多
关键词 pneumatic dexterous finger flexible pneumatic actuator (FPA) robot multi-fingered dexterous hand bending joint sidesway joint
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