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日本近世儒学者的汤武放伐论 被引量:4
作者 王维先 《日本研究》 2003年第1期78-84,共7页
关键词 日本 儒学者 汤武放伐 朱子学 政治 社会背景
作者 张晓明 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第2期123-128,共6页
“汤武放伐”作为《孟子》重要的道德范畴备受近世日本儒学界的关注,但一直到山鹿素行的古学,关于“汤武放伐”的诠释才打破了朱子学思维的连续性影响。山鹿素行从德川武家社会结构来诠释“汤武放伐”的现实意义,认为君臣关系应是一种... “汤武放伐”作为《孟子》重要的道德范畴备受近世日本儒学界的关注,但一直到山鹿素行的古学,关于“汤武放伐”的诠释才打破了朱子学思维的连续性影响。山鹿素行从德川武家社会结构来诠释“汤武放伐”的现实意义,认为君臣关系应是一种天地间的自然法则,他反对“汤武放伐”的革命行为。但是,由于山鹿素行自幼形成的朱子学素养,又使得他对“汤武放伐”的诠释难以脱离朱子学的束缚,故而阐发了救民于水火与学知利行的道德意义。最后,山鹿素行对“汤武放伐”的诠释陷入想脱离朱子学而无法脱离的两难之境,它的遭遇体现了《孟子》在日本近世传播中的困境。虽然山鹿素行未能彻底摆脱这一困境,但是从德川社会结构诠释儒学的思维方式使《孟子》在近世的传播产生了新活力。 展开更多
关键词 汤武放伐 《孟子》 近世 山鹿素行 古学
略论唐代孟学复兴的历史背景和封建统治思想的演变 被引量:1
作者 杨逊 《湘潭大学社会科学学报》 2001年第4期101-107,共7页
孟子倡汤武放伐、民贵君轻、土芥寇仇、俊杰在位等说。孟学在先秦是显学 ,汉代还有尊孟派。魏隋间皇室更替是采用“尧舜揖让”模式以取代“汤武放伐”模式 ,封建世袭士族阶层倡“汤武逆取”说 ,贬抑孟学。统治者依靠封建宗族势力 ,他们... 孟子倡汤武放伐、民贵君轻、土芥寇仇、俊杰在位等说。孟学在先秦是显学 ,汉代还有尊孟派。魏隋间皇室更替是采用“尧舜揖让”模式以取代“汤武放伐”模式 ,封建世袭士族阶层倡“汤武逆取”说 ,贬抑孟学。统治者依靠封建宗族势力 ,他们倡“仁孝治国” ,标榜周孔之道。隋末农民以武力推翻暴君 ,“逆取说”不攻自破。孟学发展的最大障碍被排除。到唐代 ,庶族走上政治舞台 ,他们着眼于封建国家的长远利益 ,削弱世族特权 ,这和具有远见的孟学息息相通。唐初已有人尊孟。中唐出现尊孟思潮 ,封建统治思想开始由周孔“仁孝治国”向孔孟仁义之道演变 。 展开更多
关键词 逆取 揖让 仁孝治国 仁义 汤武放伐 唐代 盂兴 历史背景 封建统治思想
作者 郑在书 崔丽红 李定河 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第6期1-7,26,共8页
以尧舜禅让、鲧禹治水及成汤祈雨神话为中心,分析考察这些神话所反映的现实及神话原型,将这些神话和中国境外一些神话及周边民族神话进行比较,并结合文明化历史之前的社会暴力现实,对这些神话进行了解构和剖析。得出如下结论:尧舜禅让... 以尧舜禅让、鲧禹治水及成汤祈雨神话为中心,分析考察这些神话所反映的现实及神话原型,将这些神话和中国境外一些神话及周边民族神话进行比较,并结合文明化历史之前的社会暴力现实,对这些神话进行了解构和剖析。得出如下结论:尧舜禅让神话是根据儒家的理想主义和墨家的尚贤思想编写而成的故事,其中所讲的"禅让",实际上是动用武力实现政权交替的一种政治事件;而鲧禹治水神话是权力之争使父子间发生冲突,导致出现杀父行为的一出悲剧;成汤祈雨神话虽把成汤美化为爱民圣君,但事实上成汤作为巫君遭杀害的可能性极大。这种认识能够使我们摆脱帝王世系的束缚,从断裂和非连续性层面上来理解中国古代王权。这能够给我们提供新的思考空间。人们普遍认为,中国神话没有被文学化或体系化,但从上述结论来看,中国神话与西方神话相比较而言,它已经在相当大的程度上被人文化了,只是其层次不同而已。在此,我们还应关注中国传统文化机制,这种机制是形成现存中国神话特质及模式的重要基础。 展开更多
关键词 禅让 放伐 暴力 周边文化 帝王世系 文化机制
Potentials of a Place as Leaders for Prioritizing the Adjustment of Public Spaces within a Hierarchy
作者 Alena Bindzarova 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第3期327-334,共8页
The article gives a view over a part of a research that has been started on public spaces as a shared wealth of different qualities and uses. Introduction explores the capital of Slovakia a little bit in the sense of ... The article gives a view over a part of a research that has been started on public spaces as a shared wealth of different qualities and uses. Introduction explores the capital of Slovakia a little bit in the sense of urban structure and historical consequences. The issue is currently solved by several members (academics, officials, NGOs (non-governmental organizations)) focusing on the same thing from slightly different aspects. Therefore, qualities and characteristics of an open space are put into closer look in the main text body part. Single tools working with individual features describe the up-to-date situation in the Bratislava city center. It is assumed that they could be used for whole city and other cities as well, what would bring an overall look at towns and cities in Slovakia. Features and findings are expressed in map and in simplified graphic schemes. Findings include mutual effects and consequences between role of a space in the city as a cultural phenomenon, its physical surrounding and people flowing daily through it. Finally, advices and prioritization could be formed for the city itself as a self-governing subject to improve its "inner-outer" qualities. 展开更多
关键词 Public space quantificators urban design
江户儒者林罗山与朱子学的官学化 被引量:1
作者 傅霞 朴彦 《日语教育与日本学》 2015年第2期134-144,共11页
林罗山,江户初期儒家学者、林家始祖、日本朱子学鼻祖。其一生,侍奉了德川家康、秀忠、家光、家纲四代幕府将军。他的朱子学思想、教育学上的建树及外交上的成就,为德川幕府初期的稳定与发展做出了不可磨灭的功绩。他创造性地运用理学... 林罗山,江户初期儒家学者、林家始祖、日本朱子学鼻祖。其一生,侍奉了德川家康、秀忠、家光、家纲四代幕府将军。他的朱子学思想、教育学上的建树及外交上的成就,为德川幕府初期的稳定与发展做出了不可磨灭的功绩。他创造性地运用理学解释日本神道,塑造了日本朱子学的特色,为朱子学确立为德川幕府的官学起到了推波助澜的作用。这样一位被称为'纯粹的朱子学'的御用学者,委任于幕府政治,其学说的本质是假借朱子学之名,为幕府所用,体现了日本民族的多元性和吸收外来文化上的实用主义精神;林罗山对'汤武放伐'思想的肯定、'有德者为王'的思想成为幕府重用他的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 林罗山 朱子学 官学 理学 “汤武放伐
Carbon Emissions from Forest Vegetation Caused by Three Major Disturbances in China 被引量:1
作者 付超 方华军 于贵瑞 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第3期202-209,共8页
To investigate forest carbon sequestration and its role in addressing global climatic change, it is important to assess carbon emissions caused by major disturbances from forest ecosystems to the atmosphere. Based on ... To investigate forest carbon sequestration and its role in addressing global climatic change, it is important to assess carbon emissions caused by major disturbances from forest ecosystems to the atmosphere. Based on forestry statistics on the occurrence of each disturbance and acceptable assumptions on the process and proportion of biomass carbon transferred to other pools due to each disturbance, this paper estimates the direct carbon emission from Chinese forest vegetation caused by three major disturbances, that is, wood harvesting, fire, and DPR, from 1990 to 2009. Results showed that over the past two decades, Chinese forests have been disturbed rather intensively by wood harvesting, fires, and DPR, with clear upward occurrence trends of the three disturbances in the early 21 st century. As a result, the average annual carbon emissions caused by wood harvesting, fires, and DPR were 34.25 Tg, 1.61 Tg, and 4.29 Tg, respectively, during 1990–2009. The aggregate annual carbon emission due to these three major disturbances was 40.15 Tg during 1990–2009, which was 30.79 Tg during 1990–1999 and 49.51 Tg during 2000–2009. According to the analysis of carbon emissions from different forest regions, there were obvious regional characteristics of the average annual carbon emission caused by each disturbance. However, it was difficult to identify clear cause and effect relationships among disturbances to explain the spatial variation of carbon emissions from forest vegetation in China. Disturbances have significant influences on carbon balance of forest ecosystems in China. This finding suggests the opportunities for increasing forest carbon sequestration by disturbance-aimed sustainable long-term management of forest resources, as well as the necessity of considering the role of major disturbances in carbon budget models for forest ecosystems or terrestrial ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 DISTURBANCE FOREST carbon emission HARVESTING forest fires DISEASES pests and rats(DPR)
作者 贺卫方 《外国法制史研究》 2017年第1期361-371,共11页
一个不规范的提要:(宋通社汴梁消息)雍熙元年(984)十二月二十一日,宋太祖在崇圣殿亲切召见来访的日本国僧奝然(奝,音同雕)。谈起日本政治体制,奝然以笔谈对太宗云:'国王以王为姓,传袭至今六十四世,文武僚吏皆世官。'会见后,太... 一个不规范的提要:(宋通社汴梁消息)雍熙元年(984)十二月二十一日,宋太祖在崇圣殿亲切召见来访的日本国僧奝然(奝,音同雕)。谈起日本政治体制,奝然以笔谈对太宗云:'国王以王为姓,传袭至今六十四世,文武僚吏皆世官。'会见后,太宗叹息良久,日:'中国自唐季之乱,宇县分裂……大臣世冑,鲜能嗣续,朕虽德惭往圣,常夙夜寅畏……不敢暇逸,建无穷之业,垂可久之范,亦以为子孙之计。 展开更多
关键词 日本国 君主权力 国家元首 官僚阶层 否定论 贵族阶层 从身份到契约 汤武放伐 腓特烈二世
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