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作者 樊翠红 《戏剧之家》 2015年第2X期128-,共1页
关键词 体育教师 消极教学感情 特征 调控
轻重缓急知趣味,抑扬顿挫有韵味——谈中小学歌曲教学感情处理的“六个把握” 被引量:1
作者 陈凯 《中小学音乐教育》 2014年第5期32-33,共2页
歌曲教学中,学生在老师的带领下,满怀期待且饶有兴趣地一遍又一遍地学习新歌,当达到会唱或基本会唱的时候,他们的学习兴趣也会有所衰退,这一阶段笔者称之为能唱、会唱阶段。显然歌曲学习达到会唱是不够的,还应在“味”字上做文章... 歌曲教学中,学生在老师的带领下,满怀期待且饶有兴趣地一遍又一遍地学习新歌,当达到会唱或基本会唱的时候,他们的学习兴趣也会有所衰退,这一阶段笔者称之为能唱、会唱阶段。显然歌曲学习达到会唱是不够的,还应在“味”字上做文章。“味”即趣味和韵味,也就是对歌曲进行感情处理。这一阶段是歌曲教学走向深一层次——表现和创造,也是推动学生产生新的学习动力的源泉,歌曲教学的有效性和意义都应在一阶段得到实现和体现。笔者认为演唱要做到轻重缓急知趣味,抑扬顿挫有韵味,至少要把握以下六个方面。 展开更多
关键词 歌曲教学 教学感情 韵味 顿挫 抑扬 中小学 学习兴趣 学习动力
作者 陈凯 《中小学音乐教育》 2014年第9期22-24,共3页
歌曲教学中,学生在老师的带领下,满怀期待且饶有兴趣地一遍又一遍地学习新歌,当达到会唱或基本会唱的时候,他们的学习兴趣也会有所衰退,这一阶段笔者称之为能唱、会唱阶段。显然歌曲学习达到会唱是不够的,还应在“味”字上做文章... 歌曲教学中,学生在老师的带领下,满怀期待且饶有兴趣地一遍又一遍地学习新歌,当达到会唱或基本会唱的时候,他们的学习兴趣也会有所衰退,这一阶段笔者称之为能唱、会唱阶段。显然歌曲学习达到会唱是不够的,还应在“味”字上做文章,“味”即趣味和韵味,也就是对歌曲进行感情处理,这一阶段是歌曲教学走向深一层次——表现和创造,也是推动学生产生新的学习动力的源泉,歌曲教学的有效性和意义都应在这一阶段得到体现。笔者认为演唱要做到“轻重缓急知趣味,抑扬顿挫有韵味”,则至少要把握以下六个方面。 展开更多
关键词 歌曲教学 教学感情 趣味 韵味 顿挫 抑扬 中小学 学习兴趣
作者 王宗海 《南京晓庄学院学报》 2020年第1期35-40,共6页
课程改革虽已经历了19年,但语文课程视域中的朗读、诵读、感情朗读与感情朗读教学等概念,还需细审、澄清。在国际语文课程改革的视域中需进一步确证感情朗读教学的价值,以引导、纠偏当前感情朗读教学中的一些怪现象,提升语文教学效力。... 课程改革虽已经历了19年,但语文课程视域中的朗读、诵读、感情朗读与感情朗读教学等概念,还需细审、澄清。在国际语文课程改革的视域中需进一步确证感情朗读教学的价值,以引导、纠偏当前感情朗读教学中的一些怪现象,提升语文教学效力。基于长期的课堂观察和微型实证研究,发现一线教师重视感情朗读却又力不从心,懂得儿童模仿能力强却又不敢范读,缺乏感情朗读技巧却又疏于教研;高校或研究机构专家批判多却又建设少。基于凸出问题,可从三个层面尝试突破:经由实操,内化知识;忖度揣摩,设计转换;有效引导,运用迁移。 展开更多
关键词 朗读 诵读 感情朗读 感情朗读教学
作者 魏桔英 《儿童音乐》 2018年第5期52-55,共4页
歌曲教学是小学音乐教学的主要内容,也是最容易让学生所接受、喜爱、理解的一种艺术表现形式,更是表达情感的良好形式。在传统的歌曲教学中,课堂上普遍存在教学手段单一、乏味,学生在教师的带领下,一遍又一遍地学唱歌曲,机械重复,学生... 歌曲教学是小学音乐教学的主要内容,也是最容易让学生所接受、喜爱、理解的一种艺术表现形式,更是表达情感的良好形式。在传统的歌曲教学中,课堂上普遍存在教学手段单一、乏味,学生在教师的带领下,一遍又一遍地学唱歌曲,机械重复,学生兴趣渐渐减退,课堂上缺乏创新和活力。所以,教师对歌曲教学的深入认识,提升歌曲教学的内涵。 展开更多
关键词 小学音乐教学 歌曲教学 教学感情 艺术表现形式 学生兴趣 教学手段 课堂 教师
作者 袁双波 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2016年第9期255-255,共1页
关键词 新课改 高中物理 教学感情
作者 邹林颖 《教育界(高等教育)》 2012年第1期99-100,共2页
自我效能感是著名心理学家班杜拉提出的概念,本文从自我效能感的角度论述了钢琴教学。本文首先介绍了自我效能感的概念及其在教育中的运用,然后探讨了自我效能感的影响因素,最后提出了钢琴学习自我效能感的培养策略。本文为今后的钢... 自我效能感是著名心理学家班杜拉提出的概念,本文从自我效能感的角度论述了钢琴教学。本文首先介绍了自我效能感的概念及其在教育中的运用,然后探讨了自我效能感的影响因素,最后提出了钢琴学习自我效能感的培养策略。本文为今后的钢琴教学提供了心理学方面的依据和参考。 展开更多
关键词 自我效能感 感情教学 培养策略
课堂教学语言艺术浅谈 被引量:1
作者 王居芳 马华明 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 1997年第4期26-26,共1页
关键词 课堂教学 教学语言艺术 教师 教学效果 感情教学 艺术修养 教学过程 语言技巧 学生注意力 课堂教学艺术
作者 吕海涛 《俪人(教师)》 2016年第10期99-99,共1页
高中化学教学过程中,需要制定情感教学领域教学目标,情感在高中教学中具有固有的迁移、扩散和感染的特性,在既定的时间和范围内,情感可以感染到一些人与之相关的事物上.根据情感的特性在实施情感教学时,教师首先要以自身的道德感、理智... 高中化学教学过程中,需要制定情感教学领域教学目标,情感在高中教学中具有固有的迁移、扩散和感染的特性,在既定的时间和范围内,情感可以感染到一些人与之相关的事物上.根据情感的特性在实施情感教学时,教师首先要以自身的道德感、理智感和美感去感染学生. 展开更多
关键词 化学教学 感情教学 探索
作者 付景英 金文爱 《山东教育》 1999年第13期31-31,共1页
教师的课堂语言应具有这样的魅力:叙事说理,条理清楚,具有逻辑性;描人状物,有声有色,具有形象性;范读叙述,情真词切,具有感染性;穿插事例,比喻新颖,具有趣味性;发音准确,措词恰当,具有精确性;举一反三,循循善诱,具有... 教师的课堂语言应具有这样的魅力:叙事说理,条理清楚,具有逻辑性;描人状物,有声有色,具有形象性;范读叙述,情真词切,具有感染性;穿插事例,比喻新颖,具有趣味性;发音准确,措词恰当,具有精确性;举一反三,循循善诱,具有启发性。这样的教态、教语,会给学生... 展开更多
关键词 语言魅力 感情教学 热爱劳动 艰苦创业精神 审美感受 课堂语言 写作背景 情感共鸣 爱国诗人 教师
学而不厌诲人不倦──谈教师的学习 被引量:1
作者 樊慕曾 《教育与职业》 北大核心 1998年第12期14-15,共2页
关键词 教师学习 教师交流 教师培训 教学感情
Affective Factors in English Teaching 被引量:1
作者 吴珊 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期24-27,共4页
Affective factors and cognitive factors are two important parts of English learning, However, English teaching in recent years have taken into special consideration the necessity of knowledge and intelligence and comp... Affective factors and cognitive factors are two important parts of English learning, However, English teaching in recent years have taken into special consideration the necessity of knowledge and intelligence and comparatively ignored the development of affection. It may greatly reduce students' English learning capacity and limit the whole development of students. This paper will discuss the definition and the importance of affection and some main affective factors, and illustrate some implications of how to implement practical affective activities. 展开更多
关键词 English teaching and learning AFFECTION affective factor
作者 张瑾 《教育教学论坛》 2016年第29期144-145,共2页
拉夫卡迪奥·赫恩,著名英裔日籍作家,1890年赴日,1904年在日本辞世。本文旨在超越以往将赫恩作为作家、评论家的研究侧重,试图确认其教育家的身份。在日期间赫恩曾辗转于松江、熊本和东京三座城市担任教师。从早期"重视想象力&... 拉夫卡迪奥·赫恩,著名英裔日籍作家,1890年赴日,1904年在日本辞世。本文旨在超越以往将赫恩作为作家、评论家的研究侧重,试图确认其教育家的身份。在日期间赫恩曾辗转于松江、熊本和东京三座城市担任教师。从早期"重视想象力"这一教育理念的提出,到"感情中心教学法"的尝试,再到东京大学英美文学课的精彩讲义,无疑确立了拉夫卡迪奥·赫恩教育家的地位。 展开更多
关键词 拉夫卡迪奥·赫恩 教育家 想象力 感情中心教学
Analysis of the application of a happy leaming method in college English classroom teaching 被引量:1
作者 Nan Chunping Guo Xin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第4期11-13,共3页
Emotional teaching is an important part of language teaching. In the teaching activities, teachers should exploit and make full use of students' emotional factors to arouse their learning interest and motivation and ... Emotional teaching is an important part of language teaching. In the teaching activities, teachers should exploit and make full use of students' emotional factors to arouse their learning interest and motivation and therefore to improve students' English level. The author proposes a teaching concept of happy learning method in college English classroom teaching according to their own teaching practice, the concrete implementation measures of happy learning method include: encourage students to take the group cooperative learning method, establish good emotional communication relations between teachers and encourage students to correct each other by inquiry discussion and so on. 展开更多
关键词 English teaching emotional factors happy learning
Study of the affective interaction in college English teaching
作者 SHENG Xue-mei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第9期22-28,共7页
Affect plays a significant role in college English teaching and learning, in which teachers, learners, tasks and contexts or environments interact with each other, developing a system of affective interaction. In the ... Affect plays a significant role in college English teaching and learning, in which teachers, learners, tasks and contexts or environments interact with each other, developing a system of affective interaction. In the system, the teacher is a facilitator and mediator and the learner is the subject of English learning. In a harmonious and friendly classroom environment, with the knowledge transmission blending in well with the cultivation of affect, attitudes and values, students' cognitive and emotional development can be promoted. The experimental results of the present study indicated that students in the affective college English classroom did significantly better (p〈 .05) in cognition than before. Furthermore, the analyses of the two surveys showed that attention to affective interaction in college English teaching helped students enhance their interest in college English learning, cross-cultural awareness, self-confidence, interpersonal intelligence, and so forth. Therefore, our conclusion is that attention to affective interaction in college English classroom teaching is conducive to students' personal growth and a more holistic development. 展开更多
关键词 affect affective interaction college English teaching emotional development cognitive development holistic development
Teaching Religious Education in Schools and Adolescents' Social and Emotional Development. An Action Research on the Role of Religious Education and School Community in Adolescents' Lives 被引量:1
作者 Marios Koukounaras Liagkis 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第2期121-133,共13页
The presentation of the findings of this article is based on an action research focused on the supportive role of the school in adolescents' lives, whereby Religious Education's contribution to the social and emotio... The presentation of the findings of this article is based on an action research focused on the supportive role of the school in adolescents' lives, whereby Religious Education's contribution to the social and emotional development of adolescents (11-15) is combined with the evaluation of the potential offered by a constructivist approach to the learning process. The research commenced in 2012 and is now in its third "year. The project is based on an intervention at a high school in an impoverished suburb of Athens and researches educational practices through interpretative-ethnographic methods. The researcher has attempted to answer the question of whether the design of the learning environments is effective not only in the learning process, but also on inter-communication and "connectedness" between the members of the learning community. The findings so far indicate a correlation between adolescents' emotional and social wellbeing and the school's approach to knowledge and learning methods, specifically in Religious Education classes. It is fair to say, however, that there exist ethnic, social and family components that are negatively related to a sense of"connectedness" within the school although at the same time Religious Education as a subject is, however, found to be positively related to learning community atmosphere. 展开更多
关键词 Religious Education well being action research CONSTRUCTIVISM learning community
Questions to be reconsidered in teaching pronunciation
作者 LI Jia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第9期35-38,73,共5页
After systematically examining the recent development of research on teaching pronunciation in China, this paper has addressed several issues to be reconsidered in the context of pronunciation teaching and learning, s... After systematically examining the recent development of research on teaching pronunciation in China, this paper has addressed several issues to be reconsidered in the context of pronunciation teaching and learning, such as the value, teaching objectives, ways of teaching, teaching emphasis and learners' affective needs. Based on these different aspects of teaching pronunciation, relevant suggestions are also provided. 展开更多
关键词 PRONUNCIATION Standard English affective needs superasegmentals
How to Conduct Emotional Education Analysis in College English Teaching
作者 Wang Chengdong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第8期25-27,共3页
The so-called emotional education is the education of cultivating students' social emotion, promoting their self-control ability and promoting students to correctly cope with the relationship between themselves and s... The so-called emotional education is the education of cultivating students' social emotion, promoting their self-control ability and promoting students to correctly cope with the relationship between themselves and surrounding environment. In college English teaching, implementing emotional education not only can teach knowledge to students, but also can help others to form perfect personality, to promote all-round development of students. However, fi'om the present situation, in college English teaching, it generally exists "focusing more on knowledge and less on emotion" phenomenon, which doesn't conform to the requirement of quality education. In college English teaching, conducting emotional education is necessary and imminent. 展开更多
关键词 college English teaching emotional education IMPORTANCE STRATEGY
On the application of motivational strategies in public English class in college
作者 LIU Ming-zhu HUANG Xian-rong 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第12期29-33,共5页
With the development of society and economy, English gradually becomes a worldwide language. However, due to various kinds of reasons and restrictions, many problems still exist in present English language teaching in... With the development of society and economy, English gradually becomes a worldwide language. However, due to various kinds of reasons and restrictions, many problems still exist in present English language teaching in public English classes. This paper focuses on the application and effect of some useful motivational strategies in English classroom, such as making use of affective factors, developing good classroom atmosphere, and becoming an efficient manager. The researcher hopes that this contribution can offer some valuable guidelines to English teachers. Therefore, the existing problems can be solved gradually. 展开更多
关键词 MOTIVATION affective factors classroom management teaching atmosphere
Apply the visual management in the nursing education to carry forward the spirit of Nightingale
作者 Wang Haili Yuan Yili 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期67-69,共3页
Apply the visual management in the teaching of the nursing education, and strengthen the cultivation of the spirit of Nightingale of the nursing students. According to the characteristics of the method of the visual m... Apply the visual management in the teaching of the nursing education, and strengthen the cultivation of the spirit of Nightingale of the nursing students. According to the characteristics of the method of the visual management, using the visual and iconic teaching methods, construct the scene and the atmosphere of the rich cultural atmosphere, to stimulate the students' human emotional experience. Through several approaches, carry forward the spirit of Nightingale education of the nursing students, and make the students establish the lofty values of the nursing occupation, to provide the nursing care of high quality for the patients. 展开更多
关键词 Nursing students visual management Nightingale spirit
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