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基于GRU网络的配电网故障数量等级预测方法 被引量:3
作者 高金峰 庞昊 杜耀恒 《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期38-43,共6页
配电网故障数量的多少直接影响配电网的运行维护与用户的用电体验,目前业界关于配电网故障数量等级预测的研究较少.给出了一种基于GRU网络的配电网故障数据分析与故障数量等级预测方法.通过条件熵来衡量配电网故障数量等级的历史依赖性... 配电网故障数量的多少直接影响配电网的运行维护与用户的用电体验,目前业界关于配电网故障数量等级预测的研究较少.给出了一种基于GRU网络的配电网故障数据分析与故障数量等级预测方法.通过条件熵来衡量配电网故障数量等级的历史依赖性,采用距离相关系数对诸多气象特征因素进行相关性强弱考察,筛选出最优特征子集,最后通过训练GRU网络实现了配电网故障数量等级的预测.算例结果证明了预测方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 配电网故障数量等级 循环神经网络 GRU网络 历史依赖性 相关性
基于LSTM的轨道电路补偿电容故障数量预测 被引量:12
作者 康玄烨 赵林海 +1 位作者 孟景辉 高利民 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期94-99,共6页
针对铁路现场的补偿电容故障记录,提出一种基于长短时记忆(LSTM)的轨道电路补偿电容故障数量预测方法。首先基于补偿电容故障记录,按一定的间隔时间统计构建补偿电容故障数量随时间变化的序列;然后基于LSTM构建故障数量预测模型,利用Ada... 针对铁路现场的补偿电容故障记录,提出一种基于长短时记忆(LSTM)的轨道电路补偿电容故障数量预测方法。首先基于补偿电容故障记录,按一定的间隔时间统计构建补偿电容故障数量随时间变化的序列;然后基于LSTM构建故障数量预测模型,利用AdaDelta算法训练模型参数;再针对LSTM初始化超参数对预测模型性能有较大影响的问题,利用萤火虫算法对超参数进行优化,从而挖掘补偿电容故障数量随时间的变化规律,并实现对补偿电容未来一段时间内故障数量的预测。实验表明,该方法能够良好地拟合补偿电容故障数量随时间的变化规律,并能够较准确地预测补偿电容的故障数量,从而可以指导铁路部门提前协调设备、资金和维修人员等资源,提高补偿电容运维效率,为补偿电容故障预测的研究提供了新思路。 展开更多
关键词 LSTM模型 补偿电容 故障数量预测 萤火虫算法 无绝缘轨道电路
基于GM(1,1)模型的飞机故障数量预测方法 被引量:2
作者 孙海霞 赵培仲 +1 位作者 戚佳睿 夏毅锐 《设备管理与维修》 2017年第3期113-115,共3页
关键词 灰色GM(1 1)模型 预测 故障数量
基于改进联合分布适应的轴承智能故障诊断方法 被引量:5
作者 潘晓博 葛鲲鹏 +2 位作者 钱孟浩 赵衍 董飞 《机电工程》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第9期1354-1362,共9页
在轴承故障诊断过程中,存在缺乏足量故障样本、变工况下信号分布差异等问题。虽然基于机器学习和深度学习方法的智能故障诊断方法的运用取得了许多成果,但该方法在应用过程中仍面临一些挑战,阻碍了智能故障诊断方法在实际工业场景下的... 在轴承故障诊断过程中,存在缺乏足量故障样本、变工况下信号分布差异等问题。虽然基于机器学习和深度学习方法的智能故障诊断方法的运用取得了许多成果,但该方法在应用过程中仍面临一些挑战,阻碍了智能故障诊断方法在实际工业场景下的应用。为此,提出了一种基于改进联合分布适应的轴承智能故障诊断方法(BIFD-IJDA)。首先,利用小波包变换对振动信号进行了分解与重构,再计算了重构信号的统计参数,构成了原始特征集;然后,设计了基于特征重要度与KL散度的迁移特征选取方法,对各统计参数特征进行了量化评估;采用了改进联合分布适应方法,对源域和目标域特征集进行了分布适应处理,降低了域间分布差异;最后,利用源域特征样本训练的故障诊断模型预测了目标域样本故障类别,采用美国凯斯西储大学实验台和机械故障模拟(MFS)实验台的轴承故障数据,开展了不同工况下的故障诊断实验。实验结果表明:该故障诊断方法在2种轴承故障数据下取得的最大故障诊断准确率分别为100%和96.29%,明显优于其他对比模型。研究结果表明:该故障诊断方法具有应用于实际工业场景的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 轴承智能故障诊断变工况 故障样本数量不足 改进联合分布适应 迁移特征 邻域保持嵌入 迁移成分分析
作者 石桥 谦二 彭孝庄 《铁道机车车辆工人》 2004年第11期29-32,共4页
关键词 铁路机车 车辆 检索系统 故障数量 故障分析 维护措施 对策通知书 技术资料
基于离散程度分析的雷达系统测试性试验方案设计方法 被引量:1
作者 张艺琼 刘萌萌 宋成军 《测控技术》 2020年第11期13-17,22,共6页
随着装备测试性验证的开展,雷达系统的测试性指标验证越来越受到重视。相较简单产品,雷达系统的故障样本空间具有两大特点:故障模式数量庞大和天线部分的故障模式重复性强。庞大的故障模式数量大,极大地延长了实施周期,试验费效比极低... 随着装备测试性验证的开展,雷达系统的测试性指标验证越来越受到重视。相较简单产品,雷达系统的故障样本空间具有两大特点:故障模式数量庞大和天线部分的故障模式重复性强。庞大的故障模式数量大,极大地延长了实施周期,试验费效比极低。是否可以减少试验方案中样本数量和如何降低试验样本数量变成雷达系统测试性试验方案设计亟待解决的问题。为此,以离散程度(极差)分析为基础,基于蒙特卡罗模拟和低差异性序列算法,论证大样本小抽样的可行性与合理性,并详细仿真分析截尾数的制定方法,实现试验样本量的缩小,同时保证评估结果精度。最终形成雷达系统测试性试验方案设计方法,为雷达系统测试性指标验证提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 雷达系统 测试性试验 故障模式数量庞大 重复性强 离散程度(极差) 大样本小抽样
Application of MBAM Neural Network in CNC Machine Fault Diagnosis 被引量:1
作者 宋刚 胡德金 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期131-138,共8页
In order to improve the bidirectional associative memory(BAM) performance, a modified BAM model(MBAM) is used to enhance neural network(NN)’s memory capacity and error correction capability, theoretical analysis and ... In order to improve the bidirectional associative memory(BAM) performance, a modified BAM model(MBAM) is used to enhance neural network(NN)’s memory capacity and error correction capability, theoretical analysis and experiment results illuminate that MBAM performs much better than the original BAM. The MBAM is used in computer numeric control(CNC) machine fault diagnosis, it not only can complete fault diagnosis correctly but also have fairly high error correction capability for disturbed Input Information sequence.Moreover MBAM model is a more convenient and effective method of solving the problem of CNC electric system fault diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 BAM neural network CNC machine electric system memory capacity fault diagnosis Fault tolerance property.
基于空间故障树理论的系统故障定位方法研究 被引量:10
作者 崔铁军 马云东 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2015年第21期135-142,共8页
为了系统发生不同类型故障后快速定位可能引起该故障的系统元件,通过分析系统结构和元件故障概率分布,以及系统在不同工作环境中发生各类型故障的统计数量,提出基于空间故障树(Space Fault Tree,SFT)理论的系统故障定位方法。该方法使... 为了系统发生不同类型故障后快速定位可能引起该故障的系统元件,通过分析系统结构和元件故障概率分布,以及系统在不同工作环境中发生各类型故障的统计数量,提出基于空间故障树(Space Fault Tree,SFT)理论的系统故障定位方法。该方法使用SFT概念得到系统内部结构及元件的故障概率矩阵P(Xi),分析元件X_i故障对于所在割集S_j及系统T故障的贡献度,结合系统故障次数统计矩阵Γ(mq),最终得到元件X(1~I)与故障m(1~Q)的相关度矩阵。这个矩阵可反映出对于任意系统故障m_q与故障元件X(1~I)的相关性排序、对应的割集、及保证结论正确的可能性,还可优化系统故障分类。实例研究表明:方法可确定各故障的至因故障元件,并根据可能性进行排序,排序靠前的元件组合正是系统的割集,这从侧面也说明了方法正确性。 展开更多
关键词 系统工程 系统故障 空间故障 故障数量统计 故障定位
Software reliability analysis considering correlated component failures with coupling measurement framework 被引量:4
作者 Xiaodan Li Yongfeng Yin +1 位作者 Lance Fiondella Yibin Zhou 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第5期1114-1126,共13页
With progression of the digital age, the complexity of software continues to grow. AS a result, methods to quantitatively assess characteristics of software have attracted significant atten- tion. These efforts have l... With progression of the digital age, the complexity of software continues to grow. AS a result, methods to quantitatively assess characteristics of software have attracted significant atten- tion. These efforts have led to a large number of new measures such as coupling metrics, many of which seek to consider the impact of correlations between components and failures on ap- plication reliability. However, most of these approaches set the coupling parameters arbitrarily by making assumptions instead of utilizing experimental data and therefore may not accurately capture actual coupling between components of software applica- tion. Since the coupling matrix is often set arbitrarily, the existing approaches to assess software reliability considering component correlation fail to reflect the real degree of interaction and rela- tionships among software components. This paper presents an efficient approach to assess the software reliability considering Correlated component failures, incorporating software architec- ture while considering actual internal coupling of software with an efficient approach based on multivariate Bernoulli (MVB) distribu- tion. The unified framework for software Coupling measurement is' informed by a comprehensive survey of frameworks for object- oriented and procedure-oriented software. This framework enables the extraction of more accurate coupling among cornponents. The effectiveness of this method is illustrated through an exPerimental study bylapplying it to a real-time software application. 展开更多
关键词 correlated failures software coupling software archi-tecture software reliability
Mathematical models for process commonality under quality and resources breakdown in multistage production
作者 Mohammed Abdul WAZED Shamsuddin AHMED Yusoff Bin NUKMAN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第11期837-848,共12页
It is essential to manage customers' diverse desires and to keep manufacturing costs as low as possible for survival in competition and eventually in production.Sharing resources in manufacturing for different pro... It is essential to manage customers' diverse desires and to keep manufacturing costs as low as possible for survival in competition and eventually in production.Sharing resources in manufacturing for different products is a vital method of accomplishing this goal.The advantages of using a common process in production are stated in the literature.However,the mathematical models as well as simulation or conceptual models are not sufficient.The main objective of this paper is to develop mathematical models for multiproduct and multistage production under quality and breakdown uncertainties.The idea of the process commonality is incorporated in the proposed models.The models are validated by primary data collected from a Malaysian company and comparison of the timely requirement schedules of earlier MRP II and the proposed models under stable and perfect production environments.An appreciable convergence of the outcomes is observed.However,the proposed models are carrying additional information about the available locations of the parts in a time frame.After validation,the effects of process commonality on cost,capacity and the requirement schedule under uncertainties are examined.It is observed that the use of common processes in manufacturing is always better than the non-commonality scenario in terms of production cost.However,the increase in capacity requirement for commonality designs is higher for an ideal system,while it is less when the system suffers from breakdowns and a quality problem. 展开更多
关键词 Process commonality Mathematical model MRP II QUALITY BREAKDOWN
作者 WANGDongqian C.D.Lai LIGuoying 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2003年第2期191-194,共4页
We analyse further the reliability behaviour of series and parallel systems in the successive damage model initiated by Downton. The results are compared with those obtained for other models with different bivariate d... We analyse further the reliability behaviour of series and parallel systems in the successive damage model initiated by Downton. The results are compared with those obtained for other models with different bivariate distributions. 展开更多
关键词 EXPONENTIAL bivariate exponential RELIABILITY successive damage model increasing failure rate average
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