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联合应用卡铂与紫杉醇治疗进展性和复发性宫颈癌:英国哥伦比亚癌症中心的治疗经验 被引量:1
作者 Tinker A.V. Bhagat K. +2 位作者 Swenerton K.D. Hoskins P.J. 王颖 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第11期38-38,共1页
Background. One of the most active chemotherapy combinations in advanced or recurrent cervical cancer is cis-platin-paclitaxel. However, this palliative regimen is associated with significant toxicity. Carboplatin-pac... Background. One of the most active chemotherapy combinations in advanced or recurrent cervical cancer is cis-platin-paclitaxel. However, this palliative regimen is associated with significant toxicity. Carboplatin-paclitaxel is thus an attractive option. Methods. Patients with advanced or recurrent carcinoma of the cervix treated with carboplatin-paclitaxel from April 2000 were included in the study. Starting doses of carboplatin-paclitaxel were: AUC 5-6 and 155-175 mg/m2, respectively, repeated every 28 days. Results. Twenty-five women treated with this combination were identified. Twenty-three women (92% ) had prior treatment with pelvic radiotherapy and 14 (56% ) had had concurrent radio-sensitizing cisplatin. There was a 20% PR and a 20% CR rate (10/25). The median progression-free survival for the entire group was 3 months. Responders had a median PFS of 16 months. Fourteen patients (56% ) had died of disease progression. The median overall survival (OS) was 21 months. Common toxicities included: grade 1 or 2 anemia, 68% ; grade 3 or 4 anemia, 32% ; grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, 32% ; and grade 1 or 2 peripheral neuropathy, 24% . ECOG PS did not change significantly while on treatment. Eighty-four percent of treatments were delivered on time, and 96% at full dose. Conclusions. Carboplatinpaclitaxel is an active combination in advanced and recurrent cervical cancer. In this predominantly pre-irradiated group, the combination was deliverable, well tolerated, and the most commonly observed toxicity was anemia.1078. A phase Ⅱ evaluation of flavopiridol as second-line chemotherapy of endometrial carcinoma: A Gynecologic Oncology Group study Grendys Jr. E.C./Blessing J.A./Burger R./Hoffman J. E.C. Grendys Jr., Florida Gynecologic Oncology, 2780 Cleveland Avenue, Fort Myers, FL 33901, United States -GYNECOL. ONCOL. 2005, 98/2 (249-253) Objective. A phase Ⅱ study was conducted to determine the efficacy of single agent flavopiridol therapy in patients with recurrent or persistent endometrial adenocarcinoma refractory to established treatments. Methods. Eligible patients with measurable disease who failed primary therapy including one cytotoxic regimen were eligible for the trial. They were treated with single agent flavopiridol (50 mg/m2/day, Ⅳ bolus days 1, 2, 3). Treatment was repeated every 21 days with dose adjustments made for toxicity. Patients were treated until progression of disease or adverse side effects precluded further therapy. Results. A total of 26 patients were enrolled in the study of whom, 23 patients were eligible. There were no objective responses. Five patients had stable disease (22% ), 15 (65% ) had increasing disease, and response could not be assessed in 3 (13% ). The most frequent side effects included anemia, neutropenia, and diarrhea, all of which appeared manageable. Conclusion. Flavopiridol as a single agent in the above dosing schedule appears to have minimal activity as second-line chemotherapy of endometrial adenocarcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 癌症中心 联合方案 放疗史 毒性反应 增敏剂 存活期 联合用药 反应率 癌症进展
子宫和卵巢的癌肉瘤的临床特点及结局 被引量:1
作者 Jonson A.L. Bliss R.L. +2 位作者 Truskinovsky A. L.S. Downs Jr. 李奎 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2006年第8期50-51,共2页
Background. The objective of this study was to compare the clinical presentation and outcomes of women with ovarian and uterine carcinosarcoma (CS). Methods. We performed a retrospective review of patients treated for... Background. The objective of this study was to compare the clinical presentation and outcomes of women with ovarian and uterine carcinosarcoma (CS). Methods. We performed a retrospective review of patients treated for uterine or ovarian CS from 1952 to 2003. Fisher’ s Exact Test was used to compare patient characteristics. Survival curves were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and compared using the log rank test. Results. We identified 87 patients with uterine CS and 18 with ovarian CS. There was no difference in age, body mass index, parity, menopausal status, family history of cancer, history of pelvic radiation, diabetes or hypertension between the two groups. 43% of women with uterine CS presented at stage I/II, compared to 28% of women with ovarian tumors (P = 0.0003). 82% of patients with ovarian tumors received adjuvant chemotherapy with or without radiation; 51% of the patients in the uterine CS group received adjuvant radiation therapy. The median length of follow-up was 13 months. There was no difference in the Kaplan-Meier estimates of overall survival between the two disease sites. The median survival for uterine CS patients was 16 months, compared to 11 months in the ovarian CS group; HR = 0.991 (95% CI = 0.534, 1.839). Conclusions. We found no differences in patient demographics between the two groups. Despite differences in stage and initial treatment, there was no difference in survival between women with uterine and ovarian CS. 展开更多
关键词 癌肉瘤 放疗史 生存曲线 肿瘤分期 总体生存率 中位生存时间 辅助化疗 秩和检验 初始治疗 精确检验
作者 赵靖 刘桂贤 +1 位作者 时丽华 刘淑霞 《实用儿科临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 1993年第S1期144-144,共1页
患儿,男,30d,,生后10日面部、胸部出现紫癜,伴进行性苍白,烦躁,不伴发热。其母妊娠期无服药史及放疗史。查体:体温37.2℃,呼吸35次/min,脉搏120次/min,体重41kg,发育中等,面部、胸部、四肢散在出血点和淤斑。颈淋巴结肿大如蚕豆大,中等... 患儿,男,30d,,生后10日面部、胸部出现紫癜,伴进行性苍白,烦躁,不伴发热。其母妊娠期无服药史及放疗史。查体:体温37.2℃,呼吸35次/min,脉搏120次/min,体重41kg,发育中等,面部、胸部、四肢散在出血点和淤斑。颈淋巴结肿大如蚕豆大,中等硬度。胸骨压痛明显,心肺正常,肝右肋下3.0cm,质状、无压痛,脾肋下4.0cm, 展开更多
关键词 新生儿白血病 胸骨压痛 颈淋巴结肿大 服药 出血点 中等硬度 放疗史 幼淋巴细胞 过氧化酶染色 透光试验
作者 刘冬焱 代建 顾镜月 《中国新生儿科杂志》 CAS 1993年第4期182-182,共1页
患儿,男,23天,因皮疹23天腮肿3天于1990年9月23日入院。患儿系一胎足月顺产,生后见头顶有黄豆大淡红色皮疹。20天增大如蚕豆,周身出现皮疹,腮肿,哭闹,吃奶少,无发热。其母孕期无服药或放疗史。查体:体温36℃,脉搏140次/分,呼吸40次/分,... 患儿,男,23天,因皮疹23天腮肿3天于1990年9月23日入院。患儿系一胎足月顺产,生后见头顶有黄豆大淡红色皮疹。20天增大如蚕豆,周身出现皮疹,腮肿,哭闹,吃奶少,无发热。其母孕期无服药或放疗史。查体:体温36℃,脉搏140次/分,呼吸40次/分,营养发育好,前囟处皮肤见红色圆形硬结约4.5×5cm,中心紫色疱疹如蚕豆大。额面及躯干散在大小不等暗紫色皮疹,双腮及领下肿胀,有触痛。心肺未见异常,肝3.5cm脾未及。实验室检查:血红蛋白140g/L。 展开更多
关键词 先天性白血病 腮肿 放疗史 足月顺产 前囟 幼稚细胞 母孕期 急淋 非造血组织 新生儿期
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