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从英国教堂文化透视中西方人生意识差异 被引量:4
作者 王亚光 《沈阳工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期281-283,共3页
英国人一生中的大事都与教堂密不可分——从出生的洗礼,到成年后的结婚仪式,乃至离世后的安息之所。在日常生活中,周末到教堂祈祷一般也会与英国人相伴一生。教堂文化折射出英国人对人生和世界的看法,去教堂是他们与上帝对话的途径,也... 英国人一生中的大事都与教堂密不可分——从出生的洗礼,到成年后的结婚仪式,乃至离世后的安息之所。在日常生活中,周末到教堂祈祷一般也会与英国人相伴一生。教堂文化折射出英国人对人生和世界的看法,去教堂是他们与上帝对话的途径,也反映出他们如何面对现世的人生意识。他们对生死的看法与大多以佛道为宗的中国人有很大差异。认识中英这种宗教文化上的差异,能让我们更好地认识和解决中西方交流中出现的矛盾和困难。 展开更多
关键词 宗教文化 教堂 教堂文化 人生意识 人生观 世界观 中西交流 英国
《紫禁城》 2007年第1期58-59,共2页
天主教堂作为宗教仪式的物化形态,蕴含着西方文化的宗教观念、建筑造型、绘画雕刻、音乐诗歌、工艺制作、语言文字等多种要素。明清时期天主教在华传播,以教堂文化作为西方文化形态的代表,最先在华夏土地上引发了中西两种文化的碰撞。... 天主教堂作为宗教仪式的物化形态,蕴含着西方文化的宗教观念、建筑造型、绘画雕刻、音乐诗歌、工艺制作、语言文字等多种要素。明清时期天主教在华传播,以教堂文化作为西方文化形态的代表,最先在华夏土地上引发了中西两种文化的碰撞。岭南地区作为最早接触西方文化的要津,教堂文化最先在那里登陆,以致如屈大均所说,站在山顶上“东望洋寺,西望洋寺”。之后,这一教堂文化逐渐北上,甚至蔓延到了清代皇室内部。最终成为明清之际全国的重要文化景观。 展开更多
关键词 教堂文化 天主教堂 西方文化 教堂 岭南地区 中原 法国 明清之际 两种文化 建筑造型
作者 徐岱 《学习与思考》 1995年第10期46-47,共2页
在美国的城镇里,教堂之多犹如眼下的我国遍布大街小巷的餐馆饭店。第一次产生这样的印象,是在走马观花地游览了北卡罗莱纳州的首府雷莱(Raleigh)。作为一州的首府,这个城市小得大出乎我的意料。我们的小车只转了几分钟、绕了几圈,便足... 在美国的城镇里,教堂之多犹如眼下的我国遍布大街小巷的餐馆饭店。第一次产生这样的印象,是在走马观花地游览了北卡罗莱纳州的首府雷莱(Raleigh)。作为一州的首府,这个城市小得大出乎我的意料。我们的小车只转了几分钟、绕了几圈,便足以对它的概貌得出一个大致的认识。以州政府办公楼为枢纽的市区,方方正正四通八达。一共才四、五条街的市中心内,耸立着十来座教堂,有不少甚至是隔街相对。说三、 展开更多
关键词 美国人 教堂文化 享乐主义 上帝 办公楼 州政府 美国社会 西方社会 方方 市中心
作者 李培林 《社会学家茶座》 2003年第5期90-98,共9页
关键词 台湾省 村落 台东地区 农业 工业 庙宇 教堂文化 都市化 农业转型 农村
Enhancing Cultural Awareness in the EFL Classroom: Theoretical Analysis and Strategies Development
作者 Zhang Lili 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期72-74,共3页
As the world becomes more interconnected, learning a foreign language in the associated cultural context proves to be more efficient and effective. EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Teachers are sparing no efforts... As the world becomes more interconnected, learning a foreign language in the associated cultural context proves to be more efficient and effective. EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Teachers are sparing no efforts to raise students' awareness and understanding of the culture and to help students become interculturally competent. On the basis of thorough literature review on cultural study, this paper probes into theoretical analysis and strategic approaches of cultural learning in EFL classes. The extensive strategies are discussed and presented in the paper so as for more confidence and capabilities from practitioners incorporating sufficient cultural knowledge and understanding into successful EFL classroom. 展开更多
关键词 cultural awareness EFL classroom theoretical analysis strategies development
The Importance of Developing Intercultural Awareness in the Business English Classroom
作者 Andreas Winardi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期964-968,共5页
We live in a multicultural world. As a result, we often have to deal with people from a different culture. This is not easy since we may have very different ways of thinking and doing things from the people we meet. W... We live in a multicultural world. As a result, we often have to deal with people from a different culture. This is not easy since we may have very different ways of thinking and doing things from the people we meet. What is considered good in our culture may mean opposite somewhere else. The understanding of cultural distinctions is very crucial in the business world. The businessmen/women who have sufficient cultural knowledge are more likely to be successful in building relationship with their business counterparts than those who do not. This is because the ones who possess such precious knowledge tend to be more adept at avoiding misunderstanding and confusion. Considering the significant contribution of understanding cultural differences to successful business endeavor, the teachers of Business English need to equip their students with knowledge and strategies that they can use to cope with cultural diversity. In this paper, the writer discusses some activities that can be used to develop students' intercultural awareness. 展开更多
关键词 intercultural awareness business English
Stereotypes in a Foreign Language Classroom --Modifying Negative Attitudes to Enhance Foreign Language Learning
作者 Lucia Buttaro 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第11期1667-1675,共9页
The aim of the paper is to present various aspects of the phenomenon of stereotyping in the context of FL (foreign language) learning and teaching and to discuss practical solutions to be used in a FL classroom to t... The aim of the paper is to present various aspects of the phenomenon of stereotyping in the context of FL (foreign language) learning and teaching and to discuss practical solutions to be used in a FL classroom to teach the worm about the worm by questioning the stereotypes learners have of other nations and languages. This paper is an attempt to present some ideas of FL teachers' role in developing students' socio-cultural competence with the aim of raising their cross-cultural awareness and questioning the stereotypes students bring into a FL classroom. The methodology used was an analysis of fragment of tape scripts from listening comprehension activities from a course book preparing Polish secondary students for the school leaving exam. The topics discussed concern opinions about attitudes towards and judgments of various cultural aspects, be it drinking tea or discussing the weather, impressions people have about other nations, or languages people speak. 展开更多
关键词 STEREOTYPES FL (foreign language) learning socio-cultural comptenece cross-cultural awareness PERCEPTIONS
Cultural and Academic Meetings in the Writing Classroom: China and the West
作者 Jane Mattisson Ekstam 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第4期241-249,共9页
With growing numbers of Chinese students entering Western universities, cultural understanding is of increasing importance, not least in higher education. Without a good understanding of the academic conventions of We... With growing numbers of Chinese students entering Western universities, cultural understanding is of increasing importance, not least in higher education. Without a good understanding of the academic conventions of Western universities, Chinese students, and undergraduates in particular, are at a disadvantage in the multi-cultural classroom. Lack of knowledge of structural influences on higher education, including teacher-student relations, reference management practices, and assessment procedures, are likely to lead to failure and disappointment. This paper, which is based on writing workshops conducted at Beijing University and in Sweden (Kristianstad University and Linnaeus University) in 2014, focuses primarily on writing practices and conventions because written texts are the main means of assessment in higher education. Addressing four key problems encountered by Chinese undergraduate writers in Western universities, namely lack of familiarity with the structure of academic papers, lack of focus on relevant issues, copying and pasting without giving proper reference, and inadequate understanding and mastery of the conventions of academic English, this paper argues for greater awareness of cultural differences between the Chinese and Western systems of education. Not until this has been achieved can Chinese students realize their full potential at Western universities. 展开更多
关键词 cultural awareness mutual understanding Chinese undergraduates WRITING assessment
Differentiated Use of the Cross-Lingual Strategy in Foreign Language Teaching: A Grounded Theory
作者 Seyyed Ali Ostovar-Namaghi Shabnam Norouzi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期916-926,共11页
Despite its potential in foreign language education, the cross-lingual strategy has been marginalized and stigmatized in many EFL contexts including language education in private language schools of Iran. This study a... Despite its potential in foreign language education, the cross-lingual strategy has been marginalized and stigmatized in many EFL contexts including language education in private language schools of Iran. This study aims to uncover the facilitative role of the cross-lingual strategy in foreign language instruction by theorizing experienced language teachers' practice. To this end, some experienced teachers were selected in line with the sampling procedures of Grounded Theory from famous English language institutes of Tehran, the capital city of lran. Iterative data collection and analysis revealed that first language use can be differentiated based on learners' level of proficiency. For the beginners, it can be used to present classroom management rules, provide learners with the necessary classroom language and establish rapport. Similarly, at intermediate level LI can be used to check mastery over the teaching points, give vocabulary equivalents, and explain writing rules. As for advanced learners, it can be used to explain the subtleties of grammar and provide learners with ideas to participate in classroom discussion and text processing. 展开更多
关键词 first language use qualitative study foreign language instruction proficiency level
“世界文化与自然遗产”系列连载之二十二 亚琛——从中世纪走向未来
作者 戴雪松 《世界博览》 1997年第2期33-35,66-67,共5页
离开了古城特里尔,我们的德国之旅继续向北行进。在跨越了风光宜人的摩泽尔河之后,我们来到德国西部的北莱茵—威斯特法伦州的边境城市亚琛。这座与荷兰、比利时毗邻的古城也以其悠久的历史和令人流连忘返的教堂文化而荣幸地成为“世界... 离开了古城特里尔,我们的德国之旅继续向北行进。在跨越了风光宜人的摩泽尔河之后,我们来到德国西部的北莱茵—威斯特法伦州的边境城市亚琛。这座与荷兰、比利时毗邻的古城也以其悠久的历史和令人流连忘返的教堂文化而荣幸地成为“世界文化与自然遗产”中的一员。偶然翻开当地的一本导游手册。 展开更多
关键词 查理曼 教堂 世界文化 自然遗产 德国政府 北威州 德意志 基督教 世纪走向 教堂文化
作者 钱玮(文/图) 《风景名胜》 2020年第3S期50-54,共5页
欧洲文化的种子,随着伟大的大航海时代,播撒到南北美洲,除了欧洲的宗教和教堂文化之外,欧洲绘画装饰与色彩颜料文化,也同时衍生传播,与当地的本土色彩艺术融合后生根发芽。就这样美洲大地上出现了很多“彩色城市”,而一些建在小小岛屿... 欧洲文化的种子,随着伟大的大航海时代,播撒到南北美洲,除了欧洲的宗教和教堂文化之外,欧洲绘画装饰与色彩颜料文化,也同时衍生传播,与当地的本土色彩艺术融合后生根发芽。就这样美洲大地上出现了很多“彩色城市”,而一些建在小小岛屿上的“色彩小镇”你见过么? 展开更多
关键词 艺术融合 大航海时代 本土色彩 生根发芽 殖民地 教堂文化 小镇
A Study of Ethnic Mongolian University EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Decision Making
作者 杨丽华 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2010年第2期60-75,126,共17页
本研究采用定性(访谈和课堂观察)和定量(问卷调查)结合的研究方法,从90名受试中选取了3名蒙古族大学英语教师作为研究对象,探究特定文化背景下的蒙古族大学英语教师的教学信念与课堂决策的关系。定量研究结果发现:1)蒙古族大学英语教师... 本研究采用定性(访谈和课堂观察)和定量(问卷调查)结合的研究方法,从90名受试中选取了3名蒙古族大学英语教师作为研究对象,探究特定文化背景下的蒙古族大学英语教师的教学信念与课堂决策的关系。定量研究结果发现:1)蒙古族大学英语教师的教学信念具有传统与现代相结合的特征,有些信念值得我们进一步的深入探究;2)教师的课堂决策受到他们学习经历、教学经历、培训经历和个人经历的影响;定性研究结果发现:1)教师报告的信念与课堂决策基本一致;2)教师"所倡导的理论"与他们"所采用的理论"之间有差异;3) 在这些教师的信念中,语言与文化是一个重复出现的主题。本研究结果表明蒙古族大学英语教师的教学信念与特定的民族文化交织在一起,对课堂决策产生了深远影响。 展开更多
关键词 ethnic Mongolian university EFL teachers teachers’ beliefs decision making ethnic culture
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