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作者 孙语圣 孙若男 《民国研究》 CSSCI 2016年第1期167-180,共14页
孙中山的环境建设思想十分丰富,他认为自然环境与政治社会环境紧密相依,不可孤立或分割开来。孙中山对中国社会问题的思考遵循着一条显线:政治-社会-自然的思维逻辑。民生主义是其环境建设思想的社会基础,政治-社会-自然的思维逻辑... 孙中山的环境建设思想十分丰富,他认为自然环境与政治社会环境紧密相依,不可孤立或分割开来。孙中山对中国社会问题的思考遵循着一条显线:政治-社会-自然的思维逻辑。民生主义是其环境建设思想的社会基础,政治-社会-自然的思维逻辑是其环境问题和环境建设思想的思维路径,民主革命是其环境建设思想的驱动力。孙中山环境建设思想是一个有机的整体系统,包含着自然、人民、民生、民族、国家、革命、政治、社会等一系列关键性的术语,孙中山以革命为出发点构建出其关于环境建设的完整、有机、庞大的思想体系。 展开更多
关键词 孙中山 政治-社会-自然思维逻辑 民生主义
嵌入与功能整合:社会组织党建的“政治性-社会性”二维分析 被引量:6
作者 程坤鹏 俞祖成 《中国非营利评论》 2019年第1期34-50,共17页
在现代社会组织体制建构过程中,党建对社会组织是否以及如何产生影响?文章以城乡社区社会组织为例,采取滚雪球抽样法,研究社会组织党建的运行和作用机制。通过案例比较和归纳,文章认为,当前党社关系呈现"收敛式"的总体特征,... 在现代社会组织体制建构过程中,党建对社会组织是否以及如何产生影响?文章以城乡社区社会组织为例,采取滚雪球抽样法,研究社会组织党建的运行和作用机制。通过案例比较和归纳,文章认为,当前党社关系呈现"收敛式"的总体特征,社会组织党建是组织间嵌入和功能整合的动态过程,党社互动达成了社会组织政治性社会化的转化和社会性政治化的消弭:第一阶段,党建以组织、宣传、队伍、活动嵌入,引导并强化社会组织的社会功能;第二阶段,以党建赋予社会组织所需资源,逐步形成资源依赖和内外控制,进而弱化其潜在政治功能。文章提出"政治性-社会性"功能整合框架,解释社会组织党建的内在逻辑,有助于完善和推进该领域的解释性研究。 展开更多
关键词 社会组织党建 社区治理 嵌入 功能整合 政治-社会性”
政治—社会史:深化史学研究的新路径 被引量:7
作者 徐永志 戴巍 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期117-122,共6页
自上世纪80年代社会史研究复兴以来,长期处于史学研究核心的政治史作为方法论的支配地位渐趋式微。但就政治与社会的密切关系、中国传统社会政治一体化的特征及社会史研究整体性目标的追求而言,“政治—社会史”的研究理应成为当前政治... 自上世纪80年代社会史研究复兴以来,长期处于史学研究核心的政治史作为方法论的支配地位渐趋式微。但就政治与社会的密切关系、中国传统社会政治一体化的特征及社会史研究整体性目标的追求而言,“政治—社会史”的研究理应成为当前政治史研究的一个新路径。在坚持唯物史观、以历史学为本位的前提下,借鉴政治学、社会学与人类学等学科的理论与研究方法,由更广义的政治现象切入社会生活,考量政治与社会环境、社会结构、社会文化、社会治理等方面的互动关系及其影响,则可以深化传统的政治史的研究。 展开更多
关键词 政治 社会 政治-社会 史学方法
作者 赵瑶 张培富 《自然辩证法通讯》 北大核心 2024年第6期96-104,共9页
负责任创新概念的提出已有十余年的历史,研究成果十分丰富,但其重点大多放在有关责任的解读上,关于创新概念的解读,则或鲜明或模糊地将其等同于现代经济学中的创新,即占据主流的创新的技术-经济理解。这样的创新理解从根本上与负责任创... 负责任创新概念的提出已有十余年的历史,研究成果十分丰富,但其重点大多放在有关责任的解读上,关于创新概念的解读,则或鲜明或模糊地将其等同于现代经济学中的创新,即占据主流的创新的技术-经济理解。这样的创新理解从根本上与负责任创新的社会取向相矛盾,制约了负责任创新社会目标的实现。创新概念的政治源头、负责任创新研究本身的政治维度及其框架中对民主的强调,表明我们应该在负责任创新的视野下探索和发展创新的政治维度;负责任创新目标的社会性、实践中技术创新与社会创新的难以区分、人类面临的巨大挑战所需要的制度创新以及社会创新研究的蓬勃发展,表明我们需要充分重视创新的社会理解。 展开更多
关键词 创新 负责任创新 技术-经济理解 社会-政治理解
诠释路径、历史图景与心灵机制:对卢梭社会思想的一种哲学诠释 被引量:1
作者 曾誉铭 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期13-19,共7页
在对卢梭思想的既有诠释中尚缺乏一种"哲学式"理解。卢梭社会思想的哲学诠释将政治-社会及心灵机制(德性问题)当作卢梭思想的核心问题。卢梭的人类历史图景与自我教化的社会思想在共同体机制与心灵"本真性"之间形... 在对卢梭思想的既有诠释中尚缺乏一种"哲学式"理解。卢梭社会思想的哲学诠释将政治-社会及心灵机制(德性问题)当作卢梭思想的核心问题。卢梭的人类历史图景与自我教化的社会思想在共同体机制与心灵"本真性"之间形成内在的结合。完善的政治-社会机制为私意与公意的沟通提供了存在空间。 展开更多
关键词 政治-社会 自我教化 自爱(amour de soi) 自私(amour-propre)
试论政治现代化的生态限度及其超越 被引量:2
作者 王浩斌 王飞南 《嘉兴学院学报》 2007年第2期43-48,共6页
政治现代化系指政治结构在科技革命和市民革命的推动下所经历的由传统政治意识形态向适应现代工业文明或信息文明发展要求的政治意识形态的演变过程;政治现代化的实现有着多方面的生态限度,为此,要实现对生态限度的超越以促进政治现代化... 政治现代化系指政治结构在科技革命和市民革命的推动下所经历的由传统政治意识形态向适应现代工业文明或信息文明发展要求的政治意识形态的演变过程;政治现代化的实现有着多方面的生态限度,为此,要实现对生态限度的超越以促进政治现代化,必须重塑政治—自然生态、政治—经济生态、政治—伦理生态以及政治—社会生态。 展开更多
关键词 政治现代化 生态限度 政治-社会生态 国家社会 社会国家化
政治生态学:当代欧美生态人类学研究范式的转向 被引量:12
作者 罗意 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期101-107,共7页
20世纪80年代以来,文化生态学与政治经济学合流,催生了名为"政治生态学"研究范式的发展和成熟。该范式旨在对"地方世界"中环境变迁及其生态、经济、社会与政治后果进行认识性描述和批判性分析,建构了"自然-社... 20世纪80年代以来,文化生态学与政治经济学合流,催生了名为"政治生态学"研究范式的发展和成熟。该范式旨在对"地方世界"中环境变迁及其生态、经济、社会与政治后果进行认识性描述和批判性分析,建构了"自然-社会-政治"的分析框架,赋予了生态人类学以地方经验回应全球性环境问题、参与发展与社会变迁等更具普遍性议题讨论的能力,是当代欧美生态人类学最重要的研究范式之一。 展开更多
关键词 政治生态学 生态人类学 “自然-社会-政治”分析框架 地方经验 参与发展
试析英语语言中的政治意识 被引量:2
作者 陈海英 魏烨 《三门峡职业技术学院学报》 2004年第1期15-17,共3页
本文以英国的两党政治为例,分析了不同时代、不同阶级的政治意识在语言中的反映。并从语义和语言的角度剖析了英国政党名称的内在含义。同时,本文还以江奈生·斯威夫和亨利·菲尔丁的作品为例,说明了在文学语言中,也可以找到英... 本文以英国的两党政治为例,分析了不同时代、不同阶级的政治意识在语言中的反映。并从语义和语言的角度剖析了英国政党名称的内在含义。同时,本文还以江奈生·斯威夫和亨利·菲尔丁的作品为例,说明了在文学语言中,也可以找到英国两党政治意识,从而进一步证明了语言中存在阶级(或政治集团)意识,因此,在研究社会,人文科学时,不能忽略对语言的研究。 展开更多
关键词 政治意识 托利 骑士 圆颅党 文学语言 社会-政治功能
Polish Media 22 Years After Socio-Political Breakthrough The Road to Professionalization and Democratization
作者 Adam Szynol 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第1期329-341,共13页
Over two decades have passed by since Poland took the course of democratic changes. In the early 1990s the press sector was re-established as a consequence of de-monopolization and has been taken over by foreigners. T... Over two decades have passed by since Poland took the course of democratic changes. In the early 1990s the press sector was re-established as a consequence of de-monopolization and has been taken over by foreigners. The electronle media sector has been restricted for 15 years and foreign companies could only have one third of the ownership. The complexity of Polish media system reflects the long way from communism and governmental media towards free democratized market with some remnants of the previous era. It is hard to predict when it will be shaped in a brand new way and if it is generally possible. 展开更多
The Renascence Party and Union and Socio-Political Organization of Muslims in Spain
作者 Jose Antonio Pefia-Ramos 《Sociology Study》 2014年第2期135-149,共15页
This paper presents an overview and analyzes the impact of the Partido Renacimientoy Union de Espana (PRUNE, Renascence Party and Union in Spain) specifying in the socio-political articulation of Muslims in Spain. I... This paper presents an overview and analyzes the impact of the Partido Renacimientoy Union de Espana (PRUNE, Renascence Party and Union in Spain) specifying in the socio-political articulation of Muslims in Spain. In particular, it aims to describe and analyze the historical and political context of the emergence of these types of parties in the European Union (EU); their background in Spain, particularly in the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla and their specific impact on socio-political movements. The main hypotheses of work are the heterogeneity of Islamic communities in Spain, its religious references and social integration are difficult and complex, implying that this will provide a strategic impact from PRUNE, which could be very limited, slow, and uncertain. 展开更多
关键词 POLITICS RELIGION ISLAM religious political party Islamic party IMMIGRATION
Policy Developments and Politics in Brazil: The Digital TV Decision-Making Process
作者 Juliano Dominguesoda-Silva 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第1期34-47,共14页
Using an analytical narrative approach to understand policy change, this paper explores the Brazilian government decision to create a digital TV policy initiating major reforms in this sector. The analysis is centered... Using an analytical narrative approach to understand policy change, this paper explores the Brazilian government decision to create a digital TV policy initiating major reforms in this sector. The analysis is centered on the actors, preferences, and choices. The article is divided into three parts: (1) We address the historical institutionalism assumptions; (2) We focus on the politics of digital TV policy in Brazil; and (3) The results are highlighted, and "winners" and "losers" are identified. Actors, preferences, and choices are historically observed and related to the government decision about rules of digital TV exploitation. It provides configurational evidence that makes it possible to associate major changes to two presidential decrees (n° 4.901/2003 and n° 5.820/2006) that reflect the preferences and behavior of the main actor (broadcasters, social movements, and federal government) around the new digital TV issues. The Brazilian case shows an institutional model in which federal government's decisions are strongly connected with the preferences of the actor broadcasters and goes against the actor social movements. 展开更多
关键词 new media policy developments decision-making process
Multinational company performance management -- general motors, for example
作者 Yue Sun 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期61-64,共4页
The pattern of economic integration in the world today international political, economic, cultural and social environment. multinational company human resources management is facing a complex This paper use the resea... The pattern of economic integration in the world today international political, economic, cultural and social environment. multinational company human resources management is facing a complex This paper use the research method of qualitative analysis, investigation method, and the multinational corporation management environment, the analysis of the factors influencing factors of performance management of multinational companies, general motors, for example, combined with the actual situation of performance management in a multinational company, is advantageous to the multinational companies to develop human resources, improve business performance. 展开更多
关键词 Performance management Multinational companies
Postcolonialism and Socio-political Development in Africa: Learning Through the Literary Eyes of Ngugi Wa Thiong'O
作者 Adam, Ezinwanyi E. 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期521-530,共10页
This study presents the fact that the relationship between the white colonialists and the black indigenous population threw up a myriad of socio-political cross fertilization in Africa. The way and manner the Whites r... This study presents the fact that the relationship between the white colonialists and the black indigenous population threw up a myriad of socio-political cross fertilization in Africa. The way and manner the Whites related with the Black people, the levels of reactions and response of the black population to the invading socio-political values and standards during the colonial era has been the subject of interesting writings in Africa. Of significance in this class of writing in Kenya is Ngugi Wa Thiong'O's works. His profound sympathy with his people in their weaknesses, their poverty in the socio-political development in Kenya, and particularly his hatred of exploitation, cruelty, and injustice are noteworthy. It is the thrust of this work to critically look at the socio-political change in postcolonial Kenya through the literary eyes of Ngugi in his remarkable and compelling work, Petals of Blood (1977), with a view to establish the contributions of the work to real socio-political development in Kenya through the approaches of textual criticism, interpretation, and post-colonial theory. Thus, the study examines the socio-political development in postcolonial Kenyan society, the lifestyle of people, and the relationships that exist among Kenyan citizens, especially between the rich and the poor, the government (ruling class), and the governed (masses). It also establishes the basis for the continued prevalence of the themes of violence, corruption, injustice, disillusionment, decadence, and disintegration in contemporary Kenyan literature, in spite of the transformation and change in the socio-political setting of the State. 展开更多
关键词 POST-COLONIALISM literature and post-colonial theory
Agriculture and Technical Cooperation: Nelson Rockefeller and the Work of AIA in Brazil ( 1946-1961 )
作者 Claiton Marcio da Silva 《History Research》 2012年第6期384-390,共7页
It aims to analyze the work of American International Association for Economic and Social Development (AIA), a philanthropic agency founded by Nelson Rockefeller, between 1946 and 1961 in Brazil. Aiming to promote b... It aims to analyze the work of American International Association for Economic and Social Development (AIA), a philanthropic agency founded by Nelson Rockefeller, between 1946 and 1961 in Brazil. Aiming to promote better standards of living to the Latin American rural population, AIA is merged in a historical context of increasing US economic and politic influence over Latin America and Brazil, diffusing and adapting US technical assistance programs to local contexts. However, this research developed the idea of an intense process of political negotiation, including resistance from Brazilian political staff. Also, there were many difficulties in adapting these programs to the local context, leading to constant reorganization of the AIA's work in Brazil. 展开更多
关键词 Brazil Extension Service rural development technical assistance rural people
An Indigenous Yoruba Socio-political Model of Conflict Resolution
作者 Lawrence Bamikole 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第2期144-152,共9页
In indigenous and contemporary societies, different elements of social and political institutions have come up with various inner mechanisms that are unique to their societies that can adjudicate in conflict situation... In indigenous and contemporary societies, different elements of social and political institutions have come up with various inner mechanisms that are unique to their societies that can adjudicate in conflict situations. In traditional, indigenous Yoruba societies, agba (elders) were usually relied upon as agents and institutions of conflict resolution in view of certain qualities possessed by this category of people. This paper focuses attention on the role of agba (elders) in conflict resolution at various levels of Yoruba life. We acknowledge that agba (elders) have performed these roles in traditional, indigenous Yoruba societies. The opinion expressed in this paper is that agba, as theoretical and practical conflict resolution mechanism, can be philosophically developed and used as an alternative model to the current means of resolving conflicts through wars and terrorism and other forms of violence by aggrieved individuals and groups in national and international arenas. 展开更多
关键词 agba (elders) indigenous Yoruba society conflict resolution MODEL
Ethiopian Cinema: The Socio-economic and Political Impacts of Imperial Era on the Development of Screen Media 1
作者 Aboneh Ashagrie 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第12期711-726,共16页
Ethiopia that had been at the high-up as one of the few world powers in the 1 st and early centuries of the 2nd millennium, and later to descend to poverty line to the extent of being synonym for famine and degradatio... Ethiopia that had been at the high-up as one of the few world powers in the 1 st and early centuries of the 2nd millennium, and later to descend to poverty line to the extent of being synonym for famine and degradation in an English dictionary, is currently on the verge of socio-economic renaissance. Likewise, the country that experienced film viewing in the very early years of the development of world cinema for more than hundred years bad eventually lagged behind those African countries exposed to cinematic arts a few decades ago; but now relatively ascending to its historical status. These days, over hundred films are produced on annual bases in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, articles, books, and encyclopedias written on African and world cinema do not as such include the Ethiopian account, hence adversely affecting the wholeness of universal knowledge. This research thus attempts to investigate the socio-economic and political impacts that governed the development of the Ethiopian screen media during imperial era (1897-1974). The inconsistency in the development of Ethiopian cinema will be analyzed and demonstrated in conjunction with the socio-economic and political features in the era of Emperor Menelik II, Lij Iyasu, Empress Zewditu, and Emperor Haile Sellassie. The study will portray the strong link between Cinema and mode of productions that would be of a scholastic benefit to the Ethiopian and the international academia. The article hopefully, will contribute to the historiography and completeness of African screen median in particular, and world cinema in general. 展开更多
关键词 Ethiopia CINEMA development socio-economic and political impacts HISTORIOGRAPHY
District Policy---Social Practice Through Internal and External Discourses: How the Implementation of a Single Regional Political Instrument Is Perceived, Understood and Communicated
作者 Heidi Engesbak Christin Tcnseth 《Sociology Study》 2012年第1期68-82,共15页
This paper focuses on how the implementation of a single regional political instrument is perceived, understood and communicated. Designed as a regional political instrument, the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Co... This paper focuses on how the implementation of a single regional political instrument is perceived, understood and communicated. Designed as a regional political instrument, the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications started a pilot project: "Driver education as a part of upper secondary school in district Norway". The focal point in this paper is to explore how the professional participants understand and interpret the project as a regional political instrument in order to maintain the local community, identity and local belonging. The theoretical approach is based on Giddens's actor/structure theory, while the analysis based on discourse analysis, in the analysis we separated the arguments used in the professional discourse. We detected different categories of argument in the discourses among the professionals. In addition to the professional discourse, we became aware of a personal discourse. In both discourses the political instrument was perceived to be important in order to maintain the local community, create equality and maintain local identity and a sense of belonging. 展开更多
关键词 Internal and external discourses local community and identity regional policy driver education
理解全球化:基于“经济-社会-政治”体系共生演化视角的分析 被引量:6
作者 葛劲峰 袁志刚 樊潇彦 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第8期31-44,共14页
20世纪80年代以来,一波超级全球化席卷全球。当今世界进入了百年未有之大变局,全球化陷入困境。应当如何理解当前的全球化困境?百年未有之大变局究竟变在何处?为此,可以从经济学、政治学、社会学与国际关系的综合视角,构建“经济-社会-... 20世纪80年代以来,一波超级全球化席卷全球。当今世界进入了百年未有之大变局,全球化陷入困境。应当如何理解当前的全球化困境?百年未有之大变局究竟变在何处?为此,可以从经济学、政治学、社会学与国际关系的综合视角,构建“经济-社会-政治”为一体的、动态演化的框架,以理解当今世界全球化的深层次矛盾。近一波全球化过程中全球经济力量与收入分配格局发生了变化,出现了发达经济体的经济停滞和新兴经济体的赶超,也导致了社会各阶层和不同社会群体的收入和财富差距发生巨变。全球化中全球经济基础的变化,即全球化中的全球经济力量格局变迁与收入分配恶化将对各国的经济和社会基础产生重大影响,进而影响上层建筑:国家的主导思想和意识形态。一个国家在国际关系和经济政策领域主导思想的演变,势必影响其对外战略和政策选择,进而影响本国的经济走向乃至全球化的历史进程。 展开更多
关键词 全球化 “经济-社会-政治”体系 国际政治经济
基于利益相关者视角的人力资源管理分析框架重构 被引量:3
作者 朱七光 薛小荣 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第2期130-135,共6页
为了理解在一个由不同的参与者组成的复杂系统中,人力资源管理实践是如何由各类参与者的相互作用决定的,非常有必要开发出一个概念性的分析框架。在这方面,已有一些学者的相关研究开创了管理理论的新视角,认为组织可以被理解为是由利益... 为了理解在一个由不同的参与者组成的复杂系统中,人力资源管理实践是如何由各类参与者的相互作用决定的,非常有必要开发出一个概念性的分析框架。在这方面,已有一些学者的相关研究开创了管理理论的新视角,认为组织可以被理解为是由利益相关者组成的政治-经济系统中的一个组成部分;利益相关者不仅会与组织的管理实践之间产生互动,还会对其形成重大影响,且每一个利益相关者都会尽力最优化并保护自己的固有利益。笔者则认为利益相关者分析框架提供了一种重新认识人力资源管理的途径,有助于人们更好地理解公司内部冲突的本质;基于利益相关者视角的分析框架有助于识别其他利益相关者的存在,并将各个利益相关者植入管理理论与管理实践当中;利益相关者的参与有助于确定并改造公司的管理架构与管理决策。 展开更多
关键词 人力资源管理 社会-政治联盟 利益相关者理论
江西私营企业主的社会—政治参与分析 被引量:1
作者 刘绵勇 《马克思主义与现实》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期175-178,共4页
关键词 私营企业主 社会-政治参与 江西
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