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作者 范佳平 《黑龙江史志》 2013年第13期276-277,共2页
泉州市第三次全国文物普查中在晋江市永和镇古厝村,发现一方清代"奉旨边界"石刻,该石刻刻于一座巨石的东南面,方位坐西北向东南其上竖刻两行四字,左侧为"奉"字,右侧为"旨边界"。字径15—20厘米,字体楷书... 泉州市第三次全国文物普查中在晋江市永和镇古厝村,发现一方清代"奉旨边界"石刻,该石刻刻于一座巨石的东南面,方位坐西北向东南其上竖刻两行四字,左侧为"奉"字,右侧为"旨边界"。字径15—20厘米,字体楷书,字迹风化较重,但依稀可辨。"奉旨边界"碑在闽南一带多有发现,是清初清廷为对付郑成功、郑经父子的抗清势力而实施"迁界"政策所立的界石,迁界范围内沿海居民必须离开故土,迁往界外。。本文就清代泉州迁界政策进行分析和研究。 展开更多
关键词 清代泉州 政策 分析 研究
弗朗西斯·福山:《国家构建——21世纪的国家治理与世界秩序》 被引量:1
作者 汤苍松 《公共管理评论》 2007年第1期206-209,共4页
北京:中国社会科学出版社,2007,133页,15.00元,ISBN 978-7-5004-6018-3冷战结束,弗朗西斯·福山因预言以民主自由和全球资本主义作为"历史的终结"而名噪一时。但是冷战之后,海地、索马里、巴尔干以及中东地区相继发生的... 北京:中国社会科学出版社,2007,133页,15.00元,ISBN 978-7-5004-6018-3冷战结束,弗朗西斯·福山因预言以民主自由和全球资本主义作为"历史的终结"而名噪一时。但是冷战之后,海地、索马里、巴尔干以及中东地区相继发生的局部冲突和战争造成严重的人道主义和人权灾难。以"9·11"袭击为代表的一系列恐怖主义灾难表明国际秩序和治理正面临着一种严峻而巨大的战略挑战。福山的新作《国家构建——21世纪的国家治理与世界秩序》正是在美国对伊战争刚刚结束忙于战后重建之际推出的。 展开更多
关键词 秩序 中东地区 国际秩序 战后重建 全球资本主义 政府能力 民主自由 局部冲突 政策界 国际社会
共商安全合作 共话世界和平
作者 李媛 《今日中国》 2015年第8期52-55,共4页
关键词 国际战略 国际安全 国际秩序 命运共同体 集体安全 副主席 政策界 战略互信 国际关系 新兴大国
明清之际漳潮沿海局势、政策与民众生计 被引量:2
作者 王日根 段芳 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期184-192,共9页
在1626~1683年间,漳潮地区处于郑氏集团和他效忠的南明政权与清朝的相互争夺与对峙之下。各方的阵营并不稳定,存在相互投敌和天平般摇摆的现象。来自郑氏阵营的投敌者黄梧所献的"迁界"建议逐渐演化为清朝的政策,这一政策出于... 在1626~1683年间,漳潮地区处于郑氏集团和他效忠的南明政权与清朝的相互争夺与对峙之下。各方的阵营并不稳定,存在相互投敌和天平般摇摆的现象。来自郑氏阵营的投敌者黄梧所献的"迁界"建议逐渐演化为清朝的政策,这一政策出于尽快孤立与消灭郑氏的政治目的,在漳潮地区被执行得尤为极端,极大地破坏了民众生计,时常还会驱使部分居民投入到敌对阵营。漳潮地区的官员意识到这一点,多提出取消"迁界令",但这一政策直到统一台湾后才宣告结束。 展开更多
关键词 明末清初 漳潮地区 政策 民众生计
元明清政府海洋政策与东南沿海港市的兴衰嬗变片论 被引量:3
作者 王日根 《中国社会经济史研究》 CSSCI 2000年第2期1-7,共7页
关键词 元政府 明政府 清政府 海洋政策 东南沿海港市 禁海政策 政策
商业模式创新与中小企业转型升级的思路探析 被引量:3
作者 刘志荣 盖翊中 《发展改革理论与实践》 2017年第11期21-24,共4页
商业模式创新是中小企业市场竞争力提升的重要途径,对中小企业转型升级具有积极的推动作用。中小企业应结合自身的资源以及所处的产业组织网络特点,通过创新商业模式,发掘新的顾客价值主张,进一步拓展专业化经营实现转型;或通过构建新... 商业模式创新是中小企业市场竞争力提升的重要途径,对中小企业转型升级具有积极的推动作用。中小企业应结合自身的资源以及所处的产业组织网络特点,通过创新商业模式,发掘新的顾客价值主张,进一步拓展专业化经营实现转型;或通过构建新型协作网络,整合系统关键资源,实现抱团转型;或依托大型企业的产业链系统,围绕产业配套发展,推进联动转型。 展开更多
关键词 商业模式创新 企业转型升级 政策界 价值主张 产业配套 协作网络 新商业模式 中小企业集群 企业合作 大型企业
提高我国精准扶贫效果的建议 被引量:1
作者 郑风田 《中国人力资源社会保障》 2017年第2期57-57,共1页
关键词 农民企业家 政策界 扶贫效果 扶贫资金 水漂 就业问题 内三 农村工业 多功能性 农村贫困人口
跨界政策网络与区域治理:我国地方政府合作实践分析 被引量:55
作者 锁利铭 杨峰 刘俊 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期39-43,共5页
基于制度性集体行动理论,文章指出区域合作治理的实质就是个体理性的地方政府为克服交易成本障碍互相连接,构建相互依赖的可持续合作网络,从而实现公共服务的供给。本文在政策网络理论模型的基础上,将区域因素加入了政策网络理论的分析... 基于制度性集体行动理论,文章指出区域合作治理的实质就是个体理性的地方政府为克服交易成本障碍互相连接,构建相互依赖的可持续合作网络,从而实现公共服务的供给。本文在政策网络理论模型的基础上,将区域因素加入了政策网络理论的分析框架之中,界定了跨界政策网络的形成机理与结构状态。通过"9+2"泛珠三角合作区的案例,指出它是建立在信息共享基础上的"弱关系"网络结构,这种网络结构打破原有行政隶属,通过代理人的传递作用,连接了不同的参与者,从而保障制度性集体行动的实现。 展开更多
关键词 政策网络 区域治理 区域合作
《国际政治科学》 2006年第4期5-6,共2页
关键词 国际关系研究 政策界 国际政治 出口管制 金融开放 政策层面 金融安全 规模经济 决策过程 前沿研究
作者 李军 《河南警察学院学报》 1994年第6期37-39,共3页
宗教侦察保卫工作,是政治侦察的一个重要组成部分。同宗教界的违法犯罪作斗争,是较高层次的斗争。它涉及侦察保卫,思想文化和社会生活等多方面。笔者根据自己的工作实践就如何做好宗教侦察保卫工作,谈点粗浅认识。 一、认真学习宗教基... 宗教侦察保卫工作,是政治侦察的一个重要组成部分。同宗教界的违法犯罪作斗争,是较高层次的斗争。它涉及侦察保卫,思想文化和社会生活等多方面。笔者根据自己的工作实践就如何做好宗教侦察保卫工作,谈点粗浅认识。 一、认真学习宗教基本知识,掌握党的宗教政策和有关法律,是搞好宗教侦察保卫工作的必要条件。 展开更多
关键词 保卫工作 上层人士 信仰自由 违法犯罪 信仰问题 教职 敌情线索 生活秩序 整体作战 政策界
论大鹏所城之变迁 被引量:1
作者 刘涓 赵万清 《山西建筑》 2014年第1期9-11,共3页
关键词 城池 变迁 禁海政策 政策
《北京市人民政府公报》 2004年第11期5-23,共19页
各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:根据《国务院关于加大工作力度进一步治理整顿土地市场秩序的紧急通知》(国发明电[2003]7号)、《国务院办公厅关于清理整顿各类开发区加强建设用地管理的通知》(国办发[2003]70号)及国... 各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:根据《国务院关于加大工作力度进一步治理整顿土地市场秩序的紧急通知》(国发明电[2003]7号)、《国务院办公厅关于清理整顿各类开发区加强建设用地管理的通知》(国办发[2003]70号)及国家有关部门关于清理整顿现有各类开发区的具体标准和政策界限等文件精神,为规范本市各类开发区发展,充分发挥开发区在首都经济社会发展中的作用,本市对现有各类开发区进行了清理整顿,决定撤销442个各类开发区,现将已撤销(包括摘牌撤出或整合后不再保留名称)的各类开发区名单予以公布。各区县政府要按规定做好各类开发区撤销后的有关善后工作。 展开更多
关键词 区县政府 土地市场秩序 西红门镇 国务院办公厅 民营科技园 善后工作 于家务回族乡 十里堡镇 政策界
State Policy on the Environment in Vietnamese Handicraft Villages 被引量:1
作者 Nguyen Thi Thu Huong 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第6期290-295,共6页
Handicraft villages play an important role in promoting social and economic development in rural areas as well as Vietnam's economy. Nowadays, Vietnam's handicrafts have a foothold in the world market, and are expor... Handicraft villages play an important role in promoting social and economic development in rural areas as well as Vietnam's economy. Nowadays, Vietnam's handicrafts have a foothold in the world market, and are exported over 163 countries and territories (Tuan, 2010). However, the production activities of the handicraft village have a lot of shortcomings, especially the problem of environmental pollution (Chi, 2010). Therefore, government policy plays a very important role to minimize environmental pollution villages, contributing to improving environmental quality and public health. This paper focuses on: 1). Current status of state policy environment in handicraft villages shows the achievements and limitations of the policy, from which reviews state policy in environments in handicraft villages (through fieldwork in the handicraft villages); and 2). Solution to improve state policy on environmental protection in handicraft villages in Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 craft village state policy environmental policy
Post-Crisis Remodeling of the Economy for the Sustainable Growth of South Eastern European (SEE) Countries
作者 Tome Nenovski Klime Poposki 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第6期856-865,共10页
Every bigger economic crisis, as the current one, to separate national economies as well. However, leaves behind a huge material damage to the world economy and such crises remind national authorities of the mistakes ... Every bigger economic crisis, as the current one, to separate national economies as well. However, leaves behind a huge material damage to the world economy and such crises remind national authorities of the mistakes done in the past while creating and running macroeconomic policy and teach them how they should overcome these crises in the upcoming period. The economic growth model of the selected South Eastern European (SEE) economies (Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro) during pre-global economic crisis was based mainly on foreign demand and capital inflows which created big external imbalances in those countries. It was the main reason why those countries were exposed to big vulnerability of external shocks. But, the crisis reshapes the world economic map. Competition on world markets gets new forms and players. The lessons learnt from economic crisis say that there is a need for revising the pre-crisis economic growth model in the selected countries as they are less vulnerable to external shocks. New economic model will enable their long-lasting and more sustainable economic growth in the future. One approach of remodeling their economy is presented in this paper. The main finding of this research is that instead of experiencing external "push" factors for economic growth by the governments, a promotion of internal resources is needed in order to enable "the catching up" process of these countries to continue. But, all those countries are members or candidates for becoming European Union (EU) members. That means there is no room for application on entirely new economy growth model, since those countries have to create economic model which has to be convergent to the EU one. There must be different approaches by individual countries in remodeling their economies. The findings of this survey are intended to remind the policy makers of the selected SEE countries of the mistakes they made before and during the economic crisis and the need and directions for remodeling their economies in the post-crises period that will enable their long-lasting and more sustainable economic growth in the future. The position assumed for this research is interpretative using qualitative methods of research. In order to ensure comparability among results, the proposed methodological design will be multiple-case study research on the selected SEE economies. 展开更多
Immigration and Liberal Egalitarianism
作者 Jorge M. Valadez 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第3期165-179,共15页
My principal objective in this paper is to examine what position liberal egalitarians should take regarding the issue of immigration. Given that liberal egalitarians grant central importance to individual autonomy and... My principal objective in this paper is to examine what position liberal egalitarians should take regarding the issue of immigration. Given that liberal egalitarians grant central importance to individual autonomy and the moral equality of all persons, their rejection of restrictive immigration policies appears to follow from these central normative commitments. Liberal egalitarians such as Joseph Carens and Phillip Cole have argued that those who are committed to individual autonomy and moral equality should advocate for an open borders position in immigration. I argue that it is a serious mistake for liberal egalitarians to advocate open national borders and that borders should instead be strategically regulated to reduce global economic inequalities through immigration policies systematically integrated into development programs for the poorest and most vulnerable countries. Open borders would create an open market for immigration slots to choice countries of destination, which out of practical necessity would have to delimit the number of new immigrants. It is well known in migration studies that those who are more educated, young, and have more resources are more likely to migrate than the very young, the elderly, the infirm, and the poorest individuals. Those left behind in developing countries suffer serious negative consequences from the emigration of the most highly educated, capable, and talented individuals in their society. I then argue that liberal egalitarians should grant particular moral consideration to the world's poorest and most vulnerable and that immigration policies strategically designed to prioritize their needs are actually more consistent with the dual commitments of individual autonomy and moral equality than an open borders position. I propose three principles of global justice that are consistent with liberal egalitarianism that should guide transnational moral obligations. I end the paper by arguing that two of these principles can be used to justify restricted immigration policies that would enable developed countries to partially discharge some of their moral obligations to developing countries while enhancing the autonomy of the world's most vulnerable people. 展开更多
关键词 IMMIGRATION global justice open borders MIGRATION liberal egalitarianism
Chinese Policies and Practices regarding Payments for Ecological Services in Watersheds
作者 Liu Guihuan Zhang Huiyuan Wan Jun 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第1期36-43,共8页
Watersheds provide a variety of ecological services including soil and water conservation, carbon sequestration and biodiversity protection. However, activities in a fast-growing economy significantly impact the suppl... Watersheds provide a variety of ecological services including soil and water conservation, carbon sequestration and biodiversity protection. However, activities in a fast-growing economy significantly impact the supply and demand of these watershed services. To mitigate these impacts, the concept of payment for environmental and ecosystem services from water-sheds has emerged in global academic and policy circles. The governments and academic communities in China have increas-ingly described payments for ecological services from watersheds with the concept of watershed eco-compensation as it is urgent to protect watershed ecosystems. Watershed eco-compensation has proved to be one of the most economically effective means of solving environmental problems of watersheds to be adopted by the Chinese government. This paper presents an objective analysis of the Chinese market for watershed ecosystem services, including supply and demand for the services. It also summarizes Chinese policies on watershed eco-compensation, including relevant laws and regulations and fiscal policies. In addition, it presents a re-view of Chinese practices in watershed eco-compensation, in-cluding the analysis of an ecological construction project in West-ern China, inter-provincial watershed eco-compensation practices and plans, and payment for ecological services at the provincial and small watershed levels. Finally, it summarizes the key com-ponents of the process of payment in Chinese watershed eco-compensation. This discussion forms the basis of concluding suggestions for ecosystem services compensation and ecological protection in the large scale river basin. 展开更多
关键词 China payment for ecological services from watersheds watershed eco-compensation policies and practices
The Diffusion of Bilateral Tendencies in the Common Trade Policy of the European Union During the Global Financial and Economic Crisis
作者 Zdzislaw W. Pusleckia 《Sociology Study》 2014年第2期117-134,共18页
In this research work, the author focuses on the analysis of the diffusion of bilateral tendencies in the common trade policy of the European Union (EU) during the global financial and economic crisis. Realistic poi... In this research work, the author focuses on the analysis of the diffusion of bilateral tendencies in the common trade policy of the European Union (EU) during the global financial and economic crisis. Realistic point is important trends in the trade regime during the economic crisis. The decisions taken by the representatives of the governments participating in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are, to a significant degree, influenced by various lobbies, such as organisations and unions of food producers or other non-governmental organisations, including trade unions, The main objective of the research task is to give a comprehensive analysis of the international trade policy during the world financial and economic crisis 2008-2010. The particular mains concern the political economy models of foreign trade policy, protectionistic pressures in different political system, the level of protectionistic pressures, food producer pressures, international trade liberalization, and environmental protection bilateral tendencies in the common trade policy of the EU and the respond of the EU to the economic crisis, it must be emphasized that on a theoretical level, understanding the choice of trade policies between liberalizm and protectionisme is very important. Despite the undeniable benefits of the multilateral WTO forum for trade liberalisation, the rapid increase of North-South bilateral and multilateral Free Trade Areas (FTAs) begs a systematic explanation for why some forums are prioritized relative to others. 展开更多
关键词 European Union (EU) economic crisis common trade policy protectionistic pressures bilateral tendencies
宏观审慎政策治理框架的进展 被引量:2
作者 马新彬 《中国金融》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第17期56-57,共2页
加强宏观审慎管理、优化宏观审慎政策治理框架成为危机后国际社会的共同政策主张2008年国际金融危机后,学术界和政策界对现行金融监管体制尤其是对政策治理机制进行了反思,即在治理安排上没有一家机构明确负责对整个金融体系风险状况进... 加强宏观审慎管理、优化宏观审慎政策治理框架成为危机后国际社会的共同政策主张2008年国际金融危机后,学术界和政策界对现行金融监管体制尤其是对政策治理机制进行了反思,即在治理安排上没有一家机构明确负责对整个金融体系风险状况进行监督,从而也就缺乏一个整体性的制度安排来防范和应对系统性风险。为弥补上述缺陷,加强宏观审慎管理、优化宏观审慎政策治理框架成为危机后国际社会的共同政策主张。 展开更多
关键词 金融监管体制 政策界 国际金融危机 政策主张 国际社会 风险状况 中央银行 金融稳定委员会 审慎监管 金融体系
《中国劳动》 1959年第13期2-5,共4页
关键词 政策界 个人利益 私人事务 共产主义教育 可能范围 陈周 产品成本 委禽 清了 五关
作者 管戈 《中国劳动》 1959年第14期13-14,共2页
山东省整頓劳动組織的工作,是从鋼鉄“两化”、“五定”开始的。今年三月,自从省委指示調整工农业劳动力,从工业、基建、交通企业拿出一大批人支援农业生产之后,这項工作就在全省范围內开展起来了。截至6月中旬,全省已从企业去年新增工... 山东省整頓劳动組織的工作,是从鋼鉄“两化”、“五定”开始的。今年三月,自从省委指示調整工农业劳动力,从工业、基建、交通企业拿出一大批人支援农业生产之后,这項工作就在全省范围內开展起来了。截至6月中旬,全省已从企业去年新增工人中抽調出35%的人,其中絕大数回到了农村,参加农业生产。这一段整頓劳动組織的重点,主要是炼鉄、采矿、小煤窑等人員增加最多的新建企业。这些企业由于創建时間短、基础差,劳动组织比較混乱,人浮于事,窝工浪費也比較严重,特別是随着技术和設备的不断改善,企业管理水平的不断提高,这种現象就更显得突出了。 展开更多
关键词 劳动组织 交通企业 农业生产 支援农业 外包工 企业内部劳动 社会劳动 停步不前 政策界 政治思想工作
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