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作者 裴成发 《晋图学刊》 1989年第2期51-52,共2页
钱曾(1629~1701),字遵王,号也是翁。生于明崇祯二年,卒于清康熙四十年。清初著名藏书家。父裔肃、族祖谦益都是一代藏书之名流。因受父辈熏陶,遵王自幼喜好读书,成年后,又得绛云楼(谦益藏书处)烬余之精萃,并与吴伟业等人相互借校、传... 钱曾(1629~1701),字遵王,号也是翁。生于明崇祯二年,卒于清康熙四十年。清初著名藏书家。父裔肃、族祖谦益都是一代藏书之名流。因受父辈熏陶,遵王自幼喜好读书,成年后,又得绛云楼(谦益藏书处)烬余之精萃,并与吴伟业等人相互借校、传抄善本珍籍。故使其藏书愈加宏富,名扬海内。遵王之藏书目录凡三种,即《也是园藏书目》、《述古堂书目》与《读书敏求记》(以下简称《敏求记》)。因《敏求记》专记宋元精椠、旧抄等,故简而述之,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 钱曾 敏求 述古堂书目 绛云楼 旧抄 元精 潘仕诚 《郡斋读书志》 关氏易传 明崇祯
敏求藏珍:收藏家与珍本图书 被引量:2
作者 佘彦焱 《上海文博论丛》 2010年第1期43-49,共7页
关键词 敏求 馆藏文物 上海博物馆 徐森 版本学 戚叔玉 妥善保管 蜀石经 目录学著作 郑元素
论钱曾《读书敏求记》之价值 被引量:1
作者 徐永明 《丽水学院学报》 1994年第4期45-48,共4页
钱曾(1629—1701),字遵王,号也是翁.生于明崇祯二年,卒于清康熙四十年.江苏常熟人,清初著名藏书家.其父裔肃,族祖谦益都是一代藏书之名流.遵王继承其父丰富的藏书,又得到绛云楼(谦益藏书处)烬余之秘籍.同时,他又和江浙著名学者藏书家吴... 钱曾(1629—1701),字遵王,号也是翁.生于明崇祯二年,卒于清康熙四十年.江苏常熟人,清初著名藏书家.其父裔肃,族祖谦益都是一代藏书之名流.遵王继承其父丰富的藏书,又得到绛云楼(谦益藏书处)烬余之秘籍.同时,他又和江浙著名学者藏书家吴伟业、顾湄、金俊明、叶树廉、陆贻典、曾溶、毛晋、毛扆父子等相往还,借校传抄善本珍籍,使其藏书以丰富之数量,精善之质量而名扬大江南北. 展开更多
关键词 钱曾 敏求 陆贻典 绛云楼 文献学价值 传统目录学 金俊明 版本目录 王继承 考镜源流
潘敏求 教授
《肿瘤药学》 CAS 2014年第5期321-321,共1页
性别:男职称:教授国籍:中国单位:湖南省中医药研究院附属医院研究领域:中医、中西医结合防治肿瘤与肝病的临床及实验研究潘敏求教授,汉族,湖南浏阳人,1968年毕业于湖南中医学院。主任医师、博士生导师、国家级名老中医、国家老中... 性别:男职称:教授国籍:中国单位:湖南省中医药研究院附属医院研究领域:中医、中西医结合防治肿瘤与肝病的临床及实验研究潘敏求教授,汉族,湖南浏阳人,1968年毕业于湖南中医学院。主任医师、博士生导师、国家级名老中医、国家老中医学术继承指导老师、国家有突出贡献专家,享受国务院特殊津贴专家。 展开更多
关键词 中医临床研究 肿瘤专业 名誉所长 附属医院 湖南中医学院 湖南浏阳 名誉主任 中医药科技 中西医结合 敏求
作者 张长华 《山东图书馆学刊》 1985年第3期44-47,共4页
《读书敏求记》是清初著名藏书家钱曾的一部目录学名著,一向被认为是我国第一部版本目录学专著。八三年十月,书目文献出版社出版了丁瑜同志点校的新版本。古典目录学的名著很久不见有人出版了.读此新版,深以为喜。聊述所见,以请丁瑜同... 《读书敏求记》是清初著名藏书家钱曾的一部目录学名著,一向被认为是我国第一部版本目录学专著。八三年十月,书目文献出版社出版了丁瑜同志点校的新版本。古典目录学的名著很久不见有人出版了.读此新版,深以为喜。聊述所见,以请丁瑜同志参考。如所周知,此书传世三百多年以来,虽屡经刊刻,但是,连最早的刻本,也只是据钱曾初稿的传钞本上版,且在钱曾卒后二十多年。钱曾生前有否定稿,不得而知。这些刻本和传钞本。 展开更多
关键词 敏求 钱曾 版本目录 古典目录学 钞本 点校 丁瑜 书目文献 上版 潘仕诚
作者 叶树声 《山东图书馆学刊》 1984年第3期78-79,共2页
关键词 钱曾 敏求 目录学家 版本学 叶昌炽 高宴 述古堂书目 也是园书目 五代两宋监本考 贻误后学
作者 唐田恬 《北京大学研究生学志》 2011年第3期88-92,共5页
目录学是中国古代学术的重要分支。早在以简帛为主要书写载体的汉朝,我国就已经有了《七略》、《汉书·艺文志》等比较成熟的目录学著作。在长时间的学术实践中,古代学人充分认识到目录"辨章学术,考镜源流"的重要作用,许... 目录学是中国古代学术的重要分支。早在以简帛为主要书写载体的汉朝,我国就已经有了《七略》、《汉书·艺文志》等比较成熟的目录学著作。在长时间的学术实践中,古代学人充分认识到目录"辨章学术,考镜源流"的重要作用,许多学者以目录为入学门径、治学利器,取得了令人瞩目的成就。 展开更多
关键词 中国古代学术 敏求 《七略》 钱曾 考镜源流 辨章学术 季振宜 古典目录学 钱注杜诗 简帛
从“太平公主”到画家杨芊 记北京人艺演员严敏求
作者 晓宇 《中国戏剧》 北大核心 1993年第9期28-29,共2页
那天晚上,严敏求觉得生活一如往日,操持完一家3口的吃穿用,坐下来享受难得的一份清静悠闲,看着时针走过钟面,知道平淡的一天又要过去了。这时,屋里的电话铃突然响起,是《京都纪事》的导演尤小刚打来的。此时这部戏开拍已久,但剧中的画... 那天晚上,严敏求觉得生活一如往日,操持完一家3口的吃穿用,坐下来享受难得的一份清静悠闲,看着时针走过钟面,知道平淡的一天又要过去了。这时,屋里的电话铃突然响起,是《京都纪事》的导演尤小刚打来的。此时这部戏开拍已久,但剧中的画家杨芊却始终未找到合适的演员扮演。心急火燎的尤小刚听人介绍严敏求合适,立马就打来了电话。晚上10点多钟,剧组从香山派来接送严敏求的车子也开到了楼门口。盛情难却,严敏求一天的困乏也似飞到了九霄云外。 展开更多
关键词 严敏 北京人艺 尤小刚 太平公主 人物形象 求一 成大器 敏求 中央戏剧学院 就是你
作者 凌红 《学校管理》 2016年第1期9-11,共3页
东亭实验小学在百年办学历史中不断自省、延拓创新,秉承百年老校薪火相传的"敏求"校训,洗练出了"敏求"特质的文化内涵。"敏求"一词溯源自学校办学史上的"敏求学堂",它出自孔子《论语·述而... 东亭实验小学在百年办学历史中不断自省、延拓创新,秉承百年老校薪火相传的"敏求"校训,洗练出了"敏求"特质的文化内涵。"敏求"一词溯源自学校办学史上的"敏求学堂",它出自孔子《论语·述而》:"我非尘而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。"清代刘宝楠《论语正义》中说:"敏,勉也。言黾勉以求之者也。"我校遵从先贤前辈的"敏求"寄语,在三四十年代,通过自编的乡土教材,勉励学生立足自身,求真求实; 展开更多
关键词 文化探索 敏求 乡土教材 教育理念 百年老校 刘宝楠 四十年代 好古 中说 讷言敏行
求等差数列各项k次幂的前n项和的极限方法 被引量:1
作者 夏敏 《大学数学》 1993年第4期179-181,共3页
本文给出了stolz 定理在求数列{(a+(n-1)b)~k}前n 项和的极限方法,从而说明高等数学课程对初等数学的教学与研究具有指导作用,并且推广了文[1]的结果。
关键词 极限论 高等数学课程 初等方法 递推方法 一阴 子一 一卿 节片 全一 敏求
Sensitivity analysis for stochastic user equilibrium with elastic demand assignment model
作者 王建 吴鼎新 邓卫 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第3期363-367,共5页
This paper puts forward a rigorous approach for a sensitivity analysis of stochastic user equilibrium with the elastic demand (SUEED) model. First, proof is given for the existence of derivatives of output variables... This paper puts forward a rigorous approach for a sensitivity analysis of stochastic user equilibrium with the elastic demand (SUEED) model. First, proof is given for the existence of derivatives of output variables with respect to the perturbation parameters for the SUEED model. Then by taking advantage of the gradient-based method for sensitivity analysis of a general nonlinear program, detailed formulae are developed for calculating the derivatives of designed variables with respect to perturbation parameters at the equilibrium state of the SUEED model. This method is not only applicable for a sensitivity analysis of the logit-type SUEED problem, but also for the probit-type SUEED problem. The application of the proposed method in a numerical example shows that the proposed method can be used to approximate the equilibrium link flow solutions for both logit-type SUEED and probit-type SUEED problems when small perturbations are introduced in the input parameters. 展开更多
关键词 network modeling stochastic user equilibrium elastic demand sensitivity analysis first-order approximation
作者 韩璐 《中国画画刊》 2015年第2期72-79,共8页
胡进曦毕业于中国美术学院花鸟专业,他是如今中国画坛上一位很有实力的丹青新锐。他的这种实力表现在三个方面。首先是他对笔墨的精准解读,从他的作品中,我们可以清晰地感受到笔墨的那种纯净与洒脱,在精谨中,在淋漓中,在奔湧中,在静谧中... 胡进曦毕业于中国美术学院花鸟专业,他是如今中国画坛上一位很有实力的丹青新锐。他的这种实力表现在三个方面。首先是他对笔墨的精准解读,从他的作品中,我们可以清晰地感受到笔墨的那种纯净与洒脱,在精谨中,在淋漓中,在奔湧中,在静谧中,给予了我们多元的笔墨美感呈现,笔墨成为了他表露心性和讴歌生命的语汇。第二是他在绘画造型上的精准与巧造,他画的禽鸟与松鼠,造型精妙,自然灵动,形成了寄巧于拙,精放并举的个性化造型特征。 展开更多
关键词 胡进 绘画造型 中国画坛 中国美术学院 造型特征 中国绘画 在三 艺术之路 敏求
作者 张寿康 《沧州师范学院学报》 1985年第S1期37-38,共2页
人们要阅读古书,断句和标点的功夫是基础.断句,标点,既是阅读古书的必由之径,又是敏求研究的内容.张仓礼同志在古籍整理的工作中,牵住断句标点这一环,这就掌握住了整理古籍的关键.仓礼同志在本书中详尽地论述了断句标点的历史、功能、... 人们要阅读古书,断句和标点的功夫是基础.断句,标点,既是阅读古书的必由之径,又是敏求研究的内容.张仓礼同志在古籍整理的工作中,牵住断句标点这一环,这就掌握住了整理古籍的关键.仓礼同志在本书中详尽地论述了断句标点的历史、功能、重要性,从句首词语、句终词语、独立和插入词语、复言虚词和固定结构等方面,探索了断句标点的外部形式;又从主旨情境、修辞章法、文体特点等方面,探讨了同断句标点的参证关系.这些部分既有理论意义,也有指导断句标点实践的实用意义.《古书标点》 展开更多
关键词 句终词 外部形式 文体特点 古籍整理 现代汉语 《马氏文通》 长句 敏求 古书句读释例 经读考异
A Study of Power Sources Optimization in Guangdong
作者 陈志刚 郑忠信 +1 位作者 黄仕云 邓雪原 《Electricity》 2001年第4期16-21,共6页
The main problem existing in Guangdong electric power sources is analyzed in this paper. Based on theanalysis on energy-supply features, power demand and the technical and economic performances of various powersource... The main problem existing in Guangdong electric power sources is analyzed in this paper. Based on theanalysis on energy-supply features, power demand and the technical and economic performances of various powersources in Guangdong, the power sources construction scale and its structure are studied and analyzed in detail byusing Generation Expansion Software Package (GESP). The future development of Guangdong electric power sourcesunder the new situation of "Power from West to East" is studied as well.[ 展开更多
关键词 power sources optimization power demand and supply sensibility analysis planning
Testing agile requirements models
作者 BOTASCHANJANJewgenij PISTERMarkus RUMPEBernhard 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第5期587-593,共7页
This paper discusses a model-based approach to validate software requirements in agile development processes by simulation and in particular automated testing. The use of models as central development artifact needs t... This paper discusses a model-based approach to validate software requirements in agile development processes by simulation and in particular automated testing. The use of models as central development artifact needs to be added to the portfolio of software engineering techniques, to further increase efficiency and flexibility of the development beginning already early in the requirements definition phase. Testing requirements are some of the most important techniques to give feedback and to increase the quality of the result. Therefore testing of artifacts should be introduced as early as possible, even in the requirements definition phase. 展开更多
关键词 Requirements UML Model-based testing Requirements evolution
Sensitivity analysis method for increasing the passenger demands of parking and riding 被引量:1
作者 邓卫 潘艳荣 郭唐仪 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期859-862,共4页
Focused on finding out the relationship between passenger demands of P&R and its influencing factors, a nested-logit mode choice model was developed based on the characteristic of different modes and transfer rule... Focused on finding out the relationship between passenger demands of P&R and its influencing factors, a nested-logit mode choice model was developed based on the characteristic of different modes and transfer rules. The utility functions were given respectively according to the characteristic of each alternative. Passenger demands of different modes between O-D pairs were obtained by making use of the binary logit model. Then an equilibrium model for different modes was proposed. Under this condition, the approximate relationship between passenger demands of different modes and their characteristic indexes was modeled by the sensitivity analysis method. Shift volume among different modes was achieved by utilizing this model when their characteristic indexes were changed. A case study indicates that the model and algorithm presented in this paper are effective. 展开更多
关键词 nested-logit model parking and riding (P&R) sensitivity analysis utility function passenger demands
Toward Analytic Solution of Nonlinear Differential Difference Equations via Extended Sensitivity Approach
作者 G.Darmani S.Setayeshi H.Ramezanpour 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期5-9,共5页
In this paper an efficient computational method based on extending the sensitivity approach(SA) is proposed to find an analytic exact solution of nonlinear differential difference equations.In this manner we avoid sol... In this paper an efficient computational method based on extending the sensitivity approach(SA) is proposed to find an analytic exact solution of nonlinear differential difference equations.In this manner we avoid solving the nonlinear problem directly.By extension of sensitivity approach for differential difference equations(DDEs),the nonlinear original problem is transformed into infinite linear differential difference equations,which should be solved in a recursive manner.Then the exact solution is determined in the form of infinite terms series and by intercepting series an approximate solution is obtained.Numerical examples are employed to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 展开更多
关键词 differential difference equation sensitivity approach exact solution
Traffic sensitive spectrum access scheme for cognitive radio networks
作者 陆佃杰 Huang Xiaoxia +1 位作者 Zhang Guijuan Fan Jianping 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第1期22-28,共7页
A traffic sensitive spectrum access scheme is proposed to satisfy the traffic load requirement of secondary users (SUs). In the proposed design, SU only accesses available channels which can meet the traffic demand.... A traffic sensitive spectrum access scheme is proposed to satisfy the traffic load requirement of secondary users (SUs). In the proposed design, SU only accesses available channels which can meet the traffic demand. To achieve this, the expected transmission time (E3W) of the SU is calcu- lated first based on the delivery ratio. Then, the channel idle time is estimated based on the activity of primary users (PUs). Therefore, available channels with estimated idle time longer than ETr could be chosen. With high probability, the SU can finish transmission on these channels without disruption, thereby satisfying the traffic load demand of the SU. Finally, our method is extended to the multi-channel scenario where each SU can access multiple channels simultaneously. Performance analysis shows that our method satisfies the requirement of SUs while effectively improving the throughput. 展开更多
关键词 opportunistic spectrum access expected transmission time cognitive radio net-work
Sensitivity to electricity consumption in urban business and commercial area buildings according to climatic change
作者 LEE Kang-guk KIM Sung-bum HONG Won-hwa 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期770-776,共7页
Recently, urban high temperature phenomenon has become a problem which results from human activities, the increase in energy consumption, and land-cover change in urban areas. As extremely hot weather caused by urban ... Recently, urban high temperature phenomenon has become a problem which results from human activities, the increase in energy consumption, and land-cover change in urban areas. As extremely hot weather caused by urban high temperature continues, demand for power is increased and results in the degradation of electricity reserves. The current trend in climate change, regardless of the summer and winter power demand, is likely to have much effect on the power demand. Thus, sensitivity to electricity consumption in urban areas due to climate change was researched. The results show that, 1) the basic unit of the sensitivity to electricity consumption in the target areas is 1.25-1.58W/(m2.℃); 2) The maximum sensitivity is recorded at around 8:00 pm in the area crowded with commercial and business area. And in the business area, electricity consumption load is even from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. 展开更多
关键词 electricity consumption electricity load electricity reserves energy
作者 凌红 《华人时刊·校长版》 2023年第11期36-37,共2页
无锡市东亭实验小学创建于1908年,是一所有着深厚文化底蕴的百年老校,“十二五”期间,学校引入积极心理学思潮,将积极教育理念深植于百年“敏求”文化之中,积极探索百年老校的传承和现代化再造之路。“走向积极的学校生活”,办学环境向... 无锡市东亭实验小学创建于1908年,是一所有着深厚文化底蕴的百年老校,“十二五”期间,学校引入积极心理学思潮,将积极教育理念深植于百年“敏求”文化之中,积极探索百年老校的传承和现代化再造之路。“走向积极的学校生活”,办学环境向优而进学校校园环境以“敏求”文化引领,重点做好两件事:一是确立形象标识,丰富文化表达。 展开更多
关键词 文化引领 办学环境 百年老校 一所 心理学思潮 校园环境 敏求 实验小学
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