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老区政德文化建设与文化自信的血脉传承——以海陆丰革命老区为例 被引量:4
作者 陈醒芬 《清远职业技术学院学报》 2019年第3期82-86,共5页
文化自信是国家、民族对自身文化价值的高度认同,对自身文化生命力的坚定信念。文化作为一种软实力,可以涵育和培养人的品德,甚至是为政之德。政德,作为为政之德,是从政之魂,为官之本,用权之道,是党员干部尤其领导干部十分重要的人生必... 文化自信是国家、民族对自身文化价值的高度认同,对自身文化生命力的坚定信念。文化作为一种软实力,可以涵育和培养人的品德,甚至是为政之德。政德,作为为政之德,是从政之魂,为官之本,用权之道,是党员干部尤其领导干部十分重要的人生必修课。领导干部修养德政可以用红色革命文化来涵养政德,走弘扬中华优秀文化和加强党员干部道德修养建设相结合的路径。以海陆丰红色革命文化涵养政德为例,可以用海陆丰红色革命文物品牌涵养政德,以海陆丰文化名人品牌涵养政德,以海陆丰正气正义人格品牌涵养政德,充分发挥红色经典文化的涵养功能,坚定文化自信的血脉传承。 展开更多
关键词 文化自信 政德文化 海陆丰 红色革命文化 文化名人
作者 虞志坚 刘瑾芫 《廉政文化研究》 2022年第5期31-38,共8页
新时代中国共产党人关于政德建设的重要论述,是新时代中国共产党人对传统政德文化进行创造性转化和创新性发展的思想成果,为新时代党员干部政德建设提供了根本遵循。新时代中国共产党人对传统政德文化的创造性转化和创新性发展的主要表... 新时代中国共产党人关于政德建设的重要论述,是新时代中国共产党人对传统政德文化进行创造性转化和创新性发展的思想成果,为新时代党员干部政德建设提供了根本遵循。新时代中国共产党人对传统政德文化的创造性转化和创新性发展的主要表现:把“外儒内法”下“为政以德”的传统政德理念转化为法治与德治相得益彰的新时代政德观,实现立言与立行的统一;把“以民为本”的传统政德理念转化为“为民、务实、清廉”的新时代政德观,实现做人与做官的统一;把从严治吏的传统政德失范预防理念转化为管党治党的新时代政德观,实现学习与改造的统一;把“内圣外王”的传统政德理念转化为建章立制的新时代政德观,实现教化与约束的统一。新时代中国共产党人为传统政德文化的创造性转化和创新性发展提供了科学的方法论指导:创新政德文化,要坚持党的领导,要坚持马克思主义的指导地位,要坚持以人民为中心,要以新时代政德建设实践为语境。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 传统政德文化 创造性转化 创新性发展
Medical Propaganda and Cultural Communication:The Establishment,Development,and Influence of the German Poliklinik in Chongqing(1906-1919)
作者 YUAN Weiman JIA Changbao 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2024年第2期122-150,共29页
At the beginning of the twentieth century,cultural policy became a central element of Germany’s expansionist foreign policy toward China.In this context,the German government had a Poliklinik established in Chongqing... At the beginning of the twentieth century,cultural policy became a central element of Germany’s expansionist foreign policy toward China.In this context,the German government had a Poliklinik established in Chongqing in 1906,intending to leverage“medical propaganda”to extend German influence.Despite these ambitions,the Poliklinik faced socio-political challenges and local resistance,which hindered its ability to fully realize the German government’s political objectives.By the time the Poliklinik ceased operations in 1919,it had not achieved the strategic impact anticipated by Berlin.However,the Poliklinik contributed significantly to fostering mutual understanding and facilitating cross-cultural communication in the medical field between China and Germany.Thus,while initially conceived as an instrument of Germany’s cultural policy,the actual social and cultural influence of the Poliklinik on Germany and China was rather constructive:it had not only enhanced the understanding of German medicine and culture among the Chinese people,but also promoted knowledge about Southwest China’s medical conditions among the German academic community. 展开更多
关键词 German Poliklinik in Chongqing Germany’s cultural policy towards China medical propaganda Southwest China Sino-German relations
From the History of Georgian-German Cultural and Political Relationship: Prince Erekle in Berlin
作者 Giorgi Kavtaradze 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1587-1591,共5页
Georgian kings and princes were trying to establish ties and to develop relationships with European monarchies. In times of cultural, religious, demographic crisis, the Catholic missions sent by the Pope, and Russian ... Georgian kings and princes were trying to establish ties and to develop relationships with European monarchies. In times of cultural, religious, demographic crisis, the Catholic missions sent by the Pope, and Russian ambassadors hold out hope to the Bagrations. In such circumstances, Georgians became closer to Europeans. The Capuchins, the Theatines, Jesuit monks were honored guests and members of the royal retinue in the Georgian Kingdoms-Princedoms. Thanks to them, in XVII-XVIII centuries, were brought up such Georgians thinkers as: Vakhushti Batonishvili, Beri Egnatashvili, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani, Vakhtang VI, Teimuraz II, daughter of Vaghtang VI, Tamar (mother of King Erekle II), etc. In addition, at the royal courts of Russia and Persia, it became fashionable to send their Princes to Europe, in order to get an education. The best example of this is Peter the Great and Nader Shah's son--known as Baron Semlin. From XVIII century, in the history of Georgian-German relations, there are authentic sources about Georgians' stay in Germany. Among the sources, if taking them chronologically, the oldest is about military education of Prince Erekle. The following sources are about visits of other Georgian Princes to Germany. The next sources tell about the military campaign of Georgian Hussars regiment, in whose ranks poet Davit Guramishvili was fighting. Among the above-mentioned sources, in the Georgian historiography, the issue of Davit Guramishvili has been well researched, but the same cannot be said of King Erekle II. 展开更多
关键词 BIOGRAPHY HISTORIOGRAPHY international relations the history of Europe
Ubuntu: Alterity as a Perspective for Peace
作者 Flora Strozenberg Willis Santiago Guerra Filho Luiz Otavio Ferreira Barreto Leite Edna RaquelSantos Hogemann Milanna Nagib Hellen Cristina Silva de Oliveira Matheus Novais da Silva AnaCarolina Antao 《Sociology Study》 2015年第1期53-59,共7页
This paper looks for deepening the connections among peace, intercultural dialogue, and communalism in the light of Ubuntu, an ethical concept that emphasizes the alliances constructed between people and the relations... This paper looks for deepening the connections among peace, intercultural dialogue, and communalism in the light of Ubuntu, an ethical concept that emphasizes the alliances constructed between people and the relations established by them, and is seen as fundamental to the African thought of the groups that adopt Bantu languages. It develops an original exercise in diatopical hermeneutics--a methodology proposed by Raimon Panikkar, taking as the main goal to approach the Western ethical and political thought to the epistemic and ontological category of Uhuntu, recognized in the Zulu maxim umuntu n#umuntu npabantu (a person is a person through other persons). It chooses as the basis of such study some contemporary thinkers as L^vinas, Bauman, Ramose, Chuwa, Kunene, and Nussbaum, who show a common concern with reverting a context of war and disregard of the integrity of human beings, connected to an ethics of alterity, zealous of the values of conviviality and respect for the cultural differences. It reveals the political dimension of Ubuntu and the impacts of this conception on the process of facing the problems of human rights in post Apartheid South Africa. Grounded on such transdisciplinary reflexion, it tries to point through a path to the implementation of policies for peace based on interculturality and communalism within different cultures. 展开更多
关键词 UBUNTU PEACE ethical and political thought respect for the other communalism
唯物史观视域中的“礼法合治”及其现代转换——兼论新时代“德法共治”思想的历史性超越 被引量:8
作者 贾英健 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期52-59,共8页
在中华优秀传统政德文化中,"礼法合治"作为治理国家的手段,为历代统治者所推崇,不仅大大提高了国家治理的效能,而且对统治者维护其统治和社会秩序也发挥了重要作用。站在唯物史观的高度审视,传统"礼法合治"思想既... 在中华优秀传统政德文化中,"礼法合治"作为治理国家的手段,为历代统治者所推崇,不仅大大提高了国家治理的效能,而且对统治者维护其统治和社会秩序也发挥了重要作用。站在唯物史观的高度审视,传统"礼法合治"思想既具有历史合理性,也存在着历史局限性,还表现出当代的价值恒久性。这不仅为新时代的"德法共治"提供了重要的思想文化资源,而且也推动从"礼法合治"向"德法共治"的现代性转换,进而实现新时代"德法共治"思想的历史性超越。 展开更多
关键词 传统政德文化 礼法合治 德法共治 治理现代化
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