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寻求多重经济目标下的有效政策组合——1998年我国宏观经济形势分析与建议 被引量:14
作者 北京大学中国经济研究中心宏观组 《经济工作导刊》 1998年第6期4-5,共2页
在亚洲金融风暴和国内机构改革的压力下,今后一段时期中国的政策取向应该如何?北京大学中国经济研究中心宏观组最近对此做了一个细致的研究。 “软着陆”构筑防范金融危机的多道屏障 1993年下半年以来,中国政府实行了以治理通货膨胀为... 在亚洲金融风暴和国内机构改革的压力下,今后一段时期中国的政策取向应该如何?北京大学中国经济研究中心宏观组最近对此做了一个细致的研究。 “软着陆”构筑防范金融危机的多道屏障 1993年下半年以来,中国政府实行了以治理通货膨胀为首要任务的宏观调控。1996—1997中国经济连续两年保持了“高增长低通胀”的态势。 “软着陆” 展开更多
关键词 效政 宏观经济形势分析 经济目标 “软着陆” 通货收缩 真实利率 需求不足 亚洲金融危机 不良资产 中国经济
作者 李克实 《学习论坛》 2002年第3期46-48,共3页
贯彻落实十五届六中全会精神 ,加强各级党政机关建设 ,必须在加强思想道德建设的基础上 ,努力形成刚性的行为规范和工作机制 ,用制度创新达到否定形式主义、官僚主义的目的。效政建设是廉政、勤政建设的深化和完善 ,应当紧扣系统效率和... 贯彻落实十五届六中全会精神 ,加强各级党政机关建设 ,必须在加强思想道德建设的基础上 ,努力形成刚性的行为规范和工作机制 ,用制度创新达到否定形式主义、官僚主义的目的。效政建设是廉政、勤政建设的深化和完善 ,应当紧扣系统效率和工作效率这个主题 ,建立起“结构合理、配置科学、程序严密、制约有效”的权力运行机制 。 展开更多
关键词 效政 制度建设 体制创新 党风建设
作者 李克实 李青 《决策探索》 2002年第3期20-21,共2页
效政建设与政治体制改革有着内在的本质规定和联系,彼此相互作用、不可或缺.但长期以来,人们只就政治体制改革讲政治体制改革,忽视了政治体制改革的根本目的和要求,使政治体制改革陷于迷茫和徘徊,难以取得实质性的突破.提出效政建设,弄... 效政建设与政治体制改革有着内在的本质规定和联系,彼此相互作用、不可或缺.但长期以来,人们只就政治体制改革讲政治体制改革,忽视了政治体制改革的根本目的和要求,使政治体制改革陷于迷茫和徘徊,难以取得实质性的突破.提出效政建设,弄清楚效政建设与政治体制改革的关系,是加强党政机关建设的必然要求,也是社会主义政治体制改革成功的根本保障. 展开更多
关键词 效政建设 治体制 体制改革
作者 李莹 董必荣 许汉友 《商业会计》 2024年第15期24-28,共5页
课程思政建设是新时代高校贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神的重大课题,然当前思政质效评估仍然是课程思政建设的薄弱环节。文章分析了传统课程思政质效评估的发展现状,发现传统课程评估存在着评估目标与指标对应关系不足、评估对象过... 课程思政建设是新时代高校贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神的重大课题,然当前思政质效评估仍然是课程思政建设的薄弱环节。文章分析了传统课程思政质效评估的发展现状,发现传统课程评估存在着评估目标与指标对应关系不足、评估对象过于单一、评估方式主观性强以及评估反馈的延时性和个性化缺失等问题;基于此,进一步以会计学课程为例,从人工智能技术的视角提出了破壁之法与嵌入策略,即通过智能采集、智能识别和智能评估的三位一体实施路径,实现人工智能在思政质效评估中的有机嵌入。同时考虑到人工智能教育应用的伦理问题,最后从伦理内涵、伦理判断和伦理规范三个方面深度剖析人工智能嵌入课程思政质效评估的伦理策略,以期切实推进课程思政质效评估的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 评估 嵌入逻辑 伦理策略
学习历史经验建设高效政府 被引量:3
作者 覃卓凡 邹伟 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第5期18-19,共2页
政府是管理国家和社会的机器。总设计师邓小平设计的政府是一个“精干、高效、廉洁”和实现“三个有利于”的政府,达到政通人和,经济发达,民富国强,国泰民安的目标。今天,我们站在21世纪的门槛上,纵观世界,正迎来一个新的知识... 政府是管理国家和社会的机器。总设计师邓小平设计的政府是一个“精干、高效、廉洁”和实现“三个有利于”的政府,达到政通人和,经济发达,民富国强,国泰民安的目标。今天,我们站在21世纪的门槛上,纵观世界,正迎来一个新的知识经济时代,它必然赋予我们的政府越来... 展开更多
关键词 邓小平 历史经验 体制改革 机构改革 社会公正 府体制 府机关 局部 效政
作者 张继业 《新闻研究导刊》 2016年第22期224-224,共1页
利用本地新闻网站作为沟通链接媒介进行问政问效,在听取民声、服务民生、引导舆论、提升效能等方面发挥了巨大作用,成为镇海区领导干部和政府部门践行党的群众路线的重要途径,成为推进服务型政府建设的有力抓手,被网民誉为"不下班... 利用本地新闻网站作为沟通链接媒介进行问政问效,在听取民声、服务民生、引导舆论、提升效能等方面发挥了巨大作用,成为镇海区领导干部和政府部门践行党的群众路线的重要途径,成为推进服务型政府建设的有力抓手,被网民誉为"不下班的网上政府"。镇海新闻网问政问效建设一直走在浙江省前列,在全区取得了良好的社会效益。本文通过对镇海新闻网问政问效建设经验的分析,以期对各级政府提高服务意识、解决群众关心的民生问题方面起到借鉴作用,增强群众对政府工作的理解和支持,提高群众对问政问效的参与意识。 展开更多
关键词 镇海 新闻网 经验
制约“三农问题”的两个基本矛盾 被引量:32
作者 温铁军 《经济研究参考》 1996年第D5期17-23,共7页
从历史发展到现代市场经济的角度看,中国其实并不能算是农业大国,而是农民国家。因为占总人口70%以上的农民,“自给自足”的粮食约占常年产量的70%;占小农总数85%的农户,其农地产出的商品率低到仅够维持简单再生产。所以,中国小农以... 从历史发展到现代市场经济的角度看,中国其实并不能算是农业大国,而是农民国家。因为占总人口70%以上的农民,“自给自足”的粮食约占常年产量的70%;占小农总数85%的农户,其农地产出的商品率低到仅够维持简单再生产。所以,中国小农以谋生为目的在细碎土地上的小生产确实并非第一产业;也从来就没有纯粹的“农业”调控政策;从来宏观决策研究的着眼点往往在于解决“农民、农村、农业这三农问题”……。 展开更多
关键词 “三农问题” 两个基本 农民合作 农村改革 财产关系 农业人口 农村人口 商品率 大包干 效政
作者 卢良恕 《经济研究参考》 1996年第Z6期32-33,共2页
关键词 现代集约持续农业 国家食物安全 种植业三元结构 食物观 西部地带 效政 人工池塘 合理布局 技术培训体系 资金集约
作者 沈卫中 《行政与法》 2004年第12期97-99,共3页
宪法的第四个修正案中有两个条款涉及公用征收、公用征用。本文以公用征收、公用征用的概念为逻辑起点,分析公用征收、公用征用背后的权力、权利关系原理,探讨公用征收、公用征用制度的合法性基础及其在整个宪法制度中的制度坐标。在法... 宪法的第四个修正案中有两个条款涉及公用征收、公用征用。本文以公用征收、公用征用的概念为逻辑起点,分析公用征收、公用征用背后的权力、权利关系原理,探讨公用征收、公用征用制度的合法性基础及其在整个宪法制度中的制度坐标。在法理分析的基础上,研究对公用征收、公用征用的法律控制,探讨制定统一的《公用征收、公用征用法》,以期健全和完善我国的公用征收、公用征用制度。 展开更多
关键词 公用 公用征用 合法性 法律控制
Analysis of Factors of Production for Rice Farmers and Research of Development Countermeasures——A Survey of 565 Farm Households in Hunan Province and Zhejiang Province
作者 陈庆根 王磊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第1期180-185,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to analyze economic benefits of rice farmers and influential factors in China. [Method] Based on data of rice production in 565 farm households in 2009, correlation analysis was conducted on ch... [Objective] The aim was to analyze economic benefits of rice farmers and influential factors in China. [Method] Based on data of rice production in 565 farm households in 2009, correlation analysis was conducted on characters of households, input/output of rice production, condition and environment of rice production, related policies and activities with SPSS. [Result] Yield per mu, production cost, and rice price were dominant factors influencing economic benefits of rice farmers; labor force in a household, training of rice cultivation, machine rice production and rice cropping had significant effects on benefits from rice production; area of rice, family educa- tion, on-time field management, site instruction, and demonstration fields all had in- significant effects on economic benefits of rice. In addition, suggestions were pro- posed about choice of production scale, implementation of rice policies, measures of subsidy, and purchase price of rice. [Conclusion] The research provides references for rice production and improvement of economic benefits of rice farmers. 展开更多
关键词 Rice farmer Production benefits Correlation analysis Policy and sug- gestion
The Energy Efficiency Gap in Maritime Transport 被引量:2
作者 Michele Acciaro Peter Nyegaard Hoffmann Magnus Strandmyr Eide 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2013年第1期1-10,共10页
There is evidence that the shipping industry could achieve energy efficiency gains through the implementation of new technologies, with considerable reductions of fuel costs and emissions to air in the sector. Althoug... There is evidence that the shipping industry could achieve energy efficiency gains through the implementation of new technologies, with considerable reductions of fuel costs and emissions to air in the sector. Although the cost reducing effects of some new technologies are well established, companies appear reluctant to innovate despite the financial and societal benefits, as a result of what is referred to as the energy efficiency gap. The global emission impacts of the shipping industry, most notably of greenhouse gases, sulphur and nitrogen oxides are increasingly attracting the attention of regulators, non-governmental organisations and the media, and shipping companies are under pressure to find new ways to reduce their emission footprint. Understanding the determinants of the energy efficiency gap in shipping is then critical in improving the environmental profile of the industry. This paper presents the results of a survey among Norwegian shipping companies aimed at gaining a better understanding of the barriers to implementation of new cost saving technologies. The paper assesses the technical barriers that have traditionally been indicated as the main cause of the energy efficiency gap in shipping. The paper results indicate that next to technical factors, important barriers are constituted also by managerial practices and legal constraints. 展开更多
关键词 Energy efficiency gap emission reduction technologies barriers maritime transport.
Is a split-dose regimen of 2 L polyethylene glycol plus ascorbic acid tolerable for colonoscopy in an early morning visit to a comprehensive medical check-up? 被引量:2
作者 Ji Yeon Seo Changhyun Lee +7 位作者 Eun Hyo Jin Mi Hyun Yun Joo Hyun Lim Hae Yeon Kang Jong In Yang Su Jin Chung Sun Young Yang Joo Sung Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第6期1030-1037,共8页
To evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of a split-dose 2 L polyethylene glycol (PEG)/ascorbic acid (AA) regimen for healthy examinees who visited for comprehensive medical check-up in the early morning.METHODS... To evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of a split-dose 2 L polyethylene glycol (PEG)/ascorbic acid (AA) regimen for healthy examinees who visited for comprehensive medical check-up in the early morning.METHODSFrom February 2015 to March 2015, examinees of average risk who were scheduled for a colonoscopy in the morning were retrospectively enrolled.RESULTSThe 189 examinees were divided into split-dose and non-split-dose groups. The adequacy of bowel preparation for the split-dose group vs the non-split-dose group was 96.8% vs 85.2%, respectively, P < 0.001, and the compliance of the last meal restriction was 74.6% vs 58.2%, respectively, P < 0.001. The sleep disturbance (P < 0.001) was more prevalent in the split-dose group, however the willingness to repeat the same preparation method (P = 0.243) was not different in both groups. The split-dose regimen was the most important factor influencing adequate bowel preparation in multivariate analysis (HR = 10.89, 95%CI: 6.53-18.17, P < 0.001).CONCLUSIONA split-dose regimen of 2 L PEG/AA for an early morning colonoscopy was more effective and showed better compliance for diet restriction without any difference in satisfaction and discomfort. Introducing a split-dose regimen of 2 L PEG/AA to morning colonoscopy examinees is effective and tolerable in a comprehensive medical check-up setting. 展开更多
关键词 Compliance Early morning colonoscopy Effectiveness Split-dose regimen Tolerability
Circular economy: from an institutional perspective 被引量:1
作者 Lu Jingchao 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第2期114-121,共8页
Circular economy (CE) has been put fonvard as an important environmental and resource strategy in China.Aiming at the high utilization rate of resources and reduction of pollutants,CE means to realize a shift of fun... Circular economy (CE) has been put fonvard as an important environmental and resource strategy in China.Aiming at the high utilization rate of resources and reduction of pollutants,CE means to realize a shift of fundamental paradigm.With the mode of production and consumption from linear to recycling model,the promotion requires transdisciplinary researches which integrate technological,ecological,social-cultural and other sciences.The present study focuses on the implementation of circular economy from an institutional perspective.Institution acts as a crucial factor by providing incentives for technical innovation,leading investment orientation and determining policy effectiveness,etc.This paper mainly discusses about: firstly,the feature of institution,institutional changes and institutional innovation is articulated,together with eco-industrial park strategy,extended producer's responsibility and dematerialization principle as innovative institutional arrangements; secondly,as policy plays great role on institutional changing process,the mechanism of policy implementation is needed to be related; as a result,coevolution of institutions and policies is thus presented; at last,a pilot attempt is made to find out some operational avenues in accomplishment of CE through both theoretical and practical methodology,special resolutions are put forward after some projecting difficulties and dilemmas in China are described. 展开更多
关键词 Circular economy Institutional innovation Policy effectiveness Coevolution
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Air Pollution Abatement Policy of Hong Kong 被引量:2
作者 涂有 周志坤 涂光备 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第1期70-78,共9页
As only about 15% of the total time of people in Hong Kong was spent outdoors, it would be more valuable if the associated effectiveness and impact of the recently proposed abatement measures could be expressed in ter... As only about 15% of the total time of people in Hong Kong was spent outdoors, it would be more valuable if the associated effectiveness and impact of the recently proposed abatement measures could be expressed in terms of the improvement in the total exposure levels. This paper uses an exposure assessment model developed from the local microenvironment concentration data together with our surveyed time activity patterns to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed air pollution abatement policy. Prior to the enforcement of abatement measures, about 2.5% of the young group and 1.2% of the adult group having their exposure levels exceeded that defined by the current 8-hour PM10 standard (180 μg/m3). With the enforcement of abatement measures, only 0.3% of the adult group would be restored to a safe level. 展开更多
关键词 EXPOSURE PARTICULATES air pollution abatement policies Hong Kong
Establish the Long-effective Mechanism of Food Security in China 被引量:1
作者 Wang Yapeng Fang Lingli 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第1期25-35,共11页
In despite of fluctuation in recent years, the grain yield in China has been increasing, which relieves the conflict between supply and demand and turns the situation of food security good. However, because of the rap... In despite of fluctuation in recent years, the grain yield in China has been increasing, which relieves the conflict between supply and demand and turns the situation of food security good. However, because of the rapid increase in food consumption, the conflicts of food quality and structure in the supply and demand equilibrium has become more and more obvious and the long-effective mechanism of food security has not been estab-lished yet. It is found that the factors affecting food security in China include the scarcity and dissipation of resources, farmers’ low enthusiasm in planting grain crops and the inappropriateness of the emphasis and measures of macro-economic regulation and control. Therefore, the authors advance to optimize resources allocation, strengthen macro-economic regulation and control and policy stimulation and establish the mechanism of allocating grain production cost, to set up the long-effective mechanism of China food security and keep it stable in the long term. 展开更多
关键词 food security long-effective mechanism resource allocation policy stimulation cost allocation
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期44-44,共1页
China MOC:steel prices to keep low in China China Ministry of Commerce expects domestic steel prices to keep low in the near future amid the soft market demand and exces- sive reserves of steel plants. Steel prices fr... China MOC:steel prices to keep low in China China Ministry of Commerce expects domestic steel prices to keep low in the near future amid the soft market demand and exces- sive reserves of steel plants. Steel prices from November 10 to 19 fell by 2.7%,0.9% age point more than the drop rate of the previous week. 展开更多
关键词 矿产品 经济 策调整 中国国际贸易促进委员会 对外贸易
Josephson Effect in FS/I/N/I/FS Tunnel Junctions
作者 LI Xiao-Wei 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期721-725,共5页
The Bogoliubov de Gennes equation is applied to the study of coherence effects in the ferromagnetic superconductor/insulator/normal metal/insulator/ferromagnetic/superconductor (FS/I/N/I/FS) junction. We calculated ... The Bogoliubov de Gennes equation is applied to the study of coherence effects in the ferromagnetic superconductor/insulator/normal metal/insulator/ferromagnetic/superconductor (FS/I/N/I/FS) junction. We calculated the Josephson current in FS/I/N/I/FS as a function of exchange field in ferromagnetic superconductor, temperature, and normal metal thickness. It is found that the Josephson critical current in FS/I/N/I/FS exhibits oscillations as a function of the length of normal metal. The exchange field always suppresses the Josephson critical current Ip for a parallel configuration of the magnetic moments of two ferromagnetic superconductor (FS) electrodes. In the antiparallel configuration, the Josephson critical current IAv at the minimum values of oscillation increases with the exchange field for strong barrier strength and at low temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 Josephson current ferromagnetic superconductor current oscillation
Causes and Solutions of Administrative Departments' Economic Policy Ineffectiveness
作者 Tong Yu Yang Qin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期99-101,共3页
Administrative department, as the focus of national political system reform, is associated with optimization and adjustment of state institutions and plays a macro-control role in socialist economic development. Admin... Administrative department, as the focus of national political system reform, is associated with optimization and adjustment of state institutions and plays a macro-control role in socialist economic development. Administrative departments, just the "government", conduct economic control function to promote the sustainable development of social economic causes. The thesis firstly introduces administrative departments' era effect and causes of administrative departments' economic policy ineffectiveness. And on the basis of these, the thesis comes up with some solutions to solve economic ineffectiveness, hoping that it would be helpful to relevant researches. 展开更多
关键词 administrative organs economic policy ineffectiveness CAUSES SOLUTIONS
Addressing Economic Efficiency Deceleration:Inventory Reform and Policy Incentives
作者 张平 《China Economist》 2015年第6期16-27,共12页
Affter the eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008, China adopted proactive monetary expansion in an attempt to offset the economic slump. However, monetary expansion failed to bring the economy back to the st... Affter the eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008, China adopted proactive monetary expansion in an attempt to offset the economic slump. However, monetary expansion failed to bring the economy back to the state of the mean and instead caused tremendous negative output gaps that led to a negative producer price index (PPI) for three consecutive years. The impotence of monetary stimulation and investment seems to be caused by the emergence of the shocks of efficiency deceleration, i.e., a tremendous amount of supply proves ineffective, leading to accumulation of inventory due to lack of demand, lack of short term profitability or profitability being siphoning off by zombie firms. These inefficient firms, sectors of overcapacity and inefficient local infrastructure construction cannot be rescued by the infusion of money flow. Macroeconomic policy should stimulate the transformation of China's economy from rapid quantitative expansion to efficiency enhancement. For instance, tax credits should be offered for accelerated depreciation to clear up zombie firms and expedite mergers and acquisitions through capital markets. Institutional and inventory reform and adjustment must be carried out in order to complete the transition from quantitative expansion to high efficiency supply. 展开更多
关键词 efficiency deceleration inventory reform
Tax system's effect on income regulating distribution
作者 Yucheng Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期108-110,共3页
Problems caused by the income distribution gap arises widespread attention in current theorists, sector and folk. Requiring adjustment of income distribution gap is growing from various aspects and this article attemp... Problems caused by the income distribution gap arises widespread attention in current theorists, sector and folk. Requiring adjustment of income distribution gap is growing from various aspects and this article attempts to investigate theoretical level of influence in government regulating income distribution gap, mainly involving the government and the blur, efficiency loss in market boundaries, the deficit effects and other aspects of government failure. We strive to prevent the possible deviations of goverrmaent in the implementation of the regulation, expect to deepen understanding and promote the practice for some benefit. 展开更多
关键词 PUBLISHER DESIGNING Lowercase letters.
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