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《实用肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2023年第2期159-159,共1页
这是一项随机的2/3期临床试验,招募了年满18岁的拟进行放化疗的、ECOG表现状态0~2分的、不适用顺铂的局部晚期头颈部鳞状细胞癌(LAHNSCC)患者,随机(1∶1)分成两组,接受单纯放疗或放疗+同步多西他赛(15 mg/m 2,1次/周,最多7个疗程)治疗... 这是一项随机的2/3期临床试验,招募了年满18岁的拟进行放化疗的、ECOG表现状态0~2分的、不适用顺铂的局部晚期头颈部鳞状细胞癌(LAHNSCC)患者,随机(1∶1)分成两组,接受单纯放疗或放疗+同步多西他赛(15 mg/m 2,1次/周,最多7个疗程)治疗。主要终点是2年无病生存率。2017年7月—2021年5月期间,共招募了356例患者。单纯放疗组和多西他赛-放疗组的2年无病生存率分别是30.3%(95%CI:23.6%~37.4%)和42%(95%CI:34.6%~49.2%;HR=0.673,95%CI:0.521~0.868,P=0.002)。单纯放疗组和多西他赛-放疗组的中位总生存期分别是15.3个月和25.5个月(P=0.035),2年总生存率分别是41.7%(95%CI:34.1%~49.1%)和50.8%(95%CI:43.1%~58.1%;HR=0.747,95%CI:0.569~0.980,P=0.035)。加用多西他赛后,3级及以上的粘膜炎(22.2%vs.49.7%;P<0.001)、吞咽痛(33.5%vs.52.5%;P<0.001)和吞咽困难(33%vs.49.7%;P=0.002)的发生率明显更高。 展开更多
关键词 无病生存率 吞咽困难 单纯放疗组 头颈部鳞状细胞癌 粘膜炎 多西他赛 吞咽痛 总生存率
三维适形放疗联合中药治疗126例中晚期食管癌短期疗效及不良反应观察 被引量:10
作者 王玉强 李绵 +4 位作者 耿惠 郭秋峰 路洪超 齐增平 赵卫林 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2018年第5期747-748,共2页
食管癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤,发病率和病死率均较高,据2013年统计食管癌死亡位居恶性肿瘤的第4位^([1]),由于食管癌患者发现较晚,诊断时已经达到食管癌中晚期,错过了最佳的手术时机。降低食管癌患者的病死率,提高食管癌患者的生活质量,... 食管癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤,发病率和病死率均较高,据2013年统计食管癌死亡位居恶性肿瘤的第4位^([1]),由于食管癌患者发现较晚,诊断时已经达到食管癌中晚期,错过了最佳的手术时机。降低食管癌患者的病死率,提高食管癌患者的生活质量,首先应该有效的治疗中晚期食管癌患者。 展开更多
关键词 晚期食管癌 放疗组 食管癌患者 急性放射性食管炎 适形放疗 三维适形放射 中药治疗 不良反应
晚期肺癌介入治疗疗效比较分析(放疗加化疗与单纯放疗) 被引量:1
作者 陈燕武 郭予武 《影像诊断与介入放射学》 1994年第3期200-200,共1页
关键词 介入治疗 单纯放疗组 腺鳞癌 中央型肺癌 支气管动脉 右肺 五年生存率 介入化疗 插管化疗 左肺
作者 文小平 童宜英 卢泰祺 《贵阳医学院学报》 CAS 1994年第S1期184-184,共1页
以电子直线加速器为主放疗与放化疗综合治疗原发肺癌45例疗效比较文小平,童宜英,卢泰祺(贵阳医学院附院肿瘤科)本文报道加速器高能X射线单放及放化(COP、CAP、COAP)综合治疗原发肺癌45例,其中,单放17例,放疗... 以电子直线加速器为主放疗与放化疗综合治疗原发肺癌45例疗效比较文小平,童宜英,卢泰祺(贵阳医学院附院肿瘤科)本文报道加速器高能X射线单放及放化(COP、CAP、COAP)综合治疗原发肺癌45例,其中,单放17例,放疗加化疗28例。男性39例,女性6例... 展开更多
关键词 原发肺癌 化疗综合治疗 电子直线加速器 贵阳医学院附院 中央型肺癌 小细胞未分化癌 单纯放疗组 鳞癌 贵阳医学院学报 文载
放疗与替莫唑胺联合治疗胶质母细胞瘤 被引量:99
作者 Stupp R. Mason W.P. +1 位作者 Van Den Bent M.J. 黄卫东 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册)》 2005年第9期6-7,共2页
BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma, the most common primary brain tumor in adults, is us ually rapidly fatal. The current standard of care for newly diagnosed glioblasto ma is surgical resection to the extent feasible, followed... BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma, the most common primary brain tumor in adults, is us ually rapidly fatal. The current standard of care for newly diagnosed glioblasto ma is surgical resection to the extent feasible, followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. In this trial we compared radiotherapy alone with radiotherapy p lus temozolomide, given concomitantly with and after radiotherapy, in terms of e fficacy and safety. METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed, histologically confi rmed glioblastoma were randomly assigned to receive radiotherapy alone (fraction ated focal irradiation in daily fractions of 2 Gy given 5 days per week for 6 we eks, for a total of 60 Gy) or radiotherapy plus continuous daily temozolomide (7 5 mg per square meter of body-surface area per day, 7 days per week from the fi rst to the last day of radiotherapy), followed by six cycles of adjuvant temozol omide (150 to 200 mg per square meter for 5 days during each 28-day cycle). The primary end point was overall survival. RESULTS: A total of 573 patients from 8 5 centers underwent randomization. The median age was 56 years, and 84 percent o f patients had undergone debulking surgery. At a median follow-up of 28 months, the median survival was 14.6 months with radiotherapy plus temozolomide and 12. 1 months with radiotherapy alone. The unadjusted hazard ratio for death in the r adiotherapy-plus-temozolomide group was 0.63 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.52 to 0.75; P < 0.001 by the log-rank test). The two-year survival rate was 26.5 percent with radiotherapy plus temozolomide and 10.4 percent with radiother apy alone. Concomitant treatment with radiotherapy plus temozolomide resulted in grade 3 or 4 hematologie toxic effects in 7 percent of patients. CONCLUSIONS: T he addition of temozolomide to radiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma res ulted in a clinically meaningful and statistically significant survival benefit with minimal additional toxicity. 展开更多
关键词 替莫唑胺 胶质母细胞瘤 原发性脑肿瘤 织学检查 标准治疗方法 单纯放疗组 局部放疗 中位生存时间 随机研究 毒副作用
作者 李瑞林 李文发 +2 位作者 陈伟 田雅玲 王欣 《黑龙江医学》 1994年第10期17-18,共2页
关键词 肺癌放疗 吗特灵 单纯放疗组 大细胞癌 联合放疗 中心型 症状改善率 抗肿瘤药 哈尔滨制药三厂 上腔静脉
作者 王利革 《临床医药实践》 2009年第1Z期1207-1209,共3页
放疗是治疗恶性肿瘤手段之一。迄今为止,放射治疗仍是不宜或不能手术或拒绝手术治疗食管癌的首要方法。自2004年5月~2006年9月,我们对62例食管癌患者进行后程加速超分割和常规放疗的随机分组研究,现将结果报道如下。1材料与方法:1.1入... 放疗是治疗恶性肿瘤手段之一。迄今为止,放射治疗仍是不宜或不能手术或拒绝手术治疗食管癌的首要方法。自2004年5月~2006年9月,我们对62例食管癌患者进行后程加速超分割和常规放疗的随机分组研究,现将结果报道如下。1材料与方法:1.1入组条件全部病例均为首次放疗,经食管镜病理诊断为食管鳞癌。年龄≤76岁,KPS≥70,病变长度≤8cm。 展开更多
关键词 后程加速超分割 放射治疗 临床观察 病变长度 鳞癌 程超 区域淋巴结转移 放疗组 放射性食管炎 局部控制率
直肠癌术前放疗对系统性胶原沉积及术后感染性并发症的影响 被引量:2
作者 Johnson L.B. Jorgensen L.N. +2 位作者 Adawi D. B. Jeppsson 廖新华 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册)》 2005年第12期16-17,共2页
PURPOSE: Preoperative, high- dose radiotherapy for rectal cancer reduces local recurrence rates and improves overall survival. However, adverse effects in varying degrees include impaired wound healing and local infec... PURPOSE: Preoperative, high- dose radiotherapy for rectal cancer reduces local recurrence rates and improves overall survival. However, adverse effects in varying degrees include impaired wound healing and local infection. This study investigates the influence of preoperative, high- dose radiotherapy on subcutaneous accumulation of collagen in a primary rectal cancer group operated on with or without adjuvant radiotherapy. METHODS: Forty- two eligible patients who underwent total mesorectal excision surgery with or without radiotherapy were included in the study. Polytetrafluoroethylene tubings were implanted in the arm ten days before surgery (three days before the start of radiotherapy). Implants were extracted the day before surgery. New implants were inserted before surgery and were extracted ten days after surgery. The hydroxyproline and proline contents of the implants were measured and the hydroxyproline/proline ratio was calculated as a measure for deposited collagen relative to protein. Blood loss, postoperative complications, and blood levels of hemoglob- in, leukocytes, and albumin were recorded. RESULTS: The two groups were similar in relation to Dukes stage, age, and body mass index. Infectious complications developed in 39 percent of patients after radiotherapy compared with 16 percent in the nonirradiated group. In the irradiated patients with infective complications we found a significant decrease in the hydroxyproline/proline ratio compared with that of irradiated patients without infections (P = 0.037). There was a significant decrease in the leukocyte count preoperatively and postoperatively in the irradiated group compared with surgery alone. CONCLUSIONS: Highdose, short- term radiotherapy does not have a systemic effect on collagen accumulation, but a significant reduction is manifested in infected patients. Radiotherapy also impairs leukocyte production and increases the postoperative infective complication rate. 展开更多
关键词 术前放疗 感染性并发症 胶原沉积 局部复发率 放疗组 单纯手术 聚四氟乙烯管 并发感染 脯氨酸 植入物
作者 王培中 陶仲强 +2 位作者 侯萍 麦启宣 张月敏 《广西医学》 CAS 1989年第4期231-235,共5页
关键词 鼻咽癌病人 五年生存率 单纯放射治疗 鼻咽部肿瘤 四氢叶酸钙 临床分期 辅助性化疗 淋巴道转移 单纯放疗组 环磷酞胺
作者 Jolly S. Vargas C. +2 位作者 Kumar T. A.A.Martinez 李跃萍 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第12期38-39,共2页
Objective. Postoperative management of early stage adenocarcinoma of the endometrium remains controversial. The use of pelvic radiation therapy as shown by the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG)- 99 trial improves the e... Objective. Postoperative management of early stage adenocarcinoma of the endometrium remains controversial. The use of pelvic radiation therapy as shown by the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG)- 99 trial improves the event free interval at the cost of increased toxicity. We reviewed and compared our results treating early stage endometrial adenocarcinoma using hypofractionated high dose rate (HDR) vaginal brachytherapy (VB) alone with the results of the GOG- 99. Methods. From 1992 to 2002, 243 endometrial cancer patients were treated with TAH/BSO and selective lymph node dissection followed by adjuvant radiotherapy (RT). Of these, 50 FIGO stage I- II (occult) adenocarcinoma (no clear cell or serous papillary) of the endometrium were managed with HDR hypofractionated VB as monotherapy using Iridium- 192 to a dose of 30 Gy in 6 fractions twice weekly prescribed to a depth of 5 mm and median length of 4 cm. The characteristics, toxicity rates, and outcomes of our patients were compared with the results of the GOG- 99. The median follow up of our patients and the GOG- 99 were 3.2 years and 5.8 years, respectively. Results. Patient characteristics including age, stage, and grade were similar in our study and the GOG- 99. The local recurrence rate in our study, the pelvic RT arm of the GOG- 99, and the no RT arm of the GOG- 99 were 4% (n =2), 2% (n=3), and 9% (n= 18), respectively. In our study, one patient failed in the vagina alone and a second patient failed in the vagina and pelvis. In the GOG- 99, the vagina as a component of locoregional failure was also the most common failure site in the no RT arm 77.8% (n = 14) and in the RT arm 100% (n = 3). The 2- year cumulative recurrence rate in our study was 2% , which compares favorably with the GOG- 99 pelvic RT arm (3% ) and observation arm (12% ). Four-year survival rates of the no RT arm of the GOG- 99, the RT arm of the GOG- 99, and our study with HDR VB were 86% , 92% , and 97% , respectively. Chronic grade 2 toxicity rates were reduced by the use of VB compared to pelvic RT, especially GI toxicity 0% vs 34% (P value < 0.001), and GI obstruction 0% vs 7% (P value = 0.08). Conclusion. Stage I- II (occult) endometrial adenocarcinoma treated with postoperative HDR vaginal brachytherapy has similar overall survival, locoregional failure rates, and cumulative recurrence rates to standard fractionation external beam pelvic RT with the benefit of much lower toxicity rates and shorter overall treatment time. 展开更多
关键词 毒性反应 放疗组 透明细胞癌 浆液性癌 妇科肿瘤 放射治疗 淋巴结清扫 复发率 放疗 试验结果
作者 王鸿利 巫向前 +4 位作者 胡翊群 邵慧珍 邓伟吾 郑丽叶 陈后余 《血栓与止血学》 1994年第4期162-165,共4页
肺癌是我国发病率最高的恶性肿瘤之一,严重威胁着人类的健康。有关肺癌与细胞粘附蛋白(Adhesive protein,APs)的关系了解甚少。本文应用血管性血友病因子相关抗原(vWF:Ag)、纤维蛋白原(Fg)和纤维连结蛋白(Fn)等3项指标,观察肺癌(鳞癌和... 肺癌是我国发病率最高的恶性肿瘤之一,严重威胁着人类的健康。有关肺癌与细胞粘附蛋白(Adhesive protein,APs)的关系了解甚少。本文应用血管性血友病因子相关抗原(vWF:Ag)、纤维蛋白原(Fg)和纤维连结蛋白(Fn)等3项指标,观察肺癌(鳞癌和腺癌)、TNM分期(Ⅰ,Ⅱ期和Ⅲ,Ⅳ期)和治疗(化疗、放疗和手术)前后的变化,现报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 肺癌治疗 粘附蛋白 纤维连结蛋白 鳞癌 细胞外基质 相关抗原 放疗组 肺叶切除术 未分化癌 血浆水平
作者 谷仁凯 周仁祥 +2 位作者 佟琳如 秦恩德 蔡化理 《青岛大学医学院学报》 CAS 1984年第1期59-62,共4页
随着急性白血病治疗方法的不断改进,完全缓解率和长期存活者逐渐增加,但中枢神经系统(CNS)白血病的发生率也相应增高,因此影响了缓解率的进一步提高和生存期的延长。十余年来国外应用 CNS 放射治疗结合全身治疗的方法,取得了可喜的成... 随着急性白血病治疗方法的不断改进,完全缓解率和长期存活者逐渐增加,但中枢神经系统(CNS)白血病的发生率也相应增高,因此影响了缓解率的进一步提高和生存期的延长。十余年来国外应用 CNS 放射治疗结合全身治疗的方法,取得了可喜的成果。国内北京市肿瘤防治研究所和北京儿童医院也取得成效。现将我科自1976年4月~1983年2月。对22例小儿急性白血病应用60钴头颅照射防治 CNS 白血病的疗效报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 头颅 放疗组 小儿急性白血病 MTX 生存期 急淋 疗效观察 疗法
作者 史俊巧 田花敏 《中国现代药物应用》 2007年第9期36-37,共2页
目的探讨晚期子宫内膜癌预后及其相关因素。方法按治疗方式分4组:①单纯放疗组5例;②单纯手术组4例;③手术联合化疗和放疗组29例;④放疗加化疗组9例,另3例为化疗加激素治疗未列入分组。结果50例总的3年和5年生存率分别为61.5%(31/50)和2... 目的探讨晚期子宫内膜癌预后及其相关因素。方法按治疗方式分4组:①单纯放疗组5例;②单纯手术组4例;③手术联合化疗和放疗组29例;④放疗加化疗组9例,另3例为化疗加激素治疗未列入分组。结果50例总的3年和5年生存率分别为61.5%(31/50)和29.0%(18/50);子宫内膜腺癌为65.2%(33/50)和34.0%(17/50),子宫内膜腺鳞癌为3/8和0,两者3年生存率P>0.25,子宫内膜腺鳞癌无一例生存5年。3、5年生存率:单纯放疗组为3/5、2/5;手术联合化疗和放疗组为71.7%(21/29)、34.3%(12/35);放疗加化疗组为50.0%(7/14)、21.4%(3/14),P>0.05。3年生存率:单纯手术组为0/7;化疗加激素治疗的为0/3。11I期为75.0%(42/56)、Ⅳ期为27.3%(6/22),P<0.001。5年生存率Ⅲ期为40、5%(17/42);Ⅳ期为5.0%(1/20),P<0.01,差异有统计学意义。腺癌组织学分级I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级5年生存率差异有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论晚期子宫内膜癌的治疗应选择以手术联合化疗和放疗的综合治疗,FIGO期别、组织学类型和组织学分级为影响预后的主要因素。 展开更多
关键词 子宫内膜癌 放疗组 生存期 联合化疗 患者 宫颈鳞癌 子宫内膜腺癌 腺鳞癌 腺棘癌 盆腔外照射 单纯放疗 预后
作者 李佩文 李中元 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 1987年第4期57-58,共2页
河北省涉县位于太行山区,是该省食管贲门癌(以下简称食管癌)死亡率最高的县。据1974~1976年全国恶性肿瘤死亡回顾调查统计资料,我国食管癌粗死亡率为16.7/10万,而该县高达166.03/10万,有的乡竞达200/10万,高出全国平均水平10倍以上。 1... 河北省涉县位于太行山区,是该省食管贲门癌(以下简称食管癌)死亡率最高的县。据1974~1976年全国恶性肿瘤死亡回顾调查统计资料,我国食管癌粗死亡率为16.7/10万,而该县高达166.03/10万,有的乡竞达200/10万,高出全国平均水平10倍以上。 1979年初,笔者在该县随机观察食管癌170例,至今已8年,有资料记载者156例,其中男107例,女49例。平均年令56.1岁,最大年令80岁,最小年令27岁。 展开更多
关键词 食管贲门癌 粗死亡率 早期癌 太行山区 调查统计资料 随机观察 放疗组 五年生存率 钡餐造影 食管痛
MGMT基因沉默和替莫唑胺治疗胶质母细胞瘤 被引量:23
作者 Hegi M.E. Diserens A.-C. +1 位作者 Gorlia T. 黄卫东 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册)》 2005年第9期7-8,共2页
BACKGROUND: Epigenetic silencing of the MGMT (O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltra nsferase) DNA-repair gene by promoter methylation compromises DNA repair and ha s been associated with longer survival in patients with glio... BACKGROUND: Epigenetic silencing of the MGMT (O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltra nsferase) DNA-repair gene by promoter methylation compromises DNA repair and ha s been associated with longer survival in patients with glioblastoma who receive alkylating agents. METHODS: We tested the relationship between MGMT silencing i n the tumor and the survival of patients who were enrolled in a randomized trial comparing radiotherapy alone with radiotherapy combined with concomitant and ad juvant treatment with temozolomide. The methylation status of the MGMT promoter was determined by methylation-specific polymerase-chain-reaction analysis. RE SULTS: The MGMT promoter was methylated in 45 percent of 206 assessable cases. I rrespective of treatment, MGMT promoter methylation was an independent favorable prognostic factor (P < 0.001 by the log-rank test; hazard ratio, 0.45; 95 perc ent confidence interval, 0.32 to 0.61). Among patients whose tumor contained a m ethylated MGMT promoter, a survival benefit was observed in patients treated wit h temozolomide and radiotherapy; their median survival was 21.7 months (95 perce nt confidence interval, 17.4 to 30.4), as compared with 15.3 months (95 percent confidence interval, 13.0 to 20.9) among those who were assigned to only radioth erapy (P=0.007 by the log-rank test). In the absence of methylation of the MGMT promoter, there was a smaller and statistically insignificant difference in sur vival between the treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with glioblastoma cont aining a methylated MGMT promoter benefited from temozolomide, whereas those who did not have a methylated MGMT promoter did not have such a benefit. 展开更多
关键词 胶质母细胞瘤 替莫唑胺 MGMT基因 基因沉默 烷化剂 中位生存时间 修复基因 甲基转移酶 单纯放疗组 DNA
作者 Marcus D.M. Peskin E. 秦雪娇 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(眼科学分册)》 2005年第3期23-24,共2页
To assess the short term safety and efficacy of treating subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) with external beam radiation delivered in 5×4 Gy fract ions among patients having age related macular degenera... To assess the short term safety and efficacy of treating subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) with external beam radiation delivered in 5×4 Gy fract ions among patients having age related macular degeneration (AMD). A multicente r prospective randomized controlled pilot study. Eighty eight patients were enr olled through 10 sites and were randomized to radiotherapy (20 Gy delivered in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy each; 6 MV [N=41]) or no radiotherapy (sham radiother ap y [N=22]or observation [N=25]). Eligibility criteria included visual acuity of a t least 20/320 and subfoveal CNV not amenable to treatment. Randomization was st ratified by lesion type (new or recurrent CNV) and blood ( < 50%or ≥50%of the lesion [N=13]). The primary outcome measure was loss of ≥3 lines of visual a cu ity. Secondary outcome measures were angiographic response and side effects. At baseline, patient and ocular characteristics were similar between treatment grou ps. At six months, 9 radiated eyes (26%) and 17 eyes not radiated (49%) lost ≥3 lines of visual acuity (P=. 04; stratified χ2 test). At 12 months, 13 radia ted eyes (42%) and 9 observed eyes (49%) lost ≥3 visual acuity lines (P=.60). The radiated group demonstrated smaller lesions and less fibrosis than the nonr adiated group (P=.05 and. 004, respectively) at 12 months. Radiation induced co mplications were not observed except for one radiated eye with numerous cotton w ool spots and possible radiation retinopathy. External beam radiation at 5×4 Gy may have a modest and short lived (six month) benefit in preserving visual acui ty. 展开更多
关键词 放射治疗 脉络膜新生血管 放疗组 损伤区 棉絮斑 中央凹 照射量 随机化 血管造影 研究机构
作者 Mnstedt K. Johnson P. +1 位作者 Von Georgi R. 石磊 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第1期59-60,共2页
Objectives. Invasive cervical cancer that is discovered only after si mple hyst erectomy remains a problem. Little is known about the best management of this gr oup since there are no relevant outcome studies. This st... Objectives. Invasive cervical cancer that is discovered only after si mple hyst erectomy remains a problem. Little is known about the best management of this gr oup since there are no relevant outcome studies. This study aimed to quantify th e benefits of guideline-based treatment by comparing outcome data in patients t reated by inappropriate simple hysterectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy with data in patients treated with primary radical surgery, radiotherapy, or radiochemothe rapy. Methods. Records of 288 patients who had undergone radical hysterectomy wi th pelvic lymphadenectomy or simple hysterectomy were extracted and divided into three groups -radical hysterectomy alone (n = 89), radical hysterectomy and ad juvant radiotherapy (n = 119), and simple hysterectomy with adjuvant radiotherap y (n = 80). Disease-free and overall survival were calculated using Kaplan-Mei er analyses. Results. There was a trend towards better overall survival in the r adical hysterectomy group. Disease-free survival was significantly better in pa tients treated by radical hysterectomy, followed by simple hysterectomy plus rad iotherapy, and then radical hysterectomy plus radiotherapy (PlogrankDFS < 0.002) . When the two radical surgery groups were combined and compared with the subopt imally treated group, no significant differences were seen for overall survival. Conclusion. Postoperative radiotherapy is a good treatment for patients with ce rvical cancer who have undergone suboptimal simple hysterectomy. Appropriate sel ection criteria for further surgery remain to be defined. 展开更多
关键词 姑息性手术 子宫根治术 浸润性宫颈癌 放疗组 无瘤生存率 术后放疗 存活数 数据资料 无显著性差异
食管癌超分割放疗与常规放疗的前瞻性随机临床研究 被引量:7
作者 孟广典 李秀平 +4 位作者 吴晓翠 李国文 李会荣 王跃伟 石志峰 《中华放射肿瘤学杂志》 CSCD 1994年第4期278-278,共1页
食管癌超分割放疗与常规放疗的前瞻性随机临床研究孟广典,李秀平,吴晓翠,李国文,李会荣,王跃伟,石志峰我们对1990年7月至12月收治的72例食管癌病人进行了超分割放疗与常规放疗的前瞻性随机临床研究。病人用抽签法随机对... 食管癌超分割放疗与常规放疗的前瞻性随机临床研究孟广典,李秀平,吴晓翠,李国文,李会荣,王跃伟,石志峰我们对1990年7月至12月收治的72例食管癌病人进行了超分割放疗与常规放疗的前瞻性随机临床研究。病人用抽签法随机对照分组为常规放疗(A组)与超分割放... 展开更多
关键词 随机临床研究 抽签法 病变长度 晓翠 李国文 斜野 李秀 鳞癌 放疗组 临床研究结果
食管癌放疗剂量研究的远期结果 被引量:22
作者 万钧 高淑珍 郭宝仲 《中华放射肿瘤学杂志》 CSCD 1990年第1期4-5,共2页
关键词 食管癌放疗 远期结果 放射治疗 病变长度 锁骨上淋巴结 放疗组 周和 病例随访 放射反应 肺转移
非小细胞肺癌术后放疗的价值——附268例报告 被引量:4
作者 金性江 吴湘玮 胡自省 《中华放射肿瘤学杂志》 CSCD 1990年第3期31-32,共2页
关键词 非小细胞肺癌 术后放疗 支气管残端 局部复发率 放射治疗 放疗组 鳞状细胞
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