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作者 董慧云 《兰台世界(上旬)》 1992年第5期13-13,12,共2页
张学良将军的一生为世人所称道的是他在中国现代史上的惊人之举,然而,在他治国安邦的决策中,注重教育也颇为后人所赞许。张学良将军主政东北,用自己私人捐款组建与扩建的学校,包括大学、中学、小学及各类军事学校,合起来不下十数所。其... 张学良将军的一生为世人所称道的是他在中国现代史上的惊人之举,然而,在他治国安邦的决策中,注重教育也颇为后人所赞许。张学良将军主政东北,用自己私人捐款组建与扩建的学校,包括大学、中学、小学及各类军事学校,合起来不下十数所。其中有三所是以『同泽』命校名的中学,即奉天同泽中学、奉天同泽女中、海城同泽中学。 展开更多
关键词 同泽 张学良将军 中国现代史 安邦 王捷 故京 山咀子 秦风 大学文科 中国青年
作者 赵世纲 罗桃香 《江西文物》 1991年第4期56-57,共2页
两宋宫廷为了满足自己穷极奢华的需要,除了让众多的民窑为他们烧造一定数量的宫廷专用瓷器外,还特别兴办有三个官窑,专供宫廷使用。这三个官窑分别是浙江余姚的越窑,河南汴京窑和浙江杭州的郊坛下官窑。浙江余姚的越窑烧制青瓷,具有悠... 两宋宫廷为了满足自己穷极奢华的需要,除了让众多的民窑为他们烧造一定数量的宫廷专用瓷器外,还特别兴办有三个官窑,专供宫廷使用。这三个官窑分别是浙江余姚的越窑,河南汴京窑和浙江杭州的郊坛下官窑。浙江余姚的越窑烧制青瓷,具有悠久的历史。唐人陆羽在《茶经》中把它列为当时六大名窑的首位。烧制的青瓷是“千峰翠色”、“有珪壁之姿”。五代时割据吴越的钱氏政权,为了结纳中原中央朝廷(包括后唐、后晋、后汉、后周以及两宋诸政权)所贡献之物,除珍宝外,越窑青瓷也列为重要的贡品之一。由于贡品数量庞大,加上吴越官方自身的需要,钱氏立国后,就把越窑垄断起来,臣僚及百姓都不能使用。 展开更多
关键词 越窑 浙江余姚 宝丰清凉寺 坦斋笔衡 修内司 汝瓷 瓷窑遗址 耀州窑 品胎 故京
The Fault Line in Chinese Reflective Thinking 被引量:1
作者 Jim Platts 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期945-957,共13页
Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly... Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly present in the ancient Chinese philosophers. This is a loss felt by all Chinese as a psychological sense of hollowness, a loss of identity, made worse by the seeming inaccessibility of the ancient Chinese wisdom to the modern Chinese mind. It is clear that at some historical point China suffered an extreme psychological blow sufficient to traumatise it at the threshold of reflective thought, unable to look inwards any more. The paper identifies that point as the utter devastation wrought by Kublai Khan and the Mongols 750 years ago. What devastates reflective thought is wilfulness, the insistent focusing of all attention and energy on external, material things, and Kublai Khan was wilful in the extreme. What confirms this as the crippling point is that, in response to Kublai Khan's Mongol invasion the Chinese, over time, not only completely altered the geography of China itself, moving their capital to the North (Beijing), but have ever since fought to establish as "China" all the territory over which Kublai Khan ruled. China is clearly not free of Kublai Khan's shadow. But even more precisely, in the process of doing this--and showing their own wilfulness--in building the Forbidden City in Beijing they built it in the shape of the Chinese metaphysical model of the universe, the Chinese version of the Tree of Life metaphysical glyph But it has an error in it. And the error is precisely that in where it places things, it makes what would have been the attributes of reflective thought subservient to wilfulness. The model itself thus shows the hollowness of the Chinese mind from that moment on. The outer form--the "appearance"---of the ancient wisdom was still there. But the content--the "substance"--of it was not. And with no reflective thought, true creativity disappears. 展开更多
关键词 Needham's grand question Kublai Khan the Forbidden City the Tree of Life reflective thinking wilfulness psychological block
作者 舒国治 《明日风尚》 2011年第3期190-190,14,共2页
作为台湾人,出国旅游,看到别人的城镇恁的古旧,一石一柱俱留着岁月的摩娑痕迹,真叫人赞叹不已。其中更以两处地方为胜,一是亚洲的日本京都,一是欧洲的意大利诸古城(如翡冷翠、西耶那、波罗涅亚、Verona、威尼斯、帕尔玛、Lucca等),不仅... 作为台湾人,出国旅游,看到别人的城镇恁的古旧,一石一柱俱留着岁月的摩娑痕迹,真叫人赞叹不已。其中更以两处地方为胜,一是亚洲的日本京都,一是欧洲的意大利诸古城(如翡冷翠、西耶那、波罗涅亚、Verona、威尼斯、帕尔玛、Lucca等),不仅遗迹众多、古意盎然、景观优美,更因生活享受极臻高峰,食物精美、工艺典雅,故此二处往往最受举世旅人深爱。 展开更多
关键词 出国旅游 翡冷翠 西耶那 日本 台湾人 帕尔玛 波罗 生活享受 故京 食指大动
南宋官窑 修内司窑与郊坛下窑 被引量:1
作者 陈平 《大众理财顾问》 2015年第2期92-93,共2页
北宋"靖康之难"后,宋高宗赵构避逃东南,定都临安(今杭州),史称南宋。南宋王朝为了满足宫廷饮食、祭祀和陈设等需要,"袭故京遗制",在临安设官窑,专门生产宫廷日用和祭祀用瓷,通常称"南宋官窑"。南宋官窑有二,分内窑和新窑。内窑... 北宋"靖康之难"后,宋高宗赵构避逃东南,定都临安(今杭州),史称南宋。南宋王朝为了满足宫廷饮食、祭祀和陈设等需要,"袭故京遗制",在临安设官窑,专门生产宫廷日用和祭祀用瓷,通常称"南宋官窑"。南宋官窑有二,分内窑和新窑。内窑现称"修内司窑",在杭州凤凰山下;新窑今称“郊坛下窑”,在杭州乌龟山下。 展开更多
关键词 修内司 新窑 靖康之难 内窑 故京 宫廷文化 赵构 南宋王朝 铁足 临安
作者 林岫 《书法》 2016年第5期80-81,共2页
书画图内人喜欢元日开笔书春,画《岁朝图》,祈福吉利喜庆。一般书画完毕,讲究一点的文人墨客不说"完了"、"搁笔"之类的扫兴话,要说"满了"、"笔顺如意"。按清代随笔和小说所言,同是吉语,那"笔来顺畅"(比来顺昌),大约就不如... 书画图内人喜欢元日开笔书春,画《岁朝图》,祈福吉利喜庆。一般书画完毕,讲究一点的文人墨客不说"完了"、"搁笔"之类的扫兴话,要说"满了"、"笔顺如意"。按清代随笔和小说所言,同是吉语,那"笔来顺畅"(比来顺昌),大约就不如"笔笔顺畅"(比比顺昌)更讨人欢喜。京城的讲究更多,譬如书写"福""寿"等吉祥字,可以书与长辈或同辈, 展开更多
关键词 顺昌 岁朝图 吉语 竹斋 联城 逢留 客庄 胡霖 何堂 故京
作者 廖群 《苏州杂志》 2017年第2期87-89,共3页
每天傍晚,快步从平江路到白塔西路往返,是汪鸣峰的健身之道。这快走的习惯,自16岁陪老师沙曼翁时养成,坚持四十多年了。那年月,他们师徒冬天会面,常常外出快步行走,边走边聊,能从十全街走到木渎。之所以快走,是为暖身,那时候室内取暖条... 每天傍晚,快步从平江路到白塔西路往返,是汪鸣峰的健身之道。这快走的习惯,自16岁陪老师沙曼翁时养成,坚持四十多年了。那年月,他们师徒冬天会面,常常外出快步行走,边走边聊,能从十全街走到木渎。之所以快走,是为暖身,那时候室内取暖条件很差。健身运动,还没进入中国老百姓的日常生活。 展开更多
关键词 沙曼翁 言恭达 健身运动 环秀山庄 葛鸿桢 书法专业 故京 书艺 几十年如一日 其来有自
A Tale of Three Cities
作者 Deng Yaqing 《Beijing Review》 2015年第32期34-35,共2页
An integrated transportation grid will connect Beijing,Tianjin and HebeiProvinceRen Aifan,a 28-year-old who works in downtown Beijing and dwells in Yanjiao,a town in neighboring Hebei Province,has to spend four hours ... An integrated transportation grid will connect Beijing,Tianjin and HebeiProvinceRen Aifan,a 28-year-old who works in downtown Beijing and dwells in Yanjiao,a town in neighboring Hebei Province,has to spend four hours in commuting every day.I get on a bus at 6:50 a.m.and take Beijing’s Subway Line 1 around 8:00a.m. 展开更多
关键词 Tianjin crowd Hebei spend transportation arrive neighboring authorities connect approval
Bringing History to Life
作者 Tang Yuankai 《Beijing Review》 2016年第19期30-31,共2页
The Forbidden City offers an example of balancing heritage preservation and economic development Residing in a Beijing courtyard for a long time,Shan Jixiang,curator of the Palace Museum,has been familiar with the cit... The Forbidden City offers an example of balancing heritage preservation and economic development Residing in a Beijing courtyard for a long time,Shan Jixiang,curator of the Palace Museum,has been familiar with the city’s ancient architecture since childhood. 展开更多
关键词 heritage familiar preservation childhood balancing ancient visitors preserved renewable restoration
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