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作者 洪天锋 李伟 《中小学校长》 2024年第7期40-44,49,共6页
农村高中教师专业学习共同体建构对于提升教师专业发展水平具有重要意义。当前,农村高中“教共体”存在着一些问题:共同愿景脱离学校实际,“教共体”内部学习个人化,“教共体”中的学习内容缺乏针对性,教师合作学习意愿不强,教师理性学... 农村高中教师专业学习共同体建构对于提升教师专业发展水平具有重要意义。当前,农村高中“教共体”存在着一些问题:共同愿景脱离学校实际,“教共体”内部学习个人化,“教共体”中的学习内容缺乏针对性,教师合作学习意愿不强,教师理性学习能力不高。立足于文化实践,从教师学习的“5C”视角对其进行教育建构,使其更具活力:共同愿景校本化建构使“教共体”成员的发展目标更明确;情境化学习使“教共体”成员增强了知识运用能力;个性化学习使“教共体”成员在学习过程中更有针对性;合作学习使“教共体”成员更有合作意愿;批判性学习使“教共体”成员的实践反思更具深刻性。 展开更多
关键词 教共体 师专业发展 农村高中
作者 陈志贤 彭文丽 《教学月刊(中学版)(教学管理)》 2024年第7期40-43,共4页
让每一个孩子享受到优质教育,是时代赋予我们的重要使命。温州市洞头区城关小学与温州市龙湾第二实验小学组建跨区域教共体,并以此辐射温州市洞头区大门镇新城实验学校组建融合型教共体,带动温州市洞头区城关第一小学组建共建型教共体,... 让每一个孩子享受到优质教育,是时代赋予我们的重要使命。温州市洞头区城关小学与温州市龙湾第二实验小学组建跨区域教共体,并以此辐射温州市洞头区大门镇新城实验学校组建融合型教共体,带动温州市洞头区城关第一小学组建共建型教共体,构建了四校协作的“山海”教共体帮扶格局。四校协作的“山海”教共体打造以名师引领的“导航式”教研、主题驱动的“联合式”教研、跟岗走教的“共情式”教研为内容的“三式”教研模式,依托同步课堂平台、资讯服务平台、智慧教育平台提升学校管理品质,促进了当地义务教育的优质均衡发展。 展开更多
关键词 “山海”教共体
区域教共体下小学劳动教育的路径创生 被引量:2
作者 杨敏佳 《教学与管理》 2023年第20期24-26,共3页
中共二十大报告指出,要加快义务教育优质均衡发展和城乡一体化,优化区域教育资源配置。为更好地推进区域劳动教育实施,可以将区域城市优质学校与乡村学校结成劳动教育共同体,创新开发教共体劳动课程共享群,合作打造“三位一体”教育实... 中共二十大报告指出,要加快义务教育优质均衡发展和城乡一体化,优化区域教育资源配置。为更好地推进区域劳动教育实施,可以将区域城市优质学校与乡村学校结成劳动教育共同体,创新开发教共体劳动课程共享群,合作打造“三位一体”教育实践基地,创设指向“教—学—评”一体化教学、突出创建教共体劳动教育的教师团队,实现区域劳动教育管理共进、教学共研、资源共享、信息互通、师生互动、差异互补等,促进城乡学校的均衡发展。 展开更多
关键词 区域教共体 小学 劳动
作者 陈温迪 吴婷婷 +2 位作者 黄莉莎 胡梦娜 马小龙 《农村经济与科技》 2023年第19期275-278,共4页
为了促进义务教育优质均衡发展,缩小城乡教育差距,以浙江省26个加快发展县为例,综合分析“山海协作教共体”模式下浙江省城乡教育资源共享发展现状,深入研究城镇地区学校教育发展模式。分析认为,以立足教育过程公平、巩固乡村教师队伍... 为了促进义务教育优质均衡发展,缩小城乡教育差距,以浙江省26个加快发展县为例,综合分析“山海协作教共体”模式下浙江省城乡教育资源共享发展现状,深入研究城镇地区学校教育发展模式。分析认为,以立足教育过程公平、巩固乡村教师队伍建设、促进校与校共享常态化、加大乡村教育资金投入、优化乡村学校生源体系为内容建立教育质量检测制度,能够有效促进教育公平,推进教育资源共享的实现。 展开更多
关键词 育公平 山海协作教共体 城乡 资源 发展路径
作者 周幼红 《小学教学研究》 2023年第32期14-16,共3页
关键词 启迪智慧 城乡教共体 同频
作者 钟战华 《教学月刊(中学版)(教学管理)》 2023年第9期15-19,共5页
在推进城乡教育优质均衡发展的背景下,海盐县武原中学与海盐县澉浦中学在“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”新发展理念的指引下,构建了融合型教共体。“武原中学—澉浦中学”融合型教共体通过重塑价值理念、助力团队成长、聚焦中心问题... 在推进城乡教育优质均衡发展的背景下,海盐县武原中学与海盐县澉浦中学在“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”新发展理念的指引下,构建了融合型教共体。“武原中学—澉浦中学”融合型教共体通过重塑价值理念、助力团队成长、聚焦中心问题、聚力塑魂铸心、夯实后勤保障、擘画后续发展,在合作共建中达到“双赢”,促进了区域教育的优质均衡一体化发展。 展开更多
关键词 城乡育优质均衡发展 融合型教共体 区域
作者 郑觉 《中华活页文选(高中版)》 2022年第24期190-192,共3页
自“支援山区 26 县和 6 个海岛县组建跨地区教共体结对学校 500 所”列入浙江省政府 2022 年民生实事项目以来,全省 506 所学校通过互联网结成跨地区教共体。通过支援校对受援校的结对帮扶,偏远地区学校教学效果得到了提升,师生从中获... 自“支援山区 26 县和 6 个海岛县组建跨地区教共体结对学校 500 所”列入浙江省政府 2022 年民生实事项目以来,全省 506 所学校通过互联网结成跨地区教共体。通过支援校对受援校的结对帮扶,偏远地区学校教学效果得到了提升,师生从中获益匪浅。同时,由于跨地区教共体的实践处于起步阶段,经验的缺乏使得具体实施遇到了不少问题。我市采用加强组织、项目核验、教研同行、媒体宣传等手段,推进跨地区义务教育优质均衡发展,实现教育“共同富裕”的目标。 展开更多
关键词 同富裕 跨地区教共体 结对帮扶
作者 王向东 陈蓉 《浙江考试》 2023年第12期46-50,共5页
浙江省新时代“城乡义务教育共同体”建设项目是浙江省省委、省政府于2019年开始实施的民生实事项目,该项目的实施有利于城镇优质教育资源下沉到乡村义务教育学校,实现义务教育优质均衡。项目在建设过程中取得了一些成功的经验,与此同... 浙江省新时代“城乡义务教育共同体”建设项目是浙江省省委、省政府于2019年开始实施的民生实事项目,该项目的实施有利于城镇优质教育资源下沉到乡村义务教育学校,实现义务教育优质均衡。项目在建设过程中取得了一些成功的经验,与此同时也还存在着少许不足,可以通过拓宽“城乡义务教育共同体”结对帮扶的领域、做好“城乡义务教育共同体”帮扶的长远规划、发挥教研机构对“城乡义务教育共同体”业务指导和监控作用等措施来提升“城乡义务教育共同体”建设绩效。 展开更多
关键词 城乡义务 教共体 结对帮扶
作者 陈飞 郭央松 林军 《浙江教学研究》 2022年第6期3-6,共4页
岱山县依托“数字赋能”,以同步课堂和网络研修为主线,聚焦离岛教研中的瓶颈问题,着力“城乡教共体建设”,做到“线上”与“线下”让“三阶五环”研修模式焕发新魅力,“同步”与“异步”让同步课堂“双差异”变“双优势”,“帮扶”与“... 岱山县依托“数字赋能”,以同步课堂和网络研修为主线,聚焦离岛教研中的瓶颈问题,着力“城乡教共体建设”,做到“线上”与“线下”让“三阶五环”研修模式焕发新魅力,“同步”与“异步”让同步课堂“双差异”变“双优势”,“帮扶”与“反哺”让“特色共享课程”走进城市与渔村。走出了一条可复制、可推广的适合海岛的城乡共同体优质均衡发展之路,有效解决了离岛教研的瓶颈问题和工学矛盾。 展开更多
关键词 城乡教共体 优质均衡 数字赋能 同步课堂
奋进·引领·淬炼:“互联网+义务教育”协作型城乡结对新样态的构建与实施 被引量:1
作者 祝贵耀 《教学月刊(小学版)(语文)》 2021年第7期4-8,共5页
城乡教育教学联盟利用“互联网+”网络环境的三个“零”优势——学校空间“一体”对接“零缝隙”、师生课堂“双线”对话“零距离”、异地互动“同步”对焦“零差异”,实现“共同奋进的愿景协同”“共同引领的学教协同”“共同淬炼的成... 城乡教育教学联盟利用“互联网+”网络环境的三个“零”优势——学校空间“一体”对接“零缝隙”、师生课堂“双线”对话“零距离”、异地互动“同步”对焦“零差异”,实现“共同奋进的愿景协同”“共同引领的学教协同”“共同淬炼的成长协同”的发展三进阶,提升城乡义务教育优质均衡水平的学校发展模式。 展开更多
关键词 “互联网+义务育” 协作型教共体 城乡结对 同步课堂
作者 张吉利 《教书育人(校长参考)》 2022年第9期60-62,共3页
小规模学校的校本教研发展受限于教研组的规模和专业引领的水平,学校应与教师教育学院主动联系沟通,与附近学校联盟,与帮扶学校结对,成立一个教共体,注重挖掘校际联动的伙伴价值。基于现代技术应用开展线上线下“双线融合”,自主学习与... 小规模学校的校本教研发展受限于教研组的规模和专业引领的水平,学校应与教师教育学院主动联系沟通,与附近学校联盟,与帮扶学校结对,成立一个教共体,注重挖掘校际联动的伙伴价值。基于现代技术应用开展线上线下“双线融合”,自主学习与合作学习交替进行的“互动”式学习,破解校本教研困局。在探索互联网环境下教学方式变革的校本研修过程中实现管理水平新跨越、队伍建设新突破、教师素养新提升。 展开更多
关键词 教共体 核心问题 核心目标 优化实践 双线互动
Studies on a Korean Buddhism Community: Searching for Unity Through Open Discourse
作者 Hae-Young Won 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第5期277-286,共10页
Korean Buddhism community has tried to develop its traditions as well as maintaining them through open discussion. Some current incidents, such as the election of the director for the headquarters of the Chogye Order,... Korean Buddhism community has tried to develop its traditions as well as maintaining them through open discussion. Some current incidents, such as the election of the director for the headquarters of the Chogye Order, controversial issues on a prime minster nominee, and the difference between practicing and learning which has been discussed in Buddhist Academia, have generated a new wave in the Korean Buddhism world. Many religious practices which have infiltrated Korean society, including Catholicism and Christianity, have been indigenized to become a unique religious form combined with Korean Shamanism, through which individuals want to achieve personal happiness or material prosperity. Buddhism has been through the same process. Additionally, Buddhism has played a leading role in teaching the public of Korea for a long time and has become a model role for solving national crises. Currently, the Korean Buddhism world has tried to be reborn as a religion that keeps these beneficial traditions in Korea, and the Korean Buddhism can play a positive role in every aspect of culture, politics, and society. Further, the Korean Buddhism is looking for ways to influence Korean society through open discussions. This paper brings out issues that Korean Buddhism faces and presents the solutions to solve those problems. 展开更多
关键词 the Chogye Order Korean Buddhism Korean society practice Buddhist Academia
Between the Religious Tolerance and Confessional Loyalty: The Orthodox Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from John Herbinius’ Point of View
作者 Nataliia Sinkevych 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2018年第5期313-324,共12页
John Herbinius (1633-1679) was a well-known Lutheran theologian and writer. Living long time on the territory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (in contemporary Vilnus), he wrote a description of the Kyiv religiou... John Herbinius (1633-1679) was a well-known Lutheran theologian and writer. Living long time on the territory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (in contemporary Vilnus), he wrote a description of the Kyiv religious caves, which was published in 1675 in Jena. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the further understanding and interpretation of the church history and inter-confessional relations on the territory on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the middle of the 17th century, and its later influence on historical and cultural development. Herbinius, being deeply connected with the West-European Protestant world, and at the same time, living in multi-cultural and multi-religious Vilnius, tried to maneuver between the religious tolerance and confessional loyalty, the adherence to the ideas of German reformation and a personal friendship with the Orthodox clergy. The methodology of this work includes historical, inter-confessional, heuristic, biographical, reader-orientated, and linguistic approaches, textual, contextual, and comparative analysis. This article has shown that the Protestant author percepted and treated the Orthodox Church in a very positive way: Church customs, canonical law, and discipline, clergy, and even monasticism did not provoke any criticism from his side. However, on the questions of iconolatry and confessional exclusivism of the Orthodox Church Herbinius could not refrain from criticism. They evidently contradicted his views on real Christian piety and religious tolerance. 展开更多
关键词 John Herbinius Kyiv monastery of the caves the Eastern Orthodox Church confessional dialogue religious tolerance
Three Models of English Education in China's Universities ——-A Historical Perspective 被引量:3
作者 TIAN Qiang, LI Jie-hong QIAO Hui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第9期676-683,共8页
In the present paper, a comparison is made of the three formats in the history of EECU (English education in China's universities). In the first period (1904-1949), English education was conducted separately in g... In the present paper, a comparison is made of the three formats in the history of EECU (English education in China's universities). In the first period (1904-1949), English education was conducted separately in government-managed educational institutions and in institutions sponsored by church-related organizations; English education was well-knit with both general education and specialty education; and self-motivating learning was encouraged. In the second period (1950-1966), almost everything was tinted with a shady color of politics: A halt was addressed drastically to EEC (English education in China) in 1952. In the gradual recovery that started four years later, the second format was sawed and hammered, showing the following features: All non-government-mamaged institutions vanished from the stage; English was taught solely as a language or a system of verbal parts, almost deprived of all cultural loading. The third period (1978 onwards) has witnessed a barrier-free and rapid development of over three decades, resulting in the unprecedented pervasion of EECU. Yet in the third tbrmat, learners' efforts have turned wholly test-oriented, degenerating into the saddening disintegrity of learning as a process into isolated charges to the target of a test at a time; the ignorant reduction of the learning methods to "Vocabulary Booklets Plus Collections of Test Papers". Such a comparison not only provides a multi-dimensional perspective of EECU and a better understanding of it, but also offers some important experiences and lessons for the search of an effective solution to the pervasive problem of"Time-Consumingness and Low-Efficiency". 展开更多
关键词 EECU (English education in China's universities) MODEL LEARNING
Design and Implementation of the Platform for Multimedia Resource Sharing based on Cloud Technology
作者 Ling Yang Xingbiao Zi 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第7期24-26,共3页
This paper first reviews the current state of multimedia teaching resource sharing in China as well as the problems encountered. It then proceeds to the focus that a good way out for the dilemma is to design a platfor... This paper first reviews the current state of multimedia teaching resource sharing in China as well as the problems encountered. It then proceeds to the focus that a good way out for the dilemma is to design a platform of multimedia teaching resource sharing based on cloud service concept. 展开更多
关键词 Cloud sharing Multimedia teaching resources design
Design of Practice Teaching of Public Order based on the Theory of Modern Instructional Design
作者 Jian Lin Bo Kang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第10期1-5,共5页
At present, there are several problems such as randomness, blindness and experience in the teaching of public security science major, especially in practical teaching, thus colleges and universities cannot adapt to th... At present, there are several problems such as randomness, blindness and experience in the teaching of public security science major, especially in practical teaching, thus colleges and universities cannot adapt to the requirements of talents training. In order to improve the practice teaching quality of public security practice, we should apply modern instructional design theory. Aiming at the problems existing in the practice teaching of public order, we design a practice teaching system for public security. In the process of practice teaching design of public order, we should pay attention to the starting point of the practice teaching, design of teaching objectives, design of practical teaching content, design of practical teaching mode and evaluation of the practice teaching of public security. 展开更多
关键词 The science of public order Practice teaching Instructional design
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