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明朝初年故元土司与中央统治者的博弈研究 被引量:2
作者 张丽剑 刘曦 马天 《大理大学学报》 CAS 2018年第5期80-83,共4页
明朝初年,面对明朝强大的军事力量,故元土司选择了向新生的明帝国归附,这种决定对于故元土司来说存有数种有利之处:保存自身及实力,不至于被明军歼灭;可以延续其对当地少数民族的统治权力;新归附明朝的土司在日后可以获得朝廷的抚恤与... 明朝初年,面对明朝强大的军事力量,故元土司选择了向新生的明帝国归附,这种决定对于故元土司来说存有数种有利之处:保存自身及实力,不至于被明军歼灭;可以延续其对当地少数民族的统治权力;新归附明朝的土司在日后可以获得朝廷的抚恤与赏赐等。明朝军队在统一全国的过程中,对南方少数民族地区留存下来的土司也进行了招抚,目的在于直接利用这些土司管理当地少数民族和避免这些南方少数民族土兵在土司的带领下继续反抗明朝,这样有利于明王朝疆域的统一、政权的稳定以及文化的多样性留存。 展开更多
关键词 明朝 故元土司 中央政府 少数民族 博弈
元代刑法中的所谓“敲”刑与“有斩无绞”之说辨正 被引量:2
作者 周思成 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期154-160,共7页
元代刑法中的死刑制度是近年元代法律史研究的中心问题之一1。由于元代史籍中与死刑相关的诸多记载本身存在颇多歧异与错谬,故元代的法定死刑处决方式究竟有哪几种,其具体实施情形又是如何,至今学界仍存在两种几乎截然不同的代表性意见... 元代刑法中的死刑制度是近年元代法律史研究的中心问题之一1。由于元代史籍中与死刑相关的诸多记载本身存在颇多歧异与错谬,故元代的法定死刑处决方式究竟有哪几种,其具体实施情形又是如何,至今学界仍存在两种几乎截然不同的代表性意见。曾代伟先生认为,元初沿用金《泰和律》,死刑有斩、绞之制;至元八年禁行金律后, 展开更多
关键词 曾代伟 死刑制度 典章 法律史 故元 至正条格 公牍文 经世大典 史》
作者 余辉 《元史及民族与边疆研究集刊》 2020年第2期59-74,共16页
《元故肖岩傅公圹记》记载宋末元初隆兴路进贤县(今江西本县)一位世代行医之傅居安在元世祖至元二十九年(1293)以医官身份被迫从军前往征爪哇的历史,具有较高历史价值,可补充正史对于元代征发江南军民讨伐海外史实记载之不足。此外本文... 《元故肖岩傅公圹记》记载宋末元初隆兴路进贤县(今江西本县)一位世代行医之傅居安在元世祖至元二十九年(1293)以医官身份被迫从军前往征爪哇的历史,具有较高历史价值,可补充正史对于元代征发江南军民讨伐海外史实记载之不足。此外本文利用其余四块新出土碑文对比研究,其中两块为傅居安同县之医士,另两块为江西铅山县祖孙医士。这些记载丰富了我们对宋末元初江西医士的了解,对探讨宋末元初世医家族亦有助益。 展开更多
关键词 故肖岩傅公圹记》 爪哇 医工提领 世医
作者 俞中 《股市动态分析》 2013年第5期84-84,共1页
现5月均线已向上走,10月均线也转向上。若5月均线下个月开始上穿20月均线,且之后10月均线也上穿20月均线,那大行情就有初步被认定的可能。周四(元月31日)上午大盘股指又创新高:沪综2391点,深综942点(比周三944点低),这是第三次冲破2319... 现5月均线已向上走,10月均线也转向上。若5月均线下个月开始上穿20月均线,且之后10月均线也上穿20月均线,那大行情就有初步被认定的可能。周四(元月31日)上午大盘股指又创新高:沪综2391点,深综942点(比周三944点低),这是第三次冲破2319点,应可还会有第四次。这样,行情或可延至春节后。 展开更多
关键词 大盘股指 线下 这样看来 四轮 故元 下走 月三
明洪武时对蒙古人众的招抚和安置 被引量:16
作者 王雄 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第4期71-84,共14页
元至正二十七年(1367年,朱元璋吴元年),朱元璋出兵北伐,问鼎元室,不到一年的时间便以破竹之势攻下大都,将元朝的中央政权赶出内地。当时的元室重臣多率领蒙古军民追随顺帝妥欢帖睦尔退往北方,继续与明朝对抗。但是,时隔不久,退往朔漠的... 元至正二十七年(1367年,朱元璋吴元年),朱元璋出兵北伐,问鼎元室,不到一年的时间便以破竹之势攻下大都,将元朝的中央政权赶出内地。当时的元室重臣多率领蒙古军民追随顺帝妥欢帖睦尔退往北方,继续与明朝对抗。但是,时隔不久,退往朔漠的不少蒙古贵族、官僚又一批一批地率众脱离元政权,南下归附明朝。这一历史现象的发生,有着多方面的原因,如蒙古人眷恋在中原的生活,明朝的军事征伐,蒙古贵族统治者的内部矛盾,朔漠地区的经济困难等,但最直接的原因是由于朱元璋采取了争取蒙古贵族,安抚蒙古人众的政策。而这一政策又具体地体现在明朝对蒙古人众的招抚、安置和使用上。本文拟就这一问题做一些具体的阐述。 展开更多
关键词 蒙古人 明洪武 纳哈出 朔漠 故元 卫所 中央政权 军户 伯颜不花
Application of Maximum Probability Approach to the Fault Diagnosis of a Servo System 被引量:3
作者 马东升 胡佑德 戴凤智 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第1期29-32,共4页
In an actual control system, it is often difficult to find out where the faults are if only based on the outside fault phenomena, acquired frequently from a fault system. So the fault diagnosis by outside fault phenom... In an actual control system, it is often difficult to find out where the faults are if only based on the outside fault phenomena, acquired frequently from a fault system. So the fault diagnosis by outside fault phenomena is considered. Based on the theory of fuzzy recognition and fault diagnosis, this method only depends on experience and statistical data to set up fuzzy query relationship between the outside phenomena (fault characters) and the fault sources (fault patterns). From this relationship the most probable fault sources can be obtained, to attain the goal of quick diagnosis. Based on the above approach, the standard fuzzy relationship matrix is stored in the computer as a system database. And experiment data are given to show the fault diagnosis results. The important parameters can be on line sampled and analyzed, and when faults occur, faults can be found, the alarm is given and the controller output is regulated. 展开更多
关键词 maximum probability approach fault diagnosis fault tree servo system
明初官吏考核制度述论 被引量:1
作者 王松安 《许昌学院学报》 CAS 1986年第4期31-35,共5页
官吏考核制度是伴随官僚制度的产生而逐渐形成和发展起来的。同官吏的选任制一样,它也是一项重要的人事制度。官吏考核制度实行的好坏,关系着吏治的成败,百官职能的发挥乃至国家政权的巩固。明朝初年,统治者为迅速澄清故元吏治之弊,加... 官吏考核制度是伴随官僚制度的产生而逐渐形成和发展起来的。同官吏的选任制一样,它也是一项重要的人事制度。官吏考核制度实行的好坏,关系着吏治的成败,百官职能的发挥乃至国家政权的巩固。明朝初年,统治者为迅速澄清故元吏治之弊,加强君主专制主义中央集权,恢复和发展社会经济,建立了一套完备的官吏考核制度。本文拟对此作一粗浅探索。 展开更多
关键词 明初 考核制度 考满 故元 选任制 工部尚书 监察御史 人事制度 官僚制度 钦天监
作者 张泽洪 《中国穆斯林》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第5期32-34,共3页
关键词 经堂教育 故元 中兴路 清真北寺 马以愚 胡登洲 回教哲学 皇城寺 阿衡 南寺
作者 清心 《五台山研究》 1987年第1期31-33,共3页
子会开天,丑会辟地,足见未有天地先有古佛其次造物,又次造生,可知当无物人不无灵光 (古佛寺) 子会开天,丑会辟地:会是周易象数学的一个时间概念。蔡元定的《皇极经世指要·附录》“天地之效穷于八八,故元、会、运、世、岁、月、日... 子会开天,丑会辟地,足见未有天地先有古佛其次造物,又次造生,可知当无物人不无灵光 (古佛寺) 子会开天,丑会辟地:会是周易象数学的一个时间概念。蔡元定的《皇极经世指要·附录》“天地之效穷于八八,故元、会、运、世、岁、月、日、辰之数极于六十四也。”一元即一个天道循环的周期。一元十二会,一会三十运。 展开更多
关键词 古佛 皇极经世 象数 知当 三千大千世界 选注 故元 弥勒上生经疏 无生法忍
作者 张士尊 《鞍山师范学院学报》 1993年第2期24-27,共4页
关键词 洪武年间 纳哈出 都司 卫官 卫所 都卫指挥使司 东宁卫 于洪武 故元 洪武实录
作者 傅振伦 《工业技术与职业教育》 1990年第2期48-51,共4页
我生于1906年秋,已度过83周年。曾亲身经历过辛亥革命,袁氏帝制,张勋复辟,北洋军阀混战,1925~1927年的大革命,抗日战争,以至社会主义革命,社会主义建设等阶段。1984年2月曾仿笔记杂说之体,编写了《六十年所见所闻》12卷,事以类从,分天... 我生于1906年秋,已度过83周年。曾亲身经历过辛亥革命,袁氏帝制,张勋复辟,北洋军阀混战,1925~1927年的大革命,抗日战争,以至社会主义革命,社会主义建设等阶段。1984年2月曾仿笔记杂说之体,编写了《六十年所见所闻》12卷,事以类从,分天文、地理、人物、故事、文献、遗迹、古物、学术、文教、科技、民俗、医药卫生等编,凡二十万言。今摘其有关陶瓷者录出,以备《河北陶瓷》杂志编用。不免错误,乞方家正之.90年代第一年的四九,书于故元大都安贞门内寄庐百衲斋。 展开更多
关键词 军阀混战 邢窑 郭葆昌 故元 张勋复辟 唐墓 鼎州 珐琅彩瓷 景德镇陶录 御窑厂
作者 申建春 《数学教学研究》 1992年第6期35-37,共3页
关键词 正整数 十进制数 不定方程 数学通报 同余 数学竞赛 故元 记数法 不大于 石丁
作者 杨忠 鲍明 赵淳生 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1995年第1期104-108,共5页
This paper proposes a Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN) model, which uses a propagation algorithm. A logical operation is defined by a set of weights which are independent of inputs. The realization of the basic And,Or and N... This paper proposes a Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN) model, which uses a propagation algorithm. A logical operation is defined by a set of weights which are independent of inputs. The realization of the basic And,Or and Negation fuzzy logical operations is shown by the fuzzy neuron. A example in fault diagnosis is put forward and the result witnesses some effectiveness of the new FNN model. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy logic NEURON neural network propagation algorithm fault diagnosis
Performance of the geometric approach to fault detection and isolation in SISO,MISO,SIMO and MIMO systems 被引量:2
作者 RAHIMI N. SADEGHI M. H. MAHJOOB M. J. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1443-1451,共9页
In this paper, a geometric approach to fault detection and isolation (FDI) is applied to a Multiple-Input Multipie-Output (MIMO) model of a frame and the FDI results are compared to the ones obtained in the Single... In this paper, a geometric approach to fault detection and isolation (FDI) is applied to a Multiple-Input Multipie-Output (MIMO) model of a frame and the FDI results are compared to the ones obtained in the Single-Input Single-Output (SISO), Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO), and Single-Input Multiple-Output (SIMO) cases. A proper distance function based on parameters obtained from parametric system identification method is used in the geometric approach. ARX (Auto Regressive with exogenous input) and VARX (Vector ARX) models with 12 parameters are used in all of the above-mentioned models. The obtained results reveal that by increasing the number of inputs, the classification errors reduce, even in the case of applying only one of the inputs in the computations. Furthermore, increasing the number of measured outputs in the FDI scheme results in decreasing classification errors. Also, it is shown that by using probabilistic space in the distance function, fault diagnosis scheme has better performance in comparison with the deterministic one. 展开更多
关键词 Fault detection and isolation (FDI) Multivariate systems Parametric system identification Linear regression Distance functions
Turnout fault prediction method based on gated recurrent units model
作者 ZHANG Guorui SI Yongbo +1 位作者 CHEN Guangwu WEI Zongshou 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2021年第3期304-313,共10页
Turnout is one of the important signal infrastructure equipment,which will directly affect the safety and efficiency of driving.Base on analysis of the power curve of the turnout,we extract and select the time domain ... Turnout is one of the important signal infrastructure equipment,which will directly affect the safety and efficiency of driving.Base on analysis of the power curve of the turnout,we extract and select the time domain and Haar wavelet transform characteristics of the curve firstly.Then the correlation between the degradation state and the fault state is established by using the clustering algorithm and the Pearson correlation coefficient.Finally,the convolutional neural network(CNN)and the gated recurrent unit(GRU)are used to establish the state prediction model of the turnout to realize the failure prediction.The CNN can directly extract features from the original data of the turnout and reduce the dimension,which simplifies the prediction process.Due to its unique gate structure and time series processing features,GRU has certain advantages over the traditional forecasting methods in terms of prediction accuracy and time.The experimental results show that the accuracy of prediction can reach 94.2%when the feature matrix adopts 40-dimensional input and iterates 50 times. 展开更多
关键词 TURNOUT CLUSTERING convolutinal neural network(CNN) gated recurrent unit(GRU) fault prediction
A weighted averaging method for signal probability of logic circuit combined with reconvergent fan-out structures
作者 Xiao Jie Ma Weifeng +1 位作者 William Lee Shi Zhanhui 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第2期173-181,共9页
By analyzing the structures of circuits,a novel approach for signal probability estimation of very large-scale integration(VLSI)based on the improved weighted averaging algorithm(IWAA)is proposed.Considering the failu... By analyzing the structures of circuits,a novel approach for signal probability estimation of very large-scale integration(VLSI)based on the improved weighted averaging algorithm(IWAA)is proposed.Considering the failure probability of the gate,first,the first reconvergent fan-ins corresponding to the reconvergent fan-outs were identified to locate the important signal correlation nodes based on the principle of homologous signal convergence.Secondly,the reconvergent fan-in nodes of the multiple reconverging structure in the circuit were identified by the sensitization path to determine the interference sources to the signal probability calculation.Then,the weighted signal probability was calculated by combining the weighted average approach to correct the signal probability.Finally,the reconvergent fan-out was quantified by the mixed-calculation strategy of signal probability to reduce the impact of multiple reconvergent fan-outs on the accuracy.Simulation results on ISCAS85 benchmarks circuits show that the proposed method has approximate linear time-space consumption with the increase in the number of the gate,and its accuracy is 4.2%higher than that of the IWAA. 展开更多
关键词 improved weighted averaging algorithm signal probability estimation gate error rate combinational logic circuits
Application of Kernel Independent Component Analysis for Multivariate Statistical Process Monitoring 被引量:3
作者 王丽 侍洪波 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第5期461-466,共6页
In this research, a new fault detection method based on kernel independent component analysis (kernel ICA) is developed. Kernel ICA is an improvement of independent component analysis (ICA), and is different from ... In this research, a new fault detection method based on kernel independent component analysis (kernel ICA) is developed. Kernel ICA is an improvement of independent component analysis (ICA), and is different from kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) proposed for nonlinear process monitoring. The basic idea of our approach is to use the kernel ICA to extract independent components efficiently and to combine the selected essential independent components with process monitoring techniques. 12 (the sum of the squared independent scores) and squared prediction error (SPE) charts are adopted as statistical quantities. The proposed monitoring method is applied to Tennessee Eastman process, and the simulation results clearly show the advantages of kernel ICA monitoring in comparison to ICA monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 process monitoring fault detection kernelindependent component analysis
Design and testing of a centralized protection scheme for micro-grids 被引量:1
作者 Sohrab Mirsaeidi Dalila Mat Said +2 位作者 Mohammad Wazir Mustafa Mohammad Hafiz Habibuddin Kimia Ghaffari 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3876-3887,共12页
Micro-grids comprise low voltage distribution systems with distributed energy resources(DERs) and controllable loads which can operate connected to the medium voltage grid or islanded in a controlled coordinated way. ... Micro-grids comprise low voltage distribution systems with distributed energy resources(DERs) and controllable loads which can operate connected to the medium voltage grid or islanded in a controlled coordinated way. This concept aims to move from "connect and forget" philosophy towards a full integration of DERs. Micro-grids can provide numerous economic and environmental benefits for end-customers, utilities and society. However, their implementation poses great technical challenges, such as a new philosophy in design of protection systems. In this work, a micro-grid protection scheme is presented based on positive-sequence component using phasor measurement units(PMUs) and a central protection unit(CPU). The salient feature of the proposed scheme in comparison with the previous works is that it has the ability to protect both radial and looped micro-grids against different types of faults with the capability of single-phase tripping. Furthermore, since the CPU is capable of updating its pickup values(upstream and downstream equivalent positive-sequence impedances of each line) after the first change in the micro-grid configuration(such as transferring from grid-connected to islanded mode and or disconnection of a line, bus, or DER either in grid-connected mode or in islanded mode), it can protect micro-grid against subsequent faults. Finally, in order to verify the effectiveness of the suggested scheme and the CPU, several simulations have been undertaken by using DIg SILENT Power Factory and MATLAB software packages. 展开更多
关键词 micro-grid protection grid-connected mode islanded mode positive-sequence component
The Embodiment of American Elements In Oriental Story of Kung Fu Panda
作者 Li Yihui Zhang Chengzhi 《International English Education Research》 2014年第12期56-62,共7页
This thesis aims at the study of the American elements in oriental story Kung Fu Panda which was made by DreamWorks of Hollywood. Firstly, the thesis shows what the basic classic American characteristics are and the d... This thesis aims at the study of the American elements in oriental story Kung Fu Panda which was made by DreamWorks of Hollywood. Firstly, the thesis shows what the basic classic American characteristics are and the definition of American Dream, as well as some basic study on Hollywood's operation of movies. Then, it analyzes the above traits in Kung Fu Panda, the embodiment of American elements in Kung Fu Panda and the recipe for Hollywood's manufacturing success. At last, based on the analyses which have been pointed out, this thesis tries to arrive at the conclusion that although with an oriental-story setting, Kung Fu Panda is still American-styled and at the same time, this thesis gives some suggestive strategies that can help Chinese movie industry step out of the awkward situation. 展开更多
关键词 American character American dream Kung Fu Panda Chinese movie industry
Influence analysis of local heat source on internal temperature distribution of power transformer 被引量:1
作者 BAO Yanyan FENG Tingna +3 位作者 ZHANG Guangdong LIU Kang MA Jianqiao ZHOU Xiaodong 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2021年第2期218-225,共8页
Oil immersed power transformer is the main electrical equipment in power system.Its operation reliability has an important impact on the safe operation of power system.In the process of production,installation and ope... Oil immersed power transformer is the main electrical equipment in power system.Its operation reliability has an important impact on the safe operation of power system.In the process of production,installation and operation,its insulation structure may be damaged,resulting in partial discharge and even breakdown inside the transformer.In this paper,S9-M-100/10 oil immersed distribution transformer is taken as the research object,and the distribution laws of electromagnetic field and temperature field in transformer under normal operation,inter turn short circuit and inter layer short circuit are simulated and analyzed.The simulation results show that under normal conditions,the temperatures at the oil gap between the transformer core and the high and low voltage windings and the middle position of the high-voltage winding are high.When there are inter turn and inter layer short circuit faults,the electromagnetic loss of the fault part of the transformer increases,and the temperature rises suddenly.The influence of the two faults on the internal temperature field of the transformer is different,and the influence of the inter turn short circuit fault on the temperature nearby is obvious.The analysis results can provide reference for the thermal fault interpretation and fault classification of transformer. 展开更多
关键词 oil immersed power transformer finite element method electromagnetic field short circuit fault temperature field
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