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作者 赵建国 《外国语言文学》 2017年第1期51-55,共5页
《故事海》和《伊索寓言》,一个被称作是印度古代故事大全,一个是世界上流传最为广泛的一部寓言故事集。这两部书中大约有五组相同或相似的寓言故事。这些相同或相似的寓言故事大多出现在《本生经》和《五卷书》等印度故事书中。通过比... 《故事海》和《伊索寓言》,一个被称作是印度古代故事大全,一个是世界上流传最为广泛的一部寓言故事集。这两部书中大约有五组相同或相似的寓言故事。这些相同或相似的寓言故事大多出现在《本生经》和《五卷书》等印度故事书中。通过比较分析,可以初步判断它们的来源是印度而不是希腊。 展开更多
关键词 故事海 《伊索寓言》 影响 来源
作者 贾宏涛 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期143-149,共7页
印裔英国作家萨尔曼·拉什迪的中篇小说《哈龙和故事海》以童话寓言的形式生动地传达出这样一个寓意:虽然讲故事如王尔德所言是一门古老的撒谎艺术,但却具有震撼人心的表达效果。由于拉什迪声称这部作品是他在人生最黑暗时期创作的... 印裔英国作家萨尔曼·拉什迪的中篇小说《哈龙和故事海》以童话寓言的形式生动地传达出这样一个寓意:虽然讲故事如王尔德所言是一门古老的撒谎艺术,但却具有震撼人心的表达效果。由于拉什迪声称这部作品是他在人生最黑暗时期创作的一部最明朗、最令人愉快的小说,所以我们可以说,这部同时写给儿童和成人的童话故事与作家本人的文学观紧密相连。本文将从三个方面解读拉什迪如何以童话寓言的形式阐述他对文学的影响,文学与政治的关系,以及文学的社会功用等问题的思考。 展开更多
关键词 萨尔曼·拉什迪 《哈龙和故事海 文学观
作者 徐磊 《文化遗产》 CSSCI 2017年第5期129-134,共6页
印度抒海故事的"抒海取宝"母题链对中国煮海型龙女故事的形成发挥了重要作用。煮海型龙女故事对于抒海故事的吸收并非故事情节的全盘照搬、简单模仿,其背后蕴含着中印文化的碰撞与交融,以及人类共通的心理特征。此外,由于龙... 印度抒海故事的"抒海取宝"母题链对中国煮海型龙女故事的形成发挥了重要作用。煮海型龙女故事对于抒海故事的吸收并非故事情节的全盘照搬、简单模仿,其背后蕴含着中印文化的碰撞与交融,以及人类共通的心理特征。此外,由于龙女与凡人婚配故事的成熟,作为其亚型之一,煮海型龙女故事并未吸收抒海故事极具宗教色彩的主旨,而是继承了已有龙女故事的世俗性主题,旨在宣扬主人公勤劳善良的优秀品质,反映人们对于美好生活的向往。 展开更多
关键词 型龙女故事 故事 “抒取宝”母题链 吸收 摒弃
作者 刘爱华 《宜春学院学报》 2019年第1期54-61,共8页
海昏文化是江西文化的一张新名片,也是一个重要遗址品牌,符号性突出。在符号经济迅速发展的今天,海昏文化~①具有厚重的文化内涵和鲜明的符号差异性,已成为海昏故事讲述的重要素材源,作为潜在的重要遗址品牌,其符号价值也因之凸显,因此... 海昏文化是江西文化的一张新名片,也是一个重要遗址品牌,符号性突出。在符号经济迅速发展的今天,海昏文化~①具有厚重的文化内涵和鲜明的符号差异性,已成为海昏故事讲述的重要素材源,作为潜在的重要遗址品牌,其符号价值也因之凸显,因此,顺应符号经济发展,深入挖掘海昏文化内涵,提炼其特色,加强海昏文化品牌的符号生产,使文化符号转变为品牌符号、产业符号,对地区经济文化发展将起到巨大的推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 昏文化 故事 昏文化品牌 符号生产
作者 程代理 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2016年第12期205-205,共1页
雕塑小品在城市文化中扮演者重要的角色,我国地缘辽阔,区域文化明显,城市众多,城市发展也极为迅速,除了在规划建筑等方面凸显城市的独特性外,雕塑小品的创造性选择也尤为关键。好的雕塑小品能给城市景观建设带来创新性,当这种创新性与... 雕塑小品在城市文化中扮演者重要的角色,我国地缘辽阔,区域文化明显,城市众多,城市发展也极为迅速,除了在规划建筑等方面凸显城市的独特性外,雕塑小品的创造性选择也尤为关键。好的雕塑小品能给城市景观建设带来创新性,当这种创新性与地域文化相结合时,就会得到大众都比较欢迎的雕塑小品,通过雕塑小品传达城市文化,讲述城市故事。 展开更多
关键词 雕塑小品 区域文化 文化符号 故事
《课堂内外(小学版)》 2006年第6期55-55,共1页
安房直子(1943--1993),日本著名儿童文学作家,其作品精美隽永,有评论家称其作品如同“在院子的一隅默默开放的花朵”,她的作品最大的特征是想象,是“将现实沉人幻想世界的底层,很难划分出一条明晰的现实与幻想的分界线”。《黄... 安房直子(1943--1993),日本著名儿童文学作家,其作品精美隽永,有评论家称其作品如同“在院子的一隅默默开放的花朵”,她的作品最大的特征是想象,是“将现实沉人幻想世界的底层,很难划分出一条明晰的现实与幻想的分界线”。《黄昏海的故事》收录了安房直子14篇色彩缤纷的故事,橙黄色的沙漠、蓝色的大海……安房直子用她那迷人的想象,为我们画出了一个个彩色的幻想世界。 展开更多
关键词 《黄昏故事 安房直子 日本 儿童文学作家 小学 语文 课外读物
作者 乃日斯克 《民间文化论坛》 2021年第6期70-79,共10页
回鹘文"善恶两王子"的故事是回鹘文佛典中篇幅较长、情节较完整的一部代表性作品,是研究古代回鹘文的基础文本之一。本文通过比较回鹘文和蒙古文《故事海》中相应故事文本,辅以汉文故事的镜鉴,发现回鹘文文本所依据的很可能... 回鹘文"善恶两王子"的故事是回鹘文佛典中篇幅较长、情节较完整的一部代表性作品,是研究古代回鹘文的基础文本之一。本文通过比较回鹘文和蒙古文《故事海》中相应故事文本,辅以汉文故事的镜鉴,发现回鹘文文本所依据的很可能是基于撰写者在听取经文之时速记笔记的基础上,亦或者是在当地流传广泛的一篇脱胎于佛教本生故事的民间故事的基础上重新创作而成,其中汉文故事痕迹和口语化叙述风格明显。蒙古文故事内容与回鹘文区别较大,而与汉文《贤愚经》中的故事更为接近,二者应该来自不同的底本,但蒙古文翻译者可能还参考过回鹘文文本或其他回鹘文翻译,这也是自元代以来蒙古佛经翻译的传统。 展开更多
关键词 “善恶两王子的故事 回鹘文 蒙古文《故事海
作者 杨敏 《新闻研究导刊》 2019年第5期36-36,共1页
VR技术(虚拟现实技术)发展迅速,使得文化传播途径得到了更新。海昏侯文化作为具有代表性的大汉文化,应当顺应时代发展,利用VR技术进行传播。VR视域下,海昏侯文化传播方式得到了突破,传播效果得到了增强,增加了多元化感官体验。VR技术实... VR技术(虚拟现实技术)发展迅速,使得文化传播途径得到了更新。海昏侯文化作为具有代表性的大汉文化,应当顺应时代发展,利用VR技术进行传播。VR视域下,海昏侯文化传播方式得到了突破,传播效果得到了增强,增加了多元化感官体验。VR技术实际运用于海昏侯文化传播中,表现在海昏侯故事VR影片构建、海昏侯墓出土文物模型设计与出土文物互动拼接几个方面。 展开更多
关键词 昏侯文化 VR技术 出土文物 昏侯故事
作者 张远 《黔南民族师范学院学报》 2023年第2期37-43,共7页
梵语戏剧家跋娑是梵语文学史上重要的诗人和剧作家,有13部梵剧作品传世,其中2部是取材自印度古代著名君王优填王的传说。跋娑的《惊梦记》是现存最早的讲述优填王与摩揭陀国莲花公主姻缘的梵语戏剧。本文从《惊梦记》入手,将之与梵语戏... 梵语戏剧家跋娑是梵语文学史上重要的诗人和剧作家,有13部梵剧作品传世,其中2部是取材自印度古代著名君王优填王的传说。跋娑的《惊梦记》是现存最早的讲述优填王与摩揭陀国莲花公主姻缘的梵语戏剧。本文从《惊梦记》入手,将之与梵语戏剧《苦行犊子王》、梵语故事集《故事海》及三部汉译佛典进行详细比对,借以深入考察优填王传说中优填王与莲花公主姻缘的流传与嬗变。 展开更多
关键词 跋娑 优填王 莲花公主 《惊梦记》 《苦行犊子王》 故事海 汉译佛典
Application of a Step-by-Step Fingerprinting Identification Method on a Spilled Oil Accident in the Bohai Sea Area 被引量:4
作者 SUN Peiyan GAO Zhenhui +4 位作者 CAO Lixin WANG Xinping ZHOU Qing ZHAO Yuhui LI Guangmei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2011年第1期35-41,共7页
In recent years,oil spill accidents occur frequently in the marine area of China.Finding out the spilled oil source is a key step in the relevant investigation.In this paper,a step-by-step fingerprinting identificatio... In recent years,oil spill accidents occur frequently in the marine area of China.Finding out the spilled oil source is a key step in the relevant investigation.In this paper,a step-by-step fingerprinting identification method was used in a spilled oil accident in the Bohai Sea in 2002.Advanced chemical fingerprinting and data interpretation techniques were used to characterize the chemical composition and determine the possible sources of two spilled oil samples.The original gas chromatography -flame ionization detec-tion (GC-FID) chromatogram of saturated hydrocarbons was compared.The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) chromatograms of aromatic hydrocarbons terpane and sterane,n-alkane and poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed.The correlation analysis on diagnostic ratios was performed with Student’s t-test.It is found that the oil fingerprinting of the spilled oil (designated as sz1) from the polluted sand beach was identical with the suspected oil (designated as ky1) from a nearby crude oil refinery factory.They both showed the fingerprinting character of mixed oil.The oil fingerprinting of the spilled oil (designated as ms1) collected from the port was significantly different from oil ky1 and oil sz1 and was with a lubricating oil fingerprint character.The identification result not only gave support for the spilled oil investigation,but also served as an example for studying spilled oil accidents. 展开更多
关键词 step-by-step fingerprinting identification saturated hydrocarbons poly-aromatic hydrocarbons biomarkers Student'st-test
Marine Accident Analysis with GIS 被引量:1
作者 Ozkan Ugurlu Umut Yddlrlm Ercan Yuksekylldlz3 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2013年第1期21-29,共9页
In this study, marine casualties which are recorded Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) in 2007-2011, result in death, injury, economic loss and environmental pollution are discussed. The studied t... In this study, marine casualties which are recorded Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) in 2007-2011, result in death, injury, economic loss and environmental pollution are discussed. The studied types of ships are container, bulk dry, general cargo, roro, ropax, passenger and tankers. The information contained in GISIS system is textual format and it is difficult to systematically analyze this information. For this reason, by creating a new data base, which is Microsoft Excel-based, ship accidents are classified according to name, flag state and type of ship, type, size and coordinates of the accidents that are evaluated by entering the Geographical Information System(GIS). In the study, all marine areas having been separated into ranges in ArcGIS 10 program, the marine areas with intensive marine accidents have been determined and marine accident chart has been created. As a result of the study, high risk marine areas are Strait of Dover and Hamburg in the North Europe, Belfast Shores in Ireland, the seas surrounding Great Belt, Kattegat and Copenhagen in Baltic Sea, In far east, Kanmon Strait, Urage Channel and Bungo Strait in Japan, Shanghai, Ningbo and Hong Kong in China. 展开更多
关键词 Marine accidents maritime transportation GIS.
Backward Calculation Based on the Advection and Diffusion of Oil Spills on the Sea Surface 被引量:1
作者 刘浩 尹宝树 林建国 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2005年第1期63-68,共6页
In the light of the problem of oil pollution brought about by ships, in this paper we present the concept of backward tracing oil spills. In the course of backward calculation of the two-dimensional convection & d... In the light of the problem of oil pollution brought about by ships, in this paper we present the concept of backward tracing oil spills. In the course of backward calculation of the two-dimensional convection & diffusion equation, on the one hand, the advection term itself has the strong unilateral property, which means information in the upper reaches is transmitted downstream via the advection term; on the other hand, because of the opposite direction of calculation, it is essential for information to be conveyed upstream by means of the advection term. In addition, unlike that in the forward calculation, the diffusion term in the backward calculation is prone to accumulate errors, and thus renders the whole scheme unstable. Therefore, we adopt the central difference to deal with both the convectional term and the diffusion term. By examining two practical examples (1) under the unlimited boundary condition, and (2) under the limited boundary condition, it is proven that this method could achieve fundamentally satisfactory results not only in the open ocean but also in the closed or semi-closed bay. 展开更多
关键词 Backward calculation ADVECTION-DIFFUSION n umerical dissipation
Checking of seismic and tsunami hazard for coastal NPP of Chinese continent after Fukushima nuclear accident
作者 Chang Xiangdong Zhou Bengang Zhao Lianda 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第3期60-65,共6页
A checking on seismic and tsunami hazard for coastal nuclear power plant (NPP) of Chinese continent has been made after Japanese Fukushima nuclear accident caused by earthquake tsunami. The results of the checking are... A checking on seismic and tsunami hazard for coastal nuclear power plant (NPP) of Chinese continent has been made after Japanese Fukushima nuclear accident caused by earthquake tsunami. The results of the checking are introduced briefly in this paper,including the evaluations of seismic and tsunami hazard in NPP siting period,checking results on seismic and tsunami hazard. Because Chinese coastal area belongs to the continental shelf and far from the boundary of plate collision,the tsunami hazard is not significant for coastal area of Chinese continent. However,the effect from tsunami still can't be excluded absolutely since calculated result of Manila trench tsunami source although the tsunami wave is lower than water level from storm surge. The research about earthquake tsunami will continue in future. The tsunami warning system and emergency program of NPP will be established based on principle of defense in depth in China. 展开更多
关键词 NPP seismic hazard tsunami hazard subduction zone fukushima nuclear accident
The cause of human fatigue and scenario analysisin the process of marine transportation
作者 Pan Hengyi 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第1期107-117,共11页
The framework of fatigue factors is constructed to reduce the number of maritime accidents caused by human fatigue.Based on the study of maritime human fatigue,by screening and classifying it,there are 15 fatigue fact... The framework of fatigue factors is constructed to reduce the number of maritime accidents caused by human fatigue.Based on the study of maritime human fatigue,by screening and classifying it,there are 15 fatigue factors,which can be classified into 4 types:sleep,rest and rhythm;work factors;personal conditions;environmental factors.These factors are regarded as the variables for constructing scenarios.The importance,uncertainty,influence and dependence of variables and variable pairs were assessed by using morphological analysis,quantitative scales and correlation matrices.Ship movement and workload are selected as the two key variables,which are regarded as the axes of generating scenarios.One of the scenarios is selected as the typical scenario to illustrate the relationship between the causes of fatigue.Then,the analysis framework is constructed according to the fatigue factors relationship,and several potential solutions are proposed,which include the development of foresighted and flexible work plans,and the application of wearable facilities to improve monitoring and assessment systems.The proposed framework lays a theoretical foundation for studying maritime human fatigue,and scenario analysis can provide an effective strategy for reducing crews'fatigue. 展开更多
关键词 maritime accident human fatigue fatigue factor scenario analysis scenario construction morphological analysis
作者 臧若晴 李冬梅(指导) 《十几岁》 2019年第11期46-46,共1页
读了《黄昏海的故事》,我心里挺同情小枝的。她是一个善良的孩子,为了救心爱的男孩,想尽了一切办法;她把从海龟那里得到的东西全都交给了父母;她为了报答裁缝奶奶的恩情,为奶奶做了很多事。但是,小枝也做错了一件事。她为了得到解药,明... 读了《黄昏海的故事》,我心里挺同情小枝的。她是一个善良的孩子,为了救心爱的男孩,想尽了一切办法;她把从海龟那里得到的东西全都交给了父母;她为了报答裁缝奶奶的恩情,为奶奶做了很多事。但是,小枝也做错了一件事。她为了得到解药,明知道海龟的要求很无理,却还是敷衍着答应了。最终,她也没有信守承诺嫁给海龟。 展开更多
关键词 《黄昏故事
作者 王群存 《今日海南》 2010年第7期44-45,共2页
关键词 "故事" 文学作品 王群存 故事
The "Major Marine Accidents" Do Not Occur Randomly
作者 Alexandros Markos Goulielmos Androniki Gatzoli 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第12期709-722,共14页
It is estimated that $3.2 billion worth of ships was totally lost (2008-2013). In addition, 1,788 ships were involved in MMA (major marine accidents) (2004-2008). However, 70% of those accidents took place in on... It is estimated that $3.2 billion worth of ships was totally lost (2008-2013). In addition, 1,788 ships were involved in MMA (major marine accidents) (2004-2008). However, 70% of those accidents took place in only a quarter of the geographical areas. That is the focus of this study. Hurst's generalization of Einstein's formula for a random time series requires that MMA should cover a distance proportional to the square root of time. The Hurst exponent is derived from the "Rescaled Range Analysis" using MATLAB (2009). The Hurst exponent is 0.50 for a random time series, and this was found to be the case for MMA, in tons of carrying capacity over time. However, considering the time series in relation to the 12 geographical areas, the Hurst exponent for 1,788 MMA was found to be 0.43, which is less than 0.50. This indicates that the time series, related to geographical area, is anti-persistent/non-random. The ships damaged in MMA totaled 27.55 million dwt, and 31% of that tonnage was damaged in the North Sea and Baltic area, 20% in the Mediterranean and Black Sea and 19% in the China Sea. These research findings challenge the assumptions who generally believe that MMA are random in relation to geography. 展开更多
关键词 Major marine accidents RANDOMNESS anti-persistence geographical risk ships totally lost.
International Law on Liability and Compensation in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry
作者 Erik ter Brake 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第3期185-190,共6页
Offshore oil and gas exploration and production comes with risk of release of hydrocarbons in to sea. Today, the probability of such an event is relatively low, but the consequences are nevertheless significant and ca... Offshore oil and gas exploration and production comes with risk of release of hydrocarbons in to sea. Today, the probability of such an event is relatively low, but the consequences are nevertheless significant and can cover a vast geographical area. As such, it raises the question as to whether liability and compensation in oil & gas related incidents should be covered under international law. Current international legislation addresses the issue mainly in terms of shipping. This paper attempts to shed light on the topic in relation to oil and gas exploration whilst investigating notable events in the UK and the USA. The findings show that domestic laws of these countries cover the matter sufficiently. However, the question of whether the regulation should fall under international regulation can unfortunately not be answered with confidence as it would require a test-case of a situation where an oil spill affects multiple littoral states. 展开更多
关键词 International law OFFSHORE oil gas LIABILITY Macondo.
活色生香夕阳鱼市 奥林巴斯SH-1游走市场
作者 现现 《摄影之友》 2014年第10期46-46,共1页
实战编辑韦苡珊:每次旅行,我都希望能看到当地人最真实的生活状态,在以海上日落闻名的亚庇,我找到了这个海边的鱼市,辉煌日落衬着鲜活的交易,令人无比激动。有市场的地方就有热闹,在亚庇的海边鱼市,有最新鲜的鱼和最传统的售卖方式,渔... 实战编辑韦苡珊:每次旅行,我都希望能看到当地人最真实的生活状态,在以海上日落闻名的亚庇,我找到了这个海边的鱼市,辉煌日落衬着鲜活的交易,令人无比激动。有市场的地方就有热闹,在亚庇的海边鱼市,有最新鲜的鱼和最传统的售卖方式,渔船下午们回到码头,在夕阳下立刻开始叫卖,新鲜的鱼和夕阳交相辉映,呈现出最自然的生活状态,让人止不住快门。 展开更多
关键词 SH-1 活色生香 快门速度 长焦 令人 色平衡 侧逆光 场景模式 鱼人 故事海
Households' Risk Perception and Behavioral Responses to Natech Accidents 被引量:5
作者 Junlei Yu Ana Maria Cruz Akihiko Hokugo 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期1-15,共15页
This study analyzes data on households' risk perception and protective behavior following a natural disaster triggered technological accident(Natech accident)that occurred at an industrial park in Sendai during th... This study analyzes data on households' risk perception and protective behavior following a natural disaster triggered technological accident(Natech accident)that occurred at an industrial park in Sendai during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, on 11 March2011. The results indicate that some households carried out multiple evacuations and that households' risk perceptions changed throughout the Natech accident evacuation process. Risk perception differed according to household location and demographic characteristics. We also found differences in the protective measures adopted for households in different locations. Specifically, those living closer to the Natech accident tended to evacuate immediately,whereas those living further away tended to shelter in place. Wind direction is discussed as a factor that influences households' risk perception and evacuation response to a Natech accident. The findings of this study advance knowledge of household behavior in response to a Natech accident and can assist emergency managers in developing strategies for better management of evacuation processes. 展开更多
关键词 Evacuation behavior Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Natech accidents Protective actions Risk perception
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