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适切重构 合理匹配 巧妙贯穿——“教——学——评”一体化视角下的小学英语单元整体教学策略
作者 苏菊林 《教育实践与研究》 2024年第13期32-37,共6页
在单元整体教学中,尽管评价具有促学、促教的作用,但是,如果教、学、评之间衔接得不紧密,甚至彼此割裂,那么,就会导致评价的促学、促教作用变小或失效。在《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》背景下,小学英语教师可基于“教——学——... 在单元整体教学中,尽管评价具有促学、促教的作用,但是,如果教、学、评之间衔接得不紧密,甚至彼此割裂,那么,就会导致评价的促学、促教作用变小或失效。在《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》背景下,小学英语教师可基于“教——学——评”一体化视角,适切重构单元整体教学内容、合理匹配单元整体学习活动、巧妙贯穿单元整体教学评价,将教、学、评三者紧密衔接、深度融合在一起,进而实现以评促教、以评促学的目标。 展开更多
关键词 英语 教——学——评”一体化 单元整体
作者 胡文英 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2024年第8期0196-0199,共4页
随着新课程改革的深入,小学语文教学也在不断探索创新。大单元情境教学作为一种新型教学模式,越来越受到教育工作者的重视。它以整个单元为基础,围绕鲜明主题,创设真实有趣的情境,激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习参与度。然而,在实际教学中,... 随着新课程改革的深入,小学语文教学也在不断探索创新。大单元情境教学作为一种新型教学模式,越来越受到教育工作者的重视。它以整个单元为基础,围绕鲜明主题,创设真实有趣的情境,激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习参与度。然而,在实际教学中,大单元情境教学仍面临诸多挑战。教师在设计情境、组织活动等方面存在不足,学校在教学资源、教师培训和评价机制等方面有待完善。本文将从教——学——评一体化的视角,深入分析小学语文大单元情境教学的特点、问题,并提出优化策略,以期为教育工作者提供参考,促进小学语文教学质量的提升。 展开更多
关键词 教——学——评一体化 大单元情境 语文 优化策略
作者 姜阳 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2024年第8期0051-0054,共4页
新课标要求建立与素质教育相统一的"教——学——评"一体化教学实践策略和实施方案,从而促进学生的全面发展。在小学英语“教——学——评”一体化实践活动中,英语教师应当对学生的学习状态、过程进行密切关注、严格把关,从... 新课标要求建立与素质教育相统一的"教——学——评"一体化教学实践策略和实施方案,从而促进学生的全面发展。在小学英语“教——学——评”一体化实践活动中,英语教师应当对学生的学习状态、过程进行密切关注、严格把关,从教学设计、教学执行、评价反馈等多个环节建立起一个完整全面的循环结构,从而使小学英语教学质量和效率均能够得到有效提升。本文对小学英语“教——学——评”一体化实践策略进行分析探讨。 展开更多
关键词 英语 教——学——评 实践
作者 刘梦雨 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2024年第7期0158-0161,共4页
随着“素质教育”理念的提出和聚焦对学生核心素养的培育,评价被摆在了与教和学同等重要的位置。“教——学——评”一体化作为新时代指导教学的科学理念,能够在课堂教学中将教、学、评各要素有机整合,融为一体,成为培育学生核心素养的... 随着“素质教育”理念的提出和聚焦对学生核心素养的培育,评价被摆在了与教和学同等重要的位置。“教——学——评”一体化作为新时代指导教学的科学理念,能够在课堂教学中将教、学、评各要素有机整合,融为一体,成为培育学生核心素养的基本途径。基于此,本文从拟定教学目标、开展情境化教学活动、融入辨析因素、构建科学的评价体系四个方面探讨“教——学——评”一体化在中学思政课程中的实施策略。 展开更多
关键词 教——学——评”一体化 思政课程 实施策略
作者 马小芳 《考试与评价》 2023年第11期52-54,共3页
“教—学—评”一体化作为小学英语学科的全面教学策略,将教学、学习和评价三个环节进行融合,通过教师的恰当引导和学生的积极参与,达成教学目标,促进学生综合能力和素养发展,提升教学效果。小学英语教师应在教学中采用这一策略,通过课... “教—学—评”一体化作为小学英语学科的全面教学策略,将教学、学习和评价三个环节进行融合,通过教师的恰当引导和学生的积极参与,达成教学目标,促进学生综合能力和素养发展,提升教学效果。小学英语教师应在教学中采用这一策略,通过课堂教学、反馈评价,提高学生的英语认知,构建完善的英语教育体系,为学生后续的英语学习奠定坚实的基础。同时,教师应学习新的教育理念和方法,将现代技术与课堂教学相结合。小学英语教师需要明确“教—学—评”一体化的价值,并围绕课程教学的基本内容和目标开展教学活动。 展开更多
关键词 英语 教——学——评”一体化
作者 郑灿 《考试与评价》 2023年第11期61-63,共3页
如果将英语教学视为一个体系,其中存在若干个环节,阅读教学无疑是最为关键的一环。通过有效的阅读教学,可强化学生的阅读技能,促使其在阅读过程中获得听、说、读、写能力的全面发展。纵观当前初中英语阅读教学实践,英语阅读教学中依然... 如果将英语教学视为一个体系,其中存在若干个环节,阅读教学无疑是最为关键的一环。通过有效的阅读教学,可强化学生的阅读技能,促使其在阅读过程中获得听、说、读、写能力的全面发展。纵观当前初中英语阅读教学实践,英语阅读教学中依然存在极强的“师本性”“功利性”,致使当前英语阅读教学始终停留在为考试服务、教师单向灌输的状态下。在这种阅读教学模式下,致使学生的英语阅读始终停留在零散语言知识获取中,阻碍了学生阅读思维发展、阅读情感的形成,严重阻碍了学生的综合发展。在研究中发现,导致这一现象的主要原因就是忽视了“教”“学”“评”三者之间内在联系。对此,在《义务教育英语课程标准(2022 年版)》中,提出了构建“教—学—评”一体化的教学建议,倡导教师在组织课堂教学时,应立足于英语学科的性质,精准把握教、学、评三者在育人中的不同功能,树立“教—学—评”一体化的教学理念,使得三者在相互依存、相互影响和相互促进中,提升英语教学质量。本论文就立足于此,分析了“教—学—评”一致性下的英语阅读教学设计流程,以译林版 8B Unit 4 A good read阅读教学为例展开了详细地探究。 展开更多
关键词 教——学——评”一致性 初中英语阅读
基于“教——学——评”一致的小学语文课后作业设计的策略 被引量:1
作者 卓清妹 《学苑教育》 2021年第7期85-86,共2页
语文学科课后作业设计时,教师要有对接融合意识,针对教师施教内容、学生学科学习实际、"教——学——评"现实作出优化设计,推出更多适合度更高的课后作业任务,以成功激发学生学习语文的主动性,形塑其学科核心能力。"教... 语文学科课后作业设计时,教师要有对接融合意识,针对教师施教内容、学生学科学习实际、"教——学——评"现实作出优化设计,推出更多适合度更高的课后作业任务,以成功激发学生学习语文的主动性,形塑其学科核心能力。"教——学——评"与课后作业设计相观照,体现"教——学——评"一体化的教育理念,为学生提供学科学习能力历练的机会,教师要有创新实践的意识,优化课后作业设计,提升训练效度。 展开更多
关键词 语文 作业设计 教——学——评
作者 陈芳颜 《中学生作文指导》 2021年第7期0140-0140,共1页
“教——学——评一体化”教学模式越来越受到关注,其原因在于它不仅仅反映了深度学习的本质要求,也是教师对教学模式进行深度思考的体现。实践教学中,将“教——学——评”三方面相互融合、相互促进、相互影响,可以促使学生进入深度学... “教——学——评一体化”教学模式越来越受到关注,其原因在于它不仅仅反映了深度学习的本质要求,也是教师对教学模式进行深度思考的体现。实践教学中,将“教——学——评”三方面相互融合、相互促进、相互影响,可以促使学生进入深度学习,进而实现核心素养下的引导教学。 展开更多
关键词 教——学——评一体化 初中生物 深度
作者 邵思雨 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2024年第5期0114-0117,共4页
基于新时期教育课程改革的不断深入,要求各阶段各学科教育工作者要立足于学科实际,不断优化、创新教育教学方法,以打造教学高效课堂的同时,更要注重培养学生学科核心素养的全面发展。而对于高中数学学科来说,本身作为一门实践思维应用学... 基于新时期教育课程改革的不断深入,要求各阶段各学科教育工作者要立足于学科实际,不断优化、创新教育教学方法,以打造教学高效课堂的同时,更要注重培养学生学科核心素养的全面发展。而对于高中数学学科来说,本身作为一门实践思维应用学科,其自身所蕴含的学科特性,对培养学生数学抽象、逻辑推理、数学建模、数学运算、直观想象、数据分析等素养具有得天独厚的优势所在,其中创新思维更是促进学生智力发育的关键所在。本文就基于创新思维培养的高中数学教学,展开分析和论述,希望以此可以给广大相关工作者,以建议或启发。 展开更多
关键词 高中数 创新思维 科核心素养 教——学——评
作者 郑芳 《黑龙江教育(教育与教学)》 2023年第4期34-35,共2页
《义务教育语文课程标准(2022版)》拓展型学习任务群对有关“整本书阅读”方面的内容进行了重点阐述。如何有目的、有计划、有步骤、有安排、有方法、有评价地指导学生进行整本书的阅读,是目前语文教师急需解决的问题。语文教师在低年... 《义务教育语文课程标准(2022版)》拓展型学习任务群对有关“整本书阅读”方面的内容进行了重点阐述。如何有目的、有计划、有步骤、有安排、有方法、有评价地指导学生进行整本书的阅读,是目前语文教师急需解决的问题。语文教师在低年段要具有培养学生整本书阅读的意识,通过对统编教材增设的“快乐读书吧”学习内容研究,搭建出低年段整本书阅读推荐课的教学模式,使教师更加明确整本书阅读推荐课教什么、怎么教、教到什么程度,课堂如何评价。在高质量读书推荐课引导下,学生能掌握阅读方法,依托教材提供推荐书目拓展学生阅读优质好书。 展开更多
关键词 语文 双减政策 整本书阅读 模式 实践研究 教——学——评
On Formative Assessment in College English Teaching 被引量:10
作者 鄢家利 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期37-41,共5页
Teaching assessment plays a very important part in college English teaching, and effective formative assessment can encourage students' learner autonomy, improve their ability, and stimulate their creativity as well.... Teaching assessment plays a very important part in college English teaching, and effective formative assessment can encourage students' learner autonomy, improve their ability, and stimulate their creativity as well. Based on the foreign and domestic studies, this paper first reviews the definition and types of assessment, and then analyses the factors which influence the application of formative assessment in the process of college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 formative assessment college English teaching FACTOR
The necessary humanistic embodiment in the philosophy, theory and mode of College English teaching
作者 彭元峰 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第12期1-4,共4页
Along with development of China's popular education, the embodiment of humanistic education is the natural and inevitable requirement of higher education after its transition from elite to popular education to ensure... Along with development of China's popular education, the embodiment of humanistic education is the natural and inevitable requirement of higher education after its transition from elite to popular education to ensure a good quality and a higher level. English teaching is indispensable due to the uniqueness of Chinese language and culture, and our open policy. College English teaching has become an extremely important platform, different from most other countries, to train talents. And to train talents is not only to train for the English language speakers or to be just certain technicians. This article will, from aspects of teaching philosophy, theory and mode, give a preliminary probe into the reasons why humanistic education should show itself up in all segments of college English teaching and how to show up. And it is expected to use the little to get the big. 展开更多
关键词 humanistic embodiment teaching philosophy MODE design assessment
Reflection on Classroom Teaching Innovation Triggered by Non-Engfish Majors' Evaluation on Chinese and Foreign Instructor's Pedagogies
作者 郝家荣 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第1期4-9,共6页
Non-English majors' evaluation on teachers is a vital way to get feedback of English language classroom teaching and learning. This paper reports on a study which used a discourse-analytic approach to look into the e... Non-English majors' evaluation on teachers is a vital way to get feedback of English language classroom teaching and learning. This paper reports on a study which used a discourse-analytic approach to look into the existing problems in English classroom teaching at undergraduates' level. The ways of searching solutions for the problems are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 pedagogical innovation discourse-analytic approach classroom teaching students' evaluation on teachers
The application of formative assessment in college oral English teaching 被引量:1
作者 陈宏 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期77-81,共5页
Teaching assessment is one of the most important components of college English teaching. The traditional assessment system over emphasizes the summative assessment, which used examinations as the main assessment metho... Teaching assessment is one of the most important components of college English teaching. The traditional assessment system over emphasizes the summative assessment, which used examinations as the main assessment method. Formative assessment focuses on the process assessment during the practice of teaching. It is integrated in the teaching and learning process and cannot be separated as evaluation. The formative assessment aims to confirm the students' potential, develop their ability in study and strengthen the students' confidence and the spirit of cooperation. It is also a method intended to generate feedback on performance to improve and accelerate teaching and learning effectively. Based on some theories, this paper states the importance of the application of formative assessment in college oral English teaching. It also introduces some principles and measures to apply this assessment. The reasonable and effective application can promote college oral English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 formative assessment college oral English teaching PRINCIPLES APPLICATION
Teaching evaluation on a WebGIS course based on dynamic self-adaptive teaching–learning-based optimization 被引量:5
作者 HOU Jing-wei JIA Ke-li JIAO Xue-jun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第3期640-653,共14页
Teaching evaluation on a WebGIS course is a multi-objective nonlinear high-dimensional NP-hard problem. The index system for the teaching evaluation of a WebGIS course, including teacher- and student-oriented sub-syst... Teaching evaluation on a WebGIS course is a multi-objective nonlinear high-dimensional NP-hard problem. The index system for the teaching evaluation of a WebGIS course, including teacher- and student-oriented sub-systems, is first established and used for questionnaires from 2013 to 2017. The multi-objective nonlinear high-dimensional evaluation model is constructed and then solved via dynamic self-adaptive teaching–learning-based optimization (DSATLBO). DSATLBO is based on teaching–learning-based optimization with five improvements: dynamic nonlinear self-adaptive teaching factor, extracurricular tutorship factor, dynamic self-adaptive learning factor, multi-way learning factor, and non-dominated sorting factor. WebGIS teaching performance is fully evaluated based on questionnaires and DSATLBO. Optimal weights and weighted scores from DSATLBO are compared with those from the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II using the Pareto front, coverage to two sets, and spacing of the non-dominated solution sets to validate the performance of DSATLBO. The results show that DSATLBO can be uniformly distributed along the Pareto front. Therefore, DSATLBO can efficiently and feasibly solve the multi-objective nonlinear high-dimensional teaching evaluation model of a WebGIS course. The proposed teaching evaluation method can help reflecting the quality of all aspects of classroom teaching and guide the professional development of students. 展开更多
Current investigation and analysis of formative assessment in college oral English teaching 被引量:3
作者 尹万宝 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第1期33-39,共7页
This article investigates and analyzes the current circumstances of formative assessment in college oral English teaching. The result shows: (1) students still have some difficulties in the process of oral English ... This article investigates and analyzes the current circumstances of formative assessment in college oral English teaching. The result shows: (1) students still have some difficulties in the process of oral English formative assessment; (2) students are not accessible to abundant formative assessment approaches; (3) teachers play an unsatisfactory role in the process of oral English formative assessment. Finally, this article offers some advice on figuring out the problems above. 展开更多
关键词 oral English formative assessment TEACHING
Who Are We,What Can We Do,and What Do We Think?Review on EAP Teacher Development 被引量:1
作者 Jianying DU Weiping LI Qiong LI 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第4期532-550,612,共20页
In this review of the literature regarding English for Academic Purposes(EAP)teacher development,we focus on empirical studies of pedagogical initiatives,research potential,and the cognitive status of practicing EAP i... In this review of the literature regarding English for Academic Purposes(EAP)teacher development,we focus on empirical studies of pedagogical initiatives,research potential,and the cognitive status of practicing EAP instructors.A selection of 107 articles published in the Journal of English for Academic Purposes and English for Specific Purposes between the years 2002 and 2021 was retrieved for our categorized review.Our investigation affirms that research by and about EAP instructors remains an underdeveloped area in the field.We also attempt to point out future directions for teacher-led research with a conceptual understanding of EAP as a research-informed practice as well as practice-motivated research. 展开更多
关键词 English for academic purposes teacher development REVIEW
The AHP analysis on Quality Evaluation oriented to Bilingual Teaching Practices in Yunnan' s Universities 被引量:1
作者 Lingling Liu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期97-100,共4页
A number of studies show that bilingual education in private universities is worth studying in recent years, but its feasibility causes many debates at the same time which students are not as superior in both English ... A number of studies show that bilingual education in private universities is worth studying in recent years, but its feasibility causes many debates at the same time which students are not as superior in both English proficiency and expertise as what we have expect- ed.However, it is undeniable that teaching process of teachers becomes significant influence on students' learning results. In my research I focus on the comprehensive view and procedures of teaching and set up the index system for evaluation of bilingual teaching process from teachers' perspective. In addition, I calculate the weighted value of each index at each level by using the root method, and determine the key success factors which affecting the quality of bilingual teaching process. Lastly, taking Oxbridge college as an example, I try to study what types of factors that constitutes conditions and limitations for a successful effect for bilingual teaching and to propose the solutions for improving and self-supervising in bilingual teaching process. 展开更多
关键词 Bilingual teaching Teaching process Analytic Hierarchy Process Key Success Factors
On appropriately assessing students' learning outcomes
作者 BAI Yun-hong 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第11期15-20,共6页
Some students make negative comments on their learning outcomes after two years' college English learning. The article is to investigate factors influencing students' evaluation of their learning, including students... Some students make negative comments on their learning outcomes after two years' college English learning. The article is to investigate factors influencing students' evaluation of their learning, including students' self-efficacy, learning strategies and different categories of achievement goals. 展开更多
关键词 leaming outcomes assess SELF-EFFICACY learning strategies achievement goals
Literature review of material evaluation 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Ya-ni 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第6期28-31,共4页
A literature-based review concerning why and how to evaluate language-teaching materials is presented with the purpose to facilitate English Language Teachers' awareness of material evaluation and assist their conduc... A literature-based review concerning why and how to evaluate language-teaching materials is presented with the purpose to facilitate English Language Teachers' awareness of material evaluation and assist their conduction. 展开更多
关键词 material evaluation evaluation criteria learners' needs
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