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分布式协同:公众如何影响政府众包创新采纳 被引量:2
作者 刘红波 彭晓清 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期82-90,共9页
政府众包是政府与公众紧密互动并实现合作生产与价值共创的一种模式。探索政府众包创新采纳的影响机制,有助于提升政府创新采纳效能。本研究采用扎根理论分析广东省禅城区政府众包实践案例,研究发现:公共性价值、系统性支持、政府主体... 政府众包是政府与公众紧密互动并实现合作生产与价值共创的一种模式。探索政府众包创新采纳的影响机制,有助于提升政府创新采纳效能。本研究采用扎根理论分析广东省禅城区政府众包实践案例,研究发现:公共性价值、系统性支持、政府主体动机、平台机制以及公众主体动机显著影响政府众包创新采纳,其中具备公共资源属性的“公众”要素作用凸显,据此提炼出蕴含公众、政府、平台和环境四要素的分布式协同创新采纳框架;预期中的公众参与意愿和参与能力在分布式协同创新的初次采纳和持续采纳两个阶段,通过“公众-政府”“公众-环境-政府”“公众-平台-政府”三条路径对政府的创新采纳产生影响。 展开更多
关键词 创新采纳 政府众 分布式协同 参与 数字治理
数字社会背景下的政府众包:概念框架、价值蕴含与运行模式 被引量:14
作者 刘红波 赖舒婷 《电子政务》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第7期43-56,共14页
政府众包是依托数字技术汇聚公众智慧和力量进而协助政府处理公共事务的创新模式。面对这一新兴治理工具,学术界对政府众包的理解和阐释繁杂而混乱。在凝练政府众包内涵特征的基础上,将其界定为政府以在线、开放的形式向非特定公众发布... 政府众包是依托数字技术汇聚公众智慧和力量进而协助政府处理公共事务的创新模式。面对这一新兴治理工具,学术界对政府众包的理解和阐释繁杂而混乱。在凝练政府众包内涵特征的基础上,将其界定为政府以在线、开放的形式向非特定公众发布任务,接包公众在物质或精神激励下贡献智慧和力量完成任务,最终双方在互惠互利基础上协同治理公共事务的模式。该模式在降低行政成本、优化公共决策、激励公民参与、推动组织转型和整合业余资源等方面蕴含着重要价值。政府众包的运行围绕政府、公众和平台三大要素的交互关系展开,过程涵盖众包平台设计与建设、众包任务设计与发布、众包任务接包与反馈、众包结果评估与采纳四个环节。最后初步构建了政府众包理论模型并提出实践发展建议。 展开更多
关键词 政府众 数字治理 参与 协同治理 公共管理 公共服务
国外政府资助型科研众包研究综述 被引量:3
作者 曾婧婧 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期147-153,共7页
本文在梳理政府资助型科研众包的发展脉络基础之上,系统研究其功能及运行机制,认为政府资助型科研众包的最大功能在于引致创新和经济资助;其制度设计要素包括众包目标、参赛者规模以及团队合作等;运行机制包括科研众包前期项目征集机制... 本文在梳理政府资助型科研众包的发展脉络基础之上,系统研究其功能及运行机制,认为政府资助型科研众包的最大功能在于引致创新和经济资助;其制度设计要素包括众包目标、参赛者规模以及团队合作等;运行机制包括科研众包前期项目征集机制、中期参与者激励机制、后期成果退出机制。由于政府资助型科研众包的入口向全社会开放,以及其以成果兑奖的后补助性质,在中国实施时需减少因社会性大量投入带来的重复性劳动,应尽量选择前期投入较小、风险较低的项目进行试点。 展开更多
关键词 政府资助型科研 科技奖励 科研资助体系
城市治理数字化转型中的政府众包应用风险 被引量:1
作者 刘红波 彭晓清 《信息技术与管理应用》 2023年第2期130-141,共12页
推动城市高质量发展是全面推进中国式现代化的必然要求,致力于汇聚利用大众资源的政府众包模式为提高市域社会治理现代化水平提供了新的着力点.本文运用扎根理论方法,以广东省禅城区城市治理众包为例,梳理政府众包在实施过程中所面临的... 推动城市高质量发展是全面推进中国式现代化的必然要求,致力于汇聚利用大众资源的政府众包模式为提高市域社会治理现代化水平提供了新的着力点.本文运用扎根理论方法,以广东省禅城区城市治理众包为例,梳理政府众包在实施过程中所面临的核心风险因素.研究发现:政府众包的实施主要存在四方面风险,一是来自发包方的财政负担、象征性参与、管理混乱等风险,二是来自平台方的数据过载、流程不畅、隐私安全等风险,三是来自接包方的参与不足、参与过量、作弊欺诈等风险,四是来自外部环境的数字鸿沟和权责问题等风险;各风险因素之间存在内在的相互影响关系,其中财政资金是来自政府发包方的最大风险因素,公众作为接包方在参与数量和参与质量方面的不确定性会给政府发包带来影响,来自数字化平台和政策环境的风险会对双边市场的政府和公众主体造成影响.本研究通过因素梳理,提炼出政府众包风险模型,有利于推动政府众包研究的系统化发展,为提升城市治理效能指明改进方向. 展开更多
关键词 政府众 城市治理 风险管理 数字治理 数字政府
人民城市理念下城市治理众包模式研究 被引量:3
作者 刘红波 姚孟佳 《城市观察》 2022年第4期75-85,161,162,共13页
牢固树立人民城市理念是城市治理的基本遵循。城市治理众包旨在汇聚和利用人民群众的力量,助力市域社会治理,它将城市治理数字化转型的技术创新和城市多元共治新格局的制度创新良好衔接,为加快推进城市治理现代化和构建城市治理创新体... 牢固树立人民城市理念是城市治理的基本遵循。城市治理众包旨在汇聚和利用人民群众的力量,助力市域社会治理,它将城市治理数字化转型的技术创新和城市多元共治新格局的制度创新良好衔接,为加快推进城市治理现代化和构建城市治理创新体系提供了创新性方案。本文以佛山市禅城区“啄木鸟—禅城管家”小程序为例,对人民城市理念下城市治理众包模式加以诠释,搭建了发包方、接包方和数字化平台三者间互动、协同和合作的理论模型,并尝试打开城市治理众包运行模式的逻辑“黑箱”。为有效应对城市治理众包运行过程中的风险和冲突,本文提出了完善激励机制、严格规范制度、修复管理漏洞、重视线下沟通、提高审核效率和促进平台连接等应对策略。 展开更多
关键词 城市治理 政府众 参与 数字政府 人民城市
公共管理中的众包机制:研究现状与未来展望 被引量:12
作者 李燕 《探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期147-161,共15页
Web2. 0技术的飞速发展极大拓展了政府吸收社会力量与民间智慧改善公共管理的行为边界,众包机制也跨越了商业活动领域进入公共管理视野。近年来,从城市规划方案到自然灾害应急管理,众包机制在各国公共管理实践中显示出巨大潜力,引发了... Web2. 0技术的飞速发展极大拓展了政府吸收社会力量与民间智慧改善公共管理的行为边界,众包机制也跨越了商业活动领域进入公共管理视野。近年来,从城市规划方案到自然灾害应急管理,众包机制在各国公共管理实践中显示出巨大潜力,引发了实务界和学界的广泛关注。但迄今为止,尚未有文献专门针对公共管理领域的众包研究成果进行系统梳理与全面总结。本文基于2007—2017年公共管理众包机制文献计量分析结果,归纳了主要分析视角与研究领域,对核心文献进行了深度的内容分析,并指出未来研究方向。研究发现,公共管理众包研究主要形成了公共管理众包的构成要素与运行机制、城市治理中的众包机制、自发式地理信息与众包式应急灾害管理、社交媒体时代的政策众包与公共服务合作生产、公共管理众包中的参与者行为、公共管理领域众包面临的挑战等五大主题。整体而言,该领域仍处于起步阶段,理论基础尚显薄弱,实践效果尚不明确,未来研究需从更广阔的视域出发,从参与者、组织与系统三个维度对公共管理众包进行深入探讨。 展开更多
关键词 公共管理 公民 政府众
作者 张顶峰 翟天捷 +3 位作者 丁御昂 严天孜 施展晨 唐麟禹 《消费导刊》 2012年第8期180-180,191,共2页
随着经济的发展,城市化的推进,土地资源的配置问题事关国计民生,而中国沿用至今的土葬习俗一直制约着社会发展中土地资源的优化,我国大力推行的殡葬改革是关系人民群众切身利益的大事,然而市场自由的混乱,政府调控的失灵,传统观... 随着经济的发展,城市化的推进,土地资源的配置问题事关国计民生,而中国沿用至今的土葬习俗一直制约着社会发展中土地资源的优化,我国大力推行的殡葬改革是关系人民群众切身利益的大事,然而市场自由的混乱,政府调控的失灵,传统观念的囤守使得殡葬改革在政府和市场的双调控下陷入困境。 展开更多
关键词 殡葬改革 政府众 困市场 公境
基于控制权视角的政府-公民众包 被引量:4
作者 刘红 王旭 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期87-93,共7页
政府-公民众包实现了互联网平台自下而上的线上社区开放,推动了民主化进程,实现了组织与社区之间控制权的平衡。本文运用控制权理论,从目标设定、检查验收、激励分配三个维度探讨政府-公民众包的定义,从主体、方法、主题、创新程度四方... 政府-公民众包实现了互联网平台自下而上的线上社区开放,推动了民主化进程,实现了组织与社区之间控制权的平衡。本文运用控制权理论,从目标设定、检查验收、激励分配三个维度探讨政府-公民众包的定义,从主体、方法、主题、创新程度四方面对政府-公民众包进行了分类研究。 展开更多
关键词 政府-公民 控制权 分类
The Bovine Tuberculosis Campaign in Mexico: Present and Perspectives
作者 Jose Alfredo Gutierrez-Reyes Estela Flores-Velazquez +8 位作者 Guillermo Agustin Reyes-Escalona Joaquin BraulioDelgadillo-Alvarez Marcela Amalia Mercado-Pezzat Eli Tonatiuh Selva-Hernandez Alejandro Perera-Ortiz Jose Alberto Ordufia-Sumaran Cecilia Romero-Torres Luis Antonio Jimenez-Zamudio Ethel AwildaGarcfa-Latorre2 and Citlatepetl Salinas-Lara 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第4期277-290,共14页
Mexico is considered by different international organizations as a country where the bovine tuberculosis is an endemic problem. However, there are important and consistent improvements in eradicating the disease by th... Mexico is considered by different international organizations as a country where the bovine tuberculosis is an endemic problem. However, there are important and consistent improvements in eradicating the disease by the implementation of government policies and with the livestock organization support. The current situation of the program shows good results regarding decreasing the prevalence, and as a consequence, the risk of this disease for public health and animal health, as well as the improvement in animal production and international and national trade. Today, the bovine tuberculosis distribution is almost known in Mexico. In addition, a series of controls and indicators have been established, which allow maintain consistency and reliability in the data that are managed and analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 Bovine tuberculosis SURVEILLANCE STATUS QUARANTINE Mexico.
Knowledge, Understanding and Attitude Toward Civic Rights and Duties in Administrative Affairs and People's Participation in Local Administration of Mahasarakham Municipality
作者 Yupaporn Yupas 《Sociology Study》 2013年第4期269-277,共9页
This research aimed to study on the people and the local government. The samples were 395 respondents over 18 years old, selected locally of Mahasarakham Municipality, Thailand. The research found that the level of kn... This research aimed to study on the people and the local government. The samples were 395 respondents over 18 years old, selected locally of Mahasarakham Municipality, Thailand. The research found that the level of knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward civic rights and duties of administrative affairs was at a high level but participation in the local administration was rated at a low level. The relationship between knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward civic rights and duties of administrative affairs of the community was positive correlated. The relationship between knowledge and understanding toward civic rights and duties and participation in the community administration and the relationship between attitudes toward civic rights and duties in administrative affairs and participation in the local government administration were not correlated. Some recommendations were the local government organizations should promote and provide more information to build the right understandings and improve good attitudes toward civic rights and duties in administrative affairs. Local administrators and local leaders should play an important role to advocate and encourage public opinions toward a political ideology to ensure the public mind and make the vision "people-centered". Most importantly, the State shall pursue directive principles of State policies in relation to public participation. 展开更多
关键词 Administrative affairs ATTITUDES civic rights and duties PARTICIPATION
Resource and Environmental Issues in Transitional China:A Perspective from the Interaction Among Market,Government and Society 被引量:1
作者 Zhao Haixia Qu Futian +1 位作者 Zhu Peixin Shi Xiaoping 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第2期13-23,共11页
Along with the rapid growth of economy in the postreform period after 1979,China has faced severe problems of resource overusing and environmental degradation which would threaten the sustainable development of econom... Along with the rapid growth of economy in the postreform period after 1979,China has faced severe problems of resource overusing and environmental degradation which would threaten the sustainable development of economy and society.This article explores an effective mechanism of managing resource and environment in China.It examines some major resource and environmental issues,and constructs a framework of institution innovation to cover three sectors(government,market and society) . In addition,the article analyzes their experience and evaluation in resource management and environmental conservation during the transitional period.We argue that the combination of market regulation,government intervention and public participation is an effective way of allocating resource and protecting environment. Some suggestions are put forward to balance the relationship between them,including coordinating role of government and market,building platform for market operation and creating an atmosphere of public participation. 展开更多
关键词 economic transition resource and environment management institution innovation triangle balance
A Study on the Public Perception in Nuclear Area in Brazil
作者 Renata A. Almeida Maria de Lourdes Moreira +1 位作者 Patricia Wieland Antonio Cesar F. Guimaraes 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第7期1277-1281,共5页
During the course of the last years the need for the increase in the electric energy production in Brazil as well as in the rest of the world, has raised the tone of the debate about the environment impact of such pro... During the course of the last years the need for the increase in the electric energy production in Brazil as well as in the rest of the world, has raised the tone of the debate about the environment impact of such production. As a result of these debates, both the several levels of government and some of the NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) have commissioned innumerous opinion researches aiming at measuring and evaluating the knowledge and perception of the public in relation of the best non-polluting energy sources. Prior to 2001 these researches would not make any sense in Brazil., however due to that year's drought, the competent authorities were faced with the necessity of developing a plan, the PNE2030 (Piano Nacional de Energia) aiming, among others objectives, at finalizing the construction of the Angra three plants and implementing new nuclear plants in places still to be determined. Allowing for the complexity of the subject, this paper presents a field research conducted from September 28th, 2010 to October 28th, 2010 assessing the current level of perception of the Brazilian population about the nuclear area, in particular of the residents of three cities of Rio de Janeiro. As a result of this work, the authors suggest how the competent authorities should proceed to reach in an efficient manner a greater understanding of the population about the proposed subject, through communication campaigns being both informative and educational. 展开更多
关键词 Public acceptance nuclear education exploratory survey nuclear safety.
Political Advertising and Propaganda Within Spiral of Silence-Agenda Setting Theory
作者 Hakan ALP 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第1期12-18,共7页
Political communication is an interactive process by which politicians transmit information and political discourse to voters and receive feedback through media. This communication process is a two way process of comm... Political communication is an interactive process by which politicians transmit information and political discourse to voters and receive feedback through media. This communication process is a two way process of communication between politicians and voters by which, on the one hand, politicians transmit their thoughts and wills to voters, and on the other hand voters communicate their opinions to politicians, after interpreting, in different ways, the messages that they received. The key objective of political communication is to persuade or influence and cause voters, who are the target audience, to vote for a particular party by convincing them. In order to ensure the smooth operation of political communication processes it is essential that the parliament, government, political parties, non-governmental organizations, environmentalist groups and pressure groups also actually take part in this process The decisive and transformative power of mass media and advertising phenomenon on the political systems has grown to become more and more influential in the recent years. The use of information considerably increases in line with the increase in the use of propaganda. No doubL this information age has turned the world into "a universal village". On the one hand, the concentration in media and on the other hand rapid developments in Internet technologies expose societies to the bombardment of messages. Being exposed to or bombarded by numerous varieties of messages in their daily lives lead to the creation of variabilities and instabilities in individual's behaviors. Accordingly, political organizations while trying to convey messages to masses through political communication and advertising have to deliver systematic, comprehensible and influential messages by taking the advantage of visualization as much as possible. 展开更多
关键词 political advertising spiral of silence agenda setting COMMUNICATION
Strategies for Dealing with Gang Activity in Urban Communities
作者 Phillip Neely 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第10期525-529,共5页
As disturbing as youth and gun violence is, it is not hard to reduce the mortality rate because it is preventable. The information provided in this research will help to get policies waiting to be reviewed by legislat... As disturbing as youth and gun violence is, it is not hard to reduce the mortality rate because it is preventable. The information provided in this research will help to get policies waiting to be reviewed by legislators, and any new proposal that reaches the appropriate legislative chamber, reviewed without obstacles and will help to prevent youth violence. Upon completion of this research, the study shows that rates of youth violence have decreased based on programs implemented at the state government level with a stronger juvenile justice system holding offenders accountable to ensure public safety and reduce youth violence and victimization. The study shows that community and school involvement with law enforcement and government agencies are some of the strategies needed to help reduce gun violence and rebuild communities. 展开更多
关键词 gang activity urban communities juvenile delinquency VIOLENCE
Role of Mass Media in Facilitating Citizen’s Participation in Bangladesh Public Procurement
作者 Farhana Razzaque 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第12期691-702,共12页
Public procurement (PP) is considered as one of the key most important functions of any government across the world. Over the years, it has been argued by the scholars that third party engagement (except government... Public procurement (PP) is considered as one of the key most important functions of any government across the world. Over the years, it has been argued by the scholars that third party engagement (except government officials and bidders) in procurement system facilitates to achieve good governance in this sector. In this regard, it is generally expected that third-party monitoring (TPM) of PP, especially monitoring by citizens might earn the trust and confidence of the people in government activities. This study aims at exploring the roles of media in promoting citizen engagement (CE) in PP in order to make the procurement process impartial, efficient, effective, and accountable. The study uses a qualitative methodology in conducting the research with the data being collected through key informant interview, semi-structured interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), secondary document, and literature reviews. The findings of this study suggest that if the media can play an effective role, the procurement literacy rate will be increasing. Hence, an enabling environment could be created where people will feel at ease to talk about compliance with procurement rules and acts. Hence, media may act as a catalyst to promote citizens involvement in the PP process to hold the respective groups accountable for their activities. 展开更多
Public participation in environmental protection activities
作者 JIANG Shi-ping WEN Li 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2008年第1期67-71,77,共6页
Great importance is attached to public participation in environmental protection activities. Public participation is the requirement for human race to protect themselves and to realize their environmental rights. The ... Great importance is attached to public participation in environmental protection activities. Public participation is the requirement for human race to protect themselves and to realize their environmental rights. The issue of respecting human rights is the substance. Public participation will produce tremendous deterrent power and impact to solve environmental problems, for it's strong, extensive and wise. World forms of public participation include political parties, non-government organizations, and environmental movements. History indicates that the initial power of protecting environmental was from the public. No public participation, no environmental movements. Therefore, our government and environmental protection departments should encourage good conditions for it. public participation and create 展开更多
关键词 ENVIRONMENT public participation environmental movements
Incorporating Civil Society: China's NGO Strategy
作者 Curtis Stone 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2013年第2期87-109,共23页
During the Chinese Communist Revolution, Mao Ze-dong developed and used the mass hne to link the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC) with the masses. Atier 1949, the mass line mechanism fell into disuse;... During the Chinese Communist Revolution, Mao Ze-dong developed and used the mass hne to link the top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC) with the masses. Atier 1949, the mass line mechanism fell into disuse; but in today's China, there seems to be a trend toward more openness. Deng-era reforms have decentralized the central government, weakened adherence to Party ideology, and reduced the state's control. In order to deal with diversified social interests, the CPC is renewing and extending the practice of the mass line through state-liceused intermediate organizations. By doing so, the central government is not only creating a channel for interest articulation but also deepening state control and regulation of civil society to ensure that power remains largely centralized. 展开更多
关键词 CORPORATISM civil society democratic centralism mass line
A comparative analysis on models of higher education massification
作者 PAN Maoyuan LUO Dan 《Frontiers of Education in China》 2008年第1期64-78,共15页
Four financial models of massification of higher education are discussed in this essay.They are American model,Western European model,Southeast Asian and Latin American model and the transition countrie’s model.The c... Four financial models of massification of higher education are discussed in this essay.They are American model,Western European model,Southeast Asian and Latin American model and the transition countrie’s model.The comparison of the four models comes to the conclusion that taking advantage of nongovernmental funding is fundamental to dealing with financial difficulty faced by higher education.As a result,it can be argued that the declining of higher education quality does not necessarily have to do with schooling system.On the contrary,the development of private higher education helps the activation mechanism of competition so as to cultivate talents needed by the society. 展开更多
关键词 higher education massification private higher education governmental funding
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