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“政党—社会”关系变迁与国家治理能力现代化 被引量:4
作者 强舸 《岭南学刊》 2017年第5期5-10,共6页
在现代国家治理中,政党、国家、社会是基本主体,"政党—国家"、"国家—社会"与"政党—社会"是制约国家治理成效的三组核心关系。因此有必要以"政党—社会"关系为研究出发点,从历史变迁、现实... 在现代国家治理中,政党、国家、社会是基本主体,"政党—国家"、"国家—社会"与"政党—社会"是制约国家治理成效的三组核心关系。因此有必要以"政党—社会"关系为研究出发点,从历史变迁、现实挑战和实施路径三个方面,探讨在新时期中国共产党应当如何通过"转变和改善党对社会的领导方式"以推进国家治理能力现代化。 展开更多
关键词 政党—社会”关系 领导方式 治理能力
驻村干部贫困治理的理论、逻辑与路径探究——基于“政党—社会”的分析框架 被引量:1
作者 向鑫 《晋中学院学报》 2018年第5期5-8,共4页
驻村干部作为政党身份的象征,是连接政党与社会的组织纽带;作为党的科学执政方式之一,是实现民主执政、贯彻群众路线的制度表达。从"政党—社会"的分析框架中认识和理解驻村干部贫困治理,从中找出驻村干部在实现权力与基层政... 驻村干部作为政党身份的象征,是连接政党与社会的组织纽带;作为党的科学执政方式之一,是实现民主执政、贯彻群众路线的制度表达。从"政党—社会"的分析框架中认识和理解驻村干部贫困治理,从中找出驻村干部在实现权力与基层政治秩序对接时的理论注脚和制度基础。从驻村干部的发展现状来看,健全和完善驻村干部参与贫困治理的关键,在于始终坚持"以人民中心"作为贫困治理的价值旨归,激发他们的服务功能,健全完善利益协调与共享机制。 展开更多
关键词 驻村干部 贫困治理 政党—社会
再组织化:基层党组织应对社会形态变化的实践路径 被引量:1
作者 陶周颖 郑琦 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期59-68,共10页
步入数字化时代,伴随平台经济的崛起和生产生活方式的变革,社会形态呈现出结构扁平化、人员流动化、诉求多元化、治理碎片化等特征,对基层党组织的建设提出全新要求。基于政党—社会的理论分析,基层党组织作为执政党联系群众、连接社会... 步入数字化时代,伴随平台经济的崛起和生产生活方式的变革,社会形态呈现出结构扁平化、人员流动化、诉求多元化、治理碎片化等特征,对基层党组织的建设提出全新要求。基于政党—社会的理论分析,基层党组织作为执政党联系群众、连接社会的重要纽带,需要就社会形态变化加强自我革新的能力与水平,以再组织化战略适应社会更迭,引领社会发展。具体实践中,基层党组织应充分发挥政治优势、组织优势和群众优势,以结构优化、功能拓展、机制创新三个向度为突破口,科学构建再组织化的实践路径,推动形成“一核多元”协同共治的强大合力。 展开更多
关键词 数字化时代 基层党组织 社会形态变化 再组织化 政党—社会
“政党—群众—社会”三驱动:落实八项规定的路径机制建构 被引量:1
作者 王木森 《中共太原市委党校学报》 2014年第3期7-10,共4页
八项规定作为党改进作风、推进党的建设伟大工程的重要举措,其作用的有效发挥,"关键在于落实"。如何有效落实?本文从"政党—群众—社会"三大场域、三大主体、三大向度构设落实八项规定的理论路向、前进路径和贯彻机... 八项规定作为党改进作风、推进党的建设伟大工程的重要举措,其作用的有效发挥,"关键在于落实"。如何有效落实?本文从"政党—群众—社会"三大场域、三大主体、三大向度构设落实八项规定的理论路向、前进路径和贯彻机制,通过对当前落实八项规定的价值动力分析和问题阻力解构,从"党自我断腕、激活民众监督、营造社会氛围"三大路径切入,建构党的方面的制度保证、问题解决机制,群众方面的管理奖惩、监督问责机制,社会方面的跟踪评价、教育引导机制,推进八项规定有效落实。 展开更多
关键词 八项规定 政党—群众—社会 路径机制 落实
作者 王雯 《中共南宁市委党校学报》 2023年第5期1-8,共8页
中国式现代化是中国共产党领导的社会主义现代化。通过将“政党”这一重要维度引入“国家—社会”关系的传统二元理论结构,构建“政党—国家—社会”三维分析框架。回顾中国共产党在中国式现代化推进过程中对国家和社会的整合,进一步加... 中国式现代化是中国共产党领导的社会主义现代化。通过将“政党”这一重要维度引入“国家—社会”关系的传统二元理论结构,构建“政党—国家—社会”三维分析框架。回顾中国共产党在中国式现代化推进过程中对国家和社会的整合,进一步加深对中国共产党在中国式现代化建设中的核心领导地位的认识,为新时代新征程以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴提供有力指引。 展开更多
关键词 政党—国家—社会 中国共产党 中国式现代化 国家—社会关系
作者 耿磊磊 《中共宁波市委党校学报》 2022年第4期107-118,共12页
由政党、国家、社会三大主体权力非均衡性推演出的“非对称互动”治理样态,是“政党—国家—社会”分析框架的深层意涵,能较好阐释中国乡村治理实践模式。由于“非对称互动”构成了乡村社会复杂多样的治理形态,再加之皖南S乡三个村庄的... 由政党、国家、社会三大主体权力非均衡性推演出的“非对称互动”治理样态,是“政党—国家—社会”分析框架的深层意涵,能较好阐释中国乡村治理实践模式。由于“非对称互动”构成了乡村社会复杂多样的治理形态,再加之皖南S乡三个村庄的区域位置、资源禀赋等客观条件不同,故延伸出党支部引领型、行政兜底型、自组织参与型的治理模式。具有中国乡村治理本土特色的非对称互动,在党的全面领导下的国家治理格局中,不仅理论释义和实践解读具有较强的解释力和说服力,而且兼具政党中心逻辑和情理兼容逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 非对称互动 政党—国家—社会 乡村治理模式
“政党—国家—社会”框架下党建引领基层社会治理现代化路径研究 被引量:1
作者 孟照光 《新疆警察学院学报》 2022年第4期36-42,共7页
在中国式现代化治理体系中,中国共产党是推进基层社会治理的核心领导力量。以铸牢中华民族共同体意识为主线,明确“政党—政府—社会”关系模式内党的核心领导地位。“党建引领”在坚持党的领导和人民主体地位有机结合上取得的成功经验... 在中国式现代化治理体系中,中国共产党是推进基层社会治理的核心领导力量。以铸牢中华民族共同体意识为主线,明确“政党—政府—社会”关系模式内党的核心领导地位。“党建引领”在坚持党的领导和人民主体地位有机结合上取得的成功经验,夯实了党的执政基础,拓展和延伸了基层社会治理的有效方式和路径,提升了基层社会治理成效,进而推动了国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。 展开更多
关键词 党建引领 政党—国家—社会 基层社会治理 路径研究
作者 姜裕富 《农业农村部管理干部学院学报》 2021年第4期79-87,共9页
中国特色的政党与国家和社会的关系,决定了党在三者关系中的主导地位,走中国特色社会主义社会治理之路,必须坚持党建统领,这是符合党委领导、政府负责、民主协商、社会协同、公众参与、法治保障、科技支撑的社会治理体系要求的。党建统... 中国特色的政党与国家和社会的关系,决定了党在三者关系中的主导地位,走中国特色社会主义社会治理之路,必须坚持党建统领,这是符合党委领导、政府负责、民主协商、社会协同、公众参与、法治保障、科技支撑的社会治理体系要求的。党建统领是指党对一切工作的集中统一领导,党建统领社会治理包括强大的政党、总体性社会、整体性治理和科学的统领机制等四个构成要件,按照从政党的政治功能到治理功能提升的逻辑运行。浙江衢州开展"党建治理大花园"活动基本逻辑是:把基层党建融入乡村振兴的各项工作之中,充分发挥党建引领功能,把党建优势转化为治理优势,把治理优势集中在大花园建设之中。实践证明,"党建治理大花园"活动与党建统领社会治理具有高度的逻辑契合性,把党的建设、社会治理与乡村振兴融合在一起,深化了对社会运行规律和治理规律的认识,提升了社会治理效能。 展开更多
关键词 党建统领 “党建治理大花园” 社会治理 政党—国家—社会
Upscaling Illiberalism: Class, Contradiction, and the Rise and Rise of the Populist Right in Post- socialist Central Europe 被引量:2
作者 Don Kalb 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2018年第3期303-321,共19页
Recent liberal political science analysis has highlighted media, manipu- lation, and populist political trickery in the apparently sudden rise of the new Right in Europe and the USA. I suggest that a robust engagement... Recent liberal political science analysis has highlighted media, manipu- lation, and populist political trickery in the apparently sudden rise of the new Right in Europe and the USA. I suggest that a robust engagement with the actual social transformations over which liberalism has presided since 1989 is imperative. Anthropological work on class processes and the rise of neo-nationalist populism in Central and Eastern Europe has been strong in developing a more relational, pro- cessual, and embedded vision. In the current paper, I am looking at the phases and spaces of the rise of iUiberalism as a popular political sensibility in Central and Eastern Europe. In particular, I am interested in its gradual upscaling to the level of the nation state and, through the "Visegrad bloc" to the EU. I argue that both the emergence and step-by-step upscaling of illiberal political sensibilities are explained by class relational processes and the regionally uneven Polanyi-type "counter- movements" against liberalizations that they brought forth. 展开更多
关键词 Illiberalism Neo-nationalism POPULISM Post-socialism Centraland Eastern Europe CLASS Countermovements
Party Politics in Socialist Countries:One Hundred Years of Exploration
作者 王韶兴 邵亚楠 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第3期46-68,共23页
Over the long history of political civilization,the 100 years of the party politics of socialist countries has emerged as a new form of politics.Exploration of the last 100 years of the party politics of socialist cou... Over the long history of political civilization,the 100 years of the party politics of socialist countries has emerged as a new form of politics.Exploration of the last 100 years of the party politics of socialist countries deals with the self-governance and national governance of Marxist ruling parties.It reflects intraparty relationships,interparty relationships,relationships between party and government and relationships between party and society,as well as foreign relations,and spans three historical periods,comprising the first establishment of party politics in Soviet Russia;the adoption of party rule in other countries,with concomitant setbacks;and the achievement by China,Vietnam and other countries of party political innovation and development.A review of the experience of the past hundred years shows that success in making party politics the basic system in socialist countries and in tapping its full potential is attributable to the efforts made by Marxist ruling parties to undertake fruitful theoretical reflection and grasp values,adhere to the truth and correct mistakes on the basis of exceptional strategic confidence and policy commitment,while constantly opening up new stages of theoretical understanding and practical development.The party politics of socialist countries in the 21 st century drives their modernization andcultivates and improves their practice.The union of the two in the magnificent historical process of the sustainable development of socialist institutional civilization will have major and far-reaching significance for building a brighter future for humanity. 展开更多
关键词 MARXISM party politics in socialist countries world socialist movement socialism with Chinese characteristics national governance
The Progress of Modernization and Chinese Socialist Party Politics
作者 Wang Shaoxing Song Hong 《Social Sciences in China》 2020年第3期34-51,共18页
Modernization gave birth to party politics, and party politics dominates modernization. Their correlation and interaction have been a major logic behind the evolution of human civilization since the beginning of moder... Modernization gave birth to party politics, and party politics dominates modernization. Their correlation and interaction have been a major logic behind the evolution of human civilization since the beginning of modern times. The objectivity of China’s modernization gives rise to the historical inevitability of party politics, and its relevance to the Chinese nation and to the current time dictates that party politics should be socialist in China and that its development is an irreversible trend. In the Chinese revolution, in the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and in the modernization of China over the past century, to accomplish the historic task of national rejuvenation, Chinese socialist party politics has profoundly changed the course of Chinese history, making Chinese society strive for modernization and causing great changes in the contemporary world. During this process, Chinese socialist party politics has had a 'distinct fundamental value orientation,' followed 'the premise of essential theoretical guidance,' enjoyed 'dominant institutional support,' provided 'goal-oriented value guidance' and received a 'crucial political guarantee.' It has combined its own values with China’s modernization and played a leading role in this drive. It has pursued the most deep-seated values, demonstrated the most unique characteristics of practice, and made the most significant contribution to civilization. All this is a key element of the experience and theory of the interaction between modernization and Chinese socialist party politics. It also provides crucial support for and guides the value of strengthening the Communist Party of China(CPC) and modernizing China. 展开更多
关键词 China’s modernization CPC socialist party politics governance of China and the CPC
The Communist Activities of the First International and the Logic of Socialist Party Politics
作者 王韶兴 Huang Deyuan 《Social Sciences in China》 2016年第4期22-39,共18页
Against the backdrop of the 19^th century, the First International, guided by Marxism, emerged in the form of the early "International Socialist Federation." It viewed the seizure of power as the great mission of th... Against the backdrop of the 19^th century, the First International, guided by Marxism, emerged in the form of the early "International Socialist Federation." It viewed the seizure of power as the great mission of the proletariat, actively struggled against bourgeois regimes, strongly responded to the call of times for the theoretical self-consciousness and organized struggle of the proletariat, and exerted a profound historical influence on the stirring inauguration and nationally oriented development of the international Communist movement of the 20th century. From the socialist party political perspective, the First Intemational, once the Communist League, had raised the curtain on socialist party politics, changed the political mode of capitalist party politics' exclusive world domination through the interactive development of new organizational forms, theoretical viewpoints and political practice. It thus left an abundant historical legacy in terms of ideological creation and practical innovation for the subsequent Second International, the Communist International and the emergence and development of socialist party politics within nation-states. Although its socialist party political practice had an obvious "regional," "preliminary" and "tentative" nature, the First International had foundation-laying significance and pioneering value for the development of socialist party politics, whether in terms of organizational vehicles, value orientation and activity content, or in terms of ideological guidance, practical patterns and strategic principles. 展开更多
关键词 First International Communist activities MARXISM SOCIALISM party politics
Incorporating Civil Society: China's NGO Strategy
作者 Curtis Stone 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2013年第2期87-109,共23页
During the Chinese Communist Revolution, Mao Ze-dong developed and used the mass hne to link the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC) with the masses. Atier 1949, the mass line mechanism fell into disuse;... During the Chinese Communist Revolution, Mao Ze-dong developed and used the mass hne to link the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC) with the masses. Atier 1949, the mass line mechanism fell into disuse; but in today's China, there seems to be a trend toward more openness. Deng-era reforms have decentralized the central government, weakened adherence to Party ideology, and reduced the state's control. In order to deal with diversified social interests, the CPC is renewing and extending the practice of the mass line through state-liceused intermediate organizations. By doing so, the central government is not only creating a channel for interest articulation but also deepening state control and regulation of civil society to ensure that power remains largely centralized. 展开更多
关键词 CORPORATISM civil society democratic centralism mass line
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