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新约之神学诠释与教会信仰:从保罗新观研究获得的启迪 被引量:1
作者 王艾明 《金陵神学志》 2015年第1期181-211,共31页
英语术语"New Perspective on Paul"是20世纪西方新约神学研究界独特的理论体系。本文着重研究了新约之神学诠释与教会信仰的关联,对于我们认识成长中的中国基督教和教会的信仰有特殊意义:对于思考今日中国基督教和教会这样... 英语术语"New Perspective on Paul"是20世纪西方新约神学研究界独特的理论体系。本文着重研究了新约之神学诠释与教会信仰的关联,对于我们认识成长中的中国基督教和教会的信仰有特殊意义:对于思考今日中国基督教和教会这样的问题而言,专注于新约正典与教会信仰,将有益于我们确立现实的立场,从而将圣经作为中国教会至高衡定标准,或者,将从圣经视野去审视中国基督教问题确立为对话与交流的基本原则。而路德改教传统,就我们所正在思考的议题而言,亦特具意义,这就是路德乃至新教传统的首要原则:"唯靠圣经"(Sola Scriptura)。 展开更多
关键词 保罗新观 新约之神学诠释 教会信仰
作者 王艾明 《金陵神学志》 2008年第4期39-68,共30页
本文通过引入古公教会“教会信仰”之教义学概念,将新教神学传统中的教会信仰确定为未来的中国教会神学的重要议题,进而探讨社会学层面、教制层面和实在论层面教会身份和教会在社会中的角色等问题,并试图检讨当前中国教会所面临的基... 本文通过引入古公教会“教会信仰”之教义学概念,将新教神学传统中的教会信仰确定为未来的中国教会神学的重要议题,进而探讨社会学层面、教制层面和实在论层面教会身份和教会在社会中的角色等问题,并试图检讨当前中国教会所面临的基本问题及其解决思路。 展开更多
关键词 教会神学 教会信仰 教会身份 教会体制
作者 田春波 《中国天主教》 2024年第2期44-47,共4页
依照教会的训导,教会信仰的对象是天主、朝拜的对象是天主、敬礼的对象是天主,那么教会为何敬礼圣母呢?因为圣母是人而非神。交流讨事实上,敬礼圣母的思想源自圣经本身。教会的信仰来自《圣经》。《圣经》是教会信仰的典籍、是教会信仰... 依照教会的训导,教会信仰的对象是天主、朝拜的对象是天主、敬礼的对象是天主,那么教会为何敬礼圣母呢?因为圣母是人而非神。交流讨事实上,敬礼圣母的思想源自圣经本身。教会的信仰来自《圣经》。《圣经》是教会信仰的典籍、是教会信仰的泉源、是教会信仰的根基。 展开更多
关键词 教会信仰 《圣经》 圣母 天主 圣经 朝拜
作者 谭舒 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期47-51,共5页
康德在《实践理性批判》中已铺垫了理论上最终要建立道德宗教的构想,在《单纯理性限度内的宗教》中则就之进行了详尽论述。有理性者对于道德律的遵守也将构成信奉上帝的唯一路径,完成道德之二度空间在经验生活向度上的平行建构,最终辨... 康德在《实践理性批判》中已铺垫了理论上最终要建立道德宗教的构想,在《单纯理性限度内的宗教》中则就之进行了详尽论述。有理性者对于道德律的遵守也将构成信奉上帝的唯一路径,完成道德之二度空间在经验生活向度上的平行建构,最终辨明宗教的两种形态,并为真正教会的存在根基做了厘清与辩护。 展开更多
关键词 道德律 上帝 教会信仰 理性宗教
Twin Cities A Matter of Identity and Belonging
作者 Nitza Davidovitch Heli Arbili 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第9期463-476,共14页
The term "twin cities" refers to a program in which cities from different places in the world form a "twinning" alliance that serves as a setting for educational, cultural, political, and social collaborations (G... The term "twin cities" refers to a program in which cities from different places in the world form a "twinning" alliance that serves as a setting for educational, cultural, political, and social collaborations (Grosspietsch 2009). The purpose of the program is to promote the twin cities in all aspects of life (Jayne, Hubbard, and Bell 2013) and facilitate a feeling of belonging and identity among their residents (Ogawa 2012). In the current study, the cities of Beer Sheva and Nahariya were taken as case studies for examining the contribution of the program to promoting residents' feeling of belonging to their Jewish identity. Specifically, the current study attempted to examine the effect of town of residence and age group on feeling of belonging, and whether familiarity with the Twin Cities program affected the feeling of belonging to Jewish identity, in the assumption that residents familiar with the program would report a stronger feeling of belonging than residents not familiar with it. The study included 147 participants aged 17-64, of them 80 residents of Beer Sheva and 67 of Nahariya. All the participants were recruited to the study voluntarily and were requested to complete an online self-report questionnaire examining feeling of belonging to Jewish identity. Moreover, an interview was conducted with the representative of the delegations at the Amal school in Nahariya, to reaffirm the findings. The research findings refuted the main research assumption that the Twin Cities program would influence the feeling of belonging. In fact, the current study indicates that no correlation was found between feeling of belonging and any of the research measures, aside from religiosity. Furthermore, and in contrast to the hypothesis, the research findings indicate that participants who were not familiar with the program reported a stronger feeling of belonging than participants who were familiar with it. Due to the surprising findings, the current study raises the possibility that the Twin Cities program is undergoing a process of change and thus promotes individual values more than collective values. This contention changes the essential purpose of the program and this is the significance of the current study. 展开更多
关键词 twin cities IDENTITY belonging VALUES Israel
Social Causes of Arab Youth Radicalizing
作者 Diab M. Al-Badayneh Rami A. Al-Assasfeh Nisreen A. Al-Bhri 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第12期743-756,共14页
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of macro social factors (states, religion, region, Arab spring, terrorism, unrest (Shoe index), democracy, corruption (GPI), Human development (HDI), low self... The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of macro social factors (states, religion, region, Arab spring, terrorism, unrest (Shoe index), democracy, corruption (GPI), Human development (HDI), low self-control, life stress events (LSE), youth unemployment, religiosity, feeling (fear and anger), youth unemployment and total unemployment) on Arab youth's radicalization. A sample of 6,730 Arab youth age 15-24 years was selected from Kuwait, UAE, KSA, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt, Gaza and Palestine and Syrian refuges in Jordan. A questionnaire of 43 items to measure radicalization was developed based on the literature review. A construct validity of the scale was estimated by calculating the correlation between radicalization scale and Low self-control scale and found a positive significant relationship (0.680, a = 0.000), a sign of validity of the scale. A Reliability of the scale is strong and was estimated by Cronbach's alpha and was 0.947. An average of 46.6% of the participants was categorized as radicals with standard deviation of 12. Macro social factors explained 64% of the variance on radicalization. It has a significant impact on radicalization (F = 807.6, a = 0.000). Each single variable has a significant impact. The analysis revealed three groups of macro determinants of youth radicalization were identified: (1) Geographic factors: state, region, and Arab spring; (2) Social factors: religion, religiously, feelings, LSE and LSC; (3) Human security: unrest, terrorism, democracy, corruption, human development, youth unemployment and employment rate. To alleviate the consequences of radicalization, prevention policies should take in account youth concerns as partners and victims of radicalization. Policies need to focus on radicalization pull and push factors on micro-meso-macro level. 展开更多
关键词 RADICALIZATION Arab youth policy implications
路德论教会当如何面对瘟疫 被引量:1
作者 李广生 《天风》 2020年第3期37-40,共4页
当前,华夏儿女正团结一致抗击疫情,这正是对教会信仰和信徒素质的考验。16世纪宗教改革家路德也曾遇到过类似的境况,当时他是如何面对的呢?其间他对基督徒有何劝勉和提醒呢?本文写成于2003年重症急性呼吸综合征(SARS)疫情期间,在当今新... 当前,华夏儿女正团结一致抗击疫情,这正是对教会信仰和信徒素质的考验。16世纪宗教改革家路德也曾遇到过类似的境况,当时他是如何面对的呢?其间他对基督徒有何劝勉和提醒呢?本文写成于2003年重症急性呼吸综合征(SARS)疫情期间,在当今新冠肺炎疫情发生之际我们特此刊出,邀您一起借路德的书信探索他处变不惊、慎谋能断、信主爱人背后的神学思考,以知古鉴今。 展开更多
关键词 教会信仰 路德 16世纪 宗教改革家 基督徒 处变不惊 神学
作者 严锡禹 《天风》 2021年第6期20-20,共1页
徐如雷(1923-2019)于1954年发表了讲章《圣经是否否定人的价值》,引用《诗篇》8篇来讨论人的地位问题。徐如雷是金陵协和神学院教会历史方面的教授,曾任金陵协和神学院图书馆馆长、南京大学宗教研究所副所长、江苏省基督教协会副会长等... 徐如雷(1923-2019)于1954年发表了讲章《圣经是否否定人的价值》,引用《诗篇》8篇来讨论人的地位问题。徐如雷是金陵协和神学院教会历史方面的教授,曾任金陵协和神学院图书馆馆长、南京大学宗教研究所副所长、江苏省基督教协会副会长等职。在文章中,针对当时教会信仰中一些狭隘的观点,他指出,有些基督徒"为了表示在上帝面前的谦卑,为了表示爱主,会无原则地强调人的渺小、无能和败坏,会引经据典地来贬低人的价值和地位",甚至把人的存在看做是多余的。 展开更多
关键词 基督教协会 《诗篇》 中国基督徒 教会信仰 南京大学 谦卑 副所长 人的地位
作者 王艾明 《金陵神学志》 2009年第1期222-244,共23页
本文试图从中国基督教教会神学立场去解读中国学术界给予高度关注的莫尔特曼关于公共神学的基本主张,并借此将教会信仰中的公性原则作为理解神学家莫尔特曼基本思想时的一条路径,以表达其思想和影响对于中国教会神学研究之可借鉴性和... 本文试图从中国基督教教会神学立场去解读中国学术界给予高度关注的莫尔特曼关于公共神学的基本主张,并借此将教会信仰中的公性原则作为理解神学家莫尔特曼基本思想时的一条路径,以表达其思想和影响对于中国教会神学研究之可借鉴性和启迪性。 展开更多
关键词 教会神学 公共神学 教会信仰 公民宗教 公民社会 神学解释学
《中国宗教》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期62-63,共2页
关键词 日本 天主教会 菲律宾 基督信仰教会 伊斯兰教 伊斯坦布尔 教堂 埃塞俄比亚 印度 宗教政策
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