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“师带徒”联合知信行教学法对泌尿外科实习护士培训效果的影响 被引量:1
作者 马群利 李波 《卫生职业教育》 2023年第17期157-160,共4页
目的分析“师带徒”联合知信行教学法在泌尿外科实习护士培训中的应用效果。方法选择泌尿外科实习护士56人,随机分组,观察组28人采用“师带徒”联合知信行教学法,对照组28人采用传统教学法,比较两组考试成绩、培训满意度、岗位胜任力、... 目的分析“师带徒”联合知信行教学法在泌尿外科实习护士培训中的应用效果。方法选择泌尿外科实习护士56人,随机分组,观察组28人采用“师带徒”联合知信行教学法,对照组28人采用传统教学法,比较两组考试成绩、培训满意度、岗位胜任力、护患沟通能力及职业认同感。结果观察组考试成绩、培训满意度、岗位胜任力、护患沟通能力、职业认同感均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在泌尿外科实习护士培训中采用“师带徒”联合知信行教学法效果较好,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 教学 实习护士 培训
作者 黄蕊华 林守珠 谢婉玲 《黑龙江医学》 2023年第18期2251-2253,共3页
目的:探讨基于知信行理论的教学模式对手术室护理实习生岗位胜任力的影响,为获得良好的手术室护理临床带教效果提供参考。方法:选取2021年1—12月于福建医科大学附属闽东医院手术室实习的100名护理实习生作为研究对象,采用随机数表法分... 目的:探讨基于知信行理论的教学模式对手术室护理实习生岗位胜任力的影响,为获得良好的手术室护理临床带教效果提供参考。方法:选取2021年1—12月于福建医科大学附属闽东医院手术室实习的100名护理实习生作为研究对象,采用随机数表法分为对照组和试验组,每组各50名。对照组采用传统临床带教模式,试验组采用基于知信行理论的教学模式。比较两组护理实习生的岗位胜任力、共情能力及职业获益感。结果:教学后,试验组岗位胜任力评分、共情能力评分、职业获益感评分显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在手术室护理临床带教中实施基于知信行理论的教学模式,可有效提高护理实习生的岗位胜任力,增强护理实习生的职业获益感及共情能力,可获得良好的手术室护理临床带教效果,有助于改善手术室护理质量。 展开更多
关键词 手术室 护理实习生 基于知行理论的教学模式 岗位胜任力 职业认同感 共情能力
知信行教学模式在泌尿外科护生带教中的应用 被引量:2
作者 杜晓燕 《中国高等医学教育》 2020年第9期102-102,104,共2页
目的:探讨知信行教学模式对泌尿外科实习护生岗位胜任力的影响。方法:选取2019年于我科实习的100名护生作为研究对象,根据Excel随机数字表法将其分为对照组(n=50)和实验组(n=50)。对照组实施常规教学,实验组实施知信行教学模式,比较两... 目的:探讨知信行教学模式对泌尿外科实习护生岗位胜任力的影响。方法:选取2019年于我科实习的100名护生作为研究对象,根据Excel随机数字表法将其分为对照组(n=50)和实验组(n=50)。对照组实施常规教学,实验组实施知信行教学模式,比较两组护生岗位胜任力及实习成绩。结果:实验组护生岗位胜任力各维度评分均高于对照组(P<0.05);实验组护生理论和实践成绩均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:知信行教学模式在泌尿外科护生中的应用能提高其岗位胜任力和实习效果。 展开更多
关键词 教学模式 泌尿外科 护生 岗位胜任力
知信行教学模式对儿科低年资护士岗位胜任力及护理质量的影响 被引量:9
作者 刘静雅 向超 闻锦琼 《护理实践与研究》 2020年第10期125-127,共3页
目的探讨知信行教学模式对儿科低年资护士岗位胜任力及护理质量的影响。方法选取我院2017年1月至2018年12月在职的儿科低年资护士80名为研究对象,随机将其等分为对照组与观察组,对照组采取常规教学,观察组采取知信行教学模式,比较两组... 目的探讨知信行教学模式对儿科低年资护士岗位胜任力及护理质量的影响。方法选取我院2017年1月至2018年12月在职的儿科低年资护士80名为研究对象,随机将其等分为对照组与观察组,对照组采取常规教学,观察组采取知信行教学模式,比较两组低年资护士岗位胜任力及护理质量。结果观察组个性特征、护理评价、护患关系、专业技能4个维度评分高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组护理质量评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论知信行教学模式在儿科低年资护士中的应用,能提高其岗位胜任力,改善临床护理质量。 展开更多
关键词 教学模式 儿科 低年资护士 岗位胜任力 护理质量
作者 武加标 陈志伟 +2 位作者 成菊兰 任敏 虞晓龙 《现代医药卫生》 2022年第S01期195-197,共3页
对风湿科实习生的教学模式的新理论探讨,采用改良的“知-信-行”理论模式指导实习生在巩固基础理论的同时,以“早接触临床”和“优化实践”为导向,使学生掌握疾病的诊疗方案,经过入科宣教、门诊教学以及病房教学过程、出科技能考核全方... 对风湿科实习生的教学模式的新理论探讨,采用改良的“知-信-行”理论模式指导实习生在巩固基础理论的同时,以“早接触临床”和“优化实践”为导向,使学生掌握疾病的诊疗方案,经过入科宣教、门诊教学以及病房教学过程、出科技能考核全方位执行该模式使学生真正学会融会贯通,让实习生进行独立自主学习,优化实习生的培养,接纳医生应履行的特殊角色,将风湿病教学从知识推进到相关实践。为提高各附属医院同质化教学做保障,值得推广临床各科室。 展开更多
关键词 风湿病学 医学教育 教学改革 实习生 PBL 教学
作者 杨奇 姚晔晋 《中学政治教学参考》 北大核心 2022年第25期19-20,共2页
思政课一体化建设体现了新时代思政课教育的新理念、新定位和新要求。根据小初高各学段的特殊性和相互之间的密切关联度,循序渐进、螺旋上升地开设思想政治理论课,构建小初高思政课“知—信—达”一体化教学目标,实现小初高各学段相互... 思政课一体化建设体现了新时代思政课教育的新理念、新定位和新要求。根据小初高各学段的特殊性和相互之间的密切关联度,循序渐进、螺旋上升地开设思想政治理论课,构建小初高思政课“知—信—达”一体化教学目标,实现小初高各学段相互贯通与融合,充分发挥思政课铸魂育人功能,落实立德树人根本任务。 展开更多
关键词 一体化 思政课 “知——达”教学目标
作者 王慧霞 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2022年第7期101-104,共4页
自荐信是一种常见的实用性阅读文本,也是高中语文教学中“实用性阅读与交流”任务群中的重要组成内容。高中语文教师引导学生分析自荐信过程中需要充分把握撰写重点、撰写逻辑与叙述手法等,并从自荐信框架入手,引导学生从开头、主体、... 自荐信是一种常见的实用性阅读文本,也是高中语文教学中“实用性阅读与交流”任务群中的重要组成内容。高中语文教师引导学生分析自荐信过程中需要充分把握撰写重点、撰写逻辑与叙述手法等,并从自荐信框架入手,引导学生从开头、主体、结尾等部分切入分析,详细解读自荐信内容。在实际的教学课堂中,教师需要通过明确创作目的、设计真实情境、小组合作评价、布置创作任务等几个步骤入手,引导学生完成对自荐信的逐步深入分析,提高学生对自荐信这一实用性文本知识的认知。 展开更多
关键词 高中语文 自荐阅读教学 任务群教学
作者 伍文秀 王琳 +2 位作者 雷蕾 王海燕 黄莉娟 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)医药卫生》 2021年第8期266-266,268,共2页
观察泌尿外科护生带教中知信行教学模式是否适用及效果。方法:该研究的时间脉络为2020-7至2021-2,素材数据即63名泌尿外科实习护生,经随机数字表法,划分对照组(n=31,常规带教模式)和观察组(n=32,知信行教学模式),比较考核成绩、手卫生... 观察泌尿外科护生带教中知信行教学模式是否适用及效果。方法:该研究的时间脉络为2020-7至2021-2,素材数据即63名泌尿外科实习护生,经随机数字表法,划分对照组(n=31,常规带教模式)和观察组(n=32,知信行教学模式),比较考核成绩、手卫生知识知晓度、满意度。结果:观察组的考核成绩高于对照组;观察组的手卫生知识知晓度高于对照组;观察组的满意度高于对照组,不同组别差异可见(P<0.05)。结论:将知信行教学模式应用到泌尿外科护生带教中,利于提高考核成绩,帮助实习护生掌握手部卫生知识,提高其满意度。 展开更多
关键词 教学模式 泌尿外科 护生 考核成绩 手卫生知识
作者 马颂行 《政治课教学》 2003年第5期2-4,共3页
关键词 “恪守约”教学 道德规范 新课导入 道德教育 用意识
作者 王红梅 《大观周刊》 2012年第12期280-280,共1页
信息技术与语文教学的整合,能够激发学生的学习动机,有效提高学生的学习兴趣;能够改变课堂教学模式,发挥学生的主体作用;能够培养学生在信息社会中具有良好的信息素养;初步形成辅助教学研究的评价体系;信忠技术与语文教学的整合... 信息技术与语文教学的整合,能够激发学生的学习动机,有效提高学生的学习兴趣;能够改变课堂教学模式,发挥学生的主体作用;能够培养学生在信息社会中具有良好的信息素养;初步形成辅助教学研究的评价体系;信忠技术与语文教学的整合,是信息技术课程和语文课程双赢的一种教学模式。 展开更多
关键词 患技术与语文教学整合 整合作用 整合意义
作者 王婷婷 《中学课程资源》 2008年第12期175-175,177,共2页
关键词 课外教学 作业布置 知识的理解 思维能力 学习共同体 课堂教学 教学工作 复习方法 课外实践 教学信
On the relationship between college English teachers' beliefs and their teaching behaviors
作者 何沂 蔺天娇 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期1-5,共5页
Based on the questionnaires and interviews on 19 college English teachers of a university in Beijing, the paper discusses college English teachers' beliefs. Through the analysis of research results, the paper focuses... Based on the questionnaires and interviews on 19 college English teachers of a university in Beijing, the paper discusses college English teachers' beliefs. Through the analysis of research results, the paper focuses on the following questions: (1) What are the core beliefs of college English teachers? (2) What influence will the teachers' beliefs exert on teaching behaviors? (3) Will the teachers' beliefs change? If the answer is YES, how will they change and what is the source of the changes? The exploratory results and findings can help college English teachers realize the importance of teachers' beliefs, through which can help them improve their teaching practices and foster their professional development. 展开更多
关键词 college English teachers teachers' beliefs teaching behaviors
作者 杨雅静 《陕西教育(教学)》 2014年第12期43-43,共1页
培养和提高学生的口头表达能力,是初中语文教学的重要任务之一。教学大纲中就明确提出了"话要清清楚楚地说"的要求。更现实点说,学生走出校门,步入社会,也许有的人再也不会去写文章,但话却是天天要说的。但要把自己想说的话... 培养和提高学生的口头表达能力,是初中语文教学的重要任务之一。教学大纲中就明确提出了"话要清清楚楚地说"的要求。更现实点说,学生走出校门,步入社会,也许有的人再也不会去写文章,但话却是天天要说的。但要把自己想说的话说得清、说得精、说得好、说得巧,需要严格有效的训练和培养。作为起主导作用的老师,在教学中还可运用多种渗透法来引导学生。情感渗透:著名的"罗森塔尔效应"体现了教育者对教育对象的高期望值,能促进教育对象潜力的发挥。 展开更多
关键词 初中语文教学 罗森塔尔效应 口头表达能力 教育对象 情感渗透 渗透法 课堂教学 个体差异 反馈教学信
The Study of English teaching mode based on information platform in higher vocational education 被引量:1
作者 Min Dai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期49-51,共3页
The development of modem information technology brings opportunities to vocational English teaching reform. Teachers use the advantages &modem information technology can create a good teaching situation, optimize the... The development of modem information technology brings opportunities to vocational English teaching reform. Teachers use the advantages &modem information technology can create a good teaching situation, optimize the classroom teaching process, cultivate student' s self-learning ability, and improve the effectiveness of vocational English classroom teaching. The purpose of college English teaching is to enable students to master certain basic knowledge and skills in English, with some listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation ability, a simple verbal and written communication in daily activities and foreign business activities. Modem information technology provides a strong tecbaaical support to achieve this goal. Multimedia teaching methods widely used in teaching activities to vocational English class have brought a series of profound changes. Teachers using modem educational teclmology to fully develop learning resources, build new teaching model, which make vocational English classroom full of vigor and vitality. 展开更多
关键词 English teaching MODE information platform.
The Application of Information Technology in Open Calculus Teaching of TV University
作者 ShuLi WEI Zhaokun XUAN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第5期102-104,共3页
In the calculus of remote teaching, teacher reasonable and appropriate use multimedia technology, it is conducive to improving the quality of classroom teaching. Practice has proved that only by combining the multimed... In the calculus of remote teaching, teacher reasonable and appropriate use multimedia technology, it is conducive to improving the quality of classroom teaching. Practice has proved that only by combining the multimedia teaching method and traditional teaching methods can better play the role of multimedia in the calculus teaching. 展开更多
关键词 MULTIMEDIA CALCULUS distance education information technology
Research and Practice of the P.E. Information Teaching Design System
作者 Xi Jianping 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期93-96,共4页
In this paper, the physical education information teaching design system is researched and developed based on VB6.0 optimization platform. According to the national physical education and health course standards and t... In this paper, the physical education information teaching design system is researched and developed based on VB6.0 optimization platform. According to the national physical education and health course standards and the fundamental theories of the constructivisrn, the author adopts the modular-design development method to design two functional areas which are the displaying of the teaching design contents and the online information database (nine modules in total) on the basis of the P.E. teaching design flow. Importantly, this system features the compatibility, scalability and practical applicability, and can effectively improve the ability of P.E. teachers to design their teaching, and hence provides a guarantee for the improvement of teaching quality and efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Information Teaching Design SYSTEM P.E. Constmctivism
The Practice Research of Task Driving Method in Basic Teaching of Information Technology
作者 Liqiao Geng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期51-53,共3页
Purpose: It is used for judging the advantages and disadvantages of information technology foundation course teaching in health vocational colleges. Method: In teaching, it takes the two classes of 2012 grade nursin... Purpose: It is used for judging the advantages and disadvantages of information technology foundation course teaching in health vocational colleges. Method: In teaching, it takes the two classes of 2012 grade nursing major as the experiment object. The comparison class adopts traditonal and speaking-practice combination teaching method and the experiment class adopts task-driving teaching method. When the semester finishes, it conducts testing andd questionnaire survey, collecting the relevant data, analyzing the changes of students in the aspects of performance, learning interest and attitude, autonomous learning consciousness and ability after experiment class adopting new teaching methods. Result: The exam performance of experiment class is obviously higher than the comparison class, and the experiment class has an obvious improvement in the aspects of learning interest, autonomous learning consciousness and ability, and the difference has statistical significance. Conclusion: The task driving teaching method is suitable for the status of information foundation teaching in health vocational colleges, which improves students' performance significantly and is good for students' learning interest and enthusiasm, obtaining good classroom effect. Also, it makes students' autonomous learning consciousness and ability improve greatly. 展开更多
关键词 task driving teaching method teaching mode teaching design information tecbalology foundation
Developing Theoretical Relativistic Framework for Research in Open and Flexible Learning: A New Trend in Educational Research 被引量:1
作者 Yousaf Khan 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2015年第9期345-363,共19页
The purpose of research study was to develop a theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning environment because it is a new dimension in the field of education. Developing a theoretica... The purpose of research study was to develop a theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning environment because it is a new dimension in the field of education. Developing a theoretical relativistic framework for any research study is first and prime step in walking on the track to reach the distinction set by the researcher. Open and flexible learning is a new trend in education, enriched with ICT-use as a basic demand of the 21st century generation in all parts of the globe. So, it requires a theoretical framework for its initiation, implementation, development and evaluation which is relatively developed and advanced from the existing framework. In any research study the literature review is carried out in order to develop, build or construct a theoretical framework. The researcher of the study has observed while attending the international conference on ODL (AAOU, 2013) that most of the studies require theoretical underpinning for ICT-use in education. The researcher assume that being a new trend in education to use ICT for teaching learning purpose; it requires conceptual clarity and theoretical background of the user and researcher, because, without theory the practice is wastage of money, time and energy and it becomes ineffective and requires relatively new conceptual development. So, the problem stated by the researcher for the study was: Developing theoretical relativistic framework for research in open and flexible learning: A new trend in educational research. The objective of the study was integrating the interrelated concepts to build a pnemonological network for identifying the constructs in ICT-rich open and flexible learning environment. The study was significant because it provided theoretical background for conducting research in ICT-use for teaching and learning through open and flexible systems; whether blended or online learning and training. The methodology used by the researcher was qualitative and interpretive because there were reviewing of literature and meta-analysis for building the framework. The data were analyzed and interpreted by the researcher for the findings and drawing conclusions. On the basis of conclusions the researcher has made suggestions and recommendations for conducting research in open and flexible learning environment by using this theoretical relativistic framework. The framework was named as Virtual Learning Environment Framework (VLEF). 展开更多
关键词 Open and flexible learning Research in ICT Research in open and flexible learning Pnemonological network in ODLand ICT.
The study of the influence of network resources on English Teaching under the background of informatization
作者 Shuping Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期41-43,共3页
As an international language, English plays an extremely important role, and it has become the lingua franca of the world. For a long time, inefficiency exists in teaching or learning. Under the learning environment s... As an international language, English plays an extremely important role, and it has become the lingua franca of the world. For a long time, inefficiency exists in teaching or learning. Under the learning environment surrounded by native speakers, English, as a symbolic system, appears dull, or even because there is no information given appropriate experience and it becomes abstract. Many students are reluctant to learn after learning for a time, because it is difficult for reality, and it is not easy to consolidate, that 45 minutes of English learning environment also appears to be a little frustrated, as many students who have been admitted to the University said during the learning process of the entire university, they spent seventy percent of their energy to foreign language learning rather than their own major. This not only illustrates the importance of English teaching but also shows its difficult nature, the main reason is our bad English language teaching environment, there is a lack of communication in English language environment, however, the network information and the development of modern multimedia technology has greatly improve the English teaching environment. How to use the Internet information and multimedia technologies to create English learning environment, to optimize English teaching methods and to improve the quality of English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 network resources English teaching INFORMATIZATION
Study on Negative Effects of Multimedia Teaching on Education in Middle and Primary Schools
作者 LIANG Wei-yan 《International English Education Research》 2014年第9期70-72,共3页
In such an information age, multimedia teaching has changed into one of the most important educational ways in middle and primary schools. In contrast to traditional education, multimedia teaching owns numerous advant... In such an information age, multimedia teaching has changed into one of the most important educational ways in middle and primary schools. In contrast to traditional education, multimedia teaching owns numerous advantages. However, there are also a great number of shortcomings in it. In this paper, considering the current situation of education in middle and primary schools, the author carries out an analysis on the negative effects of multimedia teaching on education in middle and primary schools, and also proposes some personal suggestions, hopefully providing a reference for teaching personnel in middle and primary schools. 展开更多
关键词 Multimedia Teaching Education in Middle and Primary Schools Negative Effects
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