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小麦穗长主效QTL-qSl-2D的遗传和育种选择效应解析 被引量:1
作者 董继梓 陈林渠 +13 位作者 郭浩儒 张梦宇 刘志霄 韩磊 田赵飒爽 徐宁浩 郭庆杰 黄振洁 杨傲宇 赵春华 吴永振 孙晗 秦冉 崔法 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第20期3917-3930,共14页
【目的】通过对小麦穗长稳定主效QTL进行遗传及育种选择效应分析,明确其对产量性状的遗传效应,评价其未来育种应用潜力,为后续基因挖掘和小麦分子育种提供依据。【方法】利用科农9204×京411构建的重组自交系(recombinant inbred li... 【目的】通过对小麦穗长稳定主效QTL进行遗传及育种选择效应分析,明确其对产量性状的遗传效应,评价其未来育种应用潜力,为后续基因挖掘和小麦分子育种提供依据。【方法】利用科农9204×京411构建的重组自交系(recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of Kenong 9204 and Jing 411,KJ-RIL)群体定位到一个多环境稳定表达的穗长主效QTL,命名为qSl-2D;利用双亲靶区间序列差异InDel位点开发出2个与该QTL紧密连锁的分子标记;结合分子标记及55K芯片基因型数据,分别进行基于KJ-RIL、MY-F2、NILs及自然作图群体的产量相关性状遗传效应分析;基于自然作图群体基因分型,分析qSl-2D单倍型在各麦区及不同年代的育种选择效应。【结果】QTL定位结果表明,qSl-2D可在7/10组环境数据中被检测到,可解释4.02%—10.10%的表型变异。其中,5/10组环境数据的LOD峰值均位于608.75 Mb处。遗传效应分析结果表明,qSl-2D增效等位基因型在4个群体遗传背景下均能显著增加穗长。此外,其在大部分群体背景下对穗粒数、株高有正向效应,而对千粒重、穗粒重和单株产量有负向效应。对KJ-RIL群体株高进一步分析发现,qSl-2D增效等位基因型对株高效应未达到显著水平的原因在于其对除穗下节间长以外的各节间长都有降秆效应;qSl-2D单倍型分析结果表明,长穗单倍型Hap-AA-GG在不同麦区中选择利用率差异较大,在北部冬麦区中选择利用率最高,占比24%;而短穗单倍型Hap-CC-CC在大部分麦区中占比30%以上。此外,随着年代的递进,qSl-2D长穗单倍型选择利用率逐渐降低,而短穗单倍型一直保持较高的选择利用率。【结论】定位到一个稳定主效的穗长QTL——qSl-2D,其增效等位基因型可在不同遗传背景下显著增加穗长,同时对其他产量相关性状有一定的遗传效应。靶区段开发的紧密连锁分子标记可用于小麦穗长及相关产量性状的遗传改良。 展开更多
关键词 小麦(Triticum aestivum L.) 穗长 主效QTL 遗传效应解析 分子标记
小麦株高主效QTL-qPh-3D遗传效应解析 被引量:1
作者 蔡益彪 孙振仓 +13 位作者 史欣瑶 管宇翔 程佳佳 杨爽 王萌鲁 张磊 王晨阳 丁洪科 王发祥 赵春华 孙晗 吴永振 秦冉 崔法 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1690-1701,共12页
qPh-3D为1个控制株高的主效QTL,可在科农9204×京411衍生的重组自交系群体(KJ-RILs)的14组环境数据中被稳定检测到,定位于科农9204基因组3D染色体KN3D:515.08~539.08 Mb区间内,其降低株高的等位基因来自京411。本研究继续深入分析该... qPh-3D为1个控制株高的主效QTL,可在科农9204×京411衍生的重组自交系群体(KJ-RILs)的14组环境数据中被稳定检测到,定位于科农9204基因组3D染色体KN3D:515.08~539.08 Mb区间内,其降低株高的等位基因来自京411。本研究继续深入分析该QTL降秆机制,并利用包含187个家系的KJ-RILs群体及316份育成品种(系)组成的自然作图群体,对其进行遗传效应解析,进一步明确其对产量性状的影响。基于KJ-RILs群体分析结果表明,来自京411的qPh-3D降秆基因型通过降低穗部以下各节间长度进而显著降低株高,但对穗长无显著影响。qPh-3D在降低株高的同时,可一定程度降低单株产量。在qPh-3D靶区间内选择2个紧密连锁的标记AX-110160363和AX-111109273,对316份自然作图群体进行产量性状遗传效应和靶区段选择效应分析。结果表明,降秆基因型在降低株高的同时,对穗长具有一定正效应,但对单株产量具有显著负效应。qPh-3D靶区段育种选择效应分析结果表明,北京和陕西对qPh-3D降秆基因型利用率较高;而四川、青海、山东以及国外地区对其利用率较低,且在不同年代中,降秆基因型利用率均较低。随着时间的推移,qPh-3D的增秆基因型利用率呈上升趋势。此外,本研究还开发了1个与qPh-3D紧密连锁的基于PCR技术检测的InDel分子标记。研究结果可对未来qPh-3D分子育种应用提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 小麦(Triticum aestivum L.) 株高 qPh-3D 分子标记 遗传效应解析
作者 陈志雨 夏明耀 任列辉 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期821-826,共6页
用近似法分析了有耗媒质中非对称电偶极的激励场,得到一个场和焦耳热的简单的解析表达式。与传统的对称型半波振子公式相比较,其下端导体的电流分布表达式相同,当下端导体为四分之一波长时激励近场表达式相近。结合典型储油层给出一些... 用近似法分析了有耗媒质中非对称电偶极的激励场,得到一个场和焦耳热的简单的解析表达式。与传统的对称型半波振子公式相比较,其下端导体的电流分布表达式相同,当下端导体为四分之一波长时激励近场表达式相近。结合典型储油层给出一些计算结果,对电磁波采油技术有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 非对称电偶极 地层 效应解析
小麦全基因组抗赤霉病QTL关联位点特异性SSR标记的筛选、等位变异及效应解析 被引量:1
作者 吴迪 郑彤 +1 位作者 李磊 李韬 《生物技术进展》 2020年第3期242-250,共9页
赤霉病是小麦主要的流行病害之一。借助标记辅助选择将不同数量性状基因座(quantitative trait loci,QTL)聚合是防治赤霉病有效且环保的方法,可以从源头上控制赤霉病并降低籽粒中毒素含量。抗赤霉病QTL在小麦全基因组均有分布,但除了Fh... 赤霉病是小麦主要的流行病害之一。借助标记辅助选择将不同数量性状基因座(quantitative trait loci,QTL)聚合是防治赤霉病有效且环保的方法,可以从源头上控制赤霉病并降低籽粒中毒素含量。抗赤霉病QTL在小麦全基因组均有分布,但除了Fhb 1、Fhb 2等少数位点有比较可靠的鉴别标记,绝大部分位点缺乏有效的位点特异性鉴别标记。简单重复序列(simple sequence repeat,SSR)标记多态性丰富,可以区分自然群体中不同等位变异,方便用于标记辅助育种。基于此,搜集了不同文献中报道的与赤霉病关联的SSR标记386个,并用这些标记构建全基因组赤霉病抗性QTL一致性图谱,接着对这些关联标记进行拷贝数分析,进而选择位点内的单拷贝SSR标记,将这些单拷贝标记在156个品种组成的自然群体中进行扩增,并与三季大田和三季温室环境下赤霉病抗性进行关联,筛选与赤霉病抗性关联的单拷贝SSR标记,明确这些标记在自然群体中的有效等位变异和效应。结果表明,共8个单拷贝SSR标记至少在两季试验中与表型显著关联(P<0.05),涉及2B、2D、3B、5A、5B、6A、6D、7A染色体,有5个单拷贝标记位点存在有效等位变异。中国地方品种和日本品种携带更多的有利变异,且有利等位变异数目越多的品种赤霉病抗性越好。研究分析的QTL位点及其关联的单拷贝SSR标记可用于赤霉病抗病育种,有利于提高品种赤霉病抗性水平和育种效率。 展开更多
关键词 小麦赤霉病抗性 单拷贝SSR标记 关联分析 等位变异 效应解析
小麦不育小穗数QTL-qSsnps-5D遗传及育种选择效应解析 被引量:4
作者 马天航 蔡益彪 +13 位作者 熊永星 徐勤青 周晓涵 孔文超 李晶雪 程蕊 李诗慧 曹鸣苏 王晨阳 赵春华 秦冉 孙晗 吴永振 崔法 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期811-822,共12页
qSsnps-5D为一个控制不育小穗数的主效稳定QTL,其优异等位基因来自小麦骨干亲本京411。本研究利用科农9204×京411衍生的包含187个家系的重组自交系群体(KJ-RIL,recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of Kenong 9204 an... qSsnps-5D为一个控制不育小穗数的主效稳定QTL,其优异等位基因来自小麦骨干亲本京411。本研究利用科农9204×京411衍生的包含187个家系的重组自交系群体(KJ-RIL,recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of Kenong 9204 and Jing 411)及314份育成品种(系)组成的自然群体对其进行遗传及育种选择效应解析,明确其对产量性状的遗传效应,分析其在育种过程中的选择应用情况,评价其未来育种应用潜力。试验结果表明,qSsnps-5D在8套数据集中被定位于5D染色体上0.72~4.13 Mb之间,跨度约3.41 Mb。基于KJ-RIL群体及自然群体分析结果均表明,来自京411的优异等位基因可增加单株穗数,但对千粒重表现为极显著负向效应;其对穗粒数、单株产量的影响在两套群体的分析结果不一致。在qSsnps-5D靶区间内选择2个紧密连锁的SNP标记AX-110565536和AX-86170796对314份自然群体进行目标QTL单倍型分析;结果显示,国外品种对qSsnps-5D优异单倍型(Hap-GG-CC)的选择利用率最高;中国品种中青海省、四川省和河南省3个省份优异单倍型品种占比较高,而山东、北京、陕西和河北4地对qSsnps-5D优异单倍型选择利用率较低。时间跨度显示,qSsnps-5D优异单倍型Hap-GG-CC选择利用效率随时间推移在我国呈下降趋势。为便于qSsnps-5D后期分子育种应用,本研究开发了一个基于PCR检测技术的InDel分子标记,命名为5D-1620921,其带型扩增清晰,可重复性好,为qSsnps-5D分子育种应用提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 小麦(Triticum aestivum L.) 不育小穗数 主效QTL 遗传效应解析 分子标记
小麦穗粒数主效QTL-qKnps-2A遗传效应解析 被引量:5
作者 张倩倩 闫学梅 +7 位作者 刘锡建 张萌娜 刘朦朦 周芳婷 吴永振 孙晗 赵春华 崔法 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第15期5003-5009,共7页
利用‘科农9204’与‘京411’衍生的重组自交系群体(KJ-RIL),对10个环境下的穗粒数性状进行了分析,将q Knps-2A定位在Ax-111707919-Ax-111626797的78.5~83.0 cM的范围内。为了进一步明确QTLqKnps-2A的遗传效应,利用与qKnps-2A紧密连锁标... 利用‘科农9204’与‘京411’衍生的重组自交系群体(KJ-RIL),对10个环境下的穗粒数性状进行了分析,将q Knps-2A定位在Ax-111707919-Ax-111626797的78.5~83.0 cM的范围内。为了进一步明确QTLqKnps-2A的遗传效应,利用与qKnps-2A紧密连锁标记Ax-110454852对KJ-RIL的188个家系进行遗传分析,结果表明,q Knps-2A优异单倍型能显著增加穗粒数,且能够增加穗粒重和每穗小穗数,单株产量平均增幅为3.72%;而此优异单倍型对千粒重具有负效应。利用310份品种(系)对qKnps-2A应用情况进行分析,结果表明,q Knps-2A优异单倍型已经被育种家选择,但利用率不高,具有较大的遗传改良空间。研究结果对穗粒数的遗传改良及主效QTL-qKnps-2A的进一步应用提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 小麦(Triticum aestivum L.) 穗粒数 主效QTL 遗传效应解析
作者 崔校宁 李智 《商业经济与管理》 北大核心 2003年第6期56-60,共5页
外商直接投资 (FDI)是国民经济增长的直接推动因素 ,同时对相关产业效率的提高还产生间接的“外溢效应”。而我国对FDI经济效应的全面分析长期被忽略。有鉴于此 ,本文将从我国经济现实出发 ,通过计量回归构建有效的经济效应分解和量化模... 外商直接投资 (FDI)是国民经济增长的直接推动因素 ,同时对相关产业效率的提高还产生间接的“外溢效应”。而我国对FDI经济效应的全面分析长期被忽略。有鉴于此 ,本文将从我国经济现实出发 ,通过计量回归构建有效的经济效应分解和量化模型 ,系统分析FDI在数量上可区分的四项实证经济效应 :直接产出效应、超额产出效应、间接外溢效应和就业效应 。 展开更多
关键词 中国 外商直接投资 经济效应 FEDER模型 多元回归 FDI 实证分析 理论模型 效应解析
弹塑性变形条件下围岩-支护相互作用全过程解析 被引量:44
作者 侯公羽 李晶晶 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期961-970,共10页
围岩-支护作用机制是正确认识支护结构对围岩进行有效支护作用的基础理论问题。根据开挖面的空间效应及Hoek拟合方程计算了某工程实例的巷道顶板径向位移沿巷道纵向剖面方向分布的曲线,建立了围岩-支护耦合作用的力学模型,进而建立了描... 围岩-支护作用机制是正确认识支护结构对围岩进行有效支护作用的基础理论问题。根据开挖面的空间效应及Hoek拟合方程计算了某工程实例的巷道顶板径向位移沿巷道纵向剖面方向分布的曲线,建立了围岩-支护耦合作用的力学模型,进而建立了描述巷道顶板径向位移与力学模型中的虚拟支护力的关系的数学模型。通过对数学、力学模型的解析与分析,研究了围岩-支护在其相互作用的全过程中的相互作用路径。在此基础上,对弹塑性变形阶段围岩-支护的相互作用原理给出了最新的认识。应用该研究成果,对某工程实例进行了支护作用效果的计算与分析研究。本文的研究成果实现了对围岩-支护耦合作用的全过程解耦,可以对围岩-支护的相互作用进行实时地预测或再现。 展开更多
关键词 围岩-支护相互作用 全过程解析:开挖面空间效应 虚拟支护力 围岩弹塑性变形
有机化合物的紫外光谱分析 被引量:3
作者 孟昭瑞 高宁 《西部资源》 2017年第6期179-182,共4页
关键词 紫外吸收光谱 结构解析电子效应 空间效应 溶剂效应
Lateral-torsional buckling of box beam with corrugated steel webs 被引量:9
作者 FENG Yu-lin JIANG Li-zhong +1 位作者 ZHOU Wang-bao HAN Jian-ping 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第7期1946-1957,共12页
Corrugated steel web is folded along the longitudinal direction and has the mechanical properties such as axial compression stiffness corrugation effect, shear modulus corrugation effect, similar to that of an accordi... Corrugated steel web is folded along the longitudinal direction and has the mechanical properties such as axial compression stiffness corrugation effect, shear modulus corrugation effect, similar to that of an accordion. In order to study the lateral-torsional buckling of box beams with corrugated steel webs (BBCSW) under the action of bending moment load, the neutral equilibrium equation of BBCSW under the action of bending moment load is derived through the stationary value theory of total potential energy and further, along with taking Kollbrunner-Hajdin correction method and the mechanical properties of the corrugated web into consideration. The analytical calculation formula of lateral-torsional buckling critical bending moment of BBCSW is then obtained. The lateral-torsional buckling critical bending moment of 96 BBCSW test specimens with different geometry dimensions are then calculated using both the analytical calculation method and ANSYS finite element method. The results show that the analytical calculation results agree well with the numerical calculation results using ANSYS, thus proving the accuracy of the analytical calculation method and model simplification hypothesis proposed in this paper. Also, compared with the box beams with flat steel webs (BBFSW) with the same geometry dimensions as BBCSW, within the common range of web space-depth ratio and web span-depth ratio, BBCSW’s lateral-torsional buckling critical bending moment is larger than that of BBFSW. Moreover, the advantages of BBCSW’s stability are even more significant with the increase of web space-depth ratio and web depth-thickness ratio. 展开更多
关键词 box beams with corrugated steel webs lateral-torsional buckling analytical solution accordion effect Kollbrunner-Hajdin method
An Analytical Model of Electron Mobility for Strained-Si Channel nMOSFETs 被引量:1
作者 李小健 谭耀华 田立林 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期863-868,共6页
An analytical model of electron mobility for strained-silicon channel nMOSFETs is proposed in this paper. The model deals directly with the strain tensor,and thus is independent of the manufacturing process. It is sui... An analytical model of electron mobility for strained-silicon channel nMOSFETs is proposed in this paper. The model deals directly with the strain tensor,and thus is independent of the manufacturing process. It is suitable for (100〉/ 〈110) channel nMOSFETs under biaxial or (100〉/〈 110 ) uniaxial stress and can be implemented in conventional device simulation tools . 展开更多
关键词 STRAINED-SI electron mobility analytical model NMOSFET uniaxial stress/strain
Analytical Solutions of the Equations One Mechanical Thermal Model of a Helical Spring NiTi for Use in Heat Engine
作者 Luciana Lima Monteiro Jose Roberto da Costa Campos +1 位作者 Tiago Leite Rolim Ricardo Artur SanguinettiFerreira 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第8期648-656,共9页
Shape memory effect is capability of certain materials to recover its original shape after an apparently permanent deformation. The NiTi alloy of the composition is approximately equiatomic and it is the materials tha... Shape memory effect is capability of certain materials to recover its original shape after an apparently permanent deformation. The NiTi alloy of the composition is approximately equiatomic and it is the materials that exhibit the best characteristics for application of these properties, especially in the biomedical area, because of their excellent biocompatibility as: in the manufacture of medical and dental instruments, orthodontic wires, orthopedic materials, guide wires, stents, filters and components to realize the less invasive surgeries. In other areas, they are used for confections of electronic keys, spectacle frames, application in controllers, junction of pipes and electronic connectors among others. New research topics involving the application of these alloys super-elasticity are also known as pseudo elasticity. This event has an isothermal nature and involves the storage of potential energy in the shape memory effect and super-elasticity. In this context, this work falls within the scope of use of the technologies being an example of the work undertaken, in the course Graduate of Federal University of Pernambuco in skills in these technologies. It will present the results of a heat engine which engine element is a helical spring made of a NiTi alloy equiatomic with memory effect reversibly. The spring is triggered by a hot source (- 373.15 K) and a cold source (273.15 K). The machine is capable of producing a reciprocating oscillating between the two sources. Heat equations and the equations that describe the dynamic behavior of the spring were developed. Through the development of dynamic equations, it can determine the minimum mass for the motion of the machine, as well as the instantaneous and average power and overall efficiency. You can check the functionality of the machine by way of the inclination angle of the propeller and the coefficient of static friction. Among the main results, it was observed that the overall performance of the machine compared to the machines of this category showed the feasibility of the project. 展开更多
关键词 Experimental mechanics heat engine NiTi.
Dissolution-regrowth of hierarchical Fe-Dy oxide modulates the electronic structure of nickel-organic frameworks as highly active and stable water splitting electrocatalysts
作者 Zixia Wan Qiuting He +3 位作者 Jundan Chen Tayirjan Taylor Isimjan Bao Wang Xiulin Yang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期1745-1753,共9页
As the kinetically sluggish oxygen evolution reaction(OER)is considered to be a bottleneck in overall water splitting,it is necessary to develop a highly active and stable electrocatalyst to overcome this issue.Herein... As the kinetically sluggish oxygen evolution reaction(OER)is considered to be a bottleneck in overall water splitting,it is necessary to develop a highly active and stable electrocatalyst to overcome this issue.Herein,we successfully fabricated a three-dimensional iron-dysprosium oxide co-regulated in-situ formed MOF-Ni arrays on carbon cloth(FeDy@MOF-Ni/CC)through a facile two-step hydrothermal method.Electrochemical studies demonstrate that the designed FeDy@MOF-Ni/CC catalyst requires an overpotential of only 251 mV to reach 10 mA cm-2 with a small Tafel slope of 52.1 mV dec-1.Additionally,the stability declined by only 5.5%after 80 h of continuous testing in 1.0 M KOH.Furthermore,a cell voltage of only 1.57 V in the overall water splitting system is sufficient to achieve 10 mA cm-2;this value is far better than that of most previously reported catalysts.The excellent catalytic performance originates from the unique 3D rhombus-like structure,as well as coupling synergies of Fe-Dy-Ni species.The combination of lanthanide and transition metal species in the synthesis strategy may open entirely new possibilities with promising potential in the design of highly active OER electrocatalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Metal-organic frameworks Dysprosium oxide Synergistic effect Oxygen evolution Water splitting
Analytical solution for a circular roadway considering the transient effect of excavation unloading
作者 Feng Qiang Jiang Binsong +1 位作者 Wang Gang Hu Chuanpeng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第4期543-549,共7页
The rocks surrounding a roadway exhibit some special and complex phenomena with increasing depth of excavation in underground engineering.Quasi-static analysis cannot adequately explain these engineering problems.The ... The rocks surrounding a roadway exhibit some special and complex phenomena with increasing depth of excavation in underground engineering.Quasi-static analysis cannot adequately explain these engineering problems.The computational model of a circular roadway considering the transient effect of excavation unloading is established for these problems.The time factor makes the solution of the problem difficult.Thus,the computational model is divided into a dynamic model and a static model.The Laplace integral transform and inverse transform are performed to solve the dynamic model and elasticity theory is used to analyze the static model.The results from an example show that circumferential stress increases and radial stress decreases with time.The stress difference becomes large gradually in this progress.The displacement increases with unloading time and decreases with the radial depth of surrounding rocks.It can be seen that the development trend of unloading and displacement is similar by comparing their rates.Finally,the results of ANSYS are used to verify the analytical solution.The contrast indicates that the laws of the two methods are basically in agreement.Thus,the analysis can provide a reference for further study. 展开更多
关键词 Excavation unloading Transient effect Circle roadwayAnalytical solution Laplace integral transform Den lseger method
Effects of Nonlinear Couplings on Entanglement in a Two-Qutrit Heisenberg XXX Chain under an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field
作者 QIN Meng GE Xing ZHAI Xiao-Yue LIU Cui-Cui WANG Bi-Li 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期431-433,共3页
This paper investigates the entanglement of a two-qutrit Heisenberg XXX chain with nonlinear couplings under an inhomogeneous magnetic field. By the concept of negativity, we find that the critical temperature increas... This paper investigates the entanglement of a two-qutrit Heisenberg XXX chain with nonlinear couplings under an inhomogeneous magnetic field. By the concept of negativity, we find that the critical temperature increases with the increase of inhomogeneous magnetic field b. Our study indicates that for any |K| 〉 |J|, or |K| 〈 |J| entanglement always exists for certain regions. We also find that at the critical point, the entanglement becomes a nonanalytic function of B and a quantum phase transition occurs. 展开更多
关键词 ENTANGLEMENT NEGATIVITY nonlinear couplings inhomogeneous magnetic field
作者 A. V. RAMANA KUMARI G. RADHAKRISHNAMACHARYA 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2012年第6期1-17,共17页
Peristaltic transport of a Newtonian incompressible fluid in the presence of applied mag netic field in an inclined channel with slip is investigated. A perturbation method of solu tion is obtained in terms of wall sl... Peristaltic transport of a Newtonian incompressible fluid in the presence of applied mag netic field in an inclined channel with slip is investigated. A perturbation method of solu tion is obtained in terms of wall slope parameter and analytical expressions are derived for average velocity and stream function using Saffman slip condition. The effects of var ious relevant parameters on average velocity and stream line pattern have been studied. It is found that average velocity increases with slip and decreases with permeability and magnetic parameter. 展开更多
关键词 PERISTALSIS magnetic field SLIP inclined channel and wall effects.
The twoscale asymptotic error analysis for piezoelectric problems in the quasi-periodic structure 被引量:1
作者 FENG YongPing DENG MingXiang GUAN XiaoFei 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第10期1844-1853,共10页
Applications for piezoelectric effect have grown rapidly, and piezoelectric materials play important roles in countless areas of modem life. By means of twoscale method and coupled boundary layer, some new kinds of tw... Applications for piezoelectric effect have grown rapidly, and piezoelectric materials play important roles in countless areas of modem life. By means of twoscale method and coupled boundary layer, some new kinds of twoscale asymptotic expansions for solutions to the electrical potential and the displacement in quasi-periodic structure under coupled piezoelectric effect are derived, and the homogenization constants of piezoelectric materials are presented. The coupled twoscale relation between the electrical potential and the displacement is set up, and some improved asymptotic error estimates are analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 twoscale method PIEZOELECTRICITY quasi-periodic structure homogenization constants
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